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山地景观生态学研究进展   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
王根绪  刘国华  沈泽昊  王文志 《生态学报》2017,37(12):3967-3981
山地环境对全球变化的高度敏感性及其在陆地淡水资源与生物资源方面的巨大影响,推动山地景观生态学迅猛发展。在系统分析2000年以来山地景观生态学文献计量基础上,针对山地景观生态学主要学科方向与科学问题,以山地垂直带谱结构分布模式与形成机制,山地景观生态功能的分布格局与驱动因素,山地景观生态结构与格局对全球变化的响应等三大领域为重点,综述了自2000年以来的主要研究进展和取得的新认识,归纳了每个领域现阶段存在的主要前沿问题。围绕上述山地景观生态学重点领域,提出了山地景观生态学未来重点发展的6个研究方向:全球山地环境变化综合观测网络与方法、山地多维景观生态格局与时空变化规律及其驱动机制、整合景观生态学方法的林线动态与机制研究、山地生物生产力和物种多样性变化与模拟、景观生态水碳耦合循环变化与影响、山地垂直带谱结构理论与模式等,为进一步推动山地景观生态学发展、准确理解山地环境对全球变化的响应规律及其影响提供理论参考。  相似文献   

基于无人机航测的漯河市土地利用景观格局尺度效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
景观格局的尺度效应一直是景观生态学研究的核心内容,对于揭示景观空间格局变化规律及其生态过程具有重要意义。以漯河市中心城区为研究对象,基于景观生态学原理,采用无人机航测技术获取空间分辨率为0.09 m的无人机影像,结合GIS空间分析法,量化分析了漯河市土地利用景观格局的尺度效应。结果表明:(1)漯河市中心城区土地利用景观格局具有明显的粒度和幅度效应。(2)粒度越小,景观格局指数随空间粒度的变化趋势越稳定,其表达的生态过程越真实;景观水平上景观格局的粒度效应是由建筑、道路和绿地景观在景观优势度、破碎度和聚集度等方面的变化导致的;35 m和3 m分别为研究粒度效应的临界阈值和最佳粒度。(3)景观优势度、破碎度和蔓延度随空间幅度的增加而降低,景观复杂程度和聚集度随空间幅度的增加而增加;景观格局具有明显的空间梯度分布特征——从市中心往外由不透水地面向透水地面过渡;建筑和道路在城市中心区聚集度较高,而绿地景观在城市内部破碎度较高,进而主导了整体景观格局的梯度变化;景观组分的稳定与城市规模有关。(4)无人机航测技术可以更快速、准确地获取城市尺度上的景观生态信息,揭示景观格局对尺度效应的响应特征,可为景观格局优化和城乡景观规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

景观生态学中的格局分析:现状、困境与未来   总被引:45,自引:4,他引:41  
陈利顶  刘洋  吕一河  冯晓明  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5521-5531
作为景观格局分析的重要手段,景观格局指数的提出与发展极大地推动了景观生态学的发展,但是由于众多景观格局指数在指示生态学过程方面的不足,近年来景观格局分析已经走入困境。在总结近年来国内外相关研究的基础上,对景观格局分析的现状、困境及未来发展方向进行了综述。景观格局分析仍然是景观生态学的重要方面,景观格局指数仍然是景观格局分析的主要手段。但是如何建立具有生态学意义的景观格局指数和分析方法,如何将景观格局与生态过程联系起来,以及如何将"基质—斑块—廊道"的景观生态学理论应用到实际中是目前景观格局分析面临的主要困境。基于对景观格局分析现状及困境的认识,提出了景观格局分析未来的5个发展方向:(1)景观格局分析应该从目前的静态格局描述发展到对动态格局的刻画,只有找到刻画动态格局的方法,才能将格局和过程有机地联系在一起;(2)通过对多种景观格局指数的联合应用,发掘景观格局指数集合体对生态过程的解释能力;(3)发展基于生态过程的景观格局指数和分析方法;(4)通过多维景观格局分析,定量研究景观格局演变与生态过程之间的关系;(5)多尺度景观格局分析,将为解决格局与过程的关系提出有效手段。  相似文献   

流域湿地景观空间梯度格局及其影响因素分析   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
刘红玉  李兆富 《生态学报》2006,26(1):213-220
景观空间格局研究是景观生态学的核心研究内容之一。吸取一般景观生态学的空间思想和实际工作积累,从流域尺度,研究湿地景观基本空间梯度格局及其影响因素。研究表明,流域中湿地景观具有特殊的纵向梯度、横向梯度和景观内部结构特征,它们构成了流域湿地景观空间结构的主体,在维护流域整体景观结构和生态功能方面发挥重要作用。自然和人为因素都会影响流域湿地景观的空间梯度格局,但自然因素主要影响湿地景观内部结构的复杂性。而人为因素对流域湿地景观纵向梯度、横向梯度的连续性和内部结构的多样性均产生重要影响。  相似文献   

基于模型的景观格局与生态过程研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
景观格局与生态过程关系的研究是景观生态学的主要特色和理论核心之一。模型可以充分利用实验和观测数据并综合不同时间和空间尺度上的信息提炼规律或揭示内在机制,模拟景观格局与生态过程的动态与相互关系,成为景观生态学研究的有力工具。结合研究实例,总结了基于模型的景观格局研究、生态过程研究和格局-过程关系研究的发展现状和薄弱环节,同时探讨了通过构建耦合模型研究格局-过程相互关系的途径。总结了景观模型研究亟待发展的领域与发展趋势。  相似文献   

景观生态学中生态连接度研究进展   总被引:21,自引:11,他引:10  
富伟  刘世梁  崔保山  张兆苓 《生态学报》2009,29(11):6174-6182
生态连接度对生物迁移扩散、基因流动、干扰扩散等生态过程具有重要作用,是目前景观生态学研究的热点内容.生态连接度是测度景观对于资源斑块间运动的促进或者阻碍作用程度的指标.它主要基于渗透和图论两大理论,通过实验、模型模拟以及指数等量化方法描述区域景观结构和功能的变化,广泛应用在自然景观和城市景观格局优化中,对生物多样性保护以及城市开放空间规划具有重要作用.介绍生态连接度的理论基础、评价方法,应用以及主要结论,并对景观生态学中生态连接度的未来研究方向进行展望,以促进生态连接度研究的进一步发展.  相似文献   

伍海峰  李月辉  李娜娜 《生态学杂志》2012,31(12):3241-3246
中性景观模型可以模拟产生大量具有相似统计特征而不包含特定生态过程或自然地理过程的格局,为研究真实景观提供一个参照系统,在大范围景观格局变化研究等方面提供便利.目前,中性景观模型成为景观生态学研究的一种重要方法和手段,已成功应用于检验现有景观指数并发展新的景观指数、景观格局对种群动态影响和干扰过程研究等多个领域.本文介绍了中性景观模型的产生、内涵和类型,阐述了中性景观模型在景观生态学中的应用.同时,展望了中型景观模型研究的发展方向:模型类型趋于多样化,结构趋于复杂化,着重模型模拟结果的验证,以及随着景观生态学理论和实践的发展、结合中性景观模型和景观生态学研究方法,深入地应用于格局和过程两者之间关系的研究.  相似文献   

于海洋  张飞  王娟  周梅   《生态学杂志》2015,26(12):3849-3857
本文将土地经济生态位的理论和方法引入到景观生态学当中,为区域景观格局表征提供了新的方法.选择典型的生态脆弱区精河县为研究对象,以1990、1998、2011和2013年4期Landsat影像为数据源,运用生态位态势理论计算研究区各土地利用类型的土地经济生态位,并结合景观生态学理论探讨土地经济生态位在县域景观格局分析中的应用.结果表明: 研究期间,精河县耕地、建设用地和草地的土地经济生态位与相应的景观斑块数、聚合度、破碎化指数和分维数具有较好的相关性;土地经济生态位的变化对县域景观格局具有驱动作用,可表征精河县经济发展方向.土地经济生态位与可直接获得经济效益的土地利用类型关系密切,且与景观指数相结合能够很好地解释精河县景观格局的特征.  相似文献   

景观生态网络研究进展   总被引:33,自引:19,他引:14  
作为生态学重要的概念与方法,生态网络是景观生态学研究的热点问题,也是耦合景观结构、生态过程和功能的重要途径。景观生态网络对于保护生物多样性、维持生态平衡、增加景观连接度具有重要意义。从景观生态网络的相关理论、研究进展、研究方法模型等进行分析,并对其应用前景进行展望,主要介绍了传统景观格局分析、网络分析、模型模拟等方法的适用性与特点,并分析了景观生态网络在城市景观格局优化、自然保护区规划、生物多样性保护、土地规划等领域的应用,最后提出了研究的主要问题。  相似文献   

景观生态学研究的就是某一空间尺度范围内的景观格局与生态过程。因为景观格局与生态过程中存在的尺度多样性 ,导致尺度成为理解景观格局和生态过程相互作用的关键 ,其已经成为景观生态学的一个重要概念 ,但是由于理论和方法的限制 ,对景观生态学的尺度研究还不够 ,特别是景观格局综合性指标在不同幅度上的变化特征和效应。在 GIS与 RS技术支持下 ,采用基准分辨率为 5 m的 SPOT遥感图像作为数据源 ,对不同幅度下的城市景观多样性的空间分布格局进行了分析 ,并进一步利用半变异函数对其空间异质性进行定量描述。结论揭示 :随着空间尺度的增加 ,景观多样性程度也不断增加 ,另外多样性的空间分布格局也具有显著变化 ,由于受城市发展历史和目前城市扩展方向的影响 ,多样性在总体上是不平衡的 ,尺度越大 ,不平衡越明显 ;不同尺度下景观多样性空间格局的变化 ,与城市景观的特点和城市景观的功能息息相关 ,不过其受经济效益和社会文化效益的影响更大 ;随着尺度增加由于掩盖了更小尺度上的变异 ,导致块金效应增强 ,空间自相关部分对系统总的变异则明显下降 ;景观多样性具有尺度依赖性 ,可以说景观多样性也是尺度的函数 ,在不同的尺度上 ,结果差异显著 ,所以在景观生态学的研究中绝对不能忽略尺度对格局的影响  相似文献   

三峡大老岭植物区系的垂直梯度分析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为探讨山地植物区系构成特征及其垂直梯度的生态意义,根据对三峡大老岭地区植被垂直样带 调查获得的植物区系资料,分析了该地区植物区系成分构成的基本特征及其随海拔梯度的变化趋势,寻找了区系平衡点的位置;并利用聚类方法分析了山地气候垂直分异对区系成分构成的影响。结果表明:①大老岭植物区系具有温带性质,但仍反映了与热带区系的历史联系,有强烈的区域性;②属的分布区类型可归为热带分布、温带分布、地中海—中亚中心和东亚中心4组,各组区系成分的垂直梯度特征不同;热带、亚热带成分与温带成分的平衡点大致位于海拔650m;③区系成分构成和属的物种数量构成的聚类分析结果一致显示了植物区系构成与山地气候和植被垂直带相对应的格局。  相似文献   

Aims The fauna of mountains and their surrounding regions are likely to be influenced principally by two biological processes: horizontal colonization along similar altitudinal levels by elements originating from lineages inhabiting higher latitudes; and vertical colonization by lineages from the same latitude, but at lower altitudes. We examine whether the expected patterns derived from the latter process can be observed in mountain dung beetle assemblages. Specifically, we study the variation in species composition and richness with altitude in five regions spanning elevation gradients, analysing whether the altitudinal rates of change in the number of species and genera differ, and whether beta‐diversity scores for adjacent sites in each altitudinal gradient are different for species and genera. Location Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes. Methods Field work was carried out in 1997–99 at 27 sites in five regions with elevation gradients, with 10–32 pitfall traps placed in each site. For each altitudinal level the numbers of species and genera were analysed with respect to altitude, and the slope of the linear regression between these variables was calculated. The slope of the curve of the altitude against the cumulative number of species and genera was also calculated for each altitudinal gradient to describe the compositional change between adjacent sites (beta diversity). Species and generic slopes were compared using analysis of covariance. The turnover of species along each altitudinal gradient was measured using presence/absence data and Cody's beta‐diversity index between adjacent pairs of sites. A cluster analysis was used to detect faunistically homogeneous groups of localities. Results Species richness always decreased with altitude, although the slopes did not differ significantly from zero. The number of genera also decreased with increasing altitude, but generally at a significantly slower rate than for species. Variation in the species beta‐diversity scores between altitudinal levels did not follow a homogeneous pattern in the different regions. Two main altitudinal groups of sites with a boundary c. 1500–1750 m a.s.l. can be detected with respect to faunistic similarity. Low‐ and mid‐altitude sites are inhabited by all of the genera (19) and 80% of all species collected. Eight genera and 61 species (c. 60% of the total) are unable to inhabit high‐altitude sites, and only 20 species appear to be exclusive to these high‐altitude environments (> 2000 m a.s.l.). Main conclusions The dominant processes explaining dung beetle composition in the high north‐eastern Andean mountains are probably those of vertical colonization. The limited role of horizontal colonization processes, or colonization from northern or southern lineages, could be a consequence of the isolation and recent geological origin of these mountains.  相似文献   

Species range shifts have been well studied in light of rising global temperatures and the role climate plays in restricting species distribution. In mountain regions, global trends show upward elevational shifts of altitudinal treelines. However, there is significant variation in response between geographic locations driven by climatic and habitat heterogeneity and biotic interactions. Accurate estimation of treeline shifts requires fine-scale patterns of forest structure to be discriminated across mountain ranges. Satellite remote sensing allows detailed information on forest structure to be extrapolated across mountain ranges, however, variation in methodology combined with a lack of information on accuracy and repeatability has led to high uncertainty in the utility of remotely sensed data in studies of mountain treelines. We unite three themes; suitability of remote sensing products, ecological relevance of classifications and effectiveness of the training and validation process in relation to the study of mountain treeline ecotones. We identify needs for further research comparing the utility of different remotely sensed data sets, better characterisation of treeline structure and incorporation of accuracy assessment. Collectively, the improvements we describe will significantly improve the utility of remote sensing by facilitating a more consistent approach to defining geographic variation in treeline structure, improving our ability to link processes from stand to regional scale and the accuracy of range shift assessments. Ultimately, this advance will enable better monitoring of mountain treeline shifts and estimation of the associated to biodiversity and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

不同植物类群物种丰富度垂直格局分形特征的比较   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
 格局和过程一直是生态学的核心问题,该文应用“非布朗运动随机分形”模型, 在北京东灵山远离人为干扰地区的阴坡设置了两条宽2 m的样带,描述和比较了暖温带落叶阔叶林区乔木、灌木、草本以及总的植物物种丰富度在不同尺度上沿海拔梯度变异特征, 以及相关的生态过程。研究结果表明:1)直接梯度法刻画了植物物种丰富度在海拔梯度上的总体变化趋势,并不能从中获得更多的信息。“非布朗运动随机分形”模型揭示了不同尺度上物种丰富度的空间变化并能和生态过程相联系,研究表明该模型适合对乔木、灌木和草本植物物种丰富度的垂直梯度格局特征进行描述,但对总的植物物种丰富度有一定的局限性 。2)乔木物种丰富度在海拔梯度上的变化主要受两种生态过程的控制,小尺度上分形维数接近于2,主要受独立的不具有长程相关的生态过程控制,呈近随机分布;大尺度上分形维数接近于1,主要受自相关范围大、具有长程关联特性的生态过程控制,随海拔上升呈近似单调下降的趋势。灌木和草本物种丰富度在海拔梯度上的变化主要受3种生态过程的控制,小尺度和大尺度上的特征与乔木相似;但在中等尺度上,分形维数接近于1.5,它们以近似布朗运动的形式变化。虽然乔木和灌木物种丰富度在海拔梯度上变化的尺度范围相似,但决定它们的主要生态过程完全不同,或相同的生态过程以截然不同的方式作用于两种不同的植物类群。总的植物物种丰富度在整个尺度范围内呈现标度不变性,这可能是由于决定其变化的生态过程作用尺度紧密相关,也可能因为该文研究范围的局限性。  相似文献   

赵云龙  唐海萍  李新宇  张新时 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4234-4243
山盆系统是由山地和盆地组合而成的一种典型地貌组合。以河北怀来县为例,通过对区域生态经济系统的评价分析,以及对系统产业结构调整和土地利用结构优化的探讨,以生态环境恢复重建和农业可持续发展为目标,构建了怀来山盆系统“山间盆地.低山丘陵-中山山地”生态.生产范式。怀来山盆范式的功能带包括3“圈”5“带”:(1)山间盆地:①官厅水库,②环库水源保护带,③河谷平原高效农业经济带;(2)低山丘陵:④低山丘陵舍饲养畜和人工林(果园)灌草带;(3)中山山地:⑤中山山地林灌草生态保育带。  相似文献   

Gao J F  Ma K M  Feng Z W  Qi J  Feng Y 《农业工程》2009,29(1):56-61
Villages represent the source of human disturbance in mountain regions, but how they alter surrounding landscapes and further affect plant diversity distribution along altitudinal gradient is still not well documented. Although the unimodal pattern along latitudinal gradient and the hypothesis of immediate disturbance (IDH) have been supported in many studies, their coupling effects on plant diversity distribution have been given less attention. In this paper, the coupling effects surrounding mountain villages were detected: (1) altitude determined the mountain landscape at regional scale, while human disturbance altered landscape fragmentation and diversity at local scale surrounding villages. (2) With the reducing human disturbance away from villages, plant diversity decreased, then increased, and finally decreased in different land uses. The plant diversity of shrubs reached the lowest. With the increasing altitude, plant diversity of the forest represented the unimodal trend, but other land use types had different properties. (3) The mechanism of the coupling effects is that the combination of topographic and soil factors determines plant diversity distribution at both landscape and plant community levels surrounding villages.  相似文献   

The altitudinal distribution of mountain birds has recently changed following different patterns in space and time, probably due to the variability of the ongoing environmental processes. Although several studies have highlighted the effect of climate warming in affecting birds altitudinal responses, in the Alps, land abandonment and the consequential forest regrowth may have played a fundamental role.We applied the response curve shape method to investigate changes in the altitudinal distribution of breeding birds over a ten-year period in two different alpine areas (Central and Western Italian Alps) and we performed a log-linear analysis to depict the differential responses of species grouped according to their breeding habitat preferences.The patterns of change remarkably differed according to species ecological traits and between mountain areas. We did not highlight clear altitudinal changes in the Central Alps for any ecological groups, while in the Western Alps, woodland birds showed an expansion pattern and grassland birds suffered a retraction pattern. Since the two alpine areas did not suffer a significant temperature increase, but experienced different woodland cover dynamics, we believe that forest regrowth played a key role in shaping the different bird altitudinal responses between the two sites.Our findings illustrate the effect of ecological traits in shaping altitudinal changes and the role of local environmental factors in affecting spatial variation. Particularly, we strongly suggest considering woodland cover expansion as a key driver of bird altitudinal changes in alpine areas.  相似文献   

三维城市景观生态研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
城市景观元素的三维分析是城市景观研究发展的重要趋势之一。城市形态的结构特征与功能的空间作用不仅体现在二维空间中,同时在三维向度上表现出城市社会经济发展态势与空间演变的相互作用,因此在城市空间格局、过程与功能的讨论中,不能局限于二维平面。首先由三维视角提出城市景观格局及功能网络特征,并结合对航空摄影测量、卫星遥测、机载激光扫描等三维信息获取方法的认识,介绍目前城市景观三维信息提取的相关方法;其次,在三维城市景观生态研究内容方面,重点介绍城市景观要素提取、格局特征及其动态变化、生态环境效应和城市景观功能等相关研究,探讨城市内部的三维建成景观以及绿地景观要素提取与应用,并在传统景观格局分析方法基础上,提出了三维城市景观格局特征测量方法、动态变化监测方法以及动态模拟等相关内容,进一步对三维城市景观在生物多样性、局部气候变化等生态环境效应方面的研究进行了归纳总结;最后借助构建三维景观功能网络的思路,以作为三维城市景观功能优化研究的切入点。  相似文献   

Cone-cores discarded by Eurasian red squirrels were used to study the habitat selection of Korean pine-seeds hoarding, in forest patch Nos. 16 and 19 in Liangshui Nature Reserve, China. Ten transects with a total length of 15 km were uniformly set, and data from 343 valid samples were collected in a 369 hm2 area. One hundred and eighty four were hoarding samples which were determined according to the cluster analysis based on the number of the cone-cores, while the other 159 were control samples. The principal component analysis, using 11 habitat factors, suggested that the distance from Korean pine forest, forest type, number of Korean pine seedlings, density and type of bush significantly influenced the habitat selection of hoarding by Eurasian red squirrels. The results of Bailey’s method indicated that the squirrels showed (1) preference for natural coniferous forest, natural fir and spruce forest and planted spruce forest; (2) avoidance of planted Korean pine forest and planted larch forest; and (3) random use of natural Korean pine forest. Moreover the distance from the Korean pines in the range of 150–600 m showed no effect on the habitat selection of hoarding by the Eurasian red squirrels. More than 50% of the cone-cores were discarded in either fringe or gap of the Korean pine forest with more cone-cores found at <300 m than at 300 m away (One-Way ANOVA; df = 3, 183, F = 5.76, p = 0.0009). This demonstrated that the Eurasian red squirrels could take the cone-cores out of the Korean pine forest. The density of bushes in samples of hoarding area was significantly lower than that in control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 83.99, p < 0.0001). The number of the Korean pine seedlings in samples of hoarding area was significantly higher than that in the control samples (Kruskal–Wallis test; df = 1, χ2 = 104.13, p < 0.0001). This illustrated that the hoarding habitat favoured the germination of the Korean pine seedlings. In conclusion the behavior of hoarding Korean pine seeds by the Eurasian red squirrels can promote the regeneration and dispersal of the Korean pines.  相似文献   

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