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翟楠  郭键  林钦  倪兵 《生物学杂志》2012,29(5):19-21,24
应用激光扫描共聚焦显微术,显示腹毛类纤毛虫阔口尖毛虫(Oxytricha platystoma)无性生殖过程中,新的口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛微管先后分化,老纤毛器微管去分化,细胞分裂产生各含一套纤毛器微管的前、后两仔虫;生理改组过程中,口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛微管发生去分化和再分化,细胞皮层微管胞器更新形成含一套纤毛器微管的新细胞。结果表明阔口尖毛虫在无性生殖和生理改组这两种不同的生理条件下,其纤毛器微管结构的形成或更新可能具有相同的细胞调控机制,形态发生中老纤毛器结构可能对新结构的发生和发育具有诱导定位和物质贡献的作用。  相似文献   

应用荧光紫杉醇直接荧光标记法显示,原生动物纤毛虫伪红色双轴虫(Diaxonellapseudorubra)细胞纤毛器微管中,口围带基部含小膜托架及与托架相联系的肋壁微管;额腹横棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束、横微管束和周围微管束,其微管在不同棘毛基部的定向和发达程度不一;缘棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束。细胞形态发生过程中,前仔虫口纤毛器微管独立发生于老口围带内侧,在细胞形态发生末期新纤毛器微管形成时,尚有部分老额棘毛、横棘毛和缘棘毛残存,此后老结构逐渐被吸收。结果表明,伪红色双轴虫的纤毛器基部微管的分化很可能具有种属级的特异性,新纤毛器微管分化过程中老结构可能具有定位和物质贡献作用。  相似文献   

对目前已发表下毛目纤毛虫的200个属级阶元进行了重新修订.给出新修订的下毛目系统,并根据其纤毛图式和形态发生特点将其归为5亚目20科82属.原下毛亚目Protohypotrichina suborder nov.,翁柯虫科Onychodromusidae fam.nov.,腹柱虫科Gastrostylidae fam.nov.和拟角毛虫属Parakeronopsis gen.nov.为新设,给出了下毛目中各亚目和科的特征简述及亚目及科的检索表.各属的特征以特征简述、检索表以及属的模式图的形式介绍之.新立原下毛亚目Protohypotrichina suborder nov.,并对排毛亚目Stichotrichina中的科属进行了重新修订.原下毛亚目的特征为无明确缘棘毛分化;排毛亚目的特征为无明确额腹横棘毛分化,腹棘毛为长的纵列,数目多,形式多样.修订后的原下毛亚目含2科3属,排毛亚目含5科29属.各科的基本特征分别为:原毛虫科Phacodinidae无明确体棘毛和背触毛的分化;凯毛虫科Kiitrichidae体纤毛器背腹有明确分化,有原始的背触毛分化;旋毛虫科Spirofilidae腹棘毛旋列或斜向排列;卡尔虫科Kahiellidae左、右缘棘毛均2至多列;小双虫科Amphisiellidae具1纵向排列的腹棘毛列;角毛虫科Keronopsidae具2列纵向排列的腹棘毛,通常无额棘毛及横棘毛的分化;翁柯虫科Onychodromusidae腹棘毛通常多列,一般有额、腹、横棘毛的初步分化;给出了各科及属的检索表,并附各属纤毛图式,对部分属进行讨论.  相似文献   

利用活体观察和蛋白银染色技术, 对采自长江口泥滩潮间带及河道的五种腹毛类纤毛虫进行了形态学研究。包括对两个国内新记录种仁川巴库虫Bakuella (Bakuella) incheonensis和希斯多利织毛虫Histriculus histrio提供了详细的活体特征和纤毛图式信息, 对红色伪角毛虫Pseudokeronopsis rubra、黄色伪角毛虫Pseudokeronopsis flava和冠突伪尾柱虫Pseudourostyla cristata进行了形态学重描述。五种腹毛类纤毛虫的长江口种群与国内外种群均存在不同程度的形态学差异: 仁川巴库虫较韩国原始种群体型大, 口围带小膜和额前棘毛数较多; 希斯多利织毛虫与部分国外种群存在体长差异; 红色伪角毛虫与青岛种群相比形态特征基本吻合但个体大小的波动范围较大; 黄色伪角毛虫与湛江种群相比额棘毛数目较多; 冠突伪尾柱虫较奥地利种群体型较小, 与日本种群相比大核较多。该工作丰富了中国腹毛类纤毛虫多样性的认识。  相似文献   

孙萍  宋微波 《动物学报》2005,51(1):81-88
利用蛋白银染色技术研究了海洋纤毛虫———黄色伪角毛虫Pseudokeronopsisflava (Cohn ,186 6 )Wirns berger,Larsen&Uhlig ,1987无性生殖期间的细胞发生学。其主要特征为 :1)前仔虫口原基以独立发生的方式出现并独特地形成于口前庭右侧的皮层深处 ,由其对老口围带进行完全的更新 ;2 )老口器不参与新口器的形成 ,完全被吸收 ;3)前仔虫的额 -腹 -横棘毛原基同样为独立发生 ,老结构可能不参加其随后的发育 ;4 )后仔虫的口原基、波动膜原基及额 -腹 -横棘毛原基均来自最初排列无序的毛基粒发生场 ;5 )背触毛及缘棘毛的更新发生在老的结构中 ,并向前后延伸取代老结构 ;6 )在整个发生过程中 ,无大核融合现象。文中同时对该种所表现的发生学特征及系统学意义做了探讨  相似文献   

利用蛋白银染色法研究了毛尾刺虫的形态及无性生殖周期中的形态发生,其过程为:(1)后仔虫口原基出现在左缘棘毛内侧深层,其内的毛基体组装成整齐排列的小膜并分化成新AZM1,AZM2和口侧膜,(2)前仔虫口原基出现在老仔虫AZM2之前方深处,其随后发育成前仔虫的AZM2口侧膜及AZM1的一部分,并更新老结构的AZM1中第7-11片小膜,(3)额腹横棘毛原基为5列,分别以3:3:2:2:3方式分化最终产出  相似文献   

伪尖毛虫Oxytricha fallax的形态学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伪尖毛虫Oxytricha fallax系原生动物门、纤毛虫纲、腹毛目、尖毛虫科的一种常见的单细胞动物。一般认为分裂间期的伪尖毛虫具有两个长圆形大核和两个圆球形小核。虫体腹面生有八根额棘毛、五根腹棘毛及五根肛棘毛,周缘左右两侧还生有缘棘毛,背面则有五列背触毛。 伪尖毛虫是原生动物中高度进化的类型,大、小核有显著的分化,细胞表面的纤毛小器官复杂而又明显,因此它是用以进行研究的一种良好材料。对它的核器与纤毛小器官以及它们在无性分裂过程中的发生和变化进行认真的探讨,可以使我们较详细地掌握该虫的形态特征,同时也能为进一步的研究提供一些资料。  相似文献   

应用荧光紫杉醇直接荧光标记方法显示了一种腹毛类纤毛虫拟翁口虫(Onychodromopsis sp.)腹皮层纤毛器微管胞器及形态发生,根据该纤毛虫的皮层纤毛模式和纤毛器基部微管的形态,将其归为侧毛虫科(Pleurotrichidae)拟翁口虫属(Onychodromopsis);并据后仔虫口原基的发生、左右缘棘毛原基的...  相似文献   

应用蛋白银染色技术研究了悬游双眉虫青岛种群无性生殖期间皮层结构和核器的演化过程,其主要特征为:后仔虫口原基独立地出现于紧靠虫体左侧第一根横棘毛的皮层下小龛,其中毛基粒不参与其它棘毛原基的形成;老的口围带发生后半部的局部重建而非整个的由前仔虫简单继承;在前仔虫中,波动膜原基来自老结构的反分化,而在后仔虫中则来自口原基;所有棘毛原基均为独立发生并与老结构没有任何关系;在前仔虫中,口棘毛(即左侧第一根额棘毛)来自于波动膜的反分化,而在后仔虫中则为独立发生;背触毛列于老的结构当中产生,并由最右一列原基演化出3根尾棘毛;两大核片段的改组带从一端向另一端移动 ,并随着两者的融合而消失.文中同时对前人有关该属发生模式的若干存疑问题做了探讨 [动物学报 54(3):517-524,2008].  相似文献   

宋微波 《动物学报》1998,44(2):121-125
对海洋纤毛虫卵圆急纤虫无性分裂过程中的形态发生了做了跟踪观察,结果表明,该种的皮膜演化表现了一系列在腹毛目种类中所罕见的特征;1.新老口围带有一临时性汇联为一的阶段;2.左右缘棘毛原基分步出现,即明显的不同步现象;3.大核的改组在细胞分裂开始前即已完成;4.本种后仔虫之棘毛原基的分化既非独立发生又非来自于老结构的反分化,而是紧靠口原基的一侧向外分衍并极可能是孤立地发展而成;5.老的波动膜在形态发生  相似文献   

Morphogenesis of cell division was investigated in Diophrys scutum, D. oligothrix, and D. appendiculata utilizing both light microscopy of living and stained specimens and SEM of preserved specimens. The cortical morphogenetic pattern of Diophrys is similar to that of other members of the family Euplotidae. The opisthe oral primordium, which develops in a subsurface pouch, forms posterior to the parental buccal cavity. The proter inherits the parental adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) apparently unchanged. The endoral membrane forms to the right of the posterior end of the AZM in the proter, in association with the developing AZM in the opisthe. The paroral cirrus and membrane develop from a single streak that first appears along the right edge of the buccal cavity in the proter to the right of the developing buccal structures of the opisthe. Frontal and transverse cirri develop in both proter and opisthe from five separate cirral primordia that form to the right of the buccal cavity. Left marginal cirri do not develop in association with the corresponding parental structures. Kinetosomes formed within the opisthe oral primordium, or kinetosomes that were part of any parental ciliary structure, do not appear to become part of any developing paroral structures, frontal, transverse, or left marginal cirri. Speciation within the genus Diophrys and evolution of the family Euplotidae as they relate to the morphogenesis of cortical structure are discussed.  相似文献   

Oxytricha granulifera sp.n. differs from other members of the genus by its subpellicular granules and the strongly shortened dorsal kinety 4. The overall pattern of the morphogenetic events is similar to that known from other Oxytrichidae. However, the oral primordium evolves de novo between the left marginal cirral row and the postoral cirri. The six anlagen of the frontoventral cirri are of different origin. Two anlagen of the proter evolve from parental frontal cirri, two from the opisthe, and one includes basal bodies of the proter and opisthe. Two anlagen of the opisthe evolve from the oral primordium, and three primordia originate from the postoral cirri. Frontal cirrus 1 evolves from the paroral membrane in the proter, and from the oral primordium and the anlagen of the frontoventral cirri in the opisthe. The genus Oxytricha can be subdivided into several groups with regard to the origin of its oral primordium and the development of the frontoventral cirri. The morphogenesis of the dorsal kineties in the Hypotrichida is reviewed. Seven different modes of origin are distinguished. We conclude that morphogenetic features cannot be used in the classification of the Hypotrichida at the generic level, because we have too little information to decide whether special morphogenetic features are important at the generic or species level.  相似文献   

The morphology and morphogenesis of Diophrys japonica spec. nov., isolated from the Mie Port, Nagasaki, Japan, were investigated from life and following impregnation with protargol. The new species is recognized by the following characters: Body elliptical in outline and slightly greyish to yellowish in color; size in vivo about 80-120 x 50-70 microm; pellicle flexible, with underlying granules densely arranged in lines; ciliature comprising about 30-46 adoral membranelles, 4-7 frontal, 1-4 ventral and 4-7 transverse cirri, always 1 left marginal and 3 caudal cirri, and 4 dorsal kineties; usually two macronuclear nodules; fragment kinety with 2-5 dikinetids; marine habitat. The main morphogenetic events are: (1) the opisthe's oral primordium develops de novo in a subsurface pouch near the left transverse cirri; (2) the proter retains the parental AZM except for reorganization of some proximal membranelles; (3) cirral anlagen for the frontal, ventral and transverse cirri in both dividers develop separately from the oral primordium or parental cirri, and are derived from the separation of primary primordia that originate de novo; (4) the anlagen for the left marginal cirrus and fragment kinety also form de novo and separately; (5) dorsal kinety anlagen occur within the parental structures at mid-body and posterior end of the cell, of which the right-most one contributes three caudal cirri from its posterior portion. Based on available ontogenetic data, the author proposes that the numbers of left marginal and caudal cirri can be regarded as reliable characters for species identification, while the numbers of frontal, ventral and transverse cirri are not consistent enough for species distinction. A key to the eleven adequately known species of Diophrys is presented.  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜,观察到在一种游仆虫无性生殖周期中,新口围带发育时老口围带的更新、新波动膜原基的发生、棘毛原基发生的最早形态和背触毛发生等在其他种游仆虫中未见报道的现象。  相似文献   

Weibo Song  Xiaozhong Hu 《Hydrobiologia》1998,391(1-3):247-255
Morphogenetic events during the division of the marine hypotrichous ciliate, Hemigastrostyla enigmatica (Dragesco & Dragesco-Kernéis, 1986) Song & Wilbert, 1997 are described. The morphogenesis is characterized by:(1) 5 frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen develop into 8 frontal, 5 ventral and 5 transverse cirri after Oxytricha-pattern;(2) there may be 6 FVT-anlagen in some individuals giving rise to more cirri which, however, will be resorbed after division;(3) anlage of the right marginal row at least in the opisthe occurs de novo right to the parental structures instead of within them;(4) according to the origin, the two extra ventral cirri right to transverse ones are not ventral or transverse cirri, which are from the retained old structure;(5) dorsal kineties originate from one group of DK-anlagen in both dividers with, very uniquely, an additional fragmentation of DK1, and(6) oral primordia will be formed in both dividing parts, from which the newly-built membranelles in the proter replace the posterior part of the parental AZM with a particular 'piecing together mode.Some features during the morphogenesis (e.g. variable number of cirral anlagen, presence of primary primordia, the mode of rebuilding of the proter's adoral zone of membranelles, origin of dorsal kineties and caudal cirri etc.) indicate that the genus Hemigastrostyla might present a intermediate form between oxytrichids and other related higher taxa. Based on our new observations, an improved diagnosis for genus Hemigastrostyla is given: marine or brackish water Oxytrichidae with slightly to conspicuously cephalized body shape; mostly 8–10 frontal, 5 ventral, 5 transverse and two to several extra ventral cirri to the right of the transverse ones, which are from the retained parental structure; caudal cirri present.  相似文献   

阔口尖毛虫无性生殖和生理改组过程的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阔口尖毛虫无性生殖中先后发生后口围带原基,前、后的波动膜原基,额腹横棘毛原基和左、右缘棘毛原基,老口围带也在此期间更新,结果形成2套新纤毛结构,原老结构瓦解消失;生理改组时按同样顺序产生口围带原基等几类腹面纤毛原基,结果形成1套新纤毛结构,替换老结构。在这两个截然不同的过程中,新纤毛结构的分化和老纤毛结构退化时也表现出某些相似的特征。作者据此推测,这种纤毛虫无性生殖和生理改组中,纤毛原基的发生、发育和定位在细胞控制机理上可能是相同的。  相似文献   

红色角毛虫生理改组过程的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红色角毛虫在生理改组时,随着老纤毛器的瓦解,先后出现新的口器,额、腹、横棘毛,左、右缘棘毛和背触毛四个原基区,并发生原基区的分化、新结构的形成和定位。这种新、老结构的更替过程相似于同种纤毛虫正常形态发生时期纤毛器的演化过程,口围带改组时,新口围带原基在左列中腹棘毛左侧的范围形成,后来,随着老口围带的瓦解,它向前方移动并处于老口围带的右侧,并继续朝老口围带位置移动、替换老口围带。这不同于其他常见的腹毛类纤毛虫,生理改组时新口围带原基在瓦解着的老口围带的位置逐渐移动替换老口围带的情况。  相似文献   

Divisional morphogenesis in the freshwater spirotrichous ciliate, Trichototaxis songi Chen et al., 2007, was investigated. The main morphogenetic events are characterised as follows: (1) the parental oral apparatus is completely renewed by the independently formed oral primordium in the proter; (2) the oral primordium in the opisthe is formed on the cell surface; (3) several left cirri of the midventral pairs participate in the formation of the oral primordium in the opisthe; (4) FVT-anlage I forms the leftmost pair of the bicorona; (5) the macronuclear nodules fuse into many masses rather than a single or branched mass as described in most pseudokeronopsids; and (6) usually, two marginal anlagen develop within each left marginal row separately. However, the number of left marginal anlagen is highly variable, even differing between the proter and opisthe of the same divider. The increase in the number of left marginal anlagen is by de novo generation of small anlagen to the left of the intrakinetal left marginal anlage, whereas the decrease in number is by resorption of the old marginal row(s). We posit that Trichototaxis is an intermediate form between the Pseudourostylidae and Pseudokeronopsidae as it shares morphogenetic features with both. Additionally, as in Uroleptopsis (Uroleptopsis), FVT-anlage I forms the leftmost pair of the bicorona in Trichototaxis indicating these genera may be closely related.  相似文献   

The morphology and the regulation of cortical pattern associated with the cell size, division, and reorganization of Paraurostyla weissei (Stein, 1859) were investigated. The ranges of variation of the Austrian, Polish, and American strains were compared by biometrical analyses. The Austrian population most frequently shows 4 frontal cirri in the anteriormost and 2 in the posterior row, 4 ventral rows, 8 transverse cirri, and 7 dorsal kineties. The oral primordium originates next to the postoral ventral row. The undulating membrane field and 3 frontal-ventral-transverse(FVT)-streaks for the opisthe develop as a result of the dispersion of the basal bodies of 1 or 2 cirri of the 1st ventral row. The farthest-right ventral row is of composite origin from 2 FVT-streaks. Three short dorsal bristle rows originating beside the right marginal row are a constant feature. In reorganizers the oral primordium characteristically possesses a group of kinetosomes extending toward the anterior right, fusing with the undulating membrane field. The development of dorsal primordia always starts in the 3rd dorsal kinety. These results provide important criteria for future species discrimination, if the examination of non-morphological characters supplies evidence that P. weissei is a complex of sibling species.  相似文献   

The morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny of a new saline soil hypotrich ciliate, Uroleptoides salina nov. spec., discovered from China, was investigated. The new species is characterized as follows: body 150–215 × 40–50 μm in vivo, slender and highly flexible; usually four ellipsoidal macronuclear nodules; contractile vacuole absent; cortical granules absent; endosymbiotic algae present; amphisiellid median cirral row consists of 14–25 cirri and terminates about 47% down length of body; usually three buccal cirri and 3–13 cirri left of anterior portion of amphisiellid median cirral row; 3–5 transverse cirri. Morphogenesis during binary fission is characterized by: (1) the parental adoral zone of membranelles is retained completely, parental paroral contributes to the formation of the undulating membranes anlage for the proter; (2) the oral primordium of the opisthe is formed apokinetally; and (3) the amphisiellid median cirral row is formed from two anlagen. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequence data show that Uroleptoides salina nov. spec. has a close relationship with its morphologically similar species, U. longiseries, U. magnigranulosus, Orthamphisiella breviseries, and Parabistichella variabilis.  相似文献   

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