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青海海南地区蜱类调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1966—1985年作者在青海省海南地区,对喜马拉雅旱獭等兽类和家畜,体外寄生蜱类进行了初步调查。现报道于下。调查方法:广泛捕猎旱獭、鼠类等动物,搜集体外、洞道及窝巢的蜱类,也检获家畜体外蜱类进行分类鉴定,大部份标本送检查菌,少部份制作成永久留存标本。调查结果:从20种动物体外、洞巢搜集蜱类16,000只。经鉴定属于1科5属10种(见表)。生物学资料:鼠类是该地蜱类的主要宿主,有7种蜱类寄生。家畜次之,有6种蜱类寄生,其中以绵羊和牦牛寄生最多。草原硬蜱占蜱类总数的91.0%,为优势种,尤以旱獭体外采集的草原硬蜱为最多。从春季到秋季,其獭体…  相似文献   

甘肃省文县大熊猫蛔虫和蜱采集记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一九八四年四月十日在甘肃省文县上丹堡乡篦麻行政村一只大熊猫尸体上采到熊猫蛔虫(Ascaris schroederi)和下列蜱种:1.巨棘血蜱Haemaphysalis megaspinosa Saito,19692.猛突血蜱H.montgomeiyi Nuttall,19123.褐黄血蜱H.flava Neumann,18974.锐跗硬蜱Ixodes acutitarsus Karsch,18805.粒形硬蜱I.granuldtus Supino,18976.卵形硬蜱I.ovatus Neumann,1899全部蜱标本共103个。其中雄蜱58个,雌蜱43个,若虫1个,幼虫1个。其中巨棘血蜱有66个,为优势种,占65.05%;褐黄血蜱23个,占22.33%,猛突血蜱8个,占7.77%;锐跗硬蜱2个,卵形硬蜱2个和粒形硬蜱…  相似文献   

采用笼日法捕鼠,收集鼠体外寄生蜱螨,研究我国东北边境地区鼠体外寄生蜱、革螨和恙螨的种类组成.结果表明,在东北边境6市县9种鼠体采获寄生蜱螨16 565只,计16属39种,其中蜱类3属4种,革螨8属20种,恙螨5属15种.优势种群:全沟硬蜱(75.6%);耶氏历螨(25.5%),厩真历螨(21.1%);波氏新恙螨(35.0%),高丽新恙螨(22.7%).不同鼠体寄生蜱、革螨、恙螨的主要种类组成有所不同.  相似文献   

<正> 蜱是吸血节肢动物,对人、畜的危害很大。其中,有些种类为重要疾病的传播媒介。现将调查研究情况作一简要综述。 一、种 类 据初步调查,我国与人、畜疾病有关的蜱类已发现20种。即:全沟硬蜱Ixodes persuleatus、草原硬蜱I.crenulatus、锐跗硬蜱I.acutitarsus、粒形硬蜱I.granulatus、嗜群血蜱Haemaphysalis concinna、日本血啤H.japonica、草原血蜱H.verticalis、长角血蜱H.longicornis、铃头血蜱H.campanulata、草原革蜱De-rmacentor nuttalli、边缘革蜱D.marginatus、森林革睥D.silvarum、中华革蜱D.sinicus、亚洲璃眼蜱Hyalomma asiaticum、残缘璃眼蜱H.detritum、镰形扇头蜱Rhipicephalus haemaphysaloides微小牛蜱Bo-ophilus microplus、乳突钝缘蜱Ornithodoros papillipes、特突钝缘蜱O.tartakovskyi、拉合尔钝缘蜱0.lahore-nsis.  相似文献   

中华硬蜱和二棘血蜱的交叉免疫反应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文首次比较了经中华硬蜱(Ixodes sinensis)叮咬三次后再经二棘血蜱(Haemaphysalisbispinosa)叮咬的家兔与仅经二棘血蜱叮咬的家兔的交叉免疫抗性。二棘血蜱叮咬被中华硬蜱致敏的家兔时,吸血增重为:143.12±32.67mg,但二棘血蜱在正常家兔体上寄生,初次吸血增重为:181.30±44.35mg,两者之间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。中华硬蜱和二棘血蜱唾液腺提取物(SGE)经十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE),显示两者分别有24条和22条电泳带,中华硬蜱主带有6条,分子量分别为142、105、94、66/65、64和56kD,而二棘血蜱主带有5条,分子量分别为:215、114、105、66/65和58kD,经中华硬蜱叮咬致敏的家兔血清和经二棘血蜱叮咬致敏的家兔血清作免疫印渍,均显示出105kD这一电泳带。该实验表明中华硬蜱和二棘血蜱叮咬家兔两者之间存在着交叉免疫反应,提示105kD蛋白质抗原可能是两者的共同抗原。  相似文献   

南京地区家畜寄生蜱类的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蜱类对于人、家畜或其他动物疾病的传播,都是非常重要的。很多类型的病原体,如病毒(森林脑炎)、立克次体(斑疹伤寒)、细菌(土伦热)、螺旋体(回归热)、原生动物(焦虫病)、蠕虫(丝虫病)都以蜱类为储存宿主和传播媒介。这些病原体在蜱的体内不仅能进行生物性发育循环而且有的还能经虫卵传至后代。蜱类在它的一生中可以更换2—3个宿主吸血,寄生在野生动物体上的蜱也可以叮咬家畜或人体,因此,调查研究家畜体外寄生蜱类在流行病学上具有重要意义。  相似文献   

华硬蜱和二棘血蜱的交叉免疫反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘志刚  张以耕 《昆虫学报》1993,36(3):290-295
本文首次比较了经中华硬蜱(Ixodes sinensis)叮咬三次后再经二棘血蜱(Haimaphysalis bispinosa)叮咬的家兔与仅经二棘血蜱叮咬的家兔的交叉免疫抗性。二棘血蜱叮咬被中华硬蜱致敏的家兔时,吸血增重为:143.12±32.67mg,但二棘血蜱在正常家兔体上寄生,初次吸血增重为:181.30±44.35mg,两者之间有显著性差异(P<0.01)。中华硬蜱和二棘血蜱唾液腺提取物(SGE)经十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE),显示两者分别有24条和22条电泳带,中华硬蜱主带有6条,分子量分别为142、105、94、66/65、64和56kD,而二棘血蜱主带有5条,分子量分别为:215、114、105、66/65和58kn,经中华硬蜱叮咬致敏的家兔血清和经二棘血蜱叫‘咬致敏的家兔血清作免疫印渍,均显示出105kD这一电泳带。该实验表明中华硬蜱和二棘血蜱叮咬家兔两者之间存在着交叉免疫反应,提示105kD蛋白质抗原可能是两者的共同抗原。  相似文献   

辽宁省蜱类的生态地理分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李维贤 《昆虫学报》1987,(2):180-185
辽宁省已知的蜱类共13种, 分属于2科6属.本文依据不同地理景观区内蜱的种类与数量, 并结合其不同生境类型, 对蜱类的生态地理分布问题作了讨论.四个地理景观区内蜱种类与数量情况如下:(1)黄土丘陵台地干草原与西辽河风沙草原区:黄土丘陵台地干草原区蜱种类少, 但数量多.草原血蜱为优势种, 草原硬蜱数量较少.西辽河沙地草原区有草原血蜱、草原革蜱、草原硬蜱, 前两种均为优势种.(2)辽西山地疏林灌从区:本区有森林革蜱、长角血蜱、全沟硬蜱及日本锐缘蜱, 前两种为优势种.(3)辽东山地森林及林缘草地区:本区蜱种较多, 林区以日本血蜱、嗜群血蜱、全沟硬蜱为多见;林缘草地以长角血蜱、森林革蜱为优势种, 另外还有钝跗硬蜱、血红扇头蜱.(4)平原丘陵农区:木区蜱种虽然不少, 但分布局限, 数量小.有长角血蜱、草原血蜱、森林革蜱、微小牛蜱, 波斯锐缘蜱.  相似文献   

硬蜱科中,硬蜱属(Ixodes)肩硬蜱亚属(Scaphixodes)的种类不少,全世界已记录10种;主要分布于古北区,占其中7种。1961年6月动物研究所从西藏亚东曾采到该亚属的标本,因只获雄蜱,种名未订。1979年7月河北省鼠疫防治所从西藏萨噶县(海拔4,700米)一只鹰(学名未详)上采到二只雌蜱,经鉴定为肩硬蜱亚属的西氏硬蜱Ixodes(Scaphixodes)semenovi Olenev,在我国系首次纪录。  相似文献   

邓国藩 《昆虫学报》1955,(2):165-181
蜱类中的坚蜱是牲畜的重要体外寄生,除了对牲畜有机械性伤害外,还可传染一些重要疾病,如焦虫病等。对人来说,虽然坚蜱不经常咬人,但有时也可咬人并传染某些疾病,如森林脑炎、斑疹伤寒和“Q”热等。所以对这些蜱类的研究无论对牲畜或对人类都是重要的。  相似文献   

以 1 98 9至 1 995年在川西平原农田进行的啮齿动物标志重捕实验为基础 ,由种群密度、生物量以及出现频率的比较认为 ,大足鼠 (Rattusnitidus)为此啮齿动物群落的优势种 ,褐家鼠 (Rattusnorvegicus)与社鼠 (Rattusniviventer)为常见种 ,黄胸鼠 (Rattusflavipectus)为稀有种。通过比较4种啮齿动物的种群动态、季节指数、变异系数发现 ,优势种密度变动的季节性最强 ,数量稳定性最大 ,无明显的年间变化 ;稀有种则相反 ,在种群动态上表现出最大的随机性和变动性 ,常见种的动态特征介于优势种与稀有种之间。优势种全年均有繁殖 ,稀有种的繁殖月份集中且有效性较低 ,常见种有较大的繁殖潜力。 4种啮齿动物的种群动态及繁殖特征表明了优势种、常见种及稀有种的分化及多样性 ,以在同一生境的资源利用上达成共存。  相似文献   

Ectoparasite records are presented for four species of commensal murid rodents (Rattus rattus palelae Miller & Hollister, R. argentiventer (Robinson & Kloss), R. exulans (Peale) and Mus musculus castaneus Waterhouse) in Sulawesi Utara, with particular reference to the potential for these arthropods to bite and transmit pathogens to humans. The flea, Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild), was most common on R.r. palelae and is capable of transmitting plague and other pathogens to humans although no current foci for these diseases are known in Sulawesi. Hoplopleura pacifica Ewing and Polyplax spinulosa (Burmeister) sucking lice parasitized all three Rattus species although H. pacifica was mainly associated with R. exulans and P. spinulosa with R.r. palelae. These lice do not bite humans but may be intramurid vectors of murine typhus and other zoonoses. The mites Laelaps echidnina Berlese and L. nuttalli Hirst were both collected; the latter was recorded from all four murid species, mainly R. exulans. The mite Ornithonyssus bacoti Hirst was rare. Only one chigger mite, Walchiella oudemansi (Walch), was retrieved from murids (from R. exulans) and a single Leptotrombidium deliense (Walch) chigger was taken from a human subject. Although L. deliense is a significant vector of scrub typhus, a disease known from Sulawesi, the L. deliense-R. argentiventer relationship frequently noted in the ecology of this rickettsial disease, was not evident in this survey. Other ectoparasites collected from murids were the ticks, Ixodes granulatus Supino (first record for Sulawesi), Haemaphysalis sp. and Dermacentor sp., the mites Myocoptes musculinus (Koch) and Listrophoroides cucullatus (Trouessart), acarids and a uropodid.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

1987年7月-1988年11月在川西南地区共采集到小型兽类体外革螨32种,178只,高山姬鼠,大耳姬鼠和社鼠体外寄生革螨群落结构复杂,生物多样性指数较高,在这些革螨群落中,如厩真厉螨为高山姬鼠和大耳姬鼠的优势种,福建厉螨为社鼠的优势种,毒厉螨为褐家和阳金小鼠的优势种,松鼠真厉螨为橙腹松鼠的优势种,金氏厉螨为黑腹绒鼠的优势种,臊鼠赫刺螨为灰麝鼯的优势种,而其余12种小型兽类革螨群落的优势种不明显。  相似文献   

杨跃敏  曾宗永 《兽类学报》1999,19(4):267-275
以1989至1995年在川西平原农田进行的啮齿动物标志重捕实验为基础,由种群密度、生物量以及出现频率的比较认为,大足鼠(Rattus nitidus)为此啮齿动物群落的优势种,褐家鼠(Rattus norvegicus)与社鼠(Rattus niviventer)为常见种,黄胸鼠(Rattus flavipectus)为稀有种.通过比较4种啮齿动物的种群动态、季节指数、变异系数发现,优势种密度变动的季节性最强,数量稳定性最大,无明显的年间变化;稀有种则相反,在种群动态上表现出最大的随机性和变动性,常见种的动态特征介于优势种与稀有种之间.优势种全年均有繁殖,稀有种的繁殖月份集中且有效性较低,常见种有较大的繁殖潜力.4种啮齿动物的种群动态及繁殖特征表明了优势种、常见种及稀有种的分化及多样性,以在同一生境的资源利用上达成共存.  相似文献   

六种鼠组织中过氧化物酶和酯酶变异的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何新霞  金晓玲 《兽类学报》1997,17(2):136-140
本文研究姬鼠属(Apodemus)2种鼠和鼠属(Ratus)4种鼠的心组织过氧化物酶和肝组织酯酶同工酶等位基因的变异。结果表明,6种鼠心组织过氧化物酶皆为4条区带,其中社鼠和白腹巨鼠的酶带泳动速度略快于褐家鼠和黄毛鼠的酶带;鼠属4种鼠的酶带间距大致相同,而姬鼠属的酶带间距略大于鼠属,这种谱型的区别就所分析的6种鼠而言,可以认为是该同工酶表现的属间区别。肝组织酯酶区带较多,其酶带数和泳动速度的差异具有明显的种间特征;泳动最快的酶带在姬鼠中是2条,在鼠属中是1条,可以认为是属间特征的区别。从9项生化指标的异同作动物配对比较,表明褐家鼠与黄毛鼠亲缘上较近,社鼠与白腹巨鼠亲缘上也较近,而且白腹巨鼠在进化上可能要比其余3种鼠属动物更接近于姬鼠属  相似文献   

Chasmagnathus granulatus is an estuarine crab which actively moves from subtidal to supratidal areas. To elucidate the possible existence of extrabranchial sites for aerial gas exchange, we measured respiratory and acid-base variables in animals with and without branchial water (controls and experimental crabs, respectively) during air exposure. An histological study of the branchiostegite was also performed. Throughout 4 h of emergence C. granulatus did not suffer venous hypoxia, even without branchial water. The rate of oxygen uptake (M(O(2))) was similar in both groups. The rate of carbon dioxide excretion (M(CO(2))) and the gas exchange ratio (R) significantly decreased during emergence in both groups, with R significantly lower for experimental crabs. Consequently, CO(2) was accumulated in the hemolymph. This variable stabilized after 90 min in control animals, but experimental crabs continued accumulating CO(2). Histological study of the branchiostegites demonstrated the presence of an attenuated and greatly perfused epithelium facing the branchial chamber lumen, with a shortest diffusion distance of 0.5 microm. Simple folds and lobulated projections increase the respiratory surface area. These results suggest that C. granulatus is a bimodal breathing crab, active both in water and air. When emerged, this species extract oxygen directly from air through branchiostegal lungs, but relies on branchial exchange to eliminate carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

Colonisation of Pinus halepensis roots by GFP-tagged Pseudomonas fluorescens Aur6 was monitored by epifluorescence microscopy and dilution plating. Aur6-GFP was able to colonise and proliferate on P. halepensis roots. Co-inoculation with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus granulatus did not affect the bacterial colonisation pattern whereas it had an effect on bacterial density. Bacterial counts increased during the first 20 days of seedling growth, irrespective of seedlings being mycorrhizal or not. After 40 days, bacterial density significantly decreased and bacteria concentrated on the upper two-thirds of the pine root. The presence of S. granulatus significantly stimulated survival of bacteria in the root elongation zone where fungal colonisation was higher. The number of mycorrhizas formed by S. granulatus was not affected by co-inoculation with Aur6-GFP. Neither Aur6-GFP nor S. granulatus stimulated P. halepensis development when inoculated alone, but a synergistic effect was observed on seedling growth when bacteria and fungus were co-inoculated.  相似文献   

The ixodid tick Ixodes granulosus Supino 1897 was found infesting Rattus rattus in Semakau island, one of the small offshore islands fringing Singapore to the south. None of the examined R. rattus from the other islands fringing Singapore, or from Singapore island were found infested. Ixodes granulatus occurs, however, on Singapore island on Rattus annandalei, resident of undisturbed forested habitats. We speculate that invading black rats in Semakau replaced autochthonous sylvatic rodent population and contracted their associate tick population.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work conducted at the Refugio de Vida Silvestre Bahía Samborombón is to analyse the most relevant aspects of the fecundity of Chasmagnathus granulatus and Uca uruguayensis. Samplings were carried out from March 2001 to February 2003. Ovigerous females of U. uruguayensis (N = 13) and C. granulatus (N = 25) were found during spring and summer, their sizes (CW) varied from 9.1 to 11.7 microm for the former species and from 22.8 to 32.4 mm for the latter. The egg diameter in U. uruguayensis ranged from 245 to 260 microm for embryos in the early stage of development and from 250 to 345 microm for those in mid-developmental stage, while in C. granulatus from 250 to 345 microm and from 260 to 365 microm respectively. Fecundity varied from 1126 to 6745 eggs/brood in U. uruguayensis and 15688-57418 eggs/brood in C. granulatus. For those females with broods in mid-developmental stage, several relationships were made. For U. uruguayensis the best correlation coefficients were obtained for the relationships: female weight vs. egg mass weight and carapace width vs. egg mass weight; for C. granulatus the best association was obtained between female size and the egg number and the egg mass weight.  相似文献   

Parasitic plants often have a strong fitness‐impact on their plant hosts through increased host mortality and reduced or complete suppression of reproduction. Tristerix corymbosus (Loranthaceae) is a hemiparasitic mistletoe that infects a wide range of host species along its distribution range. Among such species, Rhaphithamnus spinosus (Verbenaceae) is a frequent host with a flowering and fruiting season partially synchronized with mistletoe reproductive phenology. As parasitized hosts have, in principle, a larger flower display and fruit crop size than non‐parasitized hosts, we examined whether host and parasite reproductive synchrony make infected hosts more attractive for pollinators and seed dispersers than uninfected hosts. Our results showed that pollinator visit rates did not differ between parasitized and non‐parasitized hosts. Conversely, seed rain was higher in parasitized than non‐parasitized individuals. The number of seeds fallen under non‐parasitized plants was spatially associated with crop size, while parasitized plants did not show such association. Finally, the number of seedlings of R. spinosus was significantly larger near parasitized than non‐parasitized hosts. Our results suggest that the presence of the mistletoe might be responsible of the higher reproductive success showed by the parasitized fraction of R. spinosus. This effect, however, seems to be related to seed dispersal processes rather than pollination effects.  相似文献   

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