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一种高效快速浓缩腺相关病毒载体的方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腺相关病毒载体(adeno associatedviralvector,AAVvector)是一种具有良好应用前景的基因治疗载体。研究中往往需要高滴度的重组AAV病毒(>105v g /细胞),为此利用完整的腺相关病毒颗粒具有耐受有机溶剂的特点,创造性地采用了一种用乙醇沉淀重组AAV病毒的方法,达到了高效、快速浓缩AAV载体的目的。结果表明,乙醇沉淀法可以高效浓缩AAV载体,并且对病毒的结构和活性没有明显影响。用这种方法可以方便地将低滴度的AAV病毒变成高滴度,解决动物体内实验中每点注射体积受到限制的问题。  相似文献   

重组腺相关病毒:很有潜力的基因治疗载体   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
腺相关病毒(AAV)是细小病毒家族的一员,为无包膜的线性单链DNA病毒.由于AAV具有长期潜伏于人体而不具有任何明显致病性等优点,人们对AAV作为一种理想的基因治疗载体给予了很大期望.但是,近来发现,这类载体在应用上有许多明显的缺陷,包括某些细胞膜上病毒受体数量极少,重组AAV载体位点特异性整合不足,AAV衣壳成分和转基因产物引起宿主的免疫反应等等.这些缺陷促使人们加大对AAV生物学特性和转染过程的研究,从而更好地对AAV载体进行改进,使新一代重组AAV载体具备基因治疗所必需的安全性、高效性和靶向性,以期更广泛地应用于临床.  相似文献   

核心蛋白聚糖(decorin,DCN)是广泛存在于细胞基质中的一种富含亮氨酸的蛋白多糖,属于蛋白聚糖家族中的小分子类.DCN可作为多种细胞因子的配体,发挥多种生物学功能.DCN在一些肿瘤组织中高水平表达,调控恶性肿瘤的生长和迁移.腺相关病毒(AAV)是肿瘤基因治疗中常用的基因工程载体,利用重组技术可以实现对病毒衣壳蛋白的改造,使其感染具有靶向性.而针对DCN高表达细胞的转导可能成为肿瘤基因治疗应用中定向导入治疗基因的有效策略.本研究在对多种DCN结合蛋白序列保守区的分析基础上,筛选出具有较高活性的DCN结合功能域(DB1),并将其融合至AAV衣壳蛋白VP2编码序列的N端;继而利用AAV的嵌合包装技术,成功制备了衣壳展示DB1表位的重组AAV.在过表达DCN细胞的感染实验中,该病毒表现出针对DCN较强的靶向性.本研究所制备的DCN靶向性腺相关病毒不仅为肿瘤治疗的应用提供了一种新型载体,同时可作为一类特殊的基因导入工具为研究DCN在肿瘤发生发展中的作用提供帮助.  相似文献   

腺相关病毒(adeno-associated virus,AAV)本身具有抗肿瘤活性,以其为基础构建的重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)作为肿瘤基因治疗载体已应用于临床试验研究。与其他的药物一样,单一的AAV基因药物,可能无法对肿瘤这一多基因、多步骤的复杂疾病发挥有效的治疗作用。国内外实验研究发现,多种化疗药物和放疗手段,不但可以提高rAAV载体的基因表达效率,也能促进AAV病毒本身的复制;反过来,AAV可以提高肿瘤细胞对放化疗的敏感性。联合AAV与其他的肿瘤治疗策略将有助于优化肿瘤治疗效果。  相似文献   

腺相关病毒的衣壳装配和DNA衣壳化机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重组腺相关病毒载体 (rAAV) 是基因治疗临床应用载体的选择之一。在简述野生型AAV基因组结构和复制机制的基础上,阐述了AAV包装过程中两个主要事件:衣壳蛋白的装配和基因组DNA的衣壳化。虽然对AAV的包装机制总体上已有一定的认识,但其详细的分子机制、构效关系仍需完善和充实。AAV病毒本身相关机制的深入研究有助于改善rAAV载体的制备技术,促进rAAV基因药物研发。  相似文献   

目的构建携带大鼠瘦素(leptin)基因的重组腺相关病毒(adeno-associated virus,AAV),并鉴定其在原代鼠神经元细胞中介导的瘦素过表达,为肥胖症基因治疗研究奠定实验基础。方法提取大鼠脂肪组织总RNA,利用RT-PCR技术,获取目的基因瘦素cDNA,通过重组DNA技术,得到瘦素cDNA与pGEM-T载体的重组质粒,阳性重组子用PCR及测序分析鉴定。用Spe I和EcoR V双酶切将pGEM-Leptin中的瘦素基因片段切出,再克隆到AAV2表达质粒pTR-UF22中,构建瘦素重组AAV2载体pAAV2-CBA-leptin。以pDG作为辅助质粒用HEK293细胞包装AAV2-CBA-Leptin,并用一步重力流柱法纯化病毒,由荧光定量PCR测定病毒基因组DNA的拷贝数即为病毒滴度。然后将AAV2-CBA-Leptin及对照病毒AAV2-CBA-EGFP感染大鼠原代神经元细胞,分别用免疫染色和Western blotting鉴定外源基因在神经元的表达。结果测序证实瘦素基因与GenBank提供的原始序列完全一致。重组载体经酶切鉴定与预期结果完全一致,HEK293细胞包装病毒效果良好,得到滴度为1.5×1012vg/mL纯化的重组瘦素病毒AAV2-CBA-Leptin。Western blotting检测显示AAV2-CBA-Leptin能介导瘦素在大鼠神经元细胞中过表达,并随着病毒量的增加而增强。AAV2-CBA-EGFP感染鼠神经元细胞5d后95%左右的细胞有明显的绿色荧光,免疫染色和DAPI核酸染色显示荧光细胞均为神经元而神经胶质细胞无荧光。结论成功构建并包装了瘦素重组AAV2病毒并可介导瘦素在神经元细胞中高效、特异表达,从而为研究瘦素在中枢神经系统控制体重和糖尿病等方面的功能及基因治疗研究打下基础。  相似文献   

腺相关病毒(AAV)是细小病毒家族一员,为无包膜的线形单链DNA病毒。由于AAV有长期潜伏于人体而不具有任何致病性等优点,人们对AAV作为基因治疗载体,基因打靶载体等方面的应用给予了很大的希望。AAV载体的安全性能已经用于帕金森病和囊性纤维病一期的治疗。目前通过不断的发展、改造病毒载体的基因结构,扩大其载体容量,提高病毒产率和转染效率,以使腺相关病毒载体更加符合实际需要。  相似文献   

Nurr1属于孤儿核受体家族,目前认为它对中脑多巴胺能神经元的发育、存活和成熟后的表型维持发挥重要作用。Nurr1基因可以提高多巴胺转运体(DAT)基因和酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)基因的转录。在人类,与年龄相关的DA表型标志物TH的降低与黑质部位Nurr1表达的下调有关。Nurr1有望成为帕金森病基因治疗的候选基因。腺病毒伴随病毒(AAV)是目前公认的较有希望的病毒载体,它可以感染非分裂细胞,由AAV-Ⅱ型改造的重组AAV载体可以定点整合于宿主细胞染色体,可以特异性感染神经元,适合对中枢神经系统的治疗。重组AAV应该是能够良好携带Nurr1基因进行帕金森病基因治疗的载体。  相似文献   

以RT PCR法从大鼠脑组织中克隆bcl XL 基因 ,将其定向插入带rep cap基因和neu基因的三功能腺相关病毒 (AAV)载体 ,转染HeLa细胞并以G4 18筛选 ,然后用腺病毒感染筛选后的细胞克隆 ,包装成重组腺相关病毒 .用带rep cap基因的C12细胞筛选和滴定产生重组腺相关病毒的细胞克隆 ,粗制细胞裂解物中病毒滴度最高只有 3× 10 5IU ml.从产病毒量较高的克隆大量制备重组病毒 ,经肝素柱高压液相亲和层析法纯化、浓缩病毒后获得了高达 4× 10 11IU ml的重组病毒 .为研究脑缺血动物模型中BCL XL 的抗脑细胞凋亡作用打下了基础  相似文献   

腺相关病毒(Adeno-associated virus,AAV)在基因治疗应用中具有很多优势,但是其生物学滴度的测定仍很繁琐,不同实验室使用各自的方法和参照,这些都影响了重组腺相关病毒(rAAV)载体在临床前和临床上的应用.反向末端重复序列(Inverted terminal repeats,ITR)是重组腺相关病毒载体中不可或缺的顺式作用元件,针对ITR2以及ITR2-CMV设计的qPCR检测方法可以快速、准确地得到rAAV2的基因组滴度,由于该方法可以广泛适用,因此对推动AAV滴度检测的标准化有重要意义.  相似文献   

Adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) is a single-stranded-DNA-containing, nonpathogenic human parvovirus that is currently in use as a vector for human gene therapy. However, the transduction efficiency of AAV vectors in different cell and tissue types varies widely. In addition to the lack of expression of the viral receptor and coreceptors and the rate-limiting viral second-strand DNA synthesis, which have been identified as obstacles to AAV-mediated transduction, we have recently demonstrated that impaired intracellular trafficking of AAV inhibits high-efficiency transduction of the murine fibroblast cell line, NIH 3T3 (J. Hansen, K. Qing, H. J. Kwon, C. Mah, and A. Srivastava, J. Virol. 74:992-996, 2000). In this report, we document that escape of AAV from the endocytic pathway in NIH 3T3 cells is not limited but processing within endosomes is impaired compared with that observed in the highly permissive human cell line 293. While virions were found in both early and late endosomes or lysosomes of infected 293 cells, they were localized predominantly to the early endosomes in NIH 3T3 cells. Moreover, treatment of cells with bafilomycin A1 (Baf), an inhibitor of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase and therefore of endosomal-lysosomal acidification, decreased the transduction of 293 cells with a concomitant decrease in nuclear trafficking of AAV but had no effect on NIH 3T3 cells. However, after exposure of NIH 3T3 cells to hydroxyurea (HU), a compound known to increase AAV-mediated transduction in general, virions were detected in late endosomes and lysosomes, and these cells became sensitive to Baf-mediated inhibition of transduction. Thus, HU treatment overcomes defective endocytic processing of AAV in murine fibroblasts. These studies provide insights into the underlying mechanisms of intracellular trafficking of AAV in different cell types, which has implications in the optimal use of AAV as vectors in human gene therapy.  相似文献   

Malignantly transformed mouse fibroblasts synthesize and secrete large amounts of major excreted protein (MEP), a 39,000-dalton precursor to an acid protease (cathepsin L). To evaluate the possible role of this protease in the transformed phenotype, we transfected cloned genes for mouse or human MEP into mouse NIH 3T3 cells with an expression vector for the dominant, selectable human multidrug resistance (MDR1) gene. The cotransfected MEP sequences were efficiently coamplified and transcribed during stepwise selection for multidrug resistance in colchicine. The transfected NIH 3T3 cell lines containing amplified MEP sequences synthesized as much MEP as did Kirsten sarcoma virus-transformed NIH 3T3 cells. The MEP synthesized by cells transfected with the cloned mouse and human MEP genes was also secreted. Elevated synthesis and secretion of MEP by NIH 3T3 cells did not change the nontransformed phenotype of these cells.  相似文献   

以He1a细胞的总RNA为模板,用RT—PCR方法扩增sTNFR1全编码区基因片段,构建含有目的片段的T载体克隆及真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)重组质粒亚克隆,将重组质粒和脂质体共同转染NIH3T3细胞系,G418筛选稳定转染细胞株.经核苷酸序列测序和酶切鉴定,成功构建了pcDNA3.1(-)-sTNFR1真核表达质粒,脂质体法建立了高效表达sTNFRI的稳定转染细胞系,并经RT—PCR和Western Blotting鉴定.人sTNFR1基因能在NIH3T3细胞系中稳定表达,为今后的研究打下了基础.  相似文献   

Although adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV) has gained attention as a potentially useful alternative to the more commonly used retrovirus- and adenovirus-based vectors for human gene therapy, efficient gene transfer and transgene expression by AAV vectors require that the following two obstacles be overcome. First, the target cell must express the receptor and the coreceptor for AAV infection, and second, the cell must allow for viral second-strand DNA synthesis. We now describe a third obstacle, impaired intracellular trafficking of AAV to the nucleus, which results in the lack of transgene expression in murine fibroblasts which do express the AAV receptor and the coreceptor and which are permissive for viral second-strand DNA synthesis. We document that AAV vectors bind efficiently and gain entry successfully into NIH 3T3 cells, but trafficking into the nucleus is significantly impaired in these cells. In contrast, viral trafficking to the nucleus in cells known to be efficiently transduced by AAV vectors is both rapid and efficient. The demonstration of yet another obstacle in AAV-mediated gene transfer has implications for the optimal use of these vectors in human gene therapy.  相似文献   

A variety of cancer cells overexpress transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha), a mitogenic peptide. A cDNA sequence coding for the full-length human TGF alpha precursor protein was subcloned into a retroviral expression vector and introduced into clone 7 NIH 3T3 cells, which have low numbers of endogenous epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs). The autocrine synthesis of TGF alpha by these cells resulted in their focal transformation. In contrast, control NIH 3T3 cells treated in a paracrine manner with exogenous, saturating concentrations of the mature form of TGF alpha, though stimulated to divide, remained morphologically untransformed. The addition of saturating quantities of soluble, mature TGF alpha to NIH 3T3 cells expressing the transferred TGF alpha gene actually suppressed their growth and focal transformation. The transformation induced by the TGF alpha gene remained an EGFR-dependent process, since the degree of transformation was correlated with EGFR expression in NIH 3T3 cells and since NR6 cells, which are Swiss 3T3 cells devoid of endogenous EGFRs, were transformed by the TGF alpha vector only when exogenous EGFR genes were also introduced. When inoculated into nude mice, the TGF alpha-expressing cells rapidly gave rise to tumors that grew progressively, whereas control cells did not form tumors. We conclude that in certain circumstances autocrine TGF alpha can be more oncogenic than paracrine and that paracrine TGF alpha can suppress this effect.  相似文献   

大鼠催乳素基因真核细胞可表达性质粒的构建及应用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
735bp的PRLcDNA片段从质粒PRL-SP65#1中回收后,用粘性末端连接法将其重组到真核表达载体pcDNA3上,筛选出正向连接重组体pcDNA3-PRLS和反向连接重组体pcDNA3-PRLAS。将重组体pcDNA3-PRLs和空载体pcDNA3分别转入NIH3T3细胞系,用G418筛选出阳性细胞后与未转染的NIH3T3细胞在加E2和不加E2的情况下,用原位杂交的方法,分别用PRLcDNA探针和原癌基因c-H-rascDNA探针进行检测,未转染的NIH3T3细胞在加E2和不加E2时都几乎无催乳素基因的表达,同样,转入空载体的NIH3T3细胞也无PRL的表达,而转入重组体pcDNA3-PRLS的NIH3T3细胞则有大量的PRL基因的表达,与对照组相比有显著差异(P<0.01)。正常和转入空载体的NIH3T3细胞有一定程度的原癌基因c-H-ras的表达,当分别加入E2和转入重组体pcDNA3-PRLS后,NIH3T3细胞中的c-H-ras基因表达水平都显著升高(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

目的:建立稳定表达外源EphA3基因的小鼠成纤维细胞株模型,初步探讨EphA3基因表达对肿瘤发生、发展的影响。方法:通过脂质体介导的方法,将真核表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)/myc-his-EphA3转染NIH3T3细胞,用Western印迹确定外源EphA3基因表达;通过MTT实验、软琼脂集落形成实验,观察EphA3基因表达对NIH3T3细胞生物学特性的影响。结果:建立了稳定转染EphA3基因的NIH3T3细胞株;EphA3基因表达的小鼠成纤维NIH3T3细胞生长速度没有明显变化,但在软琼脂上锚着非依赖生长的能力加强。结论:建立了稳定表达外源EphA3基因的NIH3T3细胞株,EphA3基因稳定表达具有诱导正常NIH3T3细胞发生恶性转化的重要生物功能。  相似文献   

在NIH3T3细胞中高表达EDAG—1基因导致细胞恶性转化   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
探讨一种新近克隆的特异表达在造血系统组织和细胞中的胚胎发育相关新基因 (EDAG 1)的生物学功能。构建EDAG 1真核表达载体pcDNA3.1( ) EDAG 1,以脂质体法将其稳定转染入NIH3T3细胞中 ,结果发现高表达EDAG 1的NIH3T3细胞失去了正常的平行走向及接触抑制现象 ,侵袭力较正常增强约 10倍并获得锚定不依赖生长能力。将该细胞株皮下接种裸鼠 ,受鼠在 4周左右 10 0 % (6 / 6 )成瘤。这些结果表明EDAG 1是一种具有转化活性的新基因 ,可能与肿瘤发生、发展密切相关  相似文献   

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