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为鉴定富含脯氨酸核受体辅调节蛋白1(PNRC1)分子的核定位信号序列(nuclear localization signal sequence, NLS),在生物信息学方法预测的基础上,先构建野生型PNRC1及删除预测NLS的PNRC1突变体的绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)重组表达载体,转染细胞后通过激光共聚焦显微镜观察PNRC1分子在删除预测NLS后细胞内的定位变化.然后,将预测的NLS编码序列直接连到GFP表达载体上,以及将预测的NLS加到胞浆蛋白上构建其GFP重组表达载体,转染细胞,观察预测的NLS能否把构建的重组体都带到细胞核内.结果显示,删除PNRC1中预测的NLS后,其定位从细胞核中变为主要定位在细胞浆中,而预测的NLS能把GFP或胞浆中的蛋白带到细胞核中.研究表明,预测的NLS为PNRC1分子真正的NLS.  相似文献   

真核细胞核膜上的核孔复合体 (nuclear pore complex, NPC) 是细胞核内外进行物质交换的主要通道, 分子量较小的化合物可自由通过NPC或采取被动扩散的方式进入细胞核, 而分子量为50 kD以上的蛋白质则只能通过主动转运进入细胞核. 以这种方式进入细胞核的 蛋白质必须在其氨基酸序列上拥有特殊的核定位信号(nuclear localization signal, NLS)以被相应的核转运蛋白(karyopherins) 识别. 核定位信号具有多样性, 包括经典核定位信号(classical NLS,cNLS), 内输蛋白β2识别的核定位信号(又称PY模体-NLS)和其它类型的NLS. 每一类NLS具有相似的特征, 但并不具有完全保守的氨基酸组成. 不同的NLS, 往往对应着各不相同的核输入机制. 而对同一蛋白质来说, 也可能同时拥有几个功能性的NLS. 研究核定位信号一方面可以帮助揭示新的大分子物质核转运机制, 另一方面也有助于发现一些蛋白质的新功能. 本文对常见NLS的分类进行了总结, 并介绍了两种常用的NLS预测软件及鉴定NLS的一般策略.  相似文献   

目的 构建谷胱甘肽转硫酶(GST)与EGFP相融合的新型蛋白质示踪载体--pGST-EGFP,以用于蛋白质细胞亚定位信号序列的深入分析.方法 以质粒pEGFP-N1为骨架,融合从pGEX-2TK载体中扩增的GST编码序列,构建成pGST-EGFP融合表达质粒;再插入人工合成的已知核定位蛋白SV40的核定位序列(NLS),构建成pGST-EGFP-SV40 NLS作为阳性对照;另外,构建小分子量蛋白TNNI2在pGST-EGFP的融合表达质粒.将对照pEGFP-N1和各重组质粒分别用脂质体介导,瞬时转染HeLa细胞,荧光显微镜下观察蛋白的核定位情况.结果 单独表达的EGFP呈全细胞分布,而GST-EGFP融合蛋白只存在于细胞浆;SV40 NLS能将GST-EGFP融合蛋白带进细胞核.虽然TNNI2-EGFP融合蛋白的细胞亚定位呈现核内丰度更高的特点,但TNNI2-GST-EGFP融合蛋白仅限定于胞浆分布,提示TNNI2不能主动定位到细胞核中.结论 成功构建了蛋白质细胞亚定位示踪载体--pGST-EGFP.作为核定位信号分析系统,其对小分子蛋白细胞亚定位的示踪效果优于传统的pEGFP载体,更适用于科研工作中小分子量蛋白质核定位信号序列的研究.  相似文献   

目的:对BRD7的核定位信号进行预测、结构分析和功能鉴定,并考察其对BRD7亚细胞定位的影响。方法:通过生物信息学对BRD7的核定位信号进行预测和结构分析,然后利用绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)介导的直接荧光和间接免疫荧光定位方法分别对核定位信号的功能进行鉴定,并考察其对BRD7亚细胞定位的影响。结果:BRD7的65~96位氨基酸残基具有潜在核定位信号(NLS)的结构特征,该核定位信号包含3簇碱性氨基酸残基,可视为由2个紧密相邻、部分重叠的双向核靶序列NLS1和NLS2组成;并发现NLS及其构成上的NLS1和NLS2均具有介导异源蛋白GFP胞核定位的功能,从而证实BRD7的65~96位残基为BRD7功能性核定位信号所在区域,且单簇碱性氨基酸残基的缺失不足以破坏其核定位信号的功能;同时发现野生型BRD7呈胞核分布,而核定位信号缺失型BRD7主要呈胞浆分布。结论:BRD7的65~96位氨基酸残基为BRD7功能性核定位信号所在区域,在BRD7胞核分布模式中发挥了十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

伪狂犬病毒UL49基因编码的蛋白VP22是一种皮层蛋白,其生物学功能尚不清楚。预测并确定PRV UL49的核定位信号,可为研究其编码蛋白VP22的蛋白转导功能及作用机理奠定基础。通过生物信息学软件分析预测到,PRV UL49基因存在潜在的两个核定位信号:5~21位氨基酸序列(RKTRVA ADETASGARRR)NLS1和241~247位氨基酸序列(PGRKGKV)NLS2。本文将实验分为对照组、NLS1和NLS2同时缺失组、NLS1缺失组和NLS2缺失组四组,并通过PCR扩增、分子克隆等技术获得PRV Ea株UL49基因。以pEYFP-N1为载体,将UL49基因及各组缺失或突变片段插入EYFP上游,成功构建PRV pUL49-EYFP重组质粒及一系列缺失突变体,转染COS-7细胞后观察荧光定位。实验结果表明,确认预测到的NLS1和NLS2具有核输入功能,且位于241-247位的氨基酸序列(PGRKGKV)的入核功能更强,5~21位氨基酸序列(RKTRVA ADETASGARRR)为双向核定位信号,其同时具有核输出的功能。  相似文献   

蛋白质合成终止过程中肽链释放因子负责终止密码子的识别.真核生物第二类肽链释放因子(eRF3)是一类GTP酶,协助第一类肽链释放因子(eRF1)识别终止密码子和水解肽酰 tRNA酯键.之前的研究表明,两类肽链释放因子在细胞核中发挥功能,参与蛋白质合成和纺锤体的组装.本研究根据软件预测结果,构建了一系列八肋游仆虫eRF3的截短型突变体,分析在其N端是否存在引导eRF3的核定位信号.结果表明,在eRF3的N端有两个区域(NLS1:23-36 aa 和 NLS2: 236-272 aa)可以引导eRF3进入细胞核中,而且这两个区域具有典型的核定位信号的氨基酸序列特征. eRF3的核定位与其作为一种穿梭蛋白的功能相一致,即参与细胞有丝分裂纺锤体的形成和无义介导的mRNA降解途径.  相似文献   

【目的】研究鸭源新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)M蛋白核定位信号(nuclear localization signal,NLS)突变对其毒力和复制能力的影响。【方法】利用鸭源NDV SS1株P基因和F基因上的AgeⅠ和Bstz17Ⅰ酶切位点,将overlapPCR方法获得的M蛋白NLS突变的片段替换到p NDV/SS1GFP中获得全长质粒pNDV/SS1GFP-M/NLSm。通过反向遗传学技术拯救M蛋白NLS突变体病毒,并对拯救的病毒进行血凝(hemagglutination,HA)试验、荧光试验和M基因测序鉴定。另外,对突变体病毒进行M蛋白的亚细胞定位观察,以及病毒的生物学特性、空斑形成能力和体外增殖能力测定。【结果】成功构建M蛋白NLS突变的全长质粒pNDV/SS1GFP-M/NLSm。细胞转染物接种鸡胚后的第1代尿囊液无HA效价,盲传3代才能检测到拯救病毒的HA效价。进一步的荧光试验和M基因测序确定拯救的病毒是突变体病毒r SS1GFP-M/NLSm。与亲本病毒rSS1GFP相比,突变体病毒M蛋白由细胞核定位变为细胞质定位。此外,突变体病毒的毒力、在鸡胚上的复制能力以及在细胞中的空斑形成能力显著降低,并且感染细胞后产生的细胞病变轻微,M蛋白和绿色荧光蛋白的表达量均降低,说明M蛋白NLS突变使病毒的体外增殖能力受到抑制。【结论】NLS突变导致的M蛋白细胞核定位功能丧失可明显降低鸭源NDV的毒力和复制能力。  相似文献   

Bel1是原型泡沫病毒(Prototype foamy virus,PFV)的反式激活因子,在病毒的复制周期中发挥关键作用。研究表明,Bel1含有核定位信号(Nuclear localization signal,NLS),但其精确氨基酸组成尚不明确,介导其入核的核输入蛋白亦未见报道。本研究利用插入Bel1截短片段的EGFP-GST融合表达体系,通过绿色荧光观察其亚细胞定位,首次精确确定Bel1NLS序列为215PRQKRPR221;定点突变明确了K218、R219和R221为Bel1核定位的必需残基,证明Bel1NLS属单分型核定位信号;GST-Pulldown实验显示这段序列可与α核输入蛋白(Importinα/Karyopherin alpha,official symbol:KPNA)KPNA1、KPNA6和KPNA7相互作用,即Bel1可能藉此转运入核。  相似文献   

Caspase-3是凋亡过程中的重要作用蛋白。凋亡过程中,胞质定位的Caspase3被激活并进入细胞核中执行功能,但该定位变化的分子机制至今仍不清楚。分析caspase3中的细胞定位信号可以为深入了解该过程提供重要的线索。我们通过构建一系列含Caspase-3不同区段的截短突变体,与GFP融合表达,观察这些突变体在细胞中的定位,以鉴定Caspase-3中的核外运信号NES(Nuclear Export Signal)和核定位信号NLS(Nuclear Localization Signal)。Caspase-3中不存在明显的核定位信号NLS,但存在一个明显的核外运信号NES,该NES信号定位在caspase-3小亚基的C端(氨基酸220-245)。  相似文献   

核定位信号(nuclear localization signal,NLS)是一段富含Arg、Lys的氨基酸序列,它存在于真核细胞核蛋白和病毒蛋白中,并具有引导它们趋向定位核区的功能。近年来发展的利用含核定位信号肽的非病毒载体为基因转移提供了一个崭新的途径。  相似文献   

Acinetobacter baumannii is an emerging opportunistic pathogen responsible for healthcare-associated infections. The outer membrane protein A of A. baumannii (AbOmpA) is the most abundant surface protein that has been associated with the apoptosis of epithelial cells through mitochondrial targeting. The nuclear translocation of AbOmpA and the subsequent pathology on host cells were further investigated. AbOmpA directly binds to eukaryotic cells. AbOmpA translocates to the nucleus by a novel monopartite nuclear localization signal (NLS). The introduction of rAbOmpA into the cells or a transient expression of AbOmpA–EGFP causes the nuclear localization of these proteins, while the fusion proteins of AbOmpAΔNLS–EGFP and AbOmpA with substitutions in residues lysine to alanine in the NLS sequences represent an exclusively cytoplasmic distribution. The nuclear translocation of AbOmpA induces cell death in vitro . Furthermore, the microinjection of rAbOmpA into the nucleus of Xenopus laevis embryos fails to develop normal embryogenesis, thus leading to embryonic death. We propose a novel pathogenic mechanism of A. baumannii regarding the nuclear targeting of the bacterial structural protein AbOmpA.  相似文献   

Apoptin, a protein from chicken anemia virus, selectively induces apoptosis of transformed or tumor cells, but not in normal cells. However, the mechanism of action of Apoptin is still not well understood. Using yeast two-hybrid and immunoprecipitation approaches, we found that Apoptin interacted with Heat shock cognate protein 70 (Hsc70). In vivo, Apoptin induced the translocation of endogenous Hsc70 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, and both were co-localized in the nucleus. In addition, Apoptin induced Akt phosphorylation, which was markedly inhibited by Hsc70 knockdown, suggesting that Hsc70 may play a critical role in Apoptin-induced Akt phosphorylation. These findings help to further understand the molecular mechanism of Apoptin.  相似文献   

Apoptin, a chicken anemia virus-encoded protein, induces apoptosis in human tumor cells but not in normal cells. In addition, Apoptin also exhibits tumor-specific nuclear localization and tumor-specific phosphorylation on threonine 108 (T108). Here, we studied the effects of T108 phosphorylation on the tumor-specific nuclear localization and apoptotic activity of Apoptin. We first showed that a hemagglutinin (HA)-tagged Apoptin, but not the green fluorescent protein-fused Apoptin used in many previous studies, exhibited the same intracellular distribution pattern as native Apoptin. We then made and analyzed an HA-Apoptin mutant with its T108 phosphorylation site abolished. We found that Apoptin T108 phosphorylation is not required for its tumor-specific nuclear localization and abolishing the T108 phosphorylation of Apoptin does affect its apoptotic activity in tumor cells but only partially. Our results support the previous finding that Apoptin contains two distinct apoptosis domains located separately at the N- and C-terminal regions and suggest that the T108 phosphorylation may only be required for the apoptotic activity mediated through the C-terminal apoptosis domain.  相似文献   

Apoptin: Specific killer of tumor cells?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the early 1990s it was discovered that the VP3/Apoptin protein encoded by the Chicken Anemia virus (CAV) possesses an inherent ability to specifically kill cancer cells. Apoptin was found to be located in the cytoplasm of normal cells while in tumor cells it was localized mainly in the nucleus.1 These differences in the localization pattern were suggested to be the main mechanism by which normal cells show resistance to Apoptin-mediated cell killing. Although the mechanism of action of Apoptin is presently unknown, it seems to function by the induction of programmed cell death (PCD) after translocation from the cytoplasm to the nucleus and arresting the cell cycle at G2/M, possibly by interfering with the cyclosome.2 In addition, cancer specific phosphorylation of Threonine residue 108 has been suggested to be important for Apoptin’s function to kill tumor cells.3 In contrast to the large number of publications reporting that nuclear localization, induction of PCD and phosphorylation of Apoptin is restricted to cancer cells, several recent studies have shown that Apoptin has the ability to migrate to the nucleus and induce PCD in some of the normal cell lines tested. There is evidence that high protein expression levels as well as the cellular growth rate may influence Apoptin’s ability to specifically kill tumor cells. Thus far both in vitro and in vivo studies indicate that Apoptin is a powerful apoptosis inducing protein with a promising prospective utility in cancer therapy. However, here we show that several recent findings contradict some of the earlier results on the tumor specificity of Apoptin, thus creating some controversy in the field. The aim of this article is to review the available data, some published and some unpublished, which either agree or contradict the reported “black and white” tumor cell specificity of Apoptin. Understanding what factors appear to influence its function should help to develop Apoptin into a potent anti-cancer agent.  相似文献   

A putative NES mediates cytoplasmic localization of Apoptin in normal cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Chicken anemia virus (CAV) is a small non-envelopedvirus containing a single-stranded circular DNA genome.The virus causes a disease in the newborn chickens, whichis characterized by generalized lymphoid atrophy, increasedmortality and severe anemia. CAV …  相似文献   

Insulin binding to its cell surface receptor (IR) activates a cascade of events leading to its biological effects. The Insulin-IR complex is rapidly internalized and then is either recycled back to the plasma membrane or sent to lysosomes for degradation. Although most of the receptor is recycled or degraded, a small amount may escape this pathway and migrate to the nucleus of the cell where it might be important in promulgation of receptor signals. In this study we explored the mechanism by which insulin induces IR translocation to the cell nucleus. Experiments were performed cultured L6 myoblasts, AML liver cells and 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Insulin treatment induced a rapid increase in nuclear IR protein levels within 2 to 5?min. Treatment with WGA, an inhibitor of nuclear import, reduced insulin-induced increases nuclear IR protein; IR was, however, translocated to a perinuclear location. Bioinformatics tools predicted a potential nuclear localization sequence (NLS) on IR. Immunofluorescence staining showed that a point mutation on the predicted NLS blocked insulin-induced IR nuclear translocation. In addition, blockade of nuclear IR activation in isolated nuclei by an IR blocking antibody abrogated insulin-induced increases in IR tyrosine phosphorylation and nuclear PKCδ levels. Furthermore, over expression of mutated IR reduced insulin-induced glucose uptake and PKB phosphorylation. When added to isolated nuclei, insulin induced IR phosphorylation but had no effect on nuclear IR protein levels. These results raise questions regarding the possible role of nuclear IR in IR signaling and insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Recently we have shown that the Sgt1 (suppressor of G2 allele of Skp1) protein translocates to the nucleus due to heat shock and that the Ca(2+)-bound form of S100A6 is required for Sgt1 translocation (Prus and Filipek, 2010). In this work we studied the influence of Sgt1 phosphorylation on nuclear translocation. By means of two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis we showed that in the protein extract of heat-shocked human epidermoid carcinoma (HEp-2) cells a higher level of a basic, most probably non-phosphorylated, form of Sgt1 can be detected. Also, we found a more efficient translocation of Sgt1 induced by heat shock when casein kinase II inhibitor was added to the cells. To confirm the role of Sgt1 phosphorylation/dephosphorylation in its nuclear translocation we transfected cells with non-phosphorylable Sgt1 mutants (S249A, S299A, S249/299A) or a phosphorylation mimic S299D mutant. We found that the levels of S299A and S249/299A mutants were higher than the level of wild type Sgt1 in the nuclear fraction after heat shock. Accordingly, we found that the 139-333 fragment of Sgt1 harboring the mutated residues, but not the 1-138 fragment, translocated to the nucleus upon heat shock. Moreover, we show that S100A6 is required for translocation of the non-phosphorylable Sgt1 mutants and that upon heat shock S100A6 translocates to the nucleus together with Sgt1. In addition, we found that non-phosphorylable Sgt1 mutant interacts with S100A6 more efficiently and at the same time exhibits lower affinity for Hsp90 (heat shock protein 90) than wild type Sgt1. Altogether, our results suggest that S100A6-Ca(2+)-mediated Sgt1 dephosphorylation promotes its nuclear translocation, most likely due to disruption of the Sgt1-Hsp90 complex.  相似文献   

Apoptin, a protein of the chicken anemia virus (CAV), consists of 121 amino acids (aa) and represents a novel, potentially tumor-specific therapeutic and diagnostic agent. The C-terminal part of Apoptin (aa 81–121) is believed to contain a bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) (NLS1: aa 82–88 and NLS2: aa 111–121), which is only active in tumor cells after phosphorylation of threonine108 by tumor-specific cytoplasmic phosphokinases. Furthermore, a nuclear export signal (NES) (aa 97–105) seems to enable nuclear export of Apoptin only in healthy cells. The specificity for tumor cell nuclei also applies to the truncated C-terminal part of Apoptin (aa 81–121), which therefore represents a highly attractive peptide sequence for peptide synthesis. Here we describe for the first time the synthesis of fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)- and Dansyl-labelled conjugates containing this C-terminal part of Apoptin, with either phosphorylated or nonphosphorylated threonine108. The phosphorylated conjugates were synthesized in an attempt to achieve nuclear accumulation in healthy cells, which lack cytoplasmic tumor-specific phosphokinases. Surprisingly, all the conjugates accumulated rapidly within the cell nuclei of both tumor and non-tumor cells from the bladder, brain and prostate and led to cell death. By coupling Apoptin81–121 to FITC and DOTA (1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid) at either the C- or N-terminus we could exlude that the coupling site is decisive for tumor cell-specific nuclear localization. The labels FITC, DOTA and Dansyl were not responsible for cell death in healthy cells because cell death was not prevented by using an unlabelled Apoptin81–121 peptide. Cellular and nuclear uptake of the FITC-labelled Apoptin81–121 peptide was almost completely abolished after altering the NLS2 (replacement of five arginines with serines).  相似文献   

Several natural proteins, including the cellular protein TRAIL and the viral proteins E4orf4 and Apoptin, have been found to exert a tumor-preferential apoptotic activity. These molecules are potential anti-cancer agents with direct clinical applications. Also very intriguing is their possible utility as sensors of the tumorigenic phenotype. Here, we focus on Apoptin, discussing recent research that has greatly increased our understanding of its tumor-specific processes. Apoptin, which kills tumor cells in a p53- and Bcl-2-independent, caspase-dependent manner, is biologically active as a highly stable, multimeric complex consisting of 30 to 40 monomers that form distinct superstructures upon binding cooperatively to DNA. In tumor cells, Apoptin is imported into the nucleus prior to the induction of apoptosis; this contrasts with the situation in primary or low-passage normal cell cultures where nuclear translocation of Apoptin is rare and inefficient. Apoptin contains two autonomous death-inducing domains, both of which exhibit a strong correlation between nuclear localization and killing activity. Nevertheless, forced nuclear localization of Apoptin in normal cells is insufficient to allow induction of apoptosis, indicating that another activation step particular to the tumor or transformed state is required. Indeed, a kinase activity present in cancer cells but negligible in normal cells was recently found to regulate the activity of Apoptin by phosphorylation. However, in normal cells, Apoptin can be activated by transient transforming signals conferred by ectopically expressed SV40 LT antigen, which rapidly induces Apoptins phosphorylation, nuclear accumulation and the ability to induce apoptosis. The region on LT responsible for conferring this effect has been mapped to the N-terminal J domain. In normal cells that do not receive such signals, Apoptin becomes aggregated, epitope-shielded and is eventually degraded in the cytoplasm. Finally, Apoptin interacts with various partners of the human proteome including DEDAF, Nmi and Hippi, which may help to regulate either Apoptins activation or execution processes. Taken together, these recent advances illustrate that elucidating the mechanism of Apoptin-induced apoptosis can lead to the discovery of novel tumor-specific pathways that may be exploitable as anti-cancer drug targets.  相似文献   

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