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昆明西山滇青冈林内滇青冈种子库动态的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
通过对昆明西山滇青冈林内滇青冈种子库的跟踪取样调查和种子埋藏试验,对滇青冈种子库的动态进行了研究。昆虫在种子成熟前侵入种子,经种子雨进入种子库时已有71.8%的种子失去萌发能力。种子雨输入种子库的绝大部分种子停留在表面种子库,其中48.55%的种子被虫害,25.36%被某些非生物或生物搬运,17.39%的腐烂,8.7%的被动物当场取食,没有种子萌发,影响种子库动态的各种因子的作用大小在时间上是变化。被搬运的种子中,有4.9%的由表面种子库转移到埋藏加。土层是滇青冈种子的安全生境,土壤种子库的存在时间超过250天。埋入土壤的试验种子一直处于静止状态,到6月雨季后有80%种子萌发,20%的腐烂。萌发种子数是当年产种子的0.26%。滇青冈林内的滇青冈种子库是季节性的,种子库对种群个体的补充作用是有限的。  相似文献   

福建闽清福建青冈天然林种子雨和种子库   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
对福建闽清黄楮林自然保护区的福建青冈(Cyclobalanopsis chungii)天然林的种子雨和土壤种子库进行了观测和分析.结果表明,福建青冈种子雨持续2个月,其高峰期在11月下旬~12月上旬,总量为12.44个m~(-2),在种子散布过程中完好种子、虫蛀种子、败育种子、霉烂种子和萌发种子的比例差异明显,其中虫蛀种子是萌发种子的19.44倍.土壤种子库中虫蛀种子占53.79%,与种子雨相比,完好种子和萌发种子数量分别减少2.15个m~(-2)和0.20个m~(-2).土壤种子库种子存活率仅13.51%,动物捕食率达45.90%,说明动物的捕食和搬运是福建青冈种子缺失的原因之一.福建青冈天然林土壤种子库有69种植物种子,但种子数量较少,且分布不均匀,种子库中78.42%种子分布在2~5 cm土层中.福建青冈天然林中实生幼苗少与福建青冈种子本身特性及其生长环境密切相关,福建青冈种子发育成熟后因动物侵扰、虫蛀、霉烂和败育等情况发生,难以在土壤中长期保存,以致福建青冈林分天然更新严重受阻.  相似文献   

2010年9月至2013年4月通过设置人工土壤种子库,研究了野生樱桃李土壤种子库的动态及啮齿动物和凋落物覆盖对种子库中种子命运的影响.结果表明: 在有取食动物扰动下,48.3%的种子萌发输出为幼苗,50%的种子被动物搬运或当场取食,4%的种子腐烂.在排除了取食动物干扰的条件下,樱桃李种子形成了短期持久的土壤种子库,3年后依然有部分种子萌发并输出为幼苗.凋落物覆盖和对照处理中,被搬运和当场取食种子的比例均显著低于清除凋落物的裸地.地表凋落物存留能减少动物搬运、取食,但不足以导致新生幼苗的大量出现,而啮齿类动物的搬运或取食是影响野生樱桃李种子命运和种子库动态的主要因素.

对重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建群种种子雨、种子库的研究表明,建群种早期和晚期的种子雨无活力;种子偏早或偏晚成熟及大籽粒的树种,其种子雨被取食的比例大;种子雨、有活力种子雨、种子库三者的数量变化不一致;有活力种子雨量较大的栲、石栎、小叶青冈、扁刺栲、香桂等,其种子库密度在早期以近几何级数的方式增长,元江栲、银木荷种子库小,存在时间短,翌年无一年生萌发苗;种子库数量动态、消减率动态决定于种子被取食的强度、种子衰老的速度以及种子对病菌、逆境的抗性和种子萌发的整齐性.  相似文献   

重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建群种种子雨、种子库研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
对重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建群种种子雨、种子库的研究表明,建群种早期和晚期的种子雨无活力;种子偏早或偏晚成熟及大籽粒的树种,其种子雨被取食的比例大;种子雨、有活力种子雨、种子库三者的数量变化不一致;有活力种子雨量较大的栲、石栎、小叶青冈、扁刺栲、香桂等,其种子库密度在早期以近几何级数的方式增长,元江栲、银木荷种子库小,存在时间短,翌年无一年生萌发苗;种子库数量动态、消减率动态决定于种子被取食的强度、种子衰老的速度以及种子对病菌、逆境的抗性和种子萌发的整齐性.  相似文献   

重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建群种种子雨、种子库研究   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
对重庆四面山常绿阔叶林建种种种子雨、种子库的研究表明,建群种早期和晚期的种子雨无活力;种子偏早或偏晚成熟及大籽粒的树种,其种子雨被取食的比例大;种子雨、有活力种子雨、种子库三者的数量变化不一致;有活力种子雨量较大的栲、石栎、小叶青冈、扁刺栲、香桂等,其种子库密度在早期以近几何级数的方式增长,元江栲、银木荷种子库小,存在时间短,翌年无一生年萌发苗;种子库数量动态、消减率动态决定于种子被取食的强度、  相似文献   

滇青冈种子的萌发   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
比较3种打破滇青冈种子休眠方法的结果表明,经40℃处理后的效果最好,发芽率达74.5%.100 mg·L-1的赤霉素浸种处理的次之,发芽率为70.2%.种子种皮切伤和去除种皮后,发芽率增大,分别为96.0%和95.0%,并提早5 d萌发.种子抑制物质实验的结果显示,滇青冈种子的内种皮和种仁含有抑制种子萌发的物质.  相似文献   

辽东山区长白落叶松(Larix olgensis)种子雨和种子库   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
长白落叶松是东北地区主要的用材树种,其种子雨和种子库研究鲜见报道。在辽东山区用收集器收集的种子分析了长白落叶松种子雨组成、质量和扩散距离,每隔2个月调查1次种子库数量,并结合靛蓝染色法测定每次种子的活力来分析土壤种子库动态。结果表明,辽东山区的长白落叶松种子雨从8月中旬开始,9月末到10月初达到高峰期,11月初结束。在起始期,种子雨以干瘪的不完整种子为主,而从高峰期开始,种子雨以完整种子为主。整个长白落叶松种子雨中不完整种子约占种子雨总量的45%,这些不完整种子由被动物取食、空粒和病虫害危害种子组成。完整种子的平均生活力为56.4%,即有活力的种子仅占整个种子雨的30%。种子雨集中在母树周围,在林缘1次扩散距离一般不超过1.5倍树高。种子雨到达地面之后,主要分布在枯枝落叶层,土壤0~5 cm层有少量分布,土壤5 cm以下没有种子分布;土壤种子库的种子主要在翌年雪融化后开始萌发、被取食、搬运以及腐烂,其中腐烂种子数占45.4%,动物取食为30.0%。种子库的种子数量和活力在冬季没有明显变化,而在翌年,种子数量和活力明显减少,4、6月和8月份种子数量分别为(506.3±35.56) 粒  m-2,(267.1±17.47)粒  m-2 和(143.6±9.83)粒  m-2,对应的活力分别为47.8%±4.68 %,19.4%±3.39 %和0 %,这表明长白落叶松种子不能在地面形成连续的种子库。  相似文献   

长白落叶松是东北地区主要的用材树种,其种子雨和种子库研究鲜见报道。在辽东山区用收集器收集的种子分析了长白落叶松种子雨组成、质量和扩散距离,每隔2个月调查1次种子库数量,并结合靛蓝染色法测定每次种子的活力来分析土壤种子库动态。结果表明,辽东山区的长白落叶松种子雨从8月中旬开始,9月末到10月初达到高峰期,11月初结束。在起始期,种子雨以干瘪的不完整种子为主,而从高峰期开始,种子雨以完整种子为主。整个长白落叶松种子雨中不完整种子约占种子雨总量的45%,这些不完整种子由被动物取食、空粒和病虫害危害种子组成。完整种子的平均生活力为56.4%,即有活力的种子仅占整个种子雨的30%。种子雨集中在母树周围,在林缘1次扩散距离一般不超过1.5倍树高。种子雨到达地面之后,主要分布在枯枝落叶层,土壤0—5em层有少量分布,土壤5em以下没有种子分布;土壤种子库的种子主要在翌年雪融化后开始萌发、被取食、搬运以及腐烂,其中腐烂种子数占45.4%,动物取食为30.0%。种子库的种子数量和活力在冬季没有明显变化,而在翌年,种子数量和活力明显减少,4、6月和8月份种子数量分别为(506.3±35.56)粒m^-2,(267.1±17.47)粒m^-2和(143.6±9.83)粒m^-2,对应的活力分别为47.8%±4.68%,19.4%±3.39%和0%,这表明长白落叶松种子不能在地面形成连续的种子库。  相似文献   

黄土高原子午岭油松林的种子雨和土壤种子库动态   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
对黄土高原区子午岭不同林龄(18a、29a、40a、54a)油松(Pinus tabulaeformis carr.)人工林及天然林(约75a)的种子雨和土壤种子库进行了研究.结果表明,该区油松种子雨一般从每年9月初开始,一直到11月底结束,种子雨降落历程与林龄大小有关,种子雨发生时间和降落高峰期有所不同.不同林龄的油松种子雨强度不同,种子雨总量大小顺序为:40a人工林((489 9±8.64)粒· m-2)>29a人工林((346.8±7.45)粒· m-2)>54a人工林((327.1±8.13)粒· m-2)>天然林((146.9±5.25)粒· m-2)>18a人工林((78.1±2.72)粒· m-2).种子雨总量随林龄的增加而增加,约40a时达到高峰,种子雨活力也以40a时最高.不同林龄油松林土壤种子库存在显著差异,其中18a人工林种子库最小,40a人工林种子库最大.从种子雨降落到次年4月,5种林分土壤种子库总量下降了42.34%~53.59%,空粒种子增加了26.72%~48.69%;从4月到8月份种子腐烂率由10.28%~13 62%增加到57.25%~63.28%.动物的搬运、取食和种子腐烂死亡是种子库损耗的主要因素.土壤种子库中的油松种子主要集中在枯枝落叶层,其次为0~2cm层,2~10cm层种子最少.到8月中旬,土壤中98.26%的油松种子都已丧失活性.不同林分下油松幼苗的密度差异较大,40a人工林下幼苗最多,其余依次为29a人工林、54a人工林和天然林,18a人工林下的实生苗极少,幼苗死亡率极高.在一定龄级范围内,人工林结实能力和更新潜力随林龄增加而增加,40a时更新潜力最大.虽然有大量种子下落,但由于种子大量损耗和幼苗死亡,通过环境筛作用而最终可以成熟的个体数量十分有限.  相似文献   

结瘤因子的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结瘤因子是由根瘤菌产生的一类信号分子,它们在结瘤的起始阶段发挥着十分重要的作用。新近的研究结果证明结瘤因子大分子骨架上的不同侧链基团是决定细菌与宿主植物间相互识别的关键因素,根瘤菌细胞中一系列结瘤基因编码能够合成Lipo-chio-oligosaccharides(LCOs)的各种酶类,进而确定结瘤信号分子的特定结构。目前,一系列令人兴奋的实验结果表明:LCOs不仅可促进豆科作物的生物固氮作用,对一些非豆科作物的细胞分裂作用等同样具有刺激作用。对根瘤菌结瘤因子的研究显然有助于进一步了解细菌与植物的相互作用机理,并进而为农业生产为直接利益。本文在综述这方面的研究进展同时,还就瘤菌,豆科作用和结瘤信号分子之间的相互作用机理,以及根际促生细菌,水杨酸和结瘤信号分子之间的可能关系进行了理论分析。  相似文献   

The associations among rhizobia chromosomal background, nodulation genes, legume plants, and geographical regions are very attractive but still unclear. To address this question, we analyzed the interactions among rhizobia rDNA genotypes, nodC genotypes, legume genera, as well as geographical regions in the present study. Complex relationships were observed among them, which may be the genuine nature of their associations. The statistical analyses indicate that legume plant is the key factor shaping both rhizobia genetic and symbiotic diversity. In the most cases of our results, the nodC lineages are clearly associated with rhizobial genomic species, demonstrating that nodulation genes have co-evolved with chromosomal background, though the lateral transfer of nodulation genes occurred in some cases in a minority. Our results also support the hypothesis that the endemic rhizobial populations to a certain geographical area prefer to have a wide spectrum of hosts, which might be an important event for the success of both legumes and rhizobia in an isolated region.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms of Nod factor diversity   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The rhizobia–legume symbiosis is highly specific. Major host specificity determinants are the bacterial Nod factor signals that trigger the nodulation programme in a compatible host. Nod factors are lipo-chitooligosaccharides (LCOs) varying in the oligosaccharide chain length, the nature of the fatty acids and substitutions on the oligosaccharide. The nod genotype of rhizobia, which forms the genetic basis for this structural variety, includes a set of nodulation genes encoding the enzymes that synthesize LCOs. Allelic and non-allelic variation in these genes ensures the synthesis of different LCO structures by the different rhizobia. The nod genotypes co-evolved with host plant divergence in contrast to the rhizobia, which followed a different evolution. Horizontal gene transfer probably played an important role during evolution of symbiosis. The nod genotypes are particularly well equipped for horizontal gene transfer because of their location on transmissible plasmids and/or on 'symbiosis islands', which are symbiotic regions associated with movable elements.  相似文献   

简要综述了目前根瘤菌结癌基因研究的3个热点方向,即结瘤因子、nodlD基因的调控和结瘤基因系统发育分析的新进展。结瘤因子的骨架核心是结瘤基因中的共同性基因nodABC表达的产物,宿主专一性基因则进行骨架结构的修饰,所形成的特异性结瘤因子是根瘤苗宿主范围的主要决定因素。结瘤调控基因nodD的作用方式与其存在的拷贝数目和产物NodD蛋白活性有关,同时NodD的敏感性还影响到根瘤菌的宿主范围。结瘤基因的系统发育揭示出根瘤菌宿主范围与共同性结瘤基因间比其它基荫的相关性更高。结瘤基因与豆科宿主之间存在一定的共进化关系。  相似文献   

Symbiotic association between rhizobia and legumes results in the development of unique structures on roots, called nodules. Nodulation is a very complex process involving a variety of genes that control NOD factors (bacterial signaling molecules), which are essential for the establishment, maintenance and regulation of this process and development of root nodules. Ethylene is an established potent plant hormone that is also known for its negative role in nodulation. Ethylene is produced endogenously in all plant tissues, particularly in response to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Exogenous application of ethylene and ethylene-releasing compounds are known to inhibit the formation and functioning of nodules. While inhibitors of ethylene synthesis or its physiological action enhance nodulation in legumes, some rhizobial strains also nodulate the host plant intensively, most likely by lowering endogenous ethylene levels in roots through their 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase activity. Co-inoculation with ACC deaminase containing plant growth promoting rhizobacteria plus rhizobia has been shown to further promote nodulation compared to rhizobia alone. Transgenic rhizobia or legume plants with expression of bacterial ACC deaminase could be another viable option to alleviate the negative effects of ethylene on nodulation. Several studies have well documented the role of ethylene and bacterial ACC deaminase in development of nodules on legume roots and will be the primary focus of this critical review.  相似文献   

Although mineral nitrogen generally has negative effects on nodulation in legume–rhizobia symbioses, low concentrations of ammonium stimulate nodulation in some legumes. In this study, the effects of ammonium and nitrate on growth, nodulation and expression of 2 nitrogen transport and 12 putative nodulation-related genes of the model symbiosis of Medicago truncatula – Sinorhizobium meliloti are investigated. After 3 weeks of hydroponic growth, whole-plant nodulation was enhanced in all the ammonium treatments and up to three-fold in the 0.5 m M treatment compared with the zero-nitrogen control. Specific nodulation (nodules g−1 root dry weight) was greatly stimulated in the 0.1 and 0.5 m M     treatments, to a lower extent in the 0.1 m M     treatment, and inhibited in all other treatments. Expression of the 14 selected genes was observed at 0, 6, 12 and 24 h after exposure to rhizobia and nitrogen. Expression of nitrogen transporter genes increased significantly, but responses of the three genes putatively associated with symbiosis signaling/nodule initiation were mixed. There were infrequent responses of genes coding for an ABA-activated protein kinase or a gibberellin-regulated protein, but an ethylene-responsive element-binding factor showed increased expression in various treatments and sampling times. Three auxin-responsive genes and three cytokinin-responsive genes showed varied responses to ammonium and nitrate. This study indicates that low concentrations of ammonium stimulate nodulation in M. truncatula , but the data were inconclusive in verifying the hypothesis that a relatively high ratio of cytokinin to auxin in roots may be an underlying mechanism in this stimulation of nodulation.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fixation is an important biological process in terrestrial ecosystems and for global crop production. Legume nodulation and N2 fixation have been improved using nodule-enhancing rhizobacteria (NER) under both regular and stressed conditions. The positive effect of NER on legume–rhizobia symbiosis can be facilitated by plant growth-promoting (PGP) mechanisms, some of which remain to be identified. NER that produce aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid deaminase and indole acetic acid enhance the legume–rhizobia symbiosis through (i) enhancing the nodule induction, (ii) improving the competitiveness of rhizobia for nodulation, (iii) prolonging functional nodules by suppressing nodule senescence and (iv) upregulating genes associated with legume–rhizobia symbiosis. The means by which these processes enhance the legume–rhizobia symbiosis is the focus of this review. A better understanding of the mechanisms by which PGP rhizobacteria operate, and how they can be altered, will provide opportunities to enhance legume–rhizobial interactions, to provide new advances in plant growth promotion and N2 fixation.  相似文献   

Horizontal transfer (HT) alters the repertoire of symbiosis genes in rhizobial genomes and may play an important role in the on-going evolution of the rhizobia–legume symbiosis. To gain insight into the extent of HT of symbiosis genes with different functional roles (nodulation, N-fixation, host benefit and rhizobial fitness), we conducted comparative genomic and selection analyses of the full-genome sequences from 27 rhizobial genomes. We find that symbiosis genes experience high rates of HT among rhizobial lineages but also bear signatures of purifying selection (low Ka : Ks). HT and purifying selection appear to be particularly strong in genes involved in initiating the symbiosis (e.g. nodulation) and in genome-wide association candidates for mediating benefits provided to the host. These patterns are consistent with rhizobia adapting to the host environment through the loss and gain of symbiosis genes, but not with host-imposed positive selection driving divergence of symbiosis genes through recurring bouts of positive selection.  相似文献   

The enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase converts ACC, a precursor of the plant hormone ethylene, into ammonia and ??-ketobutyrate. ACC deaminase is widespread among the rhizobia in which it might play a crucial role in protecting rhizobia against inhibitory effects of ethylene synthesized by the host plant in response to the nodulation process. The beneficial action of this enzyme was demonstrated in several rhizobia such as Mesorhizobium loti and Rhizobium leguminosarum where knock-out mutants of the ACC deaminase gene showed nodulation defects. The genome of the slow-growing rhizobial species Bradyrhizobium japonicum also carries an annotated gene for a putative ACC deaminase (blr0241). Here, we tested the possible importance of this enzyme in B. japonicum by constructing an insertion mutant of blr0241 and studying its phenotype. First, the activity of ACC deaminase itself was measured. Unlike the B. japonicum wild type, the blr0241 mutant did not show any enzymatic activity. By contrast, the mutant was not impaired in its ability to nodulate soybean, cowpea, siratro, and mungbean. Likewise, symbiotic nitrogen fixation activity remained unaffected. Furthermore, a co-inoculation assay with the B. japonicum wild type and the blr0241 mutant for soybean and siratro nodulation revealed that the mutant was not affected in its competitiveness for nodulation and nodule occupation. The results show that the role previously ascribed to ACC deaminase in the rhizobia cannot be generalized, and species-specific differences may exist.  相似文献   

影响根瘤菌竞争结瘤的生态学因素分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丁武 《生态学杂志》1992,11(4):50-54
根瘤菌的发现并确证其共生固氮作用已逾100年,根瘤菌剂的制备和应用也已超过半个世纪,实践效果有目共睹。如美国对豌豆根瘤菌、三叶草根瘤菌和大豆根瘤菌的应用以及澳大利亚对三叶草根瘤菌的应用都取得显著成绩。我国在豆科作物和豆科绿肥上应用根瘤菌接种措施已有30余年历史,采用筛选的优良菌  相似文献   

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