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锦鸡儿属种系发生关系重建的探讨   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
基于形态杂色体、花粉形态24个特征,采用分支系统学方法研究锦鸡儿属的种系发生关系。根据分支图结果,将锦鸡儿属72种排列成12系5组。分支图也表达出分类群演化关系,对Moorc(1968)种系发生方案提出了修改,本属的种系发生关系。  相似文献   

将锦鸡儿属(Caragana)植物分布区划分成13个。在分支系统学基础上,进行了分布区的成分分析。以种类和系为分布特征,进行分布区的聚类分析和最小生成树分析。分布区分支图、表征图和最小生成树从不同方面表达了分布区的关系。锦鸡儿属的分布区被分成东亚和古地中海两大部分。其中分别来自这两部分的前苏联远东-我国东北与阿尔泰-萨彦岭分布区有密切关系。基于分布区分支图,属的分布区分别由这两个分布区衍生,同时结合属的种系发生关系,推断本属可能起源于东西伯利亚,时间为第三纪中新世末-上新世。生态适应上,分类群是由东部温带中生性类型向西部旱化和寒化方向发展的。  相似文献   

子树分析和TASS程序及其在锦鸡儿属植物中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
子树分析和三分法 (TASS)程序是历史生物地理学中分布区关系的一种分析途径。它以分类群分支图为基础 ,以剔除其中分布区关系相悖理的结点并确定具信息的子树为目标 ,以便更有效地利用分布区信息。对分布区关系可以用若干子树和一个分布区分支图来表示。对锦鸡儿属 (Caragana)植物 72种和 13个分布区的子树分析和TASS程序运算后 ,得到 7个具信息的子树 ,它们分别表达了锦鸡儿属属内组、系所具有的分布区关系。属的分布区分支图也表达了 13个分布区的关系。与以前我们对本属成分分析的结果相吻合。  相似文献   

子树分析和三分法(TASS)程序是历史生物地理学中分布区关系的一种分析途径.它以分类群分支图为基础,以剔除其中分布区关系相悖理的结点并确定具信息的子树为目标,以便更有效地利用分布区信息.对分布区关系可以用若干子树和一个分布区分支图来表示.对锦鸡儿属(Caragana)植物72种和13个分布区的子树分析和TASS程序运算后,得到7个具信息的子树,它们分别表达了锦鸡儿属属内组、系所具有的分布区关系.属的分布区分支图也表达了13个分布区的关系.与以前我们对本属成分分析的结果相吻合.  相似文献   

锦鸡儿属分析生物地理学的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
将锦鸡儿属(Caragana)植物分布区划分成13个。在分支系统学基础上,进行了分布区的万分分析。以种类和系为分布特征,进行分布区的聚类分析和最小生成树分析。分布区分支图、表征图和最小生成树从不同方面表达了分布区的关系。锦鸡儿属的分布区被分成东亚和古地中海两大部分。其中分别来自这两部分的前苏联远东-我国东北与阿尔泰-萨彦岭分布区有密切关系。基于分布区分支图,属的分布区分别由这两个部分分布区衍生,同  相似文献   

选用锦鸡儿属在秦岭和秦岭以北的20余种和59个形态性状作为分析基础。表征图和分支图共同提示出羽状和掌状叶类群形成两大类。分支图说明了树锦鸡儿C.arborescens和柄荚锦鸡儿C.stipitata等为原始类群。沿树锦鸡儿的分布区,本属植物向西和西南方向适应辐射成以温度和降水为主导因子的生态序列:(1)森林种→森林草原种→草原种→荒漠种,森林种→高寒山地种;(2)湿润地带→亚湿润地带→半干旱地带  相似文献   

真正柑桔果树群植物的分支学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文用相容性分析方法(Compatability snalysis)分析了真正柑桔果树群(芸香科Rutaceae-柑桔亚科Aurantioideae-柑桔族(Citreae)-柑桔亚族(Citrinae)植物内各属间的分支学关系。给出了建立在7个相容性性状组成的最大族所决定的分支图。性状极性的确定使用了外群法。结果表明,柑桔属(Citrus L.)和多蕊桔属(Clymenia Swing)构成一个单系类群,他们的姐妹群是金柑属(Fortunella Swing.)。被认为起源于中国的3个属,柑桔属(Citrus)、金柑属(Fortunella)和积属(Poncirus Raf.)并未构成一个单系类群。本文还利用分支关系分析和讨论了真正柑桔果树群的种系发生关系。  相似文献   

中国鼠兔亚属(Subgenus Ochotona)种系发生的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文对鼠兔亚属主要产于国内的14种,进行了严格的支序系统分析。通过对这14种形态特征分析、对比,找出了22个具有种系发生意义的性状,并用国内学者尚未采用的格局分支论的组分分析,重建了它们的种间分支亲缘关系。根据分支图及国内已有的化石和地史资料,对该亚属的演化作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

分支系统学和种系发生种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要评述进化系统学和分支系统学的物种概念问题。介绍了关系物种问题研究的一些新进展,特别是种系发生种概念和种系发生种的划定方法-居群聚合分析和分支单型聚合。  相似文献   

黄耆属簇毛黄耆亚属系统学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
簇毛黄耆亚属以其柱头上具簇毛等形态特征与黄耆属其它类群相区别,约含49种(变种)。主要分布在青藏高原及其邻近地区,绝大多数种类分布于横断山区。本文基于形态特征和分支系统学方法分析亚属内种系发生关系。结果表明,49种(变种)可分为9组。其中双小苞组Sect.Bibracteolati含种类最多,是一个并系类群。借助于分支图,分析了6个较重要的鉴定特征的演化,习性,茎的着生方式,小苞片,果实形态,柱头具簇毛,果实膨胀状况等。最后作出了这个亚属的一个分类纲要。  相似文献   

Postsynaptic densities (PSDs) isolated by biochemical means consist of a complex mixture of proteins that tightly bond to each other. The purpose of this report is to study whether the numerous interprotein disulfides found in the isolated PSDs contribute to the tight structure of the PSDs and whether these interprotein disulfides exist in vivo. PSDs were isolated from pig cerebral cortex by conventional methods except that iodoacetic acid (IAA) was added to all solutions to curtail the formation of disulfides during the isolation process. The PSDs thus isolated were fragmented easily by treatment with chaotropic reagents or ionic detergents, whereas the PSDs isolated in IAA-free solutions were resistant to these treatments. Electron microscopy revealed that the PSDs isolated in IAA-containing solutions were more fragmented than those isolated in IAA-free solutions. Furthermore, the PSD sample isolated in IAA-free solutions contained very large disulfide-linked aggregates that were virtually absent from the PSDs isolated in IAA-containing solutions. Our results suggest that the exceptionally tight structure of the PSDs isolated by conventional methods is due largely to the new disulfides formed during the isolation process and that the PSD proteins under in vivo conditions are held together primarily by noncovalent interactions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine if E. coli isolated from asymptomatic bacteriuria differed in pathogenic features from strains isolated from symptomatic infections of urinary tract. In this study 130 strains of E. coli isolated from women having asymptomatic bacteriuria and 112 strains isolated from patients with symptoms of urinary tract infection were examined. It was shown that E. coli isolated from patients with symptomatic urinary tract infection showed the more frequently ability to cause mannose-resistant haemagglutination of human erythrocytes, resistance to bactericidal activity of serum and haemolytic properties than those isolated from asymptomatic bacteriuria. These strains showed also the higher ability to adhere to Vero cells in tissue culture. Among E. coli strains isolated from persons with asymptomatic bacteriuria the pathogenic features were most frequently found in strains from healthy women and the most rarely in isolated from diabetic women.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Staphylococcus aureus strains producing enterotoxins of types SEA and SEB, which isolated from patients of different profile and caused the infectious process accompanied by pronounced intoxication without vomiting and enteric disturbances, was determined by means of the indirect hemagglutination test. The collection included 28 strains isolated in sepsis, 38 strains isolated in pneumonia, 57 strains isolated from patients with burns and 23, from the hands and nasopharynx of the medical staff. Among the staphylococcal strains isolated in sepsis, 75.6% synthesized SEA and 5.4%, SEB. The occurrence of SEA- and SEB-positive strains isolated in pneumonia was, respectively, 42.1% and 2.6%. From patients with burns SEA-positive staphylococci were mainly isolated (92.9%). Only 3% of the cultures isolated in wound infections produced SEA. From the medical staff, 13.4% of SEA-positive strains and 17.3% of SEB-positive strains were isolated. The data obtained from this study indicate the expediency of the determination of the enterotoxigenic properties of S. aureus clinical isolates in medical institutions for prophylactic measures with a view to the prevention of the spread of pathogenic clones.  相似文献   

A total of 221 strains of staphylococci and 98 strains of micrococci isolated from the skins of Eastern gray squirrels, Southern flying squirrels, raccoons, opossums, squirrel monkeys, swine, sheep, horses, cattle, and dogs were characterized in a preliminary attempt to resolve their natural relationships and distribution in nature. Staphylococci demonstrating the widest host range included Staphylococcus xylosus and unnamed Staphylococcus sp. 3. Unnamed Staphylococcus sp. 2 was isolated only from sheep, Staphylococcus sp. 4 only from opossums, Staphylococcus sp. 5 only from squirrel monkeys, and Staphylococcus sp. 6 only from swine. The predominant species isolated from human skin, including S. epidermidis, S. hominis, S. haemolyticus, and S. capitis, were either not isolated or only rarely isolated from animal skin. Micrococcus varians was the predominant Micrococcus species isolated from animal skin. M. luteus was only occasionally isolated. M. lylae, M. sedentarius, M. roseus, M. kristinae, and M. nishinomiyaensis, species occasionally isolated from human skin, were not isolated from animal skin.  相似文献   

We isolated mitotic apparatus (MA) from sea urchin zygotes using several methods. The isolated MA were injected into nucleated frog eggs or into enucleated frog eggs, and 24 h later we determined whether or not the eggs had undergone normal cleavage. Normal cleavage occurred in about 50% of the cases when MA isolated in glycerol-dimethyl sulphoxide were injected into either nucleated or enucleated frog eggs. Likewise for MA isolated initially in hexylene glycol and transferred immediately into glycerol-dimethyl sulphoxide. No cleavage occurred when MA isolated in hexylene glycol (and stored in hexylene glycol) were injected into frog eggs. We discuss two possible interpretations of the results. In one interpretation cleavage of the frog eggs is a bioassay, measuring the ability of the isolated MA to support chromosome movement. In the other interpretation the isolated MA contribute only nuclear material and cleavage initiation factors, and there is no chromosome movement in the isolated MA per se.  相似文献   

三江平原孤立湿地景观空间结构   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
刘吉平  马海超  赵丹丹 《生态学报》2016,36(14):4307-4316
受人类活动的影响,近几十年来三江平原大片连续湿地逐渐破碎化,形成了大量孤立湿地。湿地景观格局分析已成为湿地生态和全球变化研究领域的热点,因此以三江平原遥感影像为数据源,利用GIS技术和景观指数模型,在60m分析粒度下,对三江平原孤立湿地景观空间结构进行分析。结果表明:1研究区的中南部孤立湿地的斑块数量较多,而中东部孤立湿地的斑块面积较大,且孤立湿地斑块之间的邻近程度和连接度较高,三江、洪河自然保护区及研究区西部孤立湿地斑块的形状较复杂;2随着湿地斑块数量的递减,非孤立湿地在景观连接中起到的作用逐渐增加,孤立湿地在景观连接中起到的作用逐渐减小,但面积相对较大的孤立湿地斑块重要值一直处于较高水平,在景观连接中起着重要作用;3三江平原孤立湿地景观空间结构是地形地貌、农业开发活动、国家政策等因子综合作用的结果,应加强对孤立湿地的保护。  相似文献   

Male mice were castrated at 21–22 days of age. Intact and castrated mice were isolated to induce aggressive behavior. The incidence of fighting between paired nonisolated and isolated mice was measured at 3, 6, 12, and 23 weeks to determine the effect of time of isolation on aggressive behavior. After 3 weeks isolation, 90% of the intact isolated mice fought, but none of the castrate isolated mice fought. Aggressive behavior equivalent to that of intact isolated mice developed in the castrate mice after 23 weeks of isolation. These results suggest that the presence of gonadal androgen is important in expediting the onset of aggressive behavior in isolated mice, but its absence does not preclude its eventual development.  相似文献   

Five new Candida species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The following five new yeast species are described:Candida beechii isolated from cider,C. blankii isolated from a mink,C. cacaoi isolated from fermenting cacao,C. freyschussii isolated from wood pulp andC. melibiosica isolated from sputum.  相似文献   

目的:对2006年广州流行登革热病原进行分离鉴定及生物学性质研究。方法:采用传代蚊细胞微量培养方法对2006年广州登革热病原进行分离,并通过脑内途径观察其对乳鼠的致病性;经间接免疫荧光和RT-PCR技术,对患者血清标本中的病毒特异抗体及新分离的病原体进行检测和鉴定;将此次分离的病原体与1980年分离的同型毒株进行生物学性质比较。结果:从57份患者血清标本中分离出10株病毒,在传代蚊细胞中可产生稳定的细胞病变并对乳鼠致病;其基因组为登革1型病毒特异的RNA分子,经鉴定为登革1型病毒;此次分离的登革1型病毒与1980年分离的同型毒株在致细胞产生病变的时间和严重程度,蚀斑的大小、形态以及致乳鼠发病的时间等生物学性质上有所不同。结论:2006年广州流行登革热病原为登革1型病毒,且与1980年分离的同型毒株在生物学性质方面存在明显差异。  相似文献   

Polysaccharides of the brown seaweed Turbinaria murrayana were isolated. Laminaran (3.2%) was isolated from the hot-water extract of the algae by using ion-exchange chromatography. Fucans (2.1%) were isolated from the hot-water extract, as well (4.7%) as from the extract of the algae with dilute acid. Acid hydrolsysis of the isolated fucans revealed glucose, amnnose, fucose, glucuronic acid, xylose, and galactose. Alginic acid (22.6%) was separated, and reduced to a neutral polysaccharide. The polysaccharides isolated were analyzed by methylation and Smith degradation.  相似文献   

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