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甘肃兴隆山自然保护区森林演替对鸟类群落结构的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用固定面积法调查了青林三个主要演替阶段森林(阔叶林、混交林和针叶林)的鸟类群落结构。结果表明,混交林中鸟类物种数、鸟类物种多样性和种团多样性最高,阔叶林最低。方差分析和聚类分析均表明,三种演替阶段森林的鸟类群落组成差异显著。所记录到的35种鸟类中有11种差异显著。其中,山雀科和科在阔叶林中占优势,而柳莺亚科在混交林和针叶林中占优势。食性种团中,阔叶林以食虫鸟和食果食虫鸟为主;混交林和针叶林均以食虫鸟、食果食虫鸟、食谷鸟和食果鸟为主。鉴于阔叶林和混交林有向顶级群落(针叶林)演替的趋势,建议采取人为干扰来维持三种演替阶段森林的面积,以便从景观水平上保护鸟类物种多样性。  相似文献   

广西的红树林   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
林鹏  胡继添   《广西植物》1983,(2):95-102
本文主要讨论广西沿海的红树林的植物种类成分、外貌、适应形态学特点、群落类型和演替规律,以及生产管理问题。 该地区的红树植物种类计有8科、12属、12种,以红树科植物占优势。群落类型有:白骨壤群落、桐花树群落、秋茄-桐花树群落、红海榄群落、木榄群落、木榄-桐花树群落、桐花树-海漆稀树群落和红海榄+秋茄-桐花树群落等。  相似文献   

四川青城山穗花杉种群和群落特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对四川省都江堰市青城山境内的穗花杉群落进行了初步研究,首次揭示了穗花杉群落和种群的基本特征.穗花杉种群具明显的增长型特征,处于良好的发育状态,其空间分布格局为集群型,其生态习性为显著的耐阴性和岩生性.穗花杉植物群落植物区系成分表现为古老性、残遗性和特有性的有机融合,群落内有维管束植物111种.其中热带区系成分占优势.生活型话以常绿高位芽植物为主.而其中又以常绿小高位芽和常绿中高位芽植物占优势.群落中植物叶的性质亦与常绿阔叶林相似。由于常绿针叶植物穗花村在群落中居优势地位,因此作者认为该群落是亚热带常绿阔叶林中的一类特殊群落类型。  相似文献   

对福建茫荡山黄枝润楠群落进行调查分析。结果表明,该群落现有种子植物74科134属195种,隶属9个科分布区类型和13个属分布区类型。该群落区系的热带地理成分占优势,共计45科86属,分别占该群落种子植物科、属数的80.4%和68.8%(不含世界分布,下同),其中,成分最多的是泛热带分布(33科,32属),占该群落种子植物科、属数的58.9%和25.6%。温带分布成分共计11科37属,分别占种子植物科、属数的19.6%和29.6%。体现了该群落植物种类丰富、地理成分复杂、热带成分明显、温带成分较多、起源古老和特有成分较多的特点。  相似文献   

长春市不同土地利用生境土壤弹尾虫群落结构特征   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
吴东辉  张柏  陈鹏 《生态学杂志》2006,25(2):180-184
对长春市郊区天然次生林、农田、防护林和市区公园绿地等典型土地利用生境进行土壤弹尾虫调查,研究土地利用差异对土壤弹尾虫群落结构的影响.结果表明,长春市土地利用差异对弹尾虫群落结构特征影响明显,地表凋落物移除和耕作活动是影响弹尾虫群落结构特征的主要因素,地表凋落物移除显著减少弹尾虫的个体数量和群落多样性,耕作活动影响弹尾虫个体数量在土体中的垂直分布;地表植物群落类型对土壤弹尾虫群落结构特征也有一定影响.  相似文献   

塔里木沙拐枣(Calligonum roborowskii)主产塔里木盆地,是该地区主要防风固沙先锋树种。以塔里木盆地5个天然塔里木沙拐枣群落为研究对象,通过样方调查,对物种组成,区系成分,群落结构,物种丰富度和多样性等要素进行了初步研究,结果表明:塔里木沙拐枣天然群落共出现种子植物11种,分属6科10属;该群落植物种类组成贫乏,区系成分简单。从属的地理成分分析来看,古地中海成分明显多于温带成分;群落生活型以高位芽植物占优势,1年生植物次之;群落的垂直结构简单,可分为灌木层、草本层;从多样性指数的数量特征来看,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数的变化范围为0.808—1.175,Simpson多样性指数的变化范围为0.489—0.641。  相似文献   

焦懿  赵苹 《生态学报》2001,21(7):1148-1152
白蜡虫雌虫产卵期是白蜡种虫生产的关键时期,在我国白蜡主产地区,选择有代表性的4个种虫产地,2个白蜡产地和4个虫蜡混产地,调查群落中白蜡虫天敌的物种组成和数量变化,并进行聚类分析和排序,在10个白蜡主产地内,共收集到各种天敌15种,分属于6科11属,各群落的物种组成变化较小,优势种为白蜡虫花翅跳小蜂Microterys ericeri Ishii、中华花翅跳小蜂M.sinicus Jiang、白蜡虫啮小蜂Tetrastichus kodaikanalensis Saraswat、白蜡蚧长角象Anthribus la-jievorus Chao和黑缘红瓢虫Chilocorus rubidus Hope。群落的优势集中指数较小,多样性指数和均匀性指数较高,群落相似性系数最高达97.46%,最低为75.92%。影响群落相似性的主要因子为白蜡产区不同、生态环境差异和优势种天敌的数量变化,根据聚类分析和排序,将10个不同产地白蜡虫天敌群落分为3类;第1类为种虫产地,优势种天敌发生和危害较轻;第2类为白蜡产地,白蜡虫天敌发生和危害极为严重,其种群数量为第1类的3.36倍,第3类虫蜡皆产,其天敌数量介于第1、2类之间,中华花翅跳小蜂种群数量在第1、3类群落中大致相等,第2类发生较较重,白蜡虫天敌的严重危害是造成蜡区不产种虫的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

兴化湾浮游动物群落季节变化和水平分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
兴化湾为福建北部最大的海湾,于2006年对该海湾浮游动物群落进行了四季9个站位的调查。共检出浮游动物及幼虫124种,其中春季42种,夏季89种,秋季71种,冬季20种;分属近岸暖温、近岸暖水和广布外海3个生态类群;优势种15种,春季以水母和桡足类占优势,夏季以水母占优势,秋季以水母、桡足类和箭虫占优势,冬季则以桡足类占优势。不同季节兴化湾浮游动物生物量湿重和丰度水平分布特征变化明显,并与温度和盐度呈显著相关。聚类分析显示兴化湾浮游动物群落夏季类群和秋季类群相似度较高;各季节水平分布基本可分为湾口区和湾内区两大类群。与20世纪80年代相比,尽管本次调查浮游动物群落没有表现出显著差异,但随着电厂等大规模工程的投产,兴化湾海域生态系统健康面临着极大威胁,其环境压力需引起持续关注。  相似文献   

广东石门台自然保护区广东松群落的基本特征   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用样方法研究了广东英德石门台自然保护区的广东松群落的物种多样性、区系地理成分和年龄结构。结果表明,在2 000 m2样方中,有维管植物68种,隶属于38科57属,其中有广东松、白豆杉和福建柏3种国家Ⅱ级保护植物。群落的Simpson和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为0.880 7和3.977 3。群落优势科为山茶科、樟科、壳斗科、木兰科和杜鹃花科等,植物科属的地理成分以泛热带和北温带分布型等占优势,体现了南亚热带向中亚热带过渡的特点。种群的立木结构表明广东松无更新幼苗,属于衰退种群,将来可能被阔叶树种群取代。对广东松群落的保护,将有利于群落中多个濒危植物的生存和发展。  相似文献   

湘西北蜡梅群落特征的初步研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
陈功锡  李菁  李鹄鸣  李鸣   《广西植物》1997,17(2):118-126
从5个样地900m2的调查资料对湘西北蜡梅群落进行了初步分析,结果表明:(1)群落种类组成丰富,共有维管束植物80科,130属,166种。地理成分复杂,温带成分略占优势并表现出由热带向温带渐次过渡的性质;(2)外貌特殊,主要由革质、单叶和中型叶为主的落叶高位芽植物所决定,季相交替明显并与其他植被显著不同;(3)群落结构可分为林木层、小灌木层、草本层和地被层,其中林木层还可分为3个亚层,各层均以蜡梅占优势。林木结构分析表明,该群落具有一定的稳定性,属于亚热带区域的一类次生的暖性落叶阔叶灌丛,建议加强保护与开发利用的研究。  相似文献   

Ethnobotanical study of plants revealed that the local community of Ghalegy, District Swat, invariably uses 126 species of 59 families for various purposes. Based on their traditional local uses, fifty- seven species ( 4512%) were classified as medicinal, forty-seven as fire wood ( 3713%) , forty- five as forage ( 3517%) , twenty- eight as honey bee species ( 2212%) , twenty- seven as vegetable species ( 2114%) , 25 as edible fruits ( 14 wild and 11cultivated) , thirteen as timber wood ( 1013%) , twelve as ornamental ( 91 5%) , eleven as furniture wood, ten as shelter and thatch makers ( 719%) , ten as fencing ( 719%) , five as poisonous ( 4%) , four as religiousPsuperstitious species, three species used in making hand sticks and wooden tools ( 21 4%) , three as utensil cleaner species ( 214%) , three as evil repellent and one as fish poisoning species. The area is in plant resources and traditional knowledge but it needs ecological management for its sustainability.  相似文献   

Sulfonamide (or sulphonamide) functional group chemistry (SN) forms the basis of several groups of drug. In vivo sulfonamides exhibit a range of pharmacological activities, such as anti-carbonic anhydrase and anti-t dihydropteroate synthetase allowing them to play a role in treating a diverse range of disease states such as diuresis, hypoglycemia, thyroiditis, inflammation, and glaucoma. Sulfamethazine (SMZ) is a commonly used sulphonamide drug in veterinary medicine that acts as an antibacterial compound to treat livestock diseases such as gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections. Sulfadiazine (SDZ) is another frequently employed sulphonamide drug that is used in combination with the anti-malarial drug pyrimethamine to treat toxoplasmosis in warm-blooded animals. This study explores the research findings and the work behaviours of SN (SMZ and SDZ) drugs. The areas covered include SN drug structure, SN drug antibacterial activity, SN drug toxicity, and SN environmental toxicity.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that lysophospholipids (LPLs), a product of the phospholipase A reaction, function as mediators through G-protein-coupled receptors. Notably, recent studies of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) have revealed their essential roles in vivo. On the other hand, other LPLs such as lysophosphatidylserine (LPS), lysophosphatidylthreonine (LPT), lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE), lysophosphatidylinositol (LPI) and lysophosphatidylglycerol (LPG) have been reported to show lipid mediator-like responses both in vivo (LPS and LPT) and in vitro (LPS, LPT, LPE and LPG), while very little is known about their receptor, synthetic enzyme and patho-physiological roles. In this review, we summarize the actions of these LPLs as lipid mediators including LPS, LPT, LPE and LPG.  相似文献   

Treatment-resistant depression (TRD) is common and associated with multiple serious public health implications. A consensus definition of TRD with demonstrated predictive utility in terms of clinical decision-making and health outcomes does not currently exist. Instead, a plethora of definitions have been proposed, which vary significantly in their conceptual framework. The absence of a consensus definition hampers precise estimates of the prevalence of TRD, and also belies efforts to identify risk factors, prevention opportunities, and effective interventions. In addition, it results in heterogeneity in clinical practice decision-making, adversely affecting quality of care. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) have adopted the most used definition of TRD (i.e., inadequate response to a minimum of two antidepressants despite adequacy of the treatment trial and adherence to treatment). It is currently estimated that at least 30% of persons with depression meet this definition. A significant percentage of persons with TRD are actually pseudo-resistant (e.g., due to inadequacy of treatment trials or non-adherence to treatment). Although multiple sociodemographic, clinical, treatment and contextual factors are known to negatively moderate response in persons with depression, very few factors are regarded as predictive of non-response across multiple modalities of treatment. Intravenous ketamine and intranasal esketamine (co-administered with an antidepressant) are established as efficacious in the management of TRD. Some second-generation antipsychotics (e.g., aripiprazole, brexpiprazole, cariprazine, quetiapine XR) are proven effective as adjunctive treatments to antidepressants in partial responders, but only the olanzapine-fluoxetine combination has been studied in FDA-defined TRD. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is established as effective and FDA-approved for individuals with TRD, with accelerated theta-burst TMS also recently showing efficacy. Electroconvulsive therapy is regarded as an effective acute and maintenance intervention in TRD, with preliminary evidence suggesting non-inferiority to acute intravenous ketamine. Evidence for extending antidepressant trial, medication switching and combining antidepressants is mixed. Manual-based psychotherapies are not established as efficacious on their own in TRD, but offer significant symptomatic relief when added to conventional antidepressants. Digital therapeutics are under study and represent a potential future clinical vista in this population.  相似文献   

The COP9 signalosome(CSN)is a conserved protein complex,typically composed of eight subunits(designated as CSN1 to CSN8)in higher eukaryotes such as plants and animals,but of fewer subunits in some lower eukaryotes such as yeasts.The CSN complex is originally identified in plants from a genetic screen for mutants that mimic light-induced photomorphogenic development when grown in the dark.The CSN complex regulates the activity of cullin-RING ligase(CRL)families of E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes,and play critical roles in regulating gene expression,cell proliferation,and cell cycle.This review aims to summarize the discovery,composition,structure,and function of CSN in the regulation of plant development in response to external(light and temperature)and internal cues(phytohormones).  相似文献   

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) played a role in the initiation of living systems, as well as subsequent evolution. The more recent literature on electrochemistry is documented, as well as magnetism. The large numbers of reports on interaction with living systems and the consequences are presented. An important aspect is involvement with cell signaling and resultant effects in which numerous signaling pathways participate. Much research has been devoted to the influence of man-made EMFs, e.g., from cell phones and electrical lines, on human health. The degree of seriousness is unresolved at present. The relationship of EMFs to reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative stress (OS) is discussed. There is evidence that indicates a relationship involving EMFs, ROS, and OS with toxic effects. Various articles deal with the beneficial aspects of antioxidants (AOs) in countering the harmful influence from ROS-OS associated with EMFs. EMFs are useful in medicine, as indicated by healing bone fractures. Beneficial effects are recorded from electrical treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease, depression, and cancer.  相似文献   

Isogenic Escherichia coli strains carrying single DNA-repair mutations were compared for their capacity for (i) the repair of X-ray-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) as measured using neutral sucrose gradients; (ii) medium-dependent resistance, i.e., a recA-dependent X-ray survival phenomenon that correlates closely with the capacity for repairing DSB; and (iii) the growth medium-dependent, recA-dependent repair of X-ray-induced DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) as measured using alkaline sucrose gradients (about 80% of these SSB are actually parts of DSB). These three capacities were measured to quantitate more accurately the involvement of the various genes in the repair of DSB over a wide dose range. The mutations tested were grouped into five classes according to their effect on the repair of X-ray-induced DSB: (I) the recA, recB, recC, and lexA mutants were completely deficient; (II) the radB and recN mutants were about 90% deficient; (III) the recF and recJ mutants were about 70% deficient; (IV) the radA and uvrD mutants were about 30% deficient; and (V) the umuC mutant resembled the wild-type strains in its capacity for the repair of DSB.  相似文献   

Optimal (NH(4))(2)SO(4) concentrations were sought for serum fractionation in order to obtain the gamma globulin as free as possible from other serum components while maintaining a reasonable recovery. Various ammonium sulfate concentrations were used to fractionate sera from mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, monkeys, chimpanzees, swine, chicken, and cattle. All precipitates and supernatants were analyzed by electrophoresis to study the effects of various treatments on the composition of these materials. Approximately 75% of all the gamma globulins were recovered when each serum was fractionated with its optimal sulfate concentration. These optimals were determined to be as follows: three precipitations in 35% saturated ammonium sulfate (SAS) for hamster, chimpanzee, swine, and chicken serum; one precipitation in 35% SAS followed by two in 40% SAS for mouse and guinea pig serum; one precipitation in 30% SAS and then two in 40% SAS for monkey serum; and one precipitation in 30% SAS followed by two in 35% SAS for cattle serum.  相似文献   

Brefeldin A (BFA) reduced radial growth in Pisolithus tinctorius at a concentration as low as 2 microM. Use of endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Tracker dye, unconjugated BFA, and fluorescent BFA (BODIPY-BFA) allowed comparison of the effects of BFA on the endomembrane system of P. tinctorius at the light and electron microscope levels. Both ER-Tracker dye and BODIPY-BFA have been shown previously to label the ER. Unconjugated BFA and BODIPY-BFA modified the ER network and disrupted the tubular vacuole system in the tip region. The ultrastructure in freeze-substituted hyphae showed that BFA treatment resulted in (i) disruption of the Spitzenk?rper, (ii) reduction in number of apical vesicles, (iii) redistribution and mild dilation of ER, and (iv) persistence and increased size and complexity of Golgi bodies. The effects of BFA on the ER were only partially reversible in the time period examined. We conclude that in P. tinctorius, BFA as the free metabolite or BODIPY-BFA affects the tubular vacuole system as well as anterograde membrane flow between the ER and the Golgi bodies and post-Golgi transport.  相似文献   

Like all bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) possesses the genes necessary for coenzyme A biosynthesis and metabolism. In the present work, the Mtb panD gene was PCR amplified, overexpressed, and purified by metal affinity chromatography. The recombinant Mtb panD was found to exist as a tetramer in solution. Incubation of Mtb panD at 37 degrees C for several hours resulted in a complete cleavage of the inactive (pi) form into the two subunits (alpha and beta). The cleavage was confirmed by Western blot analysis as well as by N-terminal sequencing. Cleaved Mtb panD was assayed for decarboxylase activity with L-aspartate as substrate. The kinetic parameters K(m) and k(cat) were found to be 219 microM and 0.65s(-1), respectively. These results provide the means for further studies based on the identification of the Mtb panD as well as other components of pantothenate metabolism as potential drug targets.  相似文献   

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