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白环柄菇是四川省菌物的一个新记录物种,分类学地位为:担子菌亚门,层菌纲,伞菌目,伞菌科,环柄菇属,此菌无毒,可食,菌丝无锁联联合,形成大量菌核(Sclerotium)在伞菌目中是罕见的,详细报道了该菌的子实体,菌丝体的形态特征,生理特点和栽培技术,这是一种典型的高温性草菌,栽培出菇的培养料为草粉,牛粪,麸皮及食用菌栽培废料,袋栽,床栽均可,干菇生物学效率为4%-8%。  相似文献   

江枝和  翁伯琦 《菌物学报》2002,21(3):444-447
柱状田头菇(白杨树菇)Agrocybe cylindracea(=Agrocybe aegerita)又名柳环菌、柳松茸。属伞菌目,田头菇属。该菇味道鲜,盖肥柄脆,气味香浓,是一种食药用价值很高的伞菌,但关于该菇的营养价值的研究,国内外未见报道。本文分析了柱状田头菇子实体的氨基酸组成,采用国际上通用的评价方法(FAO,1970),对其营养进行评价。 1材料与方法 1.1供试样品 采用棉籽壳料栽培的新鲜柱状田头菇子实体,采收后75℃烘干,粉碎后作分析样品。 1.2蛋白质测定 采用凯氏定氮法测定柱状田头菇子实体蛋白质 1.3氨基酸组成分析 采用日立835-50型自动分析仪…  相似文献   

纯黄白鬼伞菌丝体和子实体的培养研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
纯黄白鬼伞是四川省的一个新记录种。此菌有毒 ,是一种非常美丽的观赏菌类。其菌丝无锁状联合 ,能形成大量的菌核 ,这在伞菌目中是十分罕见的。报道了纯黄白鬼伞的子实体、菌丝体的形态特性、生理特点和栽培技术。这是一种中高温性蕈菌。适宜子实体生长发育的培养料为草粉、牛粪粉、麸皮和食用菌出菇后的废科 ,瓶栽、盆栽、袋栽、床栽均可 ,不需要覆土即可出菇 ,子实体绝对生物学效率为 5%~ 7 5%。  相似文献   

滑菇 (Pholiotanameko)又名滑子菇、滑子磨 ,是真菌门、担子菌纲、伞菌目、丝膜属菌科、鳞伞菌属的食用菌 ,食用口感好 ,营养丰富 ,是食用菌中的珍品。我省传统的人工栽培滑菇是从早春 2、3月份蒸料接种 ,秋后直至 12月份收获结束 ,整个生长周期长达10个多月 ,还要经历夏季高温休眠。由于滑子菇是低温结实性食用菌 ,不耐高温 ,发育好的菌块 ,往往因夏季高温导至菌丝生理死亡。经 1998~ 2 0 0 0年的研究和实践 ,取得了冬季利用日光温室生产滑菇技术的成功 ,不仅避开夏季高温 ,提高了菌丝成活率 ,而且把滑菇生产周期缩短到 5~…  相似文献   

为探究六盘山国家级自然保护区大型真菌物种多样性与区系组成成分,采用样线法和随机踏查法对保护区内不同海拔和植被类型下的大型真菌进行调查,结合形态学和分子生物学的方法对采集到的标本进行鉴定,分析其物种组成和地理区系特征。本研究共采集大型真菌标本679份,经鉴定隶属于2门11纲16目40科83属230种,其中子囊菌门4纲6目8科10属21种,担子菌门7纲10目32科73属209种。优势科有口蘑科Tricholomataceae、球盖菇科Strophariaceae、小脆柄菇科Psathyrellaceae、伞菌科Agaricaceae、小菇科Mycenaceae、红菇科Russulaceae、丝盖伞科Inocybaceae和多孔菌科Polyporaceae,占物种总数的55.65%;优势属有18属,分别为小菇属Mycena、丝盖伞属Inocybe、马鞍菌属Helvella、乳菇属Lactarius、香蘑属Lepista和小脆柄菇属Psathyrella等,占物种总数的51.30%。对该地区大型真菌资源利用价值进行评估,保护区内共有食用菌42种、药用菌4种、食药兼用菌11种、毒菌17种,其中部...  相似文献   

用鹅观草、芒等野生杂草生料栽培平菇的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平菇(Pleurotus ostreatus)又名侧耳,冻菌等;属担子菌纲,伞菌目,侧耳科,侧耳属.目前我国主要的栽培种有平菇、鲍鱼菇和风尾菇3种.我国用锯木屑栽培平菇已有40~50年的历史,由于木屑栽培破坏森林资源和夏季栽培料短缺,而这个季节正是野生杂草繁茂的时节,且以前已有人用茅草生料栽培平菇获得成效[1].因此,根据贵州省野生杂草资源丰富的优势,利用5种野生杂草进行生料栽培的实验,为野生杂草大面积栽培平菇提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

云南伞菌的十个新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文记述了云南伞菌中的十个新种:云南鸡油菌(Cantharelltcs yunnanensis sp. Nov.)、扁柄伞菌(Agaricus compressipes sp.nov.)、云南伞菌(Agarlcos yunnanensis sp.nov.)、黑点小脆柄菇(Psathyrella nigripunctipes sp.nov.)、粉柄粪伞(Bolbitius roseipes sp.nov.)、云南粪伞(Bolbitius yunnanensis sp.nov.)、赭枯滑菇(Hebeloma ochraceum sp.nov)、多鳞粘滑菇(Hebeloma squamulosum sp.nov.)、小鳞伞(Pholiota parvula sp.nov)及云南球盖菇(Stropharia yunanensis sp. Nov.)。  相似文献   

香菇代料栽培研究概况及展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
宋士良   《微生物学通报》1995,22(1):55-57
香菇代料栽培研究概况及展望宋士良(上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所,上海201106)香菇是木材腐朽菌,属真菌门担子菌纲伞菌目口蘑科Lentinus属,学名为Lentinusedo-des(Berk.)Singer.1983年英国伞菌分类学家佩格勒(D....  相似文献   

香菇栽培过程中,常常出现“蜡烛菇”(有柄无盖)、“松果菇”、“荔枝菇”(菌盖结团无菌柄或不开伞),这就是畸形变异菇。发生畸形菇的原因,除了菌种低劣或病毒感染之外,人为方面的主要原因如下: 一、品种选择不对路。我国香菇菌种有低温、中温、高温三大品系和早熟、中熟、晚熟三种类型。栽培者选用菌种不当,畸形菇就易发生。比如海拔高的山区,应选中、低温菌种为宜,如误用高温型菌种,菇蕾一出现,遇低温便萎缩不长,形成“松果菇”。二、发菌管理不当。在菌丝体(?)期间,如果发菌室光过强,特别是靠近窗口的菌袋,原基提早形成,袋内菇蕾早现,但受袋壁挤压,无法正常伸展,因此脱袋后第一批菇容易出现畸形。  相似文献   

平菇 (Pleurotusostreatus)又名侧耳 ,冻菌等 ;属担子菌纲 ,伞菌目 ,侧耳科 ,侧耳属。目前我国主要的栽培种有平菇、鲍鱼菇和凤尾菇 3种。我国用锯木屑栽培平菇已有 4 0~ 5 0年的历史 ,由于木屑栽培破坏森林资源和夏季栽培料短缺 ,而这个季节正是野生杂草繁茂的时节 ,且以前已有人用茅草生料栽培平菇获得成效[1 ] 。因此 ,根据贵州省野生杂草资源丰富的优势 ,利用 5种野生杂草进行生料栽培的实验 ,为野生杂草大面积栽培平菇提供了科学依据。1 材料和方法1 .1 实验选材1 )培养料 :野生杂草 ,主要有鹅观草 (RoegneriaSp)、芒 (Miscanthus…  相似文献   

食用菌栽培学实验课教学改革与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘斌 《菌物研究》2006,4(3):87-90
从实验教学内容的编排、学生能力的培养、实验成绩的考评等方面对食用菌栽培学实验课的教学进行了探讨,并对食用菌栽培学教改论文进行了评述。  相似文献   

Desert ants of the genus Cataglyphis are skillful long-distance navigators employing a variety of visual navigational tools such as skylight compasses and landmark guidance mechanisms. However, the time during which this navigational toolkit comes into play is extremely short, as the average lifetime of a Cataglyphis forager lasts for only about 6 days. Here we show, by using immunohistochemistry, confocal microscopy, and three-dimensional reconstruction software, that even during this short period of adult life, Cataglyphis exhibits a remarkable increase in the size of its mushroom bodies, especially of the visual input region, the collar, if compared to age-matched dark-reared animals. This task-related increase rides on a much smaller age-dependent increase of the size of the mushroom bodies. Due to the variation in body size exhibited by Cataglyphis workers we use allometric analyses throughout and show that small animals exhibit considerably larger task-related increases in the sizes of their mushroom bodies than larger animals do. It is as if there were an upper limit of mushroom body size required for accomplishing the ant's navigational tasks.  相似文献   

平菇汤培养基的研究及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究以平菇汤为基础成分,代替动物组织提取物,制备平菇液体培养基,平菇血琼脂培养基。平菇血琼脂培养基对140份痰及中段尿标本阳性菌的检出率为34.3%,传统血琼脂培养基对阳性菌的检出率为32.1%。平菇液体培养基和普通营养肉汤培养基同时对80份分泌物标本培养,其检出率分别为38.8%和36.3%(>0.05)。平菇汤培养基制备简便,成本低廉,有较好的实用价值。  相似文献   

A study of the brain of 47 species from 15 lepidopteran families has revealed that only one neuroblast corresponds to each calyx cup of the mushroom body and that mushroom body neuroblasts have been found in the imagoes of 13 out of 25 species caught in the field. It is considered that the proliferative centers consisting of several neuroblasts are not characteristic of lepidopteran mushroom bodies, whereras Kenyon cell neurogenesis in the imago appears to be a widespread phenomenon.  相似文献   

Recent and still little known fungus poisonings This research paper gives an overview of recent fungus poisonings, their symptoms, and, as far as known, their toxins. Intoxications often are the consequence of the confusion with edible or “medicinal” mushrooms. The toxic species Freckled Dapperling (Lepiota aspera), Angel's Wing (Pleurocybella porrigens), Jack O'Lantern (Omphalaotus olearius) and Clitocybe amoenolens are found in Central Europe. It is little know that a rich morel dish can cause neurologic symptoms. Species from Asia became acquainted, that can provoke most serious intoxications. The “Yunnan Sudden Unexplained Death‐Syndrome” could be explained by the consumption of the “Little white mushroom” (Trogia venenata). The often fatal rhabdomyolysis after the consumption of Russula subnigricans can be traced back to the effect of Cycloprop‐2ene‐carboxylicacid. Particularly fatal is the confusion of the mushroom “Reishi” (Ganoderma lucidum), highly esteemed as the “mushroom of immortality”, with Ganoderma neojaponicum or with Podostroma cornu – damae, the most poisonous mushroom worldwide.  相似文献   

A ribonuclease with an N-terminal sequence different from those of other ribonucleases has been purified from fruiting bodies of the mushroom Russula virescens. The RNase was adsorbed on DEAE-cellulose and Q-Sepharose in 10mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.1-7.3) and on CM-Sepharose in 10mM NH(4)OAc buffer (pH 4.6), unlike other mushroom ribonucleases which are unadsorbed on DEAE-cellulose. The RNase demonstrated a molecular mass of 28kDa in both gel filtration and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In contrast to other mushroom ribonucleases which are monospecific, it exhibited co-specificity towards poly A and poly C. It demonstrated a pH optimum of 4.5, which is lower than values reported for other mushroom ribonucleases, and a temperature optimum of 60 degrees C.  相似文献   

The feasibility of using olive mill waste (OMW) as an ingredient in the substrate used for cultivation of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing. was studied in a large-scale cultivation trial, concerning 2500 m2 of mushroom growing area, at a specialized mushroom farm. Standard commercial cultivation technique involving compost preparation, spawning, casing and harvesting was used. The performance indicators such as mushroom yield, biological efficiency, market quality as well as horticultural value of the spent compost showed that the compost prepared with OMW was superior to the control compost in all the categories. The OMW-amended substrate supported higher populations of beneficial microorganisms especially, actinomycetes which enabled the breakdown of the compost ingredients. It is suggested that OMW is a suitable ingredient for the preparation of mushroom substrate. We have demonstrated that conversion of OMW (a liability) into value-added mushroom substrate (an asset) is an effective waste management tool in oleaculture.  相似文献   

S ummary : Pseudomonas tolaasii was isolated from casing peat of healthy and diseased mushroom beds, compost of diseased mushroom beds and from soils round a mushroom farm. It was not isolated from fresh peat or compost from healthy mushroom beds. Three bacteria antagonistic to Ps. tolaasii were isolated from soil and peat. These were a nonfluorescent Pseudomonas sp. (closest to Ps. multivorans ) from soil; and strains of Ps. fluorescens and Enterobacter aerogenes from peat. When the antagonists and the pathogen were added in the ratio of 8 × 107: 106 cells/ml to unsterilized peat and applied to mushroom trays, infection of mushroom sporophores by the pathogen was effectively controlled. In vitro studies failed to show lysis or growth inhibition of Ps. tolaasii by the antagonists.  相似文献   

The high level of DNA polymorphism at the mating-type loci of mushroom fungi has made the cloning of mating-type genes difficult. As an alternative to strategies that employ sequence conservation, an approach utilizing conserved gene order could facilitate the cloning of A mating-type genes from mushroom fungi. It has been shown that a gene encoding a mitochondrial intermediate peptidase (MIP) is very close ( < 1 kbp) to the A mating-type locus of two model mushroom species. In this study, the cosegregation of MIP and the A mating-type locus was studied by genotyping progeny of seven additional mushroom species using PCR and genetic crosses. No evidence of any recombination between MIP and the A mating-type locus was detected among all seven species. Phylogenetic analysis of MIP sequences from diverse mushroom species agrees with the current organismal phylogeny, suggesting the sequences are generally orthologous.  相似文献   

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