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两种鹪莺的种间生态位关系研究   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:16  
本文研究了褐头鹪莺(Prinia subflava)和黄腹鹪莺(P.flaviventris)在取食高度、取食基层和取食方法3个生态维度上的生态位宽度和生态位重叠以及它们与复合种群密度的关系。结果表明,两种鹪莺的现实生态位有较大的重叠,且种群密度变化时,生态位宽度和生态位重叠发生了显著移动,褐头鹪莺与黄腹鹪莺之 间存在着竞争;它们并没有采取生态位宽度来回避竞争,而是相反地各自扩展生态位宽度来减少重  相似文献   

生活史是鸟类生态学研究的重要内容之一,分析生活史的影响因子对于研究鸟类的生态适应具有重要意义。2007年3~9月,在广东省肇庆市江溪村对黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)和纯色山鹪莺(P.inornata)的繁殖参数进行了比较研究。结果表明:1)除筑巢集中期、窝卵数、巢捕食率和割草毁巢率外,两种山鹪莺各繁殖参数均存在显著性差异;2)黄腹山鹪莺的窝卵数相对较小,但卵重较大,而纯色山鹪莺则相反;3)与体重相似的9种雀形目鸟类相比,两种山鹪莺具有相对较高的年生产力;4)两种山鹪莺在部分繁殖参数上出现了分化,这可能是它们对不同巢捕食风险的响应,黄腹山鹪莺的巢捕食率相对较高,采取低窝卵数和高的卵重,而纯色山鹪莺则为高的窝卵数和低的卵重。  相似文献   

黄腹山鹪莺的营巢特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
营巢对鸟类的生长繁殖有着重要影响。为此,从2007年3-9月在广东省肇庆江溪村对研究地中的黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)的巢进行标记和测量,并以巢址为中心做5m×5m样方调查,通过主成分分析研究其巢址选择,结果表明:1)黄腹山鹪莺营巢时间始于3月中旬,4月达到高峰,至7月底结束;2)在13种植物上发现44个巢,其中在象草(Pennisetum purpureum)上最多,有27个,其次为加拿大飞蓬(Erigeron canadensis),4个,其他植物皆为1—2个;3)巢皆为不规则的球状巢,巢材除动植物性材料外,均有人工制品;巢内空间与巢整体大小较为一致;4)影响巢址选择的主要因素4种,依次为:距最近水源距离(29.89%)、距最近道路距离(16.45%)、距最近灌木距离(12.92%)、距水面高度(11.69%)。据此认为黄腹山鹪莺的营巢是对草本植物环境的适应,而其尾羽的逆向变化对营巢是有利的,起到增加飞行灵活性和减少筑巢投资的效果。  相似文献   

纯色鹪莺繁殖行为观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
纯色鹪莺(Prinia inornata)具有繁殖期身体量度小于非繁殖期的特性,开展相关研究对了解鸟类新的生存和繁殖策略有重要意义。从2005年12月至2006年6月在广东省肇庆地区对纯色鹪莺的繁殖行为开展了研究。结果如下:①繁殖期体长和尾羽长均极显著(P<0·01)小于非繁殖期,翼长显著(P<0·05)小于非繁殖期;②每年3月下旬开始出现筑巢现象,雌雄共同筑巢,筑巢时间4~5d,巢多建在禾本科植物上,巢址选择与水源关系密切,主成分分析显示,距水边距离占主导地位(34·88%),之后依次是距地面高度(18·55%)、距最近水面高度(12·95%)、巢口方向(9·08%)和巢区植被盖度(8·51%);③筑巢后1~2d产卵,窝卵数(4·7±1·6),孵卵期持续8~10d,亲鸟轮流坐巢,亲鸟会根据窝卵数的不同调整坐巢次数和坐巢时间。窝卵数越多,亲鸟坐巢时间越长;④纯色鹪莺的巢成功率为43·75%,繁殖失败的主要原因是外界干扰。据此,我们认为纯色鹪莺在繁殖期的高投资和繁殖行为,可能是研究该物种生存对策的重要线索。  相似文献   

捕食风险是影响鸟类生活史对策的重要因素之一。为应对捕食风险,鸟类进化出多样的反捕食策略。为探究北热带石灰岩森林地区鸟类生长发育对高巢捕食风险的适应机制,本研究通过利用蛇类模型模拟巢捕食者,增加潜在巢捕食风险,设置实验组,将未放置蛇类模型的实验设置为对照组。测量育雏期内黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)雏鸟与红耳鹎(Pycnonotus jocosus)雏鸟每日的体重、跗跖长与翼长,分别比较分析黄腹山鹪莺雏鸟与红耳鹎雏鸟上述体型特征在实验组与对照组中的生长发育规律。对符合正态分布的各日龄雏鸟生长参数进行t检验,不符合正态分布的参数进行非参数检验(Wilcox秩和检验)并求均值,使用SPSS 26.0统计软件包对雏鸟各日龄参数均值进行Logistic曲线拟合,比较各雏鸟相同生长参数在实验组和对照组实验的“S”发育曲线。结果显示,黄腹山鹪莺雏鸟在实验组的体重、跗跖长与翼长的渐近线分别占成鸟量度的71.57%、94.10%与55.29%,对照组分别占成鸟量度的78.05%、97.49%与55.67%,在实验组和对照组育雏期分别为11.1 d与10.6 d。实验组和对照组黄腹山...  相似文献   

在初中动物學鳥綱一章中,当談到鳥的筑巢时提到縫叶莺的巢。这种巢的标本但可以到野外去寻找。寻找縫叶莺的巢并不困难,而且也是一項有趣的活动。只要了解縫叶莺的生活条件和特性,便很容易找到它。縫叶鶯喜欢在果园、小林子里和园边的荆棘丛中活动。啄食植物的叶子里、枝条上的小昆虫和虫卵。  相似文献   

黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)具有冬羽尾羽长于繁殖羽尾羽的特点,可能意味着一种新的生存和繁殖策略。为此,从2006年9月~2007年2月,在广东省肇庆市江溪村对黄腹山鹪莺的秋季换羽进行研究。结果显示:(1)黄腹山鹪莺成鸟繁殖羽体长和尾羽长皆极显著短于冬羽(P<0.01),繁殖羽翼长显著短于冬羽(P<0.05),其余身体量度的差异均不显著(P>0.05)。(2)9月17日获得第一个黄腹山鹪莺换羽个体,初级飞羽已更换到P5,次级飞羽已更换到S6,11月20日后所获样本均已完成羽毛的更换。(3)初级飞羽的换羽模式为递降换羽,次级飞羽为递升换羽,尾羽为离心型换羽。(4)换羽期间,10月的个体平均体重最大,显著(P<0.01)重于11月的体重,其他各月无显著性差异(P>0.05)。据此,推测黄腹山鹪莺秋季种群换羽的持续时间约100d;相对其他羽毛而言,尾羽更换对黄腹山鹪莺生长发育的影响更为明显。  相似文献   

黑水鸡繁殖生态的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们于1981年至1983年的5—10月,在太原市南郊区(东经112°40'—112°60'、北纬37°10'—37°40'、海拔700—800米)对黑水鸡(Gallinula chloropus)的繁殖习性进行了初步观察,现报道如下。 (一)迁徙和数量 黑水鸡在本区为夏候鸟,每年5月中旬迁来。迁来时多为单个在香蒲(Typha latifolia)、芦苇(Phragmites Communis)丛生的退水渠或沼泽水塘活动,偶见在近水的农田地边觅食。迁离本区时在10月下旬,居留时间为160天左右。 对黑水鸡的数量分布调查见表1: (二)繁殖生态 黑水鸡迁来繁殖地5—7天前开始求偶。配偶后发情交尾,交尾期最早见于5月18日。在水面游荡中或水边地面交尾。交尾活动从营巢期开始至产卵末期结束。 营巢最早见于5月23日。筑巢由雌雄鸟共同承担。巢呈塔形,较简陋,结构疏松。巢材多为香蒲,次有芦苇及三棱草(Scirpus yagara),少有稻草。巢间最近距离15米左右。巢材多在5—15米处衔得。巢通常筑于高大茂密的香蒲丛基部,巢底部沉入水  相似文献   

换羽是鸟类为保证持续生存的重要过程。换羽策略与鸟类进化及对环境的适应紧密相关,研究鸟类换羽特征,对于了解鸟类的分类、系统发育、进化历史及其对环境的适应性等方面都有重要意义。2007年3月至9月,在广东肇庆市江溪村对黄腹山鹪莺(Prinia flaviventris)和纯色山鹪莺(P.inornata)的春季换羽进行了研究。通过设置雾网捕捉2种山鹪莺,对捕捉到的成体进行体重及身体量度的测量;对飞羽及尾羽进行标记:初级飞羽以翅尖的第一枚羽毛标记为"P1",次级飞羽以翅中部最外一枚标记为"S1",向内依次递增标记;尾羽以中央两根最长尾羽为"T1",分别向两侧递增标记为"T2~T5"。采用单因素方差分析(One way ANOVA)对不同月份山鹪莺的体重值进行差异性检验,对体重与月份进行Pearson相关分析,对尾羽的长度和宽度进行Pearson偏相关分析(控制变量:体长)。研究结果表明:1)两种山鹪莺换羽期为3至5月,持续时间约为60 d;2)两种山鹪莺春季换羽仅更换尾羽,换羽模式均为离心型,即中央一对尾羽最先开始替换,然后向两侧由内到外逐次更替;3)两种山鹪莺的尾羽长度和宽度同步变化,但绝大部分山鹪莺非繁殖期尾羽长度与繁殖期尾羽长度之比大于非繁殖期尾羽宽度与繁殖期尾羽宽度之比,即繁殖期尾羽相对较宽;4)两种山鹪莺换羽期间体重大致呈现下降趋势,但变化不显著(P0.05)。推测两种山鹪莺通过增加食物的摄入来抵抗换羽期和繁殖期重叠而导致的能量消耗,这可能与该地区丰富的食物资源有关,并在一定程度上体现了两种山鹪莺换羽策略对环境的适应性。  相似文献   

纯色山鹪莺的领域鸣叫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸟类鸣叫是鸟类行为研究的一项重要内容,为探究纯色山鹪莺(Prinia inornata)的鸣叫模式与其尾羽逆向变化的关系,于2007年8-10月在广东省肇庆江溪村对繁殖期纯色山鹪莺的领域鸣声等行为进行研究。运用焦点动物观察法,通过Olympus DS-20数码录音笔(100—17100Hz)和直径50cm声音收集器采集声音。行为统计以直接观察和SonyDCR-VX2000E数码摄像机录像相结合。结果如下:⑴共采集到620个鸣句,分属6种鸣句类型,其中4中为常见类型,1种为过渡类型,1种少见类型。(2)纯色山鹪莺的鸣声结构简单,变化较多,能够根据环境改变鸣声,具有识别危险程度和危险对象种类的能力。(3)鸣声均和一定的行为具有联系,4种主要鸣声类型均伴有抖尾行为出现。据此认为,纯色山鹪莺鸣唱结构简单但变化较多,而尾羽在其领域鸣叫行为中发挥了一定作用。  相似文献   

Mitochondria are central organelles in cellular energy metabolism, apoptosis, and aging processes. A signaling network regulating these functions was recently shown to include soluble adenylyl cyclase as a local source of the second messenger cAMP in the mitochondrial matrix. However, a mitochondrial cAMP-degrading phosphodiesterase (PDE) necessary for switching off this cAMP signal has not yet been identified. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a PDE2A isoform in mitochondria from rodent liver and brain. We find that mitochondrial PDE2A is located in the matrix and that the unique N terminus of PDE2A isoform 2 specifically leads to mitochondrial localization of this isoform. Functional assays show that mitochondrial PDE2A forms a local signaling system with soluble adenylyl cyclase in the matrix, which regulates the activity of the respiratory chain. Our findings complete a cAMP signaling cascade in mitochondria and have implications for understanding the regulation of mitochondrial processes and for their pharmacological modulation.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background The importance of the social dimension of sustainable development increased significantly during the last decade of the twentieth century. Industry has subsequently experienced a shift in stakeholder pressures from environmental to social-related concerns, where new developments in the form of projects and technologies are undertaken. However, the measurement of social impacts and the calculation of suitable indicators are less well developed compared to environmental indicators in order to assess the potential liabilities associated with undertaken projects and technologies. The aim of this paper is to propose a Social Impact Indicator (SII) calculation procedure based on a previously introduced Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) calculation procedure for environmental Resource Impact Indicators (RIIs), and to demonstrate the practicability of the SII procedure in the context of the process industry in South Africa. Methods A framework of social sustainability criteria has been introduced for the South African process industry. The social sub-criteria of the framework are further analyzed, based on project and technology management expertise in the South African process industry, to determine whether the criteria should be addressed at project or technology management level or whether they should rather form part of an overall corporate governance policy for new projects and technologies. Furthermore, the proposed indicators for criteria that are considered appropriate for project or technology evaluation purposes are constrained by the type of information that is available, i.e. the calculation methodology relies on the availability of regional or national social information where the project will be implemented, as well as the availability of project- or technology-specific social information during the various phases of the project or technology development life cycle. Case studies in the process industry and statistical information for South Africa are subsequently used to establish information availability for the SII calculation procedure, demonstrate the SII method together with the RII method, and determine the practical use of the SII method. Results and Conclusion The case studies establish that social footprint information as well as project- and technology social data are not readily available in the South African process industry. Consequently, the number of mid-point categories that can be evaluated are minimal, which results in an impaired social picture when compared to the environmental dimension. It is concluded that a quantitative social impact assessment method cannot be applied for project and technology life cycle management purposes in industry at present. Recommendation and Perspective Following the outcomes of the case studies in the South African process industry, it is recommended that checklists and guidelines be used during project and technology life cycle management practices. Similar to the environmental dimension, it is envisaged that such checklists and guidelines would improve the availability of quantitative data in time, and would therefore make the SII procedure more practical in the future.  相似文献   

In this paper, a kind of Typhaceae plant species, Typha angustifolia L, with a high tolerance to Cr is described. Experiments were carried out to examine its ability to tolerant Cr and its physiological response. The results showed that there was no difference in growth, plant height, and biomass response to external Cr (VI) between the plants exposed to 100 microM Cr (VI) and control (0 microM), while increasing Cr levels to 200-800 microM induced a significant decrease in plant height and biomass, but no significant injury was detected, even for the plants exposed to 800 microM Cr. Chromium induced significant increases in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activities. Meanwhile, a significantly positive correlation was found between Cr and Mn or Cu in leaves and roots, respectively. The Cr tolerance of the plant appeared to be associated with the enhancement of SOD and POD activities and the improvement in uptake and translocation of the essential microelements.  相似文献   

Two β-glucosidases, G1 and G2, were purified from the culture supernatant of Penicillium herquei Banier and Sartory. Both the purified enzymes were homogeneous on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights of G1 and G2 were estimated to be 125,000 and 122,000, respectively, by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. G1 and G2 contained 12.7% and 16.1% carbohydrate as glucose, and had isoelectric points of 5.02 and 5.24, respectively. Both enzymes had optimum pHs of 4.0~4.5 and optimum temperatures at 60°C, but pH - and thermo-stabilities of G1 were higher than those of G2. Both enzymes were active not only on p-nitrophenyl β-d-glucopyranoside, salicin, and the p-glucobioses tested but also on laminarin. CM-Cellulose was a very poor substrate for both enzymes. The activities of G1 toward the substrates except for laminarin and CM-cellulose were apparently higher than those of G2. Both enzymes acted on cellobiose to produce a transfer product.  相似文献   

The levels of endogenous gibberellin A1 (GA1), GA3, GA4, GA9 and a cellulase-hydrolysable GA9-conjugate in needles and shoot stems of Sitka spruce [Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.] grafts with different coning or flowering histories were estimated by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry selected ion monitoring using deuterated GA3, GA4 and GA9 as internal standards. The samples were taken at the approximate time of the start of flower-bud differentiation, i.e. when the shoots had elongated approx. 95% of the final length. The needles of the good-flowering clones contained 11–12 ng per g fresh weight (FW) and 15–28 ng· (g FW) –1 of GA9-conjugate and GA9, respectively. The shoot stems of the same material contained no detectable amounts of GA9-conjugate and 11–15 ng-(g FW)–1 of GA9. The amounts of GA9-conjugate and GA9 were apparently lower in the poor-flowering clones, the needles containing 4–9 ng-(g FW)–1 and 7–17 ng·(g FW)–1, respectively. Also in this material the shoot stems contained no detectable amounts of GA9-conjugate. The amounts of GA4 were very small in both materials, ranging from 1–1.6 ng-(g FW)–1. The good-flowering clones contained no detectable amounts of the more polar gibberellins, GA1 and GA3. The poor-flowering clones, on the other hand, contained high levels of GA15 17–19ng·(gFW)–1 in the needles and 10–13 ng·(g FW) –1 in the shoot stems, and also smaller amounts of GA3, 2–3 ng·(g FW)–1 in the needles and approx. 1 ng·(g FW)–1 in the shoot stems. The results demonstrate differences in GA-metabolism between the poor- and the good-flowering clones. The higher amounts of GA9-conjugate and GA9 might indicate a higher capacity for synthesizing GA4 in the good-flowering material. This synthesis does not, however, result in a build-up of the GA4-pool, maybe because of a high rate of turnover. Gibberellin A4 was apparently neither hydroxylated to GA1 nor converted to GA3 in the goodflowering material, as was the case in the poor-flowering material. This might indicate that gibberellin metabolism in the poor-flowering material is directed towards GA1 and GA3, GAs preferentially used in vegetative growth.Abbreviations FW fresh weight - GAn gibberellin An - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Neurospora sitophila produced extracellular and cell wall-associated lectins. The addition of l-sorbose to a culture resulted in a decrease in the production of the former lectin and complete abolition of the latter. The lectin in the culture filtrate was purified by bovine submaxillary mucin-conjugated Sepharose chromatography. The molecular weight of the lectin was calculated to be approx. 40,000 by Sephacryl S-200 gel filtration, and that of the subunit to be approx. 22,000 by SDS/polyacrylamide- gel electrophoresis. The lectin was not inhibited by simple sugars or their homopolymers. It was inhibited strongly by glycoproteins from human erythrocyte membrane and bovine submaxillary mucin, and moderately by α1-acid glycoprotein from human plasma, human IgA and IgM, and fetal calf fetuin. The lectin agglutinated human type A, B and O erythrocytes to the same degree. Erythrocytes from chick, horse, rabbit and sheep were more efficiently agglutinated.  相似文献   

依据高峰淀粉酶的晶体结构数据对它的分子可及性进行了计算和分析,得到了极性与非极性氨基酸的分布、极性原子与非级性原子对可及性的贡献、催化活性中心裂隙的构象、C末端结构域空间拓扑等信息。活性部位氨基酸残基的可及性研究结果与酶-底物复合物模型相符。  相似文献   

Poly(A) status is the major determinant of mRNA stability, even in endosymbiotic organelles. Poly(A) specific ribonuclease (PARN) is distributed widely among eukaryotes and has been shown to regulate the poly(A) status of cytoplasmic mRNA in various organisms. Surprisingly, our recent study revealed that PARN also directly regulates poly(A) status of mitochondrial mRNA in Arabidopsis. In this addendum, we discuss whether this mitochondrial function of PARN is common in plants and why PARN has been assigned such a unique function.  相似文献   

A time-course study is described relating the enzyme activities for GA20 metabolism with seed development in Phaseolus vulgaris L. Enzyme activity for the 3-hydroxylation of GA20 to GA1, and for the 2,3-desaturation of GA20 to GA5, was confined to the cotyledons and showed maximal specific activity at 21 d after anthesis. These enzyme activities co-occurred, together with a much lower level of activity for the 2-hydroxylation of GA20 to GA29. The observed rates of GA1, GA5 and GA29 formation from GA20 were constant under a range of incubation conditions. Enzyme activity for the conversion of GA1 to GA8 was detected only in embryos of seed from 40 d after anthesis. By deuterium-labelling and analysis of the products by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring it was shown that 2-hydroxylation of GA1 to GA8 and 3-hydroxylation of GA20 to GA1 occur with retention of configuration and that the conversion of GA20 to GA5 occurs with loss of the 2- and 3-hydrogens. These results establish that GA1 is not formed from GA20 via GA5.Abbreviations GAn Gibberellin An - GC gas chromatography - HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography - MS mass spectrometry - SIM selected-ion monitoring - THO tritiated water  相似文献   

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