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利用植物DNA条形码候选序列mat K、psb A-trn H、psb K-psb I和rbc L对蜘蛛抱蛋属(Aspidistra)植物的19种104批样品进行扩增和测序,并采用相似性搜索算法(BLAST)对各序列的鉴定效率进行评价,得出蜘蛛抱蛋属物种鉴定的最佳序列。结果显示,psb K-psb I的物种鉴定成功率为88.7%,在单一序列中成功率最高。通过多序列组合鉴定效率的比较,发现组合序列的鉴定成功率明显高于单一序列,其中mat K+(psb K-psb I)组合的鉴定成功率高达100%,基于该序列组合构建蜘蛛抱蛋属植物的系统发育树,结果显示同一物种的样品聚集度较好,多表现为单系。研究结果表明mat K+(psb K-psb I)序列组合可作为蜘蛛抱蛋植物种鉴定的最佳条形码序列。  相似文献   

对锦葵科植物样品的ITS、ITS2、rbcL、matK和psbA-trnH序列进行PCR扩增和测序,比较各序列的扩增效率、测序成功率、种内和种间变异的差异以及barcoding gap图,使用BLAST1和Nearest Distance方法评价不同序列的鉴定能力,进而从这些候选序列中筛选出较适合锦葵科植物鉴别的DNA条形码序列。结果表明,ITS序列在采集的锦葵科植物11个种26个样品中的扩增成功率较高,其种内、种间变异差异和barcoding gap较ITS2、psbA-trnH及rbcL序列具有更明显的优势,且纳入60个属316个种共1228个样品的网上数据后,其鉴定成功率可达89.9%。psbA-trnH序列的扩增和测序成功率最高,其鉴定成功率为63.2%,并能鉴别一些ITS序列无法鉴别的种。实验结果表明,ITS和psbA-trnH是较适合鉴别锦葵科植物的DNA条形码序列组合。  相似文献   

锦葵科植物DNA条形码通用序列的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王柯  陈科力  刘震  陈士林 《植物学报》2011,46(3):276-284
对锦葵科植物样品的ITS、ITS2、rbcL、matK和psbA-trnH序列进行PCR扩增和测序, 比较各序列的扩增效率、测序成功率、种内和种间变异的差异以及barcoding gap图, 使用BLAST1和Nearest Distance方法评价不同序列的鉴定能力, 进而从这些候选序列中筛选出较适合锦葵科植物鉴别的DNA条形码序列。结果表明, ITS序列在采集的锦葵科植物11个种26个样品中的扩增成功率较高, 其种内、种间变异差异和barcoding gap较ITS2、psbA-trnH及rbcL序列具有更明显的优势, 且纳入60个属316个种共1 228个样品的网上数据后, 其鉴定成功率可达89.9%。psbA-trnH序列的扩增和测序成功率最高, 其鉴定成功率为63.2%, 并能鉴别一些ITS序列无法鉴别的种。实验结果表明, ITS和psbA-trnH是较适合鉴别锦葵科植物的DNA条形码序列组合。  相似文献   

石斛药材品种繁多,外观鉴定较困难,为保证药材临床疗效,药材品种溯源是关键。本研究以60份贵州赤水产金钗石斛(包括鱼肚兰,竹叶兰和圆茎兰三种种质,各20份)为研究对象,提取其基因组DNA并作为PCR扩增模板,扩增核糖体ITS2和叶绿体psb A-trn H基因片段,并进行测序和相关分析。结果显示,金钗石斛三种种质核糖体ITS2共有序列相似度达96.69%,两两比较,相似度均为100.0%,长度分别为圆茎兰491 bp、竹叶兰492 bp、鱼肚兰493 pb;3种种质叶绿体psb A-trn H共有序列相似度达87.32%,两两比较,相似度均达99.0%以上,长度分别为圆茎兰465 bp、竹叶兰534 bp、鱼肚兰469 bp。两条基因在种内遗传变异较小,均不能区分金钗石斛三种种质。在中药材DNA条形码鉴定系统中,ITS2可将金钗石斛与其他物种区分开,但psb A-trn H不能,可将二者组合作为贵州赤水产金钗石斛的DNA条形码。  相似文献   

为探讨滇重楼药材鉴定新方法,本研究通过对重楼样品提取基因组DNA,PCR扩增叶绿体psb A-trn H序列并进行双向测序,所得序列经Codon Code Aligner拼接后,采用MEGA5.0软件进行序列比对,计算种内和种间遗传距离(K2P),构建邻接数(neighbor-joining tree)进行结果分析。研究表明,叶绿体psb A-trn H片段在滇重楼种内变异较小,平均K2P遗传距离为0.007,而滇重楼与其它重楼种间平均K2P遗传距离为0.025,滇重楼种间最大K2P遗传距离明显小于滇重楼与重楼属其它种内的最小K2P遗传距离。中药材DNA条形码鉴定系统比对和NJ树鉴定结果均表明psb A-trn H序列可区分滇重楼及其同属物种,且具有较好的稳定性和准确性,为保障临床安全用药提供了新的技术手段。  相似文献   

为探讨滇重楼药材鉴定新方法,本研究通过对重楼样品提取基因组DNA,PCR扩增叶绿体psb A-trn H序列并进行双向测序,所得序列经Codon Code Aligner拼接后,采用MEGA5.0软件进行序列比对,计算种内和种间遗传距离(K2P),构建邻接数(neighbor-joining tree)进行结果分析。研究表明,叶绿体psb A-trn H片段在滇重楼种内变异较小,平均K2P遗传距离为0.007,而滇重楼与其它重楼种间平均K2P遗传距离为0.025,滇重楼种间最大K2P遗传距离明显小于滇重楼与重楼属其它种内的最小K2P遗传距离。中药材DNA条形码鉴定系统比对和NJ树鉴定结果均表明psb A-trn H序列可区分滇重楼及其同属物种,且具有较好的稳定性和准确性,为保障临床安全用药提供了新的技术手段。  相似文献   

根据形态特征难以准确地辨别金合欢属植物,DNA条形码技术提供了一种准确地鉴定物种的方法。本文利用条形码技术对中国金合欢属物种的序列(psbA trnH、matK、rbcL和ITS)及其不同组合进行比较,通过计算种内和种间变异进行barcoding gap分析,运用Wilcoxon秩和检验比较不同序列的变异性,构建系统树。结果表明:4个片段均存在barcoding gap,ITS序列种间变异率较psbA trnH、rbcL和matK序列有明显优势,单片段ITS正确鉴定率最高,ITS+rbcL片段联合条码的正确鉴定率最高,因此我们认为ITS片段或条形码组合ITS+rbcL是金合欢属的快速鉴别最理想的条码。  相似文献   

ITS作为粒毛盘菌属DNA条形码的探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赵鹏  庄文颖 《菌物学报》2011,30(6):932-937
以种内与种间差异以及PCR扩增和测序成功率为评价DNA条形码的重要指标,探索ITS序列作为粒毛盘菌属DNA条形码的可行性。结果表明,ITS成功区分了研究涉及的22个种,其PCR扩增和测序成功率为100%,该片段有望成为该属区分物种的DNA条形码。  相似文献   

为寻找适用于中药材莪术基原植物鉴定的DNA条形码序列,探索快速高效的莪术基原植物鉴定的新方法,该文首先利用扩增成功率和测序成功率对中药材莪术三种基原植物,9个样本的7种DNA条形码序列(ITS、ITS2、matK、psbA-trnH、trnL-trnF、rpoB和atpB-rbcL)进行评估,然后利用MEGA6.0软件对获得的高质量的序列通过变异位点分析、遗传距离计算和系统树分析等进一步进行评估,最后将筛选到的DNA条形码序列对未知基原的待测样品进行基原鉴定。结果表明:(1) ITS、ITS2和matK等条形码序列在莪术基原植物中的扩增或测序成功率较低,难以应用于实际鉴定;而psbA-trnH、trnL-trnF和rpoB条形码序列变异位点信息过少,不足于区分莪术的三种不同基原植物;只有atpB-rbcL条形码序列的扩增和测序成功率较高,容易获得高质量的序列,同时序列长度(642~645 bp)理想,变异位点多(11个),可实现莪术的三种不同基原的区分鉴别。(2)待测样品经基于atpB-rbcL序列构建的系统发育树鉴别为温郁金。综上所述,叶绿体atpB-rbcL序列能够准确鉴定莪术不同基原植物,可以作为中药材莪术基原植物鉴定的条形码序列。  相似文献   

利用DNA条形码技术对半夏属及其伪品进行分子鉴定, 研究半夏属药用植物鉴定的新方法。该实验使用matK序列对半夏(Pinellia ternata)及其伪品进行扩增测序, 结合GenBank数据库数据, 分析ITS、ITS2、psbA-trnH、rbcL和matK各序列的种内与种间变异及barcoding gap, 并采用最近距离法(nearest distance)和相似性搜索算法(BLAST1)评价不同序列的鉴定能力。结果显示, matK序列的种间变异最大, rbcL序列的种内变异最小; rbcL序列的种内和种间遗传变异重叠比例最小, 其次为matK序列; 各序列的Neighbor Joining树均可明显地将不同种分开。实验结果表明, 利用DNA条形码能够准确地鉴别半夏属药用植物及其伪品, matK和rbcL序列为鉴别半夏属及其伪品的较理想条形码组合。该研究为半夏属植物的分子鉴别提供了科学依据与新的思路。  相似文献   

龙脑香科植物是东南亚地区重要的热带木材来源树种, 对其开展DNA条形码评估在林业监管及森林资源保护等方面具有非常重要的实际应用价值。通过对龙脑香科植物样品进行rbcLmatKtrnL-trnFITS2四个片段的扩增和测序, 结合GenBank下载的数据, 共获得龙脑香科树种14属244种共计899条序列。通过比较4个片段的通用性、序列特征、种内和种间的遗传变异, 基于Best Match (BM)、Best Close Match (BCM)、相似性搜索算法(BLAST)和邻接树(NJ) 4种方法评估DNA条形码对于龙脑香科树种的鉴定能力。结果表明, ITS2在龙脑香科树种中鉴定效率最高, 通过优化的扩增体系能够从该科植物叶片中获得较高质量的ITS2片段; 叶绿体matK片段扩增和测序效率为100%, 且种内及种间遗传变异明显, 鉴定成功率高于其它叶绿体片段, 并据此提出ITS2matK适合作为龙脑香科树种的DNA条形码。  相似文献   

龙脑香科植物是东南亚地区重要的热带木材来源树种, 对其开展DNA条形码评估在林业监管及森林资源保护等方面具有非常重要的实际应用价值。通过对龙脑香科植物样品进行rbcLmatKtrnL-trnFITS2四个片段的扩增和测序, 结合GenBank下载的数据, 共获得龙脑香科树种14属244种共计899条序列。通过比较4个片段的通用性、序列特征、种内和种间的遗传变异, 基于Best Match (BM)、Best Close Match (BCM)、相似性搜索算法(BLAST)和邻接树(NJ) 4种方法评估DNA条形码对于龙脑香科树种的鉴定能力。结果表明, ITS2在龙脑香科树种中鉴定效率最高, 通过优化的扩增体系能够从该科植物叶片中获得较高质量的ITS2片段; 叶绿体matK片段扩增和测序效率为100%, 且种内及种间遗传变异明显, 鉴定成功率高于其它叶绿体片段, 并据此提出ITS2matK适合作为龙脑香科树种的DNA条形码。  相似文献   

DNA barcoding allows the identification of an organism by comparing the sequence of selected DNA regions (barcodes) with a previously compiled database, and it can be useful for taxonomic identification of species in complex genera, such as Tamarix. Many species of this genus show convergent morphology, which leads to frequent errors in their identification. Highly variable genetic markers, such as microsatellites or short sequence repeats (SSR), could be used to differentiate species where DNA barcodes fail. Here, we tested the ability of both, 5 different marker regions (rbcL, matK, ITS, trnH-psbA, and ycf1), and 14 microsatellites, to properly identify Tamarix species, especially those from the Mediterranean Basin, and compared the pros and cons of the different analytical methods for species identification. DNA barcoding allows the genetic identification of certain species in Tamarix. The two-locus barcodes matK + ITS and ITS + ycf1 were the best-performing combinations, allowing up to 69% and 70%, respectively, correct identification. However, DNA barcoding failed in phylogenetically close groups, such as many Mediterranean species. The use of SSR can aid the identification of species, and the combination of both types of data (DNA barcoding and SSR) improved the success. The combination of data was especially relevant in detecting the presence of hybridization processes, which are common in the genus. However, caution must be exercised when choosing the clustering methods for the SSR datasince different methods can lead to very different results.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a rapidly developing frontier technology that is gaining worldwide attention.Here,seven regions (psbA-trnH,matK,ycf5,rpoC1,rbcL,ITS2,and ITS) with potential for use as DNA barcodes were tested for their ability to identify 300 samples of 192 species from 72 genera of the family Rutaceae.To evaluate each barcode’s utility for species authentication,PCR amplification efficiency,genetic divergence,and barcoding gaps were assessed.We found that the ITS2 region exhibited the highest inter-specific divergence,and that this was significantly higher than the intra-specific variation in the "DNA barcoding gap" assessment and Wilcoxon two-sample tests.The ITS2 locus had the highest identification efficiency among all tested regions.In a previous study,we found that ITS2 was able to discriminate a wide range of plant taxa,and here we confirmed that ITS2 was also able to discriminate a number of closely related species.Therefore,we propose that ITS2 is a promising candidate barcode for plant species identification.  相似文献   

We tested 4 markers, namely nuclear internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2), psbA-trnH, matK, and rbcL, to evaluate these candidate DNA barcodes for distinguishing Bupleuri radix (Chaihu) from its adulterants. 51 plant samples of Bupleurum representing 19 species were collected from different areas in China. Amplification and sequencing were attempted for all the 4 candidate barcode regions, whose validity was assessed in terms of the success rate of PCR amplification and sequencing, differential intra- and inter-specific divergences, DNA barcoding gap and the ability to discriminate species. The results showed that ITS2 had the best performance in identifying Bupleurum with an identification efficiency of 73.68%, which, after combining with psbA-trnH, increased to 83.33%. We further evaluated the efficiency of ITS2 for discriminating the species of Bupleurum using a large database from GenBank, which archived data of 223 samples from 74 species, and ITS2 successfully discriminated 64.13% of the samples at the species level. In conclusion, the ITS2 can serve as a potentially useful barcode for Bupleurum species, with psbA-trnH as a supplementary locus.  相似文献   

A DNA barcode is a short piece of DNA sequence used for species determination and discovery. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS/ITS2) region has been proposed as the standard DNA barcode for fungi and seed plants and has been widely used in DNA barcoding analyses for other biological groups, for example algae, protists and animals. The ITS region consists of both ITS1 and ITS2 regions. Here, a large‐scale meta‐analysis was carried out to compare ITS1 and ITS2 from three aspects: PCR amplification, DNA sequencing and species discrimination, in terms of the presence of DNA barcoding gaps, species discrimination efficiency, sequence length distribution, GC content distribution and primer universality. In total, 85 345 sequence pairs in 10 major groups of eukaryotes, including ascomycetes, basidiomycetes, liverworts, mosses, ferns, gymnosperms, monocotyledons, eudicotyledons, insects and fishes, covering 611 families, 3694 genera, and 19 060 species, were analysed. Using similarity‐based methods, we calculated species discrimination efficiencies for ITS1 and ITS2 in all major groups, families and genera. Using Fisher's exact test, we found that ITS1 has significantly higher efficiencies than ITS2 in 17 of the 47 families and 20 of the 49 genera, which are sample‐rich. By in silico PCR amplification evaluation, primer universality of the extensively applied ITS1 primers was found superior to that of ITS2 primers. Additionally, shorter length of amplification product and lower GC content was discovered to be two other advantages of ITS1 for sequencing. In summary, ITS1 represents a better DNA barcode than ITS2 for eukaryotic species.  相似文献   



Selaginellaceae is a family of nonseed plants with special evolutionary significance. Plants of the family Selaginellaceae are similarly shaped and easily confused, complicating identification via traditional methods. This study explored, for the first time, the use of the DNA barcode ITS2 to identify medicinal plants of the Selaginellaceae family.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In our study, 103 samples were collected from the main distribution areas in China; these samples represented 34 species and contained almost all of the medicinal plants of Selaginellaceae. The ITS2 region of the genome was amplified from these samples and sequenced using universal primers and reaction conditions. The success rates of the PCR amplification and sequencing were 100%. There was significant divergence between the interspecific and intraspecific genetic distances of the ITS2 regions, while the presence of a barcoding gap was obvious. Using the BLAST1 and nearest distance methods, our results proved that the ITS2 regions could successfully identify the species of all Selaginellaceae samples examined. In addition, the secondary structures of ITS2 in the helical regions displayed clear differences in stem loop number, size, position, and screw angle among the medicinal plants of Selaginellaceae. Furthermore, cluster analysis using the ITS2 barcode supported the relationship between the species of Selaginellaceae established by traditional morphological methods.


The ITS2 barcode can effectively identify medicinal plants of Selaginellaceae. The results provide a scientific basis for the precise identification of plants of the family Selaginellaceae and the reasonable development of these resources. This study may broaden the application of DNA barcoding in the medicinal plant field and benefit phylogenetic investigations.  相似文献   

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