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采用大样本随机挖取单个无性系的调查和测定方法,分析了长白山区华北翦股颖无性系构件的结构及生长规律.结果表明,在籽实乳熟期,华北翦股颖无性系构件是由营养枝和生殖枝组成,其中,以生殖枝数量和生物量所占比例最大,分别为93.3%和97.1%.华北翦股颖无性系构件的关系中,生殖枝数量和生物量以及分株总数量和总生物量均随着丛径的增加呈幂函数异速生长(R2=0.661~0.712).生殖枝数量与分株总数量之间以及生殖枝生物量与分株总生物量之间均呈极显著线性正相关(R2为0.997和0.965).  相似文献   

通过不同蝴蝶花(Iris japonica)起始源株密度的控制实验, 探讨源株对克隆植物蝴蝶花克隆繁殖、生长和生物量分配的影响。结果表明: 1)克隆数量特征: 1个起始源株处理(O)蝴蝶花新分株数显著高于2个起始源株(T)及4个起始源株处理(F), 而新分株死亡率显著低于后二者; 随着起始源株数增加(竞争增强), 一级与二级子株数显著降低。随着源株竞争增强, 克隆细根茎与根的长度、表面积、体积与根(茎)长密度逐渐降低。2)叶片特征: 随着源株竞争增强, 母株重度枯萎与总枯萎叶片数显著增加, 子株中度枯萎、重度枯萎与总枯萎叶片数显著增加; 源株竞争增强, 源株叶面积、源株与子株叶片数显著降低, 而源株叶面积比(leaf area ratio, LAR)显著增加。3)生物量及分配: 随着源株竞争增强, 细根茎、粗根茎、克隆繁殖、地上部分、地下部分及总生物量显著降低, 细根茎与地下部分分配降低, 母株粗根茎分配与地上部分分配显著增加。总的看来, 随着蝴蝶花源株竞争增强, 植株叶片生长状况受到更大的影响, 植株生长受限, 克隆繁殖减弱, 而其通过增加LAR, 提高叶片效率与增加母株粗根茎分配, 降低生长强度与消耗, 储备资源, 以待来年的生长与繁殖。  相似文献   

菹草无性系季节生长速度和生物量分配特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了菹草(Potamogeton crispus L.)无性系在典型发育阶段的生长特征, 结果表明: 随着无性系的生长, 叶生物量比例增高, 茎生物量比例降低, 根状茎和根生物量占总生物量的比例较稳定, 成熟无性系各组分所占比例依次为叶>茎>根状茎和根。各发育阶段无性系小株生物量增长特征不同, 越冬期和繁殖期小株叶、茎生物量均与小株株高呈幂函数异速生长, 而指数生长期叶生物量与小株株高呈指数生长, 各发育阶段小株总生物量向叶茎组分的分配比例不同。无性系小株上部、中部、下部叶面积与小株株高之间在幼苗生长期和越冬期呈幂函数异速生长, 而在指数生长期和繁殖期呈线性同速生长, 尤其上部叶面积与高度间极显著正相关的水平最高。  相似文献   

克隆整合影响严重光胁迫下第一分株世代的生长和沉积物特征但不影响 后续分株世代的生长和沉积物特征 克隆整合通过缓冲环境压力和提高资源获取效率使克隆植物受益。然而,在一个克隆系统中,受益于克隆整合的连接分株世代的数量很少受到关注。我们进行了一个盆栽实验来评估沉水植物苦草 (Vallisneria natans)克隆系统内的生理整合程度,该克隆系统由一个母株和3个依次连接的后代分株组成。 母株生长在正常光照下,而后代分株被严重遮荫。母株与后代分株间的匍匐茎被切断或保持连接,但3个后代分株之间的连接仍然存在。与遮荫的后代分株连接时,苦草未遮荫的母株的光合能力显著增强,但其生物量积累大大减少。克隆整合显著增加了第一分株世代(相邻分株)的生物量积累和土壤的碳氮可用性、胞外酶活性和微生物生物量,但没有增加后续分株世代的这些特征。我们的结果表明,在严重光胁迫下,来自苦草母株的支持可能仅限于克隆系统中相邻的后代分株,这暗示着一个分株世代的效应。我们的结果有助于更好地理解克隆植物的层次结构和分段化。这些发现表明克隆整合程度在分株种群的生态相互作用中起着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

松嫩平原不同生育期虎尾草无性系构件生长与生物量分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以松嫩平原不同生育期的虎尾草无性系为研究对象,分别在虎尾草无性系拔节期和完熟期进行大样本取样,并对其地上、地下各构件的数量性状及生物量分配进行统计分析,研究虎尾草在不同生育期的生长特性及生长策略.结果表明:虎尾草株高、总根长、总根表面积、根体积、地上生物量、地下生物量、总生物量在两个生育期之间均存在显著差异.在两个生育期,地上、地下生物量分配与总生物量呈显著幂函数异速生长关系.在拔节期,总生物量与分株数、总根长、总根表面积和根体积呈显著线性同速生长关系;而在完熟期,均呈显著幂函数异速生长关系.虎尾草无性系在不同生育期存在着不同的生长策略,在拔节期主要采取的是无性系外部空间的优先扩展策略,而在完熟期主要采取的是无性系内、外部空间兼顾的补充和扩展策略.  相似文献   

疏叶骆驼刺母株与子株间的水分整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在未灌溉的土地上, 疏叶骆驼刺(Alhagi sparsifolia)通常不能进行有性繁殖, 克隆繁殖是其种群维持和延续的唯一方式。因此, 克隆性及其相关克隆性状(如水分整合)在疏叶骆驼刺自然种群的维持过程中可能扮演了极其重要的角色。该文通过疏叶骆驼刺母株和子株之间的间隔子切断和给母株补充水分的方法, 研究了母株和子株在各处理下的水势、叶形态和植株生长变化情况。结果表明: (1)间隔子切断后, 疏叶骆驼刺母株和子株正午水势均明显增大(p < 0.01), 说明间隔子切断使得母株和子株水分亏缺值都增大。(2)给母株补水后, 间隔子切断组和间隔子相连组中的母株水势均有明显增加, 同时间隔子相连组的子株水势明显增加(p < 0.01), 而间隔子切断组子株水势没有明显变化(p > 0.05)。(3)间隔子切断组的子株叶片含水率明显低于间隔子相连组子株, 而其株高、冠幅、分枝数和基径的增长量都明显小于间隔子相连组的子株(p < 0.01)。疏叶骆驼刺母株和子株间存在水分整合, 母株会通过根系向子株传输水分。研究成果对塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘的植被恢复以及水资源的合理利用有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

松嫩平原贝加尔针茅无性系构件的结构及生长规律   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨允菲  张宝田 《应用生态学报》2005,16(12):2311-2315
采用整个分蘖丛挖掘的取样方法,对松嫩平原栽培条件下贝加尔针茅无性系构件的结构,以及生长与生产规律进行了定量分析.结果表明,在9月末停止生长期,经过2个生长季的营养繁殖,贝加尔针茅无性系的丛径为9.4±3.24 cm.无性系的全体构件数为161.±8.2个.其中,生殖分蘖株为14.6±11.48个,占9.2%;营养分蘖株为146.9±78.70个,占90.7%.全体构件总生物量为3.8±34.22 g,其中生殖分蘖株生物量为2.0±20.34 g,占43.7%;营养分蘖株为28.8±19.43 g,占6.2%.随着丛径的增加,不同构件的数量均具有线性同速生长规律,而不同构件的生物量均具有幂函数异速增长规律.不同构件生物量与无性系全体构件的数量和生物量之间均呈显著(P<0.0)或极显著(P<0.01)的幂函数正相关关系.平均单个生殖分蘖株的生产力约为营养分蘖株的10倍.生殖分蘖株的数量和生物量的表型可塑性普遍大于营养分蘖株.  相似文献   

百里香(Thymus mongolicus)草原是以唇形科小半灌木百里香为建群种的草原类型。该文以编写《中国植被志》为契机, 结合2015-2017年生长季野外调查数据和文献资料, 对中国百里香草原的分布、生态特征、群落特征和分类等进行了总结。结果表明: (1)百里香草原主要分布于辽河上游西拉木伦河流域的黄土丘陵、河北西北部坝上高原、阴山山脉两翼低山丘陵、鄂尔多斯高原东部和黄土高原北部, 常分布在水蚀风蚀强烈的黄土丘陵和砾石质化基质的坡地。(2)根据91个样地记录统计, 百里香草原组成物种较丰富, 有种子植物167种, 隶属于34科101属, 以菊科、豆科和禾本科为主; 其中有8种半灌木和小半灌木, 112种多年生杂类草; 水分生态类型以典型旱生植物(58种)和中旱生植物(45种)为主; 区系地理成分以东古北极成分(70种)和东亚成分(46种)为主。(3)根据生活型和优势度, 百里香草原可以划分为百里香、半灌木/小半灌木群丛组, 百里香群丛组, 百里香、丛生禾草群丛组, 百里香、根茎禾草群丛组, 百里香、薹草群丛组, 百里香、杂类草群丛组, 共计6个群丛组28个群丛。  相似文献   

百里香(Thymus mongolicus)草原是以唇形科小半灌木百里香为建群种的草原类型。该文以编写《中国植被志》为契机, 结合2015-2017年生长季野外调查数据和文献资料, 对中国百里香草原的分布、生态特征、群落特征和分类等进行了总结。结果表明: (1)百里香草原主要分布于辽河上游西拉木伦河流域的黄土丘陵、河北西北部坝上高原、阴山山脉两翼低山丘陵、鄂尔多斯高原东部和黄土高原北部, 常分布在水蚀风蚀强烈的黄土丘陵和砾石质化基质的坡地。(2)根据91个样地记录统计, 百里香草原组成物种较丰富, 有种子植物167种, 隶属于34科101属, 以菊科、豆科和禾本科为主; 其中有8种半灌木和小半灌木, 112种多年生杂类草; 水分生态类型以典型旱生植物(58种)和中旱生植物(45种)为主; 区系地理成分以东古北极成分(70种)和东亚成分(46种)为主。(3)根据生活型和优势度, 百里香草原可以划分为百里香、半灌木/小半灌木群丛组, 百里香群丛组, 百里香、丛生禾草群丛组, 百里香、根茎禾草群丛组, 百里香、薹草群丛组, 百里香、杂类草群丛组, 共计6个群丛组28个群丛。  相似文献   

高寒草甸退化对鹅绒委陵菜克隆生长特征的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周华坤  赵新全  周立  刘伟  韩发  古松 《生态学报》2006,26(2):508-520
为了揭示高寒草甸典型匍匐茎克隆植物对不同生境的生态适应对策,验证生境适应假说,并为高寒草地的退化演替机理研究提供依据,以调查统计和比较样地法研究了江河源区高寒草甸退化对鹅绒委陵菜克隆生长特征的影响。研究表明,重度退化草甸的植物群落结构、功能以及土壤特征发生了明显的变化,继而对鹅绒委陵菜无性系的克隆生长行为和形态特性产生了影响。高寒草甸退化后鹅绒委陵菜的匍匐茎增多,分支强度加大。退化草甸内鹅绒委陵菜的基株高度小于未退化草甸,根长大于未退化草甸,基株的叶片数目问没有明显差别。退化草甸的分株高度显著小于未退化草甸,而分株叶数大于未退化草甸,根长小于未退化革甸且差异不显著。未退化草甸内鹅绒委陵菜无性系的问隔子长度、粗度和匍匐茎长度大于退化草甸,间隔子平均数目少于退化草甸,差异都不显著。随着鹅绒委陵菜无性系匍匐茎数目的增加,不论重度退化草甸与未退化草甸,用于鹅绒委陵菜克隆繁殖的能量投资也逐渐增加。鹅绒委陵菜在未退化草甸用于克隆繁殖的能量投资比例高于退化草甸,其中未退化草甸内鹅绒委陵菜基株的干重占无性系总生物量的比例略低于退化草甸,分株和匍匐茎的干重占无性系总生物量的比例高于退化草甸。高寒草甸退化对鹅绒委陵菜克隆生长特征的这些影响,与植物群落结构和功能的变化导致生境变异密切相关,是其对高寒草甸退化导致的资源和生境差异的反应,也是对资源利用达到的最合理状态,是一种选择适应的结果,有利于克隆繁殖潜力的发挥。同时为生境适应假说提供了又一例证。  相似文献   

We studied the field response of Robinia pseudoacacia L. to light, total soil nitrogen, available soil phosphorus and soil pH. Results indicated that there was very strong clonal integration between mother and daughter ramets. Mother ramets can provide nitrogen and phosphorus to daughter ramets sufficient for their continued growth through strong clonal integration, but cannot provide enough photosynthate. With clonal integration, soil nitrogen and phosphorus availability had no effect on biomass allocation to roots, number of ramets and length of connection roots. Biomass allocation to roots increased markedly and responded to nitrogen and phosphorus availability, when the connections were severed. Light had a significant effect on the percent of biomass allocation to leaves and number of ramets, but no effect on the length of connection roots. Daughter ramets allocated more resources to leaves, and clones placed more daughter ramets in high light patches than in low light patches. Soil pH had a significant effect on ramet number and connection root length. Clones concentrated in alkaline patches and escaped from acid patches through selective placement of daughter ramets and changing the length of connection roots. We suggest that the clonal integration may be very strong and provide sufficient soil resources to daughter ramets, then affect the daughter ramets’ morphology and placement, if the size of a specific ramet is significantly larger than the other ramets in an arbor clone.  相似文献   

13C-CO2脉冲标记法研究氮添加对毛竹母子分株克隆整合的影响 相连分株间的资源共享(即克隆整合)是克隆植物的显著特征。克隆整合使毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)对多种环境条件具有较强的适应性。但毛竹通过克隆整合获得性能提升的机制尚不明确。本 研究区分并分析了毛竹光合碳的顶向整合和基向整合,以探究毛竹克隆片段如何在土壤氮异质性条件下 提高整体收益。本研究以由两株不同年龄毛竹分株组成 的克隆片段为研究对象,分株间通过根状茎连接。 每个分株设置氮添加或无氮添加两种处理,并通过单株母株或子株的13C-CO2脉冲标记对光合碳的顶向整合和基向整合进行区分。研究结果表明,子株氮添加显著促进了光合碳由母株向子株的顶向整合,无论母株是否有氮添加,均向氮添加子株转运更多的光合碳。转运自无氮添加母株的光合碳主要分配至氮添加子株的 叶片,而转运自氮添加母株的光合碳则主要分配至根系。与无氮添加处理的子株相比,氮 添 加子株转运更多的光合碳至母株,且该过程不受母株氮添加的影响。转运自氮添加子株的光合碳主要 分配至无氮添加母株的根系和氮添加母株的叶片。这些结果说明,母株优先将更多的资源投入到具有高 养分可利用性的子株,随后子株作为更高效的资源采集点,根据母株的养分状况针对富集资源进行获取。通过这种方式,克隆植物可以降低资源获取成本并提高资源获取效率,最大限度地提升其整体表现。  相似文献   

Pauliukonis  Nijole  Gough  Laura 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(1):1-15
Although clonal growth is a dominant mode of plant growth in wetlands, the importance of clonal integration, resource sharing among ramets, to individual ramet generations (mother and daughter) and entire clones of coexisting species has not been well investigated. This study evaluated the significance of clonal integration in four sedge species of varying ramet aggregations, from clump-forming species (Clumpers –Carex sterilis, Eleocharis rostellata), with tightly aggregated ramets (rhizomes<1cm), to runner species (Runners –Schoenoplectus acutus, Cladium mariscoides), with loosely aggregated ramets. We manipulated clonal integration by either severing connections between target mother and daughter ramets or leaving connections intact, and then planted them in an intact neighborhood of a fen in Michigan, USA. We measured growth parameters of original and newly produced ramets over two growing seasons and conducted a final biomass harvest, to address four hypotheses. First, we expected integrated clones to accumulate more biomass than severed clones. However, final clone-level biomass and ramet production were the same for both treatments in all species although severing initially stimulated ramet production by Schoenoplectus and produced a more compact ramet aggregation in Cladium. Second, we hypothesized that mother ramets would experience a cost of integration, through reduced ramet or biomass production, while daughters would experience a benefit, through increased resource availability from mothers. Mother ramets of Cladium suffered a cost from integration, while Schoenoplectus mothers suffered a slight cost and Carex daughters saw a slight benefit. Finally, we hypothesized that integration would be more active in runner species than in clumper species. Indeed, we documented more active integration in runners than clumpers, but none of the study species were dependent upon integration for growth or survival once daughter ramets were established with their own roots and shoots. This study demonstrates that integration between established ramets may not be the most important advantage to clonal growth in this wetland field site. The loss of integration elicited varied responses among coexisting species in their natural habitat, somewhat but not completely related to their growth form, suggesting that a combination of plant life history traits contributes to the dependence upon clonal integration among established ramets of clonal species.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to study the trade-offs among vegetative growth, clonal, and sexual reproduction in an aquatic invasive weed Spartina alterniflora that experienced different inundation depths and clonal integration. Here, the rhizome connections between mother and daughter ramets were either severed or left intact. Subsequently, these clones were flooded with water levels of 0, 9, and 18 cm above the soil surface. Severing rhizomes decreased growth and clonal reproduction of daughter ramets, and increased those of mother ramets grown in shallow and deep water. The daughter ramets disconnected from mother ramets did not flower, while sexual reproduction of mother ramets was not affected by severing. Clonal integration only benefited the total rhizome length, rhizome biomass, and number of rhizomes of the whole clones in non-inundation conditions. Furthermore, growth and clonal reproduction of mother, daughter ramets, and the whole clone decreased with inundation depth, whereas sexual reproduction of mother ramets and the whole clones increased. We concluded that the trade-offs among growth, clonal, and sexual reproduction of S. alterniflora would be affected by inundation depth, but not by clonal integration.  相似文献   

To test whether sharing of resources occurs among connected ramets of the tall goldenrod, Solidago altissima, we examined the extent of clonal integration for nutrients. In a greenhouse experiment, two-ramet clones were grown in a triad of connected pots so that nutrients could be supplied to either sister ramet or to their old rhizome (mother rhizome). Mother rhizomes and their associated roots shared nutrients with daughter ramets; however, any nutrient sharing that occurred between sister ramets was too little to significantly affect their growth. In addition, sister ramets not only competed for nutrients through parental connections, but larger ramets inhibited the growth of smaller ramets. We suggest that, for tall goldenrod, a clonal growth strategy in which nutrients are not shared among sister ramets may increase genet fitness by reducing the rhizome production of ramets in poor-nutrient microsites. Consequently, the genet would produce relatively fewer ramets in unfertile areas and make better use of heterogeneous nutrient resources.  相似文献   

Resource allocation patterns and trade‐off between sexual and clonal reproduction in clonal plants have been extensively studied, but little is known about effects of organ removal on the trade‐offs in clonal plants. To examine the effects, we conducted an experiment with the stoloniferous herb Duchesnea indica in which we removed plant organs like roots, flowers, or fruits. Removing roots significantly increased number of ramets and biomass allocation to stolons, but decreased number of fruits. Removing flowers or fruits greatly increased number of ramets and biomass allocation to stolons and roots, but decreased spacer length, number of fruits, and fruits set. Onset and median date of flowering phenology of D. indica shifted after flowers, fruits, or roots were removed. These results may indicate that removing organs can affect trade‐off between sexual and clonal reproduction of D. indica.  相似文献   

Many clonal plants live in symbiosis with ubiquitous arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, however, little is known about their interaction with respect to clonal reproduction and resource acquisition. The effects of arbuscular mycorrhiza on the growth and intraclonal integration between ramets of two stoloniferous species were studied experimentally in a nutritionally homogenous soil environment. Two species coexisting at the same field site, Potentilla reptans and Fragaria moschata, were selected as model plants for the study. Pairs of their ramets were grown in neighbouring pots with each ramet rooted separately. Four inoculation treatments were established: (1) both mother and daughter ramets remained non-inoculated, (2) both ramets were inoculated with a mixture of three native AM fungi from the site of plant origin, (3) only mother or (4) daughter ramet was inoculated. The stolons connecting the ramets were either left intact or were disrupted. Despite the consistent increase in phosphorus concentrations in inoculated plants, a negative growth response of both plant species to inoculation with AM fungi was observed and inoculated ramets produced fewer stolons and fewer offspring ramets and had lower total shoot dry weights as compared to non-inoculated ones. A difference in the extent of the negative mycorrhizal growth response was recorded between mother and daughter ramets of P. reptans, with daughter ramets being more susceptible. Due to AM effect on ramet performance, and thereby on the source-sink relationship, inoculation also significantly influenced biomass allocation within clonal fragments. Physiological integration between mother and daughter ramets was observed when their root systems were heterogeneous in terms of AM colonization. These results hence indicate the potential of mycorrhizal fungi to impact clonal growth traits of stoloniferous plant species, with possible consequences for their population dynamics.  相似文献   

The evolution of clonal growth is a widespread phenomenon among plant species, characterized by the production of genetically identical clonal fragments (ramets) via rhizomes or stolons that form an interconnected clonal organism (genet). Clonal plant species are known to differ in their investment into ramet production, and exhibit considerable variation in ramet morphology both within and among species. While patterns of resource allocation are thought to be linked to a number of plant characteristics, many analyses are limited by uncertainty in how clonal plants determine the morphology and resources allocated to new ramets. In this study, we attempted to discern what aspects of parent ramets best predicted resource allocation to new daughter ramets, and the relationship between resource allocation and daughter ramet rhizome morphology. We grew two sedge species, Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani and Eleocharis elliptica, in a greenhouse under two levels of fertilizer addition. By harvesting daughter ramets that had initiated stem production, yet remained aphotosynthetic, we were able to isolate parental investment into non-independent daughter ramets at a point where daughter ramet spacer length became fixed. Our results indicate that parent ramets allocated a non-linear proportion of parent rhizome biomass to the production of daughter ramets. Moreover, this relationship was unaffected by environmental nutrient availability. Daughter ramet biomass, in turn, was strongly correlated with daughter ramet spacer length. These observations shed light on key processes governing clonal growth in plants, and their potential application in unifying allocational and morphological perspectives to explore the fitness implications of variability in clonal growth.  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化环境有着高度的生境异质性,异质性生境中土被不连续,土壤瘠薄,岩溶漏斗上的土壤保水性差,严重制约着喀斯特植被的生长及分布。为探究克隆植物在喀斯特地区的适应策略,本研究以喀斯特黄色石灰土为基质,选用克隆植物活血丹(Glechoma longituba),以一个节间连接的两个分株为材料,保持节间连接或切断,种植于相邻花盆中,并施以不同浇水量,以明确不同水分可用性水平下克隆整合对活血丹生物量积累、生物量分配、叶片气孔及叶片组织特征的影响。结果显示,克隆整合显著促进活血丹生物量的积累及对根、叶的生物量分配;增加了活血丹叶气孔导度,降低了气孔指数;叶海绵组织受克隆整合影响较小,但栅栏组织及栅海比(栅栏组织/海绵组织)表现为非整合分株高于整合分株。本研究表明,克隆整合可增加活血丹胁迫分株对根、叶的投资,并以更佳的叶气孔、组织适应策略提高其在喀斯特生境中的生存与适应。  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(2):109-114
Hedysarum laeve, a rhizomatous clonal semi-shrub, commonly dominates the inland dunes in semiarid areas of northern China. This species propagates vegetatively by extension of horizontal woody rhizomes resulting in programmed reiteration of apical and/or axillary meristems. In this study, the plants were experimentally manipulated by cutting rhizome connections and 14C-labelling techniques were employed to investigate the ecological significance of rhizome connections within the H. laeve clone. Severance of rhizome connections had a great effect on the performance of young ramets within a clone. Young ramets severed from their parent ramets experienced a significant reduction both in ramet growth and vegetative propagation, as compared with the intact young ramets. Within clonal fragments, consisting of three interconnected ramets including a mother ramet, a daughter ramet and a granddaughter ramet, 14C-photosynthates from the fed leaves of mother ramets were acropetally transported to all clonal component parts. The 14C-photosynthate translocation within the clonal fragment provides evidence that the young ramets were supported by their parent ramets. Our results suggest that the woody rhizome connections among the interconnected ramets are ecologically and strategically important for the species to grow in the sand dune habitat.  相似文献   

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