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甘肃石羊河流域干旱荒漠区花棒蒸腾耗水量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了甘肃石羊河流域干旱荒漠区天然生长条件下花棒的蒸腾耗水规律.结果表明:花棒木质部液流速率随探针插入深度的加大呈“高-低”变化趋势;主根直径较小的花棒各位点的平均液流速率上升速度较快,变幅较大;不同主根直径花棒的液流量相差较大,但变化趋势较为一致,即昼夜变幅较大,夜间液流量较小,白天液流量较大,呈多峰曲线;日液流量与蒸发蒸腾量ET0呈线性相关,蒸腾耗水主要在6-9月,占生长季总蒸腾量的79.04%;花棒生长后期日液流量与0—50cm深沙层含水量呈显著相关,与其它层含水量无明显相关性;气象因素对花棒树干液流量影响的大小表现为日均气温〉空气水汽压差〉风速.  相似文献   

利用澳大利亚Dynamax公司生产的热平衡包裹式树干液流仪(Stem Heat Balance, SHB)和自动气象站对干旱荒漠区3种固沙灌木梭梭、多枝柽柳和唐古特白刺的液流变化及其气象因子进行测定, 研究了3种固沙灌木茎干液流日、季变化规律以及对气象因子的响应.结果表明:(1) 在生长季,不同地茎、不同树种液流启动时间存在差异, 地茎1.70、 3.64cm和5.07cm的梭梭启动时间分别为 5:00~7:00、5:00~7:20和6:00~8:00; 地茎1.57cm和3.03cm的柽柳启动时间5:20~7:20和5:40~7:40;地茎1.59cm白刺启动时间6:00~8:00.梭梭的日变化表现为双峰型,最高峰出现在11:40~13:20;而柽柳和白刺日变化表现为多峰格型,最大峰值分别出现在12:40~13:00和12:00~13:00;3种灌木液流在中午存在"午休"现象,但"午休"不明显.(2) 3种固沙灌木在夜间也保持一定的液流速率,而且地茎越粗夜间液流持续的时间越长,越细持续时间越短,不同地茎灌木在第2天液流启动之前,夜间液流都有一个明显的下降过程, 甚至为0.(3) 3种典型固沙灌木茎干液流季节变化表现为单峰型,梭梭和柽柳茎干液流8月份最高,7月份次之,6月与9月基本一致,而白刺7月份最高,8月次之;在整个生长季,相近地茎3种灌木单位面积液流量为:白刺﹥柽柳﹥梭梭, 梭梭耐旱性较高.(4)气象因子对不同树种茎干液流的影响有一定的差异,茎干液流与气象因子的关系比较复杂.相关分析表明,在整个生长季,空气水汽压差或气温对梭梭起主导作用,而太阳辐射对柽柳和白刺起主导作用.  相似文献   

新疆阿克苏干旱区富士苹果树干液流动态变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择新疆阿克苏干旱区富士苹果为研究对象,利用TDP茎流计连续测定苹果树干液流,并用自动气象站同步记录环境因子变化,探讨环境因子对树干液流的影响。结果显示:液流速率连日的变化过程是一个最大值不同的正弦曲线,夜间液流速率降低,白天液流速率上升;晴天液流速率呈明显的单峰曲线,阴天液流速率表现为多峰或双峰曲线,不论是晴天还是阴天,苹果在夜间仍然有微弱的活动,这种现象可能与新疆阿克苏地区的地理位置和气候有关;在苹果主要生长季内,树干液流速率(Fs)与大气温度(Ta)、太阳辐射(Rn)、相对湿度(RH)有较好的复相关关系(R2=0.93*),且影响苹果树液流速率Fs的最主要气象因子为大气温度Ta;苹果生长季内耗水总量为4 059.64L,并以7月耗水量最大(765.34L),占耗水总量的18.85%。研究表明,TDP径流计能够精确测定生长季内苹果茎干的液流速率与耗水量,且在干旱区影响苹果茎干液流变化的主要环境因子依次是大气温度、太阳辐射、相对湿度。  相似文献   

晋西黄土区刺槐林耗水特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭宝妮  张建军  王震  茹豪  黄明 《生态学杂志》2012,31(11):2736-2741
应用TDP热扩散探针技术对晋西黄土区刺槐进行了一个生长季(2011年4-10月)的野外实地定位观测,结合同步测定的大气温度、日照时数、风速等气象因子,根据相应经验公式计算了刺槐林的蒸腾耗水量和大气蒸发力,并在此基础上进行了刺槐树干液流速率与刺槐林地大气蒸发力相关性研究.结果表明:5月和8月,刺槐林地大气蒸发力和刺槐树干液流速率均具有相似的连日变化规律,夜间值均明显小于白天,晴天和雨天表现出一定的昼夜变化规律,雨天波动幅度较晴天小,阴天基本无波动.在刺槐的整个生长季(4-10月),刺槐林地大气蒸发力和刺槐树干液流流速相关性在6、7、8三个月份达到显著水平,其余月份相关性不显著,该相关性在刺槐的整个生长季呈对称性分布;刺槐林各月平均蒸腾耗水量基本呈对称分布,最小值出现在4月,最大值出现在7月,刺槐林地大气蒸发力最小值出现在10月份,4月份与其大小相当,最大值出现在6月份;刺槐林在4-10月的最大可能蒸发量是刺槐林实测蒸腾耗水量的4.45倍.  相似文献   

白桦树干液流的动态研究   总被引:72,自引:5,他引:67  
孙慧珍  周晓峰  赵惠勋 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1387-1391
应用热扩散原理,采用ICT-2000TE(Transpiration-Environment)自动监测系统,对东北东部山区的先锋树种白桦的树干液流及主要环境因子进行一个生长季的同步测定。结果表明,在整个生长季的晴天,白桦树干液流的日变化呈现明显的单峰曲线。液流速率的峰值出现在8月中旬,为84.72L/d。在白桦树叶脱落后,仍有较高的液流速率,而到10月中旬急剧下降,值为3.84L/d。在不同生长时期白桦每小时的液流速率与相应的环境因子逐步回归分析结果表明,影响白桦液流速率的主要环境因子是空气温度、空气相对湿度和辐射强度,在不同时期三者的作用是不同的。  相似文献   

荒漠绿洲农田防护树种二白杨生长季节树干液流的变化   总被引:28,自引:6,他引:22  
常学向  赵文智 《生态学报》2004,24(7):1436-1441
热脉冲技术已经成为确定林木耗水的有力工具。利用澳大利亚 GREENSPAN技术公司 SF- 30 0热脉冲树干液流仪 ,在生长季节对荒漠绿洲区农田防护树种二白杨树干液流速率进行了连续观测 ,结果表明 :二白杨树干液流速率的日变化规律为 ,夜间液流速率较低 ,其中最低值出现在 2 :0 0~ 3:0 0 ,7:0 0~ 8:30开始升高 ,1 3:0 0~ 1 4 :0 0达到最大值 ,1 6 :0 0~ 1 8:30开始下降 ;树干液流速率日平均值介于 1 0 .1± 4 .9g/ (cm2· h)~ 2 3.3± 8.2 g/ (cm2· h)之间。二白杨树干液流速率 8月份最高 ,7月份次之 ,5月与 9月份基本一致。树干液流与边材面积、叶面积指数呈显著线性相关 ,而与胸径、胸径平方与树高之积呈复合指数函数关系 ,与冠层厚度呈三次幂函数关系  相似文献   

巨人201+Z苜蓿地上部分生长特性的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对巨人20l Z苜蓿的株高、绝对生长速率、相对生长速率在生育期内的变化及群落结构、不同层次的叶茎比进行研究。结果表明,株高的动态变化符合Logistic曲线形式,生长速度最大值为0.22cm/d,出现在分枝期末期;绝对生长速率和相对生长速率在整个生育期内呈单峰曲线,最大值出现在分枝前期;其群落结构为菱形结构,是一个合理的株型结构;叶茎比随离地高度的增加而增加,符合指数增长方程。  相似文献   

民勤绿洲荒漠过渡带梭梭树干液流的时滞特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用Granier热扩散探针测定民勤绿洲荒漠过渡带梭梭人工林的树干液流,将液流与饱和水汽压差(VPD)和光合有效辐射(PAR)数据分别进行逐行错位分析,探讨树干液流与环境因子之间的时滞效应.结果表明: 梭梭日液流速率呈现明显的季节变化,6月平均液流速率最大,8月平均液流速率最小.生长季(5-9月)梭梭树干液流与光合有效辐射、饱和水汽压差存在明显的时滞,树干液流滞后于PAR 80 min,提前于VPD 114 min,且不同月份的时滞长短存在差异.尽管梭梭树干液流在日尺度上更加依赖于PAR的变化,但在白天,树干液流与饱和水汽压差间有更紧密的关系.梭梭生长季树干液流与VPD或PAR之间的时滞与树形因子(株高、地径、50 cm处直径、枝下高、冠幅)及夜间液流量的相关性均不显著.  相似文献   

李浩  胡顺军  朱海  李茜倩 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7187-7196
利用TDP热扩散式茎流计,结合自动气象站,对古尔班通古特沙漠南缘原生梭梭的树干液流及环境因子进行连续监测,分析了梭梭树干液流对环境要素的响应,建立了生长季梭梭树干液流与环境因子的关系,估算出梭梭群落的日、季耗水量。结果表明:(1)液流速率日变化主要为单峰曲线,夏季偶有出现双峰曲线,不同季节间的液流速率大小差异显著,夏季树干液流启动早,峰值出现早,夜间持续有微弱的液流;(2)梭梭树干瞬时液流速率与风速、净辐射、空气温度、饱和水汽压亏缺值等因素呈显著正相关,与实际水汽压和空气湿度呈极显著负相关,影响梭梭树干瞬时液流速率变化的关键因子是净辐射和饱和水汽压亏缺值是导致树干液流速率瞬时变化的关键因子;(3)梭梭树干日均液流速率与净辐射、空气温度、实际水汽压、土壤含水率和土壤温度等呈极显著正相关,与空气湿度等呈极显著负相关,与风速相关性不显著,影响梭梭日均液流速率变化的关键因子是净辐射、饱和水汽压亏缺和空气温度。  相似文献   

克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)草原土壤呼吸及其影响因子   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
基于LI6400-09便携式光合作用测量系统的土壤呼吸观测系统对内蒙古克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)草原2005年5月至9月的土壤呼吸作用的测定结果,研究了克氏针茅草原土壤呼吸速率的日、生长季动态及其控制因子.结果表明,在生长季节,克氏针茅草原土壤呼吸速率的日季动态均呈单峰型变化;日最大值和最小值分别出现在10:00~13:00和凌晨4:00左右;生长季日均最大值(0.14mgCO2m-2s-1)出现在6月份,日均最小值(0.03mgCO2m-2s-1)出现在8月份.在日尺度上,随着生长期的变化,控制土壤呼吸作用的环境因子有所不同;在生长初期和末期土壤呼吸速率的限制因子主要为总辐射,而在生长中期,控制因子则为气温和土壤含水量.在整个生长季的尺度上,极显著影响土壤呼吸作用的环境因子则为土壤含水量(0~10cm、10~20cm、20~30cm)、总辐射和气温.约有72%的土壤呼吸作用生长季变异是由表层土壤含水量和总辐射共同决定的,其中0~10cm土壤含水量是影响克氏针茅草原土壤呼吸作用在生长季节变化的主导环境因子,可以单独解释土壤呼吸作用变异的51%.  相似文献   

The effect of soil layering on the growth and nutrient content of wheat shoots and roots was studied. PVC containers (120 cm long and 25 cm inside diameter) were filled with layers of loam and loamy sand. Both roots and shoots dry weight increased as the thickness of loam layer increased. The root:shoot ratios decreased throughout the growing season. The N, P and K content of the shoots peaked at two weeks before anthesis, while shoot dry weight peaked at anthesis. The ranges of shoot content of N, P and K at anthesis for the different treatments were 6–25, 8–25 and 5–25% of the total plant nutrients, respectively. Late in the season the translocation rate of nutrients from the shoots to the seeds were in the following order N>P>K.  相似文献   

 运用涡度相关(Eddy covariance)开路系统、树干液流(Sap flow)、土壤水分以及微气象观测系统, 于2006年生长季(5~10月)对北京大兴区永定河沿河沙地杨树(Populus euramericana)人工林生态系统的水量和能量平衡进行了连续测定; 分析了该系统能量平衡闭合水平及其组分分配特征, 不同水分条件下蒸发散及其各组分变化过程和分配特征, 以及影响蒸发散的主要环境因子; 并对组分求和法、土壤水分平衡法与涡度相关法测得该生态系统生长季蒸发散总量的结果进行了对比。结果表明: 生长季内该生态系统的能量闭合水平较高, 能量平衡各组分在不同土壤水分环境条件下所占比例变化较大; 在水分充足的条件下, 潜热通量在可利用能量分配过程中占优势, 显热通量在水分胁迫条件下占可提供能量的比例比潜热通量大。雨季到来之前, 土壤蒸发与植被蒸腾强度相差较小; 进入雨季后, 土壤深层水分得到补偿, 植被蒸腾显著增强而土壤蒸发强度减弱。涡度相关法所得的总蒸发散量与基于树干液流法等组分求和法得到的蒸发散结果较接近, 分别为513和492 mm。土壤水分平衡法的观测结果略高于前二者的观测结果, 雨季研究界面以下的土体也有水分交换是该方法高估蒸发散的主要原因。与环境因子的响应关系表明, 蒸发散以及蒸腾的变化过程对净辐射的响应程度比对饱和水汽压差高; 水分条件较好情况下, 蒸发散以及蒸腾的变化过程与水汽压差关系不明显, 说明水分充足时, 水汽压差不是蒸散强弱的限制因子。  相似文献   

干旱半干旱区植物生理过程的水分响应依赖于降雨强度和频率,研究典型沙生植物对降雨的响应有助于预测未来气候条件下荒漠生态系统的结构和功能变化.2012和2013年花棒生长季,在宁夏盐池采用包裹式茎流仪对花棒茎流进行连续观测,分析茎流在晴天和雨天的变化特征及其对不同降雨事件的响应.结果表明: 雨天的花棒日茎流量低于晴天.晴天,茎流日变化呈“几”字型宽峰曲线,与太阳辐射和相对湿度呈正相关;雨天,茎流日变化呈多峰曲线或者一直处于极低状态,与太阳辐射和空气温度呈正相关.降雨不仅可以通过影响当天太阳辐射、空气温度、饱和蒸汽压差和相对湿度影响花棒茎流通量,还通过调控土壤含水量影响降雨后的茎流通量.降雨量<20 mm时,降雨前后茎流通量差异不显著;降雨量>20 mm时,降雨后的茎流通量比降雨前有显著提高.高土壤含水量不仅能够提高茎流通量,并且能够提高茎流通量对太阳辐射、饱和水汽压差和空气温度的响应敏感性.  相似文献   

Xylem sap composition of spruce is influenced by several factors, such as the sampled organ, the sampling period, the availability of soil nutrients, and the soil water potential. Based on literature data and ongoing investigations carried out with adult trees, we present an overview on the main factors influencing xylem sap concentrations of Norway spruce. Direct measurements of nutrient fluxes in the xylem sap are then used to suggest a general scheme of mineral element cycling within adult trees. In Norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.), nutrient concentration in the xylem sap was higher in twigs and fine roots compared to the bottom of the trunk, the highest concentrations beeing observed in spring during the shoot elongation. Xylem sap concentrations were higher in spruce growing at nutrient rich sites than at poor sites. The combination of twig and trunk xylem sap analysis, together with xylem flow measurements in the trunk during the course of a vegetation period allowed the quantification of mineral fluxes via xylem sap flow in the trunk and twigs. These results were compared to gross mineral uptake measurements at the same site. Ca flux in the trunk xylem sap was lower than the gross uptake of Ca. Mg flux in trunk sap was approximately equivalent to Mg gross uptake whereas P and K fluxes in trunk sap were much higher than the gross uptake. Fluxes of Ca, Mg, K and P in the twig sap were much higher than that in trunk sap. Data suggest that internal cycling is responsible for a large part of the nutrient fluxes in the xylem sap of the crown. Xylem sap composition thus appears to be a tool which can complement other sources of information on mineral uptake and cycling in adult spruce  相似文献   

华北落叶松夜间树干液流特征及生长季补水格局   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在宁夏六盘山北侧半干旱区的叠叠沟小流域,采用热扩散探针法在2011年生长季监测了华北落叶松(Larix principisrupprechtii)人工林的树干液流速率,分析了夜间树干液流和补水量的变化特征及与气象、土壤水分等环境因子的关系.结果表明:树干液流速率日变化表现为典型的单峰宽峰曲线,且整个生长季均存在微弱的夜间液流,一般表现为逐渐减小,特别是在晴天,且晴天的变幅显著大于雨天.除生长季中期雨天夜间液流平均速率显著高于晴天,生长季初期及末期雨天与晴天的差异并不显著.生长季内,夜间树干补水总量为11.03 mm,占总蒸腾量的7.22%;5月份的树干补水量最大(4.19mm),其他月份的树干补水量明显减小,在0.9-1.7mm的范围波动.但不同月份间的补水贡献率存在明显差异,表现为生长季末期(9、10月)>初期(5月)>中期(6-8月).相关分析表明,日补水量与各气象因子关系不大,仅与降水量显著正相关(P<0.05),与土壤含水率、日间蒸腾量、日蒸腾总量极显著正相关(P<0.01).夜间补水的月蒸腾贡献率与月均土壤含水率、月均气温、月均日间蒸腾量、月总蒸腾量等显著相关(P<0.05);而夜间补水的日蒸腾贡献率与日最高气温、日均气温、日间蒸腾量、日均饱和水汽压差、日总蒸腾量、日均太阳辐射强度、日最低气温、日均空气相对湿度、日降水量、土壤含水率等极显著相关(P<0.01),经逐步回归分析建立了日补水量蒸腾贡献率与环境因子的多元线性模型.  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper describes studies on trees of Pisonia grandis , bushes of Argusia argentea , and the perennial herb Melanthera biflora , growing on One Tree Island, a coral cay of the Great Barrier Reef with 'soil' of coarse coral rubble. Water potential (Ψb, measured on small shoots with a pressure chamber), sap flow, stomatal conductance, vapour pressure deficit and photon flux density were monitored over day/night cycles. Sap flow and Ψb responded to changes in light and humidity. From these experiments good linear correlations were found between sap flow in a shoot and Ψb of similar adjacent shoots. The linearity suggests that the resistance to sap flow is constant as Ψb varies. The correlation, however, does not indicate a causal relationship between Ψb of an individual shoot on the plant and its sap flow. Ψb was only slightly different in shaded shoots from those in sunshine, although sap flow would be expected to differ between them. Enclosing shoots and so reducing their transpiration and sap flow to very low rates resulted in only small changes in Ψb of the enclosed shoots; Tb of such enclosed shoots should closely approximate that of the xylem at the point of shoot attachment. From these results it is suggested that the resistance to water flow in shoot and leaf xylem is small compared to the resistance further down the plant, in the root or at the root/soil interface. Shoot xylem water potential would be similar for all parts of the plant, and in such plants the water potential of shoots in the shade would be determined by the overall water use of the plant.  相似文献   

The organogenetic cycle of shoots on main branches of 4-year-old Juglans regia trees was studied. Mono- and bicyclic floriferous and vegetative annual shoots were analysed. Five parent annual shoot types were sampled between October 1992 and August 1993. Organogenesis of summer growth units was monitored between 16 Jun. and 3 Aug. 1993. Variations over time in the number of nodes, cataphylls and embryonic green leaves of terminal buds were studied. The number of nodes of parent shoot buds was compared with the number of nodes of shoots derived from parent shoot buds. The spring growth units of mono- and bicyclic shoots consist exclusively of preformed leaves which were differentiated, respectively, during the spring flush of growth (mid-April until mid-May) or the summer flush of growth (mid-June until early August) in the previous growing season. Thus, winter buds may consist of flower and leaf primordia differentiated in two different periods during annual shoot extension. The summer growth units of bicyclic shoots consist of preformed leaves that were differentiated in spring buds during the spring flush of growth in the current growing season. Bud morphology is compared between spring and summer shoots.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Shoot characteristics differ depending on the meristem tissue that they originate from and environmental conditions during their development. This study focused on the effects of plant water status on axillary meristem fate and flowering patterns along proleptic and epicormic shoots, as well as on shoot growth rates on ‘Nonpareil’ almond trees (Prunus dulcis). The aims were (1) to characterize the structural differences between proleptic and epicormic shoots, (2) to determine whether water deficits modify shoot structures differently depending on shoot type, and (3) to determine whether shoot structures are related to shoot growth rates.


A hidden semi-Markov model of the axillary meristem fate and number of flower buds per node was built for two shoot types growing on trees exposed to three plant water status treatments. The models segmented observed shoots into successive homogeneous zones, which were compared between treatments. Shoot growth rates were calculated from shoot extension measurements made during the growing season.

Key Results

Proleptic shoots had seven successive homogeneous zones while epicormic shoots had five zones. Shoot structures were associated with changes in growth rate over the season. Water deficit (1) affected the occurrence and lengths of the first zones of proleptic shoots, but only the occurrence of the third zone was reduced in epicormic shoots; (2) had a minor effect on zone flowering patterns and did not modify shoot or zone composition of axillary meristem fates; and (3) reduced growth rates, although patterns over the season were similar among treatments.


Two meristem types, with different latency durations, produced shoots with different growth rates and distinct structures. Differences between shoot type structure responses to water deficit appeared to reflect their ontogenetic characteristics and/or resource availability for their development. Tree water deficit appeared to stimulate a more rapid progression through ontogenetic states.  相似文献   

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