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用雌、孕激素处理去卵巢家兔后观察子宫内膜鞘糖脂的含量和组成。结果表明、雌激素处理后、子宫内膜Gls含量是孕激素处理的十余倍,而孕激素增加NGSL含量的作用却比雌激素更强。两种激素对鞘糖脂组分的影响也明显不同。雌激素给药组子宫内膜鞘糖脂以多糖基组分GD_3 GT_(1b) CPH为主,孕激素组则以短糖链组分GM_3 CMH CDH为主。雌激素预先作用后再用孕激素或雌、孕激素同时给药,与单用雌激素后比较其短糖链组分明显增加,多糖基组分则明显减少,表现出两者的共同作用。上述结果提示:雌、孕激素对鞘糖脂代谢影响明显不同,雌激素使糖链复杂化、孕激素则使糖链趋向于简单。  相似文献   

本文测定了新生儿、生育期、更年期和足月妊娠人子宫肌肉的神经节苷脂(Gg)与中性鞘糖脂(N-GSL)的含量,比较了两种鞘糖脂的HPTLC谱。新生儿期Gg的总含量(以脂结合唾液酸LBSA量表示)最高,每克湿重组织约45.2μg,足月妊娠子宫肌肉中的含量最低,为10.4μg,生育期为32.8μg、更年期为39.5μg。N—GSL的含量却以足月妊娠子宫肌肉中最多,达99.4μg。按HPTLC谱分析子宫肌肉中Gg的主要组分为GD_3和GM_3,在子宫发育成熟与妊娠时,肌肉组织中这两种组分的含量变化明显:生育期样品的GD_3由新生儿的25.4%增加到56.6%(按占LBSA总量的百分比计算),GM_3则由33.2%降至16.9%。此外,GM_1和GD_(1a)也明显减少。N—GSL在生育期CMH、CDH和CTH的含量(按占含糖基量的百分比计算)成倍增加,而含五糖基以上的组分则仅为新生儿子宫的1/5。足月妊娠与新生儿子宫肌肉的两类鞘糖脂的HPTLC谱类似,但前者GT1b占19.4%,明显高于新生儿样品(6.1%)。  相似文献   

从月经周期各期、早妊(6—8周)及足月妊娠子宫内膜中提取、纯化了神经节苷脂(Gls)和中性鞘糖脂(N-GSL),分别测定了其含量。对两类鞘糖脂的组成进行了HPTLC图谱分析。初步观察了不同时期子宫内膜中CMP—NeuAc:LacCer唾液酰转移酶(ST_1)和CMP-NeuAc:CM_3唾液酰转移酶(ST_2)的活性。结果表明:分泌期的GLs总含量低于增生期(P<0.02);分泌期GD_3含量较生长期增多(P<0.01);妊娠后,GM_3含量增加,而GD_3减少;相应地,ST_1活性增高,ST_2活性降低。分泌期CMH含量为增生期的4.7倍。结果提示子宫内膜鞘糖脂含量和组成的变化可能与子宫的功能有关,而且受女性激素水平的影响。  相似文献   

本文分析了人子宫平滑肌肉瘤组织的中性鞘糖脂,发现子宫肉瘤组织的中性鞘糖脂的含量明显低于正常组织,组成成分虽与正常子宫平滑肌相似,均含有单、双、三、四糖基及多糖基组分,但各组分的相对含量则变化显著。肉瘤中所含短糖链的组分相对减少,高极性的CPH明显增加。本文还纯化了子宫肉瘤中性糖脂中主要的四糖基组分,应用HPTLC、酸解和酶解法以及特异单抗放射免疫染色法对该组分进行鉴定。结果证明子宫平滑肌中所含主要的四糖基组分糖链结构在正常组织为Globo系列的红细胞苷脂,而在肉瘤中则转变为乳糖系列的拟红细胞糖苷脂。  相似文献   

家兔子宫内膜的凝集素结合特性及雌、孕激素的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文观察了早、中、晚期妊娠家兔子宫内膜对六种凝集素(SBL、RCL、WGL、PNL、ConA、PSL)的结合特性,并用去卵巢家兔模型观察了雌、孕激素对子宫内膜凝集素结合特性的影响。从动情期到早孕(着床前后),子宫上皮与RCL,ConA的结合由阴性转为强阳性,与SBL、RNL的结合由弱转强。在妊娠过程中,ConA仅与早孕上皮结合,而PSL则到中、晚期才见阳性反应。经雌、孕激素处理后,子宫上皮与ConA结合始终为阴性,与PSL的结果各组均为阳性,激素处理后无明显改变。而另外4种凝集素则明显受激素影响。雌激素使子宫上皮与RCL、WGL的结合转阳性,使与PNL、SBL的结合增强。在雌激素作用后,再给孕漱素(E_5+P_1组,E_5+P_3组),子宫内膜与这4种凝集素的结合均比单独应用雌或孕激素更强。  相似文献   

动情周期、妊娠期与产后大鼠离体子宫的肾上腺素能效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文观察不同机能状态下133个大鼠子宫标本的自发活动,分析了不同机能状态下108个子宫标本的β受体效应与190个子宫标本的α受体效应。 大鼠离体子宫标本的自发收缩频率,在动情间期时明显高于自然动情期,妊娠期与产后的收缩频率介于动情间或与动情期之间。动情期的收缩张力明显高于动情间期,晚孕期的张力则最高。张力或张力频率乘积的数值与妊娠天数呈明显正相关。 整个妊娠期间子宫对异丙基肾上腺素的敏感性明显高于动情期、动情间期或产后,提示妊娠期间子宫中的β受体量可能有所增多。动情期对异丙基肾上腺素的敏感性似比动情间期稍高。 根据子宫对α受体激动剂与阻断剂的反应表明,动情间期的子宫中α受体可能很少,自然与诱发动情期的α受体可能较多,而妊娠期与产后的子宫α受体量可能介乎两者之间。  相似文献   

非动情期SD大鼠子宫内膜异位症模型的建立   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的 研究SD大鼠非动情期子宫内膜异位症建立方法和异位病灶的组织学形态及体液免疫反应。方法 采用外科诱导法对 40只非动情期和 40只动情期SD雌性大鼠行子宫组织自体移植手术。采集造模前后的血液进行体液免疫IgG、IgA、IgM、C3 、C4 的观察 ;手术后 7周取健侧子宫中段的在位内膜和移植的异位内膜行组织学研究。结果 SD大鼠非动情期进行子宫组织自体异位种植术成模率 95% ,与大鼠动情期进行子宫组织自体异位种植术成模率 94 8%比较 ,二者差异无显著性 ;异位内膜上皮细胞功能活跃 ,有类似正位子宫内膜的周期变化 ,其生理特征与正位子宫内膜基本相同。且造模后大鼠体液免疫反应敏感IgG、C3 增高 (P <0 0 1、3 P <0 0 5) ;IgM降低 (P <0 0 1)、IgA、C4 差异无显著性。结论 SD大鼠非动情期和动情期进行子宫组织自体异位种植术均可建立良好的子宫内膜异位症模型  相似文献   

 <正> 肿瘤细胞或离体成瘤变异细胞(简称变异细胞)表面复合糖类的结构与未变异的前身细胞明显不同。肿瘤细胞的复合糖类的变化是量的变化,即在肿瘤细胞中观察到的糖链结构通常在正常细胞中亦有少量存在,然而肿瘤细胞表面复合糖类的构造模式是很不同的,可用免疫方法来识别“肿瘤相关标志(或肿瘤相关抗原)”。细胞表面的糖脂或鞘糖脂和糖蛋白在许多情况下有相同的寡糖,鞘糖脂或糖脂,糖结合的神经酰胺,插入脂质双层中;细胞表面  相似文献   

用ELISA法测定大鼠下丘脑、卵巢、子宫在动情周期中钙调素(Calmodulin)的含量变化,并用免疫组化法(Immunohistochemical technique)研究了大鼠动情周期中子宫内钙调素的分布。结果为:(1)处在动情期的大鼠,其子宫、卵巢、下丘脑中钙调素的含量明显高于间情期、动情前期及动情后期的含量。其顺序为动情期>动情前期>动情后期>间情期。其中以下丘脑、卵巢的含量变化较急骤。提出钙调素含量变化与雌激素的含量一致,由此推测钙调素对维持卵巢正常功能,子宫生长发育有密切关系。(2)经免疫组化定位,不论处在间情期或动情期的子宫,钙调素的分布在肌层与内膜层均有,以内膜层较多,特别是在动情期的分布更高。此与钙调素含量测定的结果一致。  相似文献   

张玮  傅小锁 《生理学报》1991,43(2):178-183
本文用高效液谱方法,检测了正常成年大鼠子宫内膜胞浆中游离酪氨酸(Tyr)含量,发现其浓度随动情周期的不同而发生波动,在动情前期最低,动情后期最高。同时检测了子宫内膜胞浆中孕激素受体(PR)含量的变化,以动情前期最高,动情后期最低。同样呈有规律的变化。表明酪氨酸与孕激素受体含量在子宫内膜胞浆中浓度的变化呈负相关,实验进一步证实,当向子宫腔内局部注射酪氨酸时,酪氨酸明显减少动情前期、动情期、间情期大鼠子宫内膜胞浆孕激素受体含量,但对动情后期孕激素受体含量无显著影响,这些结果提示酪氨酸可能影响孕激素受体的含量。  相似文献   

采用高效薄层层析(HPTLC)对两株具有不同淋巴道转移潜能的小鼠腹水型肝癌瘤株细胞膜鞘糖脂组分进行了比较分析.低转移的CL-A_2瘤株神经节苷脂以GM_3为主,高转移的CL-16A_3瘤株则以GM_2为主.两细胞株中性鞘糖脂各组分相对百分含量无较显著差异.脂结合唾液酸含量测定表明,CL-16A_3瘤株脂结合唾液酸含量约为CL-A_2瘤株的三倍.提示,具有不同淋巴道转移潜能的瘤细胞,其质膜鞘糖脂的组成也不同.  相似文献   

猪脑神经节苷脂的测定及其分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
神经节苷脂是神经酰胺寡糖苷类物质.在脊椎动物的中抠神经系统中含量十分丰富.猪脑神经节苷脂经分离、纯化后的成分和含量的分析显示,猪脑神经节苷脂的含量占猪脑组织重量的0.0894%(W/W),是猪脑总脂含量的0.39%(W/W).主要成分是GM1,GD3,GD1a,GD1b和GT1b,其中GM1和GD1a明显高于人脑.  相似文献   

The glycolipids of nonpregnant and pregnant rabbit endometrium were characterized using a combination of biochemical and immunochemical techniques. Quantitative analyses indicated a 70% decline in acidic glycolipid (ganglioside) content during early pregnancy (day 6), and a 2.5-fold increase in neutral glycolipid content during later pregnancy (day 26). The major gangliosides of rabbit endometrium were identified by thin-layer chromatography as GM3 and GD3, with minor amounts of GM1, GD1a and GT1b. The major neutral glycolipids were identified similarly as globo-series structures Gb3 and Gb4. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) directed to glycolipid antigens permitted the detection of additional glycolipid species, including sialylated, sulfated and fucosylated lacto-series structures. Difucosyl Ley structure (defined by mAb AH-6) and sulfated-galactosyl structure (defined by mAb VESP 6.2) were identified by indirect immunofluorescence along the luminal surface of the endometrium during the implantation period. Rapid changes in the glycolipid composition of endometrial cells during early pregnancy may facilitate embryo adhesion and trophectoderm outgrowth during implantation.  相似文献   

The glycolipid composition of human myometrium and endometrium was examined at various stages of maturation and reproduction. The major neutral glycolipids of both myometrium and endometrium were identified by high-performance thin-layer chromatography as globo-series glycolipids, Gb3 and Gb4. The major acidic glycolipids (gangliosides) were identified similarly as GM3 and GD3, with lesser amounts of GM1, GD1a, and GT1b. During pregnancy, GD3 expression declined in both myometrium and endometrium, whereas GM3 expression increased. Reciprocal changes in GM3/GD3 expression were mirrored by appropriate changes in the glycosyltransferases required for their synthesis; alpha 2----3sialyltransferase activity increased approximately 3-fold during pregnancy, while alpha 2----8sialyltransferase activity declined to about 20%. The results focus attention on the glycolipids of uterine tissues, their regulation, and their possible role in reproduction and fertility.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate differences in the expression of mRNAs for ERalpha, ERbeta and PR in the sow uterus at different stages of the estrous cycle as well as in inseminated sows at estrus and during early pregnancy by use of solution hybridization and in relation to plasma levels of estradiol and progesterone. Uterine samples were collected at different stages of the estrous cycle and after insemination/early pregnancy. In the endometrium, the expression of ERalpha mRNA and PR mRNA was similar for cyclic and early pregnant groups. Both were highest at early diestrus/70 h after ovulation and ERalpha mRNA was lowest at late diestrus/d 19 while PR mRNA was lowest at diestrus and late diestrus/d 11 and d 19. The expression of endometrial ERbeta was constantly low during the estrous cycle but higher expression was found in inseminated/early pregnant sows at estrus and 70 h after ovulation. In the myometrium, high expression of ERalpha mRNA and PR mRNA was observed at proestrus and estrus in cyclic sows and at estrus in newly inseminated sows. Higher expression of myometrial ERbeta mRNA was found in inseminated/early pregnant sows compared with cyclic sows, although significant only at estrus. In conclusion, the expression of mRNAs for ERalpha, ERbeta and PR in the sow uterus differed between endometrium and myometrium as well as with stages of the estrous cycle and early pregnancy. In addition to plasma steroid levels, the differences between cyclic and inseminated/early pregnant sows suggest that other factors, e.g. insemination and/or the presence of embryos, influence the expression of these steroid receptor mRNAs in the sow uterus.  相似文献   

Poor detection of estrus, still a major problem in the dairy industry, has prompted the development of electronic estrous detection technologies. One of the features of estrous behavior is a marked increase in walking activity. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the effects of various management factors on walking activity increase at estrus, and the relationship between this trait and fertility. Data from 5883 artificial inseminations (AI) conducted in two high-producing dairy herds were analyzed. Detection of estrus was performed using a pedometer system. Of the total AI investigated, 2072 (35.2%) resulted in pregnancy. The following data were recorded for each animal at AI: herd, lactation number, milk production (average for the 3 days prior to AI), lactation stage (early, mid, and late lactation), previous estrous synchronization (cloprostenol or progesterone releasing intravaginal device [PRID] for animals showing estrus within 7 days of treatment), season (warm versus cool period), insemination number following parturition, inseminating bull, inseminator, and pedometer measurements. Variables were screened for associations with walking activity by analysis of variance (ANOVA) through generalized linear model procedures (PROC GLM). Increased parity and milk production, and insemination during the warm period were associated with lower pedometer measurements. No significant effects of the herd, estrous synchronization, and lactation stage were observed. The link between walking activity and fertility was determined by applying logistic regression models. We detected no significant effects of herd, milk production, estrous synchronization, lactation stage, and inseminator on pregnancy rate. A higher lactation and insemination number, and insemination during the warm period were negatively correlated with the pregnancy rate. The likelihood of pregnancy was greater when semen from one of the bulls was used and when physical activity at estrus was increased. Our findings indicate that cow and management factors contribute intensely to walking activity at estrus, and also reveal a close link between increased walking activity and fertility.  相似文献   

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