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陇东黄土高原石鸡的分子系统地理结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄族豪  刘迺发 《动物学报》2004,50(4):576-582
本文运用聚合链式反应和直接测序的方法测定陇东黄土高原 8个石鸡 (Alectorischukar)地理种群 78个样本的mtDNA控制区 4 91bp ,建立其分子系统地理结构。 78个样本共发现 2 4个变异位点 ,2 5种单倍型。 8个地理种群共享单倍型C1 ,6个种群共享单倍型C2 ,种群间有一定的基因交流。 8个地理种群的 2 5种单倍型在NJ树中相互混杂 ,没有形成独立的地理结构 ,但聚成两个分支。单倍型网络图显示 2 5种单倍型聚成两个星状的集群 ,分别以单倍型C1和C2为中心。这两个群间的遗传差异显著。陇东黄土高原石鸡的系统地理结构属于“系统发生连续 ,具有部分空间隔离”的地理格局。这种地理格局是更新世冰川、泥石流和人类活动共同作用的结果  相似文献   

研究采用线粒体DNA Cyt b和D-loop基因分析西辽河、松花江和穆棱河3条水系董氏须鳅(Barbatula toni)的遗传多样性和种群结构, 并探讨其种群演变历史。结果表明: 3条水系119个董氏须鳅样本共检测出57个单倍型, 各群体间不存在共享单倍型; 3个董氏须鳅地理群体均呈现出较高的单倍型多样性(0.805—0.926)和较低的核苷酸多样性(0.00095—0.00458); AMOVA分子方差分析、群体间分化指数(FST)、系统发育树及单倍型网络图均表明3个地理种群已经出现高度分化, 群体间遗传变异占总变异的79.45%, 遗传分化显著(P<0.01)。中性检验和错配分析表明, 松花江和穆棱河群体历史上发生了群体快速扩张。参考鳅科鱼类Cyt b基因0.68—0.84%/Ma的进化速率, 估算3个地理群体的分歧时间为1.082—0.669 Ma前, 松花江和穆棱河群体扩张时间为0.071—0.047 Ma前, 推测我国董氏须鳅在中更新世期随冰期迁移至不同避难所, 形成各地理群体, 并于晚更新世早期经历了群体扩张事件。  相似文献   

王兴亚  周俐宏 《生态学报》2016,36(8):2337-2347
为了明确我国北方不同地理种群甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua遗传多样性与种群遗传结构,阐明该种害虫的种群历史动态,首次对采自我国北方8省17县(市)304头甜菜夜蛾样品进行mt DNA Cytb基因序列测定与分析,利用Dna SP 5.0和Arlequin 3.0软件分析种群遗传多样性、遗传结构、遗传分化与分子变异,基于MP、ML与贝叶斯法构建单倍型系统发育树,与此同时,基于Median-joining法对所有个体构建单倍型网络关系图。结果表明,在所分析的304个序列样本中,共检测出19个单倍型,其中,包括9个共享单倍型,单倍型Hap6为所有种群所共享。总群体具有较低的遗传多样性(Hd=0.422±0.035,π=0.00119±0.00011)与较小的遗传分化(F_(ST)=0.108,P0.001)。单倍型系统发育分析与网络关系图结果表明,虽然19个单倍型被分为2个分支,但各单倍型相互散布在不同种群中,未形成明显谱系地理格局。AMOVA分析表明,甜菜夜蛾遗传变异主要来自种群内(89.18%),种群间变异水平较低(10.82%)。中性检验(Tajima's D=-1.897,P0.05;Fu's FS=-4.424,P0.05)与错配分布分析表明,我国北方地区甜菜夜蛾种群曾经历过种群的近期扩张。  相似文献   

【目的】为推测中国橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis向北方扩散的路径和北方地区的传播来源。【方法】本研究对橘小实蝇15个地理种群的144个样本的mtDNA COⅠ序列进行测定;依据mtDNA COⅠ序列利用相关软件对橘小实蝇不同地理种群的遗传多样性、遗传分化等进行分析。【结果】在橘小实蝇144个样本的mtDNA COⅠ序列中获得了75个单倍型,其中单倍型H_7为7个地理种群所共享,北方地理种群与原发生地区种群间存在共享单倍型,绝大部分为种群独享单倍型。15个橘小实蝇地理种群总体表现出高水平的核苷酸多样性(Pi=0.02076)和单倍型多样性(Hd=0.99413),不同橘小实蝇地理种群间遗传分化较大。系统进化树显示,橘小实蝇各地理种群中的单倍型分布格局较为混杂,未形成明显的系统地理结构;系统进化树分为2支,湖北武汉、重庆北碚、福建福州、湖南衡阳、江苏南京、海南海口、河北保定、河南郑州、广东广州的地理种群聚为一支,海南三亚、广西南宁、云南丽江、湖南邵阳、山东泰安、山东临沂的地理种群聚为一支,北方新发生地理种群在两个分支中均有分布。橘小实蝇整体错配分析结果显示为单峰,表明橘小实...  相似文献   

北鳅(Lefua costata)为冷水性鱼类, 分布于淮河以北, 分析遗传结构能够反映其适应环境变迁的响应。基于线粒体D-loop区211条序列分析了我国北鳅的谱系地理学和遗传多样性, 样本采自9条水系共18个样点。单倍型分析显示共计55个单倍型, 呈高单倍型多样性(h=0.9304)和高核苷酸多样性(π=0.0087)。单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性最高的为辽东半岛种群(LD) (h=0.8920, π=0.0074), 其他地理种群距辽东半岛越远, 单倍型多样性越低。遗传距离(K2P)、群体间的遗传分化指数(FST)及AMOVA分子方差分析均显示LD种群与其他地理种群存在显著分化。基于单倍型构建的分子系统发育树和单倍型网络关系图均显示9条水系的单倍型不能各自聚类, 形成3大分支: 分支A以LD种群为主; 分支B含所有地理种群; 分支C以淮黄河种群(HH)和海滦河种群(HL)为主。中性检验和错配分析显示不同地理种群有扩张现象。基于化石校准点和北鳅鱼类D-loop序列1.00%Ma的平均进化速率评估各地理种群的分歧时间, 为2.3784— 0.0477Ma前, LD种群与其他地理种群分化时间最早(2.3784 Ma前), 推测LD种群受第四纪冰期影响较小, 辽东半岛为我国北鳅起源地之一, 其他地理种群以辽东半岛为中心借助松辽古大湖和黄渤海平原河口等发生多次迁移。  相似文献   

阴环 《生态学杂志》2013,32(8):2113-2119
为揭示秦岭地区耶屁步甲(Pheropsophus jessoensis Morawitz)种群的谱系地理结构,对秦岭2个地理区内25个耶屁步甲地理种群的184个个体的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ (mtCoI)基因部分序列进行了分析.在879 bp个碱基中,共检测到55个变异位点,定义了67个单倍型.单倍型多样性(Hd=0.9550)较高,核苷酸多样性(Pi=0.0049)较低.东、西秦岭地区间和25个地理种群间的平均Kimura 2-parameter (K2P)遗传距离都很小,介于0.0026 ~0.0072.分子变异(AMOVA)和嵌套进化枝谱系地理学分析(NCPA)表明,耶屁步甲的分子变异主要来源于种群内个体间,而东、西两个地区间没有明显的谱系地理结构.错配分布和中性检验分析表明,单倍型之间存在一定的地理关联,距离隔离的限制性基因流以及快速或持续的种群扩张是造成该种目前遗传特征的主要因素.对秦岭地区的耶屁步甲进行种群动态推断,最近一次扩张时间发生0.05 ~ 0.23 Ma,处于更新世晚期,认为可能是第四纪冰期气候的反复变化导致了耶屁步甲现今的遗传格局.  相似文献   

淮河野生鲇鱼线粒体Cyt b基因的序列变异与遗传结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究利用线粒体DNA细胞色素b(Cyt b)基因序列分析淮河信阳段、淮滨段、蚌埠段、洪泽湖及其支流颍河、淠河和池河的野生鲇鱼(Silurus asotus)种群遗传结构及种群历史.结果表明,在841 bp的同源序列中,7个种群共检测到变异位点40个,占全部序列的4.76%,121个个体共检测到32种单倍型;7个种群的平均单倍型多样性(h)、核甘酸多样性(Pi)分别为0.884 8、0.003 8,表明淮河野生鲇鱼种群的遗传多样性水平较高.7个种群间的遗传分化指数Fst为0.115 0,仅12.92%的变异来自种群间(AMOVA分析),基因交流值为3.85,种群间K2-P遗传距离为0.002 ~0.009,显示鲇鱼种群间没有发生明显的地理分化.NJ树揭示7个种群的个体组成2个谱系,但这2个谱系与地理分布并不相关.中性检验、错配分析和Network网络亲缘关系分析皆表明鲇鱼种群有过种群扩张,扩张时间约在0.17~0.29百万年前的中更新世中期和末期.  相似文献   

You YY  Du JF 《应用生态学报》2011,22(3):773-778
2001-2009年,在全国范围内采集了14个地理种群总计126个样本,以线粒体控制区作为分子标记,分析大卫鼠耳蝠种群系统发育关系和殖民历史.根据线粒体控制区序列构建的TCS网络图,将大卫鼠耳蝠的14个地理种群划分成3个地理区域,分别为中东部平原区、西南高原区和南方丘陵区.在53个单倍型中,浙江的单倍型14、贵州的单倍型47、广东的单倍型50分别为3个地理区域的祖先单倍型.Geodis、错配分布和中性检验的分析结果表明,中东部平原区(76.12和79.17 ka BP)和西南高原区(69.12 ka BP)曾发生过种群扩张事件,并于61.24 ka BP发生了一次由西南高原向中东部平原区的长距离殖民事件.分子生物学、仿生学、解剖学和空气动力学的证据,共同揭示了大卫鼠耳蝠具有长距离的迁移能力.  相似文献   

物种分子系统关系是进化生物学领域最基本也是最重要的问题之一。本研究通过测序分析了来自广西等地90个变色树蜥Calotes versicolor的ND2-tRNA基因片段,分析了不同地理种群的单倍型、种群间的遗传分化程度(F_(st))和历史动态,构建了单倍型之间的分子系统关系。结果发现,所研究的地理种群共检测到45个单倍型,总体呈现较高的单倍型多样性(0.941 8)和较低的核苷酸多样性(0.005 5),其中有6个地理种群的个体共享1个单倍型。大部分种群间F_(st)值较高且差异显著,遗传分化程度较高。分子方差分析结果表明,遗传变异主要来自种群内的遗传差异。系统进化分析结果表明,所研究的地理种群并没有出现明显的遗传分支且在地理上没有严格的分布范围和分化,这可能是由于种群间存在渐渗杂交或不完全的谱系筛选。网络关系图也显示各采样种群间不存在明显的谱系结构。种群历史动态分析表明,各地理种群不存在扩张现象。把所有地理种群合并在一起分析表明,贝叶斯轮廓图分析与碱基错配分析方法均检测到种群在历史上发生过快速扩张,约0.05 Ma前存在种群扩张现象。  相似文献   

应用rDNA-ITS2基因序列对云南各地理种群西花蓟马Frankliniella occidentalis(Pergande)的遗传结构和遗传分化程度进行初步研究。经过比对112条序列,共发现了59个变异位点,定义了30种单倍型。云南省西花蓟马的单倍型多态性较高(Hd=0.90219),而核酸多态性较低(Pi=0.00891)。各地理种群西花蓟马的遗传分化指数Fst为0.00810,基因流Nm为30.61,表明各地理种群间遗传分化程度非常低,种群间存在充分的基因交流。对群体进行中性检验、错配分析表明西花蓟马群体曾经历过近期的种群扩张。分子方差分析(AMOVA)表明,云南西花蓟马的遗传变异主要来自于种群内部,种群间的遗传变异水平还非常低。从分子生物学的角度上也证实了西花蓟马近期入侵云南的事实。  相似文献   

The analysis of 135 mitochondrial D-loop sequences of the Iberian autochthonous red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) from wild population hunting bags from various locations and fowl runs in Spain yielded 37 different haplotypes. Among these, three haplotypes correspond to chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar), indicating genetic introgression from birds illegally introduced for restocking: three individuals carrying such haplotypes where found in natural populations, one appeared among those sampled on a mass reproduction farm and the remaining 10 in another fowl-run. The geographical origin of the contaminating chukar haplotypes could be assigned to the most easterly area of the chukar partridge geographical distribution in China. Molecular diversity parameters in the A. rufa samples indicate a considerable amount of genetic variation. ΦST showed significant differences among populations that are not explained by geographical distance alone. Particularly, one northern population (Palencia) shows a certain degree of genetic differentiation that could reflect a previously suggested subspecies division. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

石鸡 (Alectorischukar)是我国北方重要的猎鸟 ,由于栖息地片断化和人类狩猎 ,陇东黄土高原上的石鸡数量正日益减少。本文用PCR直接测序的方法 ,测定了陇东黄土高原 8个石鸡种群mtDNA控制区I区和部分II区的4 91个碱基 ,探讨其遗传多样性。 78个样本共发现 2 4个变异位点 (占所测序列的 4 .89% )和 2 5种单倍型 (占所测样本的 32 .0 5 % )。 8个种群中 ,铜川种群的序列变异率、单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性都最高 ,分别是 0 .4 7、0 .82和 0 .0 0 2 9;而红回种群的最低 ,仅分别为 0 .10、0 .2 8和 0 .0 0 0 8,这与红回种群受奠基者效应、遗传隔离和自然选择的作用有关。 8个种群共享 1种单倍型C1,说明它们来自共同祖先 ,是 1个单系群 ,属于 1个进化显著单元 ,但它们聚成两个集群。两集群间单倍型相似性指数仅 0 .15 ,遗传距离达 0 .4 3% ,单因素方差分析显示遗传变异差异显著 (F =5 .0 2 >F0 .0 5(14 ,1) =4 .0 6 ) ,分别有 13种和 10种单倍型为两个集群所特有。基于遗传差异性 ,陇东黄土高原的石鸡应分为两个管理单元进行保护 ,尤其对遗传变异和遗传多样性最高的铜川种群应进行重点保护。  相似文献   

Genetic introgression with exotic genomes represents a major conservation concern for the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa, Phasianidae). In particular, massive releases of chukar partridges (Alectoris chukar) and/or red-legged × chukar partridge hybrids for hunting purposes have cast serious doubts on the Italian present-day occurrence of wild A. rufa populations not affected by introgressive hybridization. This study investigates the genetic structure of red-legged partridges populations in two ecologically different areas in Northern Italy. Analysis of maternal mitochondrial DNA and biparental microsatellite markers excluded the presence of hybridization in a typical agricultural habitat where hunting and release of reared birds are strictly banned. By contrast, signs of chukar introgression were detected in a perifluvial habitat unusual for the red-legged partridge in Italy. The present study documents the first red-legged partridge population with no genetic evidences of recent chukar introgression presently living in Italy. We recommend that urgent conservation actions are taken to preserve the genetic integrity of this population from the risk of hybridization with farm-reared birds and to support its long-term conservation.  相似文献   

Hybridization is a widespread phenomenon, which plays crucial roles in the speciation of living beings. However, unnatural mixing of historically isolated taxa due to human-related activities has increased in recent decades, favouring levels of hybridization and introgression that can have important implications for conservation. The wild red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa, Phasianidae) populations have recently declined and the releases of farm-reared partridges have become a widespread management strategy. The native range of the red-legged is limited to the south-west of Europe (from Italy to Portugal). This species does not breed in sympatry with the chukar partridge (A. chukar), whose range is Eurasian (from Turkey to China). However, red-legged partridges have often been hybridized with chukar partridges to increase the productivity of farmed birds, and game releases may have spread hybrid birds into the wild. In this study, we investigated the fitness (survival and breeding) differences between hybrid and “pure” red-legged partridges in a wild population located in central Spain. Incubation probability was similar in hybrids and “pure” partridges. Hybrid females laid larger clutches than “pure” ones, but hatching success did not differ between hybrid and “pure” partridges. Hybrid birds had lower survival rate than “pure” ones, mainly because of higher predation rates. Our results show that, despite lower survival, hybrid partridges breed in natural populations, so this could increase extinction risk of wild pure partridge populations, through releases of farmed hybrid birds. The consequences of continued releases could be of vital importance for the long term conservation of wild red-legged partridges.  相似文献   

The nominal subspecies of rock partridge (Alectoris graeca graeca) is widely distributed in Greece, where populations are declining due to over-hunting and habitat changes. Captive-reared chukars (A. chukar) have been massively released throughout the country, raising fear that introgressive hybridisation might have disrupted local adaptations leading to further population declines. In this study we used mtDNA control-region sequences and Bayesian admixture analyses of multilocus genotypes determined at eight microsatellite loci, to assess the extent of introgressive hybridisation in 319 wild rock partridges collected in Greece. A neighbour-joining tree split the mtDNA haplotypes into three strongly supported clades, corresponding to rock, red-legged (A.␣rufa) and chukar partridges. We did not detect any case of maternal introgression. In contrast, admixture analyses of microsatellite genotypes identified from four to 28 putative hybrids (according to different assignment criteria), corresponding to 1.2–8.8% of the samples, which were widespread throughout all the country. Power and limits of admixture analyses were assessed using simulated hybrid genotypes, which revealed that a small number of markers can detect all first and second generation hybrids (F 1 and F 2), and up to 90% of the first generation backrossess. Thus, the true proportion of recently introgressed rock partridges in Greece might be ca. 20%. These findings indicate that introgressive hybridisation is widespread, suggesting that released captive-bred partridges have reproduced and hybridised in nature polluting the gene pool of wild rock partridge populations in Greece.  相似文献   

Non‐local population stocking can have adverse genetic effects on wild populations through loss of genetic diversity and introgressive hybridization. The grey partridge (Perdix perdix) has been an important European game species for centuries, widely subject to translocation and stocking. After c. 80 years of releasing reared grey partridges in Denmark, this study investigated whether an indigenous Danish grey partridge still existed. If so, they would (1) belong to the western European clade (W1) and (2) be more closely related to the historical, indigenous grey partridges than to farm‐bred partridges. These predictions were tested by analysing the variation in both the mitochondrial control region (CR1) and microsatellite markers in museum samples representing the ancestral indigenous Danish grey partridge, contemporary wild grey partridges and farmed grey partridges from the five largest farms in Denmark. Phylogeography and population structure analyses showed traces of the indigenous Danish grey partridges amongst recent wild partridges in certain areas and significant genetic differences between farmed partridges and historical and recent partridges. The results also showed that the indigenous Danish grey partridges belonged to the western European clade (W1 haplotype). A foreign stocking effect was detected on the remote island of Bornholm, where the current population originated from introduced Danish and Bohemian grey partridges. The loss of haplotype diversity over time in certain geographical areas probably results from serious declines in wild Danish grey partridge numbers in recent decades. This, combined with the observation that hybridization between released stocked and wild partridges can occur, may complicate recovery of partridge populations. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 105 , 694–710.  相似文献   

This study used polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and dideoxy direct sequencing methods to analyze the genetic structure of the chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar) in the Longdong Loess Plateau, northwestern China. A total of 491 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA from the control region gene were sequenced for 78 chukar partridges from eight different populations. The 24 variable positions defined 25 haplotypes. The high gene flow (Nm=3.75) implied little genetic differentiation between the eight populations. All the populations shared the haplotype C1, which suggested that they all came from a common ancestor. The 25 haplotypes were spread through the populations, but could be clustered into two groups. The haplotype similar index between the two groups was only 0.15, with a genetic distance of 0.43%. The genetic variation was significantly different between the two groups, which had been isolated for all of recorded history. The genetic structure of chukar partridge populations in the Plateau appears to be the result of the synergistic effect of a glacier, along with debris flow and human activities since the middle of the Pleistocene.Communicated by F. Bairlein  相似文献   

We used mitochondrial DNA control-region and microsatellite data to infer the evolutionary history and past demographic changes in 332 rock partridges (Alectoris graeca) sampled from throughout the species' distribution range, with the exception of the central Balkans region. Maternal and biparental DNA markers indicated concordantly that rock partridge populations are structured geographically (mtDNA phiST = 0.86, microsatellite FST = 0.35; RST = 0.31; P < 0.001). Phylogenetic analyses of 22 mtDNA haplotypes identified two major phylogroups (supported by bootstrap values = 93%), splitting partridges from Sicily vs. all the other sampled populations at an average Tamura-Nei genetic distance of 0.035, which corresponds to 65% of the average distance between closely related species of Alectoris. Coalescent estimates of divergence times suggested that rock partridges in Sicily were isolated for more than 200000 years. This deep subdivision was confirmed by multivariate, Bayesian clustering and population assignment analyses of microsatellite genotypes, which supported also a subdivision of partridges from the Alps vs. populations in the Apennines, Albania and Greece. Partridges in the Apennines and Albania-Greece were probably connected by gene flow since recently through a late Pleistocene Adriatic landbridge. Deglaciated Alps were probably colonized by distinct and, perhaps, not yet sampled source populations. Bottleneck and mismatch analyses indicate that rock partridges have lost variability through past population declines, and did not expand recently. Deglaciated areas could have been recolonized without any strong demographic expansion. Genetic data partially supported subspecies subdivisions, and allowed delimiting distinct conservation units. Rock partridges in Sicily, formally recognized as A. g. whitakeri, met the criteria for a distinct evolutionary significant unit.  相似文献   

Mediterranean red-legged (Alectoris rufa) and rock (Alectoris graeca) partridge populations are affected by genetic pollution. The chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar), a species only partly native to Europe, is the most frequently introgressive taxon detected in the genome of hybrid partridges. Both theoretical (evolutionary) and practical (resources management) matters spur to get insight into the geographic origin of the A. chukar hybridizing swarm. The phenotypic A. rufa populations colonizing the easternmost part of the distribution range of this species, the islands of Elba (Italy) and Corsica (France), were investigated. The analysis of both mitochondrial (mtDNA: Cytochrome-b gene plus Control Region: 2,250 characters) and nuclear (Short Tandem Repeats, STR; Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA, RAPD) genomes of 25 wild (Elba) and 20 captive (Corsica) partridges, disclosed spread introgression of chukar origin also in these populations. All mtDNA haplotypes of Elba and Corsica partridges along with those we obtained from other A. rufa (total, = 111: Italy, Spain, France) and A. graeca (= 6, Italy), were compared with the mtDNA haplotypes of chukars (= 205) sampled in 20 countries. It was found that the A. chukar genes detected in red-legged (= 43) and rock partridges (= 4) of Spain, France and Italy as well as in either introduced (Italy) or native (Greece, Turkey) chukars (= 35) were all from East Asia. Hence, a well-defined geographic origin of the exotic chukar genes polluting the genome of native Mediterranean A. rufa and A. graeca (inter-specific level) as well as A. chukar (intra-specific level), was demonstrated.  相似文献   

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