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王晓东  刘惠清 《生态学报》2012,32(10):3077-3086
本文以长白山北坡林线为研究区,调查125个样方内岳桦种群的径级结构与林线灌草植物的生态重要值。采用常规统计和聚类方法分析岳桦种群与8种常见灌草植物的动态特点,采用典型与单因子相关分析岳桦动态与林线灌草植物的变化关系。结果表明岳桦种群扩张带动林下灌草的相继移动,林线上侵不仅是单一乔木的变化,而是森林群落向苔原群落的入侵,从空间上挤占生态位的过程。另外,这种替代中各个成分变化也存在差异,由于各种植物在群落中的地位和生态竞争力的区别,在替代过程中不同植物变化也具有明显的异步性。  相似文献   

长白山北坡岳桦种群结构及动态分析   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40  
以“空间代时间”的方法 ,以种群径级结构代替年龄结构 ,采用静态生命表、生存分析和空间格局分析方法 ,探讨了长白山北坡不同海拔分布的岳桦种群的结构和动态规律。结果表明 ,在海拔 180 0、190 0和 2 0 0 0m ,随海拔升高 ,岳桦种群密度增大 ,径级分布范围减小 ,种群存活曲线由DeeveyⅡ型过渡到DeeveyⅠ型 ,种群由稳定型过渡为增长型 ,说明岳桦种群由低海拔向高海拔 ,群落处于不同的演替和发展阶段。而且随着岳桦径级的增大 ,其分布格局由集群分布过渡到随机分布。  相似文献   

在长白山北坡,由于水、热条件及其组合的垂直分异,植被形成了完整的垂直带谱.从表观上看,各植被带间存在明显的过渡带,但由于多种因素的影响,过渡带的位置确定比较困难,文中采用梯度取样方法,应用分形分析、种群分布格局分析和种间竞争分析对海拔1400~2200m的岳桦种群过渡带进行了定量研究,结果表明,岳桦种群在海拔1650m附近与云冷杉林形成一个森林过渡带;在海拔2080m附近与高山苔原形成一个林线过渡带。  相似文献   

高山林线形成机理及植物相关生理生态学特性研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
李明财  罗天祥  朱教君  孔高强 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5583-5591
高山林线作为极端环境条件下树木生存的界限,由于其对气候变化的敏感性,在全球变化研究中得到了广泛关注。研究高山林线形成机理以及林线地带植物相关生理生态学特性成为预测未来气候变化条件下植被动态变化的出发点。对于高山林线形成机理研究主要关注两方面问题:(1)林线地带外界环境如何限制乔木生长和分布,其内在机理如何;(2)灌木及草本相对于乔木在林线地区有哪些生存优势,从乔木到灌木及草本生活型演变的功能及意义如何。综述了当前高山林线形成机理及相关生理生态特性的国内外最新研究成果,指出尽管温度(尤其是生长季低温)在全球尺度上能解释大部分高山区域林线的分布,但树木生长和生存受限的内在机理并没有弄清楚,目前主要存在“碳受限”以及“生长受限”假说两大争论焦点。另外,理论上受温度控制的高山林线对气候变化的响应表现出不同的模式,表明全球变化对林线分布和植被生长影响的复杂性和不确定性。因此,未来的研究应该关注影响林线地区植被生长的多种生理生态学过程,比如水分及养分利用过程,以及从乔木到灌木及草本生活型演变的功能意义,从而为林线形成机理以及对气候变化的响应提供更好的解释。  相似文献   

本研究通过植被调查,从密度、胸径、树高、树龄、世代和种群分布格局等方面分析长白山北坡与西坡岳桦(Betula ermanii Cham.)种群的坡向差异及随海拔变化的坡向差异,探讨植被坡向差异的干扰因素.结果显示,整体上北坡岳桦种群胸径、二代木比重显著大于西坡,一代木比重则相反,说明尽管西坡生境优于北坡,但西坡植被演替...  相似文献   

西藏色季拉山林线冷杉种群结构与动态   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei var.smithii)是西藏东南部地区高山林线森林群落的主要建群树种,主要分布在色季拉山海拔3600~4400m区域,并成为阴坡高山林线的优势树种。通过对色季拉山林线群落交错区域的定位调查,分析了急尖长苞冷杉的个体生长、种群结构与动态以及林线特征。分析结果表明:(1)西藏色季拉山海拔4320m处为森林郁闭上限,该区域存在两种类型的高山林线,阳坡为渐变型林线,林线树种为方枝柏(Sabina saltuaria);阴坡为急变型林线,林线树种为急尖长苞冷杉。阳坡与阴坡林线分布海拔上限分别为4570m和4390m,阳坡高于阴坡180m;阳坡与阴坡林线群落交错区垂直宽度分别为250m和70m,阳坡比阴坡宽180m。(2)阴坡海拔3700~3800m属急尖长苞冷杉分布的最适范围,种群径级结构表现为典型的反"J"型,种群密度约380株/hm2;种群年龄结构表现为"金字塔"型,属于扩展型种群。(3)静态生命表和种群存活曲线反映了急尖长苞冷杉种群在形成初期的20a和生长发育的60~160a分别经历了强烈的环境筛选和竞争自疏,以及后期与环境变化相关的死亡波动,200a左右为急尖长苞冷杉的生理寿命,种群后期基本稳定,400a左右为极限寿命。  相似文献   

林窗对格氏栲天然林更新层物种多样性和稳定性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用物种多样性指数和改进的M.Godron稳定性法研究林窗干扰对格氏栲(Castanopsis kawakamii)自然保护区天然林更新层物种多样性和稳定性的影响.结果表明:林窗干扰改善了微环境,表现在林窗和林下乔灌层树种重要值和多样性存在差异.林窗乔木层中丰富度指数R、优势度指数D、Shannon-Wiener指数H、均优多指数Z均高于林下,均匀度指数Js和群落优势度指数C低于林下;灌木层中R、D、H、Js、Z指数均高于林下,群落优势度指数C低于林下,林窗物种多样性更为丰富,生态优势种不明显,群落向复杂化和均匀化方向发展.林窗与林下乔木层Jaccard相似性系数Cj、Sorenson相似性系数CS、Bray-Curtis指数CN相对较低,Morista-Horn指数CmH较高,林窗对树种更新具有促进作用;灌木层相似性系数Cj、Cs、CN、CmH均较高,物种组成基本一致.根据M.Godron稳定性原理拟合出稳定性模型,林窗和林下乔木层分别为对数模型与二次函数模型,林窗和林下灌木层最佳拟合模型均为对数模型.林窗乔木层植物处于稳定状态,林下乔木层植物不稳定;林窗和林下灌木层植物均处于稳定状态.林窗和林下乔木层树种中以桂北木姜子(Litsea subcoriacea)重要值最高,说明其在森林更新中占有重要地位,可能对格氏栲种群更新产生较大影响.林下乔木层中格氏栲重要值较低,格氏栲更新存在困难,而林窗干扰促进了格氏栲的向上生长和重要值的提升,可有效实现格氏栲种群的更新和恢复.  相似文献   

海拔梯度对长白山北坡岳桦水分利用效率的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Wang QW  Qi I  Tian J  Zhou WM  Ding H  Yu DP  Dai LM 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2227-2232
以分布于长白山北坡海拔1800~2050 m的岳桦林为对象,以叶片碳稳定同位素(δ13C)值作为岳桦长期水分利用效率指示值,探讨海拔梯度对岳桦林水分利用效率的影响.结果表明:随海拔升高,岳桦林土壤体积含水量、比叶质量极显著增加,而叶片含水量和土壤温度显著降低;岳桦叶片δ13C值与海拔呈极显著正相关,增幅为1.013‰·(100 m)-1,与土壤体积含水量、比叶质量呈显著正相关,与生长季土壤平均温度、叶片含水量呈显著负相关.温度不是长白山林线的唯一限制性因子,海拔梯度上水热条件的差异及其交互作用可能造成岳桦生长期间的生理干旱.  相似文献   

长白山北坡植物群落α多样性及其随海拔梯度的变化   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
通过不同海拔高度的系统取样,研究了长白山北坡植物群落α多样性及其沿海拔梯度的变化规律。结果表明,不同林层的乔木种,乔、灌、草各生活型类群,以及所有植物种的丰富度及多样性随海拔上升均表现出较明显的线性下降趋势;乔木种从海拔700m时的19种至林线时下降为1种;灌木和草本植物也分别炎20种和61种,至山顶时下降为2种和15种,乔木种和草本植物丰富度随海拔变化出现的几个峰值正是各植被带的分界,体现出过渡区物种丰富度较高的特点。  相似文献   

长白山林线主要木本植物叶片养分的季节动态及回收效率   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植物叶片养分含量的季节动态和回收效率对植被生态系统的养分循环和植物生长策略具有重要意义。以长白山高山林线上分布的3种主要木本植物——岳桦(Betula ermanii),牛皮杜鹃(Rhododendron aureum)和笃斯越橘(Vaccinium uliginosum)为研究对象,通过测定叶片中N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe等6种养分元素含量,分析在林线处植物叶片养分含量的季节动态及其与土壤养分含量的关系。结果表明岳桦和笃斯越橘叶片中养分元素的季节动态基本一致,即:N、P、K含量在生长季内逐渐降低,而Ca的含量逐渐增加;Mg在生长季旺盛期最低,而Fe含量却最高。牛皮杜鹃作为常绿灌木,叶片养分的季节动态与其余两种植物明显不同,表现为在生长季初期6种养分元素含量最低。岳桦和笃斯越橘植物叶片中N、P、K、Fe都有一定程度的回收,但笃斯越橘叶片的养分回收率更高,反映了笃斯越橘更能适应相对贫瘠的环境。3种林线植物叶片中养分含量与土壤养分并不存在显著的相关性,说明长白山林线上土壤中养分的分布没有对林线上3种主要的木本植物的生长和分布产生直接的影响。  相似文献   

贾美玉  张金屯  梁钰  丁沫冲  曹格  贾冰玉 《生态学报》2018,38(20):7499-7507
林线过渡带作为气候变化的预警区,有很重要的研究意义,林线过渡带中人工林的生存与发展对自然保护区景观生态系统影响显著。选取五台山林线内占绝对分布优势的华北落叶松为研究对象。设置50m×50m样地,随机选取5个10m×10m样方进行群落物种信息收集,对乔木的胸径和位置信息进行调查,利用点格局方法和CSR(完全空间随机模型)、HP(空间异质性过程模型)、RL(随机标签模型)对华北落叶松的活立木和枯立木的格局过程进行0—25m尺度上的分析,结果发现:活的华北落叶松平均胸径在11.54cm,死的华北落叶松平均胸径是8.27cm,这个对于30年以上华北落叶松来说胸径值偏小,其生长慢的特点是和林线这个生境特点相适应的。华北落叶松枯立木的聚块很大,在0—15m上都是聚集分布;活立木聚块小出现在0—3m、和21m上。空间异质性过程模型模拟的格局与活立木实际格局差异检验不显著,说明空间异质性可以很好解释活立木格局的成因。随机标签模型模拟结果表明现有活立木和枯立木只在21m附近出现负相关,主要是负密度制约效应是导致的华北落叶松死亡的主要原因,而且对幼苗到幼树的影响最大。同时推测灌木和华北落叶松幼苗和幼树的种间相关作用与其死亡也有一定关系。  相似文献   

Many hypotheses have been put forward to explain the structure and position of alpine treelines. The spatial complexity of the ecotone, ranging from sharp boundaries to networks of tree patches within a heath matrix, may explain why no consensus has been reached. In this paper, we discuss factors from abiotic disturbances to herbivory that may help understand the spatial structure of the alpine treeline ecotone in Fennoscandia. The ecotone is dominated by mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa), and may show a wide range of spatial structures. We discuss the influence of topography, seed limitations, seedling establishment, growth limitations, abiotic disturbances and herbivory as structuring factors. All of these factors may operate, but their relative importance in space and time is unknown. There is a basic difference between factors that prevent the establishment of trees, and thus act on early life history stages, and factors that thin out a previously dense forest, and thus act on adult trees. Mortality caused directly or indirectly by geometrid moths may belong to the latter category. We suggest that seedling and sapling mortality is more important than seed limitation for the establishment of new individuals in the treeline ecotone. Important mortality factors may be abiotic disturbances, competition (or allelopathy) from field layer plants and herbivory. The relative role of these factors needs to be examined further.  相似文献   

马锐骜  吴辉  王志瑞  戴冠华  于大炮  姜勇  李慧 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9847-9856
林线过渡带是指从郁闭森林上限到树种分布上限之间的区域,过渡带内生物多样性丰富,生态系统结构、功能和生态过程在很小的海拔梯度内发生剧烈变化,因此对全球气候变化和人类活动极为敏感。树岛是在林线过渡带内出现的斑块状或条带形不连续分布的树木集群,树岛内生存的树木通常能达到与较低海拔郁闭森林同样的高度和胸径,因此揭示树岛这一特殊生境的生态特征及其形成机制,对于预测未来气候变化下林线动态具有重要意义。以长白山岳桦林线过渡带一大型树岛作为研究对象,测定了土壤理化性质和土壤酶活性,采用宏基因组测序技术分析了微生物群落结构组成和功能基因丰度,通过与同海拔的开阔区生境进行对比,揭示了树岛这一特殊生境的土壤微生物群落结构特征和潜在生态功能,从土壤养分和土壤微生物学角度,阐明树岛形成的可能驱动机制。结果表明,树岛土壤的含水量、总碳、总氮和微生物生物量显著高于同海拔开阔区(P<0.05),与微生物r-策略相关的生理生化和遗传学指标,包括纤维素酶活性、放线菌相对丰度、与转录、防御、控制细胞周期相关的基因丰度、小分子碳降解基因丰度,均高于开阔区(P<0.05)。相反的,与微生物K-策略相关的指标,包括酸杆菌相对丰度、大分子碳降解基因相对丰度低于开阔区。揭示了树岛土壤微生物学特征,并从土壤微生物组学角度探讨了树岛形成的潜在机制,认为树岛内土壤养分增加并导致微生物群落r-策略倾向,这种变化反过来也可能促进树岛进一步扩大,进而影响林线动态。  相似文献   

Aims: The upper elevation limit of forest vegetation in mountain ranges (the alpine treeline ecotone) is expected to be highly sensitive to global change. Treeline shifts and/or ecotone afforestation could cause fragmentation and loss of alpine habitat, and are expected to trigger considerable alterations in alpine vegetation. We performed an analysis of vegetation structure at the treeline ecotone to evaluate whether distribution of the tree population determines the spatial pattern of vegetation (species composition and diversity) across the transition from subalpine forest to alpine vegetation. Location: Iberian eastern range of the Pyrenees. Methods: We studied 12 alpine Pinus uncinata treeline ecotones. Rectangular plots ranging from 940 to 1900 m2 were placed along the forest‐alpine vegetation transition, from closed forest to the treeless alpine area. To determine community structure and species distribution in the treeline ecotone, species variation along the forest‐alpine vegetation transition was sampled using relevés of 0.5 m2 set every 2 m along the length of each plot. Fuzzy C‐means clustering was performed to assess the transitional status of the relevés in terms of species composition. The relation of P. uncinata canopy cover to spatial pattern of vegetation was evaluated using continuous wavelet transform analysis. Results: Vegetation analyses revealed a large degree of uniformity of the subalpine forest between all treeline ecotone areas studied. In contrast, the vegetation mosaic found upslope displayed great variation between sites and was characterized by abrupt changes in plant community across the treeline ecotone. Plant richness and diversity significantly increased across the ecotone, but tree cover and diversity boundaries were not spatially coincident. Conclusions: Our results revealed that no intermediate communities, in terms of species composition, are present in the treeline ecotone. Ecotone vegetation reflected both bedrock type and fine‐scale heterogeneity at ground level, thereby reinforcing the importance of microenvironmental conditions for alpine community composition. Tree cover did not appear to be the principal driver of alpine community changes across the treeline ecotone. Microenvironmental heterogeneity, together with effects of past climatic and land‐use changes on ecotone vegetation, may weaken the expected correlation between species distribution and vegetation structure.  相似文献   

Camarero  J.J.  Gutiérrez  E. 《Plant Ecology》2002,162(2):247-257
We describe the structure of two contrasting (elevation, topography,climate, vegetation, soil) alpine forest–pasture ecotones located in theCentral Pyrenees (sites Ordesa, O, and Tessó, T). We define ecotonestructure as the spatial distribution of trees of different size classes andgrowth-forms and the relationship between these aspects and the spatialdistribution of understory vegetation and substrate. The studied ecotones aredominated by Pinus uncinata Ram. and have been littleaffected by anthropogenic disturbances (logging, grazing) during this century.One rectangular plot (30 × 140 m) was located within eachsite with its longest side parallel to the slope and encompassing treeline andtimberline. The distribution of size and growth-form classes at site O followeda clear sequence of increasing size downslope from shrubby multistemmedkrummholz individuals to bigger arborescent trees. At site O, regeneration wasconcentrated near the krummholz area and over rocky substrates. This suggeststhat krummholz may modify microenvironment conditions and increase seedlingsurvival. At site T, regeneration was abundant above the treeline where thecover of the dominant understory shrub (Rhododendronferrugineum) decreased. In both ecotones the diversity of plants washigher above the treeline than in the forest and decreased going downslopecoinciding with the increase of P. uncinata cover. Thereduction of plant diversity appeared above the current timberline. At site O,the decrease was steep and spatially heterogeneous what may be due in part tothe edaphic heterogeneity. At site T the change was abrupt though smaller. Therelationships between the plant community and tree regeneration should be takeninto account in future ecological studies of treeline pattern.  相似文献   

热量匮乏是高山树线的主要成因, 在全球变暖趋势下对高山树线及其建群种的生态学过程及特征的研究具有重要意义。该文以青藏高原东缘的折多山和剪子弯山两处高山树线(海拔分别为4 265 m和4 425 m)作为研究对象, 通过设置垂直样带, 同时结合区域温度、降水的长时间序列分析, 探究两处树线的时空动态过程, 并明确了建群种冷杉(Abies spp.)的生态学特征。结果表明: 1)折多山和剪子弯山区域的气温在过去58年均存在显著的上升趋势(分别上升了0.72和0.91 ℃), 而折多山和剪子弯山区域降水均存在微弱的降低趋势。2)折多山的峨眉冷杉(A. fabri)龄级结构呈反J形, 剪子弯山的鳞皮冷杉(A. squamata)龄级结构呈双峰形, 二者种群结构均相对稳定。3)在小尺度上, 种子扩散限制使得两处树线的冷杉聚集分布。在大尺度上, 折多山峨眉冷杉亦呈聚集分布, 而剪子弯山鳞皮冷杉受生长环境以及种内或种间关系的影响呈随机分布。4)两处样地建群树种的树高和基径均随海拔升高而降低, 位于树线交错带上部的冷杉均呈现树高生长大于径向生长的异速生长关系, 而位于样地中、下部位的冷杉大部分呈等速生长关系。5)相比10年前, 折多山和剪子弯山的树线及树种线位置均无明显变化, 剪子弯山鳞皮冷杉种群的树木密度亦无明显变化, 而折多山的树木个体数提高了约25%; 相比20年前, 折多山和剪子弯山的树种线分别上移了50和30 m, 树线位置分别升高了75和40 m, 树木个体数亦明显增加, 分别提高了约220%和100%。树线及其建群种在较大时空尺度上主要受热量的控制, 而在较小时空尺度上受温度及生长环境共同作用的影响。  相似文献   

热量匮乏是高山树线的主要成因, 在全球变暖趋势下对高山树线及其建群种的生态学过程及特征的研究具有重要意义。该文以青藏高原东缘的折多山和剪子弯山两处高山树线(海拔分别为4 265 m和4 425 m)作为研究对象, 通过设置垂直样带, 同时结合区域温度、降水的长时间序列分析, 探究两处树线的时空动态过程, 并明确了建群种冷杉(Abies spp.)的生态学特征。结果表明: 1)折多山和剪子弯山区域的气温在过去58年均存在显著的上升趋势(分别上升了0.72和0.91 ℃), 而折多山和剪子弯山区域降水均存在微弱的降低趋势。2)折多山的峨眉冷杉(A. fabri)龄级结构呈反J形, 剪子弯山的鳞皮冷杉(A. squamata)龄级结构呈双峰形, 二者种群结构均相对稳定。3)在小尺度上, 种子扩散限制使得两处树线的冷杉聚集分布。在大尺度上, 折多山峨眉冷杉亦呈聚集分布, 而剪子弯山鳞皮冷杉受生长环境以及种内或种间关系的影响呈随机分布。4)两处样地建群树种的树高和基径均随海拔升高而降低, 位于树线交错带上部的冷杉均呈现树高生长大于径向生长的异速生长关系, 而位于样地中、下部位的冷杉大部分呈等速生长关系。5)相比10年前, 折多山和剪子弯山的树线及树种线位置均无明显变化, 剪子弯山鳞皮冷杉种群的树木密度亦无明显变化, 而折多山的树木个体数提高了约25%; 相比20年前, 折多山和剪子弯山的树种线分别上移了50和30 m, 树线位置分别升高了75和40 m, 树木个体数亦明显增加, 分别提高了约220%和100%。树线及其建群种在较大时空尺度上主要受热量的控制, 而在较小时空尺度上受温度及生长环境共同作用的影响。  相似文献   

Treelines have drawn persistent research interest as they can respond markedly to climate. However, the mechanisms that determine tree seedling recruitment and the response of the forest‐tundra ecotone to environmental changes remain poorly understood. We hypothesise that treeline tree seedling performance depends on the interplay between climatic and soil nutritional changes and facilitative and competitive interactions between trees and shrubs. We conducted a seedling transplantation experiment with Betula pubescens at a subarctic treeline, in northern Sweden, which followed a full factorial design with four treatment factors relating to environmental regimes of stress and resource availability: site (forest vs treeline); temperature (+/? passive warming); shrub presence (+/?Vaccinium myrtillus removal); and nutrient availability (+/? NPK addition). During three growing seasons we assessed the establishment and performance of Betula. The experimental manipulations caused highly significant effects on seedling performance. Although Vaccinium enhanced seedling survival and reduced the effects of excessive solar radiation and insect herbivory, the seedlings growing with the shrub had a poorer performance by the end of the experimental period. Also, seedlings in the forest had a poorer performance than those at the treeline. Betula seedlings showed a very pronounced and positive response to passive warming and to nutrient addition, but such effects were more evident at the treeline site and often interacted with the presence of Vaccinium. This experiment shows that shrub–tree interactions are important drivers of subarctic treeline dynamics and that they vary with time and space. Facilitation, competition, herbivory and environmental changes at the tree seedling stage act as important filters in structuring the forest–tundra ecotone. We demonstrate that changes in this ecotone cannot be simply predicted from changing temperature patterns alone, and that complex interactions need to be considered, not only between shrubs and trees, but also with herbivores and between warming and soil nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Background: Recent work has shown little change in the position of the Smith fir treeline on the south-eastern Tibetan Plateau in response to global warming. However, the relationship between tree distribution patterns within the treeline ecotone and low responsiveness is unknown, and additional constraints than climate might be major drivers of these patterns (e.g. microsite availability for regeneration).

Aims: To characterise the spatial patterns of Smith fir alpine treelines and to infer the underlying processes driving their dynamics.

Methods: We investigated spatial patterns of Smith fir trees across two treeline ecotones in the Sygera Mountains, south-eastern Tibetan Plateau. The O(r)-ring statistic was used to analyse the univariate and bivariate spatial point patterns of three size classes (adults, juveniles and seedlings).

Results: Mature trees presented random spatial patterns. Clusters of juveniles and seedlings colonised areas not occupied by mature trees. Seedlings were clustered and established preferentially near juvenile firs, Rhododendron mats and over moss–lichen and organic matter substrates, indicating the importance of microsite availability for successful Smith fir recruitment.

Conclusions: Local factors such as microsite availability may play a major role in driving recent Smith fir treeline patterns and determine the lack of significant warming-induced upward shifts of these ecotones.  相似文献   

木本植物幼苗是高山林线生态交错区的重要组成部分,其更新对气候变化背景下树线的移动至关重要.本研究通过对近几十年来全球范围内林线生态交错区的木本植物幼苗分布特征、更新机制及其对气候变化响应的研究总结得出:林线生态交错区木本植物幼苗的空间分布类型主要为渐变型和聚集型,且不同分布类型对树线动态的指示意义各异.在全球尺度上,其分布的海拔高限通常与生长季长度、均温和物种特性等有关,而在区域尺度上则多受降水影响.在幼苗更新初期,种源在很大程度上决定了种子的萌发及分布位置,之后微环境的促进作用为幼苗的定植提供庇护,提高其存活率,而在更新后期多种生物和非生物因素及其相互作用则非常关键.气候变暖促使林线生态交错区气温升高、降水充沛,有利于幼苗生长,使其向高海拔区域扩张而成为树线上移的先兆,但部分物种受遗传特性或适应策略影响,仅表现为密度增加,使树线保持相对稳定.未来应借助树轮、14C等精确定年技术,通过长期的野外定位观测和室内模拟,加强多时空尺度下林线幼苗的空间分布特征和更新机制研究,分析不同类型林线内木本植物幼苗的适应策略,预测气候变化背景下的树线动态,为山地生态系统恢复及保护提供科学依据.  相似文献   

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