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为探讨苔原植被对气候变暖的响应模式, 采用开顶箱增温法, 研究了3个生长季增温对长白山苔原3种代表植物——牛皮杜鹃(Rhododendron aureum)、笃斯越桔(Vaccinium uliginosum)和东亚仙女木(Dryas octopetala var. asiatica)的叶片及土壤碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)含量及其比值的影响。结果表明: 增温使土壤N和P的含量分别增加5.88%和4.83%, C含量降低13.19%; 增温和对照(不增温)条件下, 植物叶片的C、N、P含量及其比值在生长季有明显的变化。增温使笃斯越桔和东亚仙女木叶片的P含量分别增加10.34%和12.87%, 牛皮杜鹃则降低了16.26%, 增温并没有明显改变3种植物叶片的C、N含量, 但牛皮杜鹃和东亚仙女木叶片的C:N值在增温条件下呈现增加趋势。增温使土壤可利用的N、P含量增加。增温对3种植物的C:N值, 牛皮杜鹃、笃斯越桔的P含量, 以及东亚仙女木的C:P值都产生了显著的影响。结果表明增温增加了长白山苔原P元素对植物生长的限制, 且3种植物叶片的C、N、P化学计量学特性对增温的响应模式和尺度没有表现出一致性。  相似文献   

温度变化会影响植物对养分的吸收以及自身养分含量变化,尤其对长期处于低温条件下的苔原植物。采用开顶箱增温法,研究了1个生长季增温对长白山苔原3种代表植物——牛皮杜鹃(Rhododendron aureum Pall)、笃斯越桔(Vaccinium uliginosum)和东亚仙女木(Dryas octopetala var.asiatica)叶片及土壤矿质元素钾(K)、铝(Al)、铜(Cu)、铁(Fe)、镁(Mg)、锰(Mn)、锌(Zn)和钙(Ga)含量的影响。结果表明:1)增温明显改变了土壤矿质元素含量,使土壤Fe、Al和K含量分别增加0.44%、2.76%和4.88%,而Cu、Mg、Mn、Zn和Ga含量分别降低2.63%、5.07%、7.46%、21.95%和15.60%;2)整个生长季,增温使牛皮杜鹃叶K含量增加8.17%,且具有明显的月变化,其叶Mg和Mn含量也分别比对照组高66.39%和14.73%;3)与对照相比,增温使笃斯越桔叶K、Al和Zn含量分别增加15.24%、5.45%和87.45%,生长季不同月份,其叶K、Al、Mg、Mn、Zn和Ga含量差异明显;4)增温并没有明显改变东亚仙女木叶片各矿质元素含量,但其叶K、Cu和Ga含量具有明显月波动。因此,不同物种矿质元素含量变化对增温的响应方式不同,增温对苔原植物的影响也存在一定的物种差异性。  相似文献   

以大兴安岭地区3种主要立地类型的笃斯越橘为试验材料,通过分析由灌丛基部萌生的1~2年生(S1)、3年生(S2)、4年生(S3)、5年生(S4)、趋于衰老的多年生(S5)枝条叶片和茎部,以及衰老枝条(S6)的N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Mn含量分布规律及其与新梢生长的关系,明确矿质元素在笃斯越橘不同年龄基生枝上叶片及茎部的分布特性,探索矿质营养与笃斯越橘树体生长发育及衰老更新的关系。结果表明:(1)6种元素在不同年龄枝条分布呈现不同的规律,其中,N、P、K随基生枝条年龄增加大致呈下降趋势,叶片和茎部分别在S5、S6时期降到最小值;Ca在衰老枝条上含量最高,Mg元素在S1时期叶片上分布较高;Mn在不同年龄基生枝中波动较小,水湿地、山地类型叶片Mn元素随枝龄增加而提高,茎部则先增后减,在S5时期分布最高;N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量表现为叶片明显高于茎部,而塔头草甸类型茎部Mn略高于叶片,且茎部Mn含量高达2 000mg·kg~(-1)。(2)笃斯越橘的新梢生长量与叶片K、Mg以及茎部N、K、Mg含量呈极显著正相关关系,与叶片Ca、Mn以及茎部Ca含量呈显著或极显著负相关关系。(3)典型相关分析结果显示,影响笃斯越橘新梢生长量的矿质元素因子因基生枝条年龄而异;S1时期主要与叶片Mg含量有关,S2~S4阶段受茎部K、Ca、Mg影响最大,S5时期主要受叶片Ca含量影响。(4)笃斯越橘的衰老可能与Ca积累有关。  相似文献   

气候变化导致长白山苔原由灌木苔原向灌草苔原演化,对土壤呼吸及碳循环造成了重要影响。为了明确植被变化对苔原土壤呼吸的影响,该研究选取了长白山苔原典型的群落,测定分析了不同草本植物盖度下的土壤呼吸的季节动态变化及差异。结果表明:(1)在生长季,3个群落下不同变化阶段样地的土壤呼吸速率均有明显的动态变化,均呈单峰型变化特征;草本植物盖度增加没有改变土壤呼吸的季节动态变化趋势。(2)草本植物盖度增加对土壤呼吸速率有显著影响,随着草本植物盖度的增加,土壤呼吸速率也逐渐增大。(3)不同植物群落下土壤呼吸不同,在草本植物盖度相同的条件下土壤呼吸速率依次为:牛皮杜鹃 小叶章群落>牛皮杜鹃 地榆群落>笃斯越桔 苔草群落。(4)不同群落草本植物盖度增加对土壤呼吸的增速效应不同,牛皮杜鹃 小叶章群落的土壤呼吸增速最快,笃斯越桔 苔草群落的次之,牛皮杜鹃 地榆群落最小;草本植物盖度的增加也使3个群落之间土壤呼吸的差值出现明显的变化。  相似文献   

包剑利  殷秀琴  李晓强 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3320-3328
凋落物分解是生态系统养分循环的重要环节。土壤动物对凋落物分解具有重要作用。有关高山常绿小灌木凋落物分解及土壤动物作用的研究鲜有报道。采用凋落物网袋法对长白山北坡岳桦林带(42°03'41.23″N,128°03'12.75″E,1900 m)牛皮杜鹃(Rhododendron chrysanthum)凋落物的分解过程进行了为期1a的野外观测与室内试验研究,采用4、2 mm和0.01 mm三种网孔凋落物袋来控制不同体型的土壤动物的参与,以研究凋落物的分解率、养分动态及土壤动物在凋落物分解中的作用。结果表明,4、2 mm和0.01 mm网孔凋落物分解率分别为34.19%、31.22%和25.45%。分解率表现出显著的季节差异性。从总体上来看,网袋内凋落物的总氮含量先增后减;C/N呈下降趋势。对分解起主要作用的优势类群是甲螨亚目和等节跳科。土壤动物总个体数与养分元素的释放关系显著,中小型土壤动物对有机碳的释放起到重要作用。截至2012年10月末试验结束,全部土壤动物对牛皮杜鹃凋落物分解质量损失的贡献率为25.57%,中小型土壤动物贡献率(16.88%)大型土壤动物贡献率(8.69%)。大型土壤动物和中小型土壤动物在牛皮杜鹃凋落物分解过程中所起的作用,具有不同步性。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验,研究元谋干热河谷燥红土和变性土上生长的植物叶片以及凋落叶营养元素含量,并分析养分重吸收效率对土壤类型与物种互作的响应.结果表明: 土壤类型对叶片N、P、Ca、Mg、Cu、Zn、Fe、N∶P以及凋落叶N、P、Mn、N∶P均有显著影响;燥红土植物叶片与凋落叶N、Mn含量和N∶P显著高于变性土,而燥红土植物叶片P、Ca、Mg、Fe、Cu、Zn和凋落叶P含量显著低于变性土.燥红土植物叶片N含量较变性土高34.8%,而P含量低40.0%;在叶片凋落时,N、P、K表现为重吸收,而其他元素呈富集状态.燥红土凋落叶Ca、Mg、Mn富集系数显著高于变性土.物种仅对叶片N含量有显著影响,物种与土壤交互作用对植物叶片和凋落叶元素含量影响不显著,表明各土壤类型对不同物种元素含量的影响方式较为一致.土壤类型对植物元素含量的影响可进一步作用于干热河谷植物凋落物分解、植物-土壤的养分反馈以及生物地球化学循环.  相似文献   

桂北丰水梨园土壤养分与叶片营养的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取桂北地区有生理异常现象发生的丰水梨园,以成年结果树为研究对象,通过检测年生长周期内梨树叶片矿质营养元素、土壤养分的含量,分析不同时期梨树叶片营养元素和土壤养分含量及其动态变化规律,探讨年生长季内叶片营养与土壤养分之间的相关关系。结果表明:(1)在生长季节内,丰水梨叶片中N、P、K含量丰富;营养元素含量随时间的变化幅度均为P最大,N、K较小,但均未达到显著水平(P>0.05)。(2)梨园土壤中有机质、水解性N含量丰富,有效P、速效K含量普遍偏高;年生长周期内土壤速效N、P、K含量随时间的推移变化较大,均达显著水平(P<0.05),而有机质含量则相对稳定。(3)梨树叶片N含量与土壤有机质、水解性N、有效P、速效K含量呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05);叶片P和K含量与土壤水解性N含量分别呈显著负相关和正相关关系(P<0.05),而与土壤有机质、有效P、速效K相关关系不明显。  相似文献   

甘南高寒草甸植物元素含量与土壤因子对坡向梯度的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘旻霞 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8275-8284
通过测定甘南高寒草甸不同坡向条件下25科86种植物叶片氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)含量、有机碳(C)含量、叶片含水量和相对叶绿素(SPAD)值,以及不同坡向的土壤含水量、有机碳、全氮、全磷含量等土壤指标,分析了不同坡向植物叶片元素含量与土壤环境因子之间的关系。研究结果表明,在南坡-北坡梯度上,随着土壤含水量的增加,植物叶片P含量、叶K含量和叶片含水量显著增加,而相对叶绿素显著降低。土壤养分含量与植物叶片P、叶K含量和叶含水量显著正相关,与叶片相对叶绿素显著负相关。说明不同坡向条件下叶片养分含量受土壤因子的影响显著,土壤的水分及养分状况对植物叶片元素含量的贡献不同。土壤含水量是坡向梯度上影响植物叶片特征的最主要因子。坡向梯度上土壤含水量对植物叶片各种元素含量的影响和植物叶片含水量对不同土壤因子的响应模式支持了生长在南坡的植物能以提高水分和养分利用效率而适应南坡较为干旱和贫瘠的生境。  相似文献   

羊草草原植物-土壤之间主要营养元素动态的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
羊草草原土壤中N、P、K含量的季节变化规律是生长季初期较高,6—8月生长旺季较低,生长季末再度升高。营养元素在植物体内的分配是地下部分大于地上部分。地下部分N的贮量为地上部分的3.6倍,K为2.9倍,P为2.8倍。地上部分3种元素含量的季节变化曲线呈单峰型,从生长初期开始上升,最大值出现在8月,生长末期逐渐下降。地下部分的季节变化规律,大体上在整个生长季内呈上升趋势,随着根系的生长,营养元素的积累量不断增加。对植物—土壤之间营养元素动态分析结果表明,随着时间的推移,N、P、K在各状态中的比例趋于恒定。在稳定状态下,3种元素在土壤中的比例逐渐减少,与初始量相比N、P、K的含量分别减少21.23%、5.14%和2.99%。在其它状态中,3种元素的含量均有提高,特别在枯枝落叶和死根中增加的幅度较大。  相似文献   

测定分析了圆柏属2种常绿木本植物叶片干物质含量、叶绿素含量及N、P、K、Na、Ca、Mg等元素含量的季节变化和元素间的关系。结果发现,两种圆柏叶片N含量与叶绿素含量正相关,反映了其一年四季的生长情况;两树种N和K含量的季节变化趋势相似,夏、秋季高于冬、春季,表明两树种夏、秋季富集的营养物质较多,与夏、秋季较高的生物量一致;而P、Ca、Mg和Na含量是冬、春季较夏、秋季高,表明圆柏属植物通过积累这些无机渗透调节剂来增强其对低温的抗性。两树种叶片对N和K同步积累,对P、Na和Mg同步积累,但在元素积累模式上也存在一定的差异,元素间的关系也要复杂得多。  相似文献   

长白山北坡林线岳桦种群空间分布格局   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
许多自然林线具有的趋同特征之一即乔木树种高生长受限,常演化为矮曲状或类似于灌木的形态(即树种的灌木型)占据高山植被带,因此研究林线树种乔木型与灌木型的结构、功能差异有助于进一步理解林线形成的原因。种群分布格局作为种群相对位置定量化描述的基本特征,可以表征物种对环境适应性选择的结果,反应生态过程的综合作用。利用点格局方法,研究长白山北坡林线岳桦种群各生活史阶段、两种生活型的分布格局,结果表明,长白山北坡林线岳桦树高生长受到限制,1.5—3.0m是一个关键的树高生长阶段;相比于老树、中树,幼苗和灌木型岳桦更为均匀,对空间的异质性选择更弱;林线岳桦发育过程中,存在一个生活型分离的重要阶段。此外,相对于老树,灌木型分布更为均匀,表明低矮、多枝这种相对紧凑的生活型更适宜在过渡带生存,乔木型岳桦和灌木型岳桦可能代表着不同的生存策略。  相似文献   


Key message

The treeline on Changbai Mountain controlled by low temperature and water stress, has not reached the position most commonly expected.


Treeline pattern is an important consideration in exploring the general mechanisms controlling the response of treelines to climatic change. However, most of the present conclusions were derived from evergreen and/or conifer treeline, it is still not clear about the deciduous treeline. This study analyzed concentrations of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) and their components (total soluble sugars and starch) in tree tissues of the deciduous species Erman’s birch (Betula ermanii) at four points along an elevational gradient ranging from 1,908–2,058 m a.s.l at the end of the growing season on Changbai Mountain in Northeast China. The mean 10-cm soil temperature of 8.2 °C under trees across the 129-day growing season at the treeline in this region was higher than that of the average threshold temperature found at treeline positions in the global and China’s climate studies. However, altitudinal trends of NSC concentrations increased significantly in all tissue types along the altitudinal gradients, revealing no depletion of carbon reserves at the treeline on Changbai Mountain. At the same time, the pronounced variation of δ13C in leaves and aged branches suggested that low temperature and water stress may simultaneously be operating at high altitudes to restrict the growth and NSC accumulation in trees above the treeline. In light of the above, we conclude that treeline formation on Changbai Mountain is no carbon depletion at the end of growing season, and most likely the result of sink limitation reflecting the combined effects of low temperature and water stress that determined the actual position of the treeline.  相似文献   

The variation in nutrient resorption has been studied at different taxonomic levels and geographic ranges. However, the variable traits of nutrient resorption at the individual species level across its distribution are poorly understood. We examined the variability and environmental controls of leaf nutrient resorption of Quercus variabilis, a widely distributed species of important ecological and economic value in China. The mean resorption efficiency was highest for phosphorus (P), followed by potassium (K), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S), magnesium (Mg) and carbon (C). Resorption efficiencies and proficiencies were strongly affected by climate and respective nutrients concentrations in soils and green leaves, but had little association with leaf mass per area. Climate factors, especially growing season length, were dominant drivers of nutrient resorption efficiencies, except for C, which was strongly related to green leaf C status. In contrast, green leaf nutritional status was the primary controlling factor of leaf nutrient proficiencies, except for C. Resorption efficiencies of N, P, K and S increased significantly with latitude, and were negatively related to growing season length and mean annual temperature. In turn, N, P, K and S in senesced leaves decreased with latitude, likely due to their efficient resorption response to variation in climate, but increased for Mg and did not change for C. Our results indicate that the nutrient resorption efficiency and proficiency of Q. variabilis differed strongly among nutrients, as well as growing environments. Our findings provide important insights into understanding the nutrient conservation strategy at the individual species level and its possible influence on nutrient cycling.  相似文献   

Nutrient resorption from senesced leaves as a nutrient conservation strategy is important for plants to adapt to nutrient deficiency, particularly in alpine and arid environment. However, the leaf nutrient resorption patterns of different functional plants across environmental gradient remain unclear. In this study, we conducted a transect survey of 12 communities to address foliar nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) resorption strategies of four functional groups along an eastward increasing precipitation gradient in northern Tibetan Changtang Plateau. Soil nutrient availability, leaf nutrient concentration, and N:P ratio in green leaves ([N:P]g) were linearly correlated with precipitation. Nitrogen resorption efficiency decreased, whereas phosphorus resorption efficiency except for sedge increased with increasing precipitation, indicating a greater nutrient conservation in nutrient‐poor environment. The surveyed alpine plants except for legume had obviously higher N and P resorption efficiencies than the world mean levels. Legumes had higher N concentrations in green and senesced leaves, but lowest resorption efficiency than nonlegumes. Sedge species had much lower P concentration in senesced leaves but highest P resorption efficiency, suggesting highly competitive P conservation. Leaf nutrient resorption efficiencies of N and P were largely controlled by soil and plant nutrient, and indirectly regulated by precipitation. Nutrient resorption efficiencies were more determined by soil nutrient availability, while resorption proficiencies were more controlled by leaf nutrient and N:P of green leaves. Overall, our results suggest strong internal nutrient cycling through foliar nutrient resorption in the alpine nutrient‐poor ecosystems on the Plateau. The patterns of soil nutrient availability and resorption also imply a transit from more N limitation in the west to a more P limitation in the east Changtang. Our findings offer insights into understanding nutrient conservation strategy in the precipitation and its derived soil nutrient availability gradient.  相似文献   

The consequences for plant-insect interactions of atmospheric changes in alpine ecosystems are not well understood. Here, we tested the effects of elevated CO2 on leaf quality in two dwarf shrub species (Vaccinium myrtillus and V. uliginosum) and the response of the alpine grasshopper (Miramella alpina) feeding on these plants in a field experiment at the alpine treeline (2,180 m a.s.l.) in Davos, Switzerland. Relative growth rates (RGR) of M. alpina nymphs were lower when they were feeding on V. myrtillus compared to V. uliginosum, and were affected by elevated CO2 depending on plant species and nymph developmental stage. Changes in RGR correlated with CO2-induced changes in leaf water, nitrogen, and starch concentrations. Elevated CO2 resulted in reduced female adult weight irrespective of plant species, and prolonged development time on V. uliginosum only, but there were no significant differences in nymphal mortality. Newly molted adults of M. alpina produced lighter eggs and less secretion (serving as egg protection) under elevated CO2. When grasshoppers had a choice among four different plant species grown either under ambient or elevated CO2, V. myrtillus and V. uliginosum consumption increased under elevated CO2 in females while it decreased in males compared to ambient CO2-grown leaves. Our findings suggest that rising atmospheric CO2 distinctly affects leaf chemistry in two important dwarf shrub species at the alpine treeline, leading to changes in feeding behavior, growth, and reproduction of the most important insect herbivore in this system. Changes in plant-grasshopper interactions might have significant long-term impacts on herbivore pressure, community dynamics and ecosystem stability in the alpine treeline ecotone.  相似文献   

长白山苔原是我国乃至欧亚大陆东部独有的高山苔原,根据前人调查植被以灌木苔原为主要类型。在全球变暖背景下,近30年来,长白山岳桦林下的草本植物侵入苔原带,原生灌木苔原分化为灌木苔原、灌草苔原和草本苔原,形成了灌木、灌草混合和草本3种不同类型的凋落物,凋落物数量和质量发生显著改变。与此同时长白山苔原氮沉降量也在逐年增加,导致了土壤中氮的累积,势必影响凋落物的分解。凋落物作为连接植物和土壤的纽带,其分解过程中碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)等化学组分和化学计量比的变化直接和间接影响着土壤养分有效性和植物养分利用策略。为揭示氮沉降增加对长白山苔原带不同类型凋落物化学组分及生态化学计量特征早期变化的影响,开展了为期8个月的模拟氮沉降室内凋落物分解实验。在苔原带采集灌木优势种牛皮杜鹃和草本优势种小叶章的凋落物带回实验室,模拟灌木牛皮杜鹃群落、灌草混合的牛皮杜鹃-小叶章群落和草本小叶章群落的3种不同类型凋落物,设置三个施氮处理:对照(CK,0 g N m-2 a-1)、低氮(LN,10 g N m-2 a-1)、高氮(HN,20 g N m-2 a-1)。研究表明:(1)不施氮处理时,3种凋落物的C、P均呈释放状态,木质素(Li)呈先累积再略有降解趋势;牛皮杜鹃凋落物的N元素富集而其余两种凋落物N元素呈释放状态;灌草混合和草本凋落物比原生的灌木凋落物C和N元素释放快、Li累积少;而灌木凋落物的P释放略快于灌草和草本凋落物。3种植被类型凋落物的C/N、C/P、Li/N大小表现为:牛皮杜鹃凋落物>牛皮杜鹃-小叶章混生群落凋落物>小叶章凋落物;N/P表现为:小叶章凋落物>牛皮杜鹃凋落物>牛皮杜鹃-小叶章混生群落凋落物。(2)氮沉降促进3种类型凋落物分解过程中C、N和P化学组分的释放,且氮浓度越高促进作用越显著。在牛皮杜鹃凋落物分解过程中,氮素添加到达某一阈值后,其C/N、C/P、N/P、Li/N的降幅最大,后续若再增加氮素,其对化学计量比的影响均会减弱;本实验中的氮素添加量增加促进了小叶章凋落物的C/N、Li/N下降。(3)草本植物入侵引起凋落物类型的变化带来凋落物分解加快,将导致长白山苔原带养分循环的变化;氮沉降增加对小叶章凋落物化学组分的释放及C/N、Li/N的下降更为促进,小叶章凋落物内难分解化合物减少,分解受到促进。高氮沉降加快了小叶章凋落物与土壤、草本植物之间的养分循环。因此,随着未来苔原带氮沉降量的增加,将更有利于小叶章在与牛皮杜鹃的竞争中获胜,使苔原带呈现草甸化趋势。  相似文献   


Premise of the Study

The growth limitation hypothesis (GLH) and carbon limitation hypothesis (CLH) are two dominant explanations for treeline formation. The GLH proposes that low temperature drives the treeline through constraining C sinks more than C sources, and it predicts that non‐structural carbohydrate (NSC) levels are static or increase with elevation. Although the GLH has received strong support globally for evergreen treelines, there is still no consensus for deciduous treelines, which experience great asynchrony between supply and demand throughout the year.


We investigated growth and the growing‐season C dynamics in a common deciduous species, Erman's birch (Betula ermanii), along an elevational gradient from the closed forest to the treeline on Changbai Mountain, Northeast China. Samples were collected from developing organs (leaves and twigs) and main storage organs (stems and roots) for NSC analysis.

Key Results

Tree growth decreased with increasing elevation, and NSC concentrations differed significantly among elevations, organs, and sampling times. In particular, NSC levels varied slightly during the growing season in leaves, peaked in the middle of the growing season in twigs and stems, and increased continuously throughout the growing season in roots. NSCs also tended to increase or vary slightly in developing organs but decreased significantly in mature organs with increasing elevation.


The decrease in NSCs with elevation in main storage organs indicates support for the CLH, while the increasing or static trends in new developing organs indicate support for the GLH. Our results suggest that the growth limitation theory may be less applicable to deciduous species' growth than to that of evergreen species.  相似文献   

Rhododendron aureum Georgi is a perennial evergreen dwarf shrub that grows at all elevations within the alpine tundra of northern China. Previous research has investigated the plant communities of R. aureum; however, little information is available regarding interspecific competition and underground soil microbial community composition. The objective of our study was to determine whether the presence of R. aureum creates a unique soil microbiome and to investigate the relationship between R. aureum and other plant species. Our study site ranged from 1,800 to 2,600 m above sea level on the northern slope of the Changbai Mountain. The results show that the soil from sites with an R. aureum community had a higher abundance of nitrogen‐fixing bacteria and a higher resistance to pathogens than soils from sites without R. aureum. We emphasize that R. aureum promotes a unique soil microbial community structure that is distinct from those associated with other plants. Elevation and microbial biomass were the main influencing factors for plant community structure. Analysis of interspecific relationships reveals that R. aureum is negatively associated with most other dominant shrubs and herbs, suggesting interspecific competition. It is necessary to focus on other dominant species if protection and restoration of the R. aureum competition is to occur. In the future, more is needed to prove whether R. aureum decreases species diversity in the tundra ecosystems of Changbai Mountain.  相似文献   

Disentangling the molecular mechanisms of adaptation in natural plant populations in response to different environmental conditions is a central topic in evolutionary biology. In the present study, we investigated a wind-pollinated woody species of Changbai Mountain of northeastern China, namely, Betula ermanii Cham. This woody species B. ermanii is not only a dominant species in subalpine forest (SF), but it also occurs in the alpine tundra (AT) regions. This attribute indicates that it may play important roles in the two contrast habitats. In order to evaluate the influences of different habitats on differentiation in B. ermanii, we assessed the genetic and epigenetic population structure in selected populations from two contrasting habitats by using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and methylation-sensitive AFLP techniques. According to our results, the AT group not only exhibits higher genetic and epigenetic diversity than the SF group but also shows greater population genetic and epigenetic differentiation. In addition, the analysis of cytosine methylation levels also revealed that the AT group exhibits higher degrees of genome methylation than the SF group. Taken together, our results indicate that populations from two contrasting habitats show significantly different genetic and epigenetic population structures. Along with other potential explanations, these findings suggest that environmental conditions could play an important role in facilitating adaptive evolution in B. ermanii.  相似文献   

Nutrient resorption from senescing plant tissues is an important determinant of the fitness of plant populations in nutrient-poor ecosystems, because it makes plants less dependent on current nutrient uptake. Moreover, it can have significant “afterlife” effects through its impact on litter chemistry and litter decomposability. Little is known about the effects of climate change on nutrient resorption. We studied the effects of climate change treatments (including winter snow addition, and spring and/or summer warming) on nutrient resorption of four dominant species in a nutrient-poor subarctic peatland. These species were Betula nana (woody deciduous), Vaccinium uliginosum (woody deciduous), Calamagrostis lapponica (graminoid) and Rubus chamaemorus (forb). After five years of treatments both mature and senesced leaf N concentrations showed a small but significant overall reduction in response to the climate treatments. However, the effects were species-specific. For example, in the controls the N concentration in senesced leaves of Calamagrostis (3.0±0.2 mg N g−1) was about four times lower than for Rubus (11.2±0.2 mg N g−1). There were no significant treatment effects on N resorption efficiency (% of the N pool in mature leaves that is resorbed during senescence). The nitrogen resorption efficiency of Calamagrostis (about 80%) was higher than in the other three species (about 60%). Thus, climate change has only a minor impact on nutrient resorption parameters. However, given the substantial interspecific differences in these parameters, substantial changes in plant–soil feedbacks may be expected as a result of the observed changes in the species composition of high-latitude vegetation. These changes are species-specific and thus difficult to predict.  相似文献   

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