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【背景】广东省是我国遭受外来生物入侵最严重的地区之一,许多外来水生动物在广东省的河流均有分布,但有关其具体分布和数量缺乏系统研究。【方法】通过野外调查的方式对广东省鉴江、韩江、潭江、西江、北江、东江等水系的外来水生动物的分布和数量进行了初步调查,并对调查到的外来水生动物的生态学特征和入侵机制进行了初步研究。【结果】共调查到13种外来水生动物,包括巴西龟、尼罗罗非鱼、莫桑比克罗非鱼、奥利亚罗非鱼、下口鲶、革胡子鲶、食蚊鱼、麦瑞加拉鲮、露斯塔野鲮、斑点叉尾鮰、大口黑鲈等11种脊椎动物和福寿螺、克氏原螯虾2种无脊椎动物;其中以福寿螺、巴西龟和3种罗非鱼的分布最为广泛。【结论与意义】几种外来水生生物主要通过水产养殖、观赏渔业和生物防治引种入侵;典型的"R"策略者、对环境具有较强耐受力的生物、杂食性鱼类更容易成功入侵。  相似文献   

【目的】对广西内陆水域的外来鱼类进行入侵风险评估和适生区预测,为广西外来鱼类入侵防治及水生态环境保护提供科学依据。【方法】采用鱼类入侵风险和水生生物入侵能力筛查系统2个体系筛选广西内陆水域具有入侵风险的鱼类,并用最大熵模型预测高入侵风险鱼类在广西内陆水域的潜在适生区。【结果】广西内陆水域共记录有外来鱼类18种,其中13种鱼类具有高入侵风险,分别为尖齿胡鲇、尼罗罗非鱼、莫桑比克罗非鱼、奥利亚罗非鱼、豹纹脂身鲇、齐氏罗非鱼、大口黑鲈、斑点叉尾鮰、短盖肥脂鲤、露斯塔野鲮、条纹鲮脂鲤、麦瑞加拉鲮和食蚊鱼,2种具有中入侵风险,为丁鱥和太湖新银鱼。适生区预测结果表明,极易发生鱼类入侵的水域为黔江、郁江和南流江。【结论】对中、高入侵风险的鱼类均需重点监控且在具有高入侵风险水域应对外来鱼类开展持续性监测,并进行早期筛查。  相似文献   

【背景】罗非鱼类对自然环境具有很强的适应能力,在我国南方水域已经成为常见种,但至今九龙江罗非鱼类的种类与分布情况尚未见报导。【方法】2013年11月和2014年4月,在九龙江华安段设置6个站位,采用流刺网对罗非鱼类的种类组成、数量和分布进行2次调查。【结果】调查水域罗非鱼种类有齐氏罗非鱼、尼罗罗非鱼和加利亚罗非鱼3种。罗非鱼类分别占本次调查渔获总数量和总重量的35.96%和30.63%,以潭口河段罗非鱼类所占比例最高,分别占该站位渔获总数量和总重量的72.97%和61.55%。调查采集的罗非鱼类样品中以齐氏罗非鱼占比最高,占罗非鱼类数量和重量的62.50%和54.53%。罗非鱼类均为小型个体,以尼罗罗非鱼个体为最大,平均体长和体重分别为13.4 cm和107.3 g;其次为加利亚罗非鱼,分别为12.9 cm和96.9 g;最小为齐氏罗非鱼,分别为12.0 cm和74.1 g。【结论与意义】罗非鱼类个体数量和种类数量从九龙江上游(北)到下游(南)呈现从无到有、从少到多的趋势,在部分水域罗非鱼类已经成为主要类群。外来物种罗非鱼类对本土鱼类具有竞争优势,其对九龙江水域的入侵可能导致生物多样性的下降和渔业资源的衰退。  相似文献   

【背景】罗非鱼是华南地区自然水域的常见种,是我国主要的外来鱼类之一,但对其在自然水域的分布和数量缺乏详细的描述。【方法】对广东省的主要河流珠江(西江、北江、东江)、韩江、鉴江和潭江等的多个样点进行了调查,主要对各样点渔获物中罗非鱼的比例进行了统计,并对各种群的年龄结构、性比、性腺发育和食性等进行了研究。【结果】广东省各主要水系均有罗非鱼野生个体的存在,其中,鉴江袂花江段数量最多,约占渔获物总质量的60%,西江、北江数量相对较少,不到渔获物总质量的1%;在各种群中均发现了2龄以上个体和性成熟个体,并在调查中采集到大量仔、幼鱼。【结论与意义】以上结果表明罗非鱼在广东各主要河流已能完成越冬和繁殖,并建立自然种群。  相似文献   

尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)是全球性的外来入侵鱼类之一,已经入侵到全世界多个自然水域,严重威胁着土著鱼类的生存和水生态系统的结构与功能。为了有效控制自然水域中尼罗罗非鱼的数量,本实验室筛选出一种对尼罗罗非鱼具有特异性杀灭作用的有机磷类药物"灭非灵",用于野外逃逸尼罗罗非鱼的应急防治。本文通过急性毒性试验方式,验证"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼和多种常见鱼类的毒杀效果,并测定了"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼幼鱼(体长4.0±0.23 cm,体重2.5±0.44 g)的24、48、72和96 h半致死浓度和其在环境中的安全浓度。结果表明:"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼的毒杀效果非常显著(P0.01),暴露在0.10、0.17和0.20 mg·L-1药液中的尼罗罗非鱼在96 h内全部死亡,而草鱼,鲮,鲫,斑马鱼、唐鱼和泥鳅均能正常生长;"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼幼鱼的24、48、72和96 h半致死浓度分别为0.167、0.077、0.057和0.043 mg·L-1,安全浓度为0.0043 mg·L-1。结果证明,"灭非灵"对尼罗罗非鱼的应急防治有积极的效果,可应用于小水域内入侵尼罗罗非鱼的特异性灭除。  相似文献   

【目的】2013年5月广东番禺某养殖场罗非鱼出现大量死亡现象,临床症状表现为鱼体体色发黑、体表出血、鳞片脱落、鳍条溃烂等,解剖发现腹腔有大量腹水、胆囊肿大、肝呈黄色、脾脏呈暗红色。为确定病原,【方法】从具以上临床症状的病鱼组织中分离获得可疑菌株1株,编号PYS1。采用形态特征、生长特性、理化特征、16S rRNA基因序列分析等理化及分子生物学技术鉴定该菌株种类。通过人工回归感染及组织病理学研究确定该菌株的致病性,并开展药物敏感性试验筛选其敏感药物。【结果】结果表明PYS1菌株为类志贺邻单胞菌(Plesiomonas shigelloides),在16S rRNA基因序列构建的分子进化树中与其他鱼源类志贺邻单胞菌聚为一支。药敏试验结果表明该菌株已呈现多重耐药性,仅对少数检测抗生素(头孢曲松、头孢洛克和头孢唑啉等)敏感。人工回归感染结果显示PYS1菌株可使尼罗罗非鱼出现与自然发病鱼相似症状,其对尼罗罗非鱼半致死量为1.425×108CFU/尾,石蜡切片显示其对感染鱼的肠、肝、脾、肾和心脏等组织均可造成损伤。【结论】证明类志贺邻单胞菌为上述养殖场尼罗罗非鱼发病的病原,且为首次报道该菌对尼罗罗非鱼的致病性。  相似文献   

【背景】在我国,克氏原螯虾是一种外来入侵水生生物,已经对入侵地的生态环境造成严重的破坏。【方法】在Y形水迷宫中,研究有经验和无经验的幼体及亚成体克氏原螯虾对中华鳖的趋避行为。【结果】幼虾无论是否有经验都会显著回避中华鳖,降低外倾性;而亚成体虾对中华鳖的反应不及幼虾灵敏。【结论与意义】2种不同发育阶段的外来入侵物种克氏原螯虾均会回避土著物种中华鳖,为外来入侵生物防治和动物行为学及相关研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

【目的】在农业上,气候变化影响作物产量、蚜虫动态以及捕食性瓢虫对蚜虫的调节作用。一些瓢虫为广布种,而另一些瓢虫种类却只在特定地理范围内分布,而有关气候因子如何影响瓢虫分布了解甚少。【方法】评价不同温度(15℃,20℃,25℃,30℃和35℃)和光周期(8L∶16D,12L∶12D和16L∶8D)对两种瓢虫[七星瓢虫Coccinella septempunctata(Linnaeus)(一种广布种)和狭臀瓢虫Coccinella transversalis Fabricius(一种东方/南亚瓢虫)]幼虫取食和利用豌豆蚜Acyrthosiphon pisum(Harris)的影响。【结果】尽管两种瓢虫的捕食作用和发育速率均在25℃时最高,但是随着日长的增加(即光周期从8L∶16D增加到16L∶8D)捕食作用进一步增强。与狭臀瓢虫相比,在所有温度和光周期下,七星瓢虫幼虫的取食量更高,生长和发育速率更快,其新羽化的成虫体重更重。非线性回归模型显示,七星瓢虫和狭臀瓢虫的最低发育温度分别为11℃和10.5℃左右,最高发育温度分别为41℃和43℃左右。狭臀瓢虫的幼虫捕食和发育速率对气候因子的依赖性强于七星瓢虫。【结论】本研究表明,广布种瓢虫对气候因子的敏感性比土著种瓢虫弱,因而可以广泛分布于不同的地理区域。因此,与土著种瓢虫相比,广布种瓢虫更适于作为生防因子。  相似文献   

裴芳芳  朱鹏  闵航  陆开宏  叶央芳 《微生物学报》2011,51(10):1342-1350
摘要:【目的】为探讨4 对不同的引物对封闭循环养殖系统生物膜中β 变形菌亚纲氨氧化细菌(β-AOB) 的特异性差异。【方法】采用16S rDNA 文库克隆技术对β-AOB 的多样性进行了分析。【结果】以引物CTO189f/CTO654r 扩增构建的文库中所含β-AOB 比例最高,可达67. 3%。不同封闭循环养殖系统的生物膜对引物的扩增效率有明显的影响,其中以养殖尼罗罗非鱼的封闭循环养殖系统生物膜为DNA 来源的,引物均有较高的扩增效率。【结论】针对封闭循环养殖系统生物膜中的β-AOB,特异性最高的是CTO189f /CTO654r 引物。  相似文献   

【目的】全面掌握成都市外来入侵植物的种类特征、起源、区系成分和危害情况等特征,为相关部门制定管理策略和及早采取应对措施提供依据。【方法】以实地调查为主,结合标本及文献研究的方式获得成都市外来入侵植物的种类和分布信息,根据其在野外的生长和分布状况进行评估及划分危害等级,并进行植物区系分析。【结果】成都市现有外来入侵植物158种(亚种、变种),隶属42个科110个属,其中种类最多的3个科分别是菊科(36种)、豆科(17种)及禾本科(13种),合计占比41.77%;种类最多的属是苋属(8种),占比5.06%。原产地分析结果表明,有101种来自美洲地区,占比63.92%。从危害等级分析来看,其中19种为恶性入侵种(1级),32种为严重入侵种(2级),20种为局部入侵种(3级),41种为一般入侵种(4级)以及46种为有待观察种(5级)。植物区系分析结果显示,成都市外来入侵植物属的分布类型主要为泛热带分布、热带亚洲及热带美洲间断分布和世界分布。【结论】成都市地区的外来入侵植物种类明显增多,扩散趋势已加剧。根据上述入侵现状,本文对成都市地区防范外来植物入侵提出了以下4点防控建议:建立外来入侵植物风险评价体系,开展防控和利用技术研发,谨慎引种以及加强科普教育。  相似文献   

Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the most widespread invasive fish species, and this species has successfully established populations in the major rivers of Guangdong Province, China. Field surveys and manipulative experiments were conducted to assess the impacts of Nile tilapia on fisheries. We determined that the increase of Nile tilapia in these rivers not only affects the CPUE (catch-per-unit-per-effort) of the fish community and native fish species but also reduces the income of fishermen. In the manipulative experiments, we observed that the growth of native mud carp decreased in the presence of Nile tilapia. Our results suggest that the invasion of Nile tilapia negatively affected the fishery economy and native fish species, and suitable control measurements should be taken.  相似文献   

Bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix have been two economically important aquaculture species in China for centuries. In the past decades, bighead and silver carp have been introduced from the Yangtze River to many river systems in China, including the Pearl River, in annual, large-scale, stocking activities to enhance wild fisheries. Nonetheless, few studies have assessed the ecological or genetic impacts of such introductions on native conspecific fish populations. An mtDNA D-loop segment of 978 bp from 213 bighead carp samples from 9 populations and a 975 bp segment from 204 silver carp samples from 10 populations were obtained to evaluate genetic diversity and population integrity. Results from a haplotype network analysis revealed that most haplotypes of the Pearl River clustered with those of Yangtze River origin and only a small proportion were distinct, suggesting that both the native Pearl River bighead and silver carp populations are currently dominated by genetic material from the Yangtze River. The genetic diversity of Pearl River populations is high in both species because of this inter-population gene flow, but the diversity of native Pearl River populations is low. To preserve the native genetic diversity, stocking of non-native fingerlings should cease immediately and native Pearl River bighead and silver carp fish farms should be established. This research demonstrates the danger to native biodiversity across China because of the substantial, ongoing stock-enhancement activities without prior genetic assessment.  相似文献   

珠江水系鱼类群落多样性空间分布格局   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
珠江是我国南方第一大河,是我国重要淡水渔业生产基地和水生生物资源基因库。珠江鱼类在维持生物多样性、提供鱼类种质资源方面举足轻重。但是到目前为止,关于其鱼类空间分布格局的研究甚少。特别是近几十年来各种水工建设和过度捕捞使得渔业资源急剧衰退,鱼类空间分布的研究显得尤为重要。2015年对珠江全流域13个站位进行了全面调查,共采集渔获物10119尾,隶属于94种72属17科。鲤科鱼类占显著优势,其次种类较多的依次为鲿科、鳅科。采用非度量多维标度排序(NMDS)方法对鱼类群落空间分布特征进行了分析,结果表明珠江鱼类被划分为3个类群,即以餐、南方拟餐、黄颡鱼等小型鱼类为主的中上游类群、以赤眼鳟、鲮鱼、广东鲂等中型鱼类为主的中下游类群和以罗非鱼为主的重要支流类群。同时发现中下游物种多样性高,上游及河口江段多样性低的格局。采用冗余分析方法(RDA)分析了鱼类多样性与环境因子的关系,发现年均气温、降雨量、年均径流量、河流宽度与透明度是珠江水系河流鱼类群落结构差异的主要影响因子,其中年均气温是影响鱼类群落分布的最关键因子之一。与历史资料对比后发现,珠江鱼类种类明显减少、空间分布也发生了巨大改变。研究是珠江水系野生渔业资源长期调查的一部分,研究结果将对渔业资源的多样性保护和可持续利用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Approximately 50 years ago, Nile tilapia were accidentally introduced to Brazil, and the decline of pearl cichlid populations, which has been intensified by habitat degradation, in some locations has been associated with the presence of Nile tilapia. There is, however, little strong empirical evidence for the negative interaction of non-native fish populations with native fish populations; such evidence would indicate a potential behavioural mechanism that could cause the population of the native fish to decline. In this study, we show that in fights staged between pairs of Nile tilapia and pearl cichlids of differing body size, the Nile tilapia were more aggressive than the pearl cichlid. Because this effect prevailed over body-size effects, the pearl cichlids were at a disadvantage. The niche overlap between the Nile tilapia and the pearl cichlid in nature, and the competitive advantage shown by the Nile tilapia in this study potentially represent one of several possible results of the negative interactions imposed by an invasive species. These negative effects may reduce population viability of the native species and cause competitive exclusion.  相似文献   

This study applied ecological niche models to determine the potential invasive range of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, with a particular focus on river systems in southern Africa where it is now established and spreading. Computational tools such as niche models are useful in predicting the potential range of invasive species, but there are limitations to their application. In particular, models trained on native records may fail to predict the full extent of an invasion. This failure is often attributed to changes in either the niche of the invading species or the variables used to develop the models. In this study, we therefore evaluated the differences in the predictive power of models trained with different environmental variables, the effect of species range (native vs. introduced) on model performance and assessed whether or not there is evidence suggestive of a niche shift in Nile tilapia following its introduction. Niche models were constructed using Maxent and the degree of niche similarity was assessed using Schoener`s index. Null models were used to test for significance. Model performance and niche conservatism varied significantly with variable selection and species range. This indicates that the environmental conditions available to Nile tilapia in its native and introduced ranges are not congruent. Nile tilapia exhibited broad invasive potential over most of southern Africa that overlaps the natural range of endemic congenerics. Of particular concern are areas which are free of exotic species but are now vulnerable due to the promotion of fish introductions mainly for aquaculture and sport fishing.  相似文献   

研究对珠江水系广西江段15个站位的鱼类群落展开了调查, 共采集渔获物67985尾, 隶属于23科134种, 鲤形目种类(92种)最多, 占总数69%。采集到外来生物11种, 其中, 罗非鱼几乎遍布整个广西水域, 说明广西江段外来水生生物入侵严重。各江段以小型鱼类居多, 鱼类小型化严重。空间分布呈现一级河流物种多样性指数高, 均匀度高; 二级河流多样性指数低, 均匀度低的趋势。特别是经过十级水电开发后的红水河江段, 渔业资源量最低, 鱼类群落结构与其他江段具有显著的差异(P<0.05)。研究结果是珠江水系自然渔业资源长期调查的一部分, 将对广西渔业资源多样性的保护管理和可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The spawning areas and early development of long spiky-head carp, Luciobrama macrocephalus (Lacépède), an endemic fish species in China, were investigated in the Yangtze River and Pearl River of central and southeastern China between 1961 and 1993. The potamodromous fish migrated upstream to spawn between May and July as the floodwater began to rise. The water-hardened eggs drifted down the river, and the embryos and larvae developed in the course of drifting. The spawning areas of the fish were widely found in the upper and middle main channels and large tributaries. Two large dams (Gezhouba dam and Danjiangkou dam) did not significantly impact on the reproduction of the fish. Fifty stages of the early development from one cell to the juvenile with fully formed fins were observed and characterized pictorially. The larvae of long spiky-head carp could be distinguished from the larvae of other co-occurring species by counting the number of somites and comparing the proportion of sizes of eye to otic capsule.  相似文献   

Lake Ziway harbours indigenous and exotic fish species including Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Nile tilapia was the dominant and preferred fish. However, its contribution to total catch has dramatically declined from 89.3% in 1994 to 27% in 2014 while the introduced common carp has increased from 0% before 2012 to 25% in 2014. Common carp potentially compete with Nile tilapia for available resources and could be a cause for the decline. Thus, the study explored the dietary overlap of the two species from April to August 2017. Schoener's overlap index (α) revealed significant dietary overlap between the two species (α = 0.84, between juveniles and α = 0.63, between adults). Juveniles fed mainly on animal origin (zooplankton and insects), while adult Nile tilapia have consumed plant origin (macrophyte and phytoplankton), and adult common carp fed on macrophytes and detritus. The presence of significant dietary overlap between the two species, particularly due to intense competition among juveniles, might cause the reduction of Nile tilapia stock because the native species has shown a competitive disadvantage for food in the presence of common carp. This study provides baseline information to researchers and decision makers working towards the sustainable resource utilisation of the system.  相似文献   

Several studies have demonstrated that steroid hormones can influence sex differentiation in nonmammalian vertebrates and it has been hypothesized that male and female sex differentiation are driven by androgen and estrogen hormones, respectively. Estrogen biosynthesis is mediated by the steroidogenic enzyme cytochrome P450 aromatase, which converts androgens to estrogens. In the present study we examined the efficacy of a potent nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor incorporated into the food, on sex reversal of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) larvae. Nile tilapia larvae were divided in seven groups, which were fed with diets containing different amounts of the aromatase inhibitor Fadrozole (0, 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg) during 15 and 30 days, starting 9 days after hatching. Independent of the period, the proportion of males was significantly higher in the treated groups. Treatment with the highest doses (75 and 100 mg/kg) for 30 days produced 100% males. Histological examination revealed no differences in gonadal tissues between control males and treated fish. Furthermore, one intersex fish was identified in the group treated with 50 mg Fadrozole/kg for 30 days. This study reports that a 100% Nile tilapia male population can be obtained by suppressing aromatase activity and suggests that besides steroid hormones, nonsteroidal compounds, such as aromatase inhibitors, have potential for production of monosex population in tilapia. J. Exp. Zool. 290:177-181, 2001.  相似文献   

Fish health is affected by water pollution. Oreochromis niloticus collected during summer 2014 from El-Serw, a polluted site on the Nile River, were compared with fish from a reference site, El-Zamalek. Histopathological changes were detected in gill and liver tissue samples using light and electron microscopy. In addition, the degree of DNA damage was measured using the comet assay. To indicate the severity of water pollution at the two sites, physico-chemical properties and heavy metal concentrations were investigated. Gill damage, including lamellar cell hyperplasia and aneurysm, was observed in the fish samples from the polluted site. The livers of fish from the polluted area showed necrosis and an increase in melanomacrophage centres. Histochemical results confirmed a marked rise of gill mucopolysaccharides and a reduction of carbohydrate stored in hepatocytes. Electron microscopy revealed clear alterations in gill and liver tissue of fish from the polluted site. The comet assay showed highly significant DNA damage in tilapia collected from the polluted site, compared to those from the reference site. Histopathological biomarkers and the comet assay may therefore be sensitive indicators of exposure to mixtures of aquatic pollutants in Nile tilapia.  相似文献   

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