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Epstein syndrome (EPTS) is an autosomal dominant disease characterized by nephritis, mild hearing loss, and thrombocytopenia with giant platelets. Renal and hearing abnormalities are indistinguishable from those observed in Fechtner syndrome (FTNS), an Alport-like variant. EPTS macrothrombocytopenia is similar to that described in FTNS, May-Hegglin anomaly (MHA), and Sebastian syndrome (SBS), three disorders caused by mutations in the nonmuscle heavy chain myosin IIA ( MYH9). Unlike FTNS, MHA, and SBS, EPTS does not show inclusion bodies in the leukocytes. The clinical features of EPTS and the chromosomal localization of the respective gene in the same region as MYH9 suggest that this disorder is allelic with the other giant platelet disorders. We identified a MYH9 missense mutation in two EPTS familial cases. In both families, an R702H substitution was found, probably inducing conformational changes to the myosin head. A different amino acid substitution at the same codon (R702C) has been previously identified in FTNS. On the basis of predictions from molecular modeling of the X-ray crystallographic structure of chick smooth muscle myosin, the mutated thiol reactive group of R702C may lead to intermolecular disulfide bridges, with the consequent formation of the inclusions typical of FTNS. On the contrary, the R702H mutation does not allow the protein to aggregate and thus to generate "D?hle-like" bodies, which are indeed absent in EPTS. In conclusion, our results extend the allelic heterogeneity of MYH9 mutations to another clinical syndrome and contribute to the clarification of the pathogenesis of the various inherited giant platelet disorders.  相似文献   

Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain IIA (NMMHCIIA) encoded by MYH9 is associated with autosomal dominantly inherited diseases called MYH9 disorders. MYH9 disorders are characterized by macrothrombocytopenia and very characteristic inclusion bodies in granulocytes. MYH9 disorders frequently cause nephritis, sensorineural hearing disability and cataracts. One of the most common and deleterious mutations causing these disorders is the R702C missense mutation.We generated knock-in mice expressing the Myh9 R702C mutation. R702C knock-in hetero mice (R702C+/− mice) showed macrothrombocytopenia. We studied megakaryopoiesis of cultured fetal liver cells of R702C+/− mice and found that proplatelet formation was impaired: the number of proplatelet tips was decreased, proplatelet size was increased, and proplatelet shafts were short and enlarged. Although granulocyte inclusion bodies were not visible by May–Grünwald Giemsa staining, immunofluorescence analysis indicated that NMMHCIIA proteins aggregated and accumulated in the granulocyte cytoplasm.In other organs, R702C+/− mice displayed albuminuria which increased with age. Renal pathology examination revealed glomerulosclerosis. Sensory hearing loss was indicated by lowered auditory brainstem response.These findings indicate that Myh9 R702C knock-in mice mirror features of human MYH9 disorders arising from the R702C mutation.  相似文献   

A family of autosomal-dominant diseases including May-Hegglin anomaly, Fechtner syndrome, Sebastian syndrome, Alport syndrome, and Epstein syndrome are commonly characterized by giant platelets and thrombocytopenia. In addition, there may be leukocyte inclusions, deafness, cataracts, and nephritis, depending on the syndrome. Mutations in the human nonmuscle myosin IIA heavy chain gene (MYH9) have been linked to these diseases. Two of the recently described mutations, N93K and R702C, are conserved in smooth and nonmuscle myosins from vertebrates and lie in the head domain of myosin. Interestingly, the two mutations lie within close proximity in the three-dimensional structure of myosin. These two mutations were engineered into a heavy meromyosin-like recombinant fragment of nonmuscle myosin IIA, which was expressed in baculovirus along with the appropriate light chains. The R702C mutant displays 25% of the maximal MgATPase activity of wild type heavy meromyosin and moves actin filaments at half the wild type rate. The effects of the N93K mutation are more dramatic. This heavy meromyosin has only 4% of the maximal MgATPase activity of wild type and does not translocate actin filaments in an in vitro motility assay. Biochemical characterization of the mutant is consistent with this mutant being unable to fully adopt the "on" conformation.  相似文献   

非肌性肌球蛋白重链9基因,编码非肌性肌球蛋白重链ⅡA,既往研究其与May-Hegglin异常(May-Hegglin anomaly,MHA)、Fechtner综合征(Fechtner syndrome,FTNS)、Sebastian综合征(Sebastian syndrome,SBS)、Epstein综合征(Epstein syndrome,EPS)和Alport样综合征相关。2008年首次用混合连锁不平衡绘图(MALD)方法证实其与非糖尿病终末期肾病及局灶节段性肾小球硬化症相关,后陆续有该基因与高血压肾病、C1q肾病等的相关报道。本文综合国外该基因与肾脏病的相关研究,对其与肾脏病的关系研究进展做一概括,对今后的研究起一定的帮助作用。  相似文献   

MYH9 encodes a class II nonmuscle myosin heavy chain-A (NMHC-IIA), a widely expressed 1960 amino acid polypeptide, with translated molecular weight of 220 kDa. From studies of type II myosin in invertebrates and analogy with the skeletal and smooth muscle myosin II, NMHC-IIA is considered to be involved in diverse cellular functions, including cell shape, motility and division. The current study assessed the consequences of two separate, naturally occurring MYH9 dominant mutant alleles, MYH9(R702C) and MYH9(R705H) linked to syndromic and nonsyndromic hearing loss, respectively, upon diverse NMHC-IIA related functions in two separate cultured cell lines. MYH9-siRNA-induced inhibition of NMHC-IIA in HeLa cells or HEK293 cells resulted in alterations in their shape, actin cytoskeleton and adhesion properties. However, HeLa or HEK293 cells transfected with naturally occurring MYH9 mutant alleles, MYH9(R702C) or MYH9(R705H), as well as in vitro generated deletion derivatives, MYH9(DeltaN592) or MYH9(DeltaC570), were unaffected. The effects of MYH9-siRNA-induced suppression underline the critical role of NMHC-IIA in maintenance of cell shape and adhesion. However, the results also indicate that the NMHC-IIA mutants, R702C and R705H do not inactivate or suppress the endogenous wild type NMHC-IIA within the HeLa or HEK293 cell assay system.  相似文献   

Human families with single amino acid mutations in nonmuscle myosin heavy chain (NMHC) II-A (MYH9) and II-C (MYH14) have been described as have mice generated with a point mutation in NMHC II-B (MYH10). These mutations (R702C and N93K in human NMHC II-A, R709C in murine NMHC II-B, and R726S in human NMHC II-C) result in phenotypes affecting kidneys, platelets, and leukocytes (II-A), heart and brain (II-B), and the inner ear (II-C). To better understand the mechanisms underlying these defects, we characterized the in vitro activity of mutated and wild-type baculovirus-expressed heavy meromyosin (HMM) II-B and II-C. We also expressed two alternatively spliced isoforms of NMHC II-C which differ by inclusion/exclusion of eight amino acids in loop 1, with and without mutations. Comparison of the actin-activated MgATPase activity and in vitro motility shows that mutation of residues Asn-97 and Arg-709 in HMM II-B and the homologous residue Arg-722 (Arg-730 in the alternatively spliced isoform) in HMM II-C decreases both parameters but affects in vitro motility more severely. Analysis of the transient kinetics of the HMM II-B R709C mutant shows an extremely tight affinity of HMM for ADP and a very slow release of ADP from acto-HMM. Although mutations generally decreased HMM activity, the R730S mutation in HMM II-C, unlike the R730C mutation, had no effect on actin-activated MgATPase activity but decreased the rate of in vitro motility by 75% compared with wild type. Insertion of eight amino acids into the HMM II-C heavy chain increases both actin-activated MgATPase activity and in vitro motility.  相似文献   

Nonmuscle myosin heavy chain II-A is responsible for MYH9-related disease, which is characterized by macrothrombocytopenia, granulocyte inclusions, deafness, cataracts, and renal failure. Since another two highly conserved nonmuscle myosins, II-B and II-C, are known, an analysis of their tissue distribution is fundamental for the understanding of their biological roles. In mouse, we found that all forms are ubiquitously expressed. However, megakaryocytic and granulocytic lineages express only II-A, suggesting that congenital features, macrothrombocytopenia, and leukocyte inclusions correlate with its exclusive presence. In kidney, eye, and ear, where clinical manifestations have a late onset, as well as in other tissues apparently not affected in patients, II-A and at least one of the other two isoforms are expressed, suggesting that II-B and II-C can partially compensate for each other. We hypothesize that cells expressing only II-A manifest the congenital defects, while tissues expressing additional myosin II isoforms show either late onset of abnormalities or no pathological sign.  相似文献   

Among three different isoforms of non-muscle myosin heavy chains (NMMHCs), only NMMHCA is associated with inherited human disease, called MYH9 disorders, characterized by macrothrombocytopenia and characteristic granulocyte inclusions. Here targeted gene disruption was performed to understand fundamental as well as pathological role of the gene for NMMHCA, MYH9. Heterozygous intercrosses yielded no homozygous animals among 552 births, suggesting that MYH9 expression is required for embryonic development. In contrast, MYH9+/- mice were viable and fertile without gross anatomical, hematological, and nephrological abnormalities. Immunofluorescence analysis also showed the normal cytoplasmic distribution of NMMHCA. We further measured the auditory brainstem response and found two of six MYH9+/- mice had hearing losses, whereas the remaining four were comparable to wild-type mice. Such observation may parallel the diverse expression of Alport's manifestations of human individuals with MYH9 disorders and suggest the limited requirement of the gene for maintenance and function of specific organs.  相似文献   

This report describes a new variant of hereditary macrothrombocytopenia combined with the presence of neutrophil inclusions that differ from those found in patients with May-Hegglin anomaly, the Chediak-Higashi syndrome or individuals with septicaemia and toxic D?hle bodies in polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN). The PMN inclusions in the family described in this report are similar to those found in patients with the Fechtner syndrome, a variant of Alport's syndrome. However, other features of Alport's syndrome, including high frequency deafness, congenital cataracts, and chronic interstitial nephritis are absent in the members of the family described here. We have named this anomaly the Sebastian platelet syndrome. The macrothrombocytopenia and neutrophil inclusions observed in this family can occur in the absence of other congenital anomalies and therefore represent a unique syndrome.  相似文献   

Despite the clinical utility of genetic diagnosis to address idiopathic sensorineural hearing impairment (SNHI), the current strategy for screening mutations via Sanger sequencing suffers from the limitation that only a limited number of DNA fragments associated with common deafness mutations can be genotyped. Consequently, a definitive genetic diagnosis cannot be achieved in many families with discernible family history. To investigate the diagnostic utility of massively parallel sequencing (MPS), we applied the MPS technique to 12 multiplex families with idiopathic SNHI in which common deafness mutations had previously been ruled out. NimbleGen sequence capture array was designed to target all protein coding sequences (CDSs) and 100 bp of the flanking sequence of 80 common deafness genes. We performed MPS on the Illumina HiSeq2000, and applied BWA, SAMtools, Picard, GATK, Variant Tools, ANNOVAR, and IGV for bioinformatics analyses. Initial data filtering with allele frequencies (<5% in the 1000 Genomes Project and 5400 NHLBI exomes) and PolyPhen2/SIFT scores (>0.95) prioritized 5 indels (insertions/deletions) and 36 missense variants in the 12 multiplex families. After further validation by Sanger sequencing, segregation pattern, and evolutionary conservation of amino acid residues, we identified 4 variants in 4 different genes, which might lead to SNHI in 4 families compatible with autosomal dominant inheritance. These included GJB2 p.R75Q, MYO7A p.T381M, KCNQ4 p.S680F, and MYH9 p.E1256K. Among them, KCNQ4 p.S680F and MYH9 p.E1256K were novel. In conclusion, MPS allows genetic diagnosis in multiplex families with idiopathic SNHI by detecting mutations in relatively uncommon deafness genes.  相似文献   

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