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为进一步开发利用青稞麸皮油,研究超临界CO2(SC-CO2)萃取青稞麸皮油对高血脂症大鼠的降脂作用。SC-CO2萃取青稞麸皮油得率为18.53%;用GC-MS分析其脂肪酸成分,主要脂肪酸为亚油酸(59.57%)、十八碳烯酸(17.57%)、棕榈酸(15.07%)。通过饲喂高脂饲料建立高血脂症模型大鼠并同时用青稞麸皮油灌胃,三周后测定大鼠血清TG、TC、LDL-C、HDL-C和AI。SC-CO2萃取青稞麸皮油显著(P<0.05或P<0.01)降低高血脂症大鼠TG、TC、AI水平。说明SC-CO2萃取青稞麸皮油对实验性高血脂症大鼠的血脂有很明显的调节作用,可预防动脉粥样硬化的发生,为实现青稞麸皮油的产业化研究奠定实验基础。  相似文献   

目的:探讨火麻仁油、藻油混合油软胶囊对高胆固醇血症大鼠血脂及脂质过氧化的影响。方法:50只大鼠随机分为5组,分别是空白对照组、模型对照组、火麻仁油藻油低剂量组(85mg/kg)、火麻仁油藻油中剂量组(170mg/kg)、火麻仁油藻油高剂量组(340mg/kg),饲喂以高脂饲料及不同剂量火麻仁油藻油,测大鼠体重、脂肪,计算Lees指数、脂体比,检测血清中总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(LDL-C)、高密度脂蛋白-胆固醇(HDL-C),以及血清和肝脏中丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性。结果:与正常组相比,模型组大鼠体重、Lees指数、肾脂体比、睾脂体比、总脂体比显著增加(P<0.01或P<0.05),TG、TC、LDL-C含量显著升高,HDL-C显著降低(P<0.01或P<0.05),血清和肝脏中MDA显著升高,SOD显著降低(P<0.01或P<0.05)。与模型组比较,火麻仁油、藻油高、中剂量组大鼠体重、睾脂肪比、肾周脂肪比、总脂体比显著降低,TG、TC、LDL-C含量显著降低,HDL-C显著升高(P<0.01或P<0.05),血清和肝脏中MDA含量显著降低,SOD活性升高(P<0.01或P<0.05)。结论:对于高胆固醇血症模型大鼠,中、高剂量火麻仁油、藻油混合油的摄入能够有效起到调节血脂、抑制脂质过氧化学作用。  相似文献   

目的研究比较南极磷虾油对实验性高血脂大鼠预防和治疗给药辅助降血脂作用效果。方法喂养高脂肪高胆固醇饲料建立SD大鼠高脂血症模型。预防组于造模前给予磷虾油14 d及造模期间继续给予磷虾油12 d。治疗组则于造模期间给予高脂肪胆固醇饲料和磷虾油12 d。造模结束后采血检测大鼠血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三脂(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)及低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C),病理学检查观察各组肝组织的病变。分析比较磷虾油对于高血脂大鼠辅助降血脂的预防和治疗的功效。结果南极磷虾油预防给药组大鼠的血清TC和LDL-C显著降低(P0.05),肝组织的脂肪变性程度较轻,但对血清TG、HDL-C的影响不明显(P0.05)。虾油治疗给药未见大鼠血清TC、TG、HDL-C、LDL-C明显下降(P0.05),辅助降血脂作用效果不明显。结论南极磷虾油辅助降血脂作用预防性给药效果明显,具有显著降低血脂TC的作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨芫根的降血脂功效,分别用剂量为400 mg/kg·d、800 mg/kg·d、1600 mg/kg·d的芫根95%乙醇提取物(EE95)和芫根醇沉水提物(WE)连续灌胃营养型高血脂症模型SD大鼠,检测各组大鼠血清中总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)水平及肝脏系数.结果表明:芫根具有辅助降血脂的功效,与高脂模型组比较,EE95和WE各剂量组均能不同程度地降低TC、TG、LDL-C水平,HDL-C则不同程度高于高脂模型组;EE95高剂量组能降低血清中LDL-C的含量.EE95和WE对大鼠的肝脏系数均无显著影响.  相似文献   

目的 本研究拟对比两种不同高脂饮食方式诱导的高脂血症大鼠肠道菌群变化与短链脂肪酸代谢特征,以宿主-肠道菌群-代谢角度探讨高脂血症可能的微观机制。方法 SPF级SD大鼠分为:正常饮食组(CG组):饲喂大鼠维持饲料;高脂饮食组(HFD1组):每天足量饲喂高脂饲料;限饲高脂饮食组(HFD2组):每天限量饲喂高脂饲料80 g,不限量饲喂维持饲料。8周后检测血清总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)水平;苏木精-伊红(HE)染色观察大鼠肝组织和肾周脂肪病理学变化;取结肠内容物进行16S rDNA高通量测序,观察肠道菌群结构与功能的变化,并检测结肠内容物中短链脂肪酸的含量。结果 与CG组相比,HFD1组和HFD2组大鼠摄食量下降,体重升高;血清中TC、TG、LDL-C均显著升高;肝组织发生明显脂肪变性,肾周脂肪出现炎性病变;高脂干预后大鼠肠道菌群相对丰度显著变化,其中乳杆菌属相对丰度明显降低,菌群结构和功能变化明显,总短链脂肪酸、乙酸、丁酸、异丁酸下降显著。结论 两种高脂饮食方式均能引起大鼠高脂血症,且发病机制基本一致,均与脂质代谢以...  相似文献   

目的:研究两种不同植物甾醇酯对高脂血症大鼠的降血脂作用,并比较其差异。方法:通过饲喂高脂饲料,建立高脂血症大鼠模型,将建模成功的大鼠,按照TC水平随机分成8组,即模型对照组,溶剂对照组,Vegapure 95FF低、中、高剂量组,Vegapure 95E低、中、高剂量组,同时设立空白对照组。干预4周后,记录体重、进食量,并检测血清TC、LDL-C、TG、HDL-C、脂肪重量及体脂率、肝脏重量及肝脏指数等指标。结果:在实验剂量下,两种植物甾醇酯均明显降低血清TC、LDL-C,但均未发现有剂量效应关系;两种植物甾醇酯对血清TG、HDL-C无明显影响。两种植物甾醇酯对高脂血症SD大鼠体重增长、进食量、脂肪重量、体脂率、肝脏重量和肝脏指数均无明显影响。结论:两种植物甾醇酯在降低血脂、大鼠生长发育、体质和肝脏方面均无明显差异。  相似文献   

目的探讨翻白草对高血脂大鼠和家兔的降血脂作用。方法采用Wistar大鼠60只(其中50只为高脂饲料诱导成高血脂动物模型,10只为空白对照组),家兔36只(其中30只为高脂饲料诱导成高血脂动物模型,6只为空白对照组)。随机分为6组(翻白草大、中、小3个剂量组,模型组,脂必妥对照组,空白对照组)。连续给药6周,分别于给药后第4周、第6周采血,检测血清中胆固醇(TC)、甘油三脂(TG)及低密度脂蛋白(LDL)浓度。结果翻白草各给药组与模型组比较,给药后第4周,翻白草可降低高血脂大鼠和家兔血清中TC、TG、LDL的含量(P〈0.05);给药后第6周,可显著降低高血脂大鼠和家兔血清中TC、TG、LDL的含量(P〈0.01)。结论翻白草具有很好的降血脂作用。  相似文献   

目的研究聚焦超声辐射涌泉穴对血脂的影响.方法采用高脂饲料喂养建立高血脂大鼠模型,通过聚焦超声辐射高血脂模型大鼠涌泉穴,测定大鼠血清总胆固醇(tota cholesterol, TC)、甘油三脂 (triacylglycerol, TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(high density lipoprotein, HDL-c)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low density lipoprotein, LDL-c)等指标.结果检测血清TC、TG、HDL-C、LDL-C水平,聚焦超声辐照涌泉穴可明显降低高血脂模型大鼠血清TC、TG(P<0.05),而超声治疗组和针刺组无明显差异.结论聚焦超声辐射高血脂大鼠的涌泉穴位,可明显降低TC、TG,有调节血脂的作用.  相似文献   

目的:研究丹参对非酒精性脂肪肝(NAFLD)大鼠Th17细胞及相关细胞因子的影响,为临床上丹参治疗NAFLD提供实验依据。方法:SPF级别SD大鼠32只,随机分为模型组、空白对照组、葛根对照组、丹参组,每组8只。模型组给予高脂饲料喂养4周以建立NAFLD模型;丹参治疗组及葛根对照组大鼠给予6.25g·kg-1·d-1的浓缩液每日1次灌胃;除了空白对照组外,其余各组大鼠均给予高脂饲料喂饲4周。实验完全结束(第4周),各组大鼠禁食12~14 h,禁水2 h后,采血,收集肝脏组织,检测各组大鼠血脂(TC、TG、LDL-C、HDL-C)水平及肝功能(AST、ALT)、肝脏指数,观察肝组织病理学改变。流式细胞仪检测外周血Th17、Treg细胞含量。通过ELISA法检测血清IL-6、IL-17、TNF-α水平;RT-PCR法检测肝脏组织RORγt基因表达。结果:连续4周喂养高脂饮食后,模型组大鼠肝脏发生脂肪变性,有大量炎症细胞浸润。与模型组相比,丹参治疗组、葛根对照组大鼠TC、TG、LDL-C、ALT、AST水平及肝脏指数明显低于模型组(P<0.05),HDL-C水平明显高于模型组(P<0.05)成功复制NAFLD大鼠模型。丹参治疗组大鼠外周血Th17细胞含量、IL-6、IL-17水平、大鼠RORγt基因表达量显著低于模型组及葛根对照组(P<0.05);TNF-α水平低于模型组及葛根对照组;Treg细胞含量高于模型组(P<0.05)及葛根对照组(P> 0.05);Treg/ Th17显著高于模型组及葛根对照组 (P<0.05)。结论:丹参通过降低血清中IL-6、IL-17、TNF-α水平,抑制RORγt基因表达,降低外周血Th17细胞含量,升高Treg细胞含量,调整Th17/Treg平衡,从而抑制NAFLD发生发展。  相似文献   

山楂籽油降血脂作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同剂量山楂籽油对小鼠进行灌胃试验,研究其对血脂水平的影响。结果表明山楂籽油组小鼠的血清甘油三酯(TG),总胆固醇(TC),低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)和动脉硬化指数(AI)均不同程度(P<0.05或P<0.01)低于高脂模型组,而高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)却明显(P<0.01)高于高脂模型组,说明山楂籽油确具显著(P<0.05)降低小鼠血脂作用。  相似文献   

72份青稞氨基酸组成与营养价值评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解青稞氨基酸的组成及营养品质,本研究测定了72份青稞材料籽粒的17种氨基酸(色氨酸除外)含量,通过对供试青稞材料氨基酸含量进行聚类分析,并比较育成品种与地方品种的氨基酸组成差异,对青稞的氨基酸进行了营养价值评价。结果表明,青稞氨基酸总含量平均为87.454 mg/g DW,变幅为47.8~178.7 mg/g DW,其中必需氨基酸含量占37.15%,谷氨酸的含量最高且变异大,蛋氨酸含量最低,赖氨酸含量变异小,91.67%的青稞材料的第一限制性氨基酸为赖氨酸。青稞氨基酸的贴近度为0.903,与世界粮农组织(FAO)、世界卫生组织(WHO)、联合国大学(UNU)提出的模式蛋白质的必需氨基酸组成较接近,氨基酸比值系数分SRC(73.14)较高。非必需氨基酸占青稞总氨基酸含量的62.85%,其中鲜味和甜味氨基酸含量分别为26.58 mg/g DW和21.85 mg/g DW,分别占总氨基酸含量的30.04%和24.43%。不同青稞材料的氨基酸含量和营养价值有很大的差异,地方品种各氨基酸含量均高于育成品种。供试材料中有4份青稞的氨基酸营养价值及风味氨基酸含量均较高。研究结果可为优质氨基酸组成的青稞选育及青稞加工提供指导。  相似文献   

Based on previously performed in vitro studies, which showed that hulless barley varieties could reduce large intestinal Salmonella Typhimurium var. Copenhagen proliferation in pigs, two in vivo experiments were conducted to prove these observations. In Experiment (Exp.) 1, 126 weaning piglets were randomly allocated into pens of seven animals each and fed one of six experimental diets. Three diets contained (75% as-fed) one of three hulless barley varieties with beta-glucan (BG) contents ranging from 5 to 11% and amylose from 5 to 40%, and two diets contained a low BG and amylose hulless barley supplemented with isolated barley BG or raw potato starch. A hulled barley diet served as a control. Two piglets per pen ("Trojan" pigs) were orally infected with Salmonella Typhimurium var. Copenhagen (ST). The remaining five pigs per pen were designated "Contact" pigs. The ST shedding was determined over one week after infection. On day 6, the two Trojans and two random Contacts from each pen were euthanised and intestinal contents and mesenteric lymph nodes cultured for ST. Intestinal volatile fatty acids and microbial composition were determined. In Exp. 2, 126 piglets were assigned to one of three diets based on hulled or hulless barleys. The timeline, infection, sampling and analyses were similar as in Exp. 1 except samples were taken from four Contact pigs. Hulless barley varieties with high BG and amylose tended to decrease ST persistence in Exp. 1. Clostridia from cluster I in the colon were reduced with high amylose hulless barley or diets supplemented with potato starch (p < 0.05), whereas other microbial groups were not. Propionate increased (p < 0.05) and acetate decreased (p < 0.05) with hulless barley inclusion. Exp. 2 revealed a reduced ST shedding and reduced number of clostridia for high BG hulless barley as compared to common hulled barley and a low BG variety (p < 0.05). In conclusion, high BG hulless barley do not prevent ST colonisation but might help to reduce transmission in pigs, likely by supporting an intestinal environment limiting growth of this zoopathogen.  相似文献   

Based on previously performed in vitro studies, which showed that hulless barley varieties could reduce large intestinal Salmonella Typhimurium var. Copenhagen proliferation in pigs, two in vivo experiments were conducted to prove these observations. In Experiment (Exp.) 1, 126 weaning piglets were randomly allocated into pens of seven animals each and fed one of six experimental diets. Three diets contained (75% as-fed) one of three hulless barley varieties with β-glucan (BG) contents ranging from 5 to 11% and amylose from 5 to 40%, and two diets contained a low BG and amylose hulless barley supplemented with isolated barley BG or raw potato starch. A hulled barley diet served as a control. Two piglets per pen (“Trojan” pigs) were orally infected with Salmonella Typhimurium var. Copenhagen (ST). The remaining five pigs per pen were designated “Contact” pigs. The ST shedding was determined over one week after infection. On day 6, the two Trojans and two random Contacts from each pen were euthanised and intestinal contents and mesenteric lymph nodes cultured for ST. Intestinal volatile fatty acids and microbial composition were determined. In Exp. 2, 126 piglets were assigned to one of three diets based on hulled or hulless barleys. The timeline, infection, sampling and analyses were similar as in Exp. 1 except samples were taken from four Contact pigs. Hulless barley varieties with high BG and amylose tended to decrease ST persistence in Exp. 1. Clostridia from cluster I in the colon were reduced with high amylose hulless barley or diets supplemented with potato starch (p < 0.05), whereas other microbial groups were not. Propionate increased (p < 0.05) and acetate decreased (p < 0.05) with hulless barley inclusion. Exp. 2 revealed a reduced ST shedding and reduced number of clostridia for high BG hulless barley as compared to common hulled barley and a low BG variety (p < 0.05). In conclusion, high BG hulless barley do not prevent ST colonisation but might help to reduce transmission in pigs, likely by supporting an intestinal environment limiting growth of this zoopathogen.  相似文献   

PEG预处理对青稞种子萌发和幼苗生理特性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
选择国内外28份青稞品种材料幼苗第一片展开叶,分别测定其相对含水量和失水率,并选择其中对水分胁迫敏感与不敏感的材料各1份,研究不同浓度(5%~30%)聚乙二醇(PEG)预处理对青稞种子萌发、幼苗生长和生理特性的影响,探讨短期水分胁迫对青稞生长发育的调节作用。结果显示:(1)28个青稞材料中‘旱地紫青稞’幼苗叶片的相对含水量最高(60.16%)、‘大麻青稞’最低(38.98%),而离体失水率‘旱地紫青稞’最低(8.80%)、‘大麻青稞’最高(20.20%)。说明‘大麻青稞’对水分胁迫最敏感,而‘旱地紫青稞’最不敏感。(2)随着胁迫程度的增加,青稞种子的萌发率和生根率,幼苗的根长、苗高和鲜重均呈先增加后降低的趋势,‘旱地紫青稞’和‘大麻青稞’种子分别在15%和10%PEG处理下发芽和生根最佳且均与对照差异显著(P<0.05),两品种的幼苗根长、苗高和鲜重均在10%PEG处理下表现最佳,但‘大麻青稞’与对照差异不显著。(3)‘旱地紫青稞’幼苗叶片可溶性蛋白和叶绿素含量随PEG处理浓度增加而逐渐增加,而丙二醛含量和相对电导率则逐渐降低,并在30%PEG处理下效果差异极显著(P<0.01);‘大麻青稞’叶片可溶性蛋白和叶绿素含量随PEG处理浓度增加呈先增加后降低的趋势,丙二醛含量和相对电导率呈先降低后增加的趋势,并在20%PEG处理下最佳。研究表明,短时间低浓度PEG处理对青稞种子萌发、幼苗生长及可溶性蛋白、叶绿素、丙二醛含量和相对电导率等生理指标的改善均有一定的促进作用;高浓度PEG处理却具有抑制作用,且高浓度PEG胁迫条件下,耐旱性强比耐旱性弱品种的自我调控能力更强。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of cereal carbohydrate form (isolated v. cereal matrix) and level, especially mixed-linked β-glucan (hereafter referred to as β-glucan) and starch amylase/amylopectin ratio on nutrient digestibility and fermentation parameters in the intestines of weaned pigs. Four hulless barley cultivars containing varying β-glucan levels (41 to 84 g/kg) were compared with hulled barley, supplemented or not with a β-glucan concentrate (BBG; 270 g/kg β-glucan) and two oat cultivars for digestibility and fermentation metabolites. Seventy-two weaned piglets (BW = 12.8 ± 1.9 kg) were assigned to one of nine diets composed of 815 g/kg cereal, 60 g/kg whey, 90 g/kg soy protein isolate and 35 g/kg minerals. After 15 days, the pigs were killed, and digesta collected from ileum and colon were analyzed for proximate nutrients, short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), lactic acid (LA) and ammonia. Ileal and total tract digestibility of proximate nutrients and non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) were determined using HCl-insoluble ash as a marker. Organic matter (OM) ileal digestibility was greater (P < 0.05) for diets based on hulless barley (77% ± 1.1% on average), as compared with hulled barley (64% ± 1.4%) and oat (58% ± 1.5%). Similar trends were found for total tract OM digestibility, varying from 90% ± 0.3% for hulless barley to 67% ± 0.4% for oat, on average. NSP digestibility differed (P < 0.05) within and between cereal types, ranging from 20% (hulled barley plus 163 g/kg BBG or 40 g/kg β-glucan) to 51% (SB94893 hulless barley cultivar with high β-glucan and high amylose ratio) at the ileum and from 44% (hulled barley) to 84% (SB94893 cultivar) at the total tract level. No dietary effect (P > 0.05) was found for SCFA concentration in ileal contents, whereas in colonic contents, SCFA was lower in pigs fed oat (P < 0.001). LA concentration was greater (P < 0.001) in the colon of pigs fed hulless barley than in pigs fed hulled barley and oat. Expressed per kg carbohydrate (NSP + starch) fermented, the ammonia concentration at the colon was lowest for hulled barley diets (supplemented with β-glucan) and the highest for oat diets. In conclusion, the interaction of both form and level of β-glucan impacted nutrient digestibility and fermentation. Hulless barleys with high soluble NSP such as β-glucan and resistant starch yielded, in general higher SCFA and LA and lower ammonia. Hulless barleys may, therefore, have potential for use in feeding strategies designed to improve gut health in pigs.  相似文献   

Forty crossbred barrows (Camborough 15 Line female x Canabred sire) weighing an average of 79.6 +/- 8.0 kg were used in a factorial design experiment (5 barleys x 2 enzyme levels) conducted to determine the effects of phytase supplementation on nutrient digestibility in low-phytate barleys fed to finishing pigs. The pigs were assigned to one of 10 dietary treatments comprised of a normal 2-rowed, hulled variety of barley (CDC Fleet, 0.26% phytate) or 2 low-phytate hulled genotypes designated as LP422 (0.14% phytate) and LP635 (0.09% phytate). A normal, hulless barley (CDC Dawn, 0.26% phytate) and a hulless genotype designated as LP422H (0.14% phytate) were also included. All barleys were fed with and without phytase (Natuphos 5000 FTU/kg). The diets fed contained 98% barley, 0.5% vitamin premix, 0.5% trace mineral premix, 0.5% NaCl and 0.5% chromic oxide but no supplemental phosphorus. The marked feed was provided for a 7-day acclimatization period, followed by a 3-day faecal collection. In the absence of phytase, phosphorus digestibility increased substantially (P < 0.05) as the level of phytate in the barley declined. For the hulled varieties, phosphorus digestibility increased from 12.9% for the normal barley (0.26% phytate) to 35.3 and 39.8% for the two low-phytate genotypes (0.14 and 0.09% phytate respectively). For the hulless varieties, phosphorus digestibility increased from 9.2% for the normal barley (0.26% phytate) to 34.7% for the hulless variety with 54% of the normal level of phytate (0.14% phytate). In contrast, when phytase was added to the diet, there was little difference in phosphorus digestibility between pigs fed normal barley and those fed the low-phytate genotypes (significant barley x enzyme interaction, P = 0.01). For the hulled varieties, phosphorus digestibility was 50.1% for the barley with the normal level of phytate (0.26% phytate) compared with 51.1 and 52.4% for the varieties with 54 and 35% of the normal level of phytate (0.14 and 0.09% phytate respectively). For the hulless varieties, phosphorus digestibility increased from 47.1% for the normal barley (0.26% phytate) to 54.4% for the hulless variety with 54% of the normal level of phytate (0.14% phytate). In conclusion, both supplementation with phytase and selection for low-phytate genotypes of barley were successful in increasing the digestibility of phosphorus for pigs. Unfortunately, the effects did not appear to be additive. Whether or not swine producers will choose low-phytate barley or supplementation with phytase as a means to improve phosphorus utilization, will likely depend on the yield potential of low-phytate barley and the additional costs associated with supplementation with phytase.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding two levels of rice bran oil (RBO) on the growth, lipid parameters, and fatty acid composition of the plasma and liver of rats (Wistar strain) were compared with those produced on animals which had been fed the same levels of peanut oil (PNO). The control animals were fed synthetic diets containing 5 and 20% peanut oil (PNO) and the experimental groups were fed similar diets, containing the same level of rice bran oil (RBO). There was no significant difference with respect to the organ weights between the control and the experimental groups. In general, groups fed 20% oil gained more weight than groups fed 5% oil. The animals which received rice bran oil in their diet had, in general, comparatively lower levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids. On the other hand, animals receiving 20% rice bran oil in their diet, showed an increase of 20% in high density lipoproteins (HDL-C), within 18 weeks (p<0.05), when compared to the animals fed with peanut oil. Similarly, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) were lower in RBO-fed groups, than in the PNO-fed groups. There was, however, no significant differences in the cholesterol/phospholipid (C/P) ratio of the two groups. Analysis of plasma and of liver fatty acids indicated, in a general way, the type of fat consumed. There were no significant difference in the P/S ratio, nor any in the oleic/linoleic, oleic/stearic, palmitoleic/palmitic, oleic/palmitic, and oleic/palmitoleic ratios. Furthermore, levels of saturated (SAFA), monounsaturated (MUFA), and polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids were identical in both the groups. Thus, our results suggest that feeding a high level of rice bran oil (RBO) has no deleterious effect on the growth and blood lipid profile of rats.Abbreviations PNO peanut oil - RBO rice bran oil - HDL-C high density lipoprotein cholesterol - LDL-C low density lipoprotein cholesterol - VLDL-C very low density lipoprotein cholesterol - SAFA saturated fatty acids - MUFA mono-unsaturated fatty acids  相似文献   

热稳定蛋白是衡量麦芽品质的重要指标,为探明青稞籽粒和麦芽热稳定蛋白的含量、蛋白质Z的组成特征以及影响条件。本研究以3份青稞和1份对照大麦品种Gairdner为试验材料,对青稞籽粒及其麦芽的热稳定蛋白进行分析与鉴定,研究了不同生态环境下青稞热稳定蛋白质含量和蛋白质Z的组成特征,同时筛选出了优异啤用品质青稞品种(品系)。结果表明,青稞发芽温度为20℃,发芽时间为72 h,培养溶液PH为5时,发芽及焙焦条件下最有利于青稞热稳定蛋白总含量及蛋白质Z的累积。利用该发芽条件筛选种植于西宁、湟源和海晏的青稞资源,发现种植于西宁的青稞种子和发芽后热稳定蛋白质总含量最低,但是焙焦后热稳定蛋白质和蛋白质Z含量最高;同时从150份青稞资源中筛选出热稳定蛋白质含量及蛋白质Z条带清晰、含量高的优异资源15份。本研究结果为酿造青稞品种选育、啤用青稞和麦芽质量评价指标提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Forty crossbred barrows (Camborough 15 Line female×Canabred sire) weighing an average of 79.6±8.0?kg were used in a factorial design experiment (5 barleys×2 enzyme levels) conducted to determine the effects of phytase supplementation on nutrient digestibility in low-phytate barleys fed to finishing pigs. The pigs were assigned to one of 10 dietary treatments comprised of a normal 2-rowed, hulled variety of barley (CDC Fleet, 0.26% phytate) or 2 low-phytate hulled genotypes designated as LP422 (0.14% phytate) and LP635 (0.09% phytate). A normal, hulless barley (CDC Dawn, 0.26% phytate) and a hulless genotype designated as LP422H (0.14% phytate) were also included. All barleys were fed with and without phytase (Natuphos 5000 FTU/kg). The diets fed contained 98% barley, 0.5% vitamin premix, 0.5% trace mineral premix, 0.5% NaCl and 0.5% chromic oxide but no supplemental phosphorus. The marked feed was provided for a 7-day acclimatization period, followed by a 3-day faecal collection. In the absence of phytase, phosphorus digestibility increased substantially (P<0.05) as the level of phytate in the barley declined. For the hulled varieties, phosphorus digestibility increased from 12.9% for the normal barley (0.26% phytate) to 35.3 and 39.8% for the two low-phytate genotypes (0.14 and 0.09% phytate respectively). For the hulless varieties, phosphorus digestibility increased from 9.2% for the normal barley (0.26% phytate) to 34.7% for the hulless variety with 54% of the normal level of phytate (0.14% phytate). In contrast, when phytase was added to the diet, there was little difference in phosphorus digestibility between pigs fed normal barley and those fed the low-phytate genotypes (significant barley×enzyme interaction, P=0.01). For the hulled varieties, phosphorus digestibility was 50.1% for the barley with the normal level of phytate (0.26% phytate) compared with 51.1 and 52.4% for the varieties with 54 and 35% of the normal level of phytate (0.14 and 0.09% phytate respectively). For the hulless varieties, phosphorus digestibility increased from 47.1% for the normal barley (0.26% phytate) to 54.4% for the hulless variety with 54% of the normal level of phytate (0.14% phytate). In conclusion, both supplementation with phytase and selection for low-phytate genotypes of barley were successful in increasing the digestibility of phosphorus for pigs. Unfortunately, the effects did not appear to be additive. Whether or not swine producers will choose low-phytate barley or supplementation with phytase as a means to improve phosphorus utilization, will likely depend on the yield potential of low-phytate barley and the additional costs associated with supplementation with phytase.  相似文献   

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