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香菇‘申香1644’是以传统优质栽培品种‘申香215’为亲本,采用多孢自交育种技术选育的新品种。其菌盖纵切面呈凸形,菌盖直径(6.15±0.38) cm,菌盖厚度(2.27±0.42) cm,菇型圆整,菇质紧实,产量高,生物学转化率95%以上。与亲本相比,‘申香1644’在分子标记和栽培性状上均具有明显差异性,其菌盖为浅黄褐色,颜色较亲本浅;菌龄100-105 d,较亲本缩短5-10 d。‘申香1644’菌丝生长适宜温度为22-26 ℃,原基发育适宜温度为16-22 ℃,可在全国范围内进行代料栽培。  相似文献   

肺形侧耳‘杭秀2号’以‘台秀57’菌株为亲本采用多孢自交育种技术选育而成。该品种菌丝生长适温26-28℃,子实体生长发育适温22-28℃。菌盖扇形,深灰色,菌盖大小平均为4.38cm×3.65cm;菌柄圆柱形,白色,直径平均为1.06cm。鲜菇蛋白质含量2.94%,氨基酸总量2.54%。示范栽培表明,‘杭秀2号’平均生物学效率为71.2%。低温刺激后,经5-6d可完成一茬菇采收。该品种具有出菇整齐、商品性好等优良性状,适于设施栽培。  相似文献   

斑玉蕈‘闽真5号’品种系以‘闽真3号’与‘白玉-01’作为亲本,通过原生质体单核化杂交育种技术选育获得。该品种菌盖白色,呈半球形,表面斑纹少而小。鲜菇蛋白质含量2.1%,氨基酸总量1.43%。示范栽培表明,‘闽真5号’菌丝最适培养温度20-27 ℃,子实体生长发育温度12-17 ℃,袋栽菌包培养周期为110 d,出菇周期为28 d,平均单袋产量635.17 g/袋。该品种具有栽培周期短、产量高、商品性状好等优良性状,适用于袋栽工厂化周年栽培。  相似文献   

张波  叶雷  周洁  谭伟  李小林 《菌物学报》2021,40(6):1583-1585
猴头菌新品种‘川猴菇1号’是从黑龙江海林市采集到的野生猴头菌(HT2000)经系统选育而成,适宜四川省凉山州地区及类似生态区域栽培。菌丝生长最适温度为20-25℃,出菇最适温度15-20℃,生育期45-50d,单个子实体130-170g,呈白色至黄白色,中实有弹性,生物转化率85%。  相似文献   

张波  叶雷  周洁  谭伟  李小林 《菌物学报》2022,41(1):160-162
毛木耳新品种‘昊阳黄背2号’是以采自什邡市龙泉山的野生毛木耳子实体经系统选育而成,适宜四川省成都市、德阳市等种植毛木耳的区域栽培。菌丝生长最适温度为24-30 ℃,子实体最适生长温度为25-28 ℃。耳片呈耳形或不规则形,子实体丛生;耳片边缘光滑,颜色深红褐色。平均每袋干耳产量为203 g。  相似文献   

黑木耳新品种‘农黑2号'是以亲本‘木耳黑龙3号'和‘黑耳9号'的单孢进行杂交,从70个杂交组合中选育的新品种。工厂化栽培条件下,‘农黑2号'单潮出菇鲜重平均为336.4g/袋,干重平均为28.5g/袋,流耳率平均为3.8%。‘农黑2号'具有抗杂能力强、流耳率低、单潮产量高等优点,且能够很好地适应工厂化栽培条件。  相似文献   

‘高原云耳3号’由采自云南保山大平坦山区的一株野生黑木耳,通过驯化栽培、组织分离等多代自然选育获得。子实体大小中等,耳片中间层厚、腹面和背面易分离;呈浅口圆碗状,有光泽,质地柔软,无耳脉。采用小孔栽培,开口10 d左右现芽,出耳温度10-26 ℃。产量高,抗逆性强,是性状较好的一个中早熟中低温型品种。适宜海拔1 000-2 000 m的低纬高原地区规模化栽培。  相似文献   

杜适普  郭杰  刘小奎  张君  姜宇  王炯  孙水娟 《菌物学报》2022,41(7):1137-1139
‘豫香2号’是从河南省卢氏县伏牛山地区采集的野生香菇子实体,经过多次组织分离和驯化等系统选育而获得的优良品种,适宜河南省中高海拔区域种植。该品种子实体中等,多单生,菌盖圆整、浅褐色,菌柄呈倒圆锥形,产量高,鲜销耐储存。  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇‘福蘑58'是W2000单孢分离筛选的新品种。菌落形态为贴生型,菌丝在10-32℃下均能生长,最适生长温度24-28℃。结菇温度10-22℃,最适结菇温度14-20℃。子实体单生为主,丛生少,较结实,不易开伞,菌盖扁半球形,表面光滑,颜色较白,直径3.5-5.0cm,高度2.4-2.8cm。在适宜栽培条件下,平均单产比亲本菌株W2000提高10%-15%,鲜菇质量与W2000相当,比W192提升明显,成品菇比例较高,品质优良,适合鲜销市场及罐头加工。该品种可用于周年工厂化、设施化及季节性农法栽培。  相似文献   

采集于新疆的“中国美味蘑菇”是一种个体巨大的野生蘑菇,迄今未有人工栽培报道。本文已成功对其进行驯化栽培并完成了它的生物学特性研究,可为今后商业化栽培提供科学依据。结果表明,中国美味蘑菇菌丝生长的最佳碳源是葡萄糖,最佳氮源是大豆蛋白胨;菌丝生长最适温度是25℃,最适pH值为6。该种蘑菇可利用稻草、麦杆、芦苇等基质进行栽培;它还有一重要的特点就是出菇可不需覆土,而覆土为一般栽培的蘑菇属种类生产中的必须环节。初步驯化表明,该种蘑菇以芦苇为基质比以稻草为基质的生物学效率高15.01%。  相似文献   

The present experiment was aimed to study the effect of imposing modulated temperature treatments 14 °C and 18 °C, around the fruiting region of watermelon plants, and to estimate the economic feasibility of the temperature treatments based on energy consumption for heating. Watermelon cultivar ‘Sambok-gul’ was selected and sown on perlite beds in a plastic house under controlled conditions at Watermelon Farm, Jeongeup-Jeonbuk, longitude 35° 31′ 47.51N, 126° 48′48.84E, altitude 37 m during the early spring season (2010–2011). The findings revealed that the temperature treatment at 18 °C caused significant increase in weight (2.0 kg plant−1), fruit weight (8.3 kg plant−1), soluble solid content (11.5 %), and fruit set rate (96.5 %) at harvest stage. Higher contents of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions were observed in the 1st upper leaf of the fruit set node (79.3 mg L−1) and the 1st lower leaf of the fruit set node (12.0 mg L−1), respectively at 14 °C. The power consumption and extra costs of the temperature treatment 18 °C were suggested as affordable and in range of a farmer’s budget (41.14 USD/22 days). Hence, it was concluded that modulating temperature treatments could be utilized successfully to optimize the temperature range for enhancing the fruit yield and quality in the winter watermelon crops.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne mayaguensis is a damaging root-knot nematode able to reproduce on root-knot nematode-resistant tomato and other economically important crops. In a growth chamber experiment conducted at 22 and 33°C, isolate 1 of M. mayaguensis reproduced at both temperatures on the Mi-1-carrying tomato lines BHN 543 and BHN 585, whereas M. incognita race 4 failed to reproduce at 22°C, but reproduced well at 33°C. These results were confirmed in another experiment at 26 ± 1.8°C, where minimal or no reproduction of M. incognita race 4 was observed on the Mi-1-carrying tomato genotypes BHN 543, BHN 585, BHN 586 and ‘Sanibel’, whereas heavy infection and reproduction of M. mayaguensis isolate 1 occurred on these four genotypes. Seven additional Florida M. mayaguensis isolates also reproduced on resistant ‘Sanibel’ tomato at 26 ± 1.8°C. Isolate 3 was the most virulent, with reproduction factor (Rf) equal to 8.4, and isolate 8 was the least virulent (Rf = 2.1). At 24°C, isolate 1 of M. mayaguensis also reproduced well (Rf ≥ 1) and induced numerous small galls and large egg masses on the roots of root-knot nematode-resistant bell pepper ‘Charleston Belle’ carrying the N gene and on three root-knot nematode-resistant sweet pepper lines (9913/2, SAIS 97.9001 and SAIS 97.9008) carrying the Tabasco gene. In contrast, M. incognita race 4 failed to reproduce or reproduced poorly on these resistant pepper genotypes. The ability of M. mayaguensis isolates to overcome the resistance of tomato and pepper genotypes carrying the Mi-1, N and Tabasco genes limits the use of resistant cultivars to manage this nematode species in infested tomato and pepper fields in Florida.  相似文献   

Quarantine treatment enables export of avocado fruit (Persea americana) to parts of the world that enforce quarantine against fruit fly. The recommended cold-based quarantine treatment (storage at 1.1°C for 14 days) was studied with two commercial avocado cultivars ‘Hass’ and ‘Ettinger’ for 2 years. Chilling injuries (CIs) are prevalent in the avocado fruit after cold-quarantine treatment. Hence, we examined the effect of integrating several treatments: modified atmosphere (MA; fruit covered with perforated polyethylene bags), methyl jasmonate (MJ; fruit dipped in 2.5 μM MJ for Hass or 10 μM MJ for Ettinger for 30 s), 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP; fruit treated with 300 ppb 1-MCP for 18 h) and low-temperature conditioning (LTC; a gradual decrease in temperature over 3 days) on CI reduction during cold quarantine. Avocado fruit stored at 1°C suffered from severe CI, lipid peroxidation, and increased expression of chilling-responsive genes of fruit peel. The combined therapeutic treatments alleviated CI in cold-quarantined fruit to the level in fruit stored at commercial temperature (5°C). A successful therapeutic treatment was developed to protect ‘Hass’ and ‘Ettinger’ avocado fruit during cold quarantine against fruit fly, while maintaining fruit quality. Subsequently, treated fruit stored at 1°C had a longer shelf life and less decay than the fruit stored at 5°C. This therapeutic treatment could potentially enable the export of avocado fruit to all quarantine-enforcing countries. Similar methods might be applicable to other types of fruit that require cold quarantine.  相似文献   

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