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宁夏荒漠草原柠条锦鸡儿枯落物分解特征及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以宁夏荒漠草原柠条锦鸡儿(Caragana kornshinskii)枯落物为研究对象,利用网孔分解袋法研究了极小型、小型、中型和大型柠条锦鸡儿灌丛微生境枯落物分解率变化特征及对土壤环境的响应规律。结果表明:(1)随着分解时间延长,不同大小柠条锦鸡儿灌丛微生境土壤含水量和土壤温度均呈现出相似的分布特征,而土壤pH值和电导率随时间分布特征则受到灌丛大小的显著影响。(2)3种网孔内,不同大小柠条灌丛微生境间枯落物分解率均无显著差异性。但是,灌丛微生境中枯落物分解率受到灌丛大小和网孔大小的共同影响。(3)中型灌丛微生境中枯落物分解率在3种网孔间均无显著差异性。但在极小型灌丛微生境中,120 d时枯落物分解率表现为4 mm(40.95%)0.01 mm(38.51%)2 mm(32.14%),150 d时枯落物分解率表现为2 mm(37.64%)4 mm(35.20%)0.01 mm(26.68%)。在小型灌丛微生境中,120 d时枯落物分解率表现为0.01 mm(46.81%)4 mm(41.07%)2 mm(34.75%)。在大型灌丛微生境中,120 d时枯落物分解率表现为4 mm(39.65%)2 mm(36.65%)0.01 mm(35.96%),210 d时枯落物分解率表现为2 mm(48.05%)4 mm(35.96%)0.01 mm(30.80%)。(4)Olson衰减指数模型得出枯落物分解50%和95%所需时间,表现为极小型灌丛和中型灌丛微生境中均为0.95年和4.1年(3种网孔相同);小型灌丛微生境中为0.63年和2.74年(4 mm)、1.90年和8.21年(2 mm)、0.95年和4.1年(0.01 mm);大型灌丛微生境中为0.95年和4.1年(4 mm)、0.63年和2.74年(2 mm)、1.90年和8.21年(0.01 mm)。研究表明,在宁夏荒漠草原,仅灌丛大小引起的微生境差异对枯落物分解率影响较小,但灌丛大小和土壤动物类群的相互作用对枯落物分解率的影响较大。  相似文献   

胡慧  杨雨  包维楷  刘鑫  李芳兰 《植物生态学报》2020,44(10):1028-1039
干旱区植被斑块状分布格局引起的微生境差异对植被更新影响显著。气候变化和人类活动扰动下, 干旱区生态系统微生境多样化, 急需揭示乡土植物定植对不同微生境斑块变化的响应及其种间差异性, 并采用微生境调控技术促进退化生态系统植被恢复。该研究选择岷江干旱河谷区自然分布的灌木、半灌木和裸地微生境斑块, 采用移栽鞍叶羊蹄甲(Bauhinia brachycarpa)幼苗的试验方法, 揭示微生境变化对幼苗定植的影响; 进一步以极端退化的道路边坡为案例, 通过6种乡土植物种子直播试验探讨微生境调控技术及其对乡土植物幼苗定植的促进作用。结果显示, 在自然生态系统中, 裸地斑块上幼苗保存率和生物量显著大于植被斑块, 表明裸地微生境有利于幼苗定植; 养分添加仅对裸地斑块中幼苗生物量积累有促进作用。在裸地斑块中, 叶片生物量所占的比例和比叶面积较小, 相反根和茎生物量所占的比例较大。道路边坡上植被恢复试验结果显示, 6种乡土植物均能较好地适应土石混杂的边坡生境, 多数物种出苗率大于60%; 灌木幼苗保存率大于75%, 并且形成镶嵌式乡土灌草群落结构。地表覆盖和养分添加提高了边坡上种子出苗率和幼苗保存率, 促进了幼苗定植和结构稳定。该研究提供了有效促进工程边坡上乡土植物定植的方法, 可为干旱、半干旱生态系统退化荒坡和工程破坏地乡土植被恢复提供理论依据和技术指导。  相似文献   

刘继亮  李锋瑞  刘七军  牛瑞雪 《生态学报》2010,30(23):6389-6398
关于西北干旱区荒漠灌丛草地地面甲虫群落分布与微生境关系的系统研究尚鲜有报道。采用多元回归分析和RDA群落排序分析等方法,定量研究了甲虫群落分布与微生境因子的关系及其季节变异特征。多元回归分析表明,甲虫群落数量分布与土壤粗砂、中细砂和粘粉粒含量存在显著关系,3个因子解释了21%的甲虫群落变异。多元回归分析还表明,甲虫群落数量分布与春季地面/地下日平均温度和土壤含水量有显著关系(3个因子解释了32%的甲虫群落变异),而与夏季和秋季地面/地下日平均温度和土壤含水量无显著关系。RDA群落排序分析表明,土壤粗砂含量、中细砂含量、地面温度和地下温度对春季甲虫种群分布有显著的影响,解释了34.3%的甲虫种群变异;土壤粗砂和中细砂含量对夏季甲虫种群分布有显著影响,解释了18.8%的甲虫种群变异;土壤粗砂含量、地下日均温和土壤含水量对秋季甲虫种群分布有一定的影响,解释了17.1%的甲虫种群变异。Pearson相关分析表明不同甲虫种群对微生境因子的响应模式不同。主要结论是:微生境的非生物环境因子是决定荒漠甲虫群落空间分布格局的重要因子之一,但是环境因子的影响作用存在明显的季节变异,并且因种类不同而异。  相似文献   

收获蚁蚁穴是戈壁生态系统中重要的微生境, 它通过汇集凋落物和改善土壤环境强烈影响动植物的分布及多样性。鉴于此, 本文选择戈壁荒漠收获蚁(Messor desertus)蚁穴为研究对象, 于2020年5月、6月和10月利用陷阱法调查了蚁穴及毗邻裸地大型土壤动物的种类组成及数量变化, 并分析其影响要素。结果表明: (1) 10月, 蚁穴和裸地间大型土壤动物群落组成存在显著差异, 而5月和6月二者间相差较小, 10月(62.9%)蚁穴和裸地大型土壤动物的平均相异性高于5月(34.8%)和6月(39.3%); (2) 5月, 蚁穴大型土壤动物均匀度指数显著低于裸地, 6月, 蚁穴大型土壤动物活动密度和类群丰富度均显著高于裸地, 10月, 蚁穴大型土壤动物类群丰富度和多样性指数均显著高于裸地; (3)荒漠收获蚁蚁穴显著提高了其他食性土壤动物的活动密度及类群丰富度, 还增强了捕食性和非捕食性土壤动物的相互作用关系并改变了荒漠收获蚁与蚁穴大型土壤动物类群的种间相互作用关系; (4) pRDA排序结果表明, 土壤电导率、全氮和粉粒含量是影响蚁穴和裸地大型土壤动物分布的主要土壤因子。总之, 戈壁生态系统荒漠收获蚁蚁穴微生境提高了大型土壤动物多样性, 改变了大型土壤动物类群间的营养和非营养关系, 这会影响大型土壤动物的营养结构及其功能。  相似文献   

地中海沿岸沙丘种子大小对植物及其种子多度的影响   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
分析了地中海沿岸沙丘3种微生境(灌丛下、灌丛之间的开阔地、路径)以及整个沙丘生态系统的种子大小与土壤种子库中休眠种子的数量、土壤种子库中总种子的数量、地上植被中各个植物种的个体数量和幼苗数量、每种植物在小样方中的出现频率等方面之间的关系,也分析了种子尺寸(长、宽、高之和的平均值)与土壤种子的长久性、土壤种子库中休眠种子数量之间的关系;还分析了具有不同种子大小的植物在沙丘生态系统和各微生境的分布比率,验证了生活周期短的植物的种子在土壤中更长久和被干扰的微生境具有更多的休眠种子这种假说。结果发现,在地中海沿岸沙丘生态系统中,具有特别大的种子和特别小种子的植物种类都很少,不同植物种子的大小呈现近正态分布,但绝大多数植物的种子重量都不超过10 mg;微生境影响种子尺寸与种子长久性的关系,在灌丛下、开阔地区域等两个微生境以及整个的沙丘生态系统都呈现显著的正向关系(p<0 .0 5 ) ,而在路径这种关系不很明显;种子多度与植被物种出现频率呈现强烈的正相关(p<0 .0 5 ) ,没有发现种子大小与土壤种子库中休眠种子数量、种子库中总的种子数量、植被物种出现频率、植被的物种多度、幼苗植物多度等方面有显著的关系;具有中度大小种子(0 .1~10 mg)的植物在总的土壤种子库、休  相似文献   

耐旱苔藓广泛分布于干旱半干旱荒漠地区, 对荒漠生态系统稳定性与功能多样性具有重要作用。齿肋赤藓(Syntrichia caninervis)是古尔班通古特沙漠苔藓结皮层的优势物种, 生于不同的微环境中。古尔班通古特沙漠冬、春季降雪频繁, 并能形成稳定的积雪层。目前关于降雪与微生境对齿肋赤藓生理生化特征影响的研究极为缺乏。该研究探讨了初冬一次降雪前后活灌丛、死灌丛和裸露地3种微生境下齿肋赤藓相关生理生化特征。结果表明, 与降雪前相比, 降雪后各微生境下齿肋赤藓植株的含水量、荧光活性、可溶性糖含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性均有明显提高, 但脯氨酸、可溶性蛋白和丙二醛(MDA)含量有不同程度的降低。微生境对齿肋赤藓的生理指标有不同程度的影响, 而且与降雪具有显著的交互作用(脯氨酸除外)。降雪前后, 活灌丛下的齿肋赤藓具有较高的含水量和光合活性, 以及较低的保护酶(POD和SOD) 活性, 裸露地则表现出完全相反的特点。表明前者面临的胁迫最小, 生理活性最大, 但抗性较弱; 而后者具有更大的抗胁迫能力, 但生理活性低。降雪后, 脯氨酸、MDA、POD及SOD均与植株含水量呈显著负相关, 而荧光活性、可溶性糖及可溶性蛋白含量与植株含水量为显著正相关, 表明降雪降低了齿肋赤藓的水分胁迫程度, 改善并促进了生理活性与光合作用, 而且初冬的低温也起到了促进作用。  相似文献   

三江源区退化高寒生态系统恢复技术与示范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"三江源区退化高寒生态系统恢复技术与示范"(2016YFC0501900)是国家重点研发计划"典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究"专项中"青藏高原生态系统功能提升与适应性管理"指南方向下的第二个项目。项目以综合生态系统管理方法为支撑点,以三江源区退化严重的三类主体生态系统——高寒草甸、高寒草原和高寒湿地为研究对象,以"土壤(土)-植被(草)-动物(畜)"协同恢复的思路为指导,通过创新性、系统性、综合性的科学研究,自主研发三江源区生态恢复与生态衍生产业发展的综合技术体系,完善生态恢复及产业发展模式评估和监测技术体系,推动生态恢复和区域发展模式的转型升级,提升生态整体恢复的技术水平和监管能力,解决三江源退化草地恢复重建及功能提升的重大问题,旨在为三江源的生态建设提供科技支撑和系统解决方案。  相似文献   

刘晓丽  丁训欢  宁杰  张旭  孙涛 《生态学报》2021,41(15):6115-6122
调查皖北石灰岩山地退化生态系统不同植被恢复类型地表节肢动物群落组成、类群多样性以及功能群组成,揭示退化生态系统植被恢复进程中土壤地表节肢动物群多样性变化规律及其影响因素,为石灰岩山地植被恢复成效评价提供科学依据。采用陷阱法对皖北石灰岩山地侧柏+构树混交林、酸枣+牡荆灌丛和荩草+牡荆草灌丛样地地表节肢动物群落组成、多样性以及功能群进行调查。共采节肢动物个体数11601,隶属8纲14目44科。酸枣+牡荆灌丛样地采集到节肢动物37科,占所有类群的84.1%,荩草+牡荆草灌丛和侧柏+构树混交林采集到土壤节肢动物类群为35和26科,分别占总科数的79.6%和59.1%。在目的分类单元下,直翅目、等足目和鞘翅目类群相对多度较高,而科的分类单元下,潮虫科、金龟甲科、蚁科和蟋蟀科为皖北石灰岩山地优势地表节肢动物类群。酸枣+牡荆灌丛节肢动物类群丰富度和荩草+牡荆草灌丛多样性指数最高,侧柏+构树混交林两者均最低。3个样地地表节肢动物营养功能群均以植食性为主。不同植被恢复类型间群落相似性也有变化,酸枣+牡荆灌丛和荩草+牡荆草灌丛间相似性较高,而侧柏+构树混交林与其他2种类型之间相似度均较低。研究结果表明石灰岩山地生境不同植被群落组成、数量和结构及其驱动形成的土壤理化特性、表层的凋落物数量、质量和微生境条件的变异,引起地表节肢动物群落组成、结构和多样性和营养功能群的不同。  相似文献   

影响生物土壤结皮分布的环境因子   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物土壤结皮广泛分布于干旱荒漠地区,在干旱和荒漠生态系统中,有重要的生态功能。然而,并不是所有的干旱荒漠区都有生物土壤结皮的分布。在全球和区域尺度上,生物土壤结皮的分布与年降水、凝结水量和土壤含水量呈正相关趋势;温度对生物土壤结皮分布的影响因组成生物土壤结皮的物种而异。小尺度范围内,生物土壤结皮的分布受土壤类型、质地和养分的限制;维管植物对生物土壤结皮分布的影响,暂没有一致的结论。适度干扰对生物土壤结皮分布和生态功能无明显影响,但高强度干扰导致生物土壤结皮结构、功能和分布的退化与减少。全球变化背景下生物土壤结皮的分布变化、不同区域生物土壤结皮分布和演替的差异机理以及受损后恢复过程中的生态功能,将成为以后工作的重点。  相似文献   

繁殖体与微生境在退化草地恢复中的作用   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
退化草地的成功恢复主要依赖于种子和母株无性繁殖幼苗的有效建植 ,即草地群落中可利用繁殖体是退化草地得以恢复的内在条件。此外 ,群落中那些提供种子发芽、幼苗生长发育的适宜微生境 (safe sites/ suitable microsites) ,构成了退化草地恢复的外在条件。由于严重退化草地群落缺乏可利用繁殖体和供繁殖体生长发育的适宜微生境 ,使得退化草地恢复受到很大限制 ,因而 ,同时满足繁殖体与微生境是退化草地恢复的先决条件。人为提供繁殖体和适宜微生境可以在很大程度上提高退化草地的恢复速度 ,即在缺乏繁殖体草地群落供给繁殖体 ,或者在缺乏微生境的草地群落中创造适宜微生境。不同植物种群建植需要的环境存在着显著差异 ,因此在人工恢复草地群落过程中 ,对这些植物的繁殖体和繁殖体着床环境给予特殊处理是必需的 ,使之同时满足多种植物种群建植需求。对退化草地植物繁殖体、微生境的重要性及其涵义进行讨论  相似文献   

张定海  李新荣  陈永乐 《生态学报》2016,36(11):3273-3279
灌木是我国沙漠地区主要的优势植物类型,固沙灌木的存在有益于沙丘的固定进而有利于退化沙漠生态系统的生态恢复。基于腾格里沙漠沙坡头地区50多年的人工植被区长期观测研究,建立生态-水文模型模拟了该地区固沙灌木盖度和深层土壤水分的动态变化过程,结果表明,固沙灌木的建立改变了沙区原有的生态-水文过程,在固沙灌木建立40多年后,固沙灌木的盖度和深层土壤水分达到了新的平衡状态。灌木盖度逐渐稳定在(10±0.9)%左右,而深层土壤水分稳定在(2.58±0.2)%左右。因此,在年均降雨量为186mm的腾格里沙漠沙坡头地区,土壤水分的最大植被承载力为:灌木和生物土壤结皮的盖度分别维持在10%和60%,深层土壤水分维持在3%左右。  相似文献   

Abstract Natural accumulation of wind‐borne sediments within or around the canopies of plants plays an important role in the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of many coastal and desert ecosystems. The formation of such phytogenic mounds (nebkhas) creates patches that can strongly influence the spatial distribution of plant and soil resources. In land restoration of arid and semiarid environments it is important to study the potential role of such biological patchiness that may provide sites for coexistence of species with different life and growth forms. Our main objective was to test whether the nebkhas of a leguminous shrub, Retama raetam (white broom), promote restoration of herbaceous vegetation and soil in the degraded rangelands of northern Sinai. Vegetation and microclimatic and edaphic characteristics within the nebkhas, as well as within internebkha spaces, were compared for ungrazed and grazed sites. Abundance and richness of herbaceous plants were positively related to nebkha area, which explained more of the variance of abundance and richness in the grazed site than in the ungrazed one. Protection from grazing, especially on nebkhas, was associated with an increase in abundance and richness of herbaceous plants, improved soil microclimate, and increased soil fine particles and nutrient concentrations. The results suggest that management (in casu protection from grazing) of nebkhas of woody perennial shrubs changes rangeland conditions and improves the resource regulatory processes. Furthermore, nebkhas of unpalatable plants have the potential to preserve plant diversity in overgrazed plant communities, because they are effective in capturing and retaining water, soil materials, and propagules within and from nearby areas, resources that would otherwise be lost.  相似文献   

河西走廊沙漠人工植被区土壤种子库特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤种子库作为地上植被更新的重要的种源储备库,在植被自然恢复和演替过程以及生态系统建设中起着重要作用。以河西走廊不同区域沙漠人工植被为研究对象,研究了土壤种子库物种组成、时空分布和数量变化特征。结果表明:河西走廊沙漠人工林土壤种子库共出现27种植物,分属8科22属,以藜科植物最多,生活型以草本植物种子比例最高,占到90.6%—95.06%;土壤种子库密度介于19.29粒/m~2—858.57粒/m~2之间,从东到西呈水平地带性分布,土壤种子库分布主要集中在0—2cm土层中,不同样地土壤种子库密度均呈明显的垂直分布,在0—10cm土层内,随着土层深度增加,种子库密度先减小后增大;土壤种子库多样性(Simpson指数)在河西走廊东段沙漠人工植被区最高,在0.671—0.812之间,河西走廊中段沙漠人工植被区为0.417—0.809之间,河西走廊西段沙漠人工植被区为0.256—0.707之间,从东到西呈下降趋势,Shannon-Wiener指数、Margalett丰富度指数、Peilow均匀度指数也表现出相同的趋势,说明由于生境的植被的异质性程度高,使土壤种子库之间的差异性显著;河西走廊沙漠...  相似文献   

以荒漠草原区6、15、24、36年生柠条灌丛为研究对象,调查了不同林龄灌丛内外土壤性质和地面节肢动物群落特征,分析了干旱区灌丛斑块生境中地面节肢动物群落随灌木林发育的变化特征.结果表明: 1)6年生林地只对土壤物理性质(土壤质地、含水量、pH和电导率)产生显著影响,从15年开始林地土壤有机质和养分(N、P)显著增加.2)在研究样地共捕获27个节肢动物类群,步甲科、拟步甲科和蚁科是优势类群.从6到15年生林地,地面节肢动物优势类群数减少,常见类群数增加.从15年生经24年生到36年生林地,灌丛内外类群组成差异先缩小后变大.36年生林地某些特殊的动物类群开始大量出现,如蜣螂在36年生林地灌丛中成为优势类群.3)6和24年生林地灌丛内外地面节肢动物群落结构差别较小,15和36年生林地灌丛内外地面节肢动物群落结构差异显著.4)林龄对灌丛内地面节肢动物的分布影响较大,而对灌丛外地面节肢动物的分布影响较小.灌丛发育过程通过对灌丛下微生境的改变如土壤质地、电导率、pH等来显著影响地面节肢动物的分布,并对灌丛外样地产生一定的辐射作用.干旱区灌丛发育过程对地面节肢动物聚集效应产生显著影响,在不同林龄阶段这种聚集效应表现不一,直接影响沙化草地生态系统的恢复过程.  相似文献   

Shrubs are often considered competitive barriers for seedlings planted in reforestation programs, although they can facilitate tree recruitment, especially in ecosystems under high abiotic stress. An alternative reforestation technique using pioneer shrubs as nurse‐plants for Olea europaea ssp. cuspidata was tested in exclosures in northern Ethiopia. Seedlings were planted in three different microhabitats, and their survival was monitored. The microhabitats were bare soil patches between shrubs, patches under the dominant shrub Acacia etbaica, and patches under Euclea racemosa, an evergreen shrub, which supports the majority of naturally established Olea recruits. The ability of shrubs to offer protection against browsing goats was tested experimentally. Controlled shading was used to determine whether solar irradiation causes seedling mortality in environments without water stress. Data were analyzed using Kaplan–Meier survival analysis, Kruskal–Wallis analysis of variance (ANOVA), and one‐way ANOVA. Olea survival was significantly higher and shoot damage by goats was lower when planted under shrub cover compared to bare soil patches, particularly under Euclea canopies, although high shade levels reduced seedling performance. Reduction of solar radiation by shrub canopies and thus control of soil–water evaporation and seedling transpiration most likely controlled the observed facilitation. Planting under shrubs may increase seedling survival and assist regeneration of dry Afromontane vegetation. Preserving pioneers also reduces soil erosion and conserves biodiversity. Excluding livestock is essential for Olea woodland restoration and allows persistent but morphologically modified Olea shrubs to develop vigorous regrowth. Facilitative processes are guiding principles for assisted forest restoration, but above‐average rains may be critical to restore higher biomass levels in semiarid areas.  相似文献   

中国西北地区通过大量种植中间锦鸡儿(Caragana liouana)进行生态治理, 在荒漠草原带上形成人工灌丛景观, 改变了生态系统的结构和功能, 影响到地-气水汽循环过程, 研究该人工灌丛群落的蒸散特征, 对揭示其生态水文效应和指导地方生态治理实践具有重要意义。该文以宁夏盐池荒漠草原带上的人工灌丛群落为例, 利用茎流-蒸渗仪法测定了2018年5-8月的灌木蒸腾和丛下蒸散, 并分析了环境因子对人工灌丛群落蒸散的影响。结果表明: (1)茎流-蒸渗仪法所测的群落蒸散与水量平衡法、涡度相关法得到的群落蒸散有较好的一致性, 茎流-蒸渗仪法能适用于荒漠草原带人工灌丛群落蒸散及其组分结构的测定; (2)观测期内晴天的灌木蒸腾速率和丛下蒸散速率日变化趋势相近, 均为单峰曲线, 群落蒸散主要发生在日间, 但灌丛最大蒸腾速率的出现时间比丛下蒸散最大速率的出现时间晚1 h; (3) 5-8月间灌木累积蒸腾为83.6 mm, 日平均蒸腾量为0.7 mm·d-1, 季节变化呈抛物线状; 同期丛下累积蒸散为182.5 mm, 日平均蒸散量为1.5 mm·d-1; 丛下蒸散明显大于灌木蒸腾; (4)观测期间人工灌丛群落累积蒸散266.1 mm, 而同期的降水量为222.6 mm, 陆面水分收支处于亏缺状态; (5)净辐射是影响蒸散最主要、最直接的驱动因素, 且能够影响其他因子进而对人工灌丛群落蒸散产生作用。综上, 人工灌丛引发荒漠草原地带陆面水分收支亏缺的现象, 在生态恢复与重建中须引起注意。  相似文献   

The rain-fed sand-binding vegetation which stabilizes the migrating desert dunes in the Shapotou area at the southeastern edge of the Tengger Desert was initiated in 1956. The shrubs initially employed were predominantly Caragana korshinskii, Hedysarum scoparium, and Artemisia ordosica, and a desert shrub ecosystem with a dwarf shrub and microbiotic soil crust cover on the stabilized sand dunes has since developed. Since 1956 the success of this effort has not only ensured the smooth operation of the Baotou–Lanzhou railway in the sand dune area but has also played an important role in the restoration of the local eco-environment; therefore, it is viewed as a successful model for desertification control and ecological restoration along the transport infrastructure in the arid desert region of China. Some of the effects of recovery from desertification and ecological restoration on soil properties are shown by the increase in the distribution of fine soil particles, organic matter, and nutrients. The physical surface structure of the stabilized sand dunes, and inorganic soil crusts formed by atmospheric dust, have also led to the gradual formation of microbiotic soil crusts. Sand dune stabilization is associated with: (1) decreased soil particle size, (2) increased total N, (3) increased thickness of microbiotic crusts, (4) increased thickness of subsoil, and (5) an increase in volumetric soil moisture in the near-surface environment. After 17 years of dune stabilization, both the number of shrubs and community biomass decreased. The number of microbes, plant species and vegetation cover, all attained a maximum after the dunes had stabilized for 40 years. There is a significant positive correlation between the fractal dimension of soil particle size distribution (PSD) and the clay content of the shallow soil profile in the desert shrub ecosystem; the longer the period of dune stabilization, the greater the soil clay content in the shallow soil profiles (0–3 cm), and the greater the fractal dimension of soil PSD. This reflects the fact that during the revegetation processes, the soil structure is better developed, especially in the upper profile. Hence, the migrating sand dune becomes more stabilized. Therefore, the fractal model can be used to describe the texture and fertility of the soil, and, along with the degree of stability of the previously migrating sand dunes, can be used as an integrated quantitative index to evaluate the revegetation practice in the sand dune areas and their stabilization.  相似文献   

中国西北地区通过大量种植中间锦鸡儿(Caragana liouana)进行生态治理, 在荒漠草原带上形成人工灌丛景观, 改变了生态系统的结构和功能, 影响到地-气水汽循环过程, 研究该人工灌丛群落的蒸散特征, 对揭示其生态水文效应和指导地方生态治理实践具有重要意义。该文以宁夏盐池荒漠草原带上的人工灌丛群落为例, 利用茎流-蒸渗仪法测定了2018年5-8月的灌木蒸腾和丛下蒸散, 并分析了环境因子对人工灌丛群落蒸散的影响。结果表明: (1)茎流-蒸渗仪法所测的群落蒸散与水量平衡法、涡度相关法得到的群落蒸散有较好的一致性, 茎流-蒸渗仪法能适用于荒漠草原带人工灌丛群落蒸散及其组分结构的测定; (2)观测期内晴天的灌木蒸腾速率和丛下蒸散速率日变化趋势相近, 均为单峰曲线, 群落蒸散主要发生在日间, 但灌丛最大蒸腾速率的出现时间比丛下蒸散最大速率的出现时间晚1 h; (3) 5-8月间灌木累积蒸腾为83.6 mm, 日平均蒸腾量为0.7 mm·d-1, 季节变化呈抛物线状; 同期丛下累积蒸散为182.5 mm, 日平均蒸散量为1.5 mm·d-1; 丛下蒸散明显大于灌木蒸腾; (4)观测期间人工灌丛群落累积蒸散266.1 mm, 而同期的降水量为222.6 mm, 陆面水分收支处于亏缺状态; (5)净辐射是影响蒸散最主要、最直接的驱动因素, 且能够影响其他因子进而对人工灌丛群落蒸散产生作用。综上, 人工灌丛引发荒漠草原地带陆面水分收支亏缺的现象, 在生态恢复与重建中须引起注意。  相似文献   

In desertified regions, shrub-dominated patches are important microhabitats for ground arthropod assemblages. As shrub age increases, soil, vegetation and microbiological properties can change remarkably and spontaneously across seasons. However, relatively few studies have analyzed how ground arthropods respond to the microhabitats created by shrubs of different plantation ages across seasons. Using 6, 15, 24 and 36 year-old plantations of re-vegetated shrubs (Caragana koushinskii) in the desert steppe of northwestern China as a model system, we sampled ground arthropod communities using a pitfall trapping method in the microhabitats under shrubs and in the open areas between shrubs, during the spring, summer and autumn. The total ground arthropod assemblage was dominated by Carabidae, Melolonthidae, Curculionidae, Tenebrionidae and Formicidae that were affected by plantation age, seasonal changes, or the interaction between these factors, with the later two groups also influenced by microhabitat. Overall, a facilitative effect was observed, with more arthropods and a greater diversity found under shrubs as compared to open areas, but this was markedly affected by seasonal changes. There was a high degree of similarity in arthropod assemblages and diversity between microhabitats in summer and autumn. Shrub plantation age significantly influenced the distribution of the most abundant groups, and also the diversity indices of the ground arthropods. However, there was not an overall positive relationship between shrub age and arthropod abundance, richness or diversity index. The influence of plantation age on arthropod communities was also affected by seasonal changes. From spring through summer to autumn, community indices of ground arthropods tended to decline, and a high degree of similarity in these indices (with fluctuation) was observed among different ages of shrub plantation in autumn. Altogether the recovery of arthropod communities was markedly affected by seasonal variability, and they demonstrated distinctive communal fingerprints in different microhabitats for each plantation age stage.  相似文献   

Human activities are changing patterns of ecological disturbance globally. In North American deserts, wildfire is increasing in size and frequency due to fuel characteristics of invasive annual grasses. Fire reduces the abundance and cover of native vegetation in desert ecosystems. In this study, we sought to characterize stem growth and reproductive output of a dominant native shrub in the Mojave Desert, creosote bush (Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville) following wildfires that occurred in 2005. We sampled 55 shrubs along burned and unburned transects 12 years after the fires (2017) and quantified age, stem diameter, stem number, radial and vertical growth rates, and fruit production for each shrub. The shrubs on the burn transects were most likely postfire resprouts based on stem age while stems from unburn transects dated from before the fire. Stem and vertical growth rates for shrubs on burned transects were 2.6 and 1.7 times higher than that observed for shrubs on unburned transects. Fruit production of shrubs along burned transects was 4.7‐fold more than shrubs along paired unburned transects. Growth rates and fruit production of shrubs in burned areas did not differ with increasing distance from the burn perimeter. Positive growth and reproduction responses of creosote following wildfires could be critical for soil stabilization and re‐establishment of native plant communities in this desert system. Additional research is needed to assess if repeat fires that are characteristic of invasive grass‐fire cycles may limit these benefits.  相似文献   

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