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生物多样性的几个问题   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
本文从生物多样性的现状、存在的问题及应采取的措施等三个方面比较全面地叙述了我国生物多样性的情况。“生物安全”是《生物多样性公约》签订后每次缔约国会议都要讨论的中心议题之一。为之,本文也用一定的篇幅作了较详细的介绍。现状部分从物种多样性、遗传多样性及生态系统多样性等三个方面作了介绍,又从自然因素以及由于人类活动造成栖息地的丧失、环境恶化、偷猎走私、过度捕捞和水产养殖、高新技术发展、全球气候变化以及外  相似文献   

我国毒蛇的生物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆宇燕  李丕鹏 《四川动物》2000,19(3):143-145
中国产蛇类9科65属约207种,其中有毒蛇63(或71)种,分隶4科28属,以管牙类蝰科为最多,计24种。其中陆栖毒蛇有10种亚种分化,以山烙铁头蛇为最多,达4个亚种。有海水型、淡水型、岛屿岩栖型、山地林区型、灌丛型、草原型和荒漠型等生态类型。中国毒蛇的物种、遗传和生态方面表现出复杂的多样性。  相似文献   

关于微生物多样性的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从微生物的物种、遗传、代谢和生态类型等4个方面讨论了微生物多样性问题,提醒人们在关注动植物多样性的同时,要加强对微生物多样性的认识,从而更全面地认识生物的多样性,为解决人类目前面临的诸多问题提供更多的途径。  相似文献   

降解芳烃微生物的多样性   总被引:3,自引:4,他引:3  
芳烃是一类生物异源物质,自然微生物群落利用其对环境的适应性,对这类物质由陌生到适应,微生物群落的遗传背景发生了变化,降解芳烃的微生物呈现出多样性,本文系统介绍了降解芳烃微生物的特性,物种资源,环境适应,遗传背景及演变;介绍了各遗传型物种的功能基因数量,表达及调控方式,指明芳烃环境污染的生物修复主要取决于高效工程构造及代谢过程的控制。  相似文献   

长江三峡与生物多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了长江三峡生物多样性保护取得的成绩。  相似文献   

生产力与生物多样性关系研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
邱波  王刚 《生态科学》2003,22(3):265-270,241
生物多样性与生态系统的功能的关系已经成为人类社会面临的一个重大科学问题。本文简要介绍了生产力与生物多样性的概念和研究背景,综述了生产力与物种多样性关系研究的最新进展与争论:1.是物种多样性还是物种特性或物种组成决定生态系统的功能,目前还没有一致的结论;2.生产力与物种多样性关系的尺度效应极其明显,深刻理解和把握生态学尺度和尺度效应有望成为解析生产力与物种多样性关系的突破口:3.不能只保护所谓的关键种,考虑到生态系统的功能很大程度上依赖于受各式各样物种影响的各种不同的过程,尽最大可能保护最大的多样性,才是谨慎而明智的:4.由于自然生态系统极大的复杂性,生产力与物种多样性关系并没有一般的模式。在对已有成果进行综合分析的基础上,对生产力与物种多样性关系研究中亟待解决的区别物种特性与物种多样性问题、尺度问题、实验设计问题进行了探讨,并对未来的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

生物多样性保护的一个理论框架——生物最小面积概念   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
稳定而复杂多样的自然生境有利于多样性的形成和保存,剧变并趋于简单化的干扰生境常使多样性丧失。现实中的森林破碎化使区域物种丧失。多样性保护要求具备促使物种能长久生存的生境。生物最小面积概念集中讨论物种长久生存与群落(景观)面积的关系,是多样性保护的最基本的理论基础。根据自然保护实践,提出最小景观,扩充了生物最小面积概念。讨论了生物最小面积概念在建立自然保护区的理论框架、了解被保护生物及其生境的自然特点以及建立更全面的自然保护网络等方面的应用。  相似文献   

纪力强  马克平 《生物多样性》2005,13(1):i001-i002
国际生物多样性计划中国国家委员会(CNCDIVERSITAS)成立大会于2004年10月28日在北京友谊宾馆举行。来自中国科学院、科技部、教育部、建设部、国家环保总局、国家林业局、国家海洋局、国家自然科学基金委、中国科协、国际DIVERSITAS秘书处,来自北京大学和北京师范大学等几所高等院校的委员,  相似文献   

“生物多样性”一词如今已在社会上广泛传播,成为各种传媒经常采用的时尚词条。但是,对这一名词概念中的许多深刻含义和复杂的相互关系,还远未被人们所理解与认识。为了使广大读者对它有更深刻的了解,我们尽量用通俗的语言和具体事例加以说明,以期得到大家更普遍的关注,并积极参与到生物多样性的保护、研究和持续利用的实践中去。一、何谓生物多样性?生物多样性是指在地球不同生境中的植物、动物和微生物等生命有机体与其变异性,及其环境构成各种生态复合体的总称。生物多样性包括物种、基因和生态系统多样性三个不同层次。物种多样…  相似文献   

Species are defined using a variety of different operational techniques. While discussion of the various methodologies has previously been restricted mostly to taxonomists, the demarcation of species is also crucial for conservation biology. Unfortunately, different methods of diagnosing species can arrive at different entities. Most prominently, it is widely thought that use of a phylogenetic species concept may lead to recognition of a far greater number of much less inclusive units. As a result, studies of the same group of organisms can produce not only different species identities but also different species range and number of individuals. To assess the impact of different definitions on conservation issues, we collected instances from the literature where a group of organisms was categorized both under phylogenetic and nonphylogenetic concepts. Our results show a marked difference, with surveys based on a phylogenetic species concept showing more species (48%) and an associated decrease in population size and range. We discuss the serious consequences of this trend for conservation, including an apparent change in the number of endangered species, potential political fallout, and the difficulty of deciding what should be conserved.  相似文献   

We define a gestalt as the invariants of a collection of patterns that can mutually be transformed into each other through a class of transformations encoded by, or conversely, determining that gestalt. The class of these transformations needs to satisfy structural regularities like the ones of the mathematical structure of a group. This makes an analysis of a gestalt possible in terms of relations between its representing patterns. While the gestalt concept has its origins in cognitive psychology, it has also important implications for morphology.  相似文献   

We define a gestalt as the invariants of a collection of patterns that can mutually be transformed into each other through a class of transformations encoded by, or conversely, determining that gestalt. The class of these transformations needs to satisfy structural regularities like the ones of the mathematical structure of a group. This makes an analysis of a gestalt possible in terms of relations between its representing patterns. While the gestalt concept has its origins in cognitive psychology, it has also important implications for morphology.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of biological problems and the increase of mathematical means to handle them on the one hand, and the possibility of automatized computation at the other, necessitate a revaluation of the present interactions between biology and mathematics; in this connection interrelations occur which can be divided into three kinds: mathematical biology, biological mathematics, and general biomathematics or methodology of the biomathematical sciences, by which are meant those scientific branches which arise from the said interactions.  相似文献   

Recent reviews of the meaning of the word ‘chorotype’ in biogeography have led to contrasting definitions and a confusion of concepts. This is because ‘chorotype’ has been used by different authors to express two different concepts: (1) groups of species with overlapping ranges (overall distributions) and (2) groups of species with a similar distribution within a certain area. To avoid confusion, I suggest the term ‘global chorotype’ be used to indicate a group into which species with similar ranges can be classified; and ‘regional chorotype’ be used for a group of species with similar distributions within a certain region. Although the global chorotype represents the world‐wide spatial responses of species to historical and environmental pressures, and does not vary with the area under consideration, a particular species might be classified into different regional chorotypes in different study areas.  相似文献   

The distribution of much of the world's biodiversity is poorly known. It is suggested that the species richness of certain Indicator taxa may reflect that of other, poorly studied taxa, making the mapping of individual taxa uneccessary and providing a guide to conservationists. In this paper we examine this proposition at a spatial scale relevant to practical conservation We show that the relationship between the species richnesses of certain higher taxa in Britain is spatially highly variable and unpredictable. Britain may not be representative of other areas of the world but our results indicate that considerable further analysis is required before indicator taxa can be recruited as a reliable short cut to conservation planning  相似文献   

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