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Data on thermal energetics for vespertilionid bats are under-represented in the literature relative to their abundance, as are data for bats of very small body mass. Therefore, we studied torpor use and thermal energetics in one of the smallest (4 g) Australian vespertilionids, Vespadelus vulturnus. We used open-flow respirometry to quantify temporal patterns of torpor use, upper and lower critical temperatures (T uc and T lc) of the thermoneutral zone (TNZ), basal metabolic rate (BMR), resting metabolic rate (RMR), torpid metabolic rate (TMR), and wet thermal conductance (C wet) over a range of ambient temperatures (T a). We also measured body temperature (T b) during torpor and normothermia. Bats showed a high proclivity for torpor and typically aroused only for brief periods. The TNZ ranged from 27.6°C to 33.3°C. Within the TNZ T b was 33.3±0.4°C and BMR was 1.02±0.29 mlO2 g−1 h−1 (5.60±1.65 mW g−1) at a mean body mass of 4.0±0.69 g, which is 55 % of that predicted for a 4 g bat. Minimum TMR of torpid bats was 0.014±0.006 mlO2 g−1 h−1 (0.079±0.032 mW g−1) at T a=4.6±0.4°C and T b=7.5±1.9. T lc and C wet of normothermic bats were both lower than that predicted for a 4 g bat, which indicates that V. vulturnus is adapted to minimising heat loss at low T a. Our findings support the hypothesis that vespertilionid bats have evolved energy-conserving physiological traits, such as low BMR and proclivity for torpor.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that Australian long-eared bats (Nyctophilus) differ from northern-hemisphere bats with respect to their thermal physiology and patterns of torpor. To determine whether this is a general trait of Australian bats, we characterised the temporal organisation of torpor and quantified metabolic rates and body temperatures of normothermic and torpid Australian bats (Nyctophilus geoffroyi, 7 g and N. gouldi, 10 g) over a range of air temperatures and in different seasons. The basal metabolic rate of normothermic bats was 1.36 ± 0.17 ml g−1 h−1 (N. geoffroyi) and 1.22 ± 0.13 ml g−1 h−1 (N. gouldi), about 65% of that predicted by allometric equations, and the corresponding body temperature was about 36 °C. Below an air temperature of about 25 °C bats usually remained normothermic for only brief periods and typically entered torpor. Arousal from torpor usually occurred shortly after the beginning of the dark phase and torpor re-entry occurred almost always during the dark phase after normothermic periods of only 111 ± 48 min (N. geoffroyi) and 115 ± 66 min (N. gouldi). At air temperatures below 10 °C, bats remained torpid for more than 1 day. Bats that were measured overnight had steady-state torpor metabolic rates representing only 2.7% (N. geoffroyi) and 4.2% (N. gouldi) of the basal metabolic rate, and their body temperatures fell to minima of 1.4 and 2.3 °C, respectively. In contrast, bats measured entirely during the day, as in previous studies, had torpor metabolic rates that were up to ten times higher than those measured overnight. The steady-state torpor metabolic rate of thermoconforming torpid bats showed an exponential relationship with body temperature (r 2 = 0.94), suggesting that temperature effects are important for reduction of metabolic rate below basal levels. However, the 75% reduction of metabolic rate between basal metabolic rate and torpor metabolic rate at a body temperature of 29.3 °C suggests that metabolic inhibition also plays an important role. Torpor metabolic rate showed little or no seasonal change. Our study suggests that Australian Nyctophilus bats have a low basal metabolic rate and that their patterns of torpor are similar to those measured in bats from the northern hemisphere. The low basal metabolic rate and the high proclivity of these bats for using torpor suggest that they are constrained by limited energy availability and that heterothermy plays a key role in their natural biology. Accepted: 22 November 1999  相似文献   

During roosting in summer, reproductive female bats appear to use torpor less frequently and at higher body temperatures (T b) than male bats, ostensibly to maximise offspring growth. To test whether field observations result from differences in thermal physiology or behavioural thermoregulation during roosting, we measured the thermoregulatory response and energetics of captive pregnant and lactating female and male long-eared bats (Nyctophilus geoffroyi 8.9 g and N. gouldi 11.5 g) during overnight exposure to a constant ambient temperature (T a) of 15°C. Bats were captured 1–1.5 h after sunset and measurements began at 21:22±0:36 h. All N. geoffroyi entered torpor commencing at 23:47±01:01 h. For N. gouldi, 10/10 males, 9/10 pregnant females and 7/8 lactating females entered torpor commencing at 01:10±01:40 h. The minimum T b of torpid bats was 15.6±1.1°C and torpid metabolic rate (TMR) was reduced to 0.05±0.02 ml O2 g−1 h−1. Sex or reproductive condition of either species did not affect the timing of entry into torpor (F=1.5, df=2, 19, P=0.24), minimum TMR (F=0.21, df=4, 40, P=0.93) or minimum T b (F=0.76, df=5, 41, P=0.58). Moreover, sex or reproductive condition did not affect the allometric relationship between minimum resting metabolic rate and body mass (F=1.1, df=4, 37, P=0.37). Our study shows that under identical thermal conditions, thermal physiology of pregnant and lactating female and male bats are indistinguishable. This suggests that the observed reluctance by reproductive females to enter torpor in the field is predominantly because of ecological rather than physiological differences, which reflect the fact that females roost gregariously whereas male bats typically roost solitarily.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate the pattern of utilisation of torpor and its impact on energy budgets in free-living grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus), a small nocturnal primate endemic to Madagascar. We measured daily energy expenditure (DEE) and water turnover using doubly labelled water, and we used temperature-sensitive radio collars to measure skin temperature (T sk) and home range. Our results showed that male and female mouse lemurs in the wild enter torpor spontaneously over a wide range of ambient temperatures (T a) during the dry season, but not during the rainy season. Mouse lemurs remained torpid between 1.7–8.9 h with a daily mean of 3.4 h, and their T sk s fell to a minimum of 18.8 °C. Mean home ranges of mouse lemurs which remained normothermic were similar in the rainy and dry season. During the dry season, the mean home range of mouse lemurs showing daily torpor was significantly smaller than that of animals remaining normothermic. The DEE of M. murinus remaining normothermic in the rainy season (122 ± 65.4 kJ day−1) was about the same of that of normothermic mouse lemurs in the dry season (115.5 ± 27.3 kJ day−1). During the dry season, the mean DEE of M. murinus that utilised daily torpor was 103.4 ± 32.7 kJ day−1 which is not significantly different from the mean DEE of animals remaining normothermic. We found that the DEE of mouse lemurs using daily torpor was significantly correlated with the mean temperature difference between T sk and T a (r 2=0.37) and with torpor bout length (r 2 =0.46), while none of these factors explained significant amounts of variation in the DEE of the mouse lemurs remaining normothermic. The mean water flux rate of mouse lemurs using daily torpor (13.0 ± 4.1 ml day−1) was significantly lower than that of mouse lemurs remaining normothermic (19.4 ± 3.8 ml day−1), suggesting the lemurs conserve water by entering torpor. Thus, this first study on the energy budget of free-ranging M. murinus demonstrates that torpor may not only reflect its impact on the daily energy demands, but involve wider adaptive implications such as water requirements. Accepted: 29 August 2000  相似文献   

Three major forms of dormancy in mammals have been classified: hibernation in endotherms is characterised by reduced metabolic rate (MR) and body temperature (T b) near ambient temperature (T a) over prolonged times in the winter. Estivation is a similar form of dormancy in a dry and hot environment during summertime. Daily torpor is defined as reduced MR and T b lower than 32 °C, limited to a duration of less than 24 h. The edible dormouse (Glis glis) is capable for all three distinct forms of dormancy. During periods of food restriction and/or low T a, daily torpor is displayed throughout the year, alternating with hibernation and estivation in winter and summer respectively. We recorded T b, O2-consumption and CO2-production in unrestrained dormice at different T a's for periods of up to several months. Cooling rate and rate of metabolic depression during entrance into the torpid state was identical in all three forms of dormancy. The same was true for thermal conductance, maximum heat production, duration of arousal and cost of an arousal. The only difference between hibernation and daily torpor was found in the bout duration. A daily torpor bout lasted 3–21 h, a hibernation bout 39–768 h. As a consequence of prolonged duration, MR, T b and also the T b − T a gradient decreased to lower values during hibernation bouts when compared to daily torpor bouts. Our findings suggest that all three forms of dormancy are based on the same physiological mechanism of thermal and metabolic regulation. Accepted: 27 June 2000  相似文献   

Little is known about how animals from tropical and subtropical climates adjust their energy expenditure to cope with seasonal changes of climate and food availability. To provide such information, we studied the thermal physiology, torpor patterns and energetics of the nocturnal blossom-bat (Syconycteris australis 18 g) from a subtropical habitat in both summer and winter. In both seasons, S. australis frequently entered daily torpor at ambient temperatures between 12 and 25°C when food and water were withheld. Unlike patterns observed in temperate animals, mean minimum metabolic rates during torpor were lower in summer (0.47 ± 0.07 ml O2 g−1 h−1) than in winter (0.75 ± 0.11 ml O2 g−1 h−1). Body temperatures during torpor were regulated at 19.3 ± 1.0°C in summer and at 23.4 ± 2.0°C in winter. Torpor bout duration was significantly longer in summer (7.3 ± 0.6 h) than in winter (5.5 ± 0.3 h), but in both seasons, bout duration was not affected by ambient temperature. Consequently, average daily metabolic rates were also significantly lower in summer than in winter. Body temperatures and metabolic rates in normothermic bats did not change with season. Our findings on seasonal changes of torpor in this bat from the subtropics are opposite to those made for many species from cold climates which generally show deeper and longer torpor in winter and are often entirely homeothermic in summer. More pronounced torpor in subtropical S. australis in summer may be due to low or unpredictable nectar availability, short nights which limit the time available for foraging, and long days without access to food. Thus, the reversed seasonal response of this subtropical bat in comparison to temperate species may be an appropriate response to ecological constraints. Received: 6 May 1997 / Accepted: 19 October 1997  相似文献   

The thermal and metabolic physiology of Chalinolobus gouldii, an Australian vespertilionid bat, was studied in the laboratory using flow-through respirometry. Chalinolobus gouldii exhibits a clear pattern of euthermic thermoregulation, typical of endotherms with respect to body temperature and rate of oxygen consumption. The basal metabolic rate of euthermic Chalinolobus gouldii is approximately 86% of that predicted for a 17.5-g mammal and falls into the range of mass-specific basal metabolic rates ascribed to vespertilionid bats. However, like most vespertilionid bats, Chalinolobus gouldii displays extreme thermolability. It is able to enter into torpor and spontaneously arouse at ambient temperatures as low as 5 °C. Torpid bats thermoconform at moderate ambient temperature, with body temperature ≈ ambient temperature, and have a low rate of oxygen consumption determined primarily by Q 10 effects. At low ambient temperature (< 10 °C), torpid C. gouldii begin to regulate their body temperature by increased metabolic heat production; they tend to maintain a higher body temperature at low ambient temperature than do many northern hemisphere hibernating bats. Use of torpor leads to significant energy savings. The evaporative water loss of euthermic bats is relatively high, which seems unusual for a bat whose range includes extremely arid areas of Australia, and is reduced during torpor. The thermal conductance of euthermic C. gouldii is less than that predicted for a mammal of its size. The thermal conductance is considerably lower for torpid bats at intermediate body temperature and ambient temperature, but increases to euthermic values for torpid bats when thermoregulating at low ambient temperature. Accepted: 22 August 1996  相似文献   

Neotropical nectar-feeding bats (Glossophaginae) are highly specialized in the exploitation of floral nectar and have one of the highest mass-specific metabolic rates among mammals. Nevertheless, they are distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics over a wide elevational range, and thus encounter many extreme and energetically challenging environmental conditions. Depressing their otherwise high metabolic rate, e.g., in situations of food restriction, might be an important adaptive physiological strategy in these dietary specialists. We investigated the thermoregulatory behavior of captive 10-g nectar feeding bats (Glossophaga soricina; Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) under variable ambient temperatures (T a) and feeding regimes and predicted that bats would use torpor as an energy-conserving behavior under energetic constraints. All tested animals entered torpor in response to energetic restrictions and the depth of torpor was dependent on the body condition of the animals and hence on their degree of physiological constraints. Periods of torpor with body temperatures (T b) below 34°C were precisely adjusted to the photoperiod. The median length of diurnal torpor was 11.43 h. The lowest T b measured was 21°C at a T a of 19°C. Estimated energy savings due to torpor were considerable, with reductions in metabolic rate to as low as 5% of the metabolic rate of normothermic bats at the same T a. However, contrary to temperate zone bats that also employ diurnal torpor, G. soricina regulated their T b to the highest possible levels given the present energetic supplies. To summarize, G. soricina is a precise thermoregulator, which strategically employs thermoregulatory behavior in order to decrease its energy expenditure when under energetic restrictions. This adaptation may play a crucial role in the distribution and the assembly of communities of nectar-feeding bats and may point to a general capacity for torpor in tropical bats.  相似文献   

The costs of arousal from induced torpor were measured in the striped-faced dunnart (Sminthopsis macroura; ca. 25 g) under two experimental ambient temperature cycles. The sinusoidal-type temperature cycles were designed to evaluate the effects of passive, ambient temperature heating during arousal from torpor in these insectivorous marsupials. It was hypothesised that diel ambient temperature cycles may offer significant energy savings during arousal in animals that employ daily torpor in summer as a response to unpredictable food availability. The cost of arousal in animals in which passive, exogenous heating occurred was significantly lower than that in animals not exposed to an ambient temperature cycle. The total cost of all three phases of torpor (entry, maintenance and arousal) was almost halved when animals were exposed to an ambient heating cycle from 15 °C to 25 °C over a 24-h period. In all animals, irrespective of the experimental ambient temperature cycle employed, the minimum torpor body temperature was 17–18 °C. The body temperature (Tb) of animals exposed to exogenous heating increased from the torpor Tb minimum to a mean value of 22.59 °C before endogenous heat production commenced. This relatively small increase in Tb of ca. 5 °C through `free' passive heating was sufficient to account for the significant ca. three-fold decrease in the cost of arousal and may represent an important energetic aid to free-ranging animals. Accepted: 4 October 1998  相似文献   

Australian deserts are characterized by unpredictability, low primary productivity, and high temperature fluctuations. Despite these adverse conditions the diversity of small insectivorous marsupials of the family Dasyuridae is surprisingly high. We quantified the thermal biology of the dasyurid Pseudantechinus madonnellensis (body mass ∼30 g) in the wild to gain some understanding of whether the success of dasyurids in the arid zone may be related to some extent to their use of energy conservation strategies. In winter, most free-ranging Pseudantechinus frequently (58.3% of 131 animal days) entered daily torpor after midnight (mean 0157 hours) in rock crevices when outside ambient temperatures (T a) were low. Most animals remained torpid until the next morning when they moved while still torpid from rock crevices to sun-exposed basking sites. We visually observed basking during rewarming from torpor (mean commencement at 0943 hours) at body temperatures (T b) as low as 19.3°C when radiant heat was high and T a was rising. Basking continued for the rest of the day. Torpor use was not strongly correlated with T a, but the temporal organization of daily torpor and activity were apparently linked to the thermal characteristics of basking sites. Our study suggests that by frequently employing daily torpor and basking and by appropriately coordinating their thermal biology with that of specific locations in their environment, Pseudantechinus can reduce daily energy expenditure and thus can live and reproduce in a challenging environment. It is likely that the success of other small dasyurids and perhaps many other small mammals living in deserts is linked to employment of torpor and basking for energy conservation.  相似文献   

The primary function of pulmonary surfactant is to reduce the surface tension (ST) created at the air–liquid interface in the lung. Surfactant is a complex mixture of lipids and proteins and its function is influenced by physiological parameters such as metabolic rate, body temperature and breathing. In the microchiropteran bat Chalinolobus gouldii these parameters fluctuate throughout a 24 h period. Here we examine the surface activity of surfactant from warm–active and torpid bats at both 24°C and 37°C to establish whether alterations in surfactant composition correlate with changes in surface activity. Bats were housed in a specially constructed bat room at Adelaide University, at 24°C and on a 8:16 h light:dark cycle. Surfactant was collected from bats sampled during torpor (25<Tb<28°C), and while active (Tb>35°C). Alterations in the lipid composition of surfactant occur with changes in the activity cycle. Most notable is an increase in surfactant cholesterol (Chol) with decreases in body temperature [Codd et al., Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 73 (2000) 605–612]. Surfactant from active bats was more surface active at higher temperatures, indicated by lower STmin and less film area compression required to reach STmin at 37°C than at 24°C. Conversely, surfactant from torpid bats was more active at lower temperatures, indicated by lower STmin and less area compression required to reach STmin at 24°C than at 37°C. Alterations in the Chol content of bat surfactant appear to be crucial to allow it to achieve low STs during torpor.  相似文献   

Many small desert dasyurids employ torpor almost daily during winter, because cold nights and low food availability impose high energetic costs. However, in Western Australia the arid zone extends into tropical, coastal regions, where winter temperature conditions are far less severe. We studied the thermal biology and activity patterns of free-ranging kaluta (~27 g), a dasyurid restricted to these tropical spinifex deserts, during the Austral winter (June–July) and in addition quantified activity patterns in captivity. Unlike most dasyurids, wild and captive kalutas were almost exclusively diurnal and retreated into underground burrows during the night. Despite being active during the warmer part of the day, kalutas entered torpor daily. However, torpor patterns differed remarkably between males and females. While females spent most of the night torpid at body temperatures (T b) as low as 21°C, close to soil temperature, males entered multiple short and shallow bouts (T b > 25°C) during the night. Males also maintained higher T bs during the early morning when active, occupied larger home ranges and covered greater distances while foraging than females. Hence, males appear to expend more energy than the similar-sized females both while foraging and during the rest phase. We propose that physiological as well as behavioural preparations for the September mating season that culminate in a complete male die-off might already impose energetic costs on males during winter.  相似文献   

Limited information is available on basking behaviour in torpid mammals and its energetic consequences. We investigated the effects of physiological and behavioural strategies on the energetics of the fat-tailed dunnart (Sminthopsis crassicaudata). Metabolic rate and body temperature during torpor, basking and rest were measured over 24 h in response to simulated environmental conditions: (a) constant ambient temperature (T a) of 15°C, (b) constant T a of 15°C with access to a radiant heat lamp, (c) a T a cycle (range 15–31°C), and (d) a T a cycle with access to a radiant heat lamp. When a radiant heat source was provided, all dunnarts (n = 16) basked during all measurements, which resulted in energy savings of up to 74% during rest. Overall, torpor was used on 59% of measurements with a maximum duration of 16.2 h and reductions in metabolic rate of 90% compared to normothermic values. Torpid dunnarts actively moved from a shaded area to position themselves under the heat lamp with body temperatures as low as 17.5°C and thereby reduced rewarming costs by 66%. We demonstrated, for the first time in the laboratory, that torpid animals actively move to a heat source to bask, and that this behaviour results in considerable energy savings. Our finding supports the view that basking during normothermia and rewarming from torpor substantially reduces energetic requirements, which may be important for the survival of small dasyurids living on limited resources in the Australian arid zone.  相似文献   

Information regarding passerine heterothermy and torpor is scant, although many species are small and must cope with a fluctuating food supply and presumably would benefit from energy savings afforded by torpor. We studied whether insectivorous Dusky Woodswallows (Artamus cyanopterus; ∼35 g) enter spontaneous torpor (food ad libitum) when held outdoors as a pair in autumn/winter. Woodswallows displayed pronounced and regular daily fluctuations in body temperature (T b) over the entire study period. The mean T b ranged from ∼39°C to 40°C (photophase, day time) and ∼33°C to 36°C (scotophase, night time). However, on 88% of bird nights, nocturnal T b minima fell to < 35°C. The lowest T b observed in air was 29.2°C. However, when a bird fell into water its T b dropped further to ∼22°C; this T b was regulated for several hours and the bird survived. Our observations suggest that heterothermy is a normal part of the daily thermal regime for woodswallows to minimise energy expenditure. Spontaneous nocturnal torpor in captive woodswallows suggests that torpor in the wild may be more pronounced than recorded here because free-living birds are likely challenged by both low food availability and adverse weather.  相似文献   

Knowledge about torpor in free-ranging subtropical bats is scarce and it is widely believed that low and stable ambient temperatures are necessary for prolonged torpor. We present temperature-telemetry data from free-ranging male (n = 4) and female (n = 4) subtropical vespertilionid bats, Nyctophilus bifax (~10 g), exposed to pronounced daily fluctuations of ambient temperature. All bats used torpor on every day in winter and both males and females exhibited multi-day torpor bouts of up to 5.4 days. Although females were larger than males, patterns of torpor were similar in both sexes. Torpor use was correlated with prevailing weather conditions and, on days when bats remained torpid, maximum ambient temperature was significantly lower than on days when bats aroused. Moreover, the duration of interbout normothermic periods at night increased with increasing average nightly ambient temperature. Skin temperature of torpid bats varied by 10.2 ± 3.6°C day−1 (n = 8, N = 47) and daily minimum skin temperature was positively correlated with the daily minimum ambient temperature. Our study shows that prolonged torpor is an important component of the winter ecology of a subtropical bat and that torpor and activity patterns of N. bifax predominantly reflect prevailing weather conditions.  相似文献   

J. Schmid 《Oecologia》2000,123(2):175-183
Patterns and energetic consequences of spontaneous daily torpor were measured in the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) under natural conditions of ambient temperature and photoperiod in a dry deciduous forest in western Madagascar. Over a period of two consecutive dry seasons, oxygen consumption (VO2) and body temperature (T b) were measured on ten individuals kept in outdoor enclosures. In all animals, spontaneous daily torpor occurred on a daily basis with torpor bouts lasting from 3.6 to 17.6 h, with a mean torpor bout duration of 9.3 h. On average, body temperatures in torpor were 17.3±4.9°C with a recorded minimum value of 7.8°C. Torpor was not restricted to the mouse lemurs’ diurnal resting phase: entries occurred throughout the night and arousals mainly around midday, coinciding with the daily ambient temperature maximum. Arousal from torpor was a two-phase process with a first passive, exogenous heating where the T b of animals increased from the torpor T b minimum to a mean value of 27.1°C before the second, endogenous heat production commenced to further raise T b to normothermic values. Metabolic rate during torpor (28.6±13.2 ml O2 h–1) was significantly reduced by about 76% compared to resting metabolic rate (132.6±50.5 ml O2 h–1). On average, for all M. murinus individuals measured, hypometabolism during daily torpor reduced daily energy expenditure by about 38%. In conclusion, all these energy-conserving mechanisms of the nocturnal mouse lemurs, with passive exogenous heating during arousal from torpor, low minimum torpor T bs, and extended torpor bouts into the activity phase, comprise an important and highly adapted mechanism to minimize energetic costs in response to unfavorable environmental conditions and may play a crucial role for individual fitness. Received: 8 July 1999 / Accepted: 3 December 1999  相似文献   

Most studies of hibernation physiology sample individuals from populations within a single geographic area, yet some species have large ranges meaning populations likely experience area-specific levels of energetic challenges. As well, few studies have assessed within-season variation. Since physiological adjustments often are influenced by environmental factors, and the types of environments vary with geography, we expected variance in hibernation patterns among geographically separated populations. Our specific goal was to measure intraspecific variation in torpid metabolic rate (TMR) and body temperature (T b) as a function of ambient temperature (T a) for a non-migratory and migratory species to determine whether there is a continuum in physiological responses based on latitude. We chose big brown (Eptesicus fuscus) and eastern red bats (Lasiurus borealis) as model species and sampled individuals from populations throughout each species’ winter range. In both species, individuals from southern populations maintained higher TMR at cooler T as and lower TMR at warmer T as than those from northern populations. Big brown bats from southern populations regulated T b during torpor at higher levels and there was no significant difference in T b between populations of eastern red bats. Although metabolic responses were similar across the gradient between species, the effect was more dramatic in big brown bats. Our data demonstrate a continuum in thermoregulatory response, ranging from classic hibernation in northern populations to a pattern more akin to daily torpor in southern populations. Our research highlights the potential usefulness of bats as model organisms to address questions about within-species physiological variation in wild populations.  相似文献   

The lesser mouse lemur, a small Malagasy primate, is exposed to strong seasonal variations in ambient temperature and food availability in its natural habitat. To face these environmental constraints, this nocturnal primate exhibits biological seasonal rhythms that are photoperiodically driven. To determine the role of daylength on thermoregulatory responses to changes in ambient temperature, evaporative water loss (EWL), body temperature (T b) and oxygen consumption, measured as resting metabolic rate (RMR), were measured in response to ambient temperatures ranging from 5 °C to 35 °C, in eight males exposed to either short (10L:14D) or long (14L:10D) daylengths in controlled captive conditions. In both photoperiods, EWL, T b and RMR were significantly modified by ambient temperatures. Exposure to ambient temperatures below 25 °C was associated with a decrease in T b and an increase in RMR, whereas EWL remained constant. Heat exposure caused an increase in T b and heat loss through evaporative pathways. Thermoregulatory responses to changes in ambient temperature significantly differed according to daylength. Daily variations in T b and EWL were characterized by high values during the night. During the diurnal rest, lower values were found and a phase of heterothermia occurred in the early morning followed by a spontaneous rewarming. The amplitude of T b decrease with or without the occurrence of torpor (T b < 33 °C) was dependent on both ambient temperature and photoperiod. This would support the hypothesis of advanced thermoregulatory processes in mouse lemurs in response to selective environmental pressure, the major external cue being photoperiodic variations. Accepted: 4 August 1998  相似文献   

Arctic ground squirrels overwintering in northern Alaska experience average soil temperature of −10°C. To examine energetic costs of arousing from hibernation under arctic compared to temperate conditions, captive ground squirrels were maintained in ambient temperatures (T a) of 2, −5 and −12°C. Rates of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production were used to estimate metabolic rate and fuel use during the three phases of arousal episodes: rewarming, euthermia, and recooling. Respiratory quotient comparisons suggest exclusive use of lipid during rewarming and mixed fuel use during euthermia. Animals rewarming from torpor at T a −12°C took longer, consumed more oxygen, and attained higher peak rates of oxygen consumption when compared to 2°C. T a had no significant effect on cost or duration of the euthermic phase. Animals recooled faster at −12°C than at 2°C, but total oxygen consumption was not different. T a had no significant effect on the total cost of arousal episodes when all three phases are included. Arousal episodes account for 86% of estimated costs of a complete hibernation cycle including torpor when at 2°C and only 23% at −12°C. Thus, due to the higher costs of steady-state metabolism during torpor, proportional metabolic costs of arousal episodes at T a characteristic of the Arctic are diminished compared to relative costs of arousals in more temperate conditions.  相似文献   

Most research on mammalian heterothermic responses in southern Africa tends to be laboratory based and biased towards rodents and smaller members of the Afrotheria. In this study, we continuously measured body temperature of southern African hedgehogs (Atelerix frontalis) between April and August 2009 (−10°C < T a < 43°C), kept under semi-captive conditions. A. frontalis showed a high propensity for torpor with animals spending up to 84% of the measurement period torpid. During this study, A. frontalis displayed the lowest T b min (ca 1°C) yet recorded in an Afrotropical placental heterotherm. Bout lengths of between 0.7 h (40 min) and 116.3 h (4.8 days) were recorded. Differences in bout length were observed between lighter individuals compared with an individual exhibiting a higher body mass at the onset of winter, with low M b individuals exhibiting daily torpor whereas a heavier individual exhibited torpor bouts that were indicative of hibernation. Our results suggest that heterothermic responses are an important feature in the energy balance equation of this species and that body mass at the onset of winter may determine the patterns of heterothermy utilised in this species.  相似文献   

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