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利用改进的冰冻切片法结合间接免疫荧光标记技术对甘蔗茎尖细胞有丝分裂过程中微管骨架的变化进行了研究。结果表明,在甘蔗茎尖细胞有丝分裂过程中存在4种循序变化的典型微管列阵,即周质微管、早前期微管带、纺锤体微管及成膜体微管。同时,还观察到在各种典型微管列阵相互转变过程中存在各种微管列阵的过渡状态。甘蔗茎尖正在伸长的幼叶部位细胞的周质微管主要为与细胞伸长轴相垂直的横向周质微管:茎尖幼叶部位伸长缓慢细胞的微管主要为纵向及斜向排列的周质微管,在甘蔗茎尖幼叶基部初生增粗分生组织处,横向、斜向、纵向及随机排列的周质微管列阵均有分布。在少数分裂前期的细胞中,发现细胞具有2条早前期微管带,其具体功能还不清楚。表明甘蔗茎尖细胞微管列阵的变化与许多双子叶植物及部分单子叶植物具有共同的变化规律,进一步证明微管骨架的周期性变化在植物中具有普遍性。  相似文献   

利用改进的冰冻切片法结合间接免疫荧光标记技术对甘蔗茎尖细胞有丝分裂过程中微管骨架的变化进行了研究。结果表明, 在甘蔗茎尖细胞有丝分裂过程中存在4种循序变化的典型微管列阵,即周质微管、早前期微管带、纺锤体微管及成膜体微管。同时, 还观察到在各种典型微管列阵相互转变过程中存在各种微管列阵的过渡状态。甘蔗茎尖正在伸长的幼叶部位细胞的周质微管主要为与细胞伸长轴相垂直的横向周质微管; 茎尖幼叶部位伸长缓慢细胞的微管主要为纵向及斜向排列的周质微管,在甘蔗茎尖幼叶基部初生增粗分生组织处, 横向、斜向、纵向及随机排列的周质微管列阵均有分布。在少数分裂前期的细胞中, 发现细胞具有2条早前期微管带, 其具体功能还不清楚。表明甘蔗茎尖细胞微管列阵的变化与许多双子叶植物及部分单子叶植物具有共同的变化规律, 进一步证明微管骨架的周期性变化在植物中具有普遍性。  相似文献   

利用冰冻切片法结合间接免疫荧光标记技术对割手密茎尖细胞有丝分裂过程中微管骨架的变化进行了研究。结果表明:在割手密茎尖细胞有丝分裂过程中存在4种循序变化的典型微管列阵,即周质微管、早前期微管带、纺锤体微管及成膜体微管。在割手密初生增粗分生组织细胞中观察到的大多数是周质微管列阵,很少观察到其它3种典型的微管列阵,这可能这是割手密茎较小的原因之一。  相似文献   

何群  尤瑞麟 《植物学通报》2004,21(5):547-555
微管骨架在植物发育过程中起重要作用.由于植物细胞的特殊性,与动物细胞相比植物微管骨架的研究遇到更多的困难.简略地介绍了曾被国内外学者应用的植物微管骨架的各种研究方法及其局限性.Steedman's wax是一种多脂蜡.它熔点低(35~37℃),具有与石蜡相同的切片性质,能够切成不同厚度的连续切片,适合深埋于器官内部的组织或细胞的免疫细胞化学研究.介绍了应用Steedman's wax切片法观察植物细胞微管骨架的一般程序和方法以及经过作者检验且切实可行的一些技术改进.  相似文献   

小麦叶片细胞周质微管的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用铜网粘附-负染色法,并结合超薄切片,对小麦幼叶和成熟叶片细胞内的周质微管进行了研究,结果如下: (1) 粘附于铜网支持膜上的质膜片段,往往包含一个组织中心的微管体系。微管组织中心具有电子致密度很高的浓密物质。微管从组织中心呈辐射状或扇形分布。微管之间,有单个或数根成束排列, 有的相互平行,有的则相互交叉形成网状结构。微管的外径为24—24.76毫微米,最大长度为12微米。(2) 周质微管与质膜之间有密切联系,两者之间有连丝结构(“桥”)相连接。微管-桥-质膜三者结合形成一个稳定的体系。(3) 不仅质膜能粘附于铜网的福尔马支持膜上,分离原生质体残留的细胞壁纤维素微丝也能粘附于其上。被粘附的网状排列的纤维素微丝与幼叶细胞中周质微管的网状排列相一致,说明周质微管与纤维素微丝排列方向的密切关系。(4) 正在迅速生长的幼叶细胞比成熟叶片具有更多的周质微管和小泡结构(Vesicles),显示这两种细胞器的数量与细胞生长及细胞壁增生加厚的活动强度成正相关。  相似文献   

利用免疫荧光定位及激光共聚焦扫描显微镜,结合细胞生长曲线的定量测定,对不同生长阶段的轮藻节间细胞微管骨架进行了观察研究,结果如下:轮藻顶端生长活跃的新生细胞中,与细胞长轴垂直的周质微管(cortical microtubules)占绝对优势,随着生长速率的减慢,周质微管由垂直于细胞长轴逐渐转为平行排列;基部生长基本停止的节间细胞中,胞内微管则以平行细胞长轴为主;不同生长阶段节间细胞的微管骨架,对微管特异解聚剂黄草消(oryzalin)处理的敏感性表现不相同。顶端生长活跃的节间细胞经oryzalin处理40min后,绝大多数周质微管发生解聚;而基部生长基本停止的老细胞中,即使延长处理时间,仍残留一些尚未完全解聚的微管片段;10μmol/L微管解聚剂oryzalin处理轮藻顶端新生细胞,在高精度的细胞伸长生长测定装置监测下,发现oryzalin对细胞的伸长生长速率有明显的抑制作用,去掉药剂后,伸长生长又有一定的恢复。并且发现,经o-ryzalin处理后,微管的解聚(40min左右)与顶端节间细胞伸长生长的停止(100min左右)两者间存在着时间上的差异,即微管解聚在先,细胞伸长停止在后。以上结果均说明微管骨架在轮藻节间细胞生长中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

微管骨架在轮藻节间细胞伸长生长中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用免疫荧光定位及激光共聚焦扫描显微镜,结合细胞生长曲线的定量测定,对不同生长阶段的轮藻节间细胞微管骨架进行了观察研究,结果如下:轮藻顶端生长活跃的新生细胞中,与细胞长轴垂直的周质微管(cortical microtubules)占绝对优势,随着生长速率的减慢,周质微管由垂直于细胞长轴逐渐转为平行排列;基部生长基本停止的节间细胞中,胞内微管则以平行细胞长轴为主;不同生长阶段节间细胞的微管骨架,对微管特异解聚剂黄草消(oryzalin)处理的敏感性表现不相同。顶端生长活跃的节间细胞经oryzalin处理40min后,绝大多数周质微管发生解聚;而基部生长基本停止的老细胞中,即使延长处理时间,仍残留一些尚未完全解聚的微管片段;10μmol/L微管解聚剂oryzalin处理轮藻顶端新生细胞,在高精度的细胞伸长生长测定装置监测下,发现oryzalin对细胞的伸长生长速率有明显的抑制作用,去掉药剂后,伸长生长又有一定的恢复。并且发现,经oryzalin处理后,微管的解聚(40min左右)与顶端节间细胞伸长生长的停止(100min左右)两者间存在着时间上的差异,即微管解聚在先,细胞伸长停止在后。以上结果均说明微管骨架在轮藻节间细胞生长中具有重要作用。  相似文献   

何群  尤瑞麟 《植物学报》2004,21(5):547-555
微管骨架在植物发育过程中起重要作用。由于植物细胞的特殊性,与动物细胞相比植物微管骨 架的研究遇到更多的困难。简略地介绍了曾被国内外学者应用的植物微管骨架的各种研究方法及其局限 性。Steedman's wax是一种多脂蜡。它熔点低(35~37℃),具有与石蜡相同的切片性质,能够切成不同厚 度的连续切片,适合深埋于器官内部的组织或细胞的免疫细胞化学研究。介绍了应用Steedman's wax 切 片法观察植物细胞微管骨架的一般程序和方法以及经过作者检验且切实可行的一些技术改进。  相似文献   

微管作为细胞骨架的重要成员, 在植物生长发育过程中起重要作用。下胚轴作为研究细胞伸长的模式系统之一, 其伸长受到多种信号的调节。该文综述了微管骨架在响应环境和生长发育信号调节下胚轴伸长过程中的作用及机制, 旨在帮助读者深入理解微管骨架响应上游信号在植物下胚轴伸长中的作用机理。  相似文献   

以小麦幼苗根尖为材料,采用间接免疫荧光标记技术并结合激光共聚焦扫描显微系统,研究了增强紫外线B(ultraviolet-B,UV-B)辐射(10.08 kJ·m~(-2)·d~(-1))对小麦根尖细胞微管骨架的影响,为进一步研究微管骨架与"分束分裂"的关系打下基础。研究表明,小麦根尖分裂过程中微管骨架排列呈现一定的周期性,对照组中微管周期结构明显清晰,荧光较强。而增强UV-B辐射处理的小麦根尖细胞中,其微管结构紊乱,周质微管骨架定向发生改变,或解聚呈片段和点状分布;出现两条早前期带的异常结构,纺锤体微管聚集,末期成膜体弥散或缺失。  相似文献   

Microtubules or microtubule bundles in cells often grow longer than the size of the cell, which causes their shape and organization to adapt to constraints imposed by the cell geometry. We test the reciprocal role of elasticity and confinement in the organization of growing microtubules in a confining box-like geometry, in the absence of other (active) microtubule organizing processes. This is inspired, for example, by the cortical microtubule array of elongating plant cells, where microtubules are typically organized in an aligned array transverse to the cell elongation axis. The method we adopt is a combination of analytical calculations, in which the polymers are modeled as inextensible filaments with bending elasticity confined to a two-dimensional surface that defines the limits of a three-dimensional space, and in vitro experiments, in which microtubules are polymerized from nucleation seeds in microfabricated chambers. We show that these features are sufficient to organize the polymers in aligned, coiling configurations as for example observed in plant cells. Though elasticity can account for the regularity of these arrays, it cannot account for a transverse orientation of microtubules to the cell's long axis. We therefore conclude that an additional active, force-generating process is necessary to create a coiling configuration perpendicular to the long axis of the cell.  相似文献   

Summary To determine the orientation of cortical microtubule arrays in mesophyll cells ofZinnia, a new technique designed to increase the rate of fixation of excised leaf tissue and subsequent permeabilization of mesophyll cell walls was developed. This procedure resulted in immunolabeling of high percentages of mesophyll cells, making it possible to quantify cells with different types of cortical microtubule arrays. When developing palisade mesophyll cells were fixed in situ, most of the cells had cortical microtubules organized in parallel arrays oriented transverse to the long axis. Delay in the transfer of leaf tissue to fixative resulted in increased numbers of cells with random cortical microtubule orientations, indicating that arrays may become reoriented rapidly during leaf excision and cell isolation procedures. The role of wound-induced microtubule reorientation in mesophyll dedifferentiation and tracheary element development is discussed.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CMT cortical microtubule - TE tracheary element - TBS tris-buffered saline  相似文献   

C. J. Hogan 《Protoplasma》1987,138(2-3):126-136
Summary A monoclonal antibody to higher plant tubulin was used to trace microtubule (MT) structures by immunofluorescence throughout mitosis and meiosis in two angiosperms,Lycopersicon esculentum andOrnithogalum virens. Root tip cells showed stage specific MT patterns typical of higher plant cells. These included parallel cortical interphase arrays oriented perpendicular to the long axis of the cell, preprophase band MTs in late interphase through prophase, barrelshaped spindles, and finally phragmoplasts. Pollen mother cell divisions exhibited randomly oriented cortical MT arrays in prophase I, pointed spindles during karyokinesis, and elongate phragmoplasts. A preprophase band was not observed in either meiotic division. MT initiation sites were seen as broad zones associated with the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

Summary Cortical microtubules (MTs) at indifferent zones in immatureNitella internodes were investigated by injection of fluorescently tagged sheep brain tubulin into living cells and by immunofluorescence on fixed material. Nearly identical MT patterns and numbers were detected with the two techniques, indicating that sheep brain tubulin incorporated into all cortical MTs. MTs were aligned transversely to the long axis of the cell and approximately one MT was present every micrometer of longitudinal cell distance. Treatment of internodes with propionic acid to acidify cytosolic pH caused depolymerization of MTs and an increase in the unpolymerized tubulin pool. Transfer of young, vigorously elongating cells to media inducing premature growth cessation resulted in a slight decrease in microtubule numbers but did not significantly alter microtubule orientation patterns or microtubule lifespans. MTs remained transverse for days following growth cessation before finally assuming a more random alignment characteristic of mature, non-growing internodes. No differences in MT numbers, orientation, or dynamics were detected between acid and alkaline bands in internodes incubated in a band-inducing medium. Thus, properties of cortical MT arrays were not closely coupled to growth status or to regional differences in cellular physiology associated with pH banding.Abbrevations BIM band-inducing medium - CCM Chara culture medium - CF carboxyfluorescein - FRAP fluorescence redistribution after photobleaching - MT microtubule  相似文献   

The distribution of F-actin cables in dividing endosperm cells of a higher plant, Haemanthus, was visualized with the immunogold-silver-enhanced method and compared with the arrangement of immunogold-stained microtubules in the same cells. The three-dimensional distribution of F-actin cables and microtubules during mitosis and cell plate formation was analyzed using ultrathin optical sectioning of whole mounts in polarized light video microscopy. F-actin cables form a loose irregular network in the interphase cytoplasm. Much of this network remains outside of the spindle during mitosis. A few F-actin cables were detected within the spindle. Their pronounced rearrangement during mitosis appears to be related to the presence and growth of microtubule arrays. During prometaphase, actin cables located on the spindle surface and those present within the spindle tend to arrange parallel to the long axis of the spindle. Cables outside the spindle do not reorient, except those at the polar region, where they appear to be compressed by the elongating spindle. Beginning with mid-anaphase, shorter actin cables oriented in various directions accumulate at the equator. Some of them are incorporated into the phragmoplast and cell plate and are gradually fragmented as the cell plate is formed and ages. Actin cables adjacent to microtubule arrays often show a regular punctate staining pattern. Such a pattern is seldom observed in the peripheral cytoplasm, which contains few microtubules. The rearrangement of F-actin cables mimicks the behavior of spindle inclusions, such as starch grains, mitochondria, etc., implying that F-actin is redistributed passively by microtubule growth or microtubule-related transport. Thus F-actin or actomyosin-based motility does not appear to be directly involved in mitosis and cytokinesis in higher plants.  相似文献   

The process of microtubule nucleation in plant cells is still a major question in plant cell biology. gamma-Tubulin is known as one of the key molecular players for microtubule nucleation in animal and fungal cells. Here, we provide genetic evidence that in Arabidopsis thaliana, gamma-tubulin is required for the formation of spindle, phragmoplast, and cortical microtubule arrays. We used a reverse genetics approach to investigate the role of the two Arabidopsis gamma-tubulin genes in plant development and in the formation of microtubule arrays. Isolation of mutants in each gene and analysis of two combinations of gamma-tubulin double mutants showed that the two genes have redundant functions. The first combination is lethal at the gametophytic stage. Disruption of both gamma-tubulin genes causes aberrant spindle and phragmoplast structures and alters nuclear division in gametophytes. The second combination of gamma-tubulin alleles affects late seedling development, ultimately leading to lethality 3 weeks after germination. This partially viable mutant combination enabled us to follow dynamically the effects of gamma-tubulin depletion on microtubule arrays in dividing cells using a green fluorescent protein marker. These results establish the central role of gamma-tubulin in the formation and organization of microtubule arrays in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Microtubule organization is key to eukaryotic cell structure and function. In most animal cells, interphase microtubules organize around the centrosome, the major microtubule organizing centre (MTOC). Interphase microtubules can also become organized independently of a centrosome, but how acentrosomal microtubules arrays form and whether they are functionally equivalent to centrosomal arrays remains poorly understood. Here, we show that the interphase microtubule arrays of fission yeast cells can persist independently of nuclear-associated MTOCs, including the spindle pole body (SPB)--the centrosomal equivalent. By artificially enucleating cells, we show that arrays can form de novo (self-organize) without nuclear-associated MTOCs, but require the microtubule nucleator mod20-mbo1-mto1 (refs 3-5), the bundling factor ase1 (refs 6,7), and the kinesin klp2 (refs 8,9). Microtubule arrays in enucleated and nucleated cells are morphologically indistinguishable and similarly locate to the cellular axis and centre. By simultaneously tracking nuclear-independent and SPB-associated microtubule arrays within individual nucleated cells, we show that both define the cell centre with comparable precision. We propose that in fission yeast, nuclear-independent, self-organized, acentrosomal microtubule arrays are structurally and functionally equivalent to centrosomal arrays.  相似文献   

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