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为考察鲤科鱼类易钓性种内差异的表型基础、生态结果及饥饿响应, 研究以异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)幼鱼为实验对象, 在饥饿前(对照组)测定其表型特征(能量代谢、游泳能力和个性行为)并垂钓, 随后在饥饿1周后再次垂钓(饥饿组), 最后进行2周的恢复摄食生长实验(恢复组)。垂钓实验具有4个重复, 每个重复的样本量为40尾, 垂钓1.5h即停止, 垂钓20尾为钓出组, 剩余20尾为未钓出组。研究发现: 除钓出组的相对代谢空间(FAS)小于未钓出组外, 钓出组的外部形态(体重、体长和肥满度)、能量代谢参数(标准代谢率SMR、最大代谢率MMR和代谢空间AS)、游泳能力(最大匀加速游泳能力Ucat和最大有氧运动能力Ugt)及个性行为(探索性、活跃性和勇敢性)与未钓出组均无明显差异(所有P>0.05); 在经历捕食者模拟袭击后, 实验鱼勇敢性的潜伏时间比大于探索性, 导致勇敢性的运动时间比和穿门频率小于探索性。SMR与Ucat及Ugt不相关(P>0.05), 但MMR和AS与Ucat及Ugt均呈正相关(P<0.05); 能量代谢参数与个性行为存在部分相关。饥饿增加异育银鲫的垂钓总时间、单尾平均垂钓时间和单尾垂钓时间的变异系数。钓出组在饥饿期的特定生长率(SGR)小于未钓出组, 而恢复期钓出组的SGR与未钓出组无显著差异; 除MMR和AS外, SMR与饥饿期及恢复期的SGR均呈负相关(P<0.05), 即SMR越高个体在饥饿期间的体重下降更快, 在恢复摄食后生长却较慢。研究表明: 异育银鲫幼鱼的易钓性可能不具备表型基础, 并且因环境食物匮乏而降低; 虽然饥饿期间两种易钓性表型个体的生态结果存在差异, 但该生长差异在营养恢复后消失, 表明异育银鲫的易钓性具有一定的环境依赖性。  相似文献   

曾令清  付世建  曹振东 《生态学报》2016,36(6):1746-1755
为考察鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼标准代谢的个体差异与运动力竭后代谢特征和行为的关系,在(25.0±0.5)℃条件下测定80尾鲫幼鱼标准代谢率(SMR),筛选出40尾实验鱼[体重(13.54±0.20)g,体长(8.05±0.07)cm],其中包括20尾高SMR个体和20尾低SMR个体,测定运动至力竭实验鱼的最大代谢率(MMR),并计算代谢空间(AS=MMR-SMR)、相对代谢空间(FAS)和过量耗氧(EPOC)总量,随后测定单尾鱼的快速启动行为[反应时间(RT)、最大线速度(Umax)、最大线加速度(Amax)和120ms移动距离(S120)]以及个性行为(勇敢性和活跃性)。结果显示鲫幼鱼的SMR与AS、FAS和EPOC总量均呈负相关,而与MMR不相关;MMR与AS、FAS和EPOC总量均呈正相关;协方差分析显示高SMR个体组的代谢恢复速率与低SMR个体组无显著差异。鲫幼鱼的SMR与快速启动行为的RT呈正相关,与Amax呈负相关,而与Umax和S120均不相关。在快速启动行为中,鲫幼鱼的RT与Umax、Amax和S120均呈负相关,而Umax与Amax和S120呈正相关。鲫幼鱼的SMR与其勇敢性指标如潜伏期(L)、曝露时间(ET)和探头频率(AF)以及活跃性指标如运动时间比(PTM)、撞墙频率(FHW)均不相关,但鲫幼鱼的PTM与FHW和ET呈正相关。研究表明在实验室条件下鲫幼鱼的能量代谢特征、快速启动和个性行为存在明显的个体差异现象,并且部分表型特征之间存在权衡,提示这些权衡可能是鲫幼鱼的生理、行为与栖息环境相互作用的综合结果。  相似文献   

曾令清  付成  奚露  彭姜岚  付世建 《生态学报》2017,37(14):4807-4816
自然界中动物的表型特征(如形态、生理和行为)存在明显的种内个体差异,并且该差异在不同环境条件下保持稳定。为考察鲤科鱼类能量代谢和个性行为的个体差异及二者的关联,以鳊(Parabramis pekinensis)幼鱼为实验对象,在(25.0±0.5)℃条件下测定30尾鳊幼鱼的标准代谢率(SMR)、最大代谢率(MMR,由力竭运动诱导)和过量耗氧(EPOC)并计算代谢空间(MS)和相对代谢空间(FAS),随后测定鳊幼鱼的勇敢性(Boldness)和活跃性(Activity)两个个性行为学指标(测定Ⅰ),1个月后(测定Ⅱ)重复测定该种鱼的上述表型特征参数。结果显示:(1)1个月后鳊幼鱼的体重和体长均显著增加且具有较好的重复性(二者P0.05)。(2)除MMR、MS、FAS和EPOC外,鳊幼鱼SMR具有明显的重复性;SMR与MS、FAS以及EPOC均呈现负相关(所有P0.05),与MMR不相关;MS和FAS与MMR呈现正相关(二者P0.01);实验期间,鳊幼鱼部分能量代谢参数的相关性保持不变。(3)鳊的勇敢性(潜伏时间)重复性较差,且测定Ⅱ鳊幼鱼的潜伏时间明显增加(P0.05),测定Ⅰ和测定Ⅱ的潜伏时间与SMR均不相关;活跃性的移动路程、游泳速度和运动时间比的重复性较差,三者之间的正相关不受时间影响;相比较测定Ⅰ,测定Ⅱ鳊幼鱼活跃性的3个指标均明显增加(所有P0.05)。(4)不论测定Ⅰ还是测定Ⅱ鳊幼鱼的SMR与实验期间特定体重增长率(SGR)均呈正相关(二者P0.01)。研究表明在实验室环境条件下鳊幼鱼的能量代谢和个性行为具有非平行的变化规律和重复性,表型特征之间存在关联,并且这些关联受环境条件的影响程度不尽相同;研究还提示该种鱼的SMR在短期内可预测个体的生长率。  相似文献   

自然界鱼类不断遭受人类垂钓压力的影响,鱼类易钓性存在明显的种内个体差异,并且不同种鱼类的易钓性不尽相同。为考察不同种鲤科鱼类的易钓性差异及其是否与外部形态存在关联,本研究以中国广泛养殖的鲤科鱼类异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio)和鲤(Cyprinus carpio)幼鱼为实验对象,在实验室(25±0.5)℃条件下对大小相当、体重相近的3个处理组[异育银鲫、鲤及混合组(异育银鲫+鲤)]进行垂钓;每个处理组均设3个重复,每个重复包括40尾实验鱼,每个重复垂钓20尾鱼则停止该组的垂钓活动,记录垂钓成功每尾鱼的时间和序号,计算垂钓总时间及单尾被钓平均时间。结果表明:混合组鲤的体长大于其他组;鲤幼鱼组的肥满度显著高于其他组,混合组鲤和异育银鲫高易钓性个体的肥满度均大于低易钓性个体;在实验过程中,3个实验组的垂钓总时间无明显差异,但单尾被钓平均时间存在明显差异,其中混合组鲤单尾被钓平均时间显著长于异育银鲫组;混合组中异育银鲫幼鱼被钓的数量比例明显高于该组的鲤幼鱼,而钓出鲤幼鱼的平均被钓次序号大于异育银鲫幼鱼。研究表明:相比较于鲤幼鱼,异育银鲫幼鱼更易被钓;两种鲤科鱼类易钓性差异可能与二者生态习性及形态密切有关。  相似文献   

在自然界中,环境变化、季节更替和人为因素造成食物资源时空分布的不均一性,导致鱼类经常面临食物资源短缺的环境胁迫,对其能量代谢和行为造成一定影响。为考察食物资源短缺下暖水性鲤科鱼类能量代谢、个性与集群行为的应对策略及其可能的内在关联,选取中华倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus sinensis)幼鱼为实验对象,分别测定饥饿组(2周)和对照组(维持日粮)在处理前后实验鱼的标准代谢率(Standard metabolic rate,SMR)、个性行为(勇敢性、探索性和活跃性)以及实验处理后的集群行为(凝聚力和协调性)。研究发现:(1)饥饿组和对照组实验过程中实验鱼SMR均显著下降,但仅饥饿组实验鱼SMR具有重复性;(2)饥饿导致中华倒刺鲃幼鱼勇敢性、探索性、活跃性均显著增加;(3)饥饿导致群体成员间距离缩短,游泳速度及其同步性上升。研究表明:饥饿后的中华倒刺鲃不仅适应性降低SMR以减少能量消耗,而且呈现出更高的勇敢性、探索性和活跃性以利于获取食物资源;饥饿迫使中华倒刺鲃群体提高凝聚力和协调性,可能有助于提高群体的生存能力。  相似文献   

为考察鲤科鱼类运动能力的个体变异和表型关联及不同加速度对匀加速游泳能力的影响, 研究在(25±0.5)℃条件下测定鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼的静止代谢率(Resting metabolic rate, RMR), 通过临界游泳速度(Critical swimming speed, Ucrit)法和过量耗氧(EPOC)法获取实验鱼的最大代谢率(Maximum metabolic rate, MMR)、代谢空间(Aerobic scope, AS=MMR-RMR)、相对代谢空间(Factorial aerobic scope, FAS=MMR/RMR)、Ucrit及步法转换速度(Gait transition speed, Ugt), 并在不同加速度(0.083、0.167、0.250、0.333 cm/s2)下测定鲫幼鱼的匀加速游泳能力(Constant accelerated test, Ucat)和Ugt。研究发现: 鲫幼鱼的MMR和AS与Ucrit均呈正相关, 但RMR与Ucrit不相关; 能量代谢参数(MMR、AS、RMR)与Ugt不相关。Ucrit法获取的MMR、AS、FAS与EPOC法均无平均值的显著性差异, 但2种方法获得的上述参数具有较高的个体重复性; 鲫幼鱼的能量代谢参数之间存在表型关联并且关联方向不尽相同。鲫幼鱼的Ucrit和Ugt均小于各加速度下的Ucat和Ugt, 加速度对Ucat测定无影响但对Ugt有影响。鲫幼鱼的Ugt与Ucrit或Ucat呈正相关, 并且其匀加速游泳能力参数在不同加速度下保持较高的重复性。除0.333 cm/s2外, 其他加速度下鲫幼鱼Ucat的无氧代谢组分(Ucat-Ugt)与Ucat呈正相关; 然而, 鲫幼鱼的有氧代谢组分(Ugt)与无氧代谢组分(Ucat-Ugt)呈负相关。研究表明: Ucrit法和EPOC法诱导鲫幼鱼的有氧代谢能力无方法学差异; 鲫幼鱼的能量代谢存在表型关联, 其匀加速游泳能力具有稳定个体差异, 并且该种鱼的有氧代谢与无氧代谢存在权衡。  相似文献   

为考察营养状态和代谢范围对鱼类群体行为的影响,研究以锦鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼为实验对象,在(25.4±0.2)℃条件下先测定其摄食代谢和能量代谢(标准代谢率, SMR;最大代谢率, MMR)计算代谢范围(AS=MMR–SMR),再测定5个“营养-AS”处理组的锦鲫鱼群体中的个体空间位置、摄食量及个体特征(如个体游泳速度和加速度)和群体特征(如个体游泳速度同步性、个体间距离、最近邻距离和群体极性)。研究发现:营养状态、饥饿、代谢范围、摄食和消化对鱼群中的个体空间位置均无影响。饥饿和消化对锦鲫群体的凝聚力并无影响,但饥饿降低该种鱼群体协调性的现象仅在消化期间存在,即群体中个体食物获取能力导致消化策略并非相同,由此引发个体游泳运动同步性更加紊乱,最终导致群体协调性下降。在正常营养状态的锦鲫群体中,群体前部的空间可赋予个体获得更多食物资源的生态收益,但饥饿消除该群体中个体空间分布生态收益的异质性。对照组摄食量与摄食水平与预测剩余的AS呈负相关,饥饿组摄食量与摄食水平与预测剩余的AS不相关。研究表明:在正常营养状态的锦鲫群体中,群体前部的空间可赋予个体获得更多食物资源的生态...  相似文献   

为考察不同垂钓强度对鲤科鱼类易钓性和生长的影响, 研究以鲫(Carassius auratus)幼鱼为实验对象, 在实验(26.9±0.1)℃条件下对大小相近和机体健康的3个处理组[高强度组(1d垂钓1次)、中强度组(2d垂钓1次)和低强度组(4d垂钓1次)]进行垂钓实验; 每个垂钓处理组均设3个平行组, 每个平行组包括40尾鱼, 每个组在垂钓10h后则停止该组的垂钓活动, 记录成功垂钓每尾鱼的时间、序号和电子标签信息, 计算垂钓比例、单尾被钓时间、平均垂钓序号、变异系数和实验期间(9d)的生长率。研究发现: 3个垂钓强度组的垂钓比例均随着垂钓次数的增加而呈现下降的变化趋势, 单尾被钓时间呈现增加的变化趋势, 导致垂钓比例与单尾被钓时间呈负相关。除低强度组外, 高、中垂钓强度组的平均垂钓序号随着被钓次数的增加均呈现减小的变化趋势, 并且该2个强度组平均垂钓序号的变异系数随着被钓次数的增多均呈增大的变化趋势; 3个垂钓强度组的平均垂钓序号与其变异系数呈负相关。3个垂钓强度组在实验期间的特定生长率均出现负值情况, 但3个组之间无差异。研究表明: 高强度的垂钓活动会降低鲫幼鱼的易钓性, 并且导致个体生长表现出一定的负面效应, 表明高强度垂钓活动可能影响鱼类野外种群易钓性及其相关的其他表型的进化轨迹。  相似文献   

为考察鲤科鱼类种内个体标准代谢率的差异及其与运动性能和摄食性能的内在关联,本研究以我国广泛分布的鲤(Cyprinids cardio)幼鱼[体重(4.79±0.08)g,n=36]为实验对象,在(25.0±1.0)℃下分别测量实验鱼的标准代谢率(SMR),随后测定单尾鱼的特殊动力作用(SDA)、自发运动、临界游泳速度以及活跃代谢率(MO2active)。实验鱼标准代谢率(SMR)的变幅为76.7~317.6 mg/(kg·h),其变异系数(CV)达24.4%;实验鱼在10 min内的尾鳍摆动次数(P0.05)和摄食代谢峰值(P0.05)均与标准代谢率(SMR)呈正相关;活跃代谢率(MO2active)(P0.05)与摄食代谢峰值以及活跃代谢范围与摄食代谢范围(P0.05)均呈正相关。然而,鲤幼鱼的标准代谢率(SMR)与相对临界游泳速度、活跃代谢率(MO2active)、特殊动力作用(SDA)时间和特殊动力作用(SDA)总量均不相关(所有P0.05)。研究表明,较高标准代谢率(SMR)的鲤幼鱼个体表现较高的活跃性和较强的摄食代谢能力,可能有助于其更易发现食物、逃避天敌以及加快食物处理。  相似文献   

王蕾  付世建 《生态学报》2021,41(11):4428-4435
水生生境中的食物资源经常变化,鱼类的能量代谢和行为随食物丰度改变的可塑性调节具有重要的进化和生态意义。为考察食物丰度对机体行为和代谢的影响,以雌性宽鳍鱲(Zacco Platypus)为实验对象,分别测定实验鱼在高、低食物丰度组4周喂养期前后的标准代谢率(Standard metabolic rate,SMR)、个性及集群行为。研究发现:(1)经4周喂养,高食物丰度组的体重和SMR上升,而低食物丰度组维持不变,喂养期结束时高食物丰度组的体重和SMR均显著大于低食物丰度组;(2)食物丰度对个性没有显著影响,但集群时,低食物丰度组活跃性较高,凝聚力较低;(3)高食物丰度下SMR保持稳定,低食物丰度下SMR不稳定。研究表明:宽鳍鱲的个性不受食物丰度影响;但食物丰度减少导致能量代谢下降、鱼群活跃性上升和凝聚力下降,可能与食物丰度较低时代谢的适应性下调和食物资源竞争加剧导致的觅食活动需求上升相关。  相似文献   

Effects of angling on feeding by largemouth bass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Angling practice significantly effected the time required for largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides to begin feeding. Mean ± s.e. time until feeding resumed was longest for fish that experienced a simulated tournament (15·6 ± 2·2 h) followed by fish that were caught and released (8·4 ± 2·2 h) and controls (0·3 ± 1·6 h). Effects on feeding related to angling practices were maintained throughout the 48 h observation period. Using multiple logistic regression and bioenergetics simulations, decreased growth in fish subjected to competitive or catch-and-release angling events was predicted. Fish subjected to multiple captures in a pond experiment had greater mass loss than those not captured, supporting model predictions.  相似文献   

Over 25 years rod catches of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar increased proportionately as stock size increased ( r 2=0·581, P <0·001), with no overall trend between exploitation rate and stock size ( r 2=0·016, P >0·5). On a 15 year sub-set of these data annual effort ( P =0·804) and flow ( P =0·339) had little significance relative to stock size ( P <0·01) on variation in rod catches. Stock size, time, effort and flows had no influence on inter-annual variation of rod exploitation rate ( r 2=0·094, P =0·880). Pairwise correlation between variables confirmed these results. In 1998, weekly effort contributed significantly to overall catch variation ( P <0·001), while weekly flow did not ( P =0·438). These results are discussed in relation to the utility of rod catch data for deriving estimates of stock for spawning target compliance purposes.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the genetic composition of brown trout Salmo trutta captured by anglers and by electrofishing based on three diagnostic microsatellite loci provided strong evidence that angling is selective in a stocked brown trout population. At two sites, anglers caught significantly younger trout and proportionally more introduced hatchery trout and hybrids than were observed in electrofishing surveys. Selective angling, in combination with a small legal catch size, may have considerably eliminated introduced trout and hybrids before spawning at the study sites, and thus may have reduced the introgression of alien genes into the local gene pool. Angling can be an important factor influencing the genetic structure of fish populations and should be taken into account in studies of introgressive hybridization in stocked fish populations and their management. In this study, demographic consequences of stocking were not assessed. Thus, even though the genetic consequences of stocking may be minimal or largely reversible through angling, resource competition between native and introduced trout, until they reach legal catch size, is expected to have a negative effect on the productivity of the indigenous trout population.  相似文献   

Several traits related to foraging behaviour were assessed in young-of-the-year produced from largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides that had been exposed to four generations of artificial selection for vulnerability to angling. As recreational angling may target foraging ability, this study tested the hypothesis that selection for vulnerability to angling would affect behaviours associated with foraging ecology and prey capture success. Fish selected for low vulnerability to angling captured more prey and attempted more captures than high vulnerability fish. The higher capture attempts, however, ultimately resulted in a lower capture success for low vulnerability fish. Low vulnerability fish also had higher prey rejection rates, marginally shorter reactive distance and were more efficient at converting prey consumed into growth than their high vulnerability counterparts. Selection due to recreational fishing has the potential to affect many aspects of the foraging ecology of the targeted population and highlights the importance of understanding evolutionary effects and how these need to be considered when managing populations.  相似文献   

Effects of angling exploitation on brown trout populations were assessed by comparing fished sections with close ones unfished for at least 20 years, in mountain streams of Asturias (Northern Spain). Both the fish size and age structure significantly differed among sections in the expected direction according to their exploitation status. The main effects were a significant decrease in age structure complexity (diversity), life span, and percent individuals above the legal limit size in the exploited stocks versus the unexploited ones. Trout above the minimum length limit for fishing (18 cm) averaged 19.47% of the fish caught in the unfished sections (sd = 4.01; n = 5), and 4.72% (sd = 3.46; n = 4) in those subjected to angling. Furthermore, fish older than 4 years represented 39.84% (sd = 8.53) and 1.19% (sd = 1.60) of the catch, respectively. Effects on recruitment (density of young fishes) and growth rates (length at age 1 + to 3 +) were not absolutely consistent, though maximum values were associated with fished sections.  相似文献   

Exploitation can modify the characteristics of fish populations through the selective harvesting of individuals, with this potentially leading to rapid ecological and evolutionary changes. Despite the well‐known effects of invasive fishes on aquatic ecosystems generally, the potential effects of their selective removal through angling, a strategy commonly used to manage invasive fish, are poorly understood. The aim of this field‐based study was to use the North American pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus as the model species to investigate the consequences of selective removal on their population characteristics and juvenile growth rates across 10 populations in artificial lakes in southern France. We found that the maximal individual mass in populations decreased as removal pressure through angling increased, whereas we did not observed any changes in the maximal individual length in populations as removal pressure increased. Total population abundance did not decrease as removal pressure increased; instead, here was a U‐shaped relationship between removal pressure and the abundance of medium‐bodied individuals. In addition, population biomass had a U‐shaped curve response to removal pressure, implying that invasive fish populations can modulate their characteristics to compensate for the negative effects of selective removals. In addition, individual lengths at age 2 and juvenile growth rates decreased as removal pressure through angling increased, suggesting a shift toward an earlier size at maturity and an overall slower growing phenotype. Therefore, these outputs challenge the efficiency of selective management methods, suggesting the use of more proactive strategies to control invasive populations, and the need to investigate the potential ecological and evolutionary repercussions of nonrandom removal.  相似文献   

The impact of variation in water temperature and dissolved oxygen on recovery of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides from exercise was examined. For this, largemouth bass were first exercised and recovered for either 1, 2 or 4 h at ambient water temperatures (25° C) in fully oxygenated water. Results showed that exercise forced fish to utilize anaerobic metabolism to meet energy demands, and resulted in reductions in anaerobic energy stores adenosine triphosphate (ATP), Phosphocreatine (PCr) and glycogen. Exercise also resulted in a seven‐fold increase in lactate within white muscle. After 2 h of recovery in oxygenated water at acclimation temperature, physiological recovery from exercise was under way, and by 4 h most variables examined had returned to control levels. Next, largemouth bass were exercised at ambient temperatures and recovered for 2 h in environments with either elevated temperature (32° C), reduced temperature (14 and 20° C), hypoxia or hyperoxia. Both elevated and reduced temperature impaired recovery of tissue lactate and tissue ATP relative to fish recovered in water at acclimation temperature, while hyperoxic water impaired recovery of tissue ATP. Moderately hypoxic waters impaired the recovery of plasma glucose, plasma lactate and tissue PCr relative to fish recovered in fully oxygenated water. Results from this study are discussed in the context of critical oxygen and temperature guidelines for largemouth bass. In addition, several recommendations are made concerning remedial treatments used in livewells (tanks) during angling tournaments when fish are recovering from exercise associated with angling.  相似文献   

During a five year study, the size and abundance of zooplankton and 0+ fish in September were registered in a number of Frisian lakes. The mean size of Daphnia was related to the abundance of planktivorous 0+ fish in September. Immigration of fish larvae into the Frisian Lake District from the IJsselmeer in June was observed in 1979 and 1980. The abundance of 0+ fish was negatively related and the size of Daphnia was positively related to the vulnerability to angling of predatory pikeperch.  相似文献   

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