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21世纪上半叶内蒙古草地植被净初级生产力变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于中国气象局国家气候中心新发布的中短期适应气候变化的新情景(RCP4.5)和极端情景(RCP8.5)下的气候预估数据,采用空间化后的CENTURY模型模拟探讨2011-2050年内蒙古草地植被净初级生产力(NPP)的时空变化特征.结果表明: 区域尺度上,未来气候变化情景下内蒙古草地NPP年下降速率分别为0.57 g C·m-2·a-1(RCP4.5)、0.89 g C·m-2·a-1(RCP8.5);相对于基准时段,RCP4.5情景下内蒙古草地NPP在2020s、2030s、2040s分别下降11.6%、12.0%、18.0%,而RCP8.5情景下降幅分别为23.8%、21.2%、30.1%.不同气候情景下内蒙古草地NPP时空变化特征差异较大,但即使在RCP4.5下未来40年绝大部分草地NPP也将呈现下降趋势,15.6%的草地减产超过20%.这表明未来气候变化情景下内蒙古草地降水略增的态势不足以补偿因温度升高对草地植被初级生产力所产生的负面作用,草地资源的可持续发展将面临更大挑战.  相似文献   

气候变化对我国干旱/半干旱区小麦生产影响的模拟研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用随机天气模型,将气候模式对大气中CO2倍增时预测的气候情景与CERES-小麦模式相连接,研究了气候变化对我国冬小麦和春小麦生产的可能影响。并对水分、温度、CO2综合对小麦的作用进行初步模拟分析。所得结论为:①气候变化后小麦发育将加快,生育期缩短,春小麦生育期缩短的绝对数和相对数均小于冬小麦。②北方十个站点小麦生产的最适水分条件在不同站点、不同气候情景下都有所不同。最适水分条件变幅在40%~80%。③在不考虑CO2对小麦影响的情况下,由于热量充足,只要水分条件适宜,未来我国北方干旱、半干旱地区小麦产量整体都有增产趋势。如果考虑CO2,增产效果更加明显。  相似文献   

全球气候变暖对陆地生态系统尤其是森林生态系统有着重要的影响,气温升高、辐射强迫的增强将显著改变森林生态系统的结构和功能.南方人工林作为我国森林的重要组成部分,对气候变化的响应日益强烈.为了探究未来气候情景下我国南方人工林对气候变化的响应,降低未来气候变化对人工林可能带来的损失,本研究采用3种最新的气候情景—典型浓度排放路径情景(RCP2.6情景、RCP4.5情景、RCP8.5情景)预估数据,应用生态系统过程模型PnET-Ⅱ和空间直观景观模型LANDIS-Ⅱ模拟2014—2094年间湖南省会同森林生态实验站磨哨实验林场森林的地表净初级生产力(ANPP)、物种建立可能性(SEP)和地上生物量的变化.结果表明: 不同森林类型的SEP和ANPP对气候变化的响应有明显的差异,各森林类型对气候变化的响应程度表现为: 对于SEP,在RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下,人工针叶林>天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林;在RCP8.5情景下,天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林>人工针叶林.对于ANPP,在RCP2.6情景下,人工阔叶林>天然阔叶林>人工针叶林;在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林>人工针叶林.人工针叶林的地上生物量在2050年左右开始下降,天然阔叶林和人工阔叶林整体呈现上升趋势.2014—2094年,研究区地上总生物量在不同气候情景下增加幅度不同,RCP2.6情景下增加了68.2%,RCP4.5情景下增加了79.3%,RCP8.5情景下增加了72.6%.3种情景下的总地上生物量大小排序为: RCP4.5> RCP8.5> RCP2.6.我们认为,适当的增温将有助于未来研究区森林总地上生物量的积累,但过度的增温也可能会阻碍森林的生产和生态功能的持续发展.  相似文献   

为探究未来气候变化背景下秦岭地区陆地生态系统水分利用率(WUE)的变化规律及其对气候变化的响应,结合IPCC第五次报告资料中心的CCSM4、GISS-E-R、GISS-E-H、IPSL-CM5R-LR-CM、Nor ESM1-1-ME等5个模型相关模拟结果,预测和分析秦岭地区2006—2100年在RCP2.6、RCP4.5、RCP6.0和RCP8.5 4种未来典型气候变化情景下其水分利用率的变化趋势及其与降雨、气温、CO_2浓度等关键气候变化因子之间的关系。研究结果表明:4种未来情景下预测的秦岭地区生态系统WUE几乎全为正距平,各情景下WUE倾向率为0.0136—0.13 g C kg-1H_2O 10a-1,均达到极显著水平,且随辐射强迫增加,WUE距平值与倾向率也相应增加。各情景下GPP的增长趋势强于ET,使得两者的比值(即WUE)呈现增长趋势,并随辐射强迫的增加,两者的差异愈发显著,即WUE增长随辐射强迫的增强而更显著。同时,各模型预测的年均气温倾向率为0.21—0.498℃/10a,降雨量倾向率为7.78—17.66 mm/10a。由于气温、降雨量、CO2等关键气候变化因子调控GPP正增长速率大于ET,以及生态系统LAI值和自身的植被演替过程直接影响生态系统WUE,最终使得生态系统WUE呈正增长趋势。其中GPP的显著增加是未来秦岭地区生态系统WUE增长的直接因素,而气温的显著增加与大气CO_2浓度的升高则是WUE变化的主要环境因素,降雨量的影响相对较弱。  相似文献   

多气候情景下中国森林火灾风险评估   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
森林火灾风险主要取决于致灾因子、承灾体以及防灾减灾能力,综合评估和预测森林火灾风险是制定科学的林火管理政策的基础.本文基于经典自然灾害风险模型和可获取数据构建森林火灾风险评估模型与指标体系,评估过去和未来的森林火灾风险.未来气候情景数据包括RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5、RCP 6.0和RCP 8.5下5个全球气候模式(GFDL-ESM2M、HadGEM2-ES、IPSL-CM5A-LR、 MIROC-ESM-CHEM和NorESM1-M)日值数据.根据最高温度、最小相对湿度、平均风速和每日降水量分别计算1987—2050年历史观测数据和未来气候情景下各格点每日火险天气指数系统中各个指数.结果表明: 1987—2010年,森林火灾风险高和很高的区域分别占21.2%和6.2%,主要分布在大兴安岭和长白山地区、云南大部分区域和南方零散分布的区域.森林火灾可能性高和很高的区域主要分布在东北和西南地区,分别占森林面积的13.1%和4.0%.与观测时段相比,2021—2050年RCP 2.6、RCP 4.5、RCP 6.0和RCP 8.5情景下森林火灾可能性高和很高的区域分别增加0.6%、5.5%、2.3%和3.5%,华北地区增幅明显.气候变化引起的森林火灾高风险区域有些增加,RCP 8.5情景下增幅最明显(+1.6%).  相似文献   

采用水稻生育生理生态综合模型ORYZA1,模拟分析了未来15种可能气候变化对浙江省水稻产量的影响结果表明,CO2浓度的增加将使水稻增产,温度增加将导致水稻减产虽然CO2增加和相应增温对各季水稻产量在各地区的影响表现不同,但在不考虑温室效应将同时导致旱涝和病虫害变化条件下.GFDL、GISS和UKMO模型预测的气候变化将使浙江省全年水稻产量分别平均增产9.53%、8.92%和0.04%.  相似文献   

王春春  王远  朱晓东 《应用生态学报》2019,30(10):3535-3543
为了应对全球气候变暖,中国政府提出到2030年CO2排放达到峰值(或峰值平台)的减排目标.为了探究中国能否实现该减排目标,本研究以江苏省为例,基于长期能源规划替代模型(LEAP),耦合对数平均迪氏分解模型,运用情景分析法科学设定快速、中速、慢速达峰3种发展情景,预测CO2排放达峰时间及峰值水平.结果表明: 2000—2015年间,经济规模效应是CO2排放总量增长的主要驱动因素,其贡献度高达147.4%;技术进步效应是最重要的缓解因素,贡献度为-60.4%,一次能源结构效应、产业结构效应、人均收入效应、人口规模效应的贡献度分别为-5.3%、9.7%、11.0%、0.6%.在快速、中速达峰情景下,江苏省分别在2025和2029年达到CO2排放峰值,峰值分别为7.01、7.95亿t,慢速达峰情景下未能实现2030年的CO2排放达峰目标.综合研究分析,江苏省有着较大的减排潜力,经过相应的努力能够实现CO2减排目标.为实现2030年的CO2减排目标可采取以下措施:主动适应经济新常态,稳定发展增速;积极发展第三产业,平衡经济结构;持续推进节能减排技术,降低能源消费强度;大力发展天然气及核电等清洁能源,优化一次能源消费结构.  相似文献   

研究了不同CO2浓度、不同温度和水分条件及其组合对冬小麦产量、光合及水分的影响,以阐明气候变化对冬小麦的影响.结果表明: CO2浓度升高对冬小麦光合速率没有影响,而升温和干旱均使光合速率显著下降.升高CO2浓度与温度对冬小麦旗叶水分条件没有影响,干旱胁迫下旗叶相对含水量显著降低,而升温与干旱同时发生可降低旗叶水势.气温、CO2浓度升高以及干旱胁迫共同作用下,冬小麦光合速率和旗叶水分条件显著降低,产量下降41.4%.CO2浓度升高使冬小麦增产21.2%,温度升高使产量降低12.3%,CO2浓度和温度同时升高对产量没有影响,干旱胁迫下产量下降程度更大.未来气候变化情景下,保持较高的土壤水分含量是减少气候变暖危害的重要手段.

气候变化对大豆影响的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郝兴宇  韩雪  居煇  林而达 《应用生态学报》2010,21(10):2697-2706
工业革命以来,全球大气中CO2等温室气体浓度急剧升高,导致全球气温升高和降水格局发生变化.大气CO2 浓度升高、全球变暖、水分状况的变化将对大豆的生长发育、产量、品质等产生影响,未来气候变化下大豆生产将发生很大变化.大豆是世界及我国重要的粮食和油料作物之一,未来气候变化下大豆生产的变化将会影响全球粮油安全.本文从大气CO2浓度升高、温度升高、水分胁迫三方面综述了气候变化对大豆影响的研究,并对未来的相关研究做了展望,为了解未来大豆的生产情况以及制定应对气候变化对大豆生产影响的相关政策提供依据.  相似文献   

研究了不同CO2浓度、不同温度和水分条件及其组合对冬小麦产量、光合及水分的影响,以阐明气候变化对冬小麦的影响.结果表明: CO2浓度升高对冬小麦光合速率没有影响,而升温和干旱均使光合速率显著下降.升高CO2浓度与温度对冬小麦旗叶水分条件没有影响,干旱胁迫下旗叶相对含水量显著降低,而升温与干旱同时发生可降低旗叶水势.气温、CO2浓度升高以及干旱胁迫共同作用下,冬小麦光合速率和旗叶水分条件显著降低,产量下降41.4%.CO2浓度升高使冬小麦增产21.2%,温度升高使产量降低12.3%,CO2浓度和温度同时升高对产量没有影响,干旱胁迫下产量下降程度更大.未来气候变化情景下,保持较高的土壤水分含量是减少气候变暖危害的重要手段.

Interactions between the terrestrial nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) cycles shape the response of ecosystems to global change. However, the global distribution of nitrogen availability and its importance in global biogeochemistry and biogeochemical interactions with the climate system remain uncertain. Based on projections of a terrestrial biosphere model scaling ecological understanding of nitrogen–carbon cycle interactions to global scales, anthropogenic nitrogen additions since 1860 are estimated to have enriched the terrestrial biosphere by 1.3 Pg N, supporting the sequestration of 11.2 Pg C. Over the same time period, CO2 fertilization has increased terrestrial carbon storage by 134.0 Pg C, increasing the terrestrial nitrogen stock by 1.2 Pg N. In 2001–2010, terrestrial ecosystems sequestered an estimated total of 27 Tg N yr−1 (1.9 Pg C yr−1), of which 10 Tg N yr−1 (0.2 Pg C yr−1) are due to anthropogenic nitrogen deposition. Nitrogen availability already limits terrestrial carbon sequestration in the boreal and temperate zone, and will constrain future carbon sequestration in response to CO2 fertilization (regionally by up to 70% compared with an estimate without considering nitrogen–carbon interactions). This reduced terrestrial carbon uptake will probably dominate the role of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle in the climate system, as it accelerates the accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 in the atmosphere. However, increases of N2O emissions owing to anthropogenic nitrogen and climate change (at a rate of approx. 0.5 Tg N yr−1 per 1°C degree climate warming) will add an important long-term climate forcing.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统是全球第二大碳库,其碳收支一直是气候变化研究的热点领域,而研究二氧化碳(CO2)施肥效应又是全球变化碳循环领域较为关注的前沿部分。CO2与生态系统关系复杂,当前仍无法厘清CO2对陆地生态系统碳循环的影响作用。基于太阳辐射数据、气温数据及归一化植被指数数据等,利用光能利用率遥感模型,模拟2019年甘南地区的碳循环,选取三个指标,即GPP (陆地生态系统总初级生产力)、NPP (净初级生产力)和NEP (净生态系统生产力)来分析甘南地区植被固碳的时空变化特征及CO2施肥效应。结果表明:(1)甘南地区2019年植被固碳总量约为2611 tC。甘南地区生态系统GPP、NPP和NEP季节性特征明显,其值均在夏季达到最高;而在空间上,GPP、NPP表现为东高西低的特征,NEP呈现出北高南低的分布特征。(2) CO2对GPP、NPP存在正向的施肥效应,分别增加了14.4%和14.3%;而对NEP具有负向反馈效应,使其减少了0.3%,并且CO2对NEP的影响整体也表现为北高南低的特征。研究揭示出:虽然CO2在提升GPP和NPP时,正向的施肥效应明显,但是对甘南地区的NEP,即固碳量来说,CO2的影响却很有限。因此在研究CO2施肥效应时不应一概而论,生态地理环境对其的影响不可忽视。研究可以为揭示陆地生态系统碳循环的动态机制提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Understanding tropical rainforest carbon exchange and its response to heat and drought is critical for quantifying the effects of climate change on tropical ecosystems, including global climate–carbon feedbacks. Of particular importance for the global carbon budget is net biome exchange of CO2 with the atmosphere (NBE), which represents nonfire carbon fluxes into and out of biomass and soils. Subannual and sub‐Basin Amazon NBE estimates have relied heavily on process‐based biosphere models, despite lack of model agreement with plot‐scale observations. We present a new analysis of airborne measurements that reveals monthly, regional‐scale (~1–8 × 106 km2) NBE variations. We develop a regional atmospheric CO2 inversion that provides the first analysis of geographic and temporal variability in Amazon biosphere–atmosphere carbon exchange and that is minimally influenced by biosphere model‐based first guesses of seasonal and annual mean fluxes. We find little evidence for a clear seasonal cycle in Amazon NBE but do find NBE sensitivity to aberrations from long‐term mean climate. In particular, we observe increased NBE (more carbon emitted to the atmosphere) associated with heat and drought in 2010, and correlations between wet season NBE and precipitation (negative correlation) and temperature (positive correlation). In the eastern Amazon, pulses of increased NBE persisted through 2011, suggesting legacy effects of 2010 heat and drought. We also identify regional differences in postdrought NBE that appear related to long‐term water availability. We examine satellite proxies and find evidence for higher gross primary productivity (GPP) during a pulse of increased carbon uptake in 2011, and lower GPP during a period of increased NBE in the 2010 dry season drought, but links between GPP and NBE changes are not conclusive. These results provide novel evidence of NBE sensitivity to short‐term temperature and moisture extremes in the Amazon, where monthly and sub‐Basin estimates have not been previously available.  相似文献   

Evaluating the role of terrestrial ecosystems in the global carbon cycle requires a detailed understanding of carbon exchange between vegetation, soil, and the atmosphere. Global climatic change may modify the net carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems, causing feedbacks on atmospheric CO2 and climate. We describe a model for investigating terrestrial carbon exchange and its response to climatic variation based on the processes of plant photosynthesis, carbon allocation, litter production, and soil organic carbon decomposition. The model is used to produce geographical patterns of net primary production (NPP), carbon stocks in vegetation and soils, and the seasonal variations in net ecosystem production (NEP) under both contemporary and future climates. For contemporary climate, the estimated global NPP is 57.0 Gt C y–1, carbon stocks in vegetation and soils are 640 Gt C and 1358 Gt C, respectively, and NEP varies from –0.5 Gt C in October to 1.6 Gt C in July. For a doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration and the corresponding climate, we predict that global NPP will rise to 69.6 Gt C y–1, carbon stocks in vegetation and soils will increase by, respectively, 133 Gt C and 160 Gt C, and the seasonal amplitude of NEP will increase by 76%. A doubling of atmospheric CO2 without climate change may enhance NPP by 25% and result in a substantial increase in carbon stocks in vegetation and soils. Climate change without CO2 elevation will reduce the global NPP and soil carbon stocks, but leads to an increase in vegetation carbon because of a forest extension and NPP enhancement in the north. By combining the effects of CO2 doubling, climate change, and the consequent redistribution of vegetation, we predict a strong enhancement in NPP and carbon stocks of terrestrial ecosystems. This study simulates the possible variation in the carbon exchange at equilibrium state. We anticipate to investigate the dynamic responses in the carbon exchange to atmospheric CO2 elevation and climate change in the past and future.  相似文献   

Forest performance is challenged by climate change but higher atmospheric [CO2] (ca) could help trees mitigate the negative effect of enhanced water stress. Forest projections using data assimilation with mechanistic models are a valuable tool to assess forest performance. Firstly, we used dendrochronological data from 12 Mediterranean tree species (six conifers and six broadleaves) to calibrate a process‐based vegetation model at 77 sites. Secondly, we conducted simulations of gross primary production (GPP) and radial growth using an ensemble of climate projections for the period 2010–2100 for the high‐emission RCP8.5 and low‐emission RCP2.6 scenarios. GPP and growth projections were simulated using climatic data from the two RCPs combined with (i) expected ca; (ii) constant ca = 390 ppm, to test a purely climate‐driven performance excluding compensation from carbon fertilization. The model accurately mimicked the growth trends since the 1950s when, despite increasing ca, enhanced evaporative demands precluded a global net positive effect on growth. Modeled annual growth and GPP showed similar long‐term trends. Under RCP2.6 (i.e., temperatures below +2 °C with respect to preindustrial values), the forests showed resistance to future climate (as expressed by non‐negative trends in growth and GPP) except for some coniferous sites. Using exponentially growing ca and climate as from RCP8.5, carbon fertilization overrode the negative effect of the highly constraining climatic conditions under that scenario. This effect was particularly evident above 500 ppm (which is already over +2 °C), which seems unrealistic and likely reflects model miss‐performance at high ca above the calibration range. Thus, forest projections under RCP8.5 preventing carbon fertilization displayed very negative forest performance at the regional scale. This suggests that most of western Mediterranean forests would successfully acclimate to the coldest climate change scenario but be vulnerable to a climate warmer than +2 °C unless the trees developed an exaggerated fertilization response to [CO2].  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence point to an increase in the activity of the terrestrial biosphere over recent decades, impacting the global net land carbon sink (NLS) and its control on the growth of atmospheric carbon dioxide (ca). Global terrestrial gross primary production (GPP)—the rate of carbon fixation by photosynthesis—is estimated to have risen by (31 ± 5)% since 1900, but the relative contributions of different putative drivers to this increase are not well known. Here we identify the rising atmospheric CO2 concentration as the dominant driver. We reconcile leaf‐level and global atmospheric constraints on trends in modeled biospheric activity to reveal a global CO2 fertilization effect on photosynthesis of 30% since 1900, or 47% for a doubling of ca above the pre‐industrial level. Our historic value is nearly twice as high as current estimates (17 ± 4)% that do not use the full range of available constraints. Consequently, under a future low‐emission scenario, we project a land carbon sink (174 PgC, 2006–2099) that is 57 PgC larger than if a lower CO2 fertilization effect comparable with current estimates is assumed. These findings suggest a larger beneficial role of the land carbon sink in modulating future excess anthropogenic CO2 consistent with the target of the Paris Agreement to stay below 2°C warming, and underscore the importance of preserving terrestrial carbon sinks.  相似文献   

Determining whether the terrestrial biosphere will be a source or sink of carbon (C) under a future climate of elevated CO2 (eCO2) and warming requires accurate quantification of gross primary production (GPP), the largest flux of C in the global C cycle. We evaluated 6 years (2007–2012) of flux‐derived GPP data from the Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment (PHACE) experiment, situated in a grassland in Wyoming, USA. The GPP data were used to calibrate a light response model whose basic formulation has been successfully used in a variety of ecosystems. The model was extended by modeling maximum photosynthetic rate (Amax) and light‐use efficiency (Q) as functions of soil water, air temperature, vapor pressure deficit, vegetation greenness, and nitrogen at current and antecedent (past) timescales. The model fits the observed GPP well (R2 = 0.79), which was confirmed by other model performance checks that compared different variants of the model (e.g. with and without antecedent effects). Stimulation of cumulative 6‐year GPP by warming (29%, P = 0.02) and eCO2 (26%, P = 0.07) was primarily driven by enhanced C uptake during spring (129%, P = 0.001) and fall (124%, P = 0.001), respectively, which was consistent across years. Antecedent air temperature (Tairant) and vapor pressure deficit (VPDant) effects on Amax (over the past 3–4 days and 1–3 days, respectively) were the most significant predictors of temporal variability in GPP among most treatments. The importance of VPDant suggests that atmospheric drought is important for predicting GPP under current and future climate; we highlight the need for experimental studies to identify the mechanisms underlying such antecedent effects. Finally, posterior estimates of cumulative GPP under control and eCO2 treatments were tested as a benchmark against 12 terrestrial biosphere models (TBMs). The narrow uncertainties of these data‐driven GPP estimates suggest that they could be useful semi‐independent data streams for validating TBMs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate 10 process‐based terrestrial biosphere models that were used for the IPCC fifth Assessment Report. The simulated gross primary productivity (GPP) is compared with flux‐tower‐based estimates by Jung et al. [Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (2011) G00J07] (JU11). The net primary productivity (NPP) apparent sensitivity to climate variability and atmospheric CO2 trends is diagnosed from each model output, using statistical functions. The temperature sensitivity is compared against ecosystem field warming experiments results. The CO2 sensitivity of NPP is compared to the results from four Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiments. The simulated global net biome productivity (NBP) is compared with the residual land sink (RLS) of the global carbon budget from Friedlingstein et al. [Nature Geoscience 3 (2010) 811] (FR10). We found that models produce a higher GPP (133 ± 15 Pg C yr?1) than JU11 (118 ± 6 Pg C yr?1). In response to rising atmospheric CO2 concentration, modeled NPP increases on average by 16% (5–20%) per 100 ppm, a slightly larger apparent sensitivity of NPP to CO2 than that measured at the FACE experiment locations (13% per 100 ppm). Global NBP differs markedly among individual models, although the mean value of 2.0 ± 0.8 Pg C yr?1 is remarkably close to the mean value of RLS (2.1 ± 1.2 Pg C yr?1). The interannual variability in modeled NBP is significantly correlated with that of RLS for the period 1980–2009. Both model‐to‐model and interannual variation in model GPP is larger than that in model NBP due to the strong coupling causing a positive correlation between ecosystem respiration and GPP in the model. The average linear regression slope of global NBP vs. temperature across the 10 models is ?3.0 ± 1.5 Pg C yr?1 °C?1, within the uncertainty of what derived from RLS (?3.9 ± 1.1 Pg C yr?1 °C?1). However, 9 of 10 models overestimate the regression slope of NBP vs. precipitation, compared with the slope of the observed RLS vs. precipitation. With most models lacking processes that control GPP and NBP in addition to CO2 and climate, the agreement between modeled and observation‐based GPP and NBP can be fortuitous. Carbon–nitrogen interactions (only separable in one model) significantly influence the simulated response of carbon cycle to temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentration, suggesting that nutrients limitations should be included in the next generation of terrestrial biosphere models.  相似文献   

CO2 flux measurements give access to two critical terms of the carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems, the gross primary productivity (GPP) and the net ecosystem productivity (NEP). CO2 fluxes measured by micrometeorological methods have spatial and temporal characteristics that make them potentially useful in modelling the global terrestrial carbon budget. The first use is in parameterizing ecosystem physiological processes. We present an example, based on parameterizing the mean light response of GPP. This parameterization can be used in diagnostic, satellite-based GPP models. A global application leads to realistic estimates of global GPP. The second use is in testing the seasonality of fluxes predicted by global models. Our example of this use tests two global GPP models. One is a diagnostic, satellite-based model, and one is a prognostic, process-based model. Despite the limitations of the models, both agree reasonably well with the measurements. The agreements and disagreements are useful in addressing the problems of available input datasets and representation of processes, in global models. Long-term CO2 flux measurements give access to key variables of terrestrial vegetation models and therefore offer exciting perspectives.  相似文献   

The terrestrial biosphere is currently acting as a sink for about a third of the total anthropogenic CO2 emissions. However, the future fate of this sink in the coming decades is very uncertain, as current earth system models (ESMs) simulate diverging responses of the terrestrial carbon cycle to upcoming climate change. Here, we use observation‐based constraints of water and carbon fluxes to reduce uncertainties in the projected terrestrial carbon cycle response derived from simulations of ESMs conducted as part of the 5th phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). We find in the ESMs a clear linear relationship between present‐day evapotranspiration (ET) and gross primary productivity (GPP), as well as between these present‐day fluxes and projected changes in GPP, thus providing an emergent constraint on projected GPP. Constraining the ESMs based on their ability to simulate present‐day ET and GPP leads to a substantial decrease in the projected GPP and to a ca. 50% reduction in the associated model spread in GPP by the end of the century. Given the strong correlation between projected changes in GPP and in NBP in the ESMs, applying the constraints on net biome productivity (NBP) reduces the model spread in the projected land sink by more than 30% by 2100. Moreover, the projected decline in the land sink is at least doubled in the constrained ensembles and the probability that the terrestrial biosphere is turned into a net carbon source by the end of the century is strongly increased. This indicates that the decline in the future land carbon uptake might be stronger than previously thought, which would have important implications for the rate of increase in the atmospheric CO2 concentration and for future climate change.  相似文献   

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