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胞内记录猫体感皮层内脏伤害性感受神经元的电生理特性   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Chen JH  Teng GX 《生理学报》1999,51(1):31-37
为了从细胞水平探讨皮层内脏伤害感受的特性及机制,本文应用细胞内电位记录技术,观察了猫体感皮层内脏大神经皮层代表区的851个神经元对电刺激内脏大神经的诱发反应及电生理特性。其中412个单位为内脏伤害性感受神经元,其自发放电有多种形式,根据诱发反应现象分为特异性和非特异性伤害感受神经元,内脏伤害性诱发反应分为兴奋性反应(517%)、抑制性反应(3131%)及混合性反应(17%)三类。在形式上具有潜伏期长、反应形式复杂等特点。实验发现85个神经元为内脏及肋间神经的会聚反应细胞。部分神经元用神经生物素进行细胞内电泳标记以显示功能细胞所在层次及形态。结果说明皮层体感神经元具有内脏伤害性感受的作用,并从细胞及突触后电反应特点上探讨了内脏痛的感受机制。  相似文献   

猫脊髓背索双投射神经元轴突分叉部位的电生理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猫腰骶髓背角神经元对同侧颈髓背索和背外侧索的逆向刺激发生反应。这些神经元对刺激背索抑或背外侧索的逆向反应,在C_7-T_4节段的背索和背外侧索被分隔开时消失。其中,以背索刺激引起的逆向反应的消失机率居多。背索刺激的阈强度、不应期和逆向反应潜伏期等参数多高于背外侧索的有关参数。结果提示,脊髓背角脊颈束-背索突触后神经元轴突在下颈上胸节段分叉;分叉后的背外侧索分支的直径多粗于背索分支。  相似文献   

Hua QP  Luo F 《生理科学进展》2007,38(4):323-326
过去曾认为,人类触觉信息特异地由大直径有髓(Aβ)神经纤维传导。然而最近的研究表明,哺乳动物皮肤的机械感受器不仅有Aβ纤维分布,还有大量低阈值、低传导速度的小直径无髓(C)神经纤维分布,后者对轻微的非伤害性皮肤变形反应敏感,而对快速的皮肤运动反应微弱。初级传入C纤维投射至脊髓浅层,并与脊髓板层II内的次级感觉神经元形成突触联系,再通过脊髓丘脑束投射至岛叶。功能磁共振(fMRI)研究发现,缓慢移动的触觉刺激可以明显地激活岛叶并引起愉悦感,同时还可以激活眶额叶内与愉悦味觉和嗅觉激活区域邻近的部位。这些反应的性质和所激活的部位说明,C纤维触觉主要与边缘系统的功能有关,编码触觉的情绪成分。  相似文献   

应用在体微电极胞内电位记录技术分别向猫扣带回前部躯体伤害性感受神经元与非伤害性感受神经元内注入波宽50ms、不同强度(-5 n A~+5 n A)的系列超级化或去极化电流,记录神经元的膜电学反应,计算膜电学参数。通过对比躯体伤害性与非伤害性感受神经元的膜电学特性,从该侧面为深入了解该脑区躯体伤害性感受的特性及机制提供实验依据。在57只猫扣带回前部共记录了188个神经元,其中172个为躯体伤害性感受神经元(91.5%),另外16个为躯体非伤害性感受神经元(8.5%)。结果表明:躯体伤害性与非伤害性感受神经元的注入电流(I)-膜电位(V)曲线都为"S"型;注入电流强度的绝对值≤1n A时,躯体伤害性与非伤害性感受神经元I-V曲线的I与V均呈线性相关(r都为0.99);而注入电流强度的绝对值1 n A时,两者均呈现内向或外向整流作用;但是,与躯体非伤害性感受神经元相比,躯体伤害性感受神经元的整流作用较大,对刺激的适应性较低,诱发放电的频率较高(P0.01),并且,随注入的去极化电流强度的逐渐增大,放电频率变化也较大;另外,躯体伤害性感受神经元的膜电阻、膜电容、时间常数也明显大于躯体非伤害性感受神经元(P0.05或P0.01)。这些结果提示扣带回前部躯体伤害性与非伤害性感受神经元在直径大小、细胞膜结构等方面存在差异。  相似文献   

脊髓背角痛觉传递和调制的一些化学解剖学观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
魏锋 《生理科学进展》1996,27(4):327-330
本实验研究了脊髓背角内C纤维末梢的分布和突触学特征及其一些神经递质化学构筑;定量观察了急性痛引起背角的递质变化;显示了初级传入C纤维,抑制性中间神经元和背角伤害性感受神经元三者之间的突触关系,并探讨它们在痛觉信息传递和调制中的作用。  相似文献   

<正>痛觉或伤害性感受是人类保护自身,防止损伤的一种重要功能,其中,位于背根神经节的初级感觉神经元是机体对对伤害性刺激作出反应的"第一站"。多年来,以电生理记录为主的离体或在体研究结果均显示,背根神经节中的小直径神经元(约占总数的70%)可以同时对机械、冷和热等多种形式的刺激发生反应,也就是说,小直径神经元或由其形成的C类伤害性  相似文献   

Sun YY  Li KC  Chen J 《生理学报》2004,56(4):444-450
脊髓背角感觉神经元不仅在感觉信息的传递和调节中起到重要作用,也是各种内源性和外源性药物的作用靶位.为了解静脉麻醉剂异丙酚是否对背角感觉神经元的反应性具有调节作用,本实验采用在体单细胞胞外记录技术,观察了脊髓背表面直接滴注0.5 μmol异丙酚对戊巴比妥钠麻醉大鼠脊髓背角广动力域(WDR)神经元和低阈值机械感受型(LTM)神经元反应性的影响.实验发现,异丙酚能抑制背角WDR神经元由施加于外周感受野伤害性热刺激(45、47、49和53℃,15 s)和夹捏机械刺激(10 s)诱发的反应性,与DMSO对照组比较具有显著性统计学差异(P<0.05);同样,异丙酚对非伤害性机械刺激诱发的WDR或LTM神经元的反应性也具有显著的抑制作用(P<0.05).本结果提示,异丙酚可直接作用于正常大鼠脊髓背角神经元,对由非伤害性和伤害性纤维介导的神经元反应性均产生抑制作用,因此异丙酚的脊髓抗伤害作用可能不是特异性的.  相似文献   

背索突触后神经元   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在背索内伴随初级传入上行的还有非初级的二级轴突,二者的数量比例相当于3∶1。这些二级纤维主要起源于同侧脊髓背角的第Ⅲ、Ⅳ层,并主要向同侧背索核的特定部位投射。这种背索突触后神经元在脊髓内与有关传入形成复杂的突触联系,对外周的非伤害性及/或伤害性刺激发生反应。  相似文献   

Tu YL  Liu YB  Zhang L  Zhao YJ  Wang L  Hu ZA 《生理学报》2003,55(2):206-212
为研究大鼠不同发育阶段视皮层神经元电的生理学与形态学特性,实验观察了神经元电生理和形态学特性的变化与年龄的同步化程度,探讨视皮层视觉依赖性突触的形成和重新分布的细胞内机制。应用脑片膜片钳全细胞记录技术和细胞内生物家标记相结合的方法,记录4—28d SD大鼠视皮层神经元的突触后电流(postsynaptic currents,PSCs)。共记录156个大鼠视皮层神经元,睁眼前与睁眼后组中无反应型细胞数量,多突触反应型细胞数量、细胞的输入阻抗有显著性差异。成功标记23例神经元,不同年龄的神经元的形态学成熟度不同。低输入阻抗神经元在形态学上属成熟型,高输入阻抗神经元属幼稚型。该结果表明,大鼠在发育过程中,视皮层神经元功能的成熟表现为在形觉刺激以及局部神经元网络的整合作用下的视觉依赖性突触的形成和重新分布。在视觉发育可塑性关键期内,视皮层神经元形态和电生理特性的变化与年龄的同步化程度大于皮层下结构。  相似文献   

用电生理方法将家兔上丘浅层神经元分成3类,其中两类为传出神经元分别投射到丘脑枕核(N=52)和外膝体背核(N=54),其它均归为第3类(N=99).2类传出神经元都接受单突触视觉传入,其传入视束纤维的传导速度基本相同,说明在家兔上丘,这2个通路没有传导速度的差异.它们还接受来自视束的三突触抑制性传入,可能是经返回抑制回路介导的.第3类神经元接受双突触视觉传入和三突触的抑制性传入,其机能有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

It has been shown that in the chick dorsal root ganglion (DRG) about 8% of neurons, belonging to both the A and B classes of sensory neurons exhibit a clear dopamine immunoreactivity. In the present study are reported the results of measurements, by mean of HPLC-electrochemical detection (HPLC-ED), of DA and of the DA metabolites dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and homovanillic acid (HVA) in the rat DRG and their central nerves. Very low levels of DA, about 10 folds lower than the levels found in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, were found in the DRG. However the levels of DOPAC and HVA were approximately equivalent to the levels found in the cord. The immunocytochemical study performed in parallel has shown that some dopaminergic-immunoreactive fibers in the DRG are located around the blood vessels. Few dopamine-immunoreactive sensory neurons were identified in the DRG and immunoreactive fibers, not linked to blood vessels, were identified in the dorsal root nerves. The present work indicates that there is a dopaminergic innervation of the blood vessels in the rat DRG but that dopamine may also be, as in the chick, a transmitter of primary afferent fibers.  相似文献   

强电针穴位对背角神经元镇痛效应广泛性的中枢机制   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
何晓玲  刘乡 《生理学报》1995,47(6):605-609
实验用雄性大鼠,玻璃微电极细胞外记录T12-L1脊髓背角会聚神经元对后爪伤害性刺激的反应,观察到低强度(2V)电针作用于与痛源接近的“足三里”穴对背角神经元的伤害性反应有明显的抑制作用,而远隔穴位“下关”穴则无效。而当采用超过C类纤维阈值18V电针时,则远隔穴位“下关”也有明显的镇痛作用。表现为强电针穴位镇痛作用的广泛性。而损毁NRM后,强电针(18V)远节段“下关”穴的镇痛作用消失,而近节段“足  相似文献   

On the origins of dorsal root potentials   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1  

SUMMARY 1. The plasticity of sensory neurons following the injury to their axons is very important for prognosis of recovery of afferent fibers with different modality. It is evident that the response of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons after peripheral axotomy is different depending on the deficiency in neurotrophic factors from peripheral region. The loss of cells appears earlier and is more severe in B-cells (small, dark cells with unmyelinated axons) than in A-cells (large, light cells with myelinated axons).2. We studied using immunohistochemical methods the response of DRG neurons to dorsal rhizotomy and combined injury of central and peripheral neuronal processes. A quantitative analysis of DRG neurons tagged by the selective markers isolectin B4 (IB4) and the heavy molecular component of the neurofilament triplet (NF200) antibody, selective for subpopulations of small and large/medium DRG neurons, respectively, was performed after dorsal rhizotomy, peripheral axotomy, and their combination.3. The number of NF200+-neurons is reduced substantially after both dorsal rhizotomy and peripheral axotomy, while the decrease of IB4+-neurons is observed only in combined injury, i.e., dorsal rhizotomy accompanied with sciatic nerve injury.4. Our results show that distinct subpopulations of DRG neurons respond differently to the injury of their central processes. The number of NF200+-neurons decreases to greater degree following dorsal rhizotomy in comparison to IB4+-neurons.  相似文献   

Summary In this study, immunohistochemistry for neuronal nitric oxide synthase (bNOS-IR), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate diaphorase histochemistry (NADPHd) and nitric oxide synthase radioassay were used to study the occurrence, number and distribution pattern of nitric oxide synthesizing neurons in the lumbar (L1–L7) and sacral (S1–S3) dorsal root ganglia of the dog. Nitric oxide synthase immunolabelling was present in a large number of small- (area <1000 μm2) and medium-sized (area 1000–2000 μm2) as well as in a limited number of large-sized (area >2000 μm2) neurons. Although neuronal nitric oxide synthase immunolabelling and histochemical staining provided intense staining of multiple small- and medium-sized neurons in all lumbar and sacral dorsal root ganglia, immunolabelled or histochemically stained somata exhibited little topographic distribution in individual dorsal root ganglia. Great heterogeneity was noticed in the immunolabelling of medium-sized nitric oxide synthase immunopositive neurons ranging from lightly immunolabelled somata to heavily immunoreactive ones with completely obscured nuclei. Both staining procedures proved to be highly effective in visualizing intraganglionic fibers of various diameters. In general, the largest fibers revealed at the peripheral end of lumbar and sacral dorsal root ganglia were larger, 6.49–9.35 μm in diameter, while those running centrally and proceeding into the dorsal roots were about 30% reduced, ranging between 5.32 and 8.67 μm in diameter. Peripherally, the occurrence of nitric oxide synthase detected in axonal profiles, and confirmed histochemically, in the specimens of the femoral and sciatic nerves, is the first indication of the presence of nitric oxide synthase in the peripheral processes of somata located in L4–S2 dorsal root ganglia. Large and thin central nitric oxide synthase immunoreactive processes of L1–S3 dorsal root ganglion neurons segregate shortly before entering the spinal cord, the former making a massive medial bundle in the dorsal root accompanied by a slim lateral bundle penetrating Lissauer's tract. Quantitative assessment of the distribution of bNOS-IR and/or NADPHd-stained neurons showed a peculiar pattern in relation to spinal levels. Apparent incongruity was found in the total number of NADPHd-stained versus bNOS-IR neurons, demonstrating a clear prevalence of small bNOS-IR somata in all lumbar ganglia, while medium-sized NADPHd-stained somata clearly prevailed all along the rostrocaudal axis with a peak in L5 ganglion. While the number of small bNOS-IR neurons clearly outnumbered NADPHd-stained and NADPHd-unstained somata in S1–S3 ganglia, an inverse relation appeared comparing the total number of medium-sized NADPHd-stained and NADPHd-unstained somata compared with the number of moderate and intense bNOS-IR neurons. Densitometry of bNOS-IR and NADPHd-stained neurons in lumbar and sacral ganglia revealed two distinct subsets of densitometric profiles, one relating to more often found medium-sized bNOS immunolabelled and the other, characteristic for moderately bNOS immunoreactive somata of the same cell size. Considerable differences in catalytic nitric oxide synthase activity, determined by conversion of [3H]arginine to [3H]citrulline were obtained in lumbosacral dorsal root ganglia all along the lumbosacral intumescence, the lowest (0.898± 0.2 dpm/min/μg protein) being in the L4 dorsal root ganglion and the highest (4.194± 0.2 dpm/min/μg protein) in the S2 dorsal root ganglion.  相似文献   

Wan YH  Wang YY  Dai F  Hu SJ 《生理学报》2004,56(4):550-557
本文描述了用明胶半包埋法制备带背根脊髓薄片的实验步骤,和在脊髓背角记录由初级传入纤维介导的突触后电流的可视膜片钳法。手术制备一段带背根的脊髓标本,并用20%的明胶包埋在琼脂块上,再用振动切片机切片获得带背根的脊髓薄片。通过红外线可视的引导,在脊髓背角神经元上建立全细胞封接模式。在钳制电压为-70mV条件下,记录自发的和背根刺激引起的兴奋性突触后电流。以传入纤维的传导速度与刺激阈值为指标,可以区分A样纤维与C样纤维兴奋性突触后电流。在钳制电压为0mV条件下,记录自发的和背根刺激引起的抑制性突触后电流。用5μmol/L的士宁或20μmol/L的荷包牡丹碱分离出γ-氨基丁酸能或甘氨酸能的抑制性突触后电流。用可视膜片钳方法可以准确测量脊髓背角神经元的突触后电流,从而研究初级传入突触的传递过程。更重要的是,在红外线可视观察的帮助下,建立膜片钳封接的成功率显著提高,同时也使记录研究脊髓背角深层神经元变得更加容易。本研究为探索初级传入突触传递过程提供了一个有效的方法。  相似文献   

Summary Morphological changes in the motor and sensory neurons in the lumbar spinal cord and the dorsal root ganglia were investigated at different survival times following the injection of the B subunit of cholera toxin (CTB) into the medial gastrocnemius muscle. Unconjugated CTB, visualized immunohistochemically, was found to be retrogradely transported through ventral and dorsal roots to motor neurons in the anterior horn, each lamina in the posterior horn, and ganglion cells in the dorsal root ganglia at L3–L6. The largest numbers of labeled motor neurons and ganglion cells were observed 72 h after the injection of CTB. Thereafter, labeled ganglion cells were significantly decreased in number, whereas the amount of labeled motor neurons showed a slight reduction. Motor neurons had extensive dendritic trees filled with CTB, reaching lamina VII and even the pia mater of the lateral funiculus. Labeling was also seen in the posterior horn, but the central and medial parts of laminae II and III had the most extensively labeled varicose fibers, the origin of which was the dorsal root ganglion cells. The results indicate that CTB is taken up by nerve terminals and can serve as a sensitive retrogradely transported marker for identifying neurons that innervate a specific muscle.  相似文献   

The vanilloid receptor VR1 is a nonselective cation channel activated by capsaicin as well as increases in temperature and acidity, and can be viewed as molecular integrator of chemical and physical stimuli that elicit pain. The distribution of VR1 receptors in peripheral and central processes of rat primary vagal afferent neurons innervating the gastrointestinal tract was investigated by immunohistochemistry. Forty-two percent of neurons in the nodose ganglia retrogradely labeled from the stomach wall expressed low to moderate VR1 immunoreactivity (VR1-IR). VR1-IR was considerably lower in the nodose ganglia as compared to the jugular and dorsal root ganglia. In the vagus nerve, strongly VR1-IR fibers ran in separate fascicles that supplied mainly cervical and thoracic targets, leaving only weakly VR1-IR fibers in the subdiaphragmatic portion. Vagal afferent intraganglionic laminar endings (IGLEs) in the gastric and duodenal myenteric plexus did not express VR1-IR. Similarly, VR1-IR was contained in fibers running in perfect register with vagal afferents, but was not colocalized with horseradish peroxidase in the same varicosities of intramuscular arrays (IMAs) and vagal afferent fibers in the duodenal submucosa anterogradely labeled from the nodose ganglia. Only in the gastric mucosa did we find evidence for colocalization of VR1-IR in vagal afferent terminals. In contrast, many nerve fibers coursing through the myenteric and submucosal plexuses contained detectable VR1-IR, the majority of which colocalized calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity. In the dorsal medulla there was a dense plexus of VR1-IR varicose fibers in the commissural, dorsomedial and gelatinosus subnuclei of the medial NTS and the lateral aspects of the area postrema, which was substantially reduced, but not eliminated on the ipsilateral side after supranodose vagotomy. It is concluded that about half of the vagal afferents innervating the gastrointestinal tract express low levels of VR1-IR, but that presence in most of the peripheral terminal structures is below the immunohistochemical detection threshold.  相似文献   

两种软体动物神经系统一氧化氮合酶的组织化学定位   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
运用一氧化氮合酶(NOS)组织化学方法研究了软体动物门双壳纲种类中国蛤蜊和腹足纲种类嫁Qi神经系统中NOS阳性细胞以及阳性纤维的分布。结果表明:在蛤蜊脑神经节腹内侧,每侧约有10-15个细胞呈强NOS阳性反应,其突起也呈强阳性反应,并经脑足神经节进入足神经节的中央纤维网中;足神经节内只有2个细胞呈弱阳性反应,其突起较短,进入足神经节中央纤维网中,但足神经节中,来自脑神经节阳性细胞和外周神经系统的纤维大多呈NOS阳性反应;脏神经节的前内侧部和后外侧部各有一个阳性细胞团,其突起分别进入后闭壳肌水管后外套膜神经和脑脏神经索。脏神经节背侧小细胞层以及联系两侧小细胞层的纤维也呈NOS阳性反应。嫁Qi中枢神经系统各神经节中没有发现NOS阳性胞体存在;脑神经节、足神经节、侧神经节以及脑—侧、脑—足、侧—脏连索中均有反应程度不同的NOS阳性纤维,这些纤维均源于外周神经。与已研究的软体动物比较,嫁Qi和前鳃亚纲其它种类一样,神经系统中NO作为信息分子可能主要存在于感觉神经。而中国蛤蜊的神经系统中一氧化氮作为信息分子则可能参与更广泛的神经调节过程。  相似文献   

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