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重新建立滇虫脩属Dianphasma Chen & He, 1997 rev. stat. 为1有效属,并记载1新种:陈氏滇虫脩Dianphasma cheni sp. nov.,重新记述了滇虫脩属的特征,提供了分种检索表?  相似文献   

本文记述中国及越南突臀虫脩属Scionecra二新种,华氏突臀虫脩Scionecra huai Ho,sp.nov.及斑突臀虫脩Scionecra maculata Ho,sp.nov.。新种模式标本存放于广州中山大学生物博物馆。  相似文献   

记述云南高黎贡山[虫脩]目异[虫脩]科和[虫脩]科5个新种,即刺胸阿异[虫脩]Aruanoidea notata,sp.nov.,高山短肛[虫脩]Baculum altissimum,sp.nov.,光亮拟短肛[虫脩]Parabaculum laevigatum,sp.nov.,双角刺[虫脩]Cnipsomorpha biangulatus,sp.nov.,黑缘介[虫脩]Interphasma marginatum,sp.nov.,并且首次记述了污色无翅刺蟾Cnipsomorpha colorantis(Chen et He)的雄性。模式标本分别存放于北京林业大学与中国林业科学研究院昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

本文记述采自西藏短肛(虫脩)属Baculum Saussure和岔臀(虫脩)属Dixippus st(?)l各一新种.新种模式标本存于中国科学院动物研究所,北京.  相似文献   

瘦枝(虫脩)属Mavellina,隶属于短角枝(虫脩)亚科Pachymorphinae、枝(虫脩)族Ramulini。本属共记载有3种,即褐瘦枝(虫脩)M.souchongia(Westw.);齿瘦枝(虫脩)M.dentata(stl)和仿茎瘦枝(虫脩)M.caulodes(Rehn)。前一种分布丁我国广东和海南岛,后二种分布于东南亚。笔者于1988年收集到甘肃白水江自然保护区产该属雄虫1头,经鉴定为一新种,新种模式标本保存于北京林业大学。  相似文献   

描记了中国(虫脩)目(虫脩)科介(虫脩)属Interphasma Chen et He 1新种:雷公山介(虫脩)Interphasma leigongshanense sp.nov..模式标本保存在贵州大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

作者在整理陕西省(虫脩)目标本中,发现短肛棒(虫脩)属Baculum Saussure 1新种,现报道如下。模式标本保存于北京林业大学,描述中所用量度单位为mm。 褐纹短肛棒(虫脩) Baculum brunneum新种(图1—2) 雌虫:体褐至棕色,身体与足均长,体密被细颗粒突起。头较大,端宽基窄,头顶有3条由颗粒组成的纵纹,眼后每侧有1条褐纹。眼圆形,外突,长约为其后至头后缘的1/3,  相似文献   

笔者在整理广西竹节虫标本中,发现瘦枝(虫脩)属Macellina Uvarov一新种,现描述如下。模式标本存放于北京林业大学昆虫标本室。 腹指瘦枝(虫脩) Macellina digitata 新种(图1—3) 雄性:体细瘦,头明显长于前胸背板,后缘几与前胸等宽;头上无瘤突;头顶中央有一纵沟,至后半部较浅。触角19节,长约为前足股节的1/2;第1节长,两侧近乎平行,背面  相似文献   

陈树椿 《昆虫学报》1991,34(4):450-452
华枝(虫脩)属 Sinophasma Günther(1940)隶属于竹节虫目,长角枝(虫脩)亚科(Necrosciinae)。本属昆虫一般生活于森林中,大部分为害壳斗科植物,至目前为止全世界共记载有5种,均分布于我国,它们是:异尾华枝(虫脩)S.mirabile Gnther,克氏华枝(虫脩)S.Klapperichi Günther,瓦腹华枝(虫脩)S.hnei Günther,垂臀华枝(虫脩)S.brevipenne Günther,和斑腿华枝(虫脩)S.maculicruralis Chen。1987年笔者从贵州省森林昆虫考察  相似文献   

记述裸长角虫兆属1有眼新种:横眼裸长角虫兆Sinella transoculata sp. nov.。该新种的鉴定特征有2+2横向排列单眼,身体背部(除腹部第V–VI节)散布有棕色斑点,腹部第II节具a2大刚毛,腹部第IV节后侧中间具3根大刚毛及侧面具5根大刚毛。文中给出了该新种的特征图及该属2+2单眼横向排列物种之间的特征差异。  相似文献   

蛋白质是构成生命系统的基本元件之一,是大部分生物学功能的执行者。蛋白质丰度与其生物学功能息息相关,其丰度受基因表达过程中各环节严格精密的调控。其中,蛋白质丰度与其相应mRNA丰度存在较强的相关性,蛋白质丰度差异的40%可由mRNA丰度来解释。茉莉酸信号途径调节巴西橡胶树中的天然橡胶生物合成,但相关基因彼此间的表达丰度差异尚待阐明。该文比较了S/2D d3割胶制度下,15个橡胶生物合成调控相关基因COI1、JAZ1、JAZ2、JAZ3、MYC1、MYC2、MYC3、MYC4、MYC5、GAPDH、HMGR1、SRPP、REF、HRT1、HRT2以及2个常用内参基因18S、ACTIN1在10个橡胶树种质胶乳中的表达丰度差异;将ACTIN1的表达丰度设定为1,以此为标准计算出样品中其他基因的表达丰度。结果表明:相同个体中不同基因的转录丰度差异明显,不同个体中相同基因集的丰度大小排序存在一定差异;同一基因在不同个体中的转录丰度差异明显,这16个基因的最大丰度分别是最低丰度的9.43、6.04、10.02、12.29、18.82、9.22、38.46、112.83、121.36、15.34、19.09、13.54、10.05、19.80、24.83、11.82倍,他们的变异系数分别为73.05%、55.19%、69.09%、67.37%、66.59%、53.87%、83.25%、122.02%、166.34%、59.89%、70.59%、75.67%、74.20%、68.34%、84.23%、78.59%;总的来说,在群体水平上,16个基因的转录丰度从高到低依次为18S SRPPHMGR1REFMYC2/HRT1COI1MYC1/MYC4GAPDH/JAZ1/MYC5JAZ2HRT2/MYC3/JAZ3,他们的群体平均丰度依次为ACTIN1的28 382.26、43.64、11.39、7.16、5.47、5.10、1.07、0.75、0.74、0.45、0.42、0.33、0.12、0.06、0.06、0.04倍。值得注意的是,无论在个体水平还是群体水平上,18S的丰度毫无疑问是最大的,在mRNA中,SRPP的丰度最大,JAZ1大于JAZ2和JAZ3,MYC2大于MYC1、MYC3、MYC4、MYC5,HRT1大于HRT2。综上结果表明,结构基因和功能基因的丰度高于调控基因。在基因相对表达分析中,常对目的基因和内参基因作均一化处理,从而掩盖了不同基因间的真实丰度差异,因此,在基因表达分析中,既要关注基因的相对表达量,也要关注基因间的丰度差异,这有助于更全面地理解基因的功能。  相似文献   

Socioeconomic Value and Growth of Naturalized Musa balbisiana L. A. Colla Leaves in Honduras. Musa balbisiana (Musaceae) is a seed–producing diploid banana indigenous to Southeast Asia. After it was introduced to Honduras it became naturalized in nearby second–growth areas of the north coast. Local residents were quick to recognize the socioeconomic value of these wild banana leaves as a wrap for traditional nacatamales. To estimate the monetary value and to provide preliminary data on sustainable harvest of these leaves, interviews and field research were undertaken in 2009. From July to September of that year, each of 38 harvesters averaged a weekly sale of 4,400 cut, de–veined, and blanched M. balbisiana leaves. This weekly harvest sold for Lempiras (Lps.) 550.00 or ca. U.S. 30.00 to truckers, who transported them to major markets. The number of leaves produced in three months was estimated by two techniques: 1) The traditional cut of the entire pseudostem and 2) a careful cut to only remove useful leaves. The number of useful leaves cut at the onset of the study and three months later was 11 and 13 for techniques 1 and 2, respectively. This difference was not significant, but the more careful method did yield significantly wider, longer, and a greater number of total leaves (useful plus immature). This is the first field study to estimate leaf production by naturalized < i > M. balbisiana < /i > plants in Honduras. All leaves are currently harvested from wild populations and no sustainable management plans exist. The socioeconomic value and cultural use of < i > M. balbisiana < /i > leaves in Honduras is an example of an exotic species that has important socioeconomic benefits. This naturalized < i > Musa < /i > appearsM. balbisiana plants in Honduras. All leaves are currently harvested from wild populations and no sustainable management plans exist. The socioeconomic value and cultural use of M. balbisiana leaves in Honduras is an example of an exotic species that has important socioeconomic benefits. This naturalized Musa appears to have few of the negative impacts typically attributed to exotic plants.  相似文献   



Coffee is an important crop and is crucial to the economy of many developing countries, generating around US70 billion per year. There are 115 species in the < i > Coffea < /i > genus, but only two, < i > C. arabica < /i > and < i > C. canephora < /i > , are commercially cultivated. Coffee plants are attacked by many pathogens and insect-pests, which affect not only the production of coffee but also its grain quality, reducing the commercial value of the product. The main insect-pest, the coffee berry borer ( < i > Hypotheneumus hampei < /i > ), is responsible for worldwide annual losses of around US70 billion per year. There are 115 species in the Coffea genus, but only two, C. arabica and C. canephora, are commercially cultivated. Coffee plants are attacked by many pathogens and insect-pests, which affect not only the production of coffee but also its grain quality, reducing the commercial value of the product. The main insect-pest, the coffee berry borer (Hypotheneumus hampei), is responsible for worldwide annual losses of around US500 million. The coffee berry borer exclusively damages the coffee berries, and it is mainly controlled by organochlorine insecticides that are both toxic and carcinogenic. Unfortunately, natural resistance in the genus Coffea to H. hampei has not been documented. To overcome these problems, biotechnological strategies can be used to introduce an α-amylase inhibitor gene (α-AI1), which confers resistance against the coffee berry borer insect-pest, into C. arabica plants.  相似文献   

Karl Dreher 《Zoomorphology》1936,31(4):608-672
Ohne ZusammenfassungErklärung der Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen A Sekundäranastomos im Thorax - al Trachea alarum - AL Oberlippen-Antennen-Luftsack-trachee - ana Analschlinge der Längsstäm me - ant Antennentrachee - Ant Antenne - apa Apicalschlinge der Ldngsstämme - Atr Atrium - b larvale Kopftrachee - Bm Bauchmark - BTr Basaltracheole - c larvale Kopftrachee - ci T. cephalica inferior - CLL Clypeusluftsack - COL Gehirn-Augenluftsack - cs T. cephalica superior - cu Cubitaltrachee - cvi T. cephalica visceralis - d T. dorsalis - de T. dorsalis exterior - dea T. dorsalis exterior anterior - dep T. dorsalis exterior posterior - di T. dorsalis interior - Dk Darmkanal - DML Doisalmuskelluftsack - DrK Drüsenkern - ds T. dorsalis superior - e larvale Kopftrachee - Ex Exuvie - Exf Exuvialflüssigkeit - EzK Endzellkern - f larvale Beintrachee - FRL Stirnluftsack - G Gehirn - Go Gonaden - J Intima - JBe Imaginalanlage der Beine - JFl Imaginalanlage der Flügel - iT inverse Trachee - k nymphale Kopftrachee - K Tracheenknotenpunkt im Kopf der Imago - K, K Tracheenknotenpunkte im Kopf der Nymphe - K Kern - l T. longitudinalis - lb Unterlippentrachee - Lb Unterlippe - lbr Oberlippentrachee - Lbr Oberlippe - lbt Unterlippentastertrachee - Lbt Unterlippentaster - LTL Lateralthoraxluftsack - M Membran - Ma Matrix - md Mandibeltrachee - Md Mandibel - MDa Mitteldarm - MdD Mandibeldrüse - me Medialtrachee - Me Öffnungsmuskel - Mg Malpighigefäße - Mo Schließmuskel - MPL Metapleuralluftsack - mx Maxillartrachee - Mx Maxille - MX Maxillarluftsack - N Nerv - o Augentrachee - oa vordere Augentrachee - oc Ocellartrachee - OCL Ocellarluftsack - Oe Oesophagus - oi untere Augentrachee - op hintere Augentrachee - Pa Porta atrii - PH Pharynx-Luftsack - Ps Pericardialsinus - r Analtrachee - R Rückengefäß - ra Radialtrachee - Re Rectum - RPa Rectalpapille - s T. stigmatis - Sg Unterschlundganglion - SGL Unterschlundganglienluftsack - SLL Lateral-Scutellarluftsack - SML Median-Scutellarluftsack - SOL Supraoesophagalluftsack - SpD Spinndrüse - SPL Scutellar-Propodealluftsack - St Stigma - Stm Stigmenmund - t Analtrachee - T Trachea - TGa Tracheengang - Tr Tracheole - TrB Tracheolenbündel - TrW Tracheolenwand - u Analtrachee - v T. ventralis - V Vakuole - va T. ventralis anterior - vaa T. ventralis anterior anastomotica - vap T. ventralis anterior pedalis - ve T. ventralis exterior - vel T. ventralis exterior lateralis - vep T. ventralis exterior proximalis - vi T. visceralis - vp T. ventralis posterior - vpa T. ventralis posterior anastomotica - vpl T. ventralis posterior longitudinalis - vpp T. ventralis posterior pedalis - w Analtrachee - Wa Wange Dissertation der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Marburg a. L.  相似文献   

Vårdal, H., Bjørlo, A. & Sæther, O. A. (2002). Afrotropical Polypedilum subgenus Tripodura, with a review of the subgenus (Diptera: Chironomidae). —Zoologica Scripta, 31, 331–402. A subgeneric diagnosis for all stages of the subgenus Tripodura Townes, 1 945 of the genus Polypedilum Kieffer, 1 912 is given. Nine new Afrotropical species of Tripodura are described: P.(T.)chelum Vårdal sp. n., P.(T.)amplificatus Bjørlo sp. n., P.(T.)patulum Bjørlo sp. n., P.(T.)spinalveum Vårdal sp. n., P.(T.)ewei Bjørlo sp. n., P.(T.)ogoouense Bjørlo sp. n., P.(T.)akani Bjørlo sp. n., P.(T.)dagombae Bjørlo sp. n., and P.(T.)amputatum Bjørlo sp. n.; all as male imagines only. P.(T.)alboguttatum Kieffer, P.(T.)albosignatum Kieffer, P.(T.)tropicum Kieffer, P.(T.)pruina Freeman, P.(T.)quinqueguttatum Kieffer, P.(T.) aegyptium Kieffer, P.(T.) tridens Freeman, P.(T.)allansoni Freeman, P.(T.)longicrus Kieffer, P.(T.)annulatipes Kieffer and P.(T.)abyssiniae Kieffer are re‐described as male and female imagines, while P.(T.)majiis Lehmann, P.(T.)subovatum Freeman, P.(T.)griseoguttatum Kieffer, P.(T.)aferum Lehmann and P.(T.)kijabense Freeman are re‐described as male imagines only. Keys to the male and the known female imagines of the 30 Afrotropical species in the subgenus are presented. A phylogenetic analysis based on all available information on Tripodura from all over the world (135 species) is presented and discussed. The monophyly of the subgenus Tripodura is confirmed. The subgenus can be divided into 20 groups with the acifer group forming the sister group of two larger assemblages of groups in the order acifer (titicacae (ginzansecundum ((aferum (ewei (malickianum (floridense (halterale, pullum)))))) (subovatum (labeculosum ((parascalaenum (allansoni (apfelbecki (udominatum, parvum))))) ((((alboguttatum, aegyptium) quinqueguttatum) annulatipes)). Only in the titicacae, halterale, pullum and apfelbecki groups are the larvae of more than one species described, while one larva is known in each of the subovatum, parascalaenum, aegyptium and quinqueguttatum groups. Three or more pupae are known only from the halterale, pullum, apfelbecki and aegyptium groups. Thus, the tentative nature of the group divisions is obvious. Geographical co‐evolutionary analyses (Brooks parsimony analyses) of the subgenus as a whole and of the major groups are performed and the areas most likely to be part of the original areas estimated. Most probably, eastern South America and Africa were part of the ancestral area. There are multiple sister‐group relationships and generalized tracks between South and East Asia and Africa, between Africa and the Palaearctic region, between South and East Asia, between tropical Brazil and Africa, between East Asia and North America across a former Beringian land bridge, and between the Indo‐West Pacific region and New Zealand, but no evidence for transantarctic relationships.  相似文献   

Otto Kuhn 《Zoomorphology》1926,5(3):489-558
Ohne ZusammenfassungBuchstabenerklärungen zu den Abbildungen bm Basalmembran - bz Blutzelle - c Cornea - ChI I. Chiasma - ChII II. Chiasma - ChIII III. Chiasama - cu Cuticula - GI peripheres oder I. Opticusganglion - GII II. Opticusganglion - gzk Ganglienzellkern - hy Hypodermis - KK Krystallkegel - KKz Krystallkegelzelle - KKzk Kern der Krystallkegelzelle - Kz Krystallzelle (Sempersche Zelle im aconen Auge) - Kzk Krystallzellkern - MI I. Medullarmasse - MII II. Medullarmasse - MIII III. Medullarmasse - nb Nervenbündel - nf Nervenfasser - Om Ommatidium - Pl Pigmentleisten - Pz Hauptpigmentzelle - Pzk Hauptpigmentzellkern - pz Nebenpigmentzelle - pzk Kern der Nebenpigmentzelle - rh Rhabdomer - Rh Rhabdom - rpz Retinapigmentzelle - rpzk Kern der Retinapigmentzelle - ret Retinula - Sm Schaltmembran - sph Sphärosom - Sst Schaltstück - sz (1-8) 1.-8. Schzelle - szk (1-8) 1.-8. Schzellkern - szp Pigment der Sehzelle - tra Trachee  相似文献   

The family Otoplanidae is represented by 8 species in the San Juan Archipel of the North American Pacific Coast. 6 new species and 1 new subspecies are described; 3 new genera are nominated. The female genital systems of Americanaplana nov. gen. and Pluribursaeplana nov. gen. deliver new elements for the morphology of the Turbellaria.
Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen ag Atrium genitale bs Bursa - bsb Bursablase bss Bursasack - c Gehirn - co Kopulationsorgan - dqi Ductus genito-intestinalis - do dorsale Nadelgruppe - dsp Ductus spermaticus - eg extrakapsuläre Ganglien - fs feinkörniges Sekret - fsp Fremdsperma - ge Germar - Geschlechtsöffnung - gvc unpaarer Endabschnitt der Germo vitellodukte - gvd Germovitellodukt - hd Hautdrüse - hf Haftfeld - hn Hakennadeln - hp Haftpapille - hs homogenes Sekret - i Darm - is Kopfdarm - iv Darmvakuolen - kd Kittdrüsen - kr Kriechsohle - ks Kornsekret - ksd Kornsekretdrüsen - l Längsmuskeln - mb Muskelband - mfo Mündungsgrube des Frontalorgans - mgk männlicher Geschlechtskanal - mh Matrixgewebe für Hakennadeln - nv Ventralnerv - pap Parenchympolster - ph Pharynx - pht Pharynxtasche - qlm quergestreifte Längsmuskeln - rag rostrale Atrialausstülpung - rh Rhabditen - rm Ringmuskeln - sch schulpförmiger Zentralteil der Stilettapparatur - sd Schalendrüsen - sk Sehkolben - sm Sarkoplasma - sp Spermium - st Stilettapparatur - sta Statocyste - to Hoden - tr Trichterrohr - va Vagina - vd Vas deferens - vg Vesicula granulorum - vhp ventrale Haftpapillenreihe - vi Vitellar - vn ventrale Nadelgruppe - vp Vaginalporus - vs Vesicula seminalis - vva Vereinigung der paarigen Vaginen  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungErklärung der Abkürzungen in den Abbildungen A After - Cl Clypeus - AA Afterapparat - Cru Crumena - ACl Anteelypeus - Cx Hüfte - ADr Anhangsdrüse des männlichen Geschlechtsapparats - degDr degenerierte Drüse - dorsWB dorsale Wachsborstenbildner - Ant Antenne - DP Dorsalpori - Ar Arohum - dvm Dorsoventralmuskel - Au Komplexauge - epi epipharyngeales Sinnesorgan - B Bein - Fa Eingang zu 3 - BM thorako-abdominale Ganglienmasse - F 1,2 Falten, s. Text - Fe Femur - BuccGg Buccalganglion - FK Filterkammer - CerGg Cerebralganglion - Fl Flügel - FlA Flügelanlage - Op Operculum - FTr Fetttröpfchen - Ov Ovar - GA Anlage der ektodermalen Teile des Geschlechtsapparats - Ovid Ovidukt - Par Paramere - Go p paarige Gonapophyse - PB Palisadenbildner - Go u unpaare Gonapophyse - PCl Postclypeus - H 1, H2 Artikulationshebel der Stechborsten - Pe Penis - Ph Pharynx - H Herz - Poh hintere - HD Hinterdarm - Pol laterale Randpolster - HFl Hinterflügel - Pov vordere - Ho Hoden - Pia Prätarsus - 1, 2, 3 vordere, mittlere, hintere Bildungshöhle - R Rectum - Rec Receptaculum seminis - HöFl Bildungshöhlen der Flügel - Ret retortenförmige Organe - HSch Haftscheibe - RWB Randwachsborstenbildner - KDr Kittdrüse - Sa1, 2, 3 Epithelsäcke, die weiter eingezogen werden - Kr Kralle - IA Larvenauge - SGg Subösophagalganglion - Lb Stechborstenscheide, Labium - SpDr 1, 2 Speicheldrüsenlappen - Ling Lingula - SP Samenpumpe - L. mand., L. max. Lamina mandibularis, maxillaris - SPP Speichelpumpe - StB Stechborstenbündel - L. opt. L., L. opt. J. larvaler bzw. imaginaler Lobus opticus - Stg Stigma - Ta Tarsus - Ti Tibia - m Muskel - Tth, q Tentoriumarme - Md mandibulare Stechborste - Vag Vagina - m. dil. Dilatator der Mundpumpe - V. d. Vas deferens - MD Mitteldarm - VFl Vorderflügel - m. tent. Musc. tentorii - vlm ventraler Längsmuskel - MG Malpighi-Gefäß - Wl Epithelwand, s. Text - Mx maxillare Stechborste - Wu Wulst, s. Text - Myc Mycetom - Oc Ocellus - Oen Oenocyten - Ös Ösophagus - OLN Oberlippennerv  相似文献   

American minks with different genotypes containing the Aleutian coat color allele in the homozygous state, including the single recessive Aleutian (a/a); double recessive sapphire (a/a p/p) and lavender (m/m a/a); triple recessive violet (m/m a/a p/p); and dominant-recessive cross sapphire (S/+ a/a p/p), sapphire leopard (S K /+ a/a p/p), and shadow sapphire (S H /+ a/a p/p) minks, as well as American minks without the Aleutian allele, including the standard (+/+); single recessive silver-blue (p/p) and hedlund-white (h/h); double recessive pearl (k/k p/p), Finnish topaz (t S /t S b/b); incompletely dominant royal silver (S R /+), standard leopard (S K /+), and black crystal (C R /+); and dominant-recessive snowy topaz (C R /+ t S /t S b/b) and Kujtezhyspotted (S K /+ b/b) minks have been studied. Homozygosity for the a allele has been found to disturb the subcellular structure of leukocyte, namely the formation of abnormally large granules.  相似文献   

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