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[目的]优化梨自交不亲和基因(S-RNase或S基因)c DNA芯片杂交条件,利用芯片检测梨品种S基因型。[方法]提取梨品种雌蕊RNA,Cy3标记引物RT-PCR获得S基因荧光标记特异c DNA序列。设置不同杂交条件,用已知S基因型品种荧光标记的PCR产物在不同条件下分别与芯片杂交,杂交信号分析芯片杂交效果。用芯片优化杂交体系鉴定梨品种未知S基因型,DNA测序验证芯片鉴定结果。[结果]芯片杂交最佳条件:杂交温度42℃,杂交时间8~9 h,PCR纯化产物终浓度为200 ng·μl-1。优化杂交条件下芯片鉴定晚咸丰、秀水、丽江马占梨1、湘菊、木通梨、甘甜、弥渡小红梨、丽江大中古、金晶和弥渡火把等梨品种S基因型分别为:Pp S15Pp S52、Pp S4Pp S5、Pb S22Pp S37、Pp S1Pp S2、Pp S1Pp S3、Pp S13Pp S15、Pp S12Pb S42、Pb S21Pb S22、Pp S3Pp S60和Pp S5Pp S5。DNA测序验证各品种所含S基因与芯片鉴定结果一致。[结论]梨自交不亲和基因c DNA芯片优化杂交条件后可准确鉴定梨品种所含已鉴定的S基因资源。  相似文献   

[目的]优化梨自交不亲和基因(S-RNase或S基因)c DNA芯片杂交条件,利用芯片检测梨品种S基因型。[方法]提取梨品种雌蕊RNA,Cy3标记引物RT-PCR获得S基因荧光标记特异c DNA序列。设置不同杂交条件,用已知S基因型品种荧光标记的PCR产物在不同条件下分别与芯片杂交,杂交信号分析芯片杂交效果。用芯片优化杂交体系鉴定梨品种未知S基因型,DNA测序验证芯片鉴定结果。[结果]芯片杂交最佳条件:杂交温度42℃,杂交时间8~9 h,PCR纯化产物终浓度为200 ng·μl-1。优化杂交条件下芯片鉴定晚咸丰、秀水、丽江马占梨1、湘菊、木通梨、甘甜、弥渡小红梨、丽江大中古、金晶和弥渡火把等梨品种S基因型分别为:Pp S15Pp S52、Pp S4Pp S5、Pb S22Pp S37、Pp S1Pp S2、Pp S1Pp S3、Pp S13Pp S15、Pp S12Pb S42、Pb S21Pb S22、Pp S3Pp S60和Pp S5Pp S5。DNA测序验证各品种所含S基因与芯片鉴定结果一致。[结论]梨自交不亲和基因c DNA芯片优化杂交条件后可准确鉴定梨品种所含已鉴定的S基因资源。  相似文献   

以毛茛科乌头属铁棒锤(Aconitum pendulum N.Busch)2个品系‘蓝花铁棒锤’(‘WSYB1’)和‘黄花铁棒锤’(‘WSYY1’)为材料,对其进行转录组测序(RNA-seq),采用生物信息学方法鉴定其中可能存在的花柱S基因(self-incompatibility gene)和花粉S基因,并对它们的序列特征进行分析。结果显示,转录组中共鉴定出2个在雌蕊中特异或高表达的花柱S基因(ApSRNase)和2个在雄蕊中特异表达的花粉S基因(ApSLF)。与耧斗菜(Aquilegia coerulea James)相似,铁棒锤中也存在S-RNase(S locus ribonucleases)和SLF(S locus F-box)控制的S-RNase类的自交不亲和系统,而不存在sS(stigma S-determinant)和pS(pollen S-determinant)控制的罂粟科类型的自交不亲和系统。  相似文献   

中国梨品种S基因型鉴定的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用PCR技术和聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法对6个中国梨品种的s基因型进行了鉴定研究,并与已知S基因型的日本梨品种进行了比较。研究结果表明,供试的6个中国梨品种S基因型均不相同,‘西子绿’、‘金花’和‘金水酥’各包含了S1~S7以外的新的S基因,为这些品种田间授粉品种的选配提供了参考。  相似文献   

梨是配子体型自交不亲和植物, 确定不同品种的S基因型是科学杂交授粉及提高梨产量和品质的基础。本文根据砂梨S1-9等位基因一级结构特征, 设计特异引物PF和PR, 以白梨(Pyrus bretschneideri)品种鹅梨(Pyrus bretschneideri ‘El i’) 和砂梨(Pyrus pyrifolia)品种博多青(Pyrus pyri folia ‘Hakataao’) 的叶片基因组DNA为模板, 通过 PCR-RFLP系统检测、克隆测 序以及生物信息学分析, 分离鉴定了它们的片段大小相似的2条S等位基因, 从中获得1条新的S基因, 命名为S34-RNase基因, 并确定了这2个梨品种的S基因型, 分别为鹅梨S13S34和博多青S22S34。  相似文献   

通过对稻属(Oryza L.)及其近缘属等18个禾本科植物单拷贝核基因TPI序列进行扩增和测序,分析其系统进化关系及序列差异,并设计鉴定疣粒野生稻(O.granulata)特异的分子标记.序列分析表明,栽培稻间TPI基因序列碱基变异少,野生稻相对变异丰富,其中疣粒野生稻变异尤为明显,根据疣粒野生稻的TPI基因序列特异位点设计引物,利用这一分子标记对疣粒野生稻进行准确鉴定.  相似文献   

樱桃品种S基因型及自交不亲和性分子机制研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
系统介绍了樱桃S基因型鉴定的主要方法,全面列出上百个已知甜樱桃品种的S基因型,其中共涉及16个S基因;着重讨论了樱桃S基因座内S-RNase和SFB基因的研究概况、结构特点及位置关系,并提出该领域善待解决的问题。  相似文献   

梨是配子体型自交不亲和植物,确定不同品种的S基因型是科学杂交授粉及提高梨产量和品质的基础。本文根据砂梨S1-9等位基因一级结构特征,设计特异引物PF和PR,以白梨(Pyrus bretschneideri)种鹅梨(Pyrus bretschneideri‘Eli’)和砂梨(Pyrus pyrifolia)品种博多青(Pyrus pyrifolia‘Hakataao’)的叶片基因组DNA为模板,通过PCR·RFLP系统检测、克隆测序以及生物信息学分析,分离鉴定了它们的片段大小相似的2条S等位基因,从中获得1条新的S基因,命名为S34-RNase基因,并确定了这2个梨品种的S基因型,分别为鹅梨S13S34和博多青S22S34。  相似文献   

水稻(Oryza sativa)作为热带与亚热带起源的作物对低温敏感.对水稻种质进行耐冷性鉴定,能筛选出耐冷性强的种质,发展耐冷基因分子标记,能够有效鉴别种质中耐冷基因的基因型.本研究使用芽期4℃低温处理10d对41份水稻材料进行芽期耐冷鉴定,对品种的芽期耐冷能力进行评价,获得了参试材料中除了'昆明小白谷'之外的芽期耐冷性最强的品种'南特号'.对已克隆的耐冷基因CTB4a开发分子标记,能够辅助选择水稻的耐冷育种.水稻孕穗期耐冷基因CTB4a来源于'昆明小白谷',能够影响水稻抵抗低温的能力.参照公布的CTB4a序列信息,从中挑选出序列中的作用位点SNP(单核苷酸多态性,single nucleotide polymorphism),结合引物扩增受阻突变技术(Penta-primer amplification refractory mutation system,PARMS),用Primer 6.0设计引物,建立CTB4a基因荧光分子标记GM-CTB4a,使用荧光分子标记GM-CTB4a对41份水稻品种进行鉴定,使用酶标仪在'昆明小白谷'中检测到利用标记扩增产物中包含'昆明小白谷'特异SNP、T碱基引物携带的FAM荧光信号,在另外40份品种的扩增产物中检测到包含作用位点的C碱基引物携带的HEX荧光信号.本研究利用设计的分子标记,鉴定了 41份水稻品种的耐冷性和基因型.比对分析耐冷性和基因型鉴定结果,说明我们开发的分子标记GM-CTB4a特异性较强,具有实际应用价值.研究结果为利用水稻孕穗期耐冷基因CTB4a培育强耐冷水稻品种奠定坚实基础.  相似文献   

甜樱桃(Prunus avium L.)品种S基因型鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈晓流  陈学森  束怀瑞 《遗传学报》2004,31(10):1142-1148
根据蔷薇科S-RNase基因(S基因)高度保守区C2和RC4区设计一对特异引物PruC2和PruC4R,对甜樱桃品种的基因组DNA进行S基因特异PCR扩增。克隆S基因的扩增片段,核酸序列在GenBank上搜索,确定了4种S基因的核酸序列和大小。结果表明,在琼脂糖凝胶上位置相同的扩增带其核酸序列相同,是同一种S基因。4种S基因扩增片段的大小分别是:S1为677bp,S3为762bp,S4为945bp,S6为456bp。参试的自交不亲和品种的S基因型分别是:红灯、红艳、早红宝石和先锋相同,为S1S3;抉择、红丰和那翁相同,为S3S4;大紫为S1S6;长把红为S1S4;养老为S2S6;自交亲和品种外引7号和斯太拉为S3S4。  相似文献   

Evolutionary analysis of S-RNase genes from Rosaceae species   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Eight new cDNA sequences for S-RNases were cloned and analysed from almond (Prunus dulcis) cultivars of European origin, and compared to published sequences from other Rosaceae species. Insertions/deletions of 10-20 amino acid residues were detected in the RC4 and C5 domains of S-RNases from almond and sweet cherry. The S-RNases of the Prunus species and those of the genera Malus and Pyrus formed two distinct groups on phylogenetic analysis. Nucleotide substitutions were analysed in the S-RNase genes of these species. The S-genes of almond and sweet cherry have a lower Ka/Ks value than those of apple, pear and wild apple do. The fact that there is no fixed difference between the S-RNase genes of almond and sweet cherry, or between apple and pear, suggests that nucleotide substitutions only introduce transient polymorphism into the two groups, and rarely became fixed and contribute to divergence. Through the comparative study of 17 S-RNase genes from the genus Prunus and 18 from the genera Malus and Pyrus, some fixed nucleotide differences between the two groups were identified. These differences do not appear to be the result of selection for adaptive mutations, since the number of replacement substitutions is not significantly greater than the number of synonymous substitutions. S-RNase genes of almond and sweet cherry, and of apple and pear, showed little heterogeneity in nucleotide substitution rates. However, heterogeneity was observed between the two groups of S-alleles, with the Prunus alleles exhibiting a lower rate of non-synonymous substitutions than alleles from Malus and Pyrus. The evolutionary relationships between these species are discussed.  相似文献   

The full-length cDNAs of eight S ribonucleases (S-RNases) were cloned from stylar RNA of European pear cultivars that could not be characterized by the cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) marker system for genotyping European pear cultivars harboring nine S alleles Sa, Sb, Sd, Se, Sh, Sk, Sl, Sq, and Sr. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences between these cDNAs and six putative S-RNase alleles previously amplified by genomic PCR revealed that five corresponded to the putative Sc-, Si-, Sm-, Sn-, and Sp-RNase alleles and the other three corresponded new S-RNase alleles (designated as putative Sg-, Ss-, and St-RNase alleles). Genomic PCR with a new set of primers was used to amplify 17 S-RNase alleles: 1906 bp (Sg), 1642 bp (St), 1414 bp (Sl), ca. 1.3 kb (Sk and Sq), 998 bp (Se), 440 bp (Sb), and ca. 350 bp (Sa, Sc, Sd, Sh, Si, Sm, Sn, Sp, Sr, and Ss). Among them, S-RNase alleles of similar size were discriminated by digestion with 11 restriction endo-nucleases. The PCR amplification of 17 S-RNase alleles following digestion with the restriction endonucleases provided a new CAPS marker system for rapid S-genotyping of European pear cultivars harboring 17 S alleles. Using the CAPS analysis, Sc, Sg, Si, Sm, Sn, Sp, Ss, and St alleles were found in 32 cultivars, which were classified into 23 S-genotypes.  相似文献   

The pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) has gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI). To elucidate the S-genotypes of Korean-bred pear cultivars, whose parents are heterozygotes, the PCR amplification using S-RNase primers that are specific for each S-genotype was carried out in 15 Korean-bred pear cultivars and 5 Japanese-bred pear cultivars. The difference of the fragment length was shown in the following order: S6 (355 bp) < S7 (360 bp) < S1 (375 bp) < S4 (376 bp) < S3 and S5 (384 bp) < S8 (442 bp) < S9 (1,323 bp) < S2 (1,355 bp). We analyzed the sequence of the S-RNase gene, which had introns of various sizes in the hypervariable (HV) region between the adjacent exons with a fairly high homology. The sizes of the introns were as follows: S1 = 167 bp, S2 = 1,153 bp, S3 = 179 bp, S4 = 168 bp, S5 = 179 bp, S6 = 147 bp, S7 = 152 bp, S8 = 234 bp, S9 = 1,115 bp. There were five conservative and five hypervariable regions in the introns of S1, S3, S4, S5, S6 and S-RNases. A pairwise comparison of these introns of S-RNases revealed homologies as follows: 93.7% between S1- and S4-RNases, 93.3% between S3- and S5-RNases and 78.9% between S6- and S7-RNases. PCR-RFLP and S-RNases sequencing determined the S-genotypes of the pear cultivars. The S-genotypes were S4S9 for Shinkou, S3S9 for Niitaka, S3S5 for Housui, S1S5 for Kimizukawase, S1S8 for Ichiharawase, S3S5 for Mansoo, S3S4 for Shinil, S3S4 for Whangkeumbae, S3S5 for Sunhwang, S3S5 for Whasan, S3S5 for Mihwang, S5S? for Chengsilri, S3S5 for Gamro, S3S4 for Yeongsanbae, S3S4 for Wonhwang, S3S5 for Gamcheonbae, S3S5 for Danbae, S3S4 for Manpoong, S3S4 for Soowhangbae and S4S6 for Chuwhangbae. The information on the S-genotypes of pear cultivars will be used for the pollinizer selection and breeding program.  相似文献   

Stylar riboncleases (RNases) are associated with gametophytic self-incompatibility in two plant families, the Solanaceae and the Rosaceae. The self-incompatibility-associated RNases (S-RNases) of both the Solanaceae and the Rosaceae were recently reported to belong to the T2 RNase gene family, based on the presence of two well-conserved sequence motifs. Here, the cloning and characterization of S-RNase genes from two species of Rosaceae, apple (Malus × domestica) and Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina) is described and these sequences are compared with those of other T2-type RNases. The S-RNases of apple specifically accumulated in styles following maturation of the flower bud. Two cDNA clones for S-RNases from apple, and PCR clones encoding a further two apple S-RNases as well as two Japanese pear S-RNases were isolated and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of the rosaceous S-RNases contained two conserved regions characteristic of the T2/S-type RNases. The sequences showed a high degree of diversity, with similarities ranging from 60.4% to 69.2%. Interestingly, some interspecific sequence similarities were higher than those within a species, possibly indicating that diversification of S-RNase alleles predated speciation in the Rosaceae. A phylogenetic tree of members of the T2/S-RNase superfamily in plants was obtained. The rosaceous S-RNases formed a new lineage in the tree that was distinct from those of the solanaceous S-RNases and the S-like RNases. The findings suggested that self-incompatibility mechanisms in Rosaceae and Solanaceae are similar but arose independently in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

Stylar riboncleases (RNases) are associated with gametophytic self-incompatibility in two plant families, the Solanaceae and the Rosaceae. The self-incompatibility-associated RNases (S-RNases) of both the Solanaceae and the Rosaceae were recently reported to belong to the T2 RNase gene family, based on the presence of two well-conserved sequence motifs. Here, the cloning and characterization of S-RNase genes from two species of Rosaceae, apple (Malus × domestica) and Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina) is described and these sequences are compared with those of other T2-type RNases. The S-RNases of apple specifically accumulated in styles following maturation of the flower bud. Two cDNA clones for S-RNases from apple, and PCR clones encoding a further two apple S-RNases as well as two Japanese pear S-RNases were isolated and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequences of the rosaceous S-RNases contained two conserved regions characteristic of the T2/S-type RNases. The sequences showed a high degree of diversity, with similarities ranging from 60.4% to 69.2%. Interestingly, some interspecific sequence similarities were higher than those within a species, possibly indicating that diversification of S-RNase alleles predated speciation in the Rosaceae. A phylogenetic tree of members of the T2/S-RNase superfamily in plants was obtained. The rosaceous S-RNases formed a new lineage in the tree that was distinct from those of the solanaceous S-RNases and the S-like RNases. The findings suggested that self-incompatibility mechanisms in Rosaceae and Solanaceae are similar but arose independently in the course of evolution.  相似文献   

Kato S  Mukai Y 《Heredity》2004,92(3):249-256
In the Rosaceae family, which includes Prunus, gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) is controlled by a single multiallelic locus (S-locus), and the S-locus product expressed in the pistils is a glycoprotein with ribonuclease activity (S-RNase). Two populations of flowering cherry (Prunus lannesiana var. speciosa), located on Hachijo Island in Japan's Izu Islands, were sampled, and S-allele diversity was surveyed based on the sequence polymorphism of S-RNase. A total of seven S-alleles were cloned and sequenced. The S-RNases of flowering cherry showed high homology to those of Prunus cultivars (P. avium and P. dulcis). In the phylogenetic tree, the S-RNases of flowering cherry and other Prunus cultivars formed a distinct group, but they did not form species-specific subgroups. The nucleotide substitution pattern in S-RNases of flowering cherry showed no excess of nonsynonymous substitutions relative to synonymous substitutions. However, the S-RNases of flowering cherry had a higher Ka/Ks ratio than those of other Prunus cultivars, and a subtle heterogeneity in the nucleotide substitution rates was observed among the Prunus species. The S-genotype of each individual was determined by Southern blotting of restriction enzyme-digested genomic DNA, using cDNA for S-RNase as a probe. A total of 22 S-alleles were identified. All individuals examined were heterozygous, as expected under GSI. The allele frequencies were, contrary to the expectation under GSI, significantly unequal. The two populations studied showed a high degree of overlap, with 18 shared alleles. However, the allele frequencies differed considerably between the two populations.  相似文献   

中国梨2个自交不亲和新等位基因(S等位基因)的分子鉴定   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
自交不亲和是显花植物的一种重要生殖生理现象,为探明中国梨的自交不亲和特性,对‘锦香’(Pyrus bretschneideri cv. Jinxiang)和‘鹅酥’(Pyrus bretschneideri cv. Esu)2个中国梨品种进行了基因组PCR特异扩增、S基因序列分析及田间杂交授粉试验。结果确定它们各含1个新S-RNA酶基因,分别命名为S37-和S38-RNase,GenBank序列号为DQ839238和DQ839239。生物信息学分析结果表明,S37-和S38-RNA酶的推导氨基酸序列与S1-至S36-RNA酶36个梨S基因具有相同的、高度保守的C1和C2区,但其高变区与S1-至S36-RNA酶差异较大,其中与S15的差异最小,只有3个氨基酸不同。在推导的氨基酸水平上,S37与S38有96%的序列相似性,但两者与S15的相似性更高,皆为98%,与S32的相似性最低,都只有63%;S37和S38的内含子较大,分别为786bp和723bp,与S15的777bp大小接近。最后,经分析验证确定‘锦香’和‘鹅酥’的S基因型分别为S34S37和S15S38。  相似文献   

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