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为了探究新疆北部主要地区(乌鲁木齐、阿勒泰、伊犁)湿地鼓藻类植物多样性分布规律及其特征,该研究通过文献查阅和标本采集鉴定等方式收集数据,采用G F指数方法进行物种多样性分析,利用Person相关分析和冗余分析(RDA)分析其与环境因子的关系,为新疆湿地鼓藻类植物资源的调查和淡水藻类多样性研究提供基本资料。结果表明:(1)研究区域共有鼓藻类植物189种,隶属于1门1纲2目6科18属;其中鼓藻科(Desmidiaceae)为优势科,有154种,占总种数的81.48%;优势属为鼓藻属(Cosmarium Corda ex Ralfs)、角星鼓藻属(Staurastrum Ralfs)和新月藻属(Closterium Nitzsch),共有137种,占总种数的72.49%。(2)阿勒泰地区鼓藻类植物的DFDGDF G值均最高,分别为2.6213、2.0828、0.5095。(3)研究区域鼓藻类植物的种类数量分布为:阿勒泰地区>乌鲁木齐及周边地区>伊犁地区,纬向因素的变化趋势较经向更明显。(4)Person相关分析显示,影响阿勒泰地区鼓藻类植物物种多样性的主要因子是大气温度,影响乌鲁木齐及周边地区是大气温度、电导率和经度,伊犁地区则与环境指标未显出相关性。(5)RDA分析表明, pH和大气温度是影响鼓藻类植物物种多样性和组成的主要因素。研究认为,新疆北部主要地区湿地鼓藻类植物存在较明显的地理分布差异,物种数呈现北多南少,东多西少的分布规律,其物种多样性和组成分布与环境因子存在一定的相关性,但不同地区、不同属类的鼓藻类植物与环境因子的相关性存在差异。  相似文献   

为给陕西省定边县堆子梁镇盐渍土综合整治提供基础资料,对该地区盐渍土土壤含盐量和pH的空间分布特征进行研究。运用地统计学方法对研究区土壤含盐量和pH的空间分布特征进行分析。结果表明,研究区土壤含盐量的平均值为0.54%,高于强度盐渍化土标准(>0.4%),属于强度盐渍化土;pH的平均值为8.90,属于碱性土壤;同时,pH空间分布格局总体呈高含盐量区域pH低的特点。分析半方差函数可知,土壤含盐量变化符合指数模型,自相关距为2 010 m,块金系数C0/(C0+C)为0.50,表现出中等变异程度;pH变化符合线性模型,自相关距为2 377 m,块金系数C0/(C0+C)为0.21,具有强烈的空间相关性。根据盐渍土土壤性质的空间分布特征,在研究区盐渍土土壤综合整治中,可采取分区域、分方法、有针对性地进行改良与利用的措施。  相似文献   

槭叶铁线莲(Clematis acerifolia)为太行山特有植物,但数量稀少且分布零散,其生存状况受到学者和政府部门的高度关注。本文通过对河北省易县葫芦峪沟谷新发现的槭叶铁线莲群落的典型样地调查,以物种重要值作为生态位计量指标,对各物种生态位宽度、生态位重叠和生态位相似性进行了定量分析,对槭叶铁线莲的生存安全状况进行了评估。结果表明:在调查样地中共记录到14科15属17种植物,群落物种组成较为简单,槭叶铁线莲在大部分调查样地中的重要值最大,占据优势地位,其他物种重要值相对较低;群落内所有物种中,槭叶铁线莲的生态位宽度最大(Bi=6.264),绒毛绣线菊(Spiraea dasyantha)次之(Bi=5.144),其他种类较小;所有物种组成的136个种对中,生态位完全重叠(Qik=1)、重叠程度较高(0.5≤Qik<1)和重叠程度较低(Qik<0.5)的种对比例分别为8.09%、16.91%和75.00%,生态位完全相似(Cik=1)、相似程度较高(0.5≤Cik<1)和相似程度较低(Cik<0.5)的种对比例分别为8.09%、5.88%和86.03%,大部分物种之间生态位重叠程度和相似性都处于较低水平;槭叶铁线莲与其他物种构成的16个种对中,62.50%的种对生态位重叠程度较低(Qik<0.5),81.25%的种对生态位相似性程度较低(Cik<0.5),反映出群落内各物种间对资源和空间的竞争较为温和,群落较为稳定,槭叶铁线莲在其分布生境中生存状况相对安全;本文研究表明,利用生态位分析方法可以作为珍稀濒危物种生存状态和安全风险评估的一种方法。  相似文献   

林分因子对云顶山不同人工林林下植物多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究采用典型抽样法,以成都云顶山5种人工林——柏木 枫杨林(BF)、银杏 楠木林(YN)、光皮梾木 香樟林(GZ)、枫杨 桤木林(FQ)、柏木林(CB)为研究对象,分析不同人工林的林下植物组成与多样性特征,并确定影响林下植物多样性的主导林分因子,为当地人工林经营管理提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)研究区共记录林下植物168种,隶属于62科130属;5种人工林灌木层与草本层的科属种数均以GZ最多。(2)5种不同人工林灌木层与草本层的优势种数分别为7、4、7、6、4种和5、4、9、9、10种,数量都较少。(3)5种人工林的Shannon Wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(H′)、物种丰富度指数(D)、Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw) 均基本表现为草本层>灌木层,BF、GZ灌木层的D略高;灌木层的HH′、D值均以GZ最大,但不同人工林的Jsw差异不显著;草本层的HH′、DJsw均基本呈现CB>FQ>GZ>BF>YN趋势,GZ的D值略高于FQ。(4)6个林分因子对灌木层4个物种多样性指数的影响均无显著差异;林分平均树高、平均枝下高、平均胸径、平均冠幅和林分密度是影响草本层HD的主要因子,但各林分因子对草本层H′、Jsw的影响差异不显著。研究认为,林分结构对林下草本层物种多样性的影响更大,平均树高、平均枝下高、平均胸径、平均冠幅、林分密度对草本层多样性有显著影响。  相似文献   

内蒙古草原常见植物叶片δ13C和δ15N对环境因子的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘艳杰  许宁  牛海山 《生态学报》2016,36(1):235-243
在中国东北样带沿线的内蒙古草原地区采集了一些常见植物的叶片样品,并测定其δ13C和δ15N值,分析了其统计学特征以及对环境因子(年平均降雨量和温度)的响应模式。发现东北样带草原区同时存在C3和C4两种不同光合途径的植物,但是C3植物占主导地位,C4植物数量有限。C3植物叶片δ13C随着年平均降雨量和年平均温度的升高而显著降低,反映了此区域C3植物δ13C受控于降水量和温度。C4植物的叶片δ13C值随着降雨量的增多而有轻微升高的趋势,但是C4植物的叶片δ13C值对年平均温度的响应不敏感。不论对C3植物还是C4植物而言,叶片δ15N都随降雨量增加而显著降低,即干旱区的植物叶片δ15N大于湿润地区,这说明降水是影响植物叶片δ15N的一个重要因素。然而两者叶片δ15N对温度的响应不敏感。  相似文献   

生境过滤和扩散限制是影响森林群落间物种组成差异(β多样性)的主要生态过程。为了探究生境过滤和扩散限制对亚热带马尾松(Pinus massoniana)群落物种和谱系β多样性的相对贡献,该文以浙江省遂昌县37个马尾松林样地为研究对象,结合物种和谱系β多样性分析,探讨了影响群落间物种组成差异主要生态机制; 通过计算群落内物种β多样性指数(Bray-Curtis指数)和谱系β多样性指数(Dnn指数和Dpw指数),分析土壤、地形等生境因子和地理距离与物种和谱系β多样性之间的相关性,并通过方差分解分析生境因子和地理距离对物种和谱系β多样性的相对作用大小; 此外,还进行了不同径级和生长型的上述相关性分析和方差分解。结果表明:(1)Bray-Curtis指数与土壤、地形因子和地理距离均显著正相关,Dnn指数仅与地理距离显著正相关,Dpw指数与土壤因子和地理距离均显著正相关。(2)环境因子对Bray-Curtis指数和Dpw指数的解释度均高于地理距离的解释度。(3)从物种多样性角度来说,生境因子对不同生长阶段Bray-Curtis指数的解释度均高于地理距离的解释度; 从谱系多样性角度来说,地理距离对幼树阶段的Dnn指数和Dpw指数的解释度更高,生境因子则对成树阶段的Dpw指数的解释度更高。由此可以推论,生境过滤是驱动该地区马尾松林物种和谱系β多样性的主要生态机制,扩散限制仅在幼树阶段对马尾松林谱系β多样性起主导作用。  相似文献   

许多研究表明,物种与高级分类阶元在数量上密切相关,这种关系在地区物种数量预测中具有很高的应用价值。应用中国不同地理类型(保护区、行政区和动物地理亚区)的鸟类物种名录,研究物种与科属的数量相关关系和频次分布规律,结果表明:(1)物种与高级分类阶元在数量上有着极显著相关关系(P<0.01),其中物种—属的相关关系要显著于物种—科,且在对数、乘幂、指数和线数4种模型中,用乘幂模型拟合最好;(2)物种在科属间的频次分布具有规律性(P<0.05),随着物种数/科属的增加,频次迅速减少,在4种模型中,乘幂模型拟合最好,属的规律性较科显著。根据以上结果,物种与科属间的数量强相关关系与物种数量在科属间有规律的频次分布有关。  相似文献   

付贵权  秦涛  陈小勇  雷春云  李光华 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9557-9573
根据2018-2020年澜沧江西双版纳段5次鱼类资源调查数据,结合相关文献资料,对该流域鱼类组成及物种多样性进行了分析。结果显示:澜沧江西双版纳段此次共调查到鱼类119种,隶属于11目28科79属,而历史记录鱼类共179种,隶属于12目34科106属。随着调查的不断深入,土著鱼类种数逐渐增多,但占比却逐渐下降,外来鱼类种数逐渐增多,占比也逐渐升高;本次调查到土著鱼类92种,占鱼类种数的77.31%,占比进一步下降;外来鱼类27种,占鱼类种数的22.69%,占比进一步升高。该区域鱼类优势种为云南吻孔鲃Poropuntius huangchuchieni和少鳞舟齿鱼Scaphiodonichthys acanthopterus,常见种为长臀鲃Mystacoleucus marginatus和宽额鳢Channa gachua。有《国家重点保护野生动物名录》(2021年)鱼类5种,《中国生物多样性红色名录脊椎动物卷》(2015年)受威胁鱼类8种。相对于我国其他江河,澜沧江西双版纳段有极高水平的鱼类物种多样性,其中澜沧江干流鱼类物种多样性相对于左、右岸支流较低,左岸支流鱼类多样性高于右岸,罗梭江鱼类多样性高于其他一级支流。虽然澜沧江西双版纳段鱼类物种多样性维持在较高水平,但土著鱼类占比下降趋势明显,仍面临着严重威胁,本文分析了受威胁因素,并提出了保护建议。  相似文献   

【背景】干旱区露天煤矿开采过程中产生的粉尘颗粒物加剧了土壤生态环境的恶化和矿区空气质量的下降,针对煤矿区土壤和粉尘颗粒物的微生物群落组成的研究鲜有报道。【目的】研究新疆哈密南湖乡露天煤矿土壤、粉尘及大气PM2.5颗粒物中的微生物群落结构和多样性特征,并预测潜在的功能类群。【方法】采用高通量测序技术,对煤矿露天采坑区和电厂粉煤灰堆放区的土壤、粉尘及大气PM2.5颗粒物的微生物真菌及细菌群落组成进行比对分析。【结果】矿区优势真菌类群来自子囊菌门(Ascomycota)和担子菌门(Basidiomycota),优势细菌类群来自变形菌门(Proteobacteria)和放线菌门(Actinobacteria)。真菌和细菌群落的丰富度及α多样性在整个矿区内无显著性差异,大气PM2.5颗粒物的细菌群落生态位宽度显著大于露天采坑区和粉煤灰区。矿区内的土壤和PM2.5颗粒物样本中均发现了一些丰度差异显著的功能类群,真菌特征功能类群为腐生营养型类群,细菌特征功能类群主要包括甲烷营养型类群、几丁质酶类细菌类群等。【结论】露天煤矿区粉尘可能对区域内土壤和PM2.5颗粒物的微生物群落结构产生重要影响,具有煤组分降解功能的特定微生物类群可能是维持矿区土壤生态安全的重要微生物学机制之一。  相似文献   

牛背梁自然保护区(108°45′~109°04′E,33°47′~33°56′N)位于秦岭山脉东段,地跨秦岭南北坡。采用样线调查法和访问调查法,于2003年5月~2004年8月,对该保护区食肉动物及偶蹄动物的区系特征和生态分布进行了研究。该保护区共有18种食肉动物及偶蹄动物,其中属我国级、级重点保护动物的兽类分别有2种和7种。分析表明,保护区的有蹄类动物物种丰富,秦岭分布的有蹄类在该区域均有分布,但食肉动物种数仅占整个秦岭地区的45.5%。这些兽类中,属于东洋界的兽类有12种,占66.7%;属古北界的仅1种,占5.5%;其余5种为广布种,占27.8%。牛背梁保护区在动物地理区划上应属古北界和东洋界物种交汇的区域,且为东洋界逐渐向古北界过渡的区域。分析该区域食肉动物及偶蹄动物的生态分布发现,这些物种的垂直分布幅度有很大的差异。垂直分布幅度在海拔高差1300m以上、1000m左右、450~700m之间的物种各占1/3。结果还表明,区内这些兽类物种的丰富度随海拔的升高具有先升后降的垂直变化规律。不论是秦岭南坡还是北坡,分布在海拔1800~2200m区域的兽类物种最多,所占比例大于80%;而在海拔2600m以上区域,兽类种数降至最少,仅占50%左右。兽类丰富度的海拔梯度也体现于这些兽类在各植被类型中的分布上。中山针阔叶混交林中分布的兽类种数最多,而在中低山落叶阔叶林、亚高山针叶林及亚高山灌丛草甸中分布的兽类则较少。  相似文献   

中国大陆鸟类和兽类物种多样性的空间变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物多样性科学的研究重心之一是大尺度生物多样性空间分布规律及其形成机制。中国是世界上物种特丰富国家之一,了解我国物种多样性在空间上的变异情况,对于进一步认识大尺度上的生物多样性有重要意义。我们收集了全国205个自然保护区的鸟类和兽类物种分布信息,以G-F指数作为物种多样性的测度指标,利用地统计学方法分析了大陆鸟类和兽类物种多样性的空间变异特征。G-F指数是一种基于香农-威纳指数的信息测度,测度了研究地区环境分化程度和实际利用这种生态环境分化的生物类群多样性, 是一种对共同起源,相似生境需求的物种类群多样性的标准化多样性测度。结果发现,在东部季风区、西北干旱区和青藏高寒区内我国大陆鸟类多样性变异大部分都是由随机因素所引起的。兽类多样性的分布,在东部季风区和西北干旱区内是由随机因素所产生的,而在青藏高寒区,兽类多样性的总变异中99.9%是由空间依赖性所引起的,主要表现在71,492~1,020,000m空间尺度上,其分布表现出了强空间相关性。据此,大尺度上的物种多样性空间分布具有特定的规律,在生物多样性的保护行动中应加以考虑。  相似文献   

Relationships between spatial patterns of bird and mammal species richness in north‐eastern Mexico were analysed in relation to the location of three biosphere reserves (El Abra‐Tanchipa, El Cielo, and Sierra Gorda) and 13 priority areas recently identified for conservation. Ecological niches were modelled and potential distributions delimited for 285 bird and 114 mammal species using a genetic algorithm based on locality information from museum specimens and 15 selected environmental attributes. Potential distributions were transformed into hypothesized current distributions based on species–habitat associations as reflected in a recent land‐use map. Although species richness was lower when distributions were reduced from potential to current, spatial patterns of potential and current richness were similar. Heuristic, complementarity‐based prioritization procedures were used to identify combinations of areas and sites with maximal species representation: the biosphere reserves included 79% of birds and 74% of mammal species; eight priority areas provided an additional 11% of birds and 13% of mammals; the remaining 10% of birds and 13% of mammals were concentrated in new sites across the study area.  相似文献   

许多研究表明,物种与高级分类阶元在数量上密切相关,这种关系在地区物种数量预测中具有很高的应用价值。应用中国不同地理类型(保护区、行政区和动物地理亚区)的鸟类物种名录,研究物种与科属的数量相关关系和频次分布规律,结果表明(1)物种与高级分类阶元在数量上有着极显著相关关系(P<0.01),其中物种—属的相关关系要显著于物种—科,且在对数、乘幂、指数和线数4种模型中,用乘幂模型拟合最好;(2)物种在科属间的频次分布具有规律性(P<0.05),随着物种数/科属的增加,频次迅速减少,在4种模型中,乘幂模型拟合最好,属的规律性较科显著。根据以上结果,物种与科属间的数量强相关关系与物种数量在科属间有规律的频次分布有关。  相似文献   

Aim Using a global data base of the distribution of extant bird species, we examine the evidence for spatial variation in the evolutionary origins of contemporary avian diversity. In particular, we assess the possible role of the timing of mountain uplift in promoting diversification in different regions. Location Global. Methods We mapped the distribution of avian richness at four taxonomic levels on an equal‐area 1° grid. We examined the relationships between richness at successive taxonomic levels (e.g. species richness vs. genus richness). We mapped the residuals from linear regressions of these relationships to identify areas that are exceptional in the number of lower taxa relative to the number of higher taxa. We use generalized least squares models to test the influence of elevation range and temperature on lower‐taxon richness relative to higher‐taxon richness. Results Peaks of species richness in the Neotropics were congruent with patterns of generic richness, whilst peaks in Australia and the Himalayas were congruent with patterns of both genus and family richness. Hotspots in the Afrotropics did not reflect higher‐taxon patterns. Regional differences in the relationship between richness at successive taxonomic levels revealed variation in patterns of taxon co‐occurrence. Species and genus co‐occurrence was positively associated with elevational range across much of the world. Taxon occurrence in the Neotropics was associated with a positive interaction between elevational range and temperature. Conclusions These results demonstrate that contemporary patterns of richness show different associations with higher‐taxon richness in different regions, which implies that the timing of historical effects on these contemporary patterns varies across regions. We suggest that this is due to dispersal limitation and phylogenetic constraints on physiological tolerance limits promoting diversification. We speculate that diversification rates respond to long‐term changes in the Earth's topography, and that the role of tropical mountain ranges is implicated as a correlate of contemporary diversity, and a source of diversification across avian evolutionary history.  相似文献   

Aim The global species richness patterns of birds and mammals are strongly congruent. This could reflect similar evolutionary responses to the Earth’s history, shared responses to current climatic conditions, or both. We compare the geographical and phylogenetic structures of both richness gradients to evaluate these possibilities. Location Global. Methods Gridded bird and mammal distribution databases were used to compare their species richness gradients with the current environment. Phylogenetic trees (resolved to family for birds and to species for mammals) were used to examine underlying phylogenetic structures. Our first prediction is that both groups have responded to the same climatic gradients. Our phylogenetic predictions include: (1) that both groups have similar geographical patterns of mean root distance, a measure of the level of the evolutionary development of faunas, and, more directly, (2) that richness patterns of basal and derived clades will differ, with richness peaking in the tropics for basal clades and in the extra‐tropics for derived clades, and that this difference will hold for both birds and mammals. We also explore whether alternative taxonomic treatments for mammals can generate patterns matching those of birds. Results Both richness gradients are associated with the same current environmental gradients. In contrast, neither of our evolutionary predictions is met: the gradients have different phylogenetic structures, and the richness of birds in the lowland tropics is dominated by many basal species from many basal groups, whereas mammal richness is attributable to many species from both few basal groups and many derived groups. Phylogenetic incongruence is robust to taxonomic delineations for mammals. Main conclusions Contemporary climate can force multiple groups into similar diversity patterns even when evolutionary trajectories differ. Thus, as widely appreciated, our understanding of biodiversity must consider responses to both past and present climates, and our results are consistent with predictions that future climate change will cause major, correlated changes in patterns of diversity across multiple groups irrespective of their evolutionary histories.  相似文献   

野生动物多样性的有效保护与管理,需要大范围、长时间的系统监测网络的支持。红外相机调查技术近年来已成为自然保护区鸟兽调查的最有效工具之一,为了解和掌握区域性乃至全国性的生物多样性现状,提供了最直接和最基础的数据。长青国家级自然保护区位于秦岭南坡,地处秦岭自然保护区群的核心地带。自2008年至2011年,使用被动式红外触发相机调查技术在长青保护区内调查了大中型兽类与鸟类的本底资源。共完成有效调查位点435个,相机工作日15767d。获得兽类有效拍摄3 282次,记录到分属5目12科的21种野生兽类和1种家畜,其中国家一级和二级重点保护野生动物各有5种,被IUCN物种红色名录评估为濒危(EN)、易危(VU)、近危(NT)的物种分别有2、3、4种。食肉目和偶蹄目是本次调查兽类记录中物种数量(分别有9种和7种)和有效拍摄数(分别占兽类有效拍摄数的13.5%和84.0%)最高的两个类群,食肉目中相对多度指数最高的物种是大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca, 12.30),偶蹄目中最高的物种是羚牛(Budorcas taxicolor, 114.04)。保护区内大型兽类(食肉目和偶蹄目)物种多样性沿海拔梯度,大体呈现中部高、两侧低的单峰模式,海拔1600-2200 m的中等海拔段是大型兽类多样性最高的区域。鸟类有效拍摄191次,记录到分属4目8科的17种鸟类,其中国家二级重点保护野生动物物种8种。鸡形目雉科鸟类是有效拍摄数最高的类群,占全部鸟类拍摄数的79.8%。调查中记录到的林猬(Mesechinus hughi)和鹰雕(Spizaetus nipalensis)为长青自然保护区的新记录种。调查结果提供了较为全面的区内大中型兽类和鸟类群落的本底信息,为后续的保护管理规划和长期监测提供了数据支持和指导。  相似文献   

Abstract. Using comprehensive range information of northern Hemisphere birds and mammals, we assessed the taxonomic diversity of these two groups in four different regions: Europe, east Asia, and western and eastern North America. East Asia is the richest region in the number of bird and mammal species, genera, families and orders, except that mammal species richness is highest in western North America. Eastern North America is taxonomically the poorest region, but when only forest-associated taxa were considered in mammals taxonomic diversity is equally low in Europe and in eastern North America, and in birds, Europe is the least diverse region. Patterns in endemic taxa follow overall taxonomic diversity. The proportion of shared taxa between regions is higher among boreal species and genera than among all taxa. A comparison with tree species diversity underpins the role of east Asia as the most diverse of all northern biota. Largely congruent patterns at different taxonomic levels emphasizes the role of historical processes, such as differential extinction rate in response to paleoenvironmental fluctuations, in producing these patterns, but we stress the need for more research on the coevolution of species diversity and habitat diversity.  相似文献   

Determining the mechanisms that underlie species distributions and assemblages is necessary to effectively preserve biodiversity. This cannot be accomplished by examining a single taxonomic group, as communities comprise a plethora of interactions across species and trophic levels. Here, we examine the patterns and relationships among plant, mammal, and bird diversity in Madagascar, a hotspot of biodiversity and endemism, across taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional axes. We found that plant community diversity and structure are shaped by geography and climate, and have significant influences on the taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional diversity of mammals and birds. Patterns of primate diversity, in particular, were strongly correlated with patterns of plant diversity. Furthermore, our findings suggest that plant and animal communities could become more phylogenetically and functionally clustered in the future, leading to homogenization of the flora and fauna. These results underscore the importance and need of multi‐taxon approaches to conservation, given that even small threats to plant diversity can have significant cascading effects on mammalian and avian community diversity, structure, and function.  相似文献   

Aim To assess the relationship between species richness and distribution within regions arranged along a latitudinal gradient we use the North American mammalian fauna as a study case for testing theoretical models. Location North America. Methods We propose a conceptual framework based on a fully stochastic mid‐domain model to explore geographical patterns of range size and species richness that emerge when the size and position of species ranges along a one‐dimensional latitudinal gradient are randomly generated. We also analyse patterns for the mammal fauna of North America by comparing empirical results from a biogeographical data base with predictions based on randomization null models. Results We confirmed the validity of Rapoport's rule for the mammals of North America by documenting gradients in the size of the continental ranges of species. Additionally, we demonstrated gradients of mean regional range size that parallel those of continental range. Our data also demonstrated that mean range size, measured both as a continental or a regional variable, is significantly correlated with the geographical pattern in species richness. All these patterns deviated sharply from null models. Main conclusions Rapoport's statement of an areographic relationship between species distribution and richness is highly relevant in modern discussions about ecological patterns at the geographical scale.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the distribution of species richness, rarity and endemicity of European land mammals (bats and introduced species excluded). The highest level of species richness was in Central Europe, while Southern areas had the highest rarity and endemicity scores. The distribution of richness was affected by the location of sampling points in islands and peninsulas. After excluding these sampling points, richness continued to decrease Westward suggesting the existence of a large-scale peninsular effect on mammal distribution. These patterns of continental distribution of richness, rarity and endemicity could be the result of the distribution of refuge areas in the southern Mediterranean peninsulas, and the Pleistocene advances and retreats of mammals throughout the Western Palearctic. Thus, European mammal distribution can be interpreted on the basis of two different patterns of abundance distribution in which Palearctic species reduce their abundance from central-Europe outwards, while endemic, rare species show a similar depletion in the North. It should be useful to evaluate the role of the different regions in Europe in conserving the demographic interactions between central and peripheral populations of mammal species. Given the restricted distribution and potential small size of population, these endemic species are most likely to be susceptible to anthropogenic environmental degradation.  相似文献   

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