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We investigate the pervasiveness of hybridization and mitochondrial introgression in Neodiprion Rohwer (Hymenoptera; Diprionidae), a Holarctic genus of conifer-feeding sawflies. A phylogenetic analysis of the lecontei species group revealed extensive discordance between a contiguous mitochondrial region spanning three genes (COI, tRNA-leucine, and COII) and three nuclear loci (EF1alpha, CAD, and an anonymous nuclear locus). Bayesian tests of monophyly and Shimodaira-Hasegawa (SH) tests of topological congruence were consistent with mitochondrial introgression; however, these patterns could also be explained by lineage sorting (i.e., deep coalescence). Therefore, to explicitly test the mitochondrial introgression hypothesis, we used a novel application of coalescent-based isolation with migration (IM) models to measure interspecific gene flow at each locus. In support of our hypothesis, mitochondrial gene flow was consistently higher than nuclear gene flow across 120 pairwise species comparisons (P < 1 x 10(-12)). We combine phylogenetic and coalescent evidence to identify likely cases of recent and ancient introgression in Neodiprion, and based on these observations, we hypothesize that shared hosts and/or pheromones facilitate hybridization, whereas disparate abundances between hybridizing species promote mitochondrial introgression. Our results carry implications for phylogenetic analysis, and we advocate the separation of high and low gene flow regions to inform analyses of hybridization and speciational history, respectively.  相似文献   

Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) and long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) are the 2 most commonly used primate model species in biomedical sciences. Although morphological studies have revealed a weak hybridization at the interspecific contact zone, in the north of Indochina, a molecular study has suggested an ancient introgression from rhesus to long-tailed macaque into the Indo-Chinese peninsula. However, the gene flow between these 2 taxa has never been quantified using genetic data and theoretical models. In this study, we have examined genetic variation within and between the parapatric Chinese rhesus macaque and Indo-Chinese long-tailed macaque populations, using 13 autosomal, 5 sex-linked microsatellite loci and mitochondrial DNA sequence data. From these data, we assessed genetic structure and estimated gene flow using a Bayesian clustering approach and the "Isolation with Migration" model. Our results reveal a weak interspecific genetic differentiation at both autosomal and sex-linked loci, suggesting large population sizes and/or gene flow between populations. According to the Bayesian clustering, Chinese rhesus macaque is a highly homogeneous gene pool that contributes strongly to the current Indo-Chinese long-tailed macaque genetic makeup, whether or not current admixture is assumed. Coalescent simulations, which integrated the characteristics of the loci, pointed out 1) a higher effective population size in rhesus macaque, 2) no mitochondrial gene flow, and 3) unilateral and male-mediated nuclear gene flow of approximately 10 migrants per generation from rhesus to long-tailed macaque. These patterns of genetic structure and gene flow suggest extensive ancient introgression from Chinese rhesus macaque into the Indo-Chinese long-tailed macaque population.  相似文献   

Using cline fitting and divergence population genetics, we tested a prediction of Haldane's rule: autosomal alleles should introgress more than z-linked alleles or mitochondrial haplotypes across the Passerina amoena/Passerina cyanea (Aves: Cardinalidae) hybrid zone. We screened 222 individuals collected along a transect in the Great Plains of North America that spans the contact zone for mitochondrial (two genes), autosomal (four loci) and z-linked (two loci) markers. Maximum-likelihood cline widths estimated from the mitochondrial (223 km) and z-linked (309 km) datasets were significantly narrower on average than the autosomal cline widths (466 km). We also found that mean coalescent-based estimates of introgression were larger for the autosomal loci (0.63 genes/generation, scaled to the mutation rate mu) than for both the mitochondrial (0.27) and z-linked loci (0.59). These patterns are consistent with Haldane's rule, but the among-locus variation also suggests many independently segregating loci are required to investigate introgression patterns across the genome. These results provide the first comprehensive comparison of mitochondrial, sex-linked, and autosomal loci across an avian hybrid zone and add to the body of evidence suggesting that sex chromosomes play an important role in the formation and maintenance of reproductive isolation between closely related species.  相似文献   

Sex-chromosomes are thought to play an important role in speciation, but few studies of non-model organisms have investigated the relative influence of multiple sex-linked markers on reproductive isolation. We collected 222 individuals along a geographical transect spanning the hybrid zone between Passerina amoena and P. cyanea (Aves: Cardinalidae). Using maximum-likelihood cline fitting methods, we estimated locus-specific introgression rates for 10 z-linked markers. Although the cline width estimates ranged from 2.8 to 584 km, eight of 10 loci had cline widths between 224 and 271 km. We also used coalescent-based estimates of locus-specific divergence times between P. amoena and P. cyanea to test a recently proposed hypothesis of an inverse relationship between divergence time and cline width but did not find a significant association. The narrow width (2.8 km) of the cline estimated from the VLDLR9 locus indicates strong selection retarding introgression of alleles at this locus across the hybrid zone. Interestingly, a mutation in the very low density lipoprotein receptor ( VLDLR ) gene, in which VLDLR9 is an intron, is known to reduce the egg-laying ability of some chickens, suggesting a possible link between this gene region and reproductive isolation between P. amoena and P. cyanea . These results underscore the importance of sampling multiple loci to investigate introgression patterns across a chromosome or genome and support previous findings of the importance of sex-linked genes in speciation.  相似文献   

Proportions of hybridization and introgression between the swallowtails Papilio hospiton, endemic to Sardinia and Corsica, and the holarctic Papilio machaon, were characterized using nine fully diagnostic and two differentiated allozyme loci and a mitochondrial DNA marker. Very low frequencies of F1 hybrids were detected in both Sardinia (0-4%, average 1.4%) and Corsica (0-3%, average 0.5%), as well as of first generation backcrosses (B1). No F2 were observed, in agreement with the hybrid breakdown detected in laboratory crosses. In spite of this minimal current gene exchange, specimens carrying introgressed alleles were found in high proportions in P. machaon but in lower proportions in P. hospiton. Introgression apparently occurred through past hybridization and repeated backcrossing, as evidenced by hybrid index scores and Bayesian assignment tests. Levels of introgression were low (0-1%) at two sex-linked loci and mitochondrial DNA, limited (0.4-2%) at three autosomal loci coding for dimeric enzymes, and high (up to 43%) at four autosomal loci coding for monomeric enzymes. Accordingly, selective filters are acting against foreign alleles, with differential effectiveness depending on the loci involved. The low levels of introgression at sex-linked loci and mitochondrial DNA are in agreement with Haldane's rule and suggest that introgression in P. machaon proceeds mainly through males, owing to a lower fitness of hybrid females. Papilio machaon populations showed higher levels of introgression in Sardinia than in Corsica. The role of reinforcement in the present reproductive isolation between P. machaon and P. hospiton is examined, as well as the evolutionary effects of introgressive hybridization between the two species.  相似文献   

Delimiting the boundaries of species involved in radiations is critical to understanding the tempo and mode of lineage formation. Single locus gene trees may or may not reflect the underlying pattern of population divergence and lineage formation, yet they constitute the vast majority of the empirical data in species radiations. In this study we make use of an expressed sequence tag (EST) database to perform nuclear (nDNA) and mitochondrial (mtDNA) genealogical tests of species boundaries in Ambystoma ordinarium, a member of an adaptive radiation of metamorphic and paedomorphic salamanders (the Ambystoma tigrinum complex) that have diversified across terrestrial and aquatic environments. Gene tree comparisons demonstrate extensive nonmonophyly in the mtDNA genealogy of A. ordinarium, while seven of eight independent nuclear loci resolve the species as monophyletic or nearly so, and diagnose it as a well-resolved genealogical species. A differential introgression hypothesis is supported by the observation that western A. ordinarium localities contain mtDNA haplotypes that are identical or minimally diverged from haplotypes sampled from a nearby paedomorphic species, Ambystoma dumerilii, while most nDNA trees place these species in distant phylogenetic positions. These results provide a strong example of how historical introgression can lead to radical differences between gene trees and species histories, even among currently allopatric species with divergent life history adaptations and morphologies. They also demonstrate how EST-based nuclear resources can be used to more fully resolve the phylogenetic history of species radiations.  相似文献   

This study uses traditional and contemporary phylogenetic and population genetic analyses to assess the causes of discordance (i.e., lineage sorting and introgression) among mitochondrial and nuclear gene trees for a clade of eastern North American scarab beetles (fraterna species group, genus Phyllophaga). I estimated gene trees using individual and combined analysis of one mitochondrial and two nuclear loci in MrBayes , and inferred a species tree using a hierarchical coalescent approach based on all loci in the program Best . Because hybridization violates the assumptions of Best , I tested for introgression by comparing species monophyly between the mitochondrial and nuclear gene trees based on the prediction that cytoplasmic genomes introgress more readily than nuclear genomes. Haplotype exclusivity was identified using Bayesian tests of monophyly and the genealogical sorting index. I used the results of the phylogenetic analyses and monophyly tests to develop an explicit hypothesis of introgression that could be tested in the program IMa. Results from these analyses provided evidence for introgression across clades within the fraterna group. The tiered analytical approach used in this study demonstrated how the use of multiple methods can identify when assumptions are violated and methods are prone to yield misleading results.  相似文献   

The value of short interspersed elements (SINEs) for diagnosing common ancestry is being expanded to examine the differential sorting of lineages through the course of speciation events. Because most SINEs are neutral markers of identical descent, are not precisely excised from the genome and have a known ancestral condition, they are advantageous for reconciling gene trees and species trees with minimal phylogenetic error. A population perspective on SINE evolution combined with coalescence theory provides a context for investigating the phenomenon of ancestral polymorphism and its role in producing incongruent SINE insertion patterns among multiple loci. Studies of human Alu repeats demonstrate the value of young polymorphic SINEs for assessing human genomic diversity and tracking ancient demographics of human populations, whereas incongruent insertion patterns revealed by older fixed SINE loci, such as those in African cichlid fishes, contain information that might help identify ancient radiations that are otherwise obscured by accumulated mutations in sequence data. Here, we review the utility of retroposons for inferring common ancestry, discuss limits to the method, and clarify confusion by providing examples from the literature that illustrate how discordant multi-locus insertion patterns of retroelements can indicate lineage-sorting events that should not be misinterpreted as phylogenetic noise.  相似文献   

Abstract.— We report the results of one of the first intrageneric analyses to simultaneously survey mitochondrial, Y-chromosomal, and autosomal loci from the same individuals representing the same taxa. Phylogenetic trees were constructed for each of these genetic systems from a pool of 63 macaques, representing all 19 recognized species in this genus, and eight outgroup taxa. The mitochondrial locus analyzed here (1.5 Kb) spans the 3' end of 12S rDNA, tRNA-VAL, and the 5' end of 16S rDNA; the Y chromosome dataset (3.1 Kb) consists of the genes SRY and TSPY; the two autosomal datasets include IRBP intron 3 (1.6 Kb) and the 5' half of C4 "long" intron 9 (3.3 Kb). A total of 1.35 million bases were read, revealing 682 variable sites within the genus Macaca. With regard to earlier unresolved issues of macaque evolution, a comparison of topologies reconstructed from each of the three genetic systems suggests: (1) four monophyletic species groups; (2) an initial bifurcation among Asian macaques between the silenus group progenitor and a M. fascicularis -like taxon, with the latter representing the probable common ancestor to all non-silenus group Asian macaques; (3) a possible hybrid origin of M. arctoides from proto- M. assamensis/thibetana and proto- M. fascicularis; and (4) contemporary introgression between M. mulatta and M. fascicularis in Indochina. Inferences 3 and 4 are of particular interest, because episodes of reticulate evolution often go undetected in analyses employing a single genetic system. Finally, divergence calculations suggest that, in female-philopatric taxa, mitochondrial bifurcations may typically predate Y-chromosomal divergences at the same node.  相似文献   

Inferring the evolutionary history of lineages often becomes difficult when gene histories are in conflict with each other. Introgression, for example, can cause DNA sequences from one species to be more similar to sequences of a different species and lead to incongruence amongst gene trees. However, incorporating congruent and incongruent locus‐specific phylogenetic estimates with the geographical distribution of lineages may provide valuable insight into evolutionary processes important to speciation. In this study, we investigated mitochondrial introgression within the Hyla eximia group to better understand its role in illuminating the evolutionary history and phylogeography of these treefrogs. We reconstructed and compared the matrilineal history of the Hyla eximia group with estimates of evolutionary history inferred from nuclear genes. We tested for introgression within the mitochondrial and nuclear genes using a posterior predictive checking approach. Reconstructions of the species tree based on the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and nuclear DNA data were strongly discordant. Introgression between lineages was widespread in the mtDNA data set (145 occurrences amongst 11 of the 16 lineages), but uncommon in the nuclear genes (12 occurrences amongst four of the 16 lineages). Nonetheless, the geographical structuring of mtDNA within species provides valuable information on biogeographical areas, ancient areas of hybridization, and unique histories of lineages within the H. eximia group. These results suggest that the combination of nuclear, mitochondrial, and spatial information can provide a more complete picture of ‘how evolutionary history played out’, particularly in cases where mitochondrial introgression is known to occur. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The water stricter species Limnoporus dissortis and L. notabilis hybridize across a broad zone in western Canada. Body length and alleles at four allozyme loci show a steep cline along the east slope of the Rocky Mountains in western Alberta, while in central British Columbia the parental phenotypes coexist without merging fully. One sex-linked locus shows little introgression, while there is apparently considerable gene flow at three autosomal loci. Although the hybrid zone has characteristics of a broad tension zone, the spatial distribution of introgression suggests that habitat patchiness and differential habitat associations of the two species also contribute to the pattern of hybridization. Asymmetry in interspecific mating success and incompatibilities of sex chromosomes with each other or with cytoplasmic factors appear to account for the occurrence of L. dissortis genotypes within the range of L. notabilis, and the lack of L. notabilis genotypes within the range of L. dissortis. The genetic structure of this hybrid zone supports the importance of sex-linked traits in maintaining the integrity of species, while its spatial structure suggests that extrinsic habitat features can combine with intrinsic genetic incompatibilities to produce complex hybrid interactions.  相似文献   

A history of Pleistocene population expansion has been inferred from the frequency spectrum of polymorphism in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of many human populations. Similar patterns are not typically observed for autosomal and X-linked loci. One explanation for this discrepancy is a recent population bottleneck, with different rates of recovery for haploid and autosomal loci as a result of their different effective population sizes. This hypothesis predicts that mitochondrial and Y chromosomal DNA will show a similar skew in the frequency spectrum in populations that have experienced a recent increase in effective population size. We test this hypothesis by resequencing 6.6 kb of noncoding Y chromosomal DNA and 780 basepairs of the mtDNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit III (COIII) gene in 172 males from 5 African populations. Four tests of population expansion are employed for each locus in each population: Fu's Fs statistic, the R(2) statistic, coalescent simulations, and the mismatch distribution. Consistent with previous results, patterns of mtDNA polymorphism better fit a model of constant population size for food-gathering populations and a model of population expansion for food-producing populations. In contrast, none of the tests reveal evidence of Y chromosome growth for either food-gatherers or food-producers. The distinct mtDNA and Y chromosome polymorphism patterns most likely reflect sex-biased demographic processes in the recent history of African populations. We hypothesize that males experienced smaller effective population sizes and/or lower rates of migration during the Bantu expansion, which occurred over the last 5,000 years.  相似文献   

Short divergence times and processes such as incomplete lineage sorting and species hybridization are known to hinder the inference of species-level phylogenies due to the lack of sufficient informative genetic variation or the presence of shared but incongruent polymorphism among taxa. Extant equids (horses, zebras, and asses) are an example of a recently evolved group of mammals with an unresolved phylogeny, despite a large number of molecular studies. Previous surveys have proposed trees with rather poorly supported nodes, and the bias caused by genetic introgression or ancestral polymorphism has not been assessed. Here we studied the phylogenetic relationships of all extant species of Equidae by analyzing 22 partial mitochondrial and nuclear genes using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inferences that account for heterogeneous gene histories. We also examined genetic signatures of lineage sorting and/or genetic introgression in zebras by evaluating patterns of intraspecific genetic variation. Our study improved the resolution and support of the Equus phylogeny and in particular the controversial positions of the African wild ass (E. asinus) and mountain zebra (E. zebra): the African wild ass is placed as a sister species of the Asiatic asses and the mountain zebra as the sister taxon of Grevy's and Burchell's zebras. A shared polymorphism (indel) detected among zebra species in the Estrogen receptor 1 gene was likely due to incomplete lineage sorting and not genetic introgression as also indicated by other mitochondrial (Cytochrome b) and nuclear (Y chromosome and microsatellites) markers. Ancestral polymorphism in equids might have contributed to the long-standing lack of clarity in the phylogeny of this highly threatened group of mammals.  相似文献   

Li MH  Merilä J 《Molecular ecology》2010,19(23):5281-5295
Sex-bias in natal dispersal patterns can have important genetic and evolutionary consequences; however, reliable information about sex-biased dispersal can be difficult to obtain with observational methods. We analysed the sex-specific patterns of genetic differentiation among three Siberian jay (Perisoreus infaustus) populations, using 11 autosomal and six Z-chromosomal microsatellite markers. Irrespective of marker-type and indices used (viz. F(ST), average pairwise relatedness and effective number of immigrants), all analyses provided strong evidence for male-biased dispersal. Population structuring at autosomal loci (F(ST) =0.046, P<0.05) exceeded that at Z-chromosomal loci (F(ST) =0.033, P<0.05), and levels of introgression were inferred to be significantly higher for Z-chromosomal when compared to autosomal loci. Of the three populations studied, levels of genetic variability were the lowest in the southernmost fringe population, despite the fact that it harboured a group of divergent Z-chromosomal haplotypes that were not found in the other two populations. In general, the results provide strong genetic evidence for male-biased dispersal in Siberian jays, where observational data have previously suggested male philopatry. The results also highlight the utility of Z-chromosomal markers for gaining insights into the genetic diversity and structuring of populations.  相似文献   

A well-resolved species level phylogeny is critically important in studying organismal evolution (e.g., hybridization, polyploidization, adaptive speciation). Lack of appropriate molecular markers that give sufficient resolution to gene trees is one of the major impediments to inferring species level phylogenies. In addition, sampling multiple independent loci is essential to overcome the lineage sorting problem. The availability of nuclear loci has often been a limiting factor in plant species-level phylogenetic studies. Here the two PHOT loci were developed as new sources of nuclear gene trees. The PHOT1 and PHOT2 gene trees of the Verbena complex (Verbenaceae) are well resolved and have good clade support. These gene trees are consistent with each other and previously generated chloroplast and nuclear waxy gene trees in most of the phylogenetic backbone as well as some terminal relationships, but are incongruent in some other relationships. Locus-specific primers were optimized for amplifying and sequencing these two loci in all Lamiales. Comparing intron size in the context of the gene trees shows dramatic variation within the Verbena complex, particularly at the PHOT1 locus. These variations are largely caused by invasions of short transposable elements and frequent long deletions and insertions of unknown causes. In addition, inspection of DNA sequences and phylogenetic analyses unmask a clear footprint of ancestral recombination in one species.  相似文献   

Amphibians often show complex histories of intraspecific and interspecific genetic introgression, which might differ in mitochondrial and nuclear genes. In our study of the genetic differentiation of the European common frog, Rana temporaria (159 specimens from 23 populations were analyzed for 24 presumptive allozyme loci; 82 specimens were sequenced for a 540-bp fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene), multilocus correspondence analysis (CA) and Bayesian assignment tests of the nuclear data were concordant in identifying 2 population groups corresponding to 1) the Pyrenees in the east and 2) the Galicia and Asturias regions in the west, the latter corresponding to the subspecies R. temporaria parvipalmata. Geographically intermediate populations were genetically intermediate in the allozyme CA and, less clearly in the Bayesian assignment, with mitochondrial haplotypes exclusively belonging to the parvipalmata group. This indicates different degrees of introgression in the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Although Pyrenean high-altitude populations are morphologically distinct from low-altitude populations, these 2 groups were not separate clusters in any analysis. This suggests that the morphological differences may be due to fast adaptation to elevational gradients, likely under maintenance of gene flow, and that the underlying genetic changes are not detectable by the analyzed markers. We argue that a parsimonious explanation for the observed pattern along the east-west axis in northern Spain may be competition between invading and resident populations, with no need to invoke selection. However, in order to conclusively rule out selective processes, additional and finer scale data are required to test for asymmetric mating preference/behaviour, sex-biased gene flow, or sex-biased survival of potential hybrids.  相似文献   

Evidence of incongruence between mitochondrial and nuclear gene trees is now becoming documented with increasing frequency. Among the Old World monkeys, this discordance has been well demonstrated in the Cercopithecinae, but has not yet been investigated in the Colobinae. The mitochondrial relationships between the colobine genera have recently been clarified and cluster Presbytis and Trachypithecus as sister taxa to the exclusion of Semnopithecus. This is incongruent with previous morphological hypotheses that suggest the latter two are sister taxa, and perhaps even congeneric. In addition to analyzing a previously published 10,896 bp mitochondrial dataset, we sequenced and analyzed a 4297 bp fragment of the X-chromosome in order to test the competing mitochondrial and morphological phylogenetic hypotheses. The results from the mitochondrial dataset again support a Presbytis+Trachypithecus group while the X-chromosomal dataset supported a Semnopithecus+Trachypithecus group. A Shimodaira-Hasegawa test performed on both datasets indicates that the mitochondrial and X-chromosomal trees are significantly better at explaining their respective datasets than alternative topologies (p<0.05). We suggest that differential lineage sorting or ancient hybridization may be the cause of this strong discordance between the mitochondrial and X-chromosomal markers in these taxa.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported discordant gene trees in the evolution of brown bears and polar bears. Genealogical histories are different among independent nuclear loci and between biparentally inherited autosomal DNA (aDNA) and matrilineal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Based on multi-locus genomic sequences from aDNA and mtDNA, we inferred the population demography of brown and polar bears and found that brown bears have 6 times (aDNA) or more than 14 times (mtDNA) larger population sizes than polar bears and that polar bear lineage is derived from within brown bear diversity. In brown bears, the effective population size ratio of mtDNA to aDNA was at least 0.62, which deviated from the expected value of 0.25, suggesting matriarchal population due to female philopatry and male-biased migration. These results emphasize that ancestral polymorphisms and sex-biased migration may have contributed to conflicting branching patterns in brown and polar bears across aDNA genes and mtDNA.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Drosophila cardini group includes 15 species, which are subdivided into the D. cardini and D. dunni subgroups. Although many phylogenetic hypotheses have been proposed for this group during the last five decades (based on patterns of reproductive isolation, morphology of male genitalia, chromosomal inversions, isozyme variation, or molecular sequence data), these are mostly discordant with each other. We aimed to clarify some of the evolutionary patterns related to the origin of this incongruence, while also attempting to provide a better-supported phylogenetic hypothesis for the D. cardini subgroup. For this purpose, sequences from three mitochondrial and three nuclear loci were gathered for at least eight species, and both individual gene trees and joint species tree estimates were evaluated. Although there was concordance among gene trees within each of the nuclear and mitochondrial sets, considerable incongruence was revealed in the comparisons between these two data sets. The branching position of D. neocardini was the main source of incongruence, and species trees reconstructed using different approaches with and without this species were particularly incongruent. In addition to providing a better approximation of the evolutionary history of the D. cardini group, this study suggests that incomplete lineage sorting or introgression may be biasing previous species tree estimates. More generally, the results also suggest that the use of supermatrix methods can lead to an overestimation of support for the inferred relationships, and highlight the potential effects of different taxon sampling strategies in phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that the woodpecker genus Picus (Aves: Picidae) may not be monophyletic. In order to evaluate this hypothesis, we analyzed DNA sequences from all but two species of Picus, as well as from representatives of all genera in the tribe Malarpicini, within which Picus is nested. We sequenced seven loci (four autosomal, one Z-linked and two mitochondrial) with different evolutionary dynamics. The species currently placed in Picus fall into two subclades that may not form a monophyletic assemblage. Consequently, we propose to place miniaceus Pennant 1769, flavinucha Gould 1834 and mentalis Temminck 1825 in the genus Chrysophlegma Gould, 1850, while the remaining species are retained in Picus. The inclusion in our study of representatives of all genera included in the tribe Malarpicini, a group of woodpeckers which has proven difficult to resolve in several previous molecular studies, also allowed us to determine the earliest divergences within this clade. The results suggest that the low level of basal resolution in Malarpicini is attributable to multiple cladogenetic events in a short period of time rather than insufficient character sampling. This conclusion is supported by the observation of nucleotide insertion-deletions that support mutually exclusive phylogenetic hypotheses in different gene trees. We attribute this pattern of incongruent indels, together with short internodes in the tree, to incomplete lineage sorting.  相似文献   

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