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In this study, we examine microbial communities of early developmental stages of the coral Porites astreoides by sequence analysis of cloned 16S rRNA genes, terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP), and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) imaging. Bacteria are associated with the ectoderm layer in newly released planula larvae, in 4-day-old planulae, and on the newly forming mesenteries surrounding developing septa in juvenile polyps after settlement. Roseobacter clade-associated (RCA) bacteria and Marinobacter sp. are consistently detected in specimens of P. astreoides spanning three early developmental stages, two locations in the Caribbean and 3 years of collection. Multi-response permutation procedures analysis on the TRFLP results do not support significant variation in the bacterial communities associated with P. astreoides larvae across collection location, collection year or developmental stage. The results are the first evidence of vertical transmission (from parent to offspring) of bacteria in corals. The results also show that at least two groups of bacterial taxa, the RCA bacteria and Marinobacter, are consistently associated with juvenile P. astreoides against a complex background of microbial associations, indicating that some components of the microbial community are long-term associates of the corals and may impact host health and survival.  相似文献   

Studying the mechanisms that enable coral populations to inhabit spatially varying thermal environments can help evaluate how they will respond in time to the effects of global climate change and elucidate the evolutionary forces that enable or constrain adaptation. Inshore reefs in the Florida Keys experience higher temperatures than offshore reefs for prolonged periods during the summer. We conducted a common garden experiment with heat stress as our selective agent to test for local thermal adaptation in corals from inshore and offshore reefs. We show that inshore corals are more tolerant of a 6‐week temperature stress than offshore corals. Compared with inshore corals, offshore corals in the 31 °C treatment showed significantly elevated bleaching levels concomitant with a tendency towards reduced growth. In addition, dinoflagellate symbionts (Symbiodinium sp.) of offshore corals exhibited reduced photosynthetic efficiency. We did not detect differences in the frequencies of major (>5%) haplotypes comprising Symbiodinium communities hosted by inshore and offshore corals, nor did we observe frequency shifts (‘shuffling’) in response to thermal stress. Instead, coral host populations showed significant genetic divergence between inshore and offshore reefs, suggesting that in Porites astreoides, the coral host might play a prominent role in holobiont thermotolerance. Our results demonstrate that coral populations inhabiting reefs <10‐km apart can exhibit substantial differences in their physiological response to thermal stress, which could impact their population dynamics under climate change.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that corals can acclimatize or adapt to local stress factors through differential regulation of their gene expression. Profiling gene expression in corals from diverse environments can elucidate the physiological processes that may be responsible for maximizing coral fitness in their natural habitat and lead to a better understanding of the coral's capacity to survive the effects of global climate change. In an accompanying paper, we show that Porites astreoides from thermally different reef habitats exhibit distinct physiological responses when exposed to 6 weeks of chronic temperature stress in a common garden experiment. Here, we describe expression profiles obtained from the same corals for a panel of 9 previously reported and 10 novel candidate stress response genes identified in a pilot RNA‐Seq experiment. The strongest expression change was observed in a novel candidate gene potentially involved in calcification, SLC26, a member of the solute carrier family 26 anion exchangers, which was down‐regulated by 92‐fold in bleached corals relative to controls. The most notable signature of divergence between coral populations was constitutive up‐regulation of metabolic genes in corals from the warmer inshore location, including the gluconeogenesis enzymes pyruvate carboxylase and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and the lipid beta‐oxidation enzyme acyl‐CoA dehydrogenase. Our observations highlight several molecular pathways that were not previously implicated in the coral stress response and suggest that host management of energy budgets might play an adaptive role in holobiont thermotolerance.  相似文献   

The swimming behaviour of 534 coral reef fish larvae from 27 species was explored at Moorea Island (French Polynesia) while they searched for a suitable settlement habitat, on the first night of their lagoon life. Most larvae swam actively (74%) and avoided the bottom (77%). A significant relationship was highlighted between the vertical position of larvae in the water column and the distance they travelled from lagoon entrance to settlement habitat: larvae swimming close to the surface settled farther away on the reef than bottom-dwelling larvae.  相似文献   

Coral reefs across the Caribbean are undergoing unprecedented rates of decline in coral cover during the last three decades, and coral recruitment is one potential process that could aid the recovery of coral populations. To better understand the effects of climate change on coral larval ecology, the larvae of Porites astreoides were studied to determine the immediate and post-settlement effects of elevated temperature and associated oxidative stress. Larvae of Porites astreoides were exposed to 27 °C (ambient) and +3.0 °C (elevated temperature) seawater for a short duration of 24 h; then, a suite of physiological parameters were measured to determine the extent of sublethal stress. Following the +3.0 °C treatment, larvae did not show a significant difference in maximum quantum yield of PSII (F v/F m) or respiratory demand when compared to controls maintained at 27 °C. The addition of micromolar concentrations of hydrogen peroxide did not impact respiration or photochemical efficiency. Catalase activity in the larvae increased (>60 %) following exposure to elevated temperature when compared to the controls. Short-term larval survival and settlement and metamorphosis were not affected by increased temperature or the H2O2 treatment. However, the settled spat that were exposed to elevated temperature underwent a 99 % reduction in survival compared to 90 % reduction for the control spat when examined 24 days following the deployment of 4-day-old settled spat on settlement tiles in the field. These results show that short-term exposure to some stressors might have small impacts on coral physiology, and no effects on larval survival, settlement and metamorphosis. However, due to post-settlement mortality, these stressors can cause a significant reduction in coral recruitment.  相似文献   

 Annual and lunar patterns of larval release by the coral Porites astreoides in the Florida Keys were investigated. Corals were collected monthly and maintained in outdoor, flow-through systems to quantify nightly release of larvae. Planulae were released during a period from 10 days prior to the new moon through 11 days after the new moon, with a peak in release centered on the new moon. The average duration of larval release by a single colony was 9 nights. Although the correlation was low (r=0.292), there was a positive relationship between colony size and number of larvae released. The majority of larval release occurred in April and May, although smaller numbers of larvae were observed from June through as late as September. Larval release appeared to be correlated with the average water temperatures over the 30 days prior to the new moon, peaking when water temperatures were 24.5–27.5 °C. Accepted: 3 August 1998  相似文献   

It is widely reported that coral reefs are suffering degradation from a combination of stresses. We have previously reported the use of genomic tools in the study of environmental impact assessment and hypothesize that monitoring the bacterial diversity associated with a coral would indicate changes in its health before visible damage occurs. This study analyzes the bacterial diversity associated with Porites coral collected from two sites in the Arabian Sea using culture independent techniques. Two clone libraries were constructed from the16S rDNA amplicons and selected individual clones were partially sequenced. Retrieved sequences were identified by BLAST analysis and indicate the presence of unidentified bacteria. Diversity index was calculated using Shannon–Wiener index. The bacterial diversity associated with coral sample 1 gives the index of species diversity, H 1 as 1.6287, divergence from eqiprobability as 45.708% and the evenness of the sample as 54.291. For coral sample 2, the values obtained were, H 1 as 1.97, divergence from eqiprobability as 15.11% and the evenness of the sample as 84.88. Sequences representing bacteria related to agricultural or industrial pollution and pathogenesis were also found. Coral samples collected near a lagoon area, showed a greater percentage of sequences representing bacteria related to human interventions, indicative of pollution.  相似文献   

The ability to assess genetic variation is critical for determining genetic diversity and population structure. In corals, slow evolutionary rates in mitochondrial genomes have left allozymes as the only markers presently available to investigate patterns of intraspecific genetic variation. Characteristics of microsatellites render them more informative than allozymes for such analyses; however, few coral microsatellites are available. This study describes polymorphic microsatellite loci isolated from two scleractinian coral species. Most loci exhibit significant heterozygote deficiencies, likely due to nonrandom mating or Wahlund effects. These markers are being used to investigate gene flow among populations, providing insight into reef connectivity.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature and size on growth and mortality of cod larvae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The optimal temperatures for growth of four groups of hatchery-reared cod larvae (geometric mean weight: 73, 191, 249 and 251 μg), reared on rotifers at four or five constant temperatures between 4 and 16° C for 14, 12, 9 and 16 days were 9.7, 12.3, 12.7 and 13.4° C, respectively. The maximum growth rate also increased with size and was 6.5, 9.6, 11.7 and 11.3% day−1 for the respective size groups. The optimal temperature for survival was 8.5–8.8° C for all size groups. The results indicate an opposite relationship between (1) size and optimal temperature for growth and (2) size and maximum growth rate of cod larvae, to that observed for juvenile and immature cod.  相似文献   

Aim Coral reefs are widely considered to be particularly vulnerable to changes in ocean temperatures, yet we understand little about the broad‐scale spatio‐temporal patterns that may cause coral mortality from bleaching and disease. Our study aimed to characterize these ocean temperature patterns at biologically relevant scales. Location Global, with a focus on coral reefs. Methods We created a 4‐km resolution, 21‐year global ocean temperature anomaly (deviations from long‐term means) database to quantify the spatial and temporal characteristics of temperature anomalies related to both coral bleaching and disease. Then we tested how patterns varied in several key metrics of disturbance severity, including anomaly frequency, magnitude, duration and size. Results Our analyses found both global variation in temperature anomalies and fine‐grained spatial variability in the frequency, duration and magnitude of temperature anomalies. However, we discovered that even during major climatic events with strong spatial signatures, like the El Niño–Southern Oscillation, areas that had high numbers of anomalies varied between years. In addition, we found that 48% of bleaching‐related anomalies and 44% of disease‐related anomalies were less than 50 km2, much smaller than the resolution of most models used to forecast climate changes. Main conclusions The fine‐scale variability in temperature anomalies has several key implications for understanding spatial patterns in coral bleaching‐ and disease‐related anomalies as well as for designing protected areas to conserve coral reefs in a changing climate. Spatial heterogeneity in temperature anomalies suggests that certain reefs could be targeted for protection because they exhibit differences in thermal stress. However, temporal variability in anomalies could complicate efforts to protect reefs, because high anomalies in one year are not necessarily predictive of future patterns of stress. Together, our results suggest that temperature anomalies related to coral bleaching and disease are likely to be highly heterogeneous and could produce more localized impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

The functional role of the bacterial organisms in the reef ecosystem and their contribution to the coral well‐being remain largely unclear. The first step in addressing this gap of knowledge relies on in‐depth characterization of the coral microbial community and its changes in diversity across coral species, space and time. In this study, we focused on the exploration of microbial community assemblages associated with an ecologically important Caribbean scleractinian coral, Porites astreoides, using Illumina high‐throughput sequencing of the V5 fragment of 16S rRNA gene. We collected data from a large set of biological replicates, allowing us to detect patterns of geographical structure and resolve co‐occurrence patterns using network analyses. The taxonomic analysis of the resolved diversity showed consistent and dominant presence of two OTUs affiliated with the order Oceanospirillales, which corroborates a specific pattern of bacterial association emerging for this coral species and for many other corals within the genus Porites. We argue that this specific association might indicate a symbiotic association with the adult coral partner. Furthermore, we identified a highly diverse rare bacterial ‘biosphere’ (725 OTUs) also living along with the dominant bacterial symbionts, but the assemblage of this biosphere is significantly structured along the geographical scale. We further discuss that some of these rare bacterial members show significant association with other members of the community reflecting the complexity of the networked consortia within the coral holobiont.  相似文献   

Numerous organisms display conspicuous eyespots. These eye‐like patterns have been shown to effectively reduce predation by either deflecting strikes away from nonvital organs or by intimidating potential predators. While investigated extensively in terrestrial systems, determining what factors shape eyespot form in colorful coral reef fishes remains less well known. Using a broadscale approach we ask: How does the size of the eyespot relate to the actual eye, and at what size during ontogeny are eyespots acquired or lost? We utilized publicly available images to generate a dataset of 167 eyespot‐bearing reef fish species. We measured multiple features relating to the size of the fish, its eye, and the size of its eyespot. In reef fishes, the area of the eyespot closely matches that of the real eye; however, the eyespots “pupil” is nearly four times larger than the real pupil. Eyespots appear at about 20 mm standard length. However, there is a marked decrease in the presence of eyespots in fishes above 48 mm standard length; a size which is tightly correlated with significant decreases in documented mortality rates. Above 75–85 mm, the cost of eyespots appears to outweigh their benefit. Our results identify a “size window” for eyespots in coral reef fishes, which suggests that eyespot use is strictly body size‐dependent within this group.  相似文献   

Recruiting coral reef fish larvae from 38 species and 19 families from New Caledonia were examined for parasites. We found 13 parasite species (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea, Cestoda and Trematoda) but no acanthocephalan, crustacean or nematode parasites. Over 23% of individual fish were infected. Didymozoid metacercariae were the most abundant parasites. We conclude that most of the parasites are pelagic species that become ‘lost’ once the fish larvae have recruited to the reef. Larval coral reef fish probably contribute little to the dispersal of the parasites of the adult fish so that parasite dispersal is more difficult than that of the fish themselves.  相似文献   

Porites panamensis is a hermatypic brooder coral endemic to, and distributed along, the Eastern Tropical Pacific, and is considered a species vulnerable to local effects because it has limited capacity for long‐distance dispersal (and low genetic diversity). Although larvae of P. panamensis have been previously shown to recruit to artificial settlement platforms, they have never been observed in the water column. The present study describes the reproductive behavior of P. panamensis, with a focus on using molecular tools to document evidence for a larval planktonic stage and for successful recruitment. Larvae collected from the water column, and recruitment on natural and artificial substrata were documented. Phylogenetic analysis of two ribosomal markers, 18s rRNA and ITS (ITS1‐5.8‐ITS2), and one mitochondrial marker, cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox1), confirmed the taxonomic identity of larvae, and showed that larvae and recruits have genotypes similar to adults of P. panamensis. Lipid vacuoles and Symbiodinium sp. were present in the gastrodermis of all larvae. A total of 12 and 371 recruits settled on artificial and natural substrates, respectively, and the recruitment rate differed significantly over time. By documenting the reproductive success of the species, we show the potential for existing individuals both to maintain the population in the study area and to contribute to maintenance of the coral reef community in the coming decades.  相似文献   

To explore the vertical and horizontal distributions of fish larvae near the end of their pelagic period, six light traps were set up over four lunar months at different depths (sub‐surface, midwater and bottom) and different habitat types (reef slope: 50 m horizontal distance from the reef crest; frontier zone: 110 m horizontal distance; sandy zone: 200 m horizontal distance) on the outer reef slope of Moorea Island, French Polynesia. The highest captures were in sub‐surface traps on the reef slope and the frontier zone, and in bottom traps on the sandy zone and the frontier zone. It is hypothesized that fish larvae move towards the surface near the reef slope to avoid reef‐based planktivores and to get into a favourable position for surfing over the reef crest.  相似文献   

Global climate change has profound implications on species distributions and ecosystem functioning. In the coastal zone, ecological responses may be driven by various biogeochemical and physical environmental factors. Synergistic interactions can occur when the combined effects of stressors exceed their individual effects. The Red Sea, characterized by strong gradients in temperature, salinity, and nutrients along the latitudinal axis provides a unique opportunity to study ecological responses over a range of these environmental variables. Using multiple linear regression models integrating in situ, satellite and oceanographic data, we investigated the response of coral reef taxa to local stressors and recent climate variability. Taxa and functional groups responded to a combination of climate (temperature, salinity, air‐sea heat fluxes, irradiance, wind speed), fishing pressure and biogeochemical (chlorophyll a and nutrients ‐ phosphate, nitrate, nitrite) factors. The regression model for each species showed interactive effects of climate, fishing pressure and nutrient variables. The nature of the effects (antagonistic or synergistic) was dependent on the species and stressor pair. Variables consistently associated with the highest number of synergistic interactions included heat flux terms, temperature, and wind speed followed by fishing pressure. Hard corals and coralline algae abundance were sensitive to changing environmental conditions where synergistic interactions decreased their percentage cover. These synergistic interactions suggest that the negative effects of fishing pressure and eutrophication may exacerbate the impact of climate change on corals. A high number of interactions were also recorded for algae, however for this group, synergistic interactions increased algal abundance. This study is unique in applying regression analysis to multiple environmental variables simultaneously to understand stressor interactions in the field. The observed responses have important implications for understanding climate change impacts on marine ecosystems and whether managing local stressors, such as nutrient enrichment and fishing activities, may help mitigate global drivers of change.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on growth, pelagic larval duration (PLD) and maximum swimming speed were compared in the tropical fish marine species Amphiprion melanopus, to determine how temperature change affects these three factors critical to survival in larvae. The effects of rearing temperature (25 and 28 °C) on the length of the larval period and growth were examined in conjunction with the effects of swimming temperature (reared at 25 °C, swum at 25 and 28 °C, reared at 28 °C, swum at 25 and 28 °C) on critical swimming speed (U-crit). Larvae reared at 25 °C had a 25% longer pelagic larval duration (PLD) than larvae reared at 28 °C, 12.3 (±0.3) days compared with 9 (±0.6) days at 25 °C. To offset this effect of reduced developmental rate, growth and U-crit were measured in larvae reared at 28 and 25 °C at the same absolute age (7 days after hatching (dah)) and same developmental age (7 dah at 28 °C cf. 11 dah at 25 °C), corresponding to the day before metamorphosis. Larvae reared at 25 °C were smaller than larvae reared at 28 °C at the same absolute age (7 dah at 25 °C cf. 7 dah at 28 °C), yet larger at similar developmental age (11 dah at 25 °C cf. 7 dah at 28 °C) when weight and standard length were compared. This stage-specific size increase did not result in better performance in larvae at the same developmental age, as there was no difference in U-crit in premetamorphic larvae reared at either temperature (7 dah at 28 °C c.f 11 dah at 25 °C). However, U-crit was considerably slower in 7-day-old larvae reared at 25 °C than larvae of the same absolute age (7 dah) reared at 28 °C. Swimming temperature controls demonstrated that a change in temperature immediately prior to swimming tests did not effect swimming performance for larvae reared at either temperature.A decreased in rearing temperature resulted in longer larval durations, reduced growth rates and slower swimming development in larvae. However, the magnitude of the response of each of these traits varied considerably. As such, larvae reared at the lower temperature were a larger size at metamorphosis but had poorer relative swimming capabilities. This study highlights the importance of measuring a range of ecologically relevant traits in developing larvae to properly characterise their relative condition and performance in response to environmental change.  相似文献   

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