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Background and AimsInterspecific difference in pollinators (pollinator isolation) is important for reproductive isolation in flowering plants. Species-specific pollination by fungus gnats has been discovered in several plant taxa, suggesting that they can contribute to reproductive isolation. Nevertheless, their contribution has not been studied in detail, partly because they are too small for field observations during flower visitation. To quantify their flower visitation, we used the genus Arisaema (Araceae) because the pitcher-like spathe of Arisaema can trap all floral visitors.MethodsWe evaluated floral visitor assemblage in an altitudinal gradient including five Arisaema species. We also examined interspecific differences in altitudinal distribution (geographic isolation) and flowering phenology (phenological isolation). To exclude the effect of interspecific differences in altitudinal distribution on floral visitor assemblage, we established ten experimental plots including the five Arisaema species in high- and low-altitude areas and collected floral visitors. We also collected floral visitors in three additional sites. Finally, we estimated the strength and contribution of these three reproductive barriers using a unified formula for reproductive isolation.Key ResultsEach Arisaema species selectively attracted different fungus gnats in the altitudinal gradient, experimental plots and additional sites. Altitudinal distribution and flowering phenology differed among the five Arisaema species, whereas the strength of geographic and phenological isolations were distinctly weaker than those in pollinator isolation. Nevertheless, the absolute contribution of pollinator isolation to total reproductive isolation was weaker than geographic and phenological isolations, because pollinator isolation functions after the two early-acting barriers in plant life history.ConclusionsOur results suggest that selective pollination by fungus gnats potentially contributes to reproductive isolation. Since geographic and phenological isolations can be disrupted by habitat disturbance and interannual climate change, the strong and stable pollinator isolation might compensate for the weakened early-acting barriers as an alternative reproductive isolation among the five Arisaema species.  相似文献   

The order Plecoptera is primarily known for its aquatic nymphs and their importance in many stream ecosystems. However, the biology and life history of Plecopteran terrestrial adults is mostly unknown, and hence interactions with plants have rarely been documented. Here, we report on insect visitation to flowers of Corylopsis gotoana (Hamamelidaceae) in a temperate forest of Japan, with emphasis on the behavior and pollination role of adults of a stonefly species, Strophopteryx nohirae (Taeniopterygidae), which were frequently observed in the flowers. The most frequent insect visitors to Corylopsis flowers were Bombylius major (Bombyliidae), Apis cerana (Apidae) and Bombus ardens (Apidae), all of which were considered main pollinators because of high rates of visitation and pollen attachment. Strophopteryx nohirae frequently visited Corylopsis trees, on which they foraged for pollen and mated. A field experiment on the pollination success of Corylopsis flowers visited by S. nohirae verified that this stonefly contributed to pollination.  相似文献   

The influence of outcrossing and pollination biology on the maintenance of hermaphroditism was studied for Schiedea lydgatei (Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae), a species endemic to Moloka`i in the Hawaiian Islands. Schiedea lydgatei is the only hermaphroditic species in an otherwise dimorphic clade and hermaphroditism is likely the result of a reversal from a gynodioecious ancestor. Both wind and native moths in the family Pyralidae are responsible for pollination in S. lydgatei. Outcrossing rates were generally high (0.80), especially in years when the greatest number of plants were flowering. The combination of high outcrossing rates and substantial inbreeding depression indicates that at present females would not be favored in the population. Pollination by both wind and insects is consistent with the hypothesis that hermaphroditism is the result of a relatively recent reversal, as the ancestor of S. lydgatei was probably wind pollinated and gynodioecious with few females in the populations. A shift from wind to predominately insect pollination on Moloka`i may have resulted in increased outcrossing rates and prevented the expression of high inbreeding depression among progeny of hermaphrodites, a condition that would select against females and favor a reversal to hermaphroditism. Because few females were likely to have been present in ancestral populations that colonized Moloka`i, founder effect is another potential explanation for loss of females. In either case, current high levels of outcrossing prevent re-establishment of females in populations of S. lydgatei.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Eryngium alpinum (Apiaceae) is an endangered perennial, characteristic of the Alpine flora. Because the breeding system influences both demographic (reproductive success) and genetic (inbreeding depression, evolutionary potential) parameters that are crucial for population maintenance, the reproductive ecology of E. alpinum was investigated. Specifically, the aims of the study were (1) to determine the factors (resources and/or pollen) limiting plant fitness; and (2) to assess the potential for gene flow within a plant, within a patch of plants, and across a whole valley where the species is abundant. METHODS: Field experiments were performed at two sites in the Fournel valley, France, over three consecutive years. Studies included a phenological survey, observations of pollinators (visitation rates and flight distances), dispersal of a fluorescent powder used as a pollen analogue, the use of seed traps, determination of the pollen/ovule ratio, and an experiment to test whether seed production is limited by pollen and/or by resources. KEY RESULTS: E. alpinum is pollinated by generalist pollinators, visitation rates are very high and seed set is resource- rather than pollen-limited. The short flights of honeybees indicate a high potential for geitonogamy, and low pollen and seed dispersals suggest strong genetic structure over short distances. These results are interpreted in the light of previous molecular markers studies, which, in contrast, showed complete outcrossing and high genetic homogeneity. CONCLUSION:S. The study highlights the usefulness of adopting several complementary approaches to understanding the dynamic processes at work in natural populations, and the conservation implications for E. alpinum are emphasized. Although the studied populations do not seem threatened in the near future, long-term monitoring appears necessary to assess the impact of habitat fragmentation. Moreover, this study provides useful baseline data for future investigations in smaller and more isolated populations.  相似文献   

Many alpine plants are predominantly outcrossing, thus plant reproductive success is highly dependent on effectiveness of pollinators. How pollinators transfer pollen from one flower to another is of great interest in understanding the genetic structure in plant populations. We studied (1) the role and effectiveness of insect visitors for pollination, and (2) their contribution as pollen vectors for gene dispersal in a Rhododendron ferrugineum population. Various insect visitors were recorded, including Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, and Lepidoptera. The most frequent and effective insects were honey bees and bumblebees. Muscid flies were considered as important pollinators, particularly due to their relatively high visitation rate. Syrphid flies, Formicidae, and Coleoptera were ineffective in transporting pollen, while the effectiveness of Lepidoptera and Empididae was negligible. A fluorescence labelling experiment revealed that pollen dispersal was restricted (0 - 2 m) in a dense R. ferrugineum stand and decreased in a leptokurtic fashion. This might lead to geitonogamous self-pollination that could explain the close relationship between individuals found in genetic studies of R. ferrugineum. However, some pollen grains may travel 40 - 45 m, which implies the occurrence of cross-pollination through the foraging activities of bumblebees and honey bees.  相似文献   

Inga species present brush‐type flower morphology allowing them to be visited by distinct groups of pollinators. Nectar features in relation to the main pollinators have seldom been studied in this genus. To test the hypothesis of floral adaptation to both diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, we studied the pollination ecology of Inga sessilis, with emphasis on the nectar secretion patterns, effects of sequential removals on nectar production, sugar composition and the role of diurnal and nocturnal pollinators in its reproductive success. Inga sessilis is self‐incompatible and pollinated by hummingbirds, hawkmoths and bats. Fruit set under natural conditions is very low despite the fact that most stigmas receive polyads with sufficient pollen to fertilise all ovules in a flower. Nectar secretion starts in the bud stage and flowers continually secreting nectar for a period of 8 h. Flowers actively reabsorbed the nectar a few hours before senescence. Sugar production increased after nectar removal, especially when flowers were drained during the night. Nectar sugar composition changed over flower life span, from sucrose‐dominant (just after flower opening, when hummingbirds were the main visitors) to hexose‐rich (throughout the night, when bats and hawkmoths were the main visitors). Diurnal pollinators contributed less than nocturnal ones to fruit production, but the former were more constant and reliable visitors through time. Our results indicate I. sessilis has floral adaptations, beyond the morphology, that encompass both diurnal and nocturnal pollinator requirements, suggesting a complementary and mixed pollination system.  相似文献   

红豆杉的胚珠发育,传粉滴形成和传粉过程   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
观察了红豆杉(Taxus chinensis (Pilg.)Rehd)的花粉形态和水合特性及胚珠发育、传粉滴形成与传粉过程。成熟花粉为单细胞,无气吓,形状不规则,外壁表面具大量乌氏体。花粉水合时,内壁膨胀,外壁开裂。通常情况下,外壁保留在水滴或传粉滴的表面,而花粉的其他部分进入水滴或传粉滴内。在8月下旬,可观察到下弯的雌性生殖芽。下弯这一特性是雌性生殖芽区别于营养芽的重要特征。这一时期的雌性生殖芽  相似文献   

We studied biotic and abiotic factors that influence pollination in two sympatric winter flowering species. Helleborus foetidus and Helleborus bocconei flower simultaneously in winter. Although climatic conditions are not favorable for biotic pollination both species rely mainly on large bees of the genus Bombus. At the beginning of flowering, harsh climatic conditions are restrictive for insect visits. As flowering continues and temperatures rise, pollinator activity increases. The two plant species share pollinators that visit them indiscriminately. The flowers of the two species differ in form and insects visit H. foetidus by inserting their heads and H. bocconei ventrally: pollen load on insects is highly specialized. With the arrival of spring, many other species start to bloom and in spite of the large number of flowers still on the plants insects abandon Helleborus species. At the end of spring increasing biotic interactions take away pollinators from the Helleborus species.  相似文献   

Buide ML 《Annals of botany》2006,97(2):289-297
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The floral display influences the composition of pollinators interacting with a plant species. Geographic and temporal variation in pollinator composition complicates the understanding of the evolutionary consequences of floral display variation. This paper analyses the relationships between Silene acutifolia, a hermaphroditic perennial herb, and its pollinators, based on field studies in the north-west of Spain. METHODS: Studies were conducted over three years (1997-1999). Firstly, the main pollinators of this species were determined for two years in one population. Secondly, pollen limitation in fruit and seed production was analysed by supplementary hand pollinations, and counting the pollen grains and tubes growing in styles for two different-sized populations. Finally, the effect of flower size and number on the rate of visitation and total seed number was examined for 15 marked plants. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: The primary pollinators were long-tongued insects, including Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera, but the composition and visitation frequencies differed between years. Pollen limitation occurred in one of the years of study. There was between-population variation in the number of pollen grains and pollen tubes found in styles, suggesting pollen limitation in one population. Overall, pollinators visited plants with more open flowers more frequently, and pollinated more flowers within these plants. Conversely, petal and calyx sizes had no effect on insect visitation. Plants with higher rates of visits produced higher number of seeds, suggesting that pollinator-mediated limitation of seed and fruit production may be important in some years.  相似文献   

植物个体内花型的变异影响繁殖成功, 雌性繁殖性状的变异可能影响雌性的繁殖成功, 也可能作为花粉的受体影响雄性的繁殖成功。然而, 植物个体内不同花柱长度的花产生的花粉是否影响植物的繁殖成功却少有研究。梅(Armeniaca mume)是原产我国的重要木本花卉和经济果树, 我们的野外观察发现在同一植株内, 不同花的花柱长度有变异, 存在长柱型、短柱型和雄花型(雌蕊败育)三种花型, 是比较雌性繁殖性状的变异对两性繁殖成功的影响的理想材料。本文主要测量了不同花型的花部特征, 统计花期, 并开展体外花粉萌发以及人工控制授粉实验。结果表明: 长柱型的花冠直径、雌蕊长、单花花粉数、花粉体积显著大于短柱型和雄花型。长柱型的单花期以及雌花期显著长于短柱型。长柱型、短柱型以及雄花型花粉在活体柱头上的萌发率没有显著性差异, 雄花型的花粉管长度显著高于长柱型和短柱型。长柱型为母本的花粉萌发率以及花粉管的长度要显著高于短柱型。长柱型、短柱型、雄花型花粉授粉与自然对照处理的坐果率没有显著性差异, 而长柱型为母本的坐果率要显著高于短柱型为母本的坐果率。这些结果表明野生梅花的长柱型为母本有利于花粉的萌发和花粉管的伸长, 有高的坐果率; 但其作为花粉供体的雄性功能与其他花型没有差异。  相似文献   

 Flower development, pollination and breeding system of the high alpine cushion plant, Eritrichium nanum (Boraginaceae), were investigated in nine populations from the European Alps at altitudes of 2700 m–3200 m. Peak flowering period lasts longer than a month, from mid-June to the end of July. In contrast to statements in the literature that flowers are protogynous and nutlets remain in their calyx until spring we found a distinct protandry and nutlets being dispersed before mid-September. Various insects from 12 families, but mostly Diptera, frequently visited E. nanum flowers, with flies from the families Anthomyiidae and Muscidae being the predominant visitors. Under optimal conditions (max. solar radiation, min. wind force), visitation rates of 200 simultaneously observed flowers reached 32.5–46.7 insects per hour, i.e. 0.16–0.24 insects per flower per hour. However, the commonly observed Anthomyiidae and Muscidae clearly preferred the white-yellowish flowers of Saxifraga exarata and Saxifraga bryoides which are abundant at E. nanum sites and which are certainly also pollinated by species of these two fly families. The flowers of these Saxifraga species offer plenty of nectar and may compete for pollinators with E. nanum, when they are flowering in its proximity. However, various other insects like Pontia callidice and Psodos sp. (Lepidoptera) as well as Andrena sp. (Hymenoptera) and especially Eristalis tenax and closely related hoverflies showed a higher degree of flower constancy to E. nanum, often flying from a blue Eritrichium cushion to the next and hence causing outcrossing. The five fornices of E. nanum flowers which obstruct the tube containing stamens and nectar, are a feature which differs distinctly from the syndrome of fly-pollinated flowers with easily accessible nectar. Consequently pollination by flies in E. nanum seems to be caused mainly by the unfavorable ecological conditions at high altitudes, where flies are the most frequent insects. Bagging experiments showed that outcrossing and geitonogamy are the prevailing pollination modes, and autogamy, although possible, plays only a minor role. Received February 13, 2001 Accepted November 23, 2001  相似文献   

In their classic study, Alston and Turner (American Journal of Botany, vol. 50, 159-173, 1963) documented extensive hybridization among four morphologically distinct Baptisia species native to East Texas. While Alston and Turner found putative F1 hybrids in great numbers, they found no evidence of backcrossing. In this study prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive barriers between two of these species, B. leucophaea and B. sphaerocarpa, were investigated and found to be quite weak. Flowering times overlap and bumble bees were observed visiting both species and intermediate hybrids. While pollinator constancy in flights between B. leucophaea and B. sphaerocarpa was moderately strong, significant levels of constancy were not observed in flights involving hybrids and either parental species. Thus, backcrossing was not impeded by pollinator behavior. Further, hybrid pollen was highly stainable (93.5%) and able to effectively set seed in crossing experiments with both parental species. Pollinator behavior was compared in experimental populations with and without hybrid ramets and found to differ between these two treatments. Hybrids were found to facilitate pollinator movement between species. In total, these results suggest that reproductive isolation is not responsible for the rarity of backcrossing in naturally hybridizing B. leucophaea and B. sphaerocarpa populations.  相似文献   

1. In situ experiments were conducted using specialised incubation devices to grow biofilms under varying light regimes and grazing intensities (by excluding fish and large‐sized zooplankton, >2 mm) both within and between two sites in Lake Saint‐Pierre. 2. Biofilms growing under greater in situ UVR and light exposures found in the south water mass were characterised by a greater biomass and nutrient content, but their total fatty acid (FA) contents and ratios of elemental nutrients were not significantly different from the north. There was a relatively greater abundance of chlorophytes and cyanobacteria in the south water mass, along with a greater proportion of low nutritional quality saturated fatty acids (SAFA). Conversely, biofilms growing in the north had a greater relative abundance of diatoms, as well as greater eicosapentaneoic acid (20:5ω3) and docosahexaneoic acid (22:6ω3) concentrations (two FAs implicated in the physiological competency of grazers). 3. The prevailing community structures created differences in terms of nutritional status of the biofilms for benthic grazers and their predators at the two sites. The biofilms from the southern site were characterised by greater food quantity at the expense of quality, while biofilms from the northern site contained less food of a better quality. Despite this, the nutritional regime in the south supported a greater productivity at higher trophic levels. The secondary treatments (light and grazing by fish and macro‐invertebrates) had lesser effects on food quality.  相似文献   

  • Cockroaches have rarely been documented as pollinators. In this paper we examine whether this is because they might be inefficient at pollination compared to other pollinators. Clusia blattophila, a dioecious shrub growing on isolated rocky outcrops in French Guiana, is pollinated by Amazonina platystylata cockroaches and provides a valuable system for the study of cockroach pollination efficiency.
  • We examined the species composition of the visitor guild and visitation rates by means of camcorder recordings and visitor sampling. Then, we investigated the capacity for pollen transfer of principal visitors and found correlations between visitation rates and pollen loads on stigmas. In an exclusion experiment we determined the contributions of individual species to pollination success.
  • Amazonina platystylata, crickets and two species of Diptera transferred pollen, but the number of transferred pollen grains was only related to visitation rates in the case of cockroaches. Crickets visited and rarely carried pollen. Dipterans were as frequent as cockroaches, carried similar pollen loads, but transferred much less pollen. An estimated 41% and 17% of ovules were pollinated by cockroaches and dipterans, respectively. The remaining ovules were not pollinated. There was no spatial variation in pollinator guild composition, but cockroaches visited flowers less frequently at the smaller study site.
  • We demonstrate that cockroaches pollinate a large proportion of ovules. Their pollination service is not confined to one study site and, unlike that provided by dipterans, is not limited to certain years. We suggest that cockroach pollination has been overlooked and that cockroach‐pollinated plants, which share certain floral features, possess adaptations to pollination by cockroaches.

Lecocarpus pinnatifidus is an endemic member of the Asteraceae occurring on only one island in the Galápagos archipelago. The capitula are large with female ray florets and male disc florets. They are self-compatible but this study suggests fruit set is pollen limited. Visits from Xylocopa darwini and other larger insect pollinators are rare, and small insects seem to be the main pollinators. Small insects carry few pollen grains and most likely mediate self-pollinations. Self-compatibility and seed set after selfing are the most common reproductive strategy in the Galápagos Islands and L. pinnatifidus seemingly fits well into this group.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 146 , 171–180.  相似文献   

Pollination efficiency and reproductive success vary strongly among populations of most animal‐pollinated plant species, depending on their size and local density, whereas individual plants within populations experience varying levels of reproductive output as a result of differences in floral display. Although most orchid species have been shown to be severely pollination limited, few studies have investigated the impact of the above‐mentioned factors on pollination success and reproduction, especially in rewarding species. In this study, the impact of population size, local density of flowering plants, and floral display on the rates of pollinia export and fruit production was investigated in 13 natural populations of the rewarding terrestrial orchid Listera ovata. In addition, an emasculation experiment was set up to examine how floral display and local density of flowering plants affected the relative importance of cross‐ vs. geitonogamous pollination in determining fruit set. In the studied populations, pollination efficiency, pollen removal, and fruit set increased with increasing population size until a threshold value of 30–40 flowering plants was reached, above which pollination efficiency and reproductive output decreased again. On average, plants with large floral displays showed higher proportional pollinia removal and fruit set compared with smaller plants. Fruit production was also significantly and positively related to local plant density, whereas emasculation did not affect the relationship between local plant density and fruit set, suggesting that geitonogamous pollination did not affect the outcome of female function. The results of this study are discussed in the light of the flowering mechanism of the species and its generalized pollination system. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 713–721.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that morph ratios in heterostylous populations are governed by negative frequency-dependent selection typically resulting in equal morph ratios at equilibrium. Previous work on the distylous perennial herb Pulmonaria officinalis, however, showed asymmetric mating between floral morphs and a weak self-incompatibility system, with the long-styled morph (L-morph) producing significantly higher seed set following intramorph crosses and even selfing than the short-styled morph (S-morph), two aspects thought to affect female fecundity and morph-ratio variation. Here, we evaluated morph ratios and population size of all known P. officinalis populations in the northern part of Belgium. Morph ratios deviated significantly from 1:1 (range 0.09-1 L-morph frequency, mean = 0.58). Relative fecundity of the S-morph (i.e. mean seed set of the S-morph/mean seed set of the L-morph) was on average 0.73, was positively related to the frequency of the L-morph, and reached 1 (similar levels of female fecundity) at an average L-morph frequency of 0.66 in the population. As some small populations had the S-morph in majority, our results suggest that local morph ratios are influenced both by the relative fecundity of L- and S-morph individuals and by stochastic processes in small populations.  相似文献   

In animal‐pollinated plants, both the spatial distribution of flowering individuals and the number of flowers that an individual displays affect pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success. Heterostylous species are likely to be particularly sensitive to the contingencies of spatial distribution, as they are reproductively subdivided into distinct mating groups, which usually exhibit self‐ and intra‐morph incompatibility and differ in floral morphology. In this paper, we explore the joint effects of both spatial distribution of potential mates and floral display size on morph‐specific pollen deposition rates and seed set patterns in two natural populations of Pulmonaria officinalis, a distylous species with a weak self‐incompatibility system. Both total stigmatic pollen load and the proportion of legitimate pollen decreased with increasing spatial isolation. Legitimate (intermorph) pollen transfer was, however, asymmetric and decreased more rapidly with decreasing proximity to a compatible legitimate mating partner in the S‐morph than in the L‐morph. Total stigmatic pollen loads per flower increased with increasing floral display size, indicating that large plants are disproportionately more visited than smaller individuals. However, because legitimate pollen deposition decreased with increasing floral display size, these results also suggest that larger numbers of flowers increase the degree of geitonogamous pollination. In both the L‐ and S‐morph, seed set significantly decreased with increasing isolation from a legitimate mating partner, but in the L‐morph seed set was less dependent on the spatial distribution of the S‐morph. In addition, seed set significantly increased with floral display size in the L‐morph, but not in the S‐morph. These findings indicate that the spatial distribution of potential mates and variation in floral display size may cause morph‐specific differences in pollen deposition rates and female reproductive success.  相似文献   

  • Field studies integrating pollination investigations with an assessment of floral scent composition and thermogenesis in tropical aroids are rather few. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the pollination biology of nine species belonging to Schismatoglottis Calyptrata Complex Clade. The flowering mechanism, visiting insect activities, reproductive system, thermogenesis and floral scent composition were examined.
  • Anthesis for all species started at dawn and lasted 25–29 h. Colocasiomyia (Diptera, Drosophilidae) are considered the main pollinators for all the investigated species. Cycreon (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) are considered secondary pollinators as they are only present in seven of the nine host plants, despite the fact that they are the most effective pollen carrier, carrying up to 15 times more pollen grains than Colocasiomyia flies. However, the number of Colocasiomyia individuals was six times higher than Cycreon beetles. Chaloenus (Chrysomelidae, Galeuricinae) appeared to be an inadvertent pollinator. Atheta (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) is considered a floral visitor in most investigated species of the Calyptrata Complex Clade in Sarawak, but a possible pollinator in S. muluensis. Chironomidae midges and pteromalid wasps are considered visitors in S. calyptrata.
  • Thermogenesis in a biphasic pattern was observed in inflorescences of S. adducta, S. calyptrata, S. giamensis, S. pseudoniahensis and S. roh. The first peak occurred during pistillate anthesis; the second peak during staminate anthesis. Inflorescences of all investigated species of Calyptrata Complex Clade emitted four types of ester compound, with methyl ester‐3‐methyl‐3‐butenoic acid as a single major VOC (volatile organic compound). The appendix, pistillate zone, staminate zone and spathe emitted all these compounds.
  • A mixed fly–beetle pollination system is considered an ancestral trait in the Calyptrata Complex Clade, persisting in Sarawak taxa, whereas the marked reduction of interpistillar staminodes in taxa from Peninsular Malaysia and especially, Ambon, Indonesia, is probably linked to a shift in these taxa to a fly‐pollinated system.

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