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The intracellular pH of murine splenic B lymphocytes was measured using the pH-sensitive fluorescent dye, bis(carboxyethyl)carboxyfluorescein (BCECF). After stimulation of B lymphocytes with anti-immunoglobulin antibody plus cytochalasin D, two agents that act in synergy to promote S-phase entry, a late increase in pH was detected that occurred prior to the onset of DNA synthesis. The degree of alkalinization observed was comparable to that produced by two additional mitogenic regimens. Cytoplasmic alkalinization was not blocked by dimethylamiloride. Cytoplasmic alkalinization represents a sign of, and may play a role in, stimulation of B lymphocytes to enter S phase.  相似文献   

One might predict that cytochalasin D, which slows polymerization of actin in solution and which inhibits actin-containing microfilament function in live B lymphocytes, would also prevent actin polymerization in these cells. However, we have used the NBD-Phallacidin flow cytometric assay for F-actin and the DNase I inhibition assay for G-actin to demonstrate that cytochalasin D (at 20 micrograms/ml and higher) stimulates actin polymerization in murine B lymphocytes within the first 30 sec of exposure. A similar response was seen in human neutrophils. Actin polymerization induced in neutrophils by chemotactic peptides has been linked to activation of the polyphosphoinositide-calcium increase-protein kinase C signal transduction pathway. As B lymphocytes also transduce signals using this pathway, we investigated whether cytochalasin D induced actin polymerization by activating this pathway. Cytochalasin D and ionomycin both stimulated a rapid increase in internal calcium (by 1 min) in the B cell which was inhibitable by EGTA, implicating calcium influx. Ionomycin also induced actin polymerization, detectable later, by 10 min. EGTA blocked the ionomycin-induced actin polymerization, but not that induced by cytochalasin D. Cytochalasin D-induced actin polymerization was not associated with detectable hydrolysis of polyphosphoinositides, nor was it inhibited by H7 (a protein kinase C inhibitor) or by HA1004 (an inhibitor of cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases). Furthermore, anti-immunoglobulin antibodies, which stimulate B lymphocytes through the polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis-calcium increase-protein kinase C pathway, failed to induce actin polymerization in these cells. These antibodies did, however, stimulate the cells to perform activities that involve actin-containing microfilaments. Other primary activators of B lymphocytes (dextran sulfate, PMA, and LPS) and a panel of lymphokines previously shown to enhance B lymphocyte activation (IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-5) were also screened in the F-actin assay and no evidence for actin polymerization was found. We conclude that the actin polymerization response to cytochalasin D in the B cell does not involve the polyphosphoinositide hydrolysis-calcium increase-protein kinase C pathway, nor does it depend on cyclic nucleotide-dependent kinases. Furthermore, our studies failed to provide any evidence that early actin polymerization occurs in murine B lymphocyte activation.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from rabbit lymphoid organs were cultured in the presence of class specific anti-immunoglobulin sera and of anti-allotype sera. Stimulation of tritiated thymidine uptake into DNA was taken to indicate the presence of the corresponding immunoglobulins on the cell surfaces. Thymus and bone marrow lymphocytes were unresponsive to all reagents tested. Popliteal lymph node contained cells responsive to anti-μ, anti-γ, and anti-α and therefore presumably bearing IgM, IgG, and IgA. Spleen had only IgM- and IgG-bearing-cells, and the appendix contained cells with IgM and IgA receptors only. The lymph node, spleen, and appendix cells of rabbits depleted of B lymphocytes by irradiation (900 R) and injection of thymocytes were unresponsive to anti-immunoglobulin but were stimulated at almost normal levels by PHA and Con A. T cell-depleted animals (thymectomy, irradiation with three divided doses of 450 R and bone marrow shielding) had immunoglobulin-bearing lymphocytes but were unresponsive to the mitogens. However a moderate level of mitogen-responsiveness reappeared by 3–4 wk after irradiation. Cells of morphologically distinct regions of the appendix, separated manually, showed different responses corresponding to the inferred origins of these anatomic areas. The “dome” and “corona” contained functional IgM- and IgA-bearing cells. The “TDA” reacted well to PHA, Con A, and PWM, but was depleted of immunoglobulin-bearing cells. The “follicle” cells, which are almost all in active DNA synthesis or mitosis, were relatively unresponsive to either T or B cell stimuli. Anti-allotype serum stimulated the same populations which responded to class-specific heteroantisera but at a slightly lower level. It was inferred that gut-associated lymphoid tissues like the appendix may play a special role as an amplification site for B-cells destined to produce IgM and IgA elsewhere in the organism.  相似文献   

The ability of trinitrophenyl (TNP)-binding murine B lymphocytes to present native rabbit IgG (RGG), TNP-modified RGG, and rabbit anti-mouse Ig (RAMG) to an Ia-restricted, RGG-specific helper/inducer T cell clone was compared. By three independent assays (lymphokine secretion, T cell proliferation, and B cell differentiation), TNP-RGG was presented at 10(2)- to 10(3)-fold lower concentrations than RGG, and RAMG at 10(2)- to 10(3)-fold lower concentrations than TNP-RGG. The available data suggest that the efficiency of antigen presentation is dependent primarily on the avidity of binding of a ligand to B cell surface Ig and/or the extent of subsequent endocytosis (modulation). Despite the observed quantitative differences between anti-Ig (RAMG) and specific antigen (TNP-RGG), these results demonstrate that qualitatively both are essentially similar in their ability to mediate specific T-B interactions. Thus, anti-Ig antibodies are valid models for analyzing cognate interactions between antigen-specific B and helper T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

ACTH inhibits DNA synthesis in normal rat and mouse tumor Y-1 adrenocortical cells within the same concentration range that it stimulates steroidogenesis. These processes can be independently regulated as demonstrated by the divergent actions of cytochalasin B on these cells. In the normal cells, cytochalasin B does not increase steroidogenesis in serum-free or serum-containing media, and it decreases the stimulation produced by ACTH. In the absence of serum, the Y-1 cells respond in a similar way. However, in serum-containing media, cytochalasin B increases steroidogenesis in these cells and does not inhibit the response to ACTH. In both cell types, cytochalasin B inhibits [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA by a mechanism different than that of ACTH. In the Y-1 cells, this inhibition is caused by a decreased uptake of [3H]thymidine into the cell, which probably reflects a decreased transport across the cell membrane. In the normal cells, cytochalasin B, like ACTH, does not affect [3H]thymidine transport, but it decreases DNA synthesis much more rapidly than does ACTH. This inhibition may be the result of the disruption of microfilaments by cytochalasinB, because our evidence indicates that it is not caused by a decrease in glucose uptake by the cells.  相似文献   

Enucleation of mammalian cells with cytochalasin B   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  

Previously we demonstrated that stimulation of resting murine splenic B lymphocytes with goat anti-mouse immunoglobulin antibody (GaMIg) plus cytochalasin D (CD) led to DNA synthesis; GaMIg and CD added simultaneously, or GaMIg added before CD, induced this response (T. L. Rothstein, J. Immunol. 136:813-816, 1986). Cells similarly treated with GaMIg or CD alone did not enter S phase. Here we have measured the effects of this two-signal stimulation on the c-myc, 2F1, and gamma-actin genes. The expression of these growth-related genes is known to change either during the G0-to-G1 transition or in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. For the 2F1 and c-myc genes, neither the GaMIg nor CD stimulus alone led to a prolonged increase in mRNA levels, whereas GaMIg plus CD allowed for continuous elevated expression of these genes. Furthermore, GaMIg pretreatment rendered expression of the c-myc and 2F1 genes susceptible to subsequent action by CD. In contrast, CD alone was sufficient to produce changes in gamma-actin gene expression. Thus there are synergistic effects of competence- and progressionlike factors on the expression of the c-myc and 2F1 genes, and these effects correlate with the progression of B lymphocytes to DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Previous reports of the response of B lymphocytes to soluble anti-immunoglobulin (anti-Ig) antibodies have yielded conflicting data. While most studies show activation of B cells, others have shown inhibitory effects. In the assay reported in this report, we were able to obtain widely diverse responses of human B-cell populations to anti-Ig antibody. An explanation of this variability was established by resort to an animal (murine) model. Mice maintained in a pathogen-free environment failed to respond or responded only weakly to anti-Ig antibody. Mice which had previously received heavy antigenic stimulation, but at the time of the experiment were not undergoing any known challenge, showed a marked positive response. Mice deliberately challenged with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) 24 hr prior to anti-Ig antibody exposure showed a high background mitogenesis in control cultures, which was inhibited by anti-Ig antibody. This preliminary study suggests that response to anti-Ig antibody differs in each phase of B-cell differentiation. In future studies it is hoped that this variability in response can be used to characterize different subsets of B-cell differentiation separated by physical or phenotypic parameters.  相似文献   

1. Cytochalasin B (10mug/ml) enhances the release of rabbit polymorphonuclear leucocyte lysosomal acid hydrolases induced by retinol (vitamin A alcohol). 2. This effect is seen at doses of the vitamin that cause selective release of acid hydrolases and those causing more general enzyme release indicated by the loss of lactate dehydrogenase. 3. Cytochalasin B (2-50mug/ml) has no effect on the release of sedimentable acid hydrolases of intact granules obtained from disrupted polymorphonuclear leucocytes. 4. Cytochalasin B (2-10mug/ml) causes a time- and dose-dependent release of mouse peritoneal macrophage acid hydrolases. 5. This effect is selective at all doses of cytochalasin B used, since no release of lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase and leucine 2-naphthylamidase was detected. 6. Treatment with cytochalasin B at doses of up to 10mug/ml for as long as 72h did not significantly change the total activities of any of the enzymes measured. 7. The lack of toxicity of cytochalasin B was shown by dye-exclusion tests and its failure to release radioactive colloidal gold stored in secondary lysosomes.  相似文献   

We determined the kinetics of the induction of chromosomal aberrations and micronuclei (MN) by mitomycin C (MMC, 0.1 µg/ml) in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells treated with cytochalasin B (Cyt-B, 3 µg/ml). In cells treated with Cyt-B as well as with Cyt-B plus MMC the highest yield of binucleated cells was obtained 24 h after treatment. After 40 h of treatment with Cyt-B the frequency of MN in binucleated cells was significantly higher than that observed at previous times in the same cultures as well as in controls. In cultures treated with MMC the frequency of MN increased with time, reaching the highest value at 24 h. The frequency of chromosomal aberrations was also significantly higher in cells treated both with Cyt-B and Cyt-B plus MMC than in controls and exceeded that of MN in parallel cultures. These data confirm the capacity of MMC to induce chromosomal alterations in mammalian cells; in particular they indicate that Cyt-B is able to induce cytogenetic effects in CHO cells. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, after reaction with CREST antikinetochore antibodies, we found that in cells treated with Cyt-B or Cyt-B plus MMC the frequency of MN without kinetochore was, respectively, about 70 and 85%, indicating that under our experimental conditions MN originate mainly from acentric chromatid fragments. Present data suggest that the method based on the blockage of cytokinesis by Cyt-B normally used in the MN assay should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

Exposure to 2.0 micrograms/ml cytochalasin B causes loss of viability in Friend erythroleukaemia cells. This effect is only observed however in cells undergoing mitosis.  相似文献   

General polyploid produced by cytochalasin B   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Abstract The stimulation and immortalisation of human peripheral blood B lymphocytes specific for Candida albicans antigen were investigated. An in vitro immunisation system was employed which involved pretreatment of mononuclear cells with l -leucyl l -leucine methyl ester which removes the suppressive effects of CD8 + T cells, NK cells and monocytes. The remaining cells, CD4 + T cells, B cells and dendritic cells, were cultured with antigen and a mixture of cytokines. A mixture of IL-2, −4 and −6 was found to be optimal for antibody production as determined by an Elispot assay. Transformation of the activated B cells by Epstein Barr virus was found to be optimal after 2 days and lines secreting anti- Candida antibodies were established. These lines could form the basis for specific monoclonal antibody production by generating hybridomas, or by a newly described technique whereby cDNA encoding antibody Fab regions is transferred into phage display libraries. The overall strategy might be generally applicable for the generation of human monoclonal antibodies to infectious agents.  相似文献   

The endocytosis of Ag mediated by membrane-associated Ig (mIg) molecules has been spectrophotometrically monitored using a cell line (2C3) specific for the hapten phthalate (Xmp) and employing conjugates of Xmp and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) as the labeled ligand. Approximately 50% of both Xmp-HRP, or the larger ligand, Xmp-keyhole limpet hemocyanin-HRP, are internalized rapidly, reaching an initial plateau by 30 min. The rate of endocytosis of anti-idiotype-HRP is similar to the rates that were observed for the hapten-bearing ligands, while a slower rate of endocytosis of anti-Ig-HRP was observed. The percent of ligand bound that is internalized and the rate of endocytosis appear to be largely independent of the size and amount of ligand bound per cell. However, mIg-mediated endocytosis is markedly reduced when mIg-ligand complexes are more extensively cross-linked by the binding of a second antibody. In addition to the initial rapid phase of endocytosis, there is a prolonged phase during which more of the bound ligand is internalized, and up to 90% of the internalized ligand is degraded. Re-expression of Ag-binding receptors by the 2C3 cells is independent of new protein synthesis and is accomplished in part by the translocation of a presynthesized pool of mIg molecules from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane of the cell. The kinetics of endocytosis of HRP-labeled anti-Ig antibodies by BALB/c splenic B-lymphocytes and other B-lymphocyte cell lines is very similar to the endocytosis of Ag and anti-idiotype observed with the 2C3 cell line. Light and electron microscopy are also performed to visually confirm that the HRP-labeled ligands are being internalized and to determine the percentage of cells involved in this process. Finally it was determined that the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of the mIg molecules are required for endocytosis since the secreted form of the molecule (which lacks these domains) fails to mediate the internalization of bound ligand.  相似文献   

Inhibition of mitochondrial contraction by cytochalasin B   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S Lin  D C Lin  J A Spudich  E Kun 《FEBS letters》1973,37(2):241-243

Cytochalasin B influences a variety of cellular events that are associated with the contractile microfilament system and the formation of binucleate cells. Along with the formation of binucleate cells, cytochalasin B also causes an acceleration of cells from G1 to S in the cell cycle. By pulsing the cytochalasin B for 30 minutes and allowing for a previously established lag time (17.5 hours) a stimulation of thymidine incorporation into DNA of proliferative epidermal and dermal cells was found in both control and stripped epidermis. Autoradiographic analysis confirmed that the stimulation was due to an increased number of basal cells accelerated from G1 to S phase. A minimal number of binucleate basal cells, 1 in 300, was observed, which suggests that the stimulated synthesis is independent of binucleate cell formation. The amount of stimulation is maximum with cytochalasin B concentration pulse between 5gamma and 30gamma/ml. The results suggest a possible link in coupling cell membrane and surface events with subsequent increased cell nuclei synthetic activity.  相似文献   

Cases of asynchronous progression with separate nuclei of S-period and initial mitotic stages in multinucleate cells were discovered in Chinese hamster cell cultures during a prolonged action of cytochalasin B (7 days) and after its stopping (7 days of cell cultivation without drug). The interphase asynchrony under experimental conditions vary in value corresponding to the level of interphase asynchrony in spontaneous multinucleate cells in control cultures. So, the interphase asynchrony in cytochalasin B-induced multinucleate cells is suggested not to be connected with the drug action. Fusion of heterophase cells and a high level of proliferation activity of multinucleate cells seem to be the main reason of interphase asynchrony both in control cultures and in experimental conditions. Unlike the interphase asynchrony, the appearance of the mitotic asynchrony in multinucleate cells is shown to be connected with the action of cytochalasin B. The high level of the mitotic asynchrony remains after the stopping of drug action. A conclusion is made that mitotic asynchrony of nuclei, along with multipolar mitosis and cytokinesis inhibition, is one more display of the cytotoxic action of cytochalasin B on mitosis.  相似文献   

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