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Determining whether comparable processes drive genetic divergence among marine species is relevant to molecular ecologists and managers alike. Sympatric species with similar life histories might be expected to show comparable patterns of genetic differentiation and a consistent influence of environmental factors in shaping divergence. We used microsatellite loci to quantify genetic differentiation across the Scotia Arc in three species of closely related benthic octopods, Pareledone turqueti, P. charcoti, and Adelieledone polymorpha. The relative importance of environmental factors (latitude, longitude, depth, and temperature) in shaping genetic structure was investigated when significant spatial genetic structure was uncovered. Isolated populations of P. turqueti and A. polymorpha at these species’ range margins were genetically different to samples close to mainland Antarctica; however, these species showed different genetic structures at a regional scale. Samples of P. turqueti from the Antarctic Peninsula, Elephant Island, and Signy Island were genetically different, and this divergence was associated primarily with sample collection depth. By contrast, weak or nonsignificant spatial genetic structure was evident across the Antarctic Peninsula, Elephant Island, and Signy Island region for A. polymorpha, and slight associations between population divergence and temperature or depth (and/or longitude) were detected. Pareledone charcoti has a limited geographic range, but exhibited no genetic differentiation between samples from a small region of the Scotia Arc (Elephant Island and the Antarctic Peninsula). Thus, closely related species with similar life history strategies can display contrasting patterns of genetic differentiation depending on spatial scale; moreover, depth may drive genetic divergence in Southern Ocean benthos.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are synthesised under stressful conditions such as exposure to elevated temperatures, contamination, free radicals, UV light or pathophysiological states resulting from parasites and/or pathogens. HSPs function to protect cells by means of modulation of protein folding. In Antarctica, these proteins have been studied in such organisms as protozoa and fishes, without attention to geographical variation. We studied the variation of HSP70 and HSP60 levels in Gentoo, Adelie and Chinstrap penguins among different populations along the Antarctic Peninsula from King George Island (62°15′S) to Avian Island (67°46′S). Our results show that the northern population of Gentoo penguin showed higher levels of HSP70 and HSP60 than the southern population. High temperature, human impact and immunity as a proxy for parasites and diseases in northern locations could explain such variation. Adelie penguin only showed significant geographical variation in HSP70, increasing north to south, a pattern perhaps related to increased UV radiation and decreased temperatures from north to south. Chinstrap penguin shows no population differences in the variation in neither HSP70 nor HSP60, although HSP70 showed marginally significant differences. Sexual differences in the level of these proteins are also discussed.  相似文献   

Pygoscelis penguins are experiencing general population declines in their northernmost range whereas there are reported increases in their southernmost range. These changes are coincident with decadal‐scale trends in remote sensed observations of sea ice concentrations (SIC) and sea surface temperatures (SST) during the chick‐rearing season (austral summer). Using SIC, SST, and bathymetry, we identified separate chick‐rearing niche spaces for the three Pygoscelis penguin species and used a maximum entropy approach (MaxEnt) to spatially and temporally model suitable chick‐rearing habitats in the Southern Ocean. For all Pygoscelis penguin species, the MaxEnt models predict significant changes in the locations of suitable chick‐rearing habitats over the period of 1982–2010. In general, chick‐rearing habitat suitability at specific colony locations agreed with the corresponding increases or decreases in documented population trends over the same time period. These changes were the most pronounced along the West Antarctic Peninsula where there has been a rapid warming event during at least the last 50 years.  相似文献   

Specimens of Paraliparis balgueriasi n. sp., P. hureaui n. sp., P. charcoti , P. incognita , P. meganchus , P. mawsoni and P. antarcticus were obtained from the Weddell Sea. Paraliparis balgueriasi n. sp. and P. hureaui n. sp. are described in detail. The endochrondral pectoral girdle of P. charcoti , described here for the first time, is the only one among the Liparidae to show five radials (1+1+1+1+1), two of which (R3 and R4) are horseshoe shaped. Paraliparis incognita and P. meganchus are new records from the Weddell Sea.  相似文献   

Based on a study of the morphology and stem anatomy of a broad sample of specimens attributed to Cytisus purgans auct. non Cytisus purgans (L.) Boiss. four species are recognized. Two species are non-spiny: Cytisus oromediterraneus Rivas Martínez et at. is a widely distributed taxon ranging from central France to north-central Spain and Portugal, and C. galianoi Talavera & Gibbs, sp. nov., which is restricted to schistose sierras in south-east Spain. C. oromediterraneus has 8-ribbed stems and 2-ribbed stipular organs, whilst C. galianoi has 10-ribbed stems and 3-ribbed stipular organs. Of two spiny species, Cytisus balansae (Boiss.) Ball wkh 10-ribbed stems, occurs in calcareous mountain areas, 1800–2500 m in Algeria and southern Morocco, whilst C. valdesii Talavera & Gibbs, nom. nov. with 13-ribbed stems, occurs in die High and Middle Atlas of Morocco. Both north African species have 3-ribbed stipular organs.  相似文献   

Abstract The Pepila fuscomaculata species-group from Australia, including P. fuscomaculata ( Baly 1877 ), P. hypocrita ( Blackburn 1896 ), P. submetallescens ( Baly 1877 ), P. tumbyensis ( Blackburn 1896 ), P. blackburni sp. n., P. brittoni sp. n., P. nikitini sp. n. and P. reidi sp. n., is analysed. A key to all the species is presented. Line drawings of male and female genitalia of all species are included. Brief ecological and zoogeographical data are also reported.  相似文献   

Incursion and excursion of Antarctic biota: past, present and future   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Aim To investigate the major paradigms of intense isolation and little anthropogenic influence around Antarctica and to examine the timings and scales of the modification of the southern polar biota. Location Antarctica and surrounding regions. Methods First, mechanisms of and evidence for long‐term isolation are reviewed. These include continental drift, the development of a surrounding deep‐water channel and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). They also include levels of endemism, richness and distinctiveness of assemblages. Secondly, evidence for past and modern opportunities for species transport are investigated. Comparative levels of alien establishments are also examined around the Southern Ocean. Discussion On a Cenozoic time‐scale, it is clear that Gondwana's fragmentation led to increasing geographical isolation of Antarctica and the initiation of the ACC, which restricted biota exchange to low levels while still permitting some movement of biota. On a shorter Quaternary time‐scale, the continental ice‐sheet, influenced by solar (Milankovitch) cycles, has expanded and contracted periodically, covering and exposing terrestrial and continental shelf habitats. There were probably refugia for organisms during each glacial maxima. It is also likely that new taxa were introduced into Antarctica during cycles of ice sheet and oceanic front movement. The current situation (a glacial minimum) is not ‘normal’; full interglacials represent only 10% of the last 430 ka. On short (ecological) time‐scales, many natural dispersal processes (airborne, oceanic eddy, rafting and hitch‐hiking on migrants) enable the passage of biota to and from Antarctica. In recent years, humans have become influential both directly by transporting organisms and indirectly by increasing survival and establishment prospects via climate change. Main conclusions Patterns of endemism and alien establishment are very different across taxa, land and sea, and north vs. south of the Polar Frontal Zone. Establishment conditions, as much as transport, are important in limiting alien establishment. Three time‐scales emerge as important in the modification of Antarctica's biota. The natural ‘interglacial’ process of reinvasion of Antarctica is being influenced strongly by humans.  相似文献   

Animal-borne camera loggers were used to examine the patterns of prey encounter and feeding behaviour of gentoo penguins at King George Island, Antarctica. The still images from the camera loggers showed that the penguins encountered the swarms of krill for 25.5% (range: 8–38%) of their dives (>5 m) on average, during their foraging trips (mean duration of 5.4 h, n = 7 trips). They encountered krill swarms during the dives to 10–70 m depth, in pelagic as well as benthic habitats. In the benthic habitat, the penguins swam just above the sea floor and headed downward over a krill swarm, probably using the sea floor to assist them to feed on mobile swarms. The shallow coastal waters would be the important foraging habitat of gentoo penguins breeding in King George Island.  相似文献   


Homolodromia rajeevani, a new species of deep-water homolodromiid sponge crab, is described from the northern Indian Ocean (Arabian Sea, depth 957 m, and Bay of Bengal, 645 m), and is the first record of the genus from the area. This species resembles the western Indian Ocean species, namely, Homolodromia bouvieri Doflein, 1904, in having 2 terminal spines on the propodi of the last two pereopods, but can be easily distinguished from the latter species by the inflated carapace, simple long setae on carapace and appendages, slender pseudo-rostral spines separated by a U-shaped base, and a slender arched dactylus of cheliped with maximum elevation at proximal part which bears broadly circular depressions with sparse setae. The most diagnostic character is the higher number of spines on the occlusal surfaces of propodal thumbs and dactyli of the pseudochela of the last two pereopods as compared to H. bouvieri. A key for the identification of the species under the genus Homolodromia is also provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:48894F49-5124-4723-9FF2-3D30FB536DA5  相似文献   

Fresh egg mass (FEM) is an important measure as it relates to many allometric relationships. Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) eggs, as other bird eggs, begin to lose weight as soon as they are laid but their linear dimensions remain constant. The FEM of an Adélie penguin’s egg can be estimated within 1% from the relationship FEM = 0.564 × LW 2, where L is the length and W is the width. The constant 0.564 was calculated by weighing the eggs after replacing the air cell with water. The calculated mean egg mass agrees well with that obtained by weighing eggs after replacement of the air cell with water (r 2 = 0.996). This method of estimating FEM based on linear measurements is easily applicable in the field.  相似文献   

In the Southern Hemisphere, blue whales are currently divided into two subspecies, Antarctic blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus intermedia) and pygmy blue whales (B. m. brevicauda), but there is some debate about whether Chilean blue whales should also be considered as a separate subspecies. Here, we provide novel morphometric data to directly address this taxonomic question from a biological survey of 60 blue whales taken during the 1965/1966 Chilean whaling season. The data show that maximum body length and mean body length of both sexually mature females and males for Chilean blue whales are intermediate between pygmy and Antarctic blue whales; and that fluke-anus lengths of Chilean blue whales are significantly different from pygmy blue whales, but not necessarily from Antarctic blue whales. There is also some support from the data that snout-eye measurements are different among all three groups. These data provide further confirmation that Chilean blue whales are a distinct population requiring separate management from other blue whale populations, and are also consistent with suggestions that Chilean blue whales are not the same subspecies as pygmy blue whales.  相似文献   

Seabirds are mostly thought to moult during the inter‐breeding period and the isotopic values of their feathers are often therefore assumed to relate to their assimilated diet during such periods. We observed Brown Skuas Stercorarius antarcticus lonnbergi and South Polar Skuas Stercorarius maccormicki moulting on a breeding site at King George Island, Antarctica. This raises concerns about the reliability of using stable isotopes in feathers to infer feeding localities of birds during the inter‐breeding period. We analysed the δ13C and δ15N values of growing and fully grown body feathers collected from the same individuals. For both species, δ13C values of growing feathers indicated feeding areas in the Antarctic zone (breeding grounds), whereas most fully grown feathers (100% for South Polar Skuas and 93.3% for Brown Skuas) could be assigned to northern latitudes (non‐breeding grounds). However, a few fully grown body feathers of Brown Skuas (6.7% of the feathers, belonging to two birds) showed isotopic values that indicated moult in the Antarctic zone. As the growth period of those feathers was unknown, they could not be used with confidence to depict the foraging behaviour of the birds during the non‐breeding period. Although precautions must be taken when inferring dietary information from feathers in seabirds where the moulting pattern is unknown, this study shows that if the development stage of a feather (growing/fully grown) is identified, then dietary information from both breeding and non‐breeding seasons can be obtained on the same individual birds.  相似文献   

Four new species of the subgenus Stegana (sensu stricto) were found and described from China: S. (S.) antha sp. nov., S. (S.) latiorificia sp. nov., S. (S.) huangjiai sp. nov. and S. (S.) nigrifoliacea sp. nov. Three known Stegana (s. str.) species from China: S. (S.) antlia Okada, 1991, S. (S.) cheni Sidorenko, 1997 Sidorenko, V. S. (1997). New Asian species and new records of the genus Stegana Meigen (Diptera, Drosophilidae). I. Subgenera Oxyphortica Duda and Stegana s. str. Annales d la Société Entomologique de France (N. S.), 33, 6579.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and S. (S.) emeiensis Sidorenko, 1997 Sidorenko, V. S. (1997). New Asian species and new records of the genus Stegana Meigen (Diptera, Drosophilidae). I. Subgenera Oxyphortica Duda and Stegana s. str. Annales d la Société Entomologique de France (N. S.), 33, 6579.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] are redescribed as supplementary information. A key to the species, based on morphological characters, is provided. The phylogenetic relationships among 14 species of the subgenus Stegana are reconstructed with the combined sequences of the mitochondrial genes, ND2 (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2) and COI (cytochrome c oxidase, subunit I). Moreover, the intra- and interspecific pairwise K-2P (Kimura's two-parameter) distances among these species are summarized, and the availability of mitochondrial markers in the species identification of the subgenus Stegana are further discussed.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:368C55C3-B101-457C-BD61-BDD8F1B780E5  相似文献   

A wide range of data types can be used to delimit species and various computer-based tools dedicated to this task are now available. Although these formalized approaches have significantly contributed to increase the objectivity of species delimitation (SD) under different assumptions, they are not routinely used by alpha-taxonomists. One obvious shortcoming is the lack of interoperability among the various independently developed SD programs. Given the frequent incongruences between species partitions inferred by different SD approaches, researchers applying these methods often seek to compare these alternative species partitions to evaluate the robustness of the species boundaries. This procedure is excessively time consuming at present, and the lack of a standard format for species partitions is a major obstacle. Here, we propose a standardized format, SPART, to enable compatibility between different SD tools exporting or importing partitions. This format reports the partitions and describes, for each of them, the assignment of individuals to the “inferred species”. The syntax also allows support values to be optionally reported, as well as original trees and the full command lines used in the respective SD analyses. Two variants of this format are proposed, overall using the same terminology but presenting the data either optimized for human readability (matricial SPART) or in a format in which each partition forms a separate block (SPART.XML). ABGD, DELINEATE, GMYC, PTP and TR2 have already been adapted to output SPART files and a new version of LIMES has been developed to import, export, merge and split them.  相似文献   

Species delimitation studies based on integrative taxonomic approaches have received considerable attention in the last few years, and have provided the strongest hypotheses of species boundaries. We used three lines of evidence (molecular, morphological, and niche envelopes) to test for species boundaries in Peruvian populations of the Liolaemus walkeri complex. Our results show that different lines of evidence and analyses are congruent in different combinations, for unambiguous delimitation of three lineages that were “hidden” within known species, and now deserve species status. Our phylogenetic analysis shows that L. walkeri, L. tacnae and the three new species are strongly separated from other species assigned to the alticolor-bibronii group. Few conventional morphological characters distinguish the new species from closely related taxa and this highlights the need to integrate other sources of data to erect strong hypothesis of species limits. A taxonomic key for known Peruvian species of the subgenus Lioalemus is provided.  相似文献   

新种祁门过路黄的核型证据   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵剑文  张小平   《广西植物》2006,26(1):58-62
对新种祁门过路黄及其近缘种巴东过路黄和光叶巴东过路黄的核型在居群水平上进行了比较研究。结果表明这两种植物的核型特征在种内是稳定的,同一物种的不同居群间核型无明显差异。祁门过路黄的核型为2n=2x=24=6m+6sm+6st+6t;巴东过路黄和光叶巴东过路黄的核型均为2n=2x=24=6m+4sm+6st+8t;两物种间核型差异显著,核型特征支持将祁门过路黄作为新种处理。  相似文献   

Although species delimitation can be highly contentious, the development of reliable methods to accurately ascertain species boundaries is an imperative step in cataloguing and describing Earth's quickly disappearing biodiversity. Spider species delimitation remains largely based on morphological characters; however, many mygalomorph spider populations are morphologically indistinguishable from each other yet have considerable molecular divergence. The focus of our study, the Antrodiaetus unicolor species complex containing two sympatric species, exhibits this pattern of relative morphological stasis with considerable genetic divergence across its distribution. A past study using two molecular markers, COI and 28S, revealed that A. unicolor is paraphyletic with respect to A. microunicolor. To better investigate species boundaries in the complex, we implement the cohesion species concept and use multiple lines of evidence for testing genetic exchangeability and ecological interchangeability. Our integrative approach includes extensively sampling homologous loci across the genome using a RADseq approach (3RAD), assessing population structure across their geographic range using multiple genetic clustering analyses that include structure , principal components analysis and a recently developed unsupervised machine learning approach (Variational Autoencoder). We evaluate ecological similarity by using large‐scale ecological data for niche‐based distribution modelling. Based on our analyses, we conclude that this complex has at least one additional species as well as confirm species delimitations based on previous less comprehensive approaches. Our study demonstrates the efficacy of genomic‐scale data for recognizing cryptic species, suggesting that species delimitation with one data type, whether one mitochondrial gene or morphology, may underestimate true species diversity in morphologically homogenous taxa with low vagility.  相似文献   

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