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Zusammenfassung Es wird ein simultanes Azokupplungsverfahren zur intrazellulären Darstellung der sauren (Hetero-) und neutralen -Galactosidase (Lactase) in verschiedenen Organen von Ratte, Maus und Meerschweinchen beschrieben.Das Inkubationsmedium enthält 4,5–9mg 1-Naphthyl--galactopyranosid (gelöst in 0,4ml NN-Dimethylformamid) und 0,5–0,8ml 2% Hexazonium-p-rosanilin in 9 ml 0,1 M Citrat-Puffer, pH 5 (Hetero--galactosidase) oder 5,5 (Lactase).Unter allen Organen reagiert die saure -Galactosidase am kräftigsten in den Lysosomen von Nebenhoden, Niere, Nebenniere, Schilddrüse, Glandula präputialis und inguinalis, Milz, Colon und Plexus chorioideus; die neutrale -Galactosidase kommt in mittlerer Aktivität nur im intestinalen Stäbchensaum vor.Die intralysosomale Darstellung der löslichen Hetero--galactosidase erfordert Blockfixation in Glutaraldehyd; die Lactase kann an frischen oder gefriergetrockneten Schnitten untersucht werden. Im proximalen Tubulus der Rattenniere wird die saure -Galactosidase durch Formol unabhängig von der Konzentration des Fixans verglichen mit Glutaraldehyd stärker gehemmt. Spätestens 10 min nach Beginn der Fixation hat das Enzym seine Basisaktivität erreicht. Spülen in hypertoner Zuckerlösung macht die Inhibition der Hetero--galactosidase teilweise rückgängig.Die mit dem Azokupplungs- und Indigogen-Verfahren gewonnenen Befunde sind weitgehend identisch.
On the histochemical and microchemical demonstration of -galactosidase by means of 1-naphthyl--galactopyranoside
Summary A simultaneous azo coupling method for the intracellular demonstration of acid (hetero-) and neutral -galactosidase (lactase) in various organs of rats, mice and guinea-pigs is described.The recommended incubation medium consists of 4.5–9 mg 1-naphthyl--galactopyranoside (dissolved in 0.4 ml NN-dimethylformamide) and 0.5–0.8 ml 2% hexazonium-p-rosaniline in 9 ml 0.1 M citrate buffer, pH 5.0 (hetero--galactosidase) or 5.5 (lactase).Among all organs investigated the strongest acid -galactosidase reaction regularly occurs in the lysosomes of the epididymis, kidney, adrenal, thyroid, preputial and inguinal gland, spleen, colon and chorioid plexus; the neutral -galactosidase can only be detected in the intestinal brush border exhibiting a moderate activity.Because hetero--galactosidase is a highly soluble enzyme bloc-fixation using glutaraldehyde becomes necessary to achieve a precise intralysosomal localization; for the demonstration of lactase fresh or freeze-dried cryostat sections are suitable. —In the proximal tubule of the rat kidney independent of their concentration the inhibition of acid -galactosidase following treatment with formol surpasses that of glutaraldehyde. Within the first ten minutes of fixation the enzyme reaches its basis activity. The recovery rate of renal hetero--galactosidase considerably increases in the course of washing in hypertonic sugar solution.In comparison with the indigogenic technique nearly identical results can be obtained with the azo coupling procedure.

Summary The ratio of deuterium to hydrogen (expressed as D) in hydrogen released as water during the combustion of dried plant material was examined. The D value (metabolic hydrogen) determined on plant materials grown under controlled conditions is correlated with pathways of photosynthetic carbon metabolism. C3 plants show mean D values of-132 for shoots and -117 for roots; C4 plants show mean D values of -91 for shoots and-77 for roots and CAM plants a D value of-75 for roots and shoots. The difference between the D value of shoot material from C3 and C4 plants was confirmed in species growing under a range of glasshouse conditions. This difference in D value between C3 and C4 species does not appear to be due to differences in the D value (tissue water) in the plants as a result of physical fractionation of hydrogen isotopes during transpiration. In C3 and C4 plants the hydrogen isotope discrimination is in the same direction as the carbon isotope discrimination and factors contributing to the difference in D values are discussed. In CAM plants grown in the laboratory or collected from the field D values range from-75 to +50 and are correlated with 13C values. When deprived of water, the D value (metabolic hydrogen) in both soluble and insoluble material in leaves of Kalanchoe daigremontiana Hamet et Perr., becomes less negative. These changes may reflect the deuterium enrichment of tissue water during transpiration, or in field conditions, may reflect the different D value of available water in areas of increasing aridity. Whatever the origin of the variable D value in CAM plants, this parameter may be a useful index of the water relations of these plants under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Growth rate estimates () of phytoplankton populations that were sampled from nitrogen-limited continuous cultures and then incubated for short durations in batch culture with added14C-HCO3 were significantly different than steady-state growth rates () for 3 of 5 marine phytoplankton species. Two diatoms,Thalassiosira weissflogii andChaetoceros simplex, displayed virtually identical growth rates (=) over a wide range of, whereas for a third diatom,Phaeodactylum tricornutum, was overestimated by an average of 40% compared to. In contrast, was underestimated by the14C technique for the two remaining species: up to 40% at a steady-state of 1.0 day–1 for the chlorophyteDunaliella tertiolecta and up to 100% at of 1.4 day–1 for the haptophytePavlova lutheri. For the latter two species the divergence between and appeared to increase with increasing steady-state. A simple model of labeled and total carbon flow between the aqueous phase and cellular biomass was constructed to demonstrate that respiration was negligible when=, but was significant when>. In the cases in which<, a rapid physiological alteration presumably took place once the steady state was disturbed and cells were placed in the incubation chambers, which perhaps was related to the nutritional state of the cultures at the time of sampling. Questions thus are raised regarding our ability to measure accurately primary productivity from shipboard experiments with confined samples of phytoplankton from nutrient-impoverished waters that probably are less hardy than the laboratory cultures used in these studies.  相似文献   

The conformations and internal dynamics of the deoxyriboses of d(CGTACG)2 have been determined by NMR measurements at 15°C. The conformations of the sugars were determined using coupling constants and time-dependent NOE measurements. The J-splitting patterns of the H1, H2 and H2 resonances show that the sugars exist as mixtures of conformations near C2 endo (south) and C3 endo (north). The population of the south conformation was larger for the purines than for the pyrimidines. The overall tumbling time of the molecule in 2H2O was determined from measurements of the cross relaxation rate constant for the H6-H5 vectors of the two cytosine residues. Order parameters were determined for the H1-H2, H2-H2 and H2-H3 vectors from measurements of cross relaxation rate constants, making use of multi-spin analysis of the NOE build up rates. These order parameters are weakly dependent of the base sequence, and except for the terminal Cyt 1 residue, the H2-H2 and H2-H3 vectors are near unity, indicating the absence of rapid pseudorotation on the nanosecond time scale. However, the order parameter for the H1-H2 vector is significantly smaller than expected for rapid pseudorotation indicating the presence of other motions of the sugars. This motion must be about an effective axis parallel to the H2-H vector, and to occur with an angular fluctuation of about 30°.The results show that to obtain highly refined structures for nucleic acids by NMR the effects of spin diffusion and motional averaging cannot be ignored.Some of this work was presented as a poster at the 30th Experimental NMR Conference at Asilomar, California 1989  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der Einleitung ist das Ziel der Arbeit in den wesentlichsten Punkten herausgestellt.Die Bursastrukturen (Bursavelum und Rippen bzw. Papillen) der parasitischen Strongylina lassen sich von den entsprechenden Bildungen der freilebenden Rhabditina, vor allem der Gattung Rhabditis, ableiten und in ihren Einzelgliedern homologisieren.Die im Laufe der Phylogenie bei den Strongylina auftretenden strukturellen Transformationen lassen sich auf einige wenige, relativ einfache morphogenetische Grundvorgänge zurückführen, die da sind: Wachstumsallometrien, Materialkompensationen, Organverschmelzungen und Spaltungen (Fissationen), Rudimentationen und ähnliche Vorgänge.Innerhalb der Strongylina Bursa ist ein Gefälle der Wachstumsgradienten feststellbar, das sich vom Zentrum der Bursa sowohl nach distal als auch proximalwärts abschwdcht. Zunehmende Förderung der zentral gelegenen Organe (Rippen) führt zu entsprechender Reduktion der peripheren Bursastrukturen, was vor allem im terminalen Schwanzabschnitt auffällt und zur Ausbildung des oft nur noch als Rudiment vorhandenen Dorsalrippenkomplexes führt. Letzterer entspricht in seiner Gesamtheit der Schwanzspitze der peloderen Rhabditiden mit den Papillen 9 und 10.Die bei Rhabditis moist getrennten Papillen 7 und 8 sind bei allen Strongylina zu einer Rippe (Externodorsal-Rippe) verschmolzen, die jedoch in manchen Aberrationen durch Abspaltung eines akzessorischen Astes ihre wahre Natur (als Verschmelzungsprodukt) zu erkennen gibt (Atavismus).Da dieselben Transformationsvorgänge innerhalb der Strongylina mehrfach unabhängig voneinander wirksam geworden sind, treten bestimmte Strukturformen als Parallelbildungen in verschiedenen phylogenetischen Union auf (polytope Entstehung).Zahlreich untersuchte Bildungsabweichungen (Aberrationen), deren Bedeutung für die Morphologie kurz umrissen wird, erschöpfen sich in den gleichen strukturellen Transformationstypen, die auch bei der Evolution der verschiedenen Union der Strongylina nachweisbar sind. Die Aberrationen führen daher häufig zu Atavismen oder zu Parallelvariationen (homologe Variationen").Die Zahl der Umwandlungsmbglichkeiten (Potenzen) der Bursastrukturen innerhalb der Strongylina ist beschränkt (Paripotenz im Sinne Haeckers). Bestimmte Arten (und Entwicklungshnien) haben jeweils nur bestimmte Potenzen realisiert. Andere können jedoch latent (virtuell) im Kryptotypus vorhanden sein, ohne normalerweise in Erscheinung. zu treten. In bestimmten Aberrationen können sie jedoch plötzlich realisiert werden, so ihr latentes Vorhandensein demonstrierend (Pluripotenz).Wie lange bestimmte Potenzen in einer Gruppe erhalten bleiben konnen, verdeutlichen auch die Schwanzhocker weiblicher Nematoden, als zum Bauplan der Nematoden gehbrende Bildungen. Die Potenz zur Ausbildung dieser Strukturen kommt offensichtlich sehr vielen Nematoden-Arten zu, wird jedoch nur in relativ wenigen Fällen, aber innerhalb der verschiedenen Gruppen bald hier, bald dort (disjunkte Verbreitung), realisiert. Es handelt sich bei den Schwanzhöckern um rudimentäre Organe, die bei keiner Nematoden-Art mehr voll ausgebildet erhalten sind. Ihre Rudimentation beruht zum Teil auf Materialentzug, als Folge von Unkonstruktionen der Schwanzregion, wobei die Adultstadien zuerst betroffen werden (Aphanisie nach Sewertzoff).Bei den in Chiropteren parasitierenden Strongylacanthinae haben sich Schwanzhöcker noch bei allen Arten erhalten, was ein offensichtlich archaisches Merkmal darstellt. Bei anderen Nematoden, denen sie nur im Larvalstadium zukommen, treten sie wohl durch Fötalisation in seltenen Fällen auch bei den adulten Stadien wieder auf.Alle speziellen Bursaformen der Strongylina lassen sich durch relativ wenige und einfache Transformationsvorgänge aus einem durch Abstraktion gewonnenen diagrammatischen Typus ableiten (Prinzip der variablen Proportionen" nach Troll).Die typisierten Umwandlungsvorgänge decken sich weitgehend mit den von Remane allgemein gefaßten strukturellen Typen der Realmutationen. Da sie bei den beobachteten Aberrationen, deren Entstehung auf dem Wege über Realmutationen sehr wahrscheinlich ist, in homologer Weise auftreten, kann das innerhalb der Strongylina zu beobachtende Evolutionsphänomen auf Realmutationen zurückgeführt warden.Obwohl sich die untersuchten strukturellen Transformationen in dem systematisch relativ wait gefaßten Rahmen einer Unterordnung abspielen (transspezifische Evolution nach Rensch), handelt es sich bei der von uns bevorzugten Terminologie (nach Woltereck und Remane), unter Berücksichtigung des Charakters der Umwandlungen, doch nur um Vorgänge, die in den Bereich der Mikroevolution fallen.  相似文献   

Summary On t.l.c. plates 125I-cholera toxin binds to a disialoganglioside tentatively identified as GDlb with about 10 times less capacity than to ganglioside GM1. Binding of labeled toxin to both gangliosides was abolished in presence of excess amounts of unlabeled B subunit. Ganglioside extracts from human or pig intestinal mucosa showed toxin binding to gangliosides GM1 and GD1b. In ganglioside-containing lipid monolayers the penetration of the toxin was independent of the ganglioside binding capacity.Abbreviations GM2 Gal-NAc14Gal(3-2NeuAc)14G1c1Cer - GM1 Gal3Ga1-NAc14Gal(32NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - GD1a NeuAc23Ga113Gal-NAc14Gal(32NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - GD1b Gall3Gal-NAcl4Gal(32NeuAc82NeuAc)14Glc11Cer - GT1b NeuAc23Ga113Ga1-NAcal4Gal(3-2NeuAc82NeuAc)14G1c11Cer - dpPC 1,2-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine - dpPE 1,2-hexadecanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine  相似文献   

The origin of Q-independent derivatives of phage lambda   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary qsr (Q-independent) phages are characterised by the replacement of the region of the genome that contains Q, S, R, and the late gene promoter, PR, with host-derived DNA that codes for functions analogous to those deleted. Restriction endonuclease analysis and DNA/DNA hybridisation methods have been used to show that p4 and qin A 3, two such Q-independent phages, are the product of recombination between and a defective lambdoid prophage (the qsr prophage) located at an as yet unidentified site in the E. coli K 12 chromosome. The qsr prophage is distinct from the defective lambdoid prophage Rac (Kaiser and Murray 1979). In the E. coli K 12 strain AB1157 from which qsr phages cannot be generated, the qsr prophage has suffered an internal deletion. That the qsr prophage appears not to carry a full complement of essential late genes suggests one explanation for its apparently defective nature.  相似文献   

Uptake kinetics of nitrogen derived from sewage–seawater mixtures (2.5–20% v/v effluent) were determined in the laboratory for Ulva rigida (Chlorophyceae) native from Bahía Nueva (Golfo Nuevo, Patagonia, Argentine). In terms of nitrogen concentration, experimental enrichment levels varied between 53.7 and 362.3M of ammonium and between 0.77 and 6.21M of nitrate+nitrite. Uptake rates were fitted to the Michaelis–Menten equation, with the following kinetic parameters: ammonium: Vmax = 591.2molg–1h–1, K s=262.3M, nitrate+nitrite: V max=12.9molg–1h–1, K s=3.5M). Both nutrients were taken up simultaneously, but ammonium incorporation was faster in all cases. The results show a high capability of Ulva rigida to remove sewage-derived nitrogen from culture media. In the field, most of the nitrogen provided by the effluent would be tied up in algal biomass, supporting low nitrogen levels found at a short distance away from the source.  相似文献   

Résumé Nous avons fait élever des larves d'Anergates atratulus par des ouvrières deMyrmica laevinodis à 22°C. Pour y parvenir, il n'est pas utile de faire hivernerensemble les larves d'Anergates et les ouvrières deMyrmica. La présence de larves autochtones n'empêche pas lesMyrmica d'élever des larves d'Anergates. Dans toutes les expériences lesMyrmica ont été soumises au fridavant de recevoir des larves d'Anergates. Aucune reine deMyrmica n'a été utilisée dans ces expériences.Sur les 64 larves d'Anergates que nous avons utilisées, 38 se sont transformées en imagos. C'est au début de l'adoption et au moment des métamorphoses que périrent la plupart des 26Anergates perdus. Les femelles vécurent en général 2 ou 3 jours et cherchèrent très tôt à quitter le nid natal. Les mâles vécurent 2 à 3 semaines.
Summary Larvae ofAnergates atratulus were experimentally reared by workers ofMyrmica laevinodis, at 22°C. An overwintering of both larvae ofAnergates and workers ofMyrmica is not necessary for the success of that experiment. The presence of larvae ofMyrmica does not keep theMyrmica from rearing larvae ofAnergates. The workers ofMyrmica have been cooled, in all the experiments, before receiving larvae ofAnergates. No queen ofMyrmica have been used in that experiments.38 of the 64 larvae ofAnergates used became imagos. Most of the 26 lostAnergates died at the beginning of the adoption and during the metamorphosis. The females lived generally 2 or 3 days and tried, very early, to leave their native nest. The males lived 2 or 3 weeks.

Anergates atratulus Myrmica laevinodis, 22 . bmecme Anergates Myrmica. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica Anergates. Myrmica . 64 Anergates , 38 . 26 Anergates 2 3 . 2 3 .

The regulation of the expression of enzyme activities catalyzing initial reactions in the anoxic metabolism of various aromatic compounds was studied at the whole cell level in the denitrifying Pseudomonas strain K 172. The specific enzyme activities were determined after growth on six different aromatic substrates (phenol, 4-hydroxybenzoate, benzoate, p-cresol, phenylacetate, 4-hydroxyphenylacetate) all being proposed to be metabolized anaerobically via benzoyl-CoA. As a control cells were grown on acetate, or aerobically on benzoate. The expression of the following enzyme activities was determined.Phenol carboxylase, as studied by the isotope exchange between 14CO2 and the carboxyl group of 4-hydroxybenzoate; 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA reductase (dehydroxylating); p-cresol methylhydroxylase; 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol dehydrogenase; 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde dehydrogenase; coenzymeA ligases for the aromatic acids benzoate, 4-hydroxybenzoate, phenylacetate, and 4-hydroxyphenylacetate; phenylglyoxylate: acceptor oxidoreductase and 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate: acceptor oxidoreductase; aromatic alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases.The formation of most active enzymes is strictly regulated; they were only induced when required, the basic activities being almost zero. The observed whole cell regulation pattern supports the postulate that the enzyme activities play a role in anoxic aromatic metabolism and that the compounds are degraded via the following intermediates: Phenol 4-hydroxybenzoate 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA benzoyl-CoA; 4-hydroxybenzoate 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA benzoyl-CoA; benzoate benzoyl-CoA; p-cresol 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde 4-hydroxybenzoate 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA benzoyl-CoA; phenylacetate phenylacetyl-CoA phenylglyoxylate benzoyl-CoA plus CO2; 4-hydroxyphenylacetate 4-hydroxyphenylacetyl-CoA 4-hydroxyphenylglyoxylate 4-hydroxybenzoyl-CoA plus CO2 benzoyl-CoA.  相似文献   

Summary The inheritance of resistance to whitebacked planthopper Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) was studied in 21 rice varieties. Reactions of F1; F2 and F3 progenies of the crosses of 21 resistant varieties with the susceptible variety TN 1 revealed that a single dominant gene governs resistance in Mushkan 41, Santhi, Siahnakidar 195, SM2-34, Tirisurkh 251, Zirijowaian 245, 18, 24A, 39, 76 S, 78, 180, 213 B, 267, 293, CI 6037-4, NP97, S39 JKW and Bansphul. In varieties 65 and 274 A, resistance is governed by one dominant and one recessive gene which segregate independently of each other. Tests for allelism with the Wbph 1 gene originally identified in N 22 revealed that the dominant gene present in all the test varieties is the same as Wbph 1. Further studies are required to determine the allelic relationships of the recessive gene found in varieties 65 and 274 A.  相似文献   

Summary Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch emend. Bacht. varieties have been both intercrossed and crossed with two cultivated barley varieties ofH. vulgare (L.) emend Vav. et Bacht. with a view of eliciting the nature of inheriting the spikelet-pedicel of the lateral spikelets and the shape of their apex in the said wildgrowing barley. The investigations of F1 and F2 showed the inheritance of the spikelet-pedicel to have a dominating nature and to segregate in F2 in conformity with the Mendelian monohybrid type. In the second case the forms with shorter awn-like formations, or their rudiments, were dominating.As a result ofH. spontaneum x H. vulgare hybridization along with already known forms, new formations were received, they have been conditionally named by the author:sessiliproskowetzii, proskowfertillum, ischnofertillum, and pallipodum.
Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen größerer Untersuchungen über die Abstammung und Phylogenie der Gerste wurden mehrere Varietäten vonHordeum spontaneum C. Koch emend. Bacht. sowohl untereinander als auch mit zwei Varietäten der Kulturgerste,H. vulgare (L.) emend. Vav. et Bacht., gekreuzt. Es sollte geklärt werden, wie bei den genannten Wildgersten das Stielchen (pedicel) der Seitenährchen sowie die Ausbildung des Apex der Seitenährchen (d. h. ihre Begrannung) vererbt werden. Die Untersuchung der F1 und F2 zeigte, daß das Stielchen (gegenüber ungestielten Seitenährchen) dominant und gemäß einer monohybriden Mendelspaltung vererbt wird. Bezüglich der Ausbildung des Apex der Seitenährchen ergab sich im allgemeinen Dominanz der kürzeren oder rudimentären Grannen gegenüber längeren Grannen.Im Ergebnis der Hybridisation zwischenH. spontaneum undH. vulgare wurden, neben bereits bekannten, verschiedene neue Formen gefunden, die vom Autor vorläufig wie folgt benannt werden:sessiliproskowetzii, proskowfertillum, ischnofertillum, pallipodum.Die Ergebnisse werden im Zusammenhang mit Fragen der Abstammung der Kulturgerste diskutiert.

With 4 figures  相似文献   

ATP synthase (F0F1) is driven by an electrochemical potential of H+ (H+). F0F1 is composed of an ion-conducting portion (F0) and a catalytic portion (F1). The subunit composition of F1 is 33. The active 33 oligomer, characterized by X-ray crystallography, has been obtained only from thermnophilic F1 (TF1). We proposed in 1984 that ATP is released from the catalytic site (C site) by a conformational change induced by the DELSEED sequence via -F0. In fact, cross-linking of DELSEED to stopped the ATP-driven rotation of in the center of 33. The torque of the rotation is estimated to be 420 pN·å from the H+ and H+-current through F0F1. The angular velocity () of is the rate-limiting step, because H+ increased theV max of H+ current through F0, but not theK m (ATP). The rotational unit of F0 (=ab2c10) is /5, while that in 33 is 2/3. This difference is overcome by an analog-digital conversion via elasticity around DELSEED with a threshold to release ATP. The distance at the C site is about 9.6 å (2,8-diN3-ATP), and tight Mg-ATP binding in 33 was shown by ESR. The rotational relaxation of TF1 is too rapid (=100 nsec), but the rate of AT(D)P-induced conformational change of 33 measured with a synchrotron is close to . The ATP bound between the P-loop and E188 is released by the shift of DELSEED from RGL. Considering the viscosity resistance and inertia of the free rotor (-c), there may be a stator containing OSCP (= of TF1) and F0-d to hold free rotation of 33.  相似文献   

We have developed a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay that could effectively reduce the time period required to screen and select for Gall Midgeresistant rice lines under field conditions. The primers for the assay were designed on the basis of sequence information of two phenotype specific random amplified polymorphic DNA fragments which were found to be tightly linked to Gall Midge biotype-1 resistance gene (Gm2). The two RAPD fragments, F81700 in the susceptible parent ARC6650 and F10600 in the resistant parent Phalguna, were identified after screening 5450 loci using 520 random primers on genomic DNAs of ARC6650 and Phalguna. These primers, when used in a multiplexed PCR, amplified specifically a 1.7-kb and 0.6-kb fragment in the susceptible and resistant parents, respectively. When this assay was performed on genomic DNAs of 44 recombinant inbred lines derived from ARC6650 x Phalguna and 5 lines derived from other crosses where one of the parents was Phalguna, ARC6650 or their derivatives, the primers amplified a 1.7-kb fragment in all of the susceptible lines or a 0.6-kb fragment in all of the resistant ones. These markers can be of potential use in the marker-aided selection of Gall Midge biotype-1 resistant phenotypes. As screening for resistance can now be conducted independent of the availability of insects, the breeding of resistant varieties can be hastened.  相似文献   

An experiment is described which shows in operation the program set out in Foster (1972a) for the investigation of the invariance transformations of visual recognition. The concern in the present study is with the Lie group of rotations SO(2), and a certain centrally located foveal Landolt ring. By presenting to the visual system this Landolt ring and a rotated image in rapid succession, one attempted to induce a specified rotation-type phi-motion. Two subjects were employed. Both reported the existence of the required type of phi-motion for rotations 0 of the Landolt ring about the visual axis with -2/72/7. By appealing to the basic Proposition 2 of Foster (1972 a), the conclusion is reached that the visual system appears capable of effecting upon a certain centrally located foveal annulus the local 1-parameter group of rotations about the visual axis 0, [–2/7,2/7].  相似文献   

Summary Two double heterozygous 0/0 thalassemic sibs of Mexican descent were studied. The father had a 0/0 genotype, while the mother, one sib and several maternal relatives were 0/0 heterozygotes. Parental consanguinity and an apparently low frequency of thalassemia among Mexicans suggested a possible common origin of both 0 and 0 genes. A hypothesis to explain such a possibility is proposed on the basis of a partial mispairing between 0 and genes followed by a crossing-over which would results in a 0 recombinant gene. This hypothesis could also be extended to explain the 22 gluala, 22 alaglu and 116 arghis Hb variants as recombinants from double crossing-over between and mispaired genes for which the name interstitial-Lepore is proposed.  相似文献   

Summary Detailed restriction enzyme analysis of the DNA from a Chinese female showed that one of her chromosomes had a >17.5 kb deletion of DNA, including the , 2, and 1 globin genes, which is present in many Southeast Asians with an -thalassemia-1 chromosome. Her normal chromosome had the expected cluster of -like globin genes (5----2-1-3), but the segment of DNA between the two globin genes was elongated by some 0.5–0.7 kb. Analyses of various restriction sites suggested that this normal variant of the human globin gene complex is due to a crossover between a normal chromosome with () and a chromosome with an -thalassemia-2 (–3.7) and an -21-hybrid gene.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic mobilities of three hemoglobins (Hb1, Hb2, and Hb3) were studied in 15 populations of brine shrimps. Genetic segregation data support the model that Hb2 contains n -polypeptides and n -polypeptides; Hb1 contains 2n -polypeptides. Hb3 contains neither - nor -polypeptides. There is no evidence of linkage of and loci with each other or with the locus (or loci) which governs Hb3 or with the nonhomologous portion of the sex chromosomes. Hemoglobins of different populations may be hybridized in vitro by incubation at high temperature. Reversible dissociation to subunits which contain only one ( or ) polypeptide occurs at 40 C (for Hb1) and at 50 C (for Hb2).Supported by Grant HD-11445 from the National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas maltophilia is an uncommon cause of hospital-acquired infection and is resistant to most of the antimicrobial agents used in the treatment of gram-negative infections. Susceptibility of 108 isolates ofP. maltophilia to ceftazidime, aztreonam, defpirome, gentamicin, imipenem, enoxacin, and ticarcillin plus clavulanic acid was determined by an agar dilution method. The isolates were in general resistant to the antibiotics. Imipenem and cefpirome were not active at clinically achievable levels. Of the isolates, 20% were susceptible to 16 g/ml ceftazidime, 53% were susceptible to 4 g/ml enoxacin, 10% were susceptible to 4 g/ml gentamicin, and 25% were susceptible to 64 g/ml ticarcillin plus 2 g/ml clavulanic acid.  相似文献   

Summary Near isogenic/substitution lines of stem rust resistance genes in different backgrounds of Marquis, Chinese Spring and W 2691 and certain varieties with known genes for stem rust resistance were tested against each of 19 Indian cultures of stem rust races/biotypes (14, 15, 17, 21, 21A-1, 24, 34, 40, 40A, 42, 42B, 117, 117A, 117A-1, 122, 184, 194, 222 and 295). Sr 24 (Sear's 3D/Ag), Sr 24 (TR 380-27 4/3 Ag 14-White seeded recombinant with Agent type resistance), Sr 25 (Sear's 7D/Ag), Sr 26 (Eagle), Sr 26 (Knott's 6A/Ag translocation), Sr 27 (WRT 238-5), Combination line (Sr Tt1 + Sr 9b) were observed to be completely effective against all the 19 cultures tested. In addition, a number of lines, such as TAF2d (Sr Agi), Line W(Sr Tt2) and Combination III (Sr Tt1 + Sr 9e), were found to be effective against at least three of the most prevalent races (21, 40A and 117A-1) and a virulent race 122 in Indian natural population. Lines carrying genes other than Sr 2, Sr 9a, Sr 9f (Chinese Spring) and Sr 15 (Norka), and Line E were found to be resistant to one or more cultures of stem rust.The background effect upon the expression of a gene was observed by comparing the range of infection on single gene host lines in either different backgrounds and/or in cultivars with known genes for stem rust resistance against the 12 cultures of stem rust races found in India.  相似文献   

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