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根茎兜兰——缅甸兰科一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于采自缅甸北部的栽培植物,对兰科新种根茎兜兰(Paphiopedilum rhizomatosum)作了描述和绘图。此新种具长8-10cm、粗8-12mm的根状茎与较坚硬的根;与我们所知的种类有极明显的不同。它在花的色泽与形态方面与小叶兜兰(P.barbigerum)相近,区别点还在于叶要大得多,宽达2.5-3.5cm,退化雄蕊先端近截形并有短尖头。  相似文献   

对兰科新种细花兰(Cymbidium micranthum)作了描述与绘图。新种产云南马关,与珍珠矮略相近,但不具延长的根状茎,有长1~1.5cm的假鳞茎,叶在中部以下多少对摺,有关节,唇瓣顶端内弯,蕊柱长1~1.2cm,甚易区别。  相似文献   

基于采自缅甸北部的栽培植物,对兰科新种根茎兜兰(Paphiopedilumrhizomatosum)作了描述和绘图。此新种具长8~10cm、粗8~12mm的根状茎与较坚硬的根;与我们所知的种类有极明显的不同。它在花的色泽与形态方面与小叶兜兰(P.barbigerum)相近,区别点还在于叶要大得多,宽达2.5~3.5cm,退化雄蕊先端近截形并有短尖头。  相似文献   

彩云兜兰及其近缘种的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要讨论了彩云兜兰及其近亲种的亲缘关系;描述了两个新种:缅甸兜兰Paphiopedilum burmanicum J.Y.Zhang et Z.J.Liu和短唇兜兰Paphiopedilum brevilabium Z.J.Liu et J.Y.Zhang;并提供了一个图版和有关5个种的分种检索表。  相似文献   

A new Paphiopedilum entity found in southern Guangdong was studied taxonomically by means of internal transcribed spacer of nuclear ribosomal DNA analysis in addition to morphological and phytogeographical considerations. This entity is similar to Paphiopedilum gratrixianum (Masters) Rolfe morphologically, from which it differs by having narrower leaves not wider than 2 cm and lacking purple spots toward abaxial base, pale green dorsal sepal veined with pale purplish brown and not heavily spotted with purple, and staminode subtruncate and mucronate at apex. An analysis of internal transcribed spacer sequences of this entity and its allies came to the same conclusion that the entity is a member of Paphiopedilum section Paphiopedilum and closely related to but distinct from P. gratrixianum. As a result, it is treated here as a new species, Paphiopedilum guangdongense Z.J. Liu & L.J.Chen.  相似文献   

开口箭属一新种及其核型和花粉形态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章报道了新种屏边开口箭T.pingbianensis J.L.Huang et X.Z.Liu及其核型和花粉形态。屏边开口箭的核型公式为2n=38=14m+lOsm+8st+6t,具明显的二型性,属3C型。花粉粒为球形,无萌发孔沟,外壁具皱块状纹饰。从花结构、核型和花粉形态上看,屏边开口箭和伞柱开口箭T.fungilliformis Wang et Liang亲缘关系近,而且伞柱开口箭比屏边开口箭在一系列特征上都较特化。  相似文献   

中国兰科杓兰属一新种及一新变种   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对云南东南部兰科新种麻栗坡杓兰(Cypripodium,malipoense)和新变种大围山杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense var.datveishanense)作了描述。麻栗坡杓兰与文山杓兰(C.lentiginosum)相近,区别点在于新种叶淡黄色而有紫斑,色泽与花瓣及唇瓣极为相似;花瓣明显较短,仅稍长于唇瓣。新变种大围山杓兰与原变种的不同在于中萼片黄绿色,疏生紫红色斑点;花瓣仅稍长于唇瓣;唇瓣囊口有一黑色圈。  相似文献   

A species of the genus Tupistra,T.pingbianensis J.L.Huang et X.Z.Liu,is described as new,and its karyotype and pollen morphology are reported. The bimodal karyotype of this species is formulated as 2n=38=14m+10sm+8st+6t,and pollen grains are spheroidal,inaperturate,with rugulate exine sculpture.Based on its floral structure,karyotype and pollen morphology,T.pingbianensis J.L.Huang et X.Z.Liu is considered phylogenetically closely related to T.fungilliformis Wang et Liang.Whether the repense rhizome,solitary leaves of T.pingbianensis J.L.Huang et X.Z.Liu indicate a close relationship between the genus Tupistra and the genus Aspidistra needs further studies.  相似文献   

对兰科(Orchidaceae)石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)二新种,副萼石豆兰(B.malipoense Z.J.Liu,L.J.Chen&W.H.Rao)和小副萼石豆兰(B.minor Z.J.Liu,L.J.Chen&W.H.Rao)作了描述和绘图。该二新种属于石豆兰属副萼组(Bulbophyllumsection BisetaJ.J.Verm.ex N.Pearce,P.J.Cribb&J.Renz),与该组的刺萼石豆兰(B.bisetum Lindl.)相似,区别在于两新种的叶片先端二裂和唇瓣无毛。小副萼石豆兰与副萼石豆兰的区别在于假鳞茎椭圆球形;叶片卵状椭圆形,长1.2~2 cm;侧副萼片较短,长约1 mm;中副萼片几乎与两侧萼片边缘合生。  相似文献   

丽江杓兰大围山变种(Cypripedium lichiangense vat.daweishanense)被提升为种的等级:大围山杓兰(Cypripedium daweishanense)。此种的特征是:中萼片浅黄绿色,上面疏被栗色斑点;花瓣较短,近等长于或略长于唇瓣。而丽江杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense)的中萼片为紫肝色;花瓣要长得多,大约为唇瓣长的2倍。它们均属于三棱组(Cypripedium sect.Trigonopedium)。该组共含11种,均为中国特有种。文中提供了一个该组的分种检索表。  相似文献   

丽江杓兰大围山变种(Cypripedium lichiangensem var.daweishanense)被提升为种的等级:大围山杓兰(Cypripedium daweishanense)。此种的特征是:中萼片浅黄绿色,上面疏被栗色斑点;花瓣较短,近等长于或略长于唇瓣。而丽江杓兰(Cypripedium lichiangense)的中萼片为紫肝色;花瓣要长得多,大约为唇瓣长的2倍。它们均属于三组(Cypripediumsect.Trigonopedium)。该组共含11种,均为中国特有种。文中提供了一个该组的分种检索表。  相似文献   

对新种丽花兰Cymbidium concinnum Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen和新变种龙州兰C. eburneum var. longzhouense Z. J. Liu &; S. C. Chen进行了描述和绘图; 丽花兰与大雪兰C. mastersii Griff. ex Lindl.有亲缘关系, 区别点在于新种叶片先端不分裂, 花序具18-22朵花, 唇瓣中裂片上有一个V型的紫红色斑块; 龙州兰(变种)与独占春(原变种)的主要区别在于唇瓣中裂片上和侧裂片顶部有较密的紫红色斑。对象牙白C. maguanense的分类问题进行了讨论, 并为其指定了新模式; 还为腋花组sect. Eburnea国产种类提供一个检索表。  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum× yingjiangense Z . J . Liu et S . C . Chen , a new hybrid from China, is described and illustrated. This entity may be a natural hybrid between Paphiopedilum villosum and P . wardii . It differs from the former by having obscurely deep and light green nets on upper surface of leaves, a pale yellow-green flower with fine dark purple spots on petals and lower part of dorsal sepal and broadly ovate-orbicular staminode without a central glossy knob; from the latter by longer leaves not obviously mottled pale and dark bluish green above nor densely spotted purple below, a much larger flower, and a broadly ovate-orbicular staminode .  相似文献   

对兰科(Orchidaceae)石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)二新种,副萼石豆兰(B.malipoense Z.J.Liu,L.J.ChenW.H.Rao)和小副萼石豆兰(B.minor Z.J.Liu,L.J.ChenW.H.Rao)作了描述和绘图。该二新种属于石豆兰属副萼组(Bulbophyllumsection BisetaJ.J.Verm.ex N.Pearce,P.J.CribbJ.Renz),与该组的刺萼石豆兰(B.bisetum Lindl.)相似,区别在于两新种的叶片先端二裂和唇瓣无毛。小副萼石豆兰与副萼石豆兰的区别在于假鳞茎椭圆球形;叶片卵状椭圆形,长1.2~2 cm;侧副萼片较短,长约1 mm;中副萼片几乎与两侧萼片边缘合生。  相似文献   

翡翠兜兰,中国云南兰科一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对兰科新种翡翠兜兰(Paphiopedilum smaragdinum)作了描述与绘图。新种产云南西部高黎贡山,与虎斑兜兰有亲缘关系,但花淡黄绿色无斑点和斑纹,退化雄蕊矩圆形,先端有短尖,短尖长1~1.5mm,易于区别。  相似文献   

Singchia Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, a new orchid genus, is established based on the new species S. malipoensis Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen found in southeast Yunnan, China. The new genus is related to Pteroceras, from which it differs by having a lip with its basal margins immovably adnate to the lower part of the pendent column foot, a thin-walled spur, and very unequally and deeply split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle. In addition to a discussion on Ascocentrum pusillum, a species of questionable placement, another new genus, namely Gunnaria S. C. Chen ex Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is set up and a new combination, namely G. pusilla (Aver.) Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is made. The new genus Gunnaria differs from its allyAscocentrum by having a cross-shaped pollinarium, sulcate or split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle attached to a common linear stipe much longer than either pollinia or viscidium, and strongly incurved side lobes of the lip.  相似文献   

对兰科新种中华火焰兰 (Renanthera sinica)作了描述与绘图。此新种与云南火焰兰 (R.imschootiona)有亲缘关系 ,但本新种叶较狭 ,宽 9~ 11mm,花浅黄色 ,具紫红色的疏斑点 ,侧萼片较狭 ,宽 4.5~ 5 .5 mm,以及唇瓣的中裂片上半部呈半球形囊状 ,甚易区别于云南火焰兰。提供了中国火焰兰属的分种检索表。  相似文献   

心启兜兰,兜兰属宽瓣亚属的一个新增种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了兰科兜兰属的一个新种——心启兜兰Paphiopedilum singchii Z.J.Liu et J.Y.Zhang。模式标本系深圳市梧桐山苗圃总场的栽培植物。原植物可能采自云南南部近中越边境处。  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum singchii Z. J. Liu et J. Y. Zhang is described based on two flowering plants cultivated in the Shenzhen City Wutongshan Nurseries. It was said that the plants were collected from southern Yunnan.  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum microchilum Z. J. Liu et S. C. Chen from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. Its affinity with Paph. wardii Summerh. is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

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