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Behavior in a confined group of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) was compared before and after their move from a traditional, all indoor exhibit to an indoor/outdoor facility. The outdoor exhibit was designed to represent as well as is possible important features of the mandrills' forest habitat. We predicted that activity budgets in the outdoor exhibit would more closely resemble those of wild African Cercopithecines, specifically that time spent in forage/feed, locomotion, and social behavior would increase and time spent stationary would decrease. Time spent in forage/feed, locomotion, and stationary did change, as expected. However, there was a small significant decrease in some social behaviors. Differences in proximate environmental contingencies may explain the behavioral changes observed: feeding/foraging opportunities throughout the time on exhibit; increased social refuges; modest increase in facility size; and significantly increased environmental complexity and novelty. Our results are discussed within the context of data obtained from mandrills and baboons observed along a theoretical continuum between confined and free‐ranging environments. This analysis supports what others have suggested: that primate well‐being is not so much a function of confinement as of the presence of relevant incentives to engage in species‐appropriate behavior. Zoo Biol 18:163–176, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Aggression by top predators can create a “landscape of fear” in which subordinate predators restrict their activity to low‐risk areas or times of day. At large spatial or temporal scales, this can result in the costly loss of access to resources. However, fine‐scale reactive avoidance may minimize the risk of aggressive encounters for subordinate predators while maintaining access to resources, thereby providing a mechanism for coexistence. We investigated fine‐scale spatiotemporal avoidance in a guild of African predators characterized by intense interference competition. Vulnerable to food stealing and direct killing, cheetahs are expected to avoid both larger predators; hyenas are expected to avoid lions. We deployed a grid of 225 camera traps across 1,125 km2 in Serengeti National Park, Tanzania, to evaluate concurrent patterns of habitat use by lions, hyenas, cheetahs, and their primary prey. We used hurdle models to evaluate whether smaller species avoided areas preferred by larger species, and we used time‐to‐event models to evaluate fine‐scale temporal avoidance in the hours immediately surrounding top predator activity. We found no evidence of long‐term displacement of subordinate species, even at fine spatial scales. Instead, hyenas and cheetahs were positively associated with lions except in areas with exceptionally high lion use. Hyenas and lions appeared to actively track each, while cheetahs appear to maintain long‐term access to sites with high lion use by actively avoiding those areas just in the hours immediately following lion activity. Our results suggest that cheetahs are able to use patches of preferred habitat by avoiding lions on a moment‐to‐moment basis. Such fine‐scale temporal avoidance is likely to be less costly than long‐term avoidance of preferred areas: This may help explain why cheetahs are able to coexist with lions despite high rates of lion‐inflicted mortality, and highlights reactive avoidance as a general mechanism for predator coexistence.  相似文献   

The use of ellipsometry, an optical technique for the detection of very thin films, to measure the thickness of the ‘microexudate’ deposited by mammalian cells on glass and other solid surfaces is described. Significant differences were found in the thickness and the rate of formation of microexudates in different cell types. Cultivation of cells at low temperatures and in medium supplemented with actinomycin D and cycloheximide inhibited the production of cellular microexudates, indicating that these materials are actively synthesized by the cell and do not result merely from passive leakage of macromolecular material as suggested previously. Evidence is reviewed to show that cellular microexudates have a number of properties in common with the cell coat material.  相似文献   

Tropical forests harbor diverse ecological communities of plants and animals that are organized in complex interaction networks. The diversity and structure of plant–animal interaction networks may change along elevational gradients and in response to human‐induced habitat fragmentation. While previous studies have analyzed the effects of elevation and forest fragmentation on species interaction networks in isolation, to our knowledge no study has investigated whether the effects of forest fragmentation on species interactions may differ along elevational gradients. In this study, we analyzed main and interaction effects of elevation and forest fragmentation on plant–frugivore interaction networks at plant and bird species level. Over a period spanning two years, we recorded plant–frugivore interactions at three elevations (1000, 2000 and 3000 m a.s.l.) and in two habitat types (continuous and fragmented forest) in tropical montane forests in southern Ecuador. We found a consistent effect of elevation on the structure of plant–frugivore networks. We observed a decrease in the number of effective bird partners of plants and, thus, a decline in the redundancy of bird species with increasing elevation. Furthermore, bird specialization on specific plant partners increased towards high elevations. Fragmentation had a relatively weak effect on the interaction networks for both plant and bird species, but resulted in a significant increase in bird specialization in fragmented forests at high elevations. Our results indicate that forest fragmentation may have stronger effects on plant–frugivore interaction networks at high compared to low elevations because bird species richness declined more steeply towards high elevations than plant species richness. We conclude that conservation efforts should prioritize the maintenance of consumer diversity, for instance by maintaining stretches of continuous forest. This applies in particular to species‐poor communities, such as those at high elevations, as the ecological processes in these communities seem most sensitive towards forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Large herbivores often have key functions in their ecosystems, and may affect ecosystem processes with cascading effects on other animals. The mechanisms often involve relocations of resources of various kinds, including reduction in resource availability following foraging and increase in resources from animal excreta. As large herbivore populations in Europe generally are intensely managed, management activities may interact with the activities of the herbivores themselves in the effect on other ecosystem components. We investigated the effects of moose (Alces alces) winter browsing, together with the effect of net nutrient input via supplementary winter feeding of moose on functional composition and species richness of birds in a boreal forest. Supplementary feeding stations for moose had a net zero effect on bird species richness and abundance, because negative effects of moose browsing were balanced by positive effects of nutrient input. Sites with a similar browsing intensity as at feeding stations but without nutrient input had lower abundance and species richness than feeding stations. Functional groups of bird species showed differing responses: birds nesting at or below browsing height were negatively affected by moose browsing, whereas species nesting above the browsing zone were positively affected by moose browsing. Insect-eating species responded negatively to moose browsing on birch but positively to nutrient input at feeding stations, whereas seed-eating species responded positively to birch browsing and negatively to feeding stations. This study showed that both high levels of cervid activity and human management interventions influence bird communities.  相似文献   

An important question for tropical forest restoration is whether degraded lands can be actively managed to attract birds. We censused birds and measured vegetation structure at 27 stations in young (6–9‐yr old) actively and passively restored pasture and old growth forest at Las Cruces Biological Station in southern Costa Rica. During 481 10‐min point counts, we detected a high diversity—186 species—of birds using the restoration area. Surprisingly, species richness and detection frequency did not differ among habitats, and proportional similarity of bird assemblages to old growth forest did not differ between restoration treatments. Bird detection frequency was instead explained by exotic grass cover and understory stem density—vegetation structures that were not strongly impacted by active restoration. The similarity of bird assemblages in actively and passively restored forest may be attributed to differential habitat preferences within and among feeding guilds, low structural contrast between treatments, or the effect of nucleation from actively restored plots into passively restored areas. Rapid recovery of vegetation in this recently restored site is likely due to its proximity to old growth forest and the lack of barriers to effective seed dispersal. Previous restoration studies in highly binary environments (i.e., open pasture vs. tree plantation) have found strong differences in bird abundance and richness. Our data contradict this trend, and suggest that tropical restoration ecologists should carefully consider: (1) when the benefits of active restoration outweigh the cost of implementation; and (2) which avian guilds should be used to measure restoration success given differential responses to habitat structure.  相似文献   

In her 2016 article Sherry Ortner discusses what she calls the rise of ‘dark anthropology’: that is, ethnographic work that analyses situations of domination, dispossession, and violence. She, like Joel Robbins ( 2013 ), posits as a counterpoint the emergence of ‘anthropologies of the good,’ which emphasise care and ethics. In this paper I put these two anthropological projects into generative tension through an analysis of HIV‐positive women's lives in Papua New Guinea. In the first part of the paper I demonstrate the ways in which resource extraction has created vulnerabilities to HIV—in part through the coerced marriages of women to powerful landowners. In the second, I discuss ways in which the antiretroviral era has made possible unexpected forms of kindness towards HIV‐positive women. I end the paper with a discussion of what HIV‐positive women mean when they claim that they are happier now than in their pre‐diagnosis lives.  相似文献   

According to Jørgensen, the definition of reintroductions is crucial to their proper implementation and she highlights a number of ambiguities in existing definitions, particularly associated with the concept of historic range. We could not agree more and have incorporated her suggested term of “indigenous range” rather than “historic range” into the current revision of the InternationalUnion for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Guidelines for Reintroductions and other Conservation Translocations (in preparation by IUCN Species Survival Commission Reintroduction and Invasive Species Specialist Groups). We also agree with Jørgensen's interpretation that reintroductions are not always necessitated by humans causing the extirpation of species. However, we disagree with other aspects of Jørgensen's argument such as the critique of Seddon, the interpretation of previous IUCN guidance documents, and the recommendation that the conservation community “rethink the basic definition of reintroduction” rather than moving toward other translocation‐based interventions. With regard to the latter point, we emphasize that reintroductions are part of a spectrum of translocations and to focus on reintroductions alone would overlook the fact that introductions beyond a species' indigenous range are being attempted. The new revision of the IUCN guidelines incorporates the whole conservation translocation spectrum and aims to avoid the ambiguities of previous definitions highlighted by Jørgensen.  相似文献   

The cercariae of bird schistosomes, released from the intermediate water snail host, actively penetrate the skin of both birds and mammals. Whereas in birds the infection leads to worm maturation and egg production, in the mammalian hosts skin invasion is accompanied by cercarial dermatitis (swimmer's itch, clam-digger's disease) and the fate of the parasites is not clear. Here, we review bird schistosomes as causative agents of cercarial dermatitis, underline adaptations of bird schistosomes to their life in vertebrate hosts, and discuss potential risks caused by the parasites migrating in humans.  相似文献   

Biocontrol of invasive tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) in the arid Southwest using the introduced tamarisk beetle (Diorhabda elongata) has been hypothesized to negatively affect some breeding bird species, but no studies to date have documented the effects of beetle-induced defoliation on riparian bird abundance. We assessed the effects of tamarisk defoliation by monitoring defoliation rates, changes in vegetation composition, and changes in density of six obligate riparian breeding bird species at two sites along the Dolores River in Colorado following the arrival of tamarisk beetles. We conducted bird point counts from 2010 to 2014 and modeled bird density as a function of native vegetation density and extent of defoliation using hierarchical distance sampling. Maximum annual defoliation decreased throughout the study period, peaking at 32–37% in 2009–2010 and dropping to 0.5–15% from 2011–2014. Stem density of both tamarisk and native plants declined throughout the study period until 2014. Density of all bird species declined throughout most of the study, with Song Sparrow disappearing from the study sites after 2011. Blue Grosbeak, Yellow-breasted Chat, and Yellow Warbler densities were negatively related to defoliation in the previous year, while Lazuli Bunting exhibited a positive relationship with defoliation. These findings corroborate earlier predictions of species expected to be sensitive to defoliation as a result of nest site selection. Tamarisk defoliation thus had short-term negative impacts on riparian bird species; active restoration may be needed to encourage the regrowth of native riparian vegetation, which in the longer-term may result in increased riparian bird density.  相似文献   

The song of male Kentucky warblers consists of several repetitions of syllables containing 2 to 7 elements within a frequency range from 1.8 to 6.0 kHz. Each male has a single, individually distinctive song type that spans part or all of this frequency range. Song responses to playbacks of songs artificially elevated or lowered in frequency by 200 Hz show that a bird is able to alter its song in two ways. It may lower or raise the frequency range of the song or put more energy into the lower or higher frequencies within the song's elements to more closely match the energy distribution of the playback song. The syllable or element structure of the song is kept constant with only the song's energy distribution among frequencies changing. Thus, Kentucky warblers are able to alter their single song type to “match countersing” in a way similar to that of species with song repertoires who switch song types to match those of rivals. The Kentucky warbler may have a single songtype because of its ability to change its song's energy distribution. This ability may perform the same functions as song matching does in species with larger repertoires. This finding is discussed in relation to ideas on the evolution of song repertoires in intrasexual competition.  相似文献   

Invasive exotic species pose an important threat to biodiversity worldwide. However, there is little information on the effects that specific exotic bird species have on native biota. The House Sparrow is an excellent ecological model to evaluate the effect that an invasive exotic species has on native bird communities. Our study describes the relationship of the presence and abundance of House Sparrows with the structure, diversity, and composition of native bird communities in West Mexico. We used two approaches to compare House Sparrow invaded and non-invaded bird communities: (1) at a small geographic-scale that allowed us to evaluate shifts in avian communities with presence of the House Sparrow under similar environmental conditions; and (2) at the landscape-level to evaluate the effect of this species under a scenario of greater environmental heterogeneity. Results from both approaches show that areas invaded by House Sparrows have heavily-dominated avian communities with low species richness, while non-invaded areas exhibit highly-even and species-rich bird communities. Species turnover analysis indicates that the decrease in the number of bird species in House Sparrow invaded areas is caused by species loss, rather than a shift in species composition. Our results indicate that the invasion of an area by the House Sparrow, through synergistic interactions with human activities, determines the composition, structure, and diversity of native bird communities.  相似文献   

Starling foraging success in relation to agricultural land-use   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Changes in agricultural land-use have been suggested to contribute to the decline of several bird species through negative effects on their food supply during breeding. One important change in land-use has been loss of pastures, especially permanent pastures. In this study we investigated how different forms of agricultural land-use affected foraging success of a declining bird species, the European starling Sturnus vulgaris . We let caged starlings forage in different forms of agricultural fields and determined time spent foraging and foraging success. The starlings' activity level (time spent actively foraging) as well as the number of prey caught per time unit was strongly related to the abundance of prey in soil samples. Also the body mass change during the experiment was positively related to activity level and prey capture rate. We found consistent differences in foraging variables between habitats. In spring sown grain starlings were least active and found fewer prey items at a lower rate than in any other habitat. The other three habitats differed less, but in general mowed hay fields appeared slightly more valuable than the cultivated and natural pastures. We did not find any differences between natural and cultivated pastures in foraging variables. Thus, starling foraging success is higher in grass-covered fields than in cultivated fields, but the management of the grass-covered fields mattered less. The results are consistent with starlings having higher population densities and breeding success in areas with higher availability of pasture. We suggest that the physical structure of the habitat (sward height) and moisture may be additional variables that need to be taken into account to explain starling breeding density and success in the agricultural landscape.  相似文献   

Thousands of plant species worldwide are dependent on birds for pollination. While the ecology and evolution of interactions between specialist nectarivorous birds and the plants they pollinate is relatively well understood, very little is known on pollination by generalist birds. The flower characters of this pollination syndrome are clearly defined but the geographical distribution patterns, habitat preferences and ecological factors driving the evolution of generalist‐bird‐pollinated plant species have never been analysed. Herein I provide an overview, compare the distribution of character states for plants growing on continents with those occurring on oceanic islands and discuss the environmental factors driving the evolution of both groups. The ecological niches of generalist‐bird‐pollinated plant species differ: on continents these plants mainly occur in habitats with pronounced climatic seasonality whereas on islands generalist‐bird‐pollinated plant species mainly occur in evergreen forests. Further, on continents generalist‐bird‐pollinated plant species are mostly shrubs and other large woody species producing numerous flowers with a self‐incompatible reproductive system, while on islands they are mostly small shrubs producing fewer flowers and are self‐compatible. This difference in character states indicates that diverging ecological factors are likely to have driven the evolution of these groups: on continents, plants that evolved generalist bird pollination escape from pollinator groups that tend to maintain self‐pollination by installing feeding territories in single flowering trees or shrubs, such as social bees or specialist nectarivorous birds. This pattern is more pronounced in the New compared to the Old World. By contrast, on islands, plants evolved generalist bird pollination as an adaptation to birds as a reliable pollinator group, a pattern previously known from plants pollinated by specialist nectarivorous birds in tropical mountain ranges. Additionally, I discuss the evolutionary origins of bird pollination systems in comparison to systems involving specialist nectarivorous birds and reconstruct the bird pollination system of Hawaii, which may represent an intermediate between a specialist and generalist bird pollination system. I also discuss the interesting case of Australia, where it is difficult to distinguish between specialist and generalist bird pollination systems.  相似文献   

“Inflammatory” Cytokines   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
If cytokines are constitutively expressed by and act on neurons in normal adult brain, then we may have to modify our current view that they are predominantly inflammatory mediators. We critically reviewed the literature to determine whether we could find experimental basis for such a modification. We focused on two "proinflammatory" cytokines, interleukin (IL)-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha) because they have been most thoroughly investigated in shaping our current thinking. Evidence, although equivocal, indicates that the genes coding for these cytokines and their accessory proteins are expressed by neurons, in addition to glial cells, in normal brain. Their expression is region- and cell type-specific. Furthermore, bioactive cytokines have been extracted from various regions of normal brain. The cytokines' receptors selectively are present on all neural cell types, rendering them responsive to cytokine signaling. Blocking their action modifies multiple neural "housekeeping" functions. For example, blocking IL-1 or TNFalpha by several independent means alters regulation of sleep. This indicates that these cytokines likely modulate in the brain behavior of a normal organism. In addition, these cytokines are likely involved in synaptic plasticity, neural transmission, and Ca2+ signaling. Thus, the evidence strongly suggests that these cytokines perform neural functions in normal brain. We therefore propose that they should be thought of as neuromodulators in addition to inflammatory mediators.  相似文献   

Despite numerous studies on the function of the avian dawn chorus, few studies have examined whether dawn singing may influence the singing of other species. Here, we built on our previous study which found male Brownish‐flanked Bush Warblers (Horornis fortipes) increase their dawn singing intensity after conspecific playback on the previous day. We reanalyzed those recordings to quantify the start of dawn singing in other nine sympatric songbird species. Ranking‐scaling analyses identified a distinctive sequential pattern of dawn singing among these bird species between the first and the second dawn chorus, and meta‐analysis showed a significant trend to singing earlier in the bird community accompanied by the increase in dawn singing intensity in Brownish‐flanked Bush Warbler. Species with songs most similar to that of the Brownish‐flanked Bush Warbler and species that were phylogenetically distantly related to the Brownish‐flanked Bush Warbler showed a greater shift in the onset of dawn singing. Our study is one of the few studies showing how bird song influences heterospecific singing, and this may influence the temporal organization of song activity in the community, and result in synchronization in singing activities among different species, such as singing in dawn and dusk chorus.  相似文献   

There is an intensive search for heterogeneous single atom catalysts (SACs) of high activity, efficiency, durability, and selectivity for a wide variety of electrocatalytic conversion and chemical reactions, such as the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), oxygen evolution/reduction reaction (OER and ORR), CO2 reduction reaction (CO2 RR), and nitrogen reduction reaction (NRR). With the downsizing from nanoparticles and clusters to single atoms, there are steady changes in the bond and coordination environment for each and every atom involved. Indeed, the single atoms in these electrocatalysts are not “singles”; they are “married” to the supporting surfaces, and their performance is controlled by the bonding and coordination with the substrate surfaces. Herein, an overview is presented on the brief history leading to the rapid development of SACs and their current status, by focusing on their synthesis, control of composition, strategies to realize single atoms with the desired bonds and coordination, and targeted performance in selected reactions. Their applications in the selected spectrum of energy conversion and chemical reactions are discussed, in relation to their structures at varying length scales down to the atomic level. A particular emphasis is placed on on‐going research activities, together with the future perspectives and particular challenges for SACs.  相似文献   

1. The current assumption that the low ATPase activity of relaxed myofibrils is represented by the ATPase activity of myosin which has been set free during the dissociation of actomyosin was investigated. For this purpose, the ATPase activity of relaxed skeletal myofibrils of the rabbit and of the crab Maia squinado has been compared with the activity of contracted fibrils and of purified rabbit myosin in conditions of varying ionic strength, pH and concentrations of MgATP (i.e. MgATP2− + MgHATP) and Mg2+.

2. Contraction and relaxation of the fibrils was induced by changing the concentration of Ca2+ from about 5×10−5 to below 1×10−8 M.

3. In all conditions studied, the ATPase activity of relaxed fibrils was about 6–8 times less than that of the contracted fibrils, but it remained a typical actomyosin ATPase.

4. Quantitatively and qualitatively, this ATPase differs from the ATPase of myosin. For instance, its dependence on pH is the reverse of that of the myosin ATPase.

5. Calculation showed that the fibrils are dissociated by 90% in conditions of relaxation. Since the ATPase activity of myosin was merely some 2% of the actomyosin activity, the major part of the ATPase of fibrils, even at a dissociation of 90%, is bound to show the properties of the ATPase of actomyosin.

6. However, a dissociation of 90% cannot be distinguished from a dissociation of 100% by means of physical methods (viscosity, superprecipitation, resistance to stretch, etc.). This explains why physical methods indicate a “full” dissociation of actomyosin although, enzymatically, the ATPase is still of the actomyosin type.

7. The possible reasons are discussed for the discrepancy between the 100-fold increase in the ATP turnover and the 1000-fold increase in energy turnover of the living muscle during the transition from relaxed to active state. The most probable explanation seems to be an ATPase activity of myosin which is too high by a factor of ten as compared to the energy turnover of living muscle at the resting state. This high activity cannot be caused by a contamination of the myosin by Ca2+-insensitive actomyosin.  相似文献   

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