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Both melatonin and DSIP (a nine amino acid peptide) effects have been previously shown to be (a) circadian rhythm related and (b) involved in inducing hypothermic effects in rats. In this study we report the hypothermia effects by each of these drugs alone and in combination when studied in normal (unoperated), pinealectomized, and hypophysectomized rats at various time points of the corresponding circadian cycle. A clear differential effect of drugs × time × preparation was found. While both DSIP and melatonin hypothermic effects were both circadian cycle dependent in intact rats the rhythmicity of melatonin hypothermic effect in pinealectomized rats, and DSIP hypothermic effect in hypophysectomized rats was missing. Although several hypotheses have been offered to account for the physiological mechanism(s) that govern the effects of the drugs, it is not yet possible to reliably relate the findings to existing neurochemical theory.  相似文献   

Summary Serial sections of 90 Sprague-Dawley rat brains with the pineal in situ were scanned to determine the occurrence and regional distribution of calcareous concretions within the pineal gland and its surrounding leptomeningeal tissue. In 90 % of the cases examined concretions were found in varying number and appearance, predominantly lying in the dorsal region of the pineal gland and in the distal portion of the pineal stalk.Discussing the hypothesis advanced by Lukaszyk and Reiter (1975) that the origin of pineal concretions may be related to a neurosecretory process involving a pineal carrier protein, called neuroepiphysin, it is thought that, in view of the intra- and extra-pineal occurrence of concretions, processes other than secretion should be considered. Since in the pineal organ lymphatics are lacking it may well be that, due to a reduced drainage of tissue fluid, the coagulation of intercellular organic debris mingled with minerals increases with age.Supported by a grant (Vo 135/4) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the Schwerpunktprogramm Neuroendokrinologie  相似文献   

Morphological investigation of the deep pineal of the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The results presented here reveal that in adult Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats the pineal gland represents a complex rather than a single organ. Regularly one can distinguish (i) pineal tissue in the intercommissural region as a deep pineal, (ii) a superficial pineal, which represents the major part of the pineal complex, and (iii) nearly always a parenchymal stalk of variable length. The volume of the deep pineal with the adjacent parenchymal stalk exhibits great interindividual variation. It amounts to 127±39×105 m3 (mean ±standard deviation). The histological appearance of the deep and superficial pineal tissue is fairly similar. The intrinsic cells of the deep and superficial pineal differ in nuances only. Karyometry reveals that the nuclear volumes of the intrinsic cells of the deep pineal are very variable ranging from 90–450 m3, with a mean value of 207 m3. The changes over a period of 24 h reach statistical significance.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Grant Vo 135/4) within the Schwerpunktprogramm NeuroendokrinologieThis paper is an abridged version of a thesis submitted for obtaining the degree of Dr. med., Fachbereich Medizin, University of Mainz  相似文献   

The pineal gland secretes the hormone melatonin. This secretion exhibits a circadian rhythm with a zenith during night and a nadir during day. We have performed proteome analysis of the superficial pineal gland in rats during daytime and nighttime. The proteins were extracted and subjected to 2-DE. Of 1747 protein spots revealed by electrophoresis, densitometric analysis showed the up-regulation of 25 proteins during nighttime and of 35 proteins during daytime. Thirty-seven of the proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF MS. The proteins up-regulated during the night are involved in the Krebs cycle, energy transduction, calcium binding, and intracellular transport. During the daytime, enzymes involved in glycolysis, electron transport, and also the Krebs cycle were up-regulated as well as proteins taking part in RNA binding and RNA processing. Our data show a prominent day-night variation of the protein levels in the rat pineal gland. Some proteins are up-regulated during the night concomitant with the melatonin secretion of the gland. Other proteins are up-regulated during the day indicating a pineal metabolism not related to the melatonin synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary In a total of 96 rat pineals studied 31 were found to contain striated muscle fibers or their precursors. The muscle fibers were most frequently present in the stalk region and more frequently found in the left than in the right hemisphere. Size measurements revealed that the lengths of pineal muscle cell nuclei differ only slightly from those of the sphincter muscle of the iris. However, the yellowish appearance of pineal muscle cell nuclei under darkfield investigation, a phenomenon observed in all muscular tissues of mesenchymal origin and connective tissue cells, may support the hypothesis that pineal musculature is of mesenchymal rather than ectodermal origin.Supported by a grant (Vo 135/4) of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within the Schwerpunktprogramm Neuroendokrinologie  相似文献   

Summary In the present study an attempt was made to demonstrate melatonin in the rat pineal gland by means of immunohistochemistry. The anti-body used was raised against 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptophan which is chemically similar to melatonin. Specific fluorescence was demonstrable only in pineals from rats killed during the night, when melatonin formation is high. It was restricted to parenchymal cells lying in a marginal zone of the organ. These results are discussed in relation to a subdivision of the pineal parenchyma into cortical and medullary areas.Supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (VO 135/4) within the Schwerpunktprogramm Neuroendokrinologie  相似文献   

Summary The synaptic complexes of the rat pinealocytes are neither cholinergic nor adrenergic. In the synaptic vesicles, a neurotransmitter carrier substance of lipid nature reacting with OsO4-Zn I2 mixture (similar to that present in both cholinergic and adrenergic vesicles) was not found.In addition, there were no indications of glucose-6-phosphatase or thiamine-pyrophosphatase activity in the synaptic vesicles. Thus, it appears that the synaptic vesicles do not originate from the rough or smooth endoplasmic reticulum.The synaptic ribbons do not contain carbohydrates, are of protein nature and possess some chemical resemblance to microtubules and microtubular bouquets.Appropriate ultracytochemical reactions have not shown detectable quantities of sodium and calcium ions in pinealocyte synaptic complexes.Grateful acknowledgment is made to Mr. P.-A. Milliquet for technical assistance and to Dr. T. Jalanti (C.M.E., Lausanne) for his help in the use of the X-ray microanalyser.Dedicated to Professor Dr. med. G. Töndury on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Delta sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP) has been isolated and characterized by its capacity to enhance delta sleep in rabbits. Up to now, sleep was the main target of DSIP research, but different extra-sleep effects of the peptide have been reported as well. Several mechanisms of action have been proposed, though no convincing evidence for any of them has been obtained so far. We recently detected that DSIP reduced the nocturnal increase of N-acetyltransferase (NAT) activity in rat pineal in a dose-dependent manner. The activity of this enzyme is known to be induced by adrenergic agonists and several studies have suggested that stimulation of alpha 1-adrenergic receptors potentiates the "basic" effect of beta-receptors. DSIP in the range between 20 and 300 nM significantly enhanced NAT activity induced by 10(-6) M norepinephrine in vitro, and a similar effect was observed with 2nMP-DSIP, a phosphorylated analog. Incubation with prazosin eliminated the enhancement, whereas propranolol reduced norepinephrine stimulation that was still increased by P-DSIP and probably DSIP. It was concluded that the sleep-peptide and its analog modulate the alpha 1-adrenergic receptor of rat pineal in its response to adrenergic agonists. The same mechanism may also be responsible for other biological activities of DSIP such as sleep-induction and stress-tolerance.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of dispersed cells of rat pineal gland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary In vitro indole metabolism and ultrastructural morphology of the pineal gland of male rats were examined. A comparison of the effect of norepinephrine stimulation on indole synthesis in whole cultured glands and preparations of dispersed pineal cells is discussed. Our studies on the performance of dispersed cells during the first 24 h after preparation indicate a strong dependence of pineal cells upon physical attachment to the culture dish and probably also on cell-to-cell contact.  相似文献   

Summary Vasopressin and oxytocin were specifically demonstrated in the rat brain using the unlabelled antibody-enzyme method and purification of the first antiserum. Vasopressin and oxytocin fibres extend via the subcommissural organ or habenular commissure into the pineal stalk and terminate in the anterior part of the pineal organ. In addition, immediately adjacent to the subsommissural organ many vasopressin-containing fibres run caudally toward the central grey. These results are discussed in relation to the proposed presence of vasotocin in the pineal gland.This study was supported by the Foundation for Medical Research, FUNGOThe authors wish to thank Dr. D.F. Swaab and Prof. J. Ariëns Kappers for their suggestions and critical remarks  相似文献   

Summary To seek a morphological expression of circadian rhythm, we investigated cytologically pineal glands taken from rats every 2 to 4 h under a lighting regime of 12 h of illumination (6:00 to 18:00) and 12 h of darkness. The changes in the number of synaptic ribbons and ribbon fields was observed by electron microscopy. The number of these intracellular elements was greatest at 2:00 and the lowest at 14:00, the difference being statistically significant. There were no significant local differences in numbers with respect to the part of the pineal gland examined. The data are similar to those of Vollrath from the pineal gland of a guinea pig, and seem to confirm a circadian function in the pineal gland in mammals.Supported by grants-in-aid from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, and the Ministry of Health and Welfare  相似文献   

The effects of adrenalectomy on cell calcium metabolism and on the effects of epinephrine on cAMP, phosphorylase a activity, and calcium efflux were studied in hepatocytes isolated from adult male and female rats. Adrenalectomy increased the total calcium of hepatocytes, all exchangeable calcium pools, and all calcium fluxes between the cellular pools in both sexes. After adrenalectomy, basal cAMP was elevated, phosphorylase a + b was decreased, but basal phosphorylase a activity was not changed. In adrenalectomized males and at all concentrations of epinephrine studied (1·10?8?1·10?5M) stimulation of calcium efflux was decreased and cAMP accumulation was enhanced, while the resulting phosphorylase a activation was depressed. In hepatocytes from adrenalectomized females there was a similar increase in cAMP accumulation induced by epinephrine, and a decrease in the stimulation of calcium efflux; however, the depression in phosphorylase a activation was much less and was significant only at 1·10?8 and 1·10?5M epinephrine. In the male, while activation of phosphorylase a shifted from a pure α-adrenergic response mediated by calcium to one also involving a cAMP-mediated β-adrenergic response, the contribution of the attenuated calcium signal was still significant. Hepatocytes from female rats did not show a comparable α- to β-shift, since the relative contribution of calcium and cAMP to phosphorylase activation was similar in sham-operated and adrenalectomized animals.  相似文献   

Summary The adrenergic innervation of the extrarenal blood vessels of the rat left kidney was investigated by fluorescence histochemistry and by electron microscopy. The trunk of the renal artery proximal to the aorta is elastic and appears to be very sparsely innervated. In contrast, near the kidney the renal artery—which divides into 3 to 4 large branches of the muscular type possesses a dense adrenergic innervation. The adrenergic terminal axons are situated in the adventitia close to the external elastic lamella, but only rarely in close contact with smooth muscle cells. In most instances several terminal axons are grouped and enclosed by a Schwann cell, single axons being rare. All terminal axons are able to take up and to store 5-hydroxydopamine which strongly suggests that they are adrenergic. The innervation of the renal vein is more sparse than that of the muscular arteries but somewhat denser than that of the elastic artery. In addition, close to the origin of the renal artery the presence of small intensively fluorescent (SIF) cells as well as of some adrenergic ganglion cells is noted. The latter are situated in the adrenergic nonterminal axon bundles, which run parallel to the blood vessels.It is concluded that the uneven adrenergic innervation along the artery as well as individual variations in the branching of the artery are the main causes of the unusually high individual variations of the NA content of this organ such as used in pharmacological experiments.  相似文献   

Summary The postnatal development of the adrenergic innervation pattern in the rat portal vein has been studied with the histochemical fluorescence method of Hillarp and Falck.Stretch preparations and transverse freeze-dried sections of intact portal veins were studied from rats during the first 5 weeks of life and from adult rats. Orientation of undifferentiated smooth muscle cells into two layers was observed at 4 days of age. Dominance of the thick outer longitudinal muscle layer was apparent at two weeks of age. A terminal adrenergic nerve plexus with some varicosities was restricted outside the media at the end of the first week. Ingrowth of penetrating non-terminal adrenergic nerve fibers through the longitudinal muscle layer occurred during the second week of age when the main terminal nerve plexus was developing between the two muscle layers. After 3 weeks of age the adult pattern of a two-dimensional adrenergic plexus between the muscle was established. In the adult rat pharmacological treatment with nialamide and noradrenaline revealed the thin, penetrating non-terminal adrenergic nerve fibers in the longitudinal muscle layer which were poorly visible otherwise.The present observations strongly indicate that the main adrenergic plexus between the two muscle layers emanates directly from the outer axonal plexus. These findings are discussed regarding possible trophic interactions between ingrowing sympathetic adrenergic vasomotor nerves and maturing vascular smooth muscle.Supported by grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (grants No. 14X-2207, O4P-4173, 3884), Magn. Bergwall's Foundation, G. & M. Lindgren's Foundation, the Medical Faculty of University of Göteborg. The technical assistance of Miss Serney Bööj, Mr. Pär-Anders Larsson and Miss Ann Kjellstedt is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary The development of sensory structures in the pineal organ of the chick was examined by means of scanning electron microscopy from embryonic day 10 through day 12 post-hatching. At embryonic day 10, the wall of the tubules within the pineal primordium is composed of cells with unspecialized luminal surface. Differentiation of sensory structures starts at embryonic day 12 when pinealocytes and supporting cells can be distinguished. Pinealocytes are recognized by virtue of an inner segment only rarely endowed with a cilium, whereas supporting cells exhibit numerous short microvilli. Further differentiation of the sensory apparatus is achieved by development of an oval-shaped, biconcave swelling at the tip of the cilium, 1×2 m in size, and a collar of long microvilli at the base of the inner segment. Membrane specializations of sensory cilia, however, were not detected. Since during embryonic life new tubules and follicles are continuously formed, all stages of differentiation of sensory structures are found in the chick pineal organ during the second half of the incubation period and the first two weeks after hatching. In 200-m-thick Vibratome sections of chick-embryo pineal organs cultured in medium BM 86 Wissler for periods up to 13 days the cytodifferentiation parallels the development in vivo. Using an organ-culture system the 24-h release of melatonin into the culture medium was measured by means of radioimmunoassay after solid-phase extraction. At embryonic day 10, the 24-h secretion of melatonin was at the lower range of detection of the RIA (5 pg). The rapid increase in 24-h secretion in melatonin until hatching (50 g) is approximated by an exponential curve.Preliminary results of this study were reported at the Versammlung der Anatomischen Gesellschaft in Lübeck, 1986 (Möller 1987). Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MO234/9-2)  相似文献   

Summary The pineal organ of neonatal rats was transplanted to the frontal part of the cerebral cortex or the cerebral interhemispheric fissure of an isogenic adult rat to determine whether pineal differentiation and pinealopetal innervation are affected by aberrant neuronal influences. Transplants were fixed for immunohistochemistry at 1, 2 and 6 months after transplantation. When treated with an anti-serotonin antibody, cells in transplants from both locations showed intense immunoreactivity and a morphology comparable to intact pinealocytes, indicating that the transplanted pinealocytes had differentiated normally. Tyrosine hydroxylase immunohistochemistry revealed that new catecholamine fibers of central nervous origin extended only into the periphery and not into the core of transplants grafted within the cortex. However, numerous catecholamine fibers were found in transplants placed in the interhemispheric fissure. These fibers were often accompanied by blood vessels, suggesting that they derived from sympathetic ganglia. Serotonin fibers, which are densely distributed in the cerebral cortex, were seldom found to enter transplants from both locations. These observations indicate that pineal cells express their characteristic properties even when transferred to a foreign milieu and that they do not receive novel innervation from the central nerves that normally do not innervate the intact pineal body; the transplant thereby retains the property of selective pinealopetal innervation.  相似文献   

Summary The pineal gland of the rat receives a rich nervous supply originating from the superior cervical ganglia. These fibers contain serotonin in addition to their neurotransmitter, noradrenaline. Cytochemical studies at the ultrastructural level have shown that both amines are present in the cores of the granular vesicles that are characteristic of these nerves. It is presently shown that the bilateral electrical stimulation of the preganglionic fibers innervating the ganglia markedly reduces the number of small sites reacting cytochemically for both noradrenaline and serotonin, these sites corresponding to the cores of small granular vesicles, while the larger reactive sites (cores of large vesicles) remain unaltered. The vesicles are retained in nerve terminals after stimulation, as observed in conventionally processed tissues, although with altered sizes and shapes. Apart from these cytochemical and structural changes, nerve stimulation also reduces the endogenous noradrenaline content of the pineal gland. Thus, both noradrenaline and serotonin are released from their storage sites in pineal sympathetic nerves after electrical stimulation in vivo. This suggests the possibility that several substances with presumed transmitter or modulatory functions might be simultaneously released by nerve impulses from a given nerve terminal.  相似文献   

Summary Immunoreactive luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH)-like material has been demonstrated in the pineal gland of the adult rat. The objective of the present study was to examine the ontogenetic development of this LHRH-like substance in the rat pineal with the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method of Sternberger. LHRH-like immunoreactive material was not observed in pineal glands of newborn rats. The amount of material increased progressively from the 6th–12th day of postnatal development. On day 12, the amount of LHRH-like immunoreactivity was consistent and comparable in all pineal glands of male and female animals examined.Supported by NIH Grant 1 R01 HD-12956  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of diazepam (DZP) and its three metabolites: nordiazepam (NZP), oxazepam (OZP), and temazepam (TZP) on pineal gland nocturnal melatonin secretion. We looked at the effects of benzodiazepines on pineal gland melatonin secretion both in vitro (using organ perifusion) and in vivo in male Wistar rats sacrificed in the middle of the dark phase. We also examined the effects of these benzodiazepines on in vivo melatonin secretion in the Harderian glands. Neither DZP (10-5-10-6 M) nor its metabolites (10-4-10-5 M) affected melatonin secretion by perifused rat pineal glands in vitro. In contrast, a 10-4 M suprapharmacological concentration of DZP increased melatonin secretion of perifused pineal glands by 70%. In vivo, a single acute subcutaneous administration of DZP (3 mg/kg body weight) significantly affected pineal melatonin synthesis and plasma melatonin levels, while administration of the metabolites under the same conditions did not. DZP reduced pineal melatonin content (-40%), N-acetyltransferase activity (-70%), and plasma melatonin levels (-40%), but had no affects on pineal hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase activity. Neither DZP nor its metabolites affected Harderian gland melatonin content. Our results indicate that the in vivo inhibitory effect of DZP on melatonin synthesis is not due to the metabolism of DZP. The results also show that the control of melatonin production in the Harderian glands differs from that observed in the pineal gland.  相似文献   

Summary In parallel fine structural, fluorescence histochemical and biochemical experiments the effect of 6-OH-DA administered in vivo and in vitro on the adrenergic nerves in the mouse iris was studied. As seen in the electron microscope, in vivo administration of 6-OH-DA causes a selective, rapid degeneration of the adrenergic axon terminals similar to that found after axotomy, whereas the cholinergic nerves are unaffected at all time intervals studied. Already 1 hr after the injection of 6-OH-DA the axonal enlargements swell and the size of the dense core of the granular vesicles is strongly reduced. Since the NA stores are almost completely depleted at this time interval, the small core present may be due to a reaction between 6-OH-DA and the fixative. From 2–4 hr after the injection increasing numbers of axonal enlargements with a high electron density are observed in the Schwann cell cytoplasm, which later are digested and completely absent about 48–72 hr after the 6-OH-DA injection. During the following weeks adrenergic axons reappear. This time course of degeneration obtained is considerably faster than that seen after axotomy in other studies. After incubation in 6-OH-DA containing media similar changes were observed in the axonal enlargements, starting already after 30 min of incubation. At this time-point there is a considerable reduction of endogenous NA and a severe damage of the membrane pump uptake mechanism. Incubation with 6-OH-DA and subsequent rinsing for 2 hr caused marked changes, including partly swelling of axons and partly shrinking of the axons into electron dense bodies.The fluorescence histochemical and biochemical results are in good agreement with the ultrastructural studies demonstrating a rapid loss of NA from the adrenergic nerve terminals and main axons and a long lasting depletion of the NA, with a gradual recovery to 75% 6 weeks after the injection.The investigation has been supported by research grants from the Swedish Medical Research Council (14X-2295, 14X-2887 and 04X-3881) Karolinska Institutet, Magnus Bergvalls and Carl-Berthel Nathorst Stiftelser. For generous supplies of drugs we are indebted to the following companies: AB Hässle (6-OH-DA, through Dr H. Corrodi), Pfizer (Niamid®), Ciba (Serpasil®). The skilful technical assistance of Miss Bodil Flock, Mrs Waltraut Hiort and Mrs Eva Lindqvist is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

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