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硬实种子休眠的机制和解除方法   总被引:41,自引:1,他引:40  
硬实是植物中普遍存在的现象。硬实种子种皮透水透气性差和对胚生长的机械限制,引起种子休眠。遗传因素、母株环境、贮藏条件、采收方法、种子本身的成熟度、含水量、大小、形状及颜色都能影响种子硬实率。硬实的处理方法大体可分物理、化学和生物3类,这些方法通过改善种皮的通透性,促进气体交换和水分进入,消除机械限制而促进萌发。物理方法有机械损伤、低温和高温处理、干湿交错处理、辐射和高压处理等;化学方法有酸蚀、碱液浸泡和有机溶剂等处理。硬实休眠有利于植物调节种子萌发的时空分布,在种质保存上也具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

曼陀罗种子休眠机理与破眠方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对曼陀罗种子生活力测定、发芽试验、吸水率测定及种子萌发抑制物研究,揭示曼陀罗种子休眠机理,并利用物理、化学法处理曼陀罗种子,以探寻打破曼陀罗种子休眠的最佳方法.结果表明:(1)新采收的曼陀罗种子为综合休眠,休眠原因包括:种皮障碍、缺少萌发所需激素以及种皮和种仁中存在萌发抑制物,其中种皮障碍是限制种子萌发的首要因素.(2)室温存储6个月可解除曼陀罗种子种仁的休眠,但种皮障碍始终是其种子萌发的限制因素.(3)机械摩擦、浓H2SO4处理和NaOH处理均可打破除曼陀罗种皮的休眠障碍,促进种子萌发,其中用10% NaOH处理90 min为破除曼陀罗种皮休眠障碍的最佳方法,且发芽率比对照提高了83%.  相似文献   

温度和硬实对金花菜种子萌发的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为科学指导金花菜的田间生产,以不同来源的5份金花菜(Medicago polymorpha L.)种子为试验材料,研究其在不同温度(5、10、15、20、25、30、35、40℃)下和破除种皮后的萌发情况。结果表明:海门、扬中、江都金花菜种子萌发率在20℃左右达到最大值,分别是43%、60%、59%。海安金花菜种子在25℃下萌发率最高,为24%;温岭金花菜种子则在15℃和25℃下萌发率达最高,均为22%。40℃时金花菜种子均无法萌发。金花菜的种皮硬实是限制其萌发的重要因素。不同来源金花菜种子的硬实情况差异较大,海安、海门、扬中、江都、温岭等金花菜种子硬实率分别为84.67%、50.83%、40.50%、37.67%、67.67%。破除种皮硬实可明显提高金花菜种子的萌发率。  相似文献   

木本植物种子综合特征与催芽促进类型相关性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
周德本  梁鸣  张悦  沈光 《植物研究》2000,20(4):395-401
木本植物种子的形态、解剖特征、大小、科属与催芽促进类型之间存在着五种相关性,即无胚乳的胚根裸露型种子--用低温或低温层积(0~5℃)处理;胚未分化或极细小或深休眠的种子--用低温(0~10℃)与高中温相结合处理;硬实种子及种皮障碍型种子--用热沸水浸种、化学药剂、机械破碎、干湿交替、细菌侵入、隔年埋藏等处理方法;小粒型种子--直播、变温或激素处理;直播即可发芽的种子--常温下(10~25℃)时,满足其必要的水分、空气等条件即可萌发。很多试验证明了方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

东京野茉莉种子休眠机制及其破除方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以采自江西吉安官山林场5年生东京野茉莉当年自然带壳种子为材料,通过对其种子吸水率、不同层积时期种子内生理生化指标的测定、种子萌发抑制物分析,并利用各类不同药剂处理进行发芽试验,以探寻东京野茉莉种子的休眠机理及破眠方法。结果表明:(1)休眠的原因主要包括种皮障碍、缺少萌发所需激素以及种皮、胚中存在萌发抑制物,其中种皮障碍和抑制物的存在是限制种子萌发的首要因素。(2)GA3处理结合自然低温层积30d即可解除东京野茉莉种子胚的休眠,但种皮障碍始终是其种子萌发的限制因素。(3)GA3、NAA、6-BA等药剂处理均可促进种子的萌发,并以刻伤种子后用500mg/L GA3处理24h为破除该种子休眠的最有效方法。  相似文献   

以香圆(Citrus wilsonii Tanaka)种子为实验材料,通过测定种皮透水性、种皮机械障碍、发芽温度等对种子萌发的影响从而探讨种子萌发特征;通过切割种子、热水浸种、赤霉素浸种、低温层积等处理方式探索种子的催芽方法。结果显示:香圆种皮不存在透水性障碍,但其机械障碍对种子萌发具有抑制作用,且内种皮对萌发影响较大;种子在15℃、25℃、35℃恒温及15℃/30℃变温条件下均可萌发,其最适萌发温度为25℃;采用低温层积、热水浸种、切除1/3种子等方法均可一定程度上促进种子萌发。生产中宜采用始温60℃热水浸种24h的方法对香圆种子进行催芽。  相似文献   

狼毒种子萌发特性与种群更新机制的研究   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
邢福  郭继勋  王艳红 《应用生态学报》2003,14(11):1851-1854
研究了采集于植株上的和收集于土壤种子库的狼毒(Stellera chamaejasme)种子在不同温度、光照和5种预处理(即破裂种皮、去除种皮、98%H2SO4浸种5min、0.2%KNO3浸种24h、10℃低温保存1周)条件下的萌发力。结果表明,狼毒种子萌发率较低,25℃恒温、黑暗条件下萌发率为13%,较适宜的萌发温度为30℃恒温或10~30℃变温,破裂种皮和去除种皮萌发率显著提高,25℃恒温、光暗交替条件下萌发率分别为49%和47%,浓硫酸浸种5min处理萌发率可达到32%,KON3浸种和10℃低温保存两个处理对促进狼毒种子萌发效果不明显,狼毒种子萌发对光照条件不敏感,种子硬实性是导致狼毒种子萌发率较低的主要原因,取自土壤种子库内的狼毒种子萌发率高于当年采集的种子,在自然条件下,并非每年都有狼毒种子萌发长成幼苗,种群更新时机是随机的或周期性的。  相似文献   

为探明种皮和胚乳是否是限制桃儿七种子萌发的主要因素,利用组织切片和显微技术,对桃儿七种子及其不同萌发期(1、7、14、21、28 d)解剖结构和播种后一定时期内(7~210 d)的植株生长形态进行观察。桃儿七种子由种皮、胚乳和胚构成。种皮包括外种皮和内种皮,外种皮致密规整,由外至内分别为栅状石细胞和表皮层细胞,内种皮由5~6层海绵细胞组成。胚乳占种子体积的绝大部分,包括珠孔胚乳和外胚乳。胚由胚根、胚轴和子叶组成,被致密种皮、多层珠孔胚乳和外胚乳包围。萌发期1~7 d胚根和胚轴开始伸长,7~14 d两片子叶分离,14~21 d胚根突破珠孔胚乳和种皮,21~28 d胚根、胚轴和子叶继续扩张伸长。种子播种210 d后可平均形成3片功能真叶和5条不定根。致密种皮(物理休眠)和多层胚乳(机械休眠)是限制桃儿七种子萌发的两个主要因素。  相似文献   

很多入侵植物的种子比原产地植物的种子萌发的更快,这可能有利于它们成功入侵。为了理解生物入侵过程,对入侵植物的入侵种群 和原产地种群的种子特性和萌发特征同时进行评估极为必要。本研究中,我们以乌桕(Triadica sebifera)为研究对象探究种子萌发和种子 特征的种内差异。 我们利用采于2017年的乌桕种子,来自中国的12个原产地种群和美国的12个引入地种群,测定种子的物理性状(体积、重量、种皮硬度和种皮厚度)和化学特性[种仁的粗脂肪、可溶性蛋白质、糖、赤霉素(GA)和脱落酸(ABA)],并在中国的温室中测定种子的发芽率和萌发时间。此外,我们在美国用采自2016年和2017年的种子开展了研究地点(中国和美国)和种子采集年份(2016年和2017年)对种子萌发影响的比较实验。 来自引入地的种子要比来自原产地的种子萌发更快。种子的物理和化学特性测定结果表明:与原产地种子相比,引入地种子更大、种仁内含有的赤霉素浓度以及GA:ABA比更高,但粗脂肪含量较低。种子重量、种皮硬度、种皮厚度、种仁脱落酸、可溶性蛋白质和糖含量在引入地和原产地之间没有显著差异。在中国和美国温室间的种子萌发率具有相关性,但种群的萌发率具有年际变化。我们的研究结果表明,体积较大和赤霉素含量较高的种子可能有助于快速萌发,这可能也有利于乌桕在引入地的入侵。  相似文献   

掌叶木(Handeliodendron bodinieri)是残遗于中国的稀有单种属植物,因人为破坏、生境特殊及自身特性的影响,资源稀少,被列为国家一级重点保护野生珍稀濒危植物。该研究以掌叶木种子为材料,研究了4种不同发芽条件下(带种皮、浓硫酸处理种皮、完全去除种皮、仅露出胚根)种子萌发性、种皮透水性、掌叶木果皮、假种皮、种皮和种仁四个部位不同浓度甲醇浸提物(0、3.125、6.25、12.5、25 mg/m L)对白菜种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响以及掌叶木各部位浸提物对种子萌发的影响。结果表明:(1)掌叶木种皮具有一定的透水性,为掌叶木种子的萌发提供必要的透水透气条件,不影响种子萌发前的水分吸收,但掌叶木种皮的机械阻碍、易霉变对种子的萌发影响较大。(2)掌叶木的果皮、假种皮、种皮和种仁甲醇浸提物对白菜种子的萌发和生长都有影响,尤其对白菜幼根的生长有较强的抑制作用,抑制强度依次是种仁果皮假种皮种皮,且随着浓度的升高,抑制作用增强。该研究结果揭示了掌叶木种子难发芽、发芽率低的原因,为掌叶木的人工扩繁和保护与利用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Dormancy in the hard seed coats of Mediterranean species is considered a strategy that enables persistent seed banks to be formed in the soil. An important factor related to seed coat fracture and dormancy breakage in Mediterranean ecosystems is heat. Nevertheless, the effect of factors other than heat on dormancy breakage in these species has hardly been studied. To investigate the different ecological factors involved in germination, in the laboratory we applied several scarification treatments to seeds with chromatic polymorphism. We evaluated the effect of soil seed depth during experimental burns by sowing seeds at −1, −3 and −5 cm in the soil profile, and we also studied the effect of seed origin on the posterior germination of seeds from 4 and 10 year-old shrubs as well as from the soil seed bank. U. parviflorus shows clear chromatic polymorphism: its brown seeds present higher dormancy levels than its yellow seeds. The different techniques of dormancy breakage result in different degrees of germination; the highest degree of germination is generated by the mechanical treatment, followed by the acid and the heat treatments, in that order. The depth of the seeds in the soil determines the temperature thresholds and the residence times of these temperatures and whether they stimulate a massive germination at the −1 cm soil profile or only a slight germination at the −5 cm depth. Seeds recently produced by the plant show higher dormancy levels than seeds extracted from soil seed banks. Dormancy levels also depend on the shrubland age used for extracting the soil samples (3>9 years old). In effect, from the point of view of dormancy, the germination behaviour of U. parviflorus seeds seems to follow a multiresponse strategy based on different seed populations and involving both biological and abiotic processes to break dormancy.  相似文献   

The endemic flora of the Canary Islands is remarkable but highly vulnerable to environmental changes. Several factors, such as fire, could be threatening. The purpose of this study was to analyze various treatments in endemic threatened species which could have been growing in the understory of the Canary pine forest. We attempted to improve germination through dormancy breaking, and analyze the influence of fire on these plants. Seven physical and chemical treatments were tested: control, mechanical scarification, boiling water, dry heat (50 and 120?°C), smoke and smoked water. Mechanical scarification showed a positive response in germination percentage in two species characterized by hard seed coat, but out of all of the species tested, only one demonstrated a positive response to any of the treatments related to fire. At the temperatures registered on wildfires, neither the seeds situated on the aerial structure nor seeds in seed bank seem to be able to survive and germinate. The increasing incidence of fires through anthropogenic causes could contribute to the current threat status of these species and poorness of the Canary pine forest understory.  相似文献   

The tree Caesalpinia paraguariensis grows in the Chaco region, Argentina. Fruits are indehiscent with many seeds. This species is an important source of wood and the fruits are consumed by cattle in Salta province. We studied seed germination under chemical, mechanical and biological scarification. Seeds from controls (without scarification) and those with biological scarification had a smaller (and similar) germination rate. The non-germinated seeds from biological treatments were mechanically scarified and their germination rate was similar to others under the mechanical treatment. Passage by digestive tracts would not enhance germination because viable seeds are still dormant due to their hard coats.  相似文献   

Stotzky , G., Elsie A. Cox , and Roger D. Goos . (Central Research Labs., United Fruit Co., Norwood, Mass.) Seed germination studies in Musa. I. Scarification and aseptic germination of Musa balbisiana . Amer. Jour. Bot. 49(5): 515–520. Illus. 1962.—Methods for germinating seeds of Musa balbisiana Colla under aseptic conditions have been developed. Scarification was required for germination under these conditions, and mechanical was superior to chemical scarification. Various methods of mechanical scarification and cultural procedures were developed which facilitated the operation when large numbers of aseptic seedlings were required. Removing a chip from the lateral portion of the seed coat to expose the endosperm was the most effective method of scarification: germination percentages averaged 80%, and the time required for germination in sterile culture was shortened from the 3–6 weeks required for intact seeds in soil to 6–10 days. However, scarification did not shorten the time required for germination in soil, and seeds treated with some methods of mechanical scarification failed to germinate, as a result of their decomposition by microorganisms. The effectiveness of scarification in causing germination in aseptic culture is not presently understood, but, as the excised embryo exhibits no dormancy, the factors delaying germination apparently reside in other portions of the seed.  相似文献   

Dormancy of Kosteletzkya virginica (L.) Presl. seeds is primarily due to the impermeability of the seed coat to water. The impermeable structure is assumed to be, in other Malvaceae, the palisade layer of the seed coat. The percentage of seeds capable of imbibition and germination increased with increasing time of storage at low temperatures, but the release from dormancy was not accompanied by decreased seed coat resistance to pressure. Under natural conditions, mechanical damage to the seed coat due to changes in temperature and/or abrasion may render the seeds water permeable. It is not clear what causes water permeability during storage under laboratory conditions. During seed maturation and drying, the inner epidermis of the tegmen partly separates from the rest of the seed coat and an air space, which makes the seed buoyant, is formed around the region of the chalazal cleft. The optimal temperature for germination of K. virginica seeds is between 28 and 30 C in light or darkness.  相似文献   

Studying seed dormancy and its consequent effect can provide important information for vegetation restoration and management. The present study investigated seed dormancy, seedling emergence and seed survival in the soil seed bank of Stipa bungeana, a grass species used in restoration of degraded land on the Loess Plateau in northwest China. Dormancy of fresh seeds was determined by incubation of seeds over a range of temperatures in both light and dark. Seed germination was evaluated after mechanical removal of palea and lemma (hulls), chemical scarification and dry storage. Fresh and one-year-stored seeds were sown in the field, and seedling emergence was monitored weekly for 8 weeks. Furthermore, seeds were buried at different soil depths, and then retrieved every 1 or 2 months to determine seed dormancy and seed viability in the laboratory. Fresh seeds (caryopses enclosed by palea and lemma) had non-deep physiological dormancy. Removal of palea and lemma, chemical scarification, dry storage (afterripening), gibberellin (GA3) and potassium nitrate (KNO3) significantly improved germination. Dormancy was completely released by removal of the hulls, but seeds on which hulls were put back to their original position germinated to only 46%. Pretreatment of seeds with a 30% NaOH solution for 60 min increased germination from 25% to 82%. Speed of seedling emergence from fresh seeds was significantly lower than that of seeds stored for 1 year. However, final percentage of seedling emergence did not differ significantly for seeds sown at depths of 0 and 1 cm. Most fresh seeds of S. bungeana buried in the field in early July either had germinated or lost viability by September. All seeds buried at a depth of 5 cm had lost viability after 5 months, whereas 12% and 4% seeds of those sown on the soil surface were viable after 5 and 12 months, respectively.  相似文献   

鸢尾属(Iris L.)花卉具有较高的观赏性,极具开发利用价值,且主要以种子繁殖后代;但多数种子具有休眠特性,给育种工作带来了困难。其休眠原因包括种皮机械阻碍和种子中萌发抑制物存在等内外多重因素,单一或交互作用影响种子萌发。种子休眠解除的方法主要有环境条件处理、机械处理、化学试剂或激素处理等。本文对鸢尾属植物种子休眠原因、休眠解除方法及其机理等作了系统概述,旨在为鸢尾属花卉资源的合理开发利用及种质创新提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Invasive plant species are the second most important threat to global biodiversity loss after land‐use change. Invasive species can modify native community composition, deplete species diversity and affect ecosystem processes. The Caatinga is one of the most human‐affected Brazilian ecosystems owing to non‐sustainable use of its natural resources. Prosopis juliflora is an important invasive plant species in the Caatinga ecosystem. Seed germination is a critical stage in plant life cycles and is a major factor in the establishment and success of invasive plant species. Among the factors that affect seed germination and dormancy, coat‐imposed seems to be the most important for P. juliflora. In Prosopis species, the ingestion of fruits by wild and domestic animals may promote and accelerate germination, enhancing the dispersal of seeds and fruits of these species. We investigated the germination capacity of P. juliflora seeds after artificial mechanical and chemical scarification and analyzed the changes in seedling vigor caused by the scarification treatments. Germination rate, germination time (TMG) and germination synchrony (E) differed significantly with the length of the scarification treatments in H2SO4 for both seeds with endocarps and seeds without endocarps (non‐endocarp seeds). Sulfuric acid affected plant survival more strongly than germination rate, particularly in non‐endocarp seeds.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There is considerable confusion in the literature concerning impermeability of seeds with 'hard' seed coats, because the ability to take up (imbibe) water has not been tested in most of them. Seeds of Opuntia tomentosa were reported recently to have a water-impermeable seed coat sensu lato (i.e. physical dormancy), in combination with physiological dormancy. However, physical dormancy is not known to occur in Cactaceae. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine if seeds of O. tomentosa are water-permeable or water-impermeable, i.e. if they have physical dormancy. METHODS: The micromorphology of the seed coat and associated structures were characterized by SEM and light microscopy. Permeability of the seed-covering layers was assessed by an increase in mass of seeds on a wet substrate and by dye-tracking and uptake of tritiated water by intact versus scarified seeds. KEY RESULTS: A germination valve and a water channel are formed in the hilum-micropyle region during dehydration and ageing in seeds of O. tomentosa. The funicular envelope undoubtedly plays a role in germination of Opuntia seeds via restriction of water uptake and mechanical resistance to expansion of the embryo. However, seeds do not exhibit any of three features characteristic of those with physical dormancy. Thus, they do not have a water-impermeable layer(s) of palisade cells (macrosclereids) or a water gap sensu stricto and they imbibe water without the seed coat being disrupted. CONCLUSIONS: Although dormancy in seeds of this species can be broken by scarification, they have physiological dormancy only. Further, based on information in the literature, it is concluded that it is unlikely that any species of Opuntia has physical dormancy. This is the first integrative study of the anatomy, dynamics of water uptake and dormancy in seeds of Cactaceae subfamily Opuntioideae.  相似文献   

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