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The hypothesis that greater safety from cavitation by air-seeding through inter-vessel pits comes at the cost of less porous pit membranes with greater flow resistance was tested . Sixteen vessel-bearing species were compared: 11 from the Rosaceae, four from other angiosperm families, and one fern. Unexpectedly, there was no relationship between pit resistance (and hence the prevailing membrane porosity) and cavitation pressure. There was, however, an inverse relationship between pit area per vessel and vulnerability to cavitation (r2 = 0.75). This suggests that cavitation is caused by the rare largest membrane pore per vessel, the average size of which increases with total pit area per vessel. If safety from cavitation constrains pit membrane surface area, it also limits vessel surface area and the minimum vessel resistivity. This trade-off was consistent with an approximately three-fold increase in vessel resistivity with cavitation pressure dropping from −0.8 to −6.6 MPa. The trade-off was compensated for by a reduction in the percentage of vessel wall pitted: from 10–16% in vulnerable species to 2–4% in resistant species. Across species, end-wall pitting accounted for 53 ± 3% of the total xylem resistivity. This corresponded to vessels achieving on average 94 ± 2% of their maximum possible conductivity if vessel surface area is constrained.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: According to the air-seeding hypothesis, embolism vulnerability in xylem elements is linked directly to bordered pit structure and functioning. To elucidate the adaptive potential of intervessel pits towards fluctuating environmental conditions, two mangrove species with a distinct ecological distribution growing along a natural salinity gradient were investigated. METHODS: Scanning and transmission electron microscopic observations were conducted to obtain qualitative and quantitative characteristics of alternate intervessel pits in A. marina and scalariform intervessel pits in Rhizophora mucronata. Wood samples from three to six trees were collected at seven and five sites for A. marina and R. mucronata, respectively, with considerable differences between sites in soil water salinity. KEY RESULTS: Vestured pits without visible pores in the pit membrane were observed in A. marina, the mangrove species with the widest geographical distribution on global as well as local scale. Their thick pit membranes (on average 370 nm) and minute pit apertures may contribute to reduced vulnerability to cavitation of this highly salt-tolerant species. The smaller ecological distribution of R. mucronata was in accordance with wide pit apertures and a slightly higher pitfield fraction (67 % vs. 60 % in A. marina). Nonetheless, its outer pit apertures were observed to be funnel-shaped shielding non-porous pit membranes. No trends in intervessel pit size were observed with increasing soil water salinity of the site. CONCLUSIONS: The contrasting ecological distribution of two mangrove species was reflected in the geometry and pit membrane characteristics of their intervessel pits. Within species, intervessel pit size seemed to be independent of spatial variations in environmental conditions and was only weakly correlated with vessel diameter. Further research on pit formation and function has to clarify the large variations in intervessel pit size within trees and even within single vessels.  相似文献   

Xylem traits were examined among 22 arid-land shrub species, including measures of vessel dimensions and pit area. These structural measures were compared with the xylem functional traits of transport efficiency and safety from cavitation. The influence of evolution on trait relationships was examined using phylogenetic independent contrasts (PICs). A trade-off between xylem safety and efficiency was supported by a negative correlation between vessel dimensions and cavitation resistance. Pit area was correlated with cavitation resistance when cross species data were examined, but PICs suggest that these traits have evolved independently of one another. Differences in cavitation resistance that are not explained by pit area may be related to differences in pit membrane properties or the prevalence of tracheids, the latter of which may alter pit area through the addition of vessel-to-tracheid pits or through changes in xylem conduit connectivity. Some trait relationships were robust regardless of species ecology or evolutionary history. These trait relationships are likely to be the most valuable in predictive models that seek to examine anatomical and functional trait relationships among extant and fossil woods and include the relationship among hydraulic conductivity and vessel diameter, between vessel diameter and vessel length, and between hydraulic conductivity and wood density.  相似文献   

Vulnerability of xylem conduits to cavitation and embolism was compared in two species of Rhizophoraceae, the mangrove Rhizophora mangle L. and the tropical moist-forest Cassipourea elliptica (Sw.) Poir. Cavitation (water column breakage preceeding embolism) was monitored by ultrasonic detection; embolism was quantified by its reduction of xylem hydraulic conductivity. Acoustic data were not predictive of loss in hydraulic conductivity, probably because signals from cavitating vessels were swamped by more numerous ones from cavitating fibers. Rhizophora mangle was the less vulnerable to embolism of the two species, losing 80% of its hydraulic conductivity between – 6.0 and – 7.0 MPa. Cassipourea elliptica lost conductivity in linear proportion to decreasing xylem pressure from – 0.5 to – 7.0 MPa. Species vulnerability correlated closely with physiological demands of habitat; the mangrove Rhizophora mangle had field xylem pressures between – 2.5 and – 4.0 MPa. whereas the minimum for Cassipourea elliptica was – 1.6 MPa. Differences in vulnerability between species could be accounted for by differences in the measured air permeability of intervessel pit membranes. According to this explanation, embolism occurs when air enters a water-filled vessel from a neighboring air-filled one via pores in shared pit membranes.  相似文献   

Xylem vulnerability to cavitation differs between tree species according to their drought resistance, more xerophilous species being more resistant to xylem cavitation. Variability in xylem vulnerability to cavitation is also found within species, especially between in situ populations. The origin of this variability has not been clearly identified. Here we analyzed the response of xylem hydraulic traits of Populus tremula×Populus alba trees to three different soil water regimes. Stem xylem vulnerability was scored as the xylem water potential causing 12, 50 and 88% loss of conductivity (P12, P50 and P88). Vulnerability to cavitation was found to acclimate to growing conditions under different levels of soil water content, with P50 values of ?1.82, ?2.03 and ?2.45 MPa in well‐watered, moderately water‐stressed and severely water‐stressed poplars, respectively. The value of P12, the xylem tension at which cavitation begins, was correlated with the lowest value of midday leaf water potential (ψm) experienced by each plant, the difference between the two parameters being approximately 0.5 MPa, consistent with the absence of any difference in embolism level between the different water treatments. These results support the hypothesis that vulnerability to cavitation is a critical trait for resistance to drought. The decrease in vulnerability to cavitation under growing conditions of soil drought was correlated with decreased vessel diameter, increased vessel wall thickness and a stronger bordered pit field (t/b)2. The links between these parameters are discussed.  相似文献   

Mechanism of water stress-induced xylem embolism   总被引:40,自引:4,他引:36       下载免费PDF全文
We investigated the hypothesis that water stress-induced xylem embolism is caused by air aspirated into functional vessels from neighboring embolized ones (e.g. embolized by physical damage) via pores in intervessel pit membranes. The following experiments with sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) support the hypothesis. (a) Most vessels in dehydrating stem segments embolized at xylem pressures < −3 megapascals; at this point the pressure difference across intervessel pits between air-filled vessels at the segment's ends and internal water-filled vessels was >3 megapascals. This same pressure difference was found to be sufficient to force air across intervessel pits from air injection experiments of hydrated stem segments. This suggests air entry at pits is causing embolism in dehydrating stems. (b) Treatments that increased the permeability of intervessel pits to air injection also caused xylem to embolize at less negative xylem pressures. Permeability was increased either by perfusing stems with solutions of surface tension below that of water or by perfusion with a solution of oxalic acid and calcium. The mechanism of oxalic-calcium action on permeability is unknown, but may relate to the ability of oxalate to chelate calcium from the pectate fraction of the pit membrane. (c) Diameter of pores in pit membranes measured with the scanning electron microscope were within the range predicted by hypothesis (≤0.4 micrometer).  相似文献   

Here, hypotheses about stem and root xylem structure and function were assessed by analyzing xylem in nine chaparral Rhamnaceae species. Traits characterizing xylem transport efficiency and safety, mechanical strength and storage were analyzed using linear regression, principal components analysis and phylogenetic independent contrasts (PICs). Stems showed a strong, positive correlation between xylem mechanical strength (xylem density and modulus of rupture) and xylem transport safety (resistance to cavitation and estimated vessel implosion resistance), and this was supported by PICs. Like stems, greater root cavitation resistance was correlated with greater vessel implosion resistance; however, unlike stems, root cavitation resistance was not correlated with xylem density and modulus of rupture. Also different from stems, roots displayed a trade-off between xylem transport safety from cavitation and xylem transport efficiency. Both stems and roots showed a trade-off between xylem transport safety and xylem storage of water and nutrients, respectively. Stems and roots differ in xylem structural and functional relationships, associated with differences in their local environment (air vs soil) and their primary functions.  相似文献   

Xylem vulnerability to cavitation and hydraulic efficiency are directly linked to fine‐scale bordered pit features in water‐conducting cells of vascular plants. However, it is unclear how pit characteristics influence water transport and carbon economy in tropical species. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate functional implications of changes in pit characteristics for water relations and photosynthetic traits in tropical Ficus species with different growth forms (i.e. hemiepiphytic and non‐hemiepiphytic) grown under common conditions. Intervessel pit characteristics were measured using scanning electron microscopy in five hemiepiphytic and five non‐hemiepiphytic Ficus species to determine whether these traits were related to hydraulics, leaf photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and wood density. Ficus species varied greatly in intervessel pit structure, hydraulic conductivity and leaf physiology, and clear differences were observed between the two growth forms. The area and diameter of pit aperture were negatively correlated with sapwood‐specific hydraulic conductivity, mass‐based net assimilation rate, stomatal conductance (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and the petiole vessel lumen diameters (Dv), but positively correlated with wood density. Pit morphology was only negatively correlated with sapwood‐ and leaf‐specific hydraulic conductivity and Dv. Pit density was positively correlated with gs, Ci and Dv, but negatively with intrinsic leaf water‐use efficiency. Pit and pit aperture shape were not significantly correlated with any of the physiological traits. These findings indicate a significant role of pit characteristics in xylem water transport, carbon assimilation and ecophysiological adaptation of Ficus species in tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

? The rare pit hypothesis predicts that the extensive inter-vessel pitting in large early-wood vessels of ring-porous trees should render many of these vessels extremely vulnerable to cavitation by air-seeding. This prediction was tested in Quercus gambelii. ? Cavitation was assessed from native hydraulic conductivity at field sap tension and in dehydrated branches. Single-vessel air injections gave air-seeding pressures through vessel files; these data were used to estimate air-seeding pressures for inter-vessel walls and pits. ? Extensive cavitation occurred at xylem sap tensions below 1 MPa. Refilling occurred below 0.5 MPa and was inhibited by phloem girdling. Remaining vessels cavitated over a wide range to above 4 MPa. Similarly, 40% of injected vessel files air-seeded below 1.0 MPa, whereas the remainder seeded over a wide range exceeding 5 MPa. Inter-vessel walls averaged 1.02 MPa air-seeding pressure, similar and opposite to the mean cavitation tension of 1.22 MPa. Consistent with the rare pit hypothesis, only 7% of inter-vessel pits were estimated to air-seed by 1.22 MPa. ? The results confirm the rare pit prediction that a significant fraction of large vessels in Q. gambelii experience high probability of failure by air-seeding.  相似文献   

While the xylem hydraulic properties, such as vulnerability to cavitation (VC), are of paramount importance in drought resistance, their genetic determinants remain unexplored. There is evidence that pectins and their methylation pattern are involved, but the detail of their involvement and the corresponding genes need to be clarified. We analyzed the hydraulic properties of the 35S::PME1 transgenic aspen that ectopically under‐ or over‐express a xylem‐abundant pectin methyl esterase, PtxtPME1. We also produced and analyzed 4CL1::PGII transgenic poplars expressing a fungal polygalacturonase, AnPGII, under the control of the Ptxa4CL1 promoter that is active in the developing xylem after xylem cell expansion. Both the 35S::PME1 under‐ and over‐expressing aspen lines developed xylem with lower‐specific hydraulic conductivity and lower VC, while the 4CL1::PGII plants developed xylem with a higher VC. These xylem hydraulic changes were associated with modifications in xylem structure or in intervessel pit structure that can result in changes in mechanical behavior of the pit membrane. This study shows that homogalacturonans and their methylation pattern influence xylem hydraulic properties, through its effect on xylem cell expansion and on intervessel pit properties and it show a role for PtxtPME1 in the xylem hydraulic properties.  相似文献   

Hydraulic traits were studied in temperate, woody evergreens in a high-elevation heath community to test for trade-offs between the delivery of water to canopies at rates sufficient to sustain photosynthesis and protection against disruption to vascular transport caused by freeze-thaw-induced embolism. Freeze-thaw-induced loss in hydraulic conductivity was studied in relation to xylem anatomy, leaf- and sapwood-specific hydraulic conductivity and gas exchange characteristics of leaves. We found evidence that a trade-off between xylem transport capacity and safety from freeze-thaw-induced embolism affects photosynthetic activity in overwintering evergreens. The mean hydraulically weighted xylem vessel diameter and sapwood-specific conductivity correlated with susceptibility to freeze-thaw-induced embolism. There was also a strong correlation of hydraulic supply and demand across species; interspecific differences in stomatal conductance and CO(2) assimilation rates were correlated linearly with sapwood- and leaf-specific hydraulic conductivity. Xylem vessel anatomy mediated an apparent trade-off between resistance to freeze-thaw-induced embolism and hydraulic and photosynthetic capacity during the winter. These results point to a new role for xylem functional traits in determining the degree to which species can maintain photosynthetic carbon gain despite freezing events and cold winter temperatures.  相似文献   

? It is widely assumed that post-fire tree mortality results from necrosis of phloem and vascular cambium in stems, despite strong evidence that reduced xylem conductivity also plays an important role. ? In this study, experiments with Populus balsamifera were used to demonstrate two mechanisms by which heat reduces the hydraulic conductivity of xylem: air seed cavitation and conduit wall deformation. Heat effects on air seed cavitation were quantified using air injection experiments that isolate potential temperature-dependent changes in sap surface tension and pit membrane pore diameters. Heat effects on conduit wall structure were demonstrated using air conductivity measurements and light microscopy. ? Heating increased vulnerability to cavitation because sap surface tension varies inversely with temperature. Heating did not affect cavitation via changes in pit membrane pore diameters, but did cause significant reductions in xylem air conductivity that were associated with deformation of conduit walls (probably resulting from thermal softening of viscoelastic cell wall polymers). ? Additional work is required to understand the relative roles of cavitation and deformation in the reduction of xylem conductivity, and how reduced xylem conductivity in roots, stems, and branches correlates and interacts with foliage and root necroses to cause tree mortality. Future research should also examine how heat necrosis of ray parenchyma cells affects refilling of embolisms that occur during and after the fire event.  相似文献   

木质部导管空穴化研究中的几个热点问题   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
 导管的空穴化和栓塞化现象是目前国际上水分生理生态研究的一个热点。该文对导管空穴化和栓塞化研究中出现的几个热点问题进行了概括和总结。1)在研究导管空穴化的实验手段上,超声波传感器探测法具有一定的局限性;目前至少存在4种可能的原因来解释木质部压力探针法(XPP)和压力室法所测得的导管水柱张力不一致的现象;近来出现的核磁共振成像法可以进行导管空穴化的无损伤检测。2)导管解剖学特征与形成空穴的可能性之间的关系可能与树种相关。3)导管空穴化引起气孔关闭的作用机制目前还不太清楚。4)植物防止空穴化产生的能力与适应干旱能力之间的关系还没有定论。5)单独用根压来解释空穴化导管的重新注水机制是不全面的,还存在其它重新注水机制。  相似文献   

Possible mechanical and hydraulic costs to increased cavitation resistance were examined among six co-occurring species of chaparral shrubs in southern California. We measured cavitation resistance (xylem pressure at 50% loss of hydraulic conductivity), seasonal low pressure potential (P(min)), xylem conductive efficiency (specific conductivity), mechanical strength of stems (modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture), and xylem density. At the cellular level, we measured vessel and fiber wall thickness and lumen diameter, transverse fiber wall and total lumen area, and estimated vessel implosion resistance using (t/b)(h)(2), where t is the thickness of adjoining vessel walls and b is the vessel lumen diameter. Increased cavitation resistance was correlated with increased mechanical strength (r(2) = 0.74 and 0.76 for modulus of elasticity and modulus of rupture, respectively), xylem density (r(2) = 0.88), and P(min) (r(2) = 0.96). In contrast, cavitation resistance and P(min) were not correlated with decreased specific conductivity, suggesting no tradeoff between these traits. At the cellular level, increased cavitation resistance was correlated with increased (t/b)(h)(2) (r(2) = 0.95), increased transverse fiber wall area (r(2) = 0.89), and decreased fiber lumen area (r(2) = 0.76). To our knowledge, the correlation between cavitation resistance and fiber wall area has not been shown previously and suggests a mechanical role for fibers in cavitation resistance. Fiber efficacy in prevention of vessel implosion, defined as inward bending or collapse of vessels, is discussed.  相似文献   

Intervessel pits act as safety valves that prevent the spread of xylem embolism. Pectin-calcium crosslinks within the pit membrane have been proposed to affect xylem vulnerability to cavitation. However, as the chemical composition of pit membranes is poorly understood, this hypothesis has not been verified. Using electron microscopy, immunolabeling, an antimonate precipitation technique, and ruthenium red staining, we studied the distribution of selected polysaccharides and calcium in the pit membranes of four angiosperm tree species. We tested whether shifts in xylem vulnerability resulting from perfusion of stems with a calcium chelating agent corresponded with the distribution of pectic homogalacturonans (HG) and/or calcium within interconduit pit membranes. No HG were detected in the main part of intervessel pit membranes, but were consistently found in the marginal membrane region known as the annulus. Calcium colocalized with HG in the annulus. In contrast to intervessel pits, the membrane of vessel-ray pits showed a high pectin content. The presence of two distinct chemical domains, the annulus and the actual pit membrane, can have substantial implications for pit membrane functioning. We propose that the annulus could affect the observed shift in xylem vulnerability after calcium removal by allowing increased pit membrane deflection.  相似文献   

Two Phaseolus vulgaris L. cultivars were exposed to reduced water and stem mechanical perturbation treatments (flexing) to determine if acclimation to these treatments induced hydraulic changes, altered cavitation resistance and changed stem mechanical properties. Additionally, this study sought to determine if changes in cavitation resistance would support the pit area or conduit reinforcement hypotheses. Flexing reduced biomass, leaf area, xylem vessel area and hydraulic conductivity. One cultivar had greater measures of stem strength and cavitation resistance. Flexing increased cavitation resistance (P50) but did not increase Young's modulus, rigidity or flexural strength on dried stems. Stem rigidity and basal diameter were correlated with leaf mass. The ratio of conduit wall thickness to span [(t/b)h2] increased under high water and flexing treatments while rigidity decreased for one cultivar exposed to both flexing and lower water suggesting an inability to compensate for two simultaneous stresses. Although P50 was not correlated with measures of mechanical strength, P50 was correlated with vessel diameter, consistent with the pit area hypothesis. This study confirmed that mechanical perturbation can impact xylem structural properties and result in altered plant water flow characteristics and cavitation resistance. Long‐term hydraulic acclimation in these herbaceous annuals was constrained by similar tradeoffs that constrain hydraulic properties across species.  相似文献   

Although precipitation plays a central role in structuring Africa’s miombo woodlands, remarkably little is known about plant-water relations in this seasonally dry tropical forest. Therefore, in this study, we investigated xylem vulnerability to cavitation for nine principal tree species of miombo woodlands, which differ in habitat preference and leaf phenology. We measured cavitation vulnerability (Ψ50), stem-area specific hydraulic conductivity (K S), leaf specific conductivity (K L), seasonal variation in predawn water potential (ΨPD) and xylem anatomical properties [mean vessel diameter, mean hydraulic diameter, mean hydraulic diameter accounting for 95 % flow, and maximum vessel length (V L)]. Results show that tree species with a narrow habitat range (mesic specialists) were more vulnerable to cavitation than species with a wide habitat range (generalists). Ψ50 for mesic specialists ranged between ?1.5 and ?2.2 MPa and that for generalists between ?2.5 and ?3.6 MPa. While mesic specialists exhibited the lowest seasonal variation in ΨPD, generalists displayed significant seasonal variations in ΨPD suggesting that the two miombo habitat groups differ in their rooting depth. We observed a strong trade-off between K S and Ψ50 suggesting that tree hydraulic architecture is one of the decisive factors setting ecological boundaries for principal miombo species. While vessel diameters correlated weakly (P > 0.05) with Ψ50, V L was positively and significantly correlated with Ψ50. ΨPD was significantly correlated with Ψ50 further reinforcing the conclusion that tree hydraulic architecture plays a significant role in species’ habitat preference in miombo woodlands.  相似文献   

Functional and ecological xylem anatomy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Cohesion-tension transport of water is an energetically efficient way to carry large amounts of water from the roots up to the leaves. However, the cohesion-tension mechanism places the xylem water under negative hydrostatic pressure (Px), rendering it susceptible to cavitation. There are conflicts among the structural requirements for minimizing cavitation on the one hand vs maximizing efficiency of transport and construction on the other. Cavitation by freeze-thaw events is triggered by in situ air bubble formation and is much more likely to occur as conduit diameter increases, creating a direct conflict between conducting efficiency and sensitivity to freezing induced xylem failure. Temperate ring-porous trees and vines with wide diameter conduits tend to have a shorter growing season than conifers and diffuse-porous trees with narrow conduits. Cavitation by water stress occurs by air seeding at interconduit pit membranes. Pit membrane structure is at least partially uncoupled from conduit size, leading to a much less pronounced trade-off between conducting efficiency and cavitation by drought than by freezing. Although wider conduits are generally more susceptible to drought-induced cavitation within an organ, across organs or species this trend is very weak. Different trade-offs become apparent at the level of the pit membranes that interconnect neighbouring conduits. Increasing porosity of pit membranes should enhance conductance but also make conduits more susceptible to air seeding. Increasing the size or number of pit membranes would also enhance conductance, but may weaken the strength of the conduit wall against implosion. The need to avoid conduit collapse under negative pressure creates a significant trade-off between cavitation resistance and xylem construction cost, as revealed by relationships between conduit wall strength, wood density and cavitation pressure. Trade-offs involving cavitation resistance may explain the correlations between wood anatomy, cavitation resistance, and the physiological range of negative pressure experienced by species in their native habitats.  相似文献   

木质部的解剖结构特征对树木水分传输功能有重要的影响,阔叶树种木质部环孔和散孔结构特征的分化,很可能导致两个功能类群在水力学结构上存在显著差异,但是有关两个功能类群间细致的水力学性状的对比研究还较少,二者整枝水平的导水率及纹孔水平的细致结构差异尚未见报道.本试验以长白山阔叶红松林常见的3个环孔材和4个散孔材乔木树种为研究对象,对比了两个功能类群树种的整枝导水率(k_shoot)、枝条木质部栓塞脆弱性(p_50)等重要水力学相关生理功能特征,并分析了两个功能类群间的木质部组织水平和纹孔水平上的解剖结构特征差异.结果表明:与茎段导水率差异一致,环孔材树种的整枝导水率也显著高于散孔材,但枝条木质部气穴化抵抗力显著弱于散孔材,二者的差异反映了整枝水平上木质部导水效率和安全性之间的权衡关系,与两个功能类群的水力学生理特征存在显著差异一致,二者在最大导管长度、导管直径、纹孔开口面积、纹孔开口比例等光学和扫描电镜观测解剖结构特征上都存在显著差异;木质部解剖特征(组织水平、纹孔水平)和k_shoot、p_50等生理特征间,以及木质部不同解剖特征之间存在显著的相关,且两个功能类群遵循相同的规律,反映了木质部结构对水分传输功能的重要影响,而导水率和气穴化抵抗力对木质部对立的结构要求,体现了树木水分传输系统构建的生物物理局限性.  相似文献   

Xylem networks are vulnerable to the formation and spread of gas embolisms that reduce water transport. Embolisms spread through interconduit pits, but the three-dimensional (3D) complexity and scale of xylem networks means that the functional implications of intervessel connections are not well understood. Here, xylem networks of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) were reconstructed from 3D high-resolution X-ray micro-computed tomography (microCT) images. Xylem network performance was then modeled to simulate loss of hydraulic conductivity under increasingly negative xylem sap pressure simulating drought stress conditions. We also considered the sensitivity of xylem network performance to changes in key network parameters. We found that the mean pit area per intervessel connection was constant across 10 networks from three, 1.5-m stem segments, but short (0.5 cm) segments fail to capture complete network connectivity. Simulations showed that network organization imparted additional resistance to embolism spread beyond the air-seeding threshold of pit membranes. Xylem network vulnerability to embolism spread was most sensitive to variation in the number and location of vessels that were initially embolized and pit membrane vulnerability. Our results show that xylem network organization can increase stem resistance to embolism spread by 40% (0.66 MPa) and challenge the notion that a single embolism can spread rapidly throughout an entire xylem network.

A complete digital reconstruction of a grapevine xylem network reveals that network connectivity imparts greater resistance to drought-induced embolism spread than pit membrane properties suggest.  相似文献   

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