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Degradation of propionate and butyrate in whole and disintegrated granules from a thermophilic (55 degrees C) upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor fed with acetate, propionate, and butyrate as substrates was examined. The propionate and butyrate degradation rates in whole granules were 1.16 and 4.0 mumol/min/g of volatile solids, respectively, and the rates decreased 35 and 25%, respectively, after disintegration of the granules. The effect of adding different hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria (both sulfate reducers and methanogens), some of which used formate in addition to hydrogen, to disintegrated granules was tested. Addition of either Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum delta H, a hydrogen-utilizing methanogen that does not use formate, or Methanobacterium sp. strain CB12, a hydrogen- and formate-utilizing methanogen, to disintegrated granules increased the degradation rate of both propionate and butyrate. Furthermore, addition of a thermophilic sulfate-reducing bacterium (a Desulfotomaculum sp. isolated in our laboratory) to disintegrated granules improved the degradation of both substrates even more than the addition of methanogens. By monitoring the hydrogen partial pressure in the cultures, a correlation between the hydrogen partial pressure and the degradation rate of propionate and butyrate was observed, showing a decrease in the degradation rate with increased hydrogen partial pressure. No significant differences in the stimulation of the degradation rates were observed when the disintegrated granules were supplied with methanogens that utilized hydrogen only or hydrogen and formate. This indicated that interspecies formate transfer was not important for stimulation of propionate and butyrate degradation.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the metabolism of different acetate:propionate ratios (0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) in equimolar carbon concentration during an anaerobic decomposition process under defined laboratory conditions and evaluated the engaged methanogenic community. Significant differences on a metabolic level (gas production, gas composition, volatile fatty acid (VFA) concentration) were observed between acetate:propionate ratios ≤1 and ≥2. Generally ratios ≥2 resulted in a faster methane production and VFA decomposition compared to ratios ≤1. Regarding the composition of the methanogenic community as well as the abundance of Methanosarcinales these differences were not reflected in an appropriate manner when DNA based methods (dHPLC and qPCR) were applied. However, by a culture based approach these differences could be documented showing a significant difference in the number of cultivable methanogens between initial acetate:propionate ratios ≤1 and ≥2.  相似文献   

The butyrate-degradingSyntrophospora bryantii degrades butyrate and a propionate-degrading strain (MPOB) degrades propionate in coculture with the hydrogen- and formate-utilizingMethanospirillum hungatii orMethanobacterium formicicum. However, the substrates are not degraded in constructed cocultures with twoMethanobrevibacter arboriphilus strains which are only able to consume hydrogen. Pure cultures of the acetogenic bacteria form both hydrogen and formate during butyrate oxidation with pentenoate as electron acceptor and during propionate oxidation with fumarate as electron acceptor. Using the highest hydrogen and formate levels which can be reached by the acetogens and the lowest hydrogen and formate levels which can be maintained by the methanogens it appeared that the calculated formate diffusion rates are about 100 times higher than the calculated hydrogen diffusion rates.  相似文献   

The maximum propionate removal rate was 13.7 g/L-reactor/day at the organic loading rate of 66.4 kg-CODcr/m3-reactor/day (HRT, 4.75 h); however, the removal efficiency was very low. Clone library analysis and quantification by real-time PCR using 16S rRNA gene revealed that the population of methanogenic archaea in the biofilm fraction that developed on the packed bed was higher than that in the liquid fraction. The clone, which is related to Methanosarcina, was detected only in the biofilm fraction. The clones closely related to Pelotomaculum, which is capable of degrading propionate, and the hydrogenotrophic methanogen Methanothermobactor were also detected only in the biofilm fraction in the acetate and propionate-fed reactor. The experimental results indicate that the packed-bed design can maintain a sufficiently high density of methanogenic microorganisms within the system even at reduced HRTs as well as facilitate an efficient degradation of propionate and acetate, possibly through syntrophic reactions.  相似文献   

Summary A thermophilic anaerobic sludge digestor was adapted to lactate metabolism. The adapted sludge showed an improved capacity for lactate degradation when tested by a batch activity test, compared to the performance of unadapted sludge. Acetate was the major intermediate produced during the degradation. When adapted sludge was used as the inoculum for a lactate-fed, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, the chemical oxygen demand reduction rate was higher than with unadapted sludge. After 39 days, however, the difference vanished due to an extensive wash-out of sludge from the reactor inoculated with adapted sludge.Offprint requests to: B. K. Ahring  相似文献   

Summary The degradation of acetate, propionate and butyrate was monitored during start-up of five lab-scale methanogenic fluidized bed reactors on an artificially prepared waste water. The acetate concentration in the reactor content was found to influence the degradation of propionate but not of butyrate. In general, at acetate levels over 200 mg/l the degradation of propionate was below 60%, whereas the degradation was complete at acetate levels under 100 mg/l. The rationale of the inhibition of propionate degradation by acetate is discussed.  相似文献   

The various problems associated with treating sulphate-containing wastewaters stem inherently from successful competitive interactions between sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) and other bacteria involved in the process, resulting in the formation of H2S. Prevention of in-reactor sulphide generation by use of specific SRB inhibitors presents a potential solution. Nitrite has been reported to be a specific inhibitor of SRB but its possible toxicity to syntrophic and methanogenic members of the anaerobic consortium has not been investigated. In batch activity and toxicity tests, under both mesophilic and thermophilic conditions, nitrite, at concentrations of up to 150 mg L–1, was found to be ineffective as a specific inhibitor of SRB, and was also shown to have an inhibitory effect on the activity of syntrophic and methane-producing bacteria in mesophilic and thermophilic digester sludge samples.  相似文献   

We studied syntrophic butyrate degradation in thermophilic mixed cultures containing a butyrate-degrading bacterium isolated in coculture with Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum or in triculture with M. thermoautotrophicum and the TAM organism, a thermophilic acetate-utilizing methanogenic bacterium. Butyrate was beta-oxidized to acetate with protons as the electron acceptors. Acetate was used concurrently with its production in the triculture. We found a higher butyrate degradation rate in the triculture, in which both hydrogen and acetate were utilized, than in the coculture, in which acetate accumulated. Yeast extract, rumen fluid, and clarified digestor fluid stimulated butyrate degradation, while the effect of Trypticase was less pronounced. Penicillin G, d-cycloserine, and vancomycin caused complete inhibition of butyrate utilization by the cultures. No growth or degradation of butyrate occurred when 2-bromoethanesulfonic acid or chloroform, specific inhibitors of methanogenic bacteria, was added to the cultures and common electron acceptors such as sulfate, nitrate, and fumarate were not used with butyrate as the electron donor. Addition of hydrogen or oxygen to the gas phase immediately stopped growth and butyrate degradation by the cultures. Butyrate was, however, metabolized at approximately the same rate when hydrogen was removed from the cultures and was metabolized at a reduced rate in the cultures previously exposed to hydrogen.  相似文献   

摘要:【目的】研究不同温度条件下的石油烃降解产甲烷菌系中是否存在乙酸互营氧化产甲烷代谢途径。【方法】以3个不同温度条件的正十六烷烃降解产甲烷菌系Y15(15℃)、M82(35℃)和SK(55℃)作为接种物,通过乙酸喂养实验、并添加乙酸营养型产甲烷古菌的选择性抑制剂NH4Cl和CH3F,结合末端限制性片段长度多态性(terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism,T-RFLP)和克隆文库技术,分析乙酸产甲烷潜力及产甲烷古菌群落的演替趋势,推测产甲烷代谢途径的变化趋势。【结果】无论是否添加NH4Cl和CH3 F,这3个菌系都可以利用乙酸生长并产生甲烷,但是添加NH4Cl和CH3 F后产甲烷延滞期增加,最大比甲烷增长速率降低;只添加乙酸后,3个不同温度的菌系的古菌群落主要由乙酸营养型产甲烷古菌甲烷鬃毛菌属(Methanosaeta)组成,其丰度分别为92.8±1.4%、97.3±2.4%和82.8±9.0%;当添加选择性抑制剂NH4Cl,3 个菌系中的Methanosaeta的丰度分别变为98.5±0.7%、87.4±4.8%和6.1±8.6%,中温菌系M82中氢营养型产甲烷古菌甲烷袋装菌属(Methanoculleus)的相对丰度增加到12. 6±4.0%,高温菌系SK中另一类氢营养型产甲烷古菌甲烷热杆菌属(Methanothermobacter)增至84.3±1.5%;当添加选择性抑制剂CH3 F,Methanosaeta丰度分别降至77.1 ± 14.5%,86.4±6.1%和35.8±7.8%,低温菌系Y15中的甲烷八叠球菌属(Methanosarcina)增高(15.7±21%),这类产甲烷古菌具有多种产甲烷代谢途径,M82中Methanoculleus丰度上升到13.6±13.1%,SK中Methanothermobacter丰度增大到48.5±11.2%。【结论】在低温条件下,菌系Y15可能主要通过乙酸裂解完成产甲烷代谢,在中高温条件下,菌系M82和SK中可能存在乙酸互营氧化产甲烷代谢途径,并且甲烷的产生分别通过不同种群的氢营养型产甲烷古菌来完成。  相似文献   

The kinetics of acetate, propionate, and butyrate removal was studied in conditions of leachate treatment in a plug flow anaerobic fixed-film reactor made of a sequence of seven perfectly mixed compartments. An original experimental procedure was followed under sequential feeding conditions so as to maintain the Bacteriol biomass in a quasi-steady state all along the study. With an appropriate computer program based on the least squares method, the apparent kinetic parameters of VFA removal were calculated within concentration ranges below the levels of salt inhibition. The models proposed are based on simple theoretical considerations. For acetate and n-butyrate removal, the best fits were given by the Michaelis-Menten equation with respectively: V(m) (spec) = 0.49 +/- 0.06 g CH(3) COOH g(-1) biomass h(-1)and 0.18 +/- 0.02 g n-CH(3)CH(2)CH(2)COOH g(-1) biomass h(-1) and: K(s) = 21.2 +/- 0.9 g CH(3)COOH L(-1) liquid phase and 8.2 +/- 0.9 g n-CH(3)CH(2)CH(2)COOH L(-1) liquid phase, Iso-butyrate was produced during n-butyrate catabolism and the apparent removal rate of (n + iso)-butyrate considered as a whole was also described by the Michaelis-Menten equation with V(m) (spec) = 0.14 +/- 0.02 g(n + iso)-butyrate g(-1) biomass h(-1) and K(s) = 9.0 +/- 1.2 g (n + iso) butyrate L(-1) liquid phase. On the other hand in the case of propionate, the best fit was obtained with a first-order equation with K(spec) = (0.88 +/- 0.05) 10(-2) L liquid phase g(-1) biomass h(-1). These constants were subsequently used to predict the removal of mixtures of the three major VFAs under study, at various feed concentrations. Three sets of concentrations were tested, and the experimental data were compared to the simulations. This study, together with other experimental observations previously reported, tends to show that under sequential feeding conditions the classical assumption of butyrate beta-oxidation should be rejected. Butyrate seems to be anaerobically decarboxylated, but propionate thus formed inside the biofilm is degraded as soon as its formation proceeds. It was therefore considered that butyrate degradation produces, through propionate intermediate, 1 mole acetate per mole butyrate removed. When propionate or butyrate concentrations were high, the same phenomenon was noted, to a much lower extent, for the degradation of acetate formed inside the biofilm.  相似文献   

An upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor was operated under thermophilic conditions (55° C) for 160 days by feeding a wastewater containing sucrose as the major carbon source. The reactor exhibited a satisfactory performance due to the formation of well-settling granulated sludge, achieving a total organic carbon (TOC) removal of above 80% at an organic loading rate of 30 kg total organic C m–3 day–1. Structural and microbial properties of the methanogenic granular sludge were examined using scanning electron microscope X-ray analyses and serum vial activity tests. All the thermophilic granules developed showed a double-layered structure, comprised of a black core portion and a yellowish exterior portion. The interior cope portion contained abundant crystalline precipitates of calcium carbonate. Calcium-bound phosphorus was also present more prominently in the core portion than in the exterior portion. Methanogenic activities of the thermophilic granules both from acetate and from H2 increased with increasing vial-test temperature in the range of 55–65° C [from 1.43 to 2.36 kg CH4 chemical oxygen demand (COD) kg volatile suspended solids (VSS)–1 day–1 for acetate and from 0.85 to 1.11 kg CH4 COD kg VSS–1 day–1 for H2]. On the other hand, propionate-utilizing methanogenic activity was independent of vial-test temperature, and was much lower (0.1–0.12 kg CH4 COD kg VSS–1 day–1) than that from either acetate or H2. Acetate consumption during vial tests was considerably inhibited by the presence of H2 in the headspace, indicating that a syntrophic association between acetate oxidizers and H2-utilizing methane-producing bacteria was responsible for some portion of the overall acetate elimination by the theromophilically grown sludge.  相似文献   

Granulation of a propionate-degrading consortia was performed with a mesophilic propionate-acclimatized sludge in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. The granules formed were relatively small, ranging mainly from 0.3 to 0.6 mm in diameter, but had an excellent sedimentation velocity due to a high specific gravity of 1.355 g/cm3 (ash content, 48.2%). The ash consisted mainly of calcium (30.2%), phosphorus (19.7%), and magnesium (3.95%) forming plate crystals in the granules. The populations of three bacterial trophic groups present in the granules, propionate-degraders, hydrogenotrophic and aceticlastic methanogens were 5.6 × 108, 1.6 × 1010, and 2 × 109 (in most probable number/g mixed-liquor volatile suspended solids [MLVSS]), respectively, while the specific utilization rates of propionate, hydrogen, and acetate of the granules were 9.4, 850, and 20.9 (mmol/g MLVSS·d), respectively. Electron microscopic analysis showed that Methanothrix spp. appeared dominant over the granules. Total granular sludge concentration retained in the UASB reactor during 178 d of operation was 80.0 g mixed-liquor suspended solids (MLSS)/l-reactor, corresponding to 41.4 g MLVSS/l-reactor, which realized a high-rate methanogenic fermentation of propionate of 85 g chemical oxygen demand (COD)/l-reactor·d.  相似文献   

1. Interactions in the rates of consumption of acetate, propionate and butyrate in sheep liver mitochondria were examined in the presence and absence of l-malate and alpha-oxoglutarate. 2. Acetate was not consumed in absence of ancillary substrate but utilization of acetate (7.2nmol/min per mg of protein) occurred in the presence of alpha-oxoglutarate. This consumption was abolished by propionate or butyrate but the presence of acetate did not affect consumption of propionate or butyrate. 3. Propionate consumption (10.1nmol/min per mg of protein) was unaffected by malate but was stimulated by 63% by butyrate or by 180% by alpha-oxoglutarate. 4. Butyrate consumption (3.3nmol/min per mg of protein) was stimulated by 117% by malate, by 151% by propionate and by 310% by alpha-oxoglutarate. 5. In the absence of ancillary substrates the maximum rate of total volatile fatty acid utilization (24.7nmol/min per mg of protein) occurred with a mixture of propionate and butyrate. When both propionate and butyrate were present total consumption was not affected by malate but was stimulated by 24% by alpha-oxoglutarate. With alpha-oxoglutarate present, propionate and butyrate each decreased the other's consumption by about 26%, but the total utilization was the greatest observed. 6. The inhibition of acetate consumption by propionate or butyrate is unexplained, but the remaining effects are consistent with an interaction of propionate and butyrate through oxaloacetate together with a general limitation imposed by a need for GTP to rephosphorylate AMP formed during activation of the volatile fatty acids.  相似文献   

Isovalerate-oxidizing strictly aneerobic bacteria were isolated from marine sediment and sewage sludge in coculture with Desulfovibrio sp. Cells stained Gram positive and behaved Gram positive also in Gram classification with KOH. Isovalerate degradation depended on interspecies hydrogen transfer to syntrophic hydrogen-oxidizing sulfate reducers or methanogens. Isovalerate was the only substrate utilized and was fermented to 3 mol acetate and 1 mol hydrogen per mol substrate. The degradation pathway was studied by enzyme assays in crude cell extracts, and included acetyl-CoA dependent activation of isovalerate, oxidation to methylcrotonyl-CoA and carboxylation to methylgluta-conyl-CoA which is hydrated and cleaved to acetoacetate and acetyl-CoA. Studies with inhibitors and ionophores suggest that energy conservation with this organism depends on either acetate efflux-driven proton symport or on an ion-gradient driven carboxylation mechanism.  相似文献   

1. Two mM propionate or butyrate inhibited the mitochondrial uptake of acetate by rat hepatocytes. 2. With propionate the inhibition was so strong that the net formation of acetate in the cytoplasm, usually masked by the mitochondrial uptake, appeared directly as a net output of acetate into the medium; showing that this net formation of acetate, reported by [Crabtree B., Gordon M.-J. and Christie S. L. (1990) Biochem. J. 270, 219-225] is not an artefact arising from a misinterpretation of isotopic data. 3. The results also suggest that propionate and butyrate inhibit peroxisomal metabolism.  相似文献   

Confocal, laser-scanning microscopy was applied to acquire coenzyme F420-based autofluorescence images of middle sections of sludge granules during start-up of a thermophilic reactor that were seeded with mesophilically-grown microorganisms of granular sludge. Digital images were analyzed to calculate weighted averages of autofluorescence. The values were related (r 2=0.97) to specific methanogenic activities of granular sludge as the granules developed to steady state.  相似文献   

不同pH缓冲液对由乙酸产甲烷菌群结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究不同p H缓冲液对乙酸产甲烷过程及对细菌和古菌群落结构的影响。【方法】分别添加磷酸盐(PB)、4-羟乙基哌嗪乙磺酸(HEPES)、哌嗪-1,4-二乙磺酸(PIPES)和Na HCO3/CO2缓冲液到乙酸产甲烷菌系中,定期监测甲烷产生趋势,到稳定期后收集菌体,进行16S rRNA基因的末端限制性片段多态性分析(T-RFLP)。【结果】发现PB组的乙酸产甲烷菌系延滞期约为40d,显著高于其他组的20-24 d(P0.05);Na HCO3/CO2组乙酸转化为甲烷的比例为(88.3±0.5)%,显著高于其他组的77%-81%(P0.05);不同缓冲液组的最大甲烷比生长速率为0.46-0.57 d-1(P0.05);Na HCO3/CO2组的细菌群落变化最明显,主要是未培养细菌(unclassified bacteria)、螺旋菌科细菌(Spirochaetaceae)和未培养WWE1类群的丰度较其他组分别增加到(15.5±9.4)%、(7.3±4.6)%和(17.6±6.3)%,而互养菌科(Synergistaceae)的细菌丰度降低到(8.9±8.1)%。AC+PB组中的古菌类群发生了明显变化,以竹节状甲烷鬃毛菌(Methanosaeta harundinacea)相关的产甲烷古菌占主导(97±2%),而在HEPES、PIPES和Na HCO3/CO2组和不加缓冲液组中同时存在两类乙酸营养型产甲烷古菌M.harundinacea和联合鬃毛甲烷菌(Methanosaeta concilii),以及属于甲烷杆菌目(Methanobacteriales)的氢营养型产甲烷古菌。【结论】在乙酸产甲烷菌系中加入PB增加了甲烷产生的延滞期,加入Na HCO3/CO2增加了甲烷产量,但是添加p H缓冲液不会影响到菌系的最大甲烷比生长速率。加入PB和Na HCO3/CO2都会显著改变微生物的菌群结构。这些研究为设计适宜的产甲烷菌系生长条件提供了参考。  相似文献   

To better understand the fate of chlorophenols treated in upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactors, we examined the ability of sludge granules from such bioreactors to degrade two trichlorophenols and one dichlorophenol in batch incubations under controlled conditions. Biodegradation was primarily limited to two distinct activities, reductive dehalogenation of ortho- and of meta-chlorine substituents. Both 3- and 4-monochlorophenol were persistent degradation products, while 2-monochlorophenol was further degraded. We also examined factors potentially affecting the rate and extent of 2,3,6-trichlorophenol degradation. An initial concentration of up to 1.75 mM (346 mg/liter) was dehalogenated. At that concentration, dehalogenation was partially inhibited but methanogenesis from formate was not. The initial concentration affected both the extent of dehalogenation and which products were detected. The maximum dechlorination rate observed was 1.4 mumol of Cl- h-1 g of volatile suspended solids-1. Dechlorination had a temperature optimum of 50 degrees C, was inhibited by added electron acceptors, and was not appreciably affected by added electron donors. The availability of electron acceptors and electron donors did not affect the extent of chlorophenol degradation. These particular sludge granules do not appear to be capable of mineralizing phenols with meta- or para-chlorine substituents.  相似文献   

Limited degradation of chlorophenols by anaerobic sludge granules.   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
To better understand the fate of chlorophenols treated in upflow anaerobic sludge bed reactors, we examined the ability of sludge granules from such bioreactors to degrade two trichlorophenols and one dichlorophenol in batch incubations under controlled conditions. Biodegradation was primarily limited to two distinct activities, reductive dehalogenation of ortho- and of meta-chlorine substituents. Both 3- and 4-monochlorophenol were persistent degradation products, while 2-monochlorophenol was further degraded. We also examined factors potentially affecting the rate and extent of 2,3,6-trichlorophenol degradation. An initial concentration of up to 1.75 mM (346 mg/liter) was dehalogenated. At that concentration, dehalogenation was partially inhibited but methanogenesis from formate was not. The initial concentration affected both the extent of dehalogenation and which products were detected. The maximum dechlorination rate observed was 1.4 mumol of Cl- h-1 g of volatile suspended solids-1. Dechlorination had a temperature optimum of 50 degrees C, was inhibited by added electron acceptors, and was not appreciably affected by added electron donors. The availability of electron acceptors and electron donors did not affect the extent of chlorophenol degradation. These particular sludge granules do not appear to be capable of mineralizing phenols with meta- or para-chlorine substituents.  相似文献   

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