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A histological mapping procedure was used to study 32 stomachs bearing small cancers and 23 stomachs bearing ulcers. Over 80 per cent of gastric cancers and peptic ulcers occurred within 2 cm of both a mucosal junction and the lesser curvature. They showed slight differences in their longitudinal relationship to the pyloric junction. There were differential characteristics between the groups of cancers arising at each of the three mucosal junctions. Cancers at the pylorus and cardia were more common in males (M:F--2.6:1) and were predominantly well differentiated, whereas those from the intermediate zone were more common in females (M:F--1:1.8) with a relatively higher proportion of undifferentiated cancers. These and other features suggest that gastric cancers should be subdivided according to the junction of origin.  相似文献   

In 3 sheep with subcutaneously exposed vagus nerves and with chronic large fistula of the rumen pharmacological analysis of the motor activity of omasum was carried out after blockade of vagus nerves. The contractions of omasal canal, reticulum and rumen were recorded by the baloon method. After blockade of the vagus nerves with anesthetics the proper pharmacological agents were administered in intravenous injections. In the light of the obtained results it was found that contractions of the omsal canal, persisting after vagal blockade, are independent of the influence of the autonomic system and they are probably due to myogenic automatism. It has been also demonstrated that both alpha and beta adrenergic receptors participate in regulation of the tonous of omasum musclular layers.  相似文献   

Abstract Whereas basic features of post-axotomy muscle reinnervation have been extensively studied in rats, little is known about axonal regrowth and pathfinding in cats. To address the question, adult cats were subjected to facial-facial anastomosis (FFA). First group served to establish optimal parameters for labeling of the zygomatic and buccal facial branches with 1,1'dioctadecyl-3,3,3,'3'-tetramethylindo-carbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) and Fast Blue (FB) placed onto respective transected nerves. The second group of animals underwent identical bilateral labeling 3 months after transection and suture of the right facial nerve. This group served to establish the number of motoneurons, which had branched after surgery and projected into both facial branches. On control side, DiI application onto zygomatico-orbital branch labeled 3883 +/- 598 (mean +/- S.D.) perikarya were confined to the dorsal and intermediate facial subnuclei, meanwhile an application of FB onto the buccal branch labeled 1617 +/- 552 perikarya in the lateral and ventrolateral subnuclei. There were no double-labeled cells. Three months after FFA all retrogradely labeled motoneurons were scattered throughout the entire facial nucleus. To establish the proportion of perikarya, that re-grew multiple axonal branches into both nerves, double-labeled (FB + DiI) motoneurons were counted from digital images. The zygomatico-orbital nerve contained 3311 +/- 430 DiI-labeled whereas the buccal nerve 1500 +/- 442 FB-labeled motoneurons. The occurrence of 311 +/- 103 double-labeled perikarya (DiI+FB) suggested that approximately 6% of all retrogradely labeled motoneurons branched axons into both nerves. I conclude that malfunctioning axonal pathfinding rather than deviant reinnervation contributed to poor recovery of function after FFA in the cat.  相似文献   

Role of vagus nerves in experimental asthma in allergic dogs   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

We have investigated in the salamander the possibility that regenerating mechanosensory nerves might prefer the epidermal Merkel cells (their specific targets) that are located within their segmental domain to those within a "foreign" domain. Since regerating nerves cross domain boundaries with no evidence of the marked delay exhibited by intact sprouting nerves, we examined situations in which the regenerating axons of one segmental nerve were effectively in equal competition for denervated skin with those of another segmental nerve. Additionally, we investigated whether there were differences between regenerating axons and intact sprouting axons of the same segmental nerve, in their ability to innervate available skin both inside and outside the parent domain. No preference was detected of any type of nerve, regenerating or intact, for particular skin regions, or for Merkel cells as indicated by the numbers of mechanosensory thresholds of the touch spots that developed in reinnervated skin. Neither was there any indicating of displacement of "foreign" nerves from a particular region by appropriate axons. When regenerating and intact (sprouting) axons invaded denervated skin more or less simultaneously, the former appeared to have a slight advantage since a significantly greater proportion of skin was innervated by regenerated fibres. With this one exception, all the results were explained most simply by assuming that the axon that first arrives at a denervated Merkel cell establishes a permanent association with that cell and at the same time causes it to lose its "target character" for other axons.  相似文献   

Formation of neuromuscular connections in mammals may involve a hierarchy of efficiency of synapse formation at a stage when motor nerves have already contacted muscle fibers and during the transitional period of multiple innervation. In an attempt to test for such a hierarchy, we examined, in neonatal rats, the relative efficiency of reinnervation by foreign or original nerves implanted simultaneously in a large muscle so that competition for muscle fibers was minimized. The tibial nerve, containing gastrocnemius nerve fibers, and the “foreign” peroneal nerve were implanted into the denervated lateral gastrocnemius muscle. One to five months later, indirect tetanic tensions obtained upon stimulating the implanted nerves were measured by isometric techniques and were compared to contralateral control muscles. When both nerves were implanted side by side at the end-plate region, approximately equal tetanic tensions were obtained at the time of testing. The same result was also obtained when the tibial and common peroneal nerves were implanted into non-end-plate and end-plate regions, respectively. However, in the reverse experiment, the tibial nerve implanted at the end-plate region produced significantly higher tetanic tension than the peroneal nerve at the non-end-plate site in the same muscle. Thus, the original nerve, compared to a foreign nerve, appeared to reinnervate neonatal muscle more effectively, but this was only revealed under conditions where access to former end-plate regions was unequal.  相似文献   

Total or selective branch vagotomy attenuates the reduction of cumulative food intake by cholecystokinin (CCK)-8 and CCK-33 respectively. However, the role of the sympathetic innervation of the gut and the role of the vagus nerve in feeding responses, which include meal size (MS) and intermeal interval (IMI), evoked by CCK-8 and CCK-33 have not been evaluated. Here, we tested the effects of total subdiaphragmatic vagotomy (VGX) and celiaco-mesenteric ganglionectomy (CMGX) on the previous feeding responses by CCK-8 and CCK-33 (0, 1, 3, and 5 nmol/kg given intraperitoneally). We found (1) that both peptides reduced meal size and CCK-8 (5 nmol) and CCK-33 (1 and 3 nmol) prolonged IMI, (2) that VGX attenuated the reduction of MS but failed to attenuate the prolongation of IMI by both peptides and (3) that CMGX attenuated the reduction of meal size by CCK-8 and the prolongation of IMI by both peptides. Therefore, the feeding responses evoked by CCK-8 require intact vagus and splanchnic nerves: the reduction of MS by CCK-33 requires an intact vagus nerve, and the prolongation of IMI requires the splanchnic nerve. These findings demonstrate the differential peripheral neuronal mediation of the feeding responses evoked by CCK-8 and CCK-33.  相似文献   

The rapid development of pulmonary edema that may occur in the rabbit after the intracisternal injection of a mixture of fibrinogen and thrombin has classically been considered to result from a vagally mediated increase in vascular permeability (G. R. Cameron and S. N. De, J. Pathol. Bacteriol 61: 375, 1949) and to not be dependent on hemodynamic mechanisms. We tested this hypothesis by evaluating the relationship between the degree of pulmonary hypertension and postmortem extravascular lung water content (EVLW) in both nonvagotomized (n = 10) and vagotomized (n = 7) rabbits administered thrombin (0.1 ml, 500 U/ml) and fibrinogen (1 ml, 27 mg/ml) intracisternally. No increase in EVLW was observed in either group unless pulmonary arterial pressure (Ppa) exceeded 25 Torr, and large increases in EVLW were only observed at higher Ppa's. These results thus indicate that some degree of pulmonary hypertension is required for the development of this form of edema. Because the vascular pressure required to produce edema in this model approaches that required to increase pulmonary vascular permeability in the rabbit, a pressure-dependent increase in permeability may be a common characteristic of neurogenic pulmonary edema in this species. Vagotomy had no protective effect but instead appeared to increase the amount of edema development for a given degree of pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

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