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FGF signaling is required for initiation of feather placode development   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Morphogenesis of hairs and feathers is initiated by an as yet unknown dermal signal that induces placode formation in the overlying ectoderm. To determine whether FGF signals are required for this process we over-expressed soluble versions of FGFR1 or FGFR2 in the skin of chicken embryos. This produced a complete failure of feather formation prior to any morphological or molecular signs of placode development. We further show that Fgf10 is expressed in the dermis of nascent feather primordia, and that anti-FGF10 antibodies block feather placode development in skin explants. In addition we show that FGF10 can induce expression of positive and negative regulators of feather development and can induce its own expression under conditions of low BMP signaling. Together these results demonstrate that FGF signaling is required for the initiation of feather placode development and implicate FGF10 as an early dermal signal involved in this process.  相似文献   

The pattern of feather buds in a tract is thought to result from the relative ratios between activator and inhibitor signals through a lateral inhibition process. We analyse the role of Drm/Gremlin, a BMPs antagonist expressed during feather pattern formation, in the dermal precursor, the dense dermis, the interbud dermis and in the posterior dermal condensation. We have altered the activity of Drm in embryonic chick skin using retroviral vectors expressing drm/ gremlin and bmps. We show that expression of endogenous drm is under the control of a feedback loop induced by the BMP pathway, and that overexpression of drm results in fusion between adjacent feather buds. We propose that endogenous BMP proteins induce drm expression in the interbud dermis. In turn, the Drm/Gremlin protein limits the inhibitory effect of BMPs, allowing the adjacent row of feathers to form. Thus, the balance between BMPs and its antagonist Drm would regulate the size and spacing of the buds.  相似文献   

BMP2 and BMP7 play antagonistic roles in feather induction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Feathers, like hairs, first appear as primordia consisting of an epidermal placode associated with a dermal condensation that is necessary for the continuation of their differentiation. Previously, the BMPs have been proposed to inhibit skin appendage formation. We show that the function of specific BMPs during feather development is more complex. BMP2 and BMP7, which are expressed in both the epidermis and the dermis, are involved in an antagonistic fashion in regulating the formation of dermal condensations, and thus are both necessary for subsequent feather morphogenesis. BMP7 is expressed earlier and functions as a chemoattractant that recruits cells into the condensation, whereas BMP2 is expressed later, and leads to an arrest of cell migration, likely via its modulation of the EIIIA fibronectin domain and alpha4 integrin expression. Based on the observed cell proliferation, chemotaxis and the timing of BMP2 and BMP7 expression, we propose a mathematical model, a reaction-diffusion system, which not only simulates feather patterning, but which also can account for the negative effects of excess BMP2 or BMP7 on feather formation.  相似文献   

We studied proline-rich divergent homeobox gene Hex/Prh expression in the dorsal skin of chick embryo during feather bud development. Hex mRNA expression was first observed in the dorsolateral ectoderm and mesenchyme at 5 days, then in the epithelium and the dermis of the dorsal skin before placode (primordium of feather bud) formation and then was restricted to the placode and the dermis under the placode. Afterward, Hex expression was seen in the epidermis and the dermis of the posterior region of short bud. In accordance with Hex mRNA expression in the placode, Hex protein was observed in the epidermis as well as in the dermis of the placode. Immunoelectron microscopic study indicated that the protein located both in the nuclei and cytoplasm of the epidermis and the dermis at the short bud stage. The Wnt signaling pathway plays an essential role in the early inductive events in hair (Wnt3a and 7a) and feather (Wnt7a) follicles. The pattern of Hex expression in the epidermis was similar to that of Wnt7a, while little, if any, expression of Wnt7a was detected in the dermis under the placode or the dermis of the short bud compared with that of Hex, suggesting that Hex plays an important role in the initiation of feather morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The dermis promotes the development and maintains the functional components of skin, such as hair follicles, sweat glands, nerves and blood vessels. The dermis is also crucial for wound healing and homeostasis of the skin. The dermis originates from the somites, the lateral plate mesoderm and the cranial neural crest. Despite the importance of the dermis in the structural and functional integrity of the skin, genetic analysis of dermal development in different parts of the embryo is incomplete. The signaling requirements for ventral dermal cell development have not been established in either the chick or the mammalian embryo. We have shown previously that Wnt signaling specifies the dorsal dermis from the somites. In this study, we demonstrate that Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is necessary for the survival of early ventral dermal progenitors. In addition, we show that, at later stages, Wnt/beta-catenin signaling is sufficient for ventral dermal cell specification. Consistent with the different origins of dorsal and ventral dermal cells, our results demonstrate both conserved and divergent roles of beta-catenin/Wnt signaling in dermal development.  相似文献   

Expression of four BMP antagonist genes, noggin, chordin, gremlin and Follistatin, was examined during chick feather development. Although expression of noggin and chordin was not detected, gremlin and Follistatin were expressed differentially in feather buds. The differential expression patterns of gremlin and Follistatin change dynamically from the nascent inter-feather bud region to the posterior domain of the feather bud.  相似文献   

Selective cell death by apoptosis plays important roles in organogenesis. Apoptotic cells are observed in the developmental and homeostatic processes of several ectodermal organs, such as hairs, feathers, and mammary glands. In chick feather development, apoptotic events have been observed during feather morphogenesis, but have not been investigated during early feather bud formation. Previously, we have reported a method for generating feather buds on a bioengineered skin from dissociated skin epithelial and mesenchymal cells in three-dimensional culture. During the development of the bioengineered skin, epithelial cavity formation by apoptosis was observed in the epithelial tissue. In this study, we examined the selective epithelial cell death during the bioengineered skin development. Histological analyses suggest that the selective epithelial cell death in the bioengineered skin was induced by caspase-3-related apoptosis. The formation of feather buds of the bioengineered skin was disturbed by the treatment with a pan-caspase inhibitor. The pan-caspase inhibitor treatment suppressed the rearrangement of the epithelial layer and the formation of dermal condensation, which are thought to be essential step to form feather buds. The suppression of the formation of feather buds on the pan-caspase inhibitor-treated skin was partially compensated by the addition of a GSK-3β inhibitor, which activates Wnt/β-catenin signaling. These results suggest that the epithelial cell death is involved in the formation of feather buds of the bioengineered skin. These observations also suggest that caspase activities and Wnt/β-catenin signaling may contribute to the formation of epithelial and mesenchymal components in the bioengineered skin.  相似文献   

A number of homeobox genes have been found to be expressed in skin and its appendages, such as scale and feather, and appear to be candidates for the regulation of the development of these tissues. We report that the proline-rich divergent homeobox gene Hex is expressed during development of chick embryonic skin and its appendages (scale and feather). In situ hybridization analysis revealed that, during development of the skin, a transient expression of the Hex gene was observed. While the expression of Hex in the dermis was closely correlated with proliferation activity of epidermal basal cells, that in the epidermis was related to a suppression of epidermal differentiation. When dermal fibroblasts were transfected with Hex, stimulation of both DNA synthesis and proliferation of the epidermal cells followed by two-fold scale ridge elongation and increase in epidermal area was observed during culture of the skin, whereas epidemal keratinization was not affected. This is the first study to demonstrate that Hex is expressed during development of the skin and its appendages and that its expression in the dermal cells regulates epidermal cell proliferation through epithelial mesenchymal interaction.  相似文献   

Signaling dynamics of feather tract formation from the chick somatopleure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In the chick, most feathers are restricted to specific areas of the skin, the feather tracts or pterylae, while other areas, such as the apteria, remain bare. In the embryo, the expansion and closure of the somatopleure leads to the juxtaposition of the ventral pteryla, midventral apterium and amnion. The embryonic proximal somatopleural mesoderm is determined to form a feather-forming dermis at 2 days of incubation (E2), while the embryonic distal and the extra-embryonic somatopleure remain open to determination. We found a progressive, lateral expression of Noggin in the embryonic area, and downregulation of Msx1, a BMP4 target gene, with Msx1 expression being ultimately restricted to the most distal embryonic and extra-embryonic somatopleural mesoderm. Msx1 downregulation thus correlates with the formation of the pterylae, and its maintenance to that of the apterium. Suspecting that the inhibition of BMP4 signaling might be linked to the determination of a feather-forming dermis, we grafted Noggin-expressing cells in the distal somatopleure at E2. This elicited the formation of a supplementary pteryla in the midventral apterium. Endogenous Noggin, which is secreted by the intermediate mesoderm at E2, then by the proximal somatopleure at E4, could be sufficient to suppress BMP4 signaling in the proximal somatopleural mesoderm and then in part of the distal somatopleure, thus in turn allowing the formation of the dense dermis of the future pterylae. The same result was obtained with the graft of Shh-producing cells, but Noggin and Shh are both required in order to change the future amnion into a feather-bearing skin. A possible synergistic role of endogenous Shh from the embryonic endoderm remains to be confirmed.  相似文献   

Avian feathers have robust growth and regeneration capability. To evaluate the contribution of signaling molecules and pathways in these processes, we profiled gene expression in the feather follicle using an absolute quantification approach. We identified hundreds of genes that mark specific components of the feather follicle: the dermal papillae (DP) which controls feather regeneration and axis formation, the pulp mesenchyme (Pp) which is derived from DP cells and nourishes the feather follicle, and the ramogenic zone epithelium (Erz) where a feather starts to branch. The feather DP is enriched in BMP/TGF-β signaling molecules and inhibitors for Wnt signaling including Dkk2/Frzb. Wnt ligands are mainly expressed in the feather epithelium and pulp. We find that while Wnt signaling is required for the maintenance of DP marker gene expression and feather regeneration, excessive Wnt signaling delays regeneration and reduces pulp formation. Manipulating Dkk2/Frzb expression by lentiviral-mediated overexpression, shRNA-knockdown, or by antibody neutralization resulted in dual feather axes formation. Our results suggest that the Wnt signaling in the proximal feather follicle is fine-tuned to accommodate feather regeneration and axis formation.  相似文献   

The initiation of the development of skin appendages (hair/feathers/scales) requires a signal from the competent dense dermis to the epidermis (Dhouailly, 1977). It is therefore essential to understand how to make a competent dermis. In recent years, a few studies have focused on the development of the dorsal dermis from the somitic dermomyotome. Our first aim in this review is to attempt to reconcile the available data on the origin of the dorsal dermis and summarize the present knowledge on the molecular mechanisms implicated in dermal lineage induction. Secondly, we open the discussion on the formation of a loose pre-dermal mesenchyme and more importantly of a dense dermis capable of participating in appendage development. To go further we draw a comparison between the chick and mouse systems to gain a new insight into how to initiate appendage morphogenesis and regulate the extent of hair/feather fields.  相似文献   

The dorsal and the ventral trunk integuments of the chick differ in their dermal cell lineage (originating from the somatic and somatopleural mesoderm respectively) and in the distribution of their feather fields. The dorsal macropattern has a large spinal pteryla surrounded by semi-apteria, whereas the ventral skin has a true medial apterium surrounded by the ventral pterylae. Comparison of the results of heterotopic transplantations of distal somatopleure in place of somatic mesoderm (Mauger 1972) or in place of proximal somatopleure (our data), leads to two conclusions. These are that the fate of the midventral apterium is not committed at day 2 of incubation and that the signals from the environment which specify the ventral and dorsal featherforming dermal progenitors are different. Effectively, Shh, but not Wnt -1 signalling can induce the formation of feather forming dermis from the embryonic somatopleure. Shh is not able, however, to trigger the formation of a feather forming dermis from the extra embryonic somatopleure. This brief report constitutes the first attempt, by comparing old and new preliminary results, to understand whether dermal progenitors at different sites are specified by different signalling pathways.  相似文献   

The proepicardium (PE) is a transient structure formed by pericardial coelomic mesothelium at the venous pole of the embryonic heart and gives rise to several cell types of the mature heart. In order to study PE development in chick embryos, we have analyzed the expression pattern of the marker genes Tbx18, Wt1, and Cfc. During PE induction, the three marker genes displayed a left-right asymmetric expression pattern. In each case, expression on the right side was stronger than on the left side. The left-right asymmetric gene expression observed here is in accord with the asymmetric formation of the proepicardium in the chick embryo. While initially the marker genes were expressed in the primitive sinus horn, subsequently, expression became confined to the PE mesothelium. In order to search for signaling factors involved in PE development, we studied Bmp2 and Bmp4 expression. Bmp2 was bilaterally expressed in the sinus venosus. In contrast, Bmp4 expression was initially expressed unilaterally in the right sinus horn and subsequently in the PE. In order to assess its functional role, BMP signaling was experimentally modulated by supplying exogenous BMP2 and by inhibiting endogenous BMP signaling through the addition of Noggin. Both supplying BMP and blocking BMP signaling resulted in a loss of PE marker gene expression. Surprisingly, both experimental situations lead to cardiac myocyte formation in the PE cultures. Careful titration experiments with exogenously added BMP2 or Noggin revealed that PE-specific marker gene expression depends on a low level of BMP signaling. Implantation of BMP2-secreting cells or beads filled with Noggin protein into the right sinus horn of HH stage 11 embryos resulted in downregulation of Tbx18 expression, corresponding to the results of the explant assay. Thus, a distinct level of BMP signaling is required for PE formation in the chick embryo.  相似文献   

Dermal fibroblasts are required for structural integrity of the skin and for hair follicle development. Uniform Wnt signaling activity is present in dermal fibroblast precursors preceding hair follicle initiation, but the functional requirement of dermal Wnt signaling at early stages of skin differentiation and patterning remains largely uncharacterized. We show in mice that epidermal Wnt ligands are required for uniform dermal Wnt signaling/β-catenin activity and regulate fibroblast cell proliferation and initiation of hair follicle placodes. In the absence of dermal Wnt signaling/β-catenin activity, patterned upregulation of epidermal β-catenin activity and Edar expression are absent. Conversely, forced activation of β-catenin signaling leads to the formation of thickened dermis, enlarged epidermal placodes and dermal condensates that result in prematurely differentiated enlarged hair follicles. These data reveal functional roles for dermal Wnt signaling/β-catenin in fibroblast proliferation and in the epidermal hair follicle initiation program.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling plays an essential role in early tooth development, evidenced by disruption of BMP signaling leading to an early arrested tooth development. Despite being a central mediator of BMP canonical signaling pathway, inactivation of Smad4 in dental mesenchyme does not result in early developmental defects. In the current study, we investigated the mechanism of receptor-activated Smads (R-Smads) and Smad4 in the regulation of the odontogenic gene Msx1 expression in the dental mesenchyme. We showed that the canonical BMP signaling is not operating in the early developing tooth, as assessed by failed activation of the BRE-Gal transgenic allele and the absence of phospho-(p)Smad1/5/8-Smad4 complexes. The absence of pSmad1/5/8-Smad4 complex appeared to be the consequence of saturation of Smad4 by pSmad2/3 in the dental mesenchyme as knockdown of Smad2/3 or overexpression of Smad4 led to the formation of pSmad1/5/8-Smad4 complexes and activation of canonical BMP signaling in dental mesenchymal cells. We showed that Smad1/5 but not Smad4 are required for BMP-induced expression of Msx1 in dental mesenchymal cells. We further presented evidence that in the absence of Smad4, BMPs are still able to induce pSmad1/5/8 nuclear translocation and their binding to the Msx1 promoter directly in dental mesenchymal cells. Our results demonstrate the functional operation of an atypical canonical BMP signaling (Smad4-independent and Smad1/5/8-dependent) pathway in the dental mesenchyme during early odontogenesis, which may have general implication in the development of other organs.  相似文献   

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