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研究了机械刺激对细胞膜的间隙连接半通道的作用。采用了单滴溶液从不同高度自由落下时对细胞表面的冲击作为机械刺激。单滴染料+EGTA从不同高度落下冲击细胞时,细胞的染料负荷随刺激高度的增加而加强。只用染料而无EGTA时,只有很少量细胞摄取染料。说明EGTA的存在有重要意义。然而,从培养皿边缘缓慢加入5(6)-carboxyfluorescein(简称染料)+EGTA溶液,避免机械刺激时,所有细胞均无染  相似文献   

Seedlings of Datura stramonium L., although not photoperiodically sensitive, are useful for floral transition studies when raised in a growth chamber at a constant temperature of 25 C with a photoperiod of 8 hr of light (1,600-2,000 ft-c) and 16 hr of darkness. A terminal flower is formed after the seventh or eighth leaf primordium is produced. A constant rate of leaf initiation up to the time of flowering enables specific apical stages to be obtained and studied. Changes in the mitotic index, substantiated with calculated rates of cell division (measured by the accumulation of metaphases following treatment with colchicine) were studied in shoot apical zones during transition to flowering. Fluctuations in the mitotic index of each zone in the vegetative and transition apex with respect to apical stage as well as time of day were not statistically significant. The mitotic index of the summit zone of the vegetative apex was significantly lower than in the other zones whose mitotic indices were not significantly different from one another. During floral transition the mitotic index of the summit zone as well as the central zone (just below the summit zone) significantly increased while no significant changes were detected in the flank zones. It was shown that the mitotic index could be considered representative of the rates of cell division in Datura.  相似文献   

损毁和刺激垂体对大鼠痛阈的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用局限性损毁和刺激垂体的方法,以行为测痛为指标,观察大鼠垂体在痛觉调节中的作用以及地塞米松(Dex)对其影响。实验结果显示,损毁垂体中间叶(IL)及邻近的前叶(AL),大鼠痛阈明显低于手术前的痛阈(P<0.01)。电刺激垂体的上述同样部位,大鼠痛阈明显高于手术基础值及自身假刺激值(P<0.001)。经Dex处理的动物,电刺激垂体不再引起痛阈升高。结果表明,大鼠垂体IL及靠近AL与痛调节有关,这种  相似文献   

拉伸作用对成骨细胞粘附、铺展、粘弹性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用四点弯曲梁实验装置(自行研制)对离体培养的大鼠成骨细胞,施以拉伸应变影响,通过微管吸吮系统、显微摄录、计算机图像系统了解细胞的粘附、铺展行为和细胞的粘弹性变化,认识细胞形态、粘附力及变形性对机械刺激的响应。发现:(1)机械拉伸2h成骨细胞与基底粘附力以及细胞单位面积粘附力较对照组明显升高,但加载后期与对照无明显;(2)成骨细胞粘弹性较对照组略低;(3)加载24h(500με)实验组细胞增殖比对照组快。机械拉伸有成骨细胞生长,并可通过粘附、铺展调整、削减应变影响。  相似文献   

Data are presented on the mechanical consequences of dehydration for the petioles of two monocots and two dicots differing in leaf morphology (pinnate leaves ofChamaedorea erumpens and simple leaves of Spathiphyllum ‘clevelandii‘; pinnate leaves of Acer negundo and simple leaves of A. saccharum). The flexural stiffness EI of petioles decreased over a broad range of tissue water potential (– 10 < ψw <– 50 bars). Within the same range of ψ, the second moment of area I and the elastic modulus E were observed to decrease and increase, respectively. However, the mechanical alterations of Chamaedorea and A. negundo petioles were significantly less than those observed for Spathiphyllum and A. saccharum petioles. The increase in E of Spathiphyllum and A. saccharum petioles attending dehydration was linearly correlated with an increase in the relative volume fraction of tissues with lignified, thick cell walls (“support tissues”). The decrease in I of Spathiphyllum and A. saccharum petioles was linearly correlated with a decrease in the relative volume fraction of tissues with nonlignified, thin cell walls (“ground tissues”). Similar trends were observed for the petioles of C. erumpens and A. negundo but were found not to be statistically significant. Anatomical differences in the relative volume fraction and spatial locations of support tissues in the petioles of these four taxa appear to account for the differences observed in the mechanical consequences of petiole dehydration.  相似文献   

本工作观察电刺激和微量高渗盐水注入室旁核(PVN)对蓝斑(LC)单位放电和血压的影响,以及阻断LC内精氨酸加压素(AVP)受体时PVN升压反应的变化,从而探讨PVN下行活动对LC单位放电的调制作用和LC在PVN调节血压过程中的地位。结果发现:(1)电刺激PVN使多数LC自发放电单位放电频率增高,并伴血压升高;(2)微量高渗盐水注入PVN也获得同样效果;(3)多数对电刺激PVN产生兴奋反应的LC单位,对高渗盐水注入PVN也表现为兴奋;(4)预先在LC注入AVP桔抗剂,可部分降低电刺激和高渗盐水注入PVN所引起的升压效应。上述结果提示:PVN调节血压的作用部分是通过PVN下行活动对LC功能影响实现的,PVN下行活动主要引起LC自发放电单位放电频率增加,并提示这一兴奋效应可能是由AVP介导的。  相似文献   

刺激大鼠蓝斑核区对胃电和胃运动的影响   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
用乌拉坦麻醉的大鼠,同步描记血压、胃电和胃运动,观察了刺激蓝斑核区对胃电和胃运动的影响,分析了其作用途径。实验结果表明,刺激蓝斑核区后血压平均升高60.5mmHg(P<0.001);胃电慢波的振幅由对照的0.52mV 减弱到0.18mV(P<0.001)。快波的振幅和频率也减少。胃内压平均下降到对照值的29.9%(P<0.001)。在横断颈髓的动物刺激蓝斑核区后血压的升高幅度明显减弱,平均升高9mmHg,升压效应的潜伏期明显延长;胃电慢波的振幅由对照的0.53mV 减弱到 0.24mV(P<0.001)。胃内压平均下降到对照值的45.1%。对胃电和胃运动的这种抑制效应可被切断迷走神经所完全消除。在事先切断迷走神经但脊髓仍保留完整的动物,刺激蓝斑核区使胃内压平均下降36.6%(P<0.01)。根据以上结果认为,蓝斑核区可能参与对胃电和胃运动的中枢性调节。此调节机制可能经由脊髓和迷走两条通路实现。  相似文献   

电刺激猫小脑顶核对动脉血压和肾交感神经放电的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童岗  富维骏  卢振东 《生理学报》1988,40(4):356-364
在38只麻醉及人工呼吸的猫,观察到电刺激小脑顶核嘴侧部能引起动脉血压显著升高;肾交感神经放电于刺激期间显著增加。去缓冲神经对刺激顶核所引起的血压反应的幅度和肾交感神经放电均无明显影响,但可明显延长血压反应升高相以及血压恢复期的时间。静脉注射氯庄定引起血压降低、心率减慢及肾交感神经放电的抑制,并能减弱刺激顶核引起的血压反应,但增强了刺激顶核引起的肾神经放电的变化。电解损毁延髓腹外侧面引起血压降低及肾交感神经放电的抑制,然而无论单侧还是双侧损毁延髓腹外侧面都不能阻断刺激顶核所引起的血压和肾交感神经放电的反应。以上结果表明,电刺激顶核能引起明显的心血管反应,其反应的下行性通路可能不通过延髓腹外侧面。  相似文献   

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