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Gibberellic acid (GA) treatment of vegetative shoots of Xanthium leads to a change in phyllotaxis as diagnosed in transverse sections of apical buds. A method of analysis is proposed for estimating the phyllotactic parameters, the plastochron ratio, a, and the divergence angle, α, from measurements of the angular and radial positions of leaf primordia in sections. GA treatment significantly decreases the plastochron ratio, a, from 1.35 in controls, to 1.19 in GA-treated plants, as shown by an analysis of variance, but has no significant effect on the divergence angle. The estimates of a and α are compared with the parameters of theoretical phyllotaxis models, leading to the designation (2, 3) for controls, and (3, 5) for GA-treated plants, where the integers 2, 3, and 5 designate sets of contact parastichies. The change in a is interpreted as indicating a change in the relative position at which leaf primordia are initiated in the apical meristem, and this effect is discussed in relation to theories of leaf initiation.  相似文献   

One application of gibberellic acid (GA3) to young internodes significantly accelerated the rate of leaf initiation and caused an increase in the number of internodes in shoots of Xanthium pennsylvanicum. The average duration of one plastochron was reduced from 3.3 to 1.9 days. The rate of growth of the GA3-treated internodes, and also of those positioned above and below, was at least twice that of the control. It appeared that the growth substance was translocated both acropetally and basipetally from the locus of application and that it significantly accelerated the rate of stem elongation. Gibberellic acid also had a pronounced morphogenetic effect on the leaves. It induced the development of lanceolate leaves instead of typical deltoid leaves. The area and the leaf length of the treated plants were both significantly reduced. Each response may be regulated by increasing or decreasing the concentration of gibberellic acid. The induced morphogenetic changes were not permanent. A reversion to the original condition was noticeable about 8 wk after treatment.  相似文献   

A single application of gibberellic acid to young internodes significantly accelerated the rate of internode growth and the rate of leaf production in shoots of Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr. The average duration of one plastochron in treated plants was reduced to 43% of control levels. Gibberellic acid also had a pronounced morphogenetic effect on leaves so that the area and leaf length of treated plants were both significantly reduced. Depending upon concentration, auxin had both inhibitory and promotive effects on Xanthium shoots. Indole-3-acetic acid markedly altered the response of the gibberellic acid-treated internodes and those located above and below the site of application. In addition, high auxin concentrations induced the formation of adventitious roots in treated internodes. Auxin also brought about significant reductions in the length and area of leaves developed under the influence of this hormone.  相似文献   

Changes in protein biosynthesis have been studied during the induction and formation of antheridium in Anemia phyllitidis .
Based on incorporation of 14C-amino acid mixture into TCA precipitable material two distinct phases of accelerated protein biosynthesis were observed. First phase initiates at 4th day, while the second at 8th day of development. The first phase is likely associated with antheridium induction and second with spermatogenesis. From electrophoretic pattern of proteins on stained acrylamid gels and from radioactivity profiles of labelled proteins distinct quantitative differences between vegetative and reproductive prothalli were observed at different stages of antheridial development. Radioactivity profiles reveal characteristic pattern of each stage of antheridial differentiation.  相似文献   

Xanthium plants were grown vegetatively and their developmental stages were designated by a previously described plastochron index (PI). Internodes of plants, both treated with gibberellic acid (GA3) and untreated, were marked with India ink and photographed during 3 successive days. The relative elemental rates of elongation d(dX/dt)/dX were estimated between 15.7 and 19.0 plastochrons. The rate of growth of the GA3-treated internodes was at least twice that of the control. The emerging pattern of acropetal internode elongation was similar in both GA3-treated and control plants. Only rates of growth were significantly higher in the GA3-treated plants. The acropetal pattern of internode elongation was the opposite of the basipetal pattern observed in Xanthium leaves but followed the acropetal pattern observed in Helianthus and Phaseolus internode growth.  相似文献   

—Isolated retinas from chick embryos and mature animals were incubated in [3H]GABA at 25°C for 10 min in order to investigate kinetic properties of the amino acid uptake system. Embryo retina accumulated [3H]GABA by two distinct kinetic systems with Km values of the order 10−4m and 10−5m for the low- and high-affinity mechanisms respectively. However, as the retina matured, the high-affinity process disappeared and only the low-affinity system was detectable. No obvious explanation can be offered for this phenomenon although a similar observation has previously been made in chick brain by other workers.  相似文献   

Photoperiodic floral induction in Xanthium, achieved by subjecting the plants to two long nights, is accompanied by a transient change of the phyllotaxis from the (2, 3) contact parastichy pattern of vegetative plants, to a (3, 5) pattern during the transition. To specify the phyllotaxis, two parameters were estimated from transverse sections of apical buds of control and treated plants: the divergence angle, α, and the plastochron ratio, a. The plastochron ratio decreased progressively during transition from the vegetative to the reproductive state of growth, from a = 1.48 initially to a = 1.15 six days after the beginning of induction. The divergence angle was not altered during the transition. This change in phyllotaxis is interpreted as a change in the relative positioning of leaf primordia on the transitional apex. This transient change appears to be identical with the previously described long-term change of the phyllotaxis of Xanthium brought about by treatment of plants with gibberellic acid.  相似文献   

钾通道阻断剂所致的蜗内直流电位改变   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王坚  李倩虹 《生理学报》1993,45(1):69-74
本实验采用耳蜗外淋巴灌流技术,观察了四氨基吡啶(4-AP)、四乙基铵(TEA)以及奎宁等不同钾通道阻断剂对豚鼠蜗内直流电位(EP)的影响。发现快钾通道阻断剂4-AP对EP无明显影响,但可改变强噪声所致EP改变的形式。TEA与奎宁则可减少负相EP(N-EP)的绝对值。实验结果提示耳蜗内有不同类型的钾离子通道存在并各具有不同的生理意义。  相似文献   

The changes in lymphocyte kinetics induced by the lymphocyte mobilizing agent polymethacrylic acid (PMAA) were studied in the normal rat. Quantitative data are presented concerning the degree of lymphocyte mobilization in the spleen and in various lymph nodes at different times after PMAA administration. Data were also obtained regarding the exact site of lymphocyte mobilization in the spleen. Evidence is given that PMAA mobilizes both T and B lymphocytes.
Furthermore, results are presented on the different routes along which mobilized lymphocytes reach the blood. It is concluded that lymphocytes mobilized from the various lymph nodes are transported to the peripheral blood mainly by way of the efferent lymphatics ('indirect' route) while lymphocytes mobilized from the spleen will enter the blood chiefly via the so-called 'direct' route.
The relevance of these data to lymphocyte kinetics is discussed in relation to the planning of effective irradiation schedules for extra-corporeal irradiation of the blood during induced lymphocyte mobilization.  相似文献   

Abstract— —Studies were undertaken to correlate the changes in the synthesis of brain nuclear RNA during olfactory stimulation in saltwater catfish ( Galeichthys felis ). Catfish allowed to swim for 1 hr in sea water containing morpholine (10−4 M) showed an increase in brain nuclear RNA and a change in base ratios in contrast to controls in plain sea water. These changes in brain nuclear RNA were reversed within 24 hr to the levels of unstimulated controls when morpholine stimulated fish were transferred to fresh sea water.
In a split-brain preparation in an isolated catfish head, one naris was washed with morpholine in sea water (10−6 M), while the other naris was washed with plain sea water. The stimulated half of the brain, compared to the unstimulated half, showed the same changes in nuclear RNA as those noted in free swimming catfish. Brain cytoplasmic fractions did not exhibit any changes in RNA following olfactory stimulation. Amyl acetate, shrimp extract, and extracts from red fish skin as odorants also elicited changes in brain nuclear RNA. With each odorant there was an increase in amount of RNA and also a change in base ratio, where the base ratio changes were different for each odorant tested. With camphor as an odorant, there was an increase in brain nuclear RNA, while with menthol as an odorant, there was a decrease in brain nuclear RNA. In both instances the base ratio of the RNA did not change in contrast to the controls. These studies suggest that olfactory stimulants affect a change in content and character of the RNA in brain nuclei, whereas irritants to the olfactory epithelium change the content of brain nuclear RNA but do not alter the base ratio.  相似文献   

Comparison with respect to the promoting effect on the yeastsporulation was made between RNA fractions prepared by a phenolmethod from two strains of yeast (Saccharomyces ellipsoideus),the one (KV2) which needs GA-treatment to be responsive to thecell-elongating action of auxin and the other (P 602) whichdoes not need it. For obtainting RNA preparation active in promotingthe sporulation, cells of the former strain had to be pretreatedwith GA, but the GA-treatment was unnecessary in the latterstrain. An RNA fraction that remarkably promoted sporulation in yeastwas obtained from the GA-treated tuber tissue of Jerusalem artichoke.The tuber tissue is known to become highly responsive to thecell expansion-promoting action of auxin through GA-treatment. In any case, the sporulation-promoting effect was found onlyin "phenol RNA" but not in "water RNA", and the former "RNA"was inactivated by the treatment with RNase. (Received November 1, 1966; )  相似文献   

With the inflorescence removed, intercalary growth can be maintained in the scape of Gerbera jamesonii by application of gibberellic acid (GA, gibberellin A3) or indole-3-acetic acid (IAA); the latter usually promotes more rapid and greater elongation than the former because of a greater effect on older tissues. Simultaneous application of the two substances, even when both are at optimal levels, promotes more rapid elongation than either substance alone; in fact, the rate of elongation may equal that of the intact scape. In decapitated scapes (receptacle and involucral bracts removed with the inflorescence), GA and IAA promote cell elongation with reduced or no cell division. In deflowered scapes (receptacle and involucral bracts intact) both GA and IAA promote cell division, as well as cell elongation, so that the pattern of scape elongation is nearly the same as that for intact scapes. Apparently the bracts and receptacle contribute something required for cell division which acts in concert with GA and IAA. Deflowered and decapitated scapes elongate at nearly the same rates initially; thus the rate of elongation does not depend on cell division. The ultimate length of the scape is dependent on cell number and, hence, cell division, since deflowered scapes attain greater lengths than those that are decapitated.  相似文献   

The addition in vitro of insulin to rat adipose tissue (epididymal) produces marked metabolic changes which may be followed by measurement of the net gas exchange of the tissue. Using this method to monitor the metabolic action of insulin, concomitant observations with the electron microscope on the tissue have been made. These reveal that pronounced morphological changes are induced by insulin. The plasma membranes of the adipose cells become invaginated at many sites to form minute finger-like indentations. Numerous tiny, membrane-bounded vesicles are also present and arranged in relationship to the plasma membrane in such a way as to suggest that their formation occurred when a recessed fold was pinched off. Deeper in the cytoplasm, especially in specimens that had been incubated a longer time, numerous large, smooth, membrane-limited vesicles are seen. Finally, in these incubated specimens the cytoplasmic matrix has lost much of its granular nature, small lipid droplets are frequently found in the cytoplasm and suggestive changes have occurred in mitochondria. In control specimens, incubated without insulin for identical periods of time, indentations and vesicles in the plasma membrane are sparse at best and no vesicles or membrane-bound spaces appear deeper in the cytoplasm. The metabolic and morphologic changes induced by insulin seem to be interdependent events. Both changes appear to be initiated rapidly and concomitantly in the tissue. Both processes are initiated by insulin at concentrations considered to be physiological, 0.004 µg. (100 µunits) per ml. Insulin treated with alkali fails to initiate either process. It is concluded that insulin initiates pinocytosis in rat adipose tissue and the possible significance of this process in the mode of action of insulin is discussed.  相似文献   

Auxin (IAA) at physiological concentrations causes significant reduction of GA3-promoted growth in excised Avena stem segments. IAA is thus considered to be a gibberellin antagonist in this system. It was found to act non-competitively in repressing GA3-augmented growth in these segments. In intercalary meristem cells at the base of the elongating internode, GA3 blocks cell division activity and causes a marked increase in cell lengthening. IAA substantially promotes lateral expansion in comparable intercalary meristem cells, particularly in the vicinity of vascular bundles underlying the epidermis. It also alters the plane of cell division in differentiating stomata. IAA at high concentrations (10−3, 10−4 m ), in combination with GA3, overrides the effects of GA3 on cell lengthening, while with low concentrations of IAA (10−9, 10−10m ), the effects of GA3 are clearly dominant. At intermediate concentrations of IAA (10−6, 10−7m ), in the presence of GA3, the effects of this treatment on cell differentiation closely parallel the pattern of differentiation in untreated tissue. It is postulated that a lateral gradient of auxin and gibberellin could control cell expansion in long epidermal cells during intercalary growth of the internode.  相似文献   

The changes in proliferative activity of tubular epithelial cells of the rat kidney following a single injection of folic acid (250 mg/kg body weight) have been studied. Autoradiography with tritiated thymidine revealed a large increase in numbers of labelled cells, beginning at about 18 hr, in each of the three kidney zones examined. In the cortex the maximum increase in labelling index (16 times normal) was found at 36 hr whereas that of the outer medulla (34 times normal) occurred at 24 hr; there was no clearly defined peak in the inner medulla, values of up to 36 times normal being found between 24 and 96 hr. These changes were followed several hours later by similar changes in mitotic index in the corresponding zones. All the indices, except the mitotic index of the inner medulla, had returned to normal by 6 days. Comparison of the curves of labelling index and mitotic index in each zone indicated that the number of cells induced to synthesize DNA was approximately similar to the number of cells which subsequently underwent mitosis. A large increase was also found in the specific activity of DNA extracted from homogenates of whole kidneys from folic acid-injected rats, again using tritiated thymidine as label. The increase began at about 18 hr, reached a maximum of 16 times normal at 32 hr and returned to normal by 6 days. These changes were similar to those of labelling index in the cortical zone.  相似文献   

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