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Synonymous codons encode the same amino acid, but differ in other biophysical properties. The evolutionary selection of codons whose properties are optimal for a cell generates the phenomenon of codon bias. Although recent studies have shown strong effects of codon usage changes on protein expression levels and cellular physiology, no translational control mechanism is known that links codon usage to protein expression levels. Here, we demonstrate a novel translational control mechanism that responds to the speed of ribosome movement immediately after the start codon. High initiation rates are only possible if start codons are liberated sufficiently fast, thus accounting for the observation that fast codons are overrepresented in highly expressed proteins. In contrast, slow codons lead to slow liberation of the start codon by initiating ribosomes, thereby interfering with efficient translation initiation. Codon usage thus evolved as a means to optimise translation on individual mRNAs, as well as global optimisation of ribosome availability.  相似文献   

由于对真核生物基因转录延伸期研究的忽视,现有的真核生物基因转录理论存在种种的偏颇.然而,新近的研究发现却使人们逐渐认识到,真核基因转录延伸阶段其实是真核细胞调节基因转录的一个高度有序、而又极为复杂的调控平台.本文尝试对近年来真核生物基因转录延伸领域的研究进展,包括转录延伸与mRNA加工的偶联、基因转录延伸调控的分子机理以及转录延伸调控对发肯和应激反应产生的影响,作概括性的综述.  相似文献   

Translation initiation in eukaryotes is accomplished through the coordinated and orderly action of a large number of proteins, including the eIF4 initiation factors. Herein, we report that pateamine A (PatA), a potent antiproliferative and proapoptotic marine natural product, inhibits cap-dependent eukaryotic translation initiation. PatA bound to and enhanced the intrinsic enzymatic activities of eIF4A, yet it inhibited eIF4A-eIF4G association and promoted the formation of a stable ternary complex between eIF4A and eIF4B. These changes in eIF4A affinity for its partner proteins upon binding to PatA caused the stalling of initiation complexes on mRNA in vitro and induced stress granule formation in vivo. These results suggest that PatA will be a valuable molecular probe for future studies of eukaryotic translation initiation and may serve as a lead compound for the development of anticancer agents.  相似文献   

The choice of synonymous codons used to encode a polypeptide contributes to substantial differences in translation efficiency between genes. However, both the magnitude and the mechanisms of codon-mediated effects are unknown, as neither the effects of individual codons nor the parameters that modulate codon-mediated regulation are understood, particularly in eukaryotes. To explore this problem in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we performed the first systematic analysis of codon effects on expression. We find that the arginine codon CGA is strongly inhibitory, resulting in progressively and sharply reduced expression with increased CGA codon dosage. CGA-mediated inhibition of expression is primarily due to wobble decoding of CGA, since it is nearly completely suppressed by coexpression of an exact match anticodon-mutated tRNA(Arg(UCG)), and is associated with generation of a smaller RNA fragment, likely due to endonucleolytic cleavage at a stalled ribosome. Moreover, CGA codon pairs are more effective inhibitors of expression than individual CGA codons. These results directly implicate decoding by the ribosome and interactions at neighboring sites within the ribosome as mediators of codon-specific translation efficiency.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is governed by the interaction of two, class 1 and class 2, polypeptide chain release factors with the ribosome. The middle (M) domain of the class 1 factor eRF1 contains the strictly conserved GGQ motif and is involved in hydrolysis of the peptidyl-tRNA ester bond in the peptidyl transferase center of the large ribosome subunit. Heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy was used to map the interaction interface of the M domain of human eRF1 with eukaryotic ribosomes. The protein was found to specifically interact with the 60S subunit, since no interaction was detected with the 40S subunit. The amino acid residues forming the interface mostly belong to long helix α1 of the M domain. Some residues adjacent to α1 and belonging to strand β5 and short helices α2 and α3 are also involved in the protein-ribosome contact. The functionally inactive G183A mutant interacted with the ribosome far more weakly as compared with the wild-type eRF1. The interaction interfaces of the two proteins were nonidentical. It was concluded that long helix α1 is functionally important and that the conformational flexibility of the GGQ loop is essential for the tight protein-ribosome contact.  相似文献   

The opportunistic pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus is ubiquitous in the environment and predominantly infects immunocompromised patients. The functions of many genes remain unknown despite sequencing of the fungal genome. A putative translation elongation factor 1Bγ (eEF1Bγ, termed elfA; 750 bp) is expressed, and exhibits glutathione S‐transferase activity, in A. fumigatus. Here, we demonstrate the role of ElfA in the oxidative stress response, as well as a possible involvement in translation and actin cytoskeleton organization, respectively. Comparative proteomics, in addition to phenotypic analysis, under basal and oxidative stress conditions, demonstrated a role for A. fumigatus elfA in the oxidative stress response. An elfA‐deficient strain (A. fumigatus ΔelfA) was significantly more sensitive to the oxidants H2O2, diamide, and 4,4′‐dipyridyl disulfide (DPS) than the wild‐type. This was further supported with the identification of differentially expressed proteins of the oxidative stress response, including; mitochondrial peroxiredoxin Prx1, molecular chaperone Hsp70 and mitochondrial glycerol‐3‐phosphate dehydrogenase. Phenotypic analysis also revealed that A. fumigatus ΔelfA was significantly more tolerant to voriconazole than the wild‐type. The differential expression of two aminoacyl‐tRNA synthetases suggests a role for A. fumigatus elfA in translation, while the identification of actin‐bundling protein Sac6 and vacuolar dynamin‐like GTPase VpsA link A. fumigatus elfA to the actin cytoskeleton. Overall, this work highlights the diverse roles of A. fumigatus elfA, with respect to translation, oxidative stress and actin cytoskeleton organization. In addition to this, the strategy of combining targeted gene deletion with comparative proteomics for elucidating the role of proteins of unknown function is further revealed.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis from mRNA is an energy-intensive and tightly controlled cellular process. Translation elongation is a well-coordinated, multifactorial step in translation that undergoes dynamic regulation owing to cellular state and environmental determinants. Recent studies involving genome-wide approaches have uncovered some crucial aspects of translation elongation including the mRNA itself and the nascent polypeptide chain. Additionally, these studies have fuelled quantitative and mathematical modelling of translation elongation. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the key determinants of translation elongation. We discuss consequences of ribosome stalling or collision, and how the cells regulate translation in case of such events. Next, we review theoretical approaches and widely used mathematical models that have become an essential ingredient to interpret complex molecular datasets and study translation dynamics quantitatively. Finally, we review recent advances in live-cell reporter and related analysis techniques, to monitor the translation dynamics of single cells and single-mRNA molecules in real time.  相似文献   

方慧颖  张弓 《微生物学通报》2022,49(7):2767-2777
由于抗生素的大量使用,细菌耐药问题凸显,直接威胁人类生命健康和世界经济发展。过去对于细菌耐药的遗传和分子机制研究较为透彻,而对应的调控机制研究相对较少。翻译调控作为生命体最重要的调控方式之一,在细菌耐药研究领域的重要性尚未被学术界充分重视。本文介绍了影响翻译过程的抗生素的主要作用机制,重点从核糖体的修饰和突变、tRNA总量的动态调控、tRNA氨酰化、tRNA甲基化、核糖体保护蛋白和翻译因子这几个方面概述了基于翻译调控的细菌耐药研究进展,为研究者们提供了一个基于翻译调控角度研究细菌耐药的新视角,同时也为开发靶向细菌翻译调控的新型抗生素提供一些新思路。  相似文献   

We have used single‐particle reconstruction in cryo‐electron microscopy to determine a structure of the Thermus thermophilus ribosome in which the ternary complex of elongation factor Tu (EF‐Tu), tRNA and guanine nucleotide has been trapped on the ribosome using the antibiotic kirromycin. This represents the state in the decoding process just after codon recognition by tRNA and the resulting GTP hydrolysis by EF‐Tu, but before the release of EF‐Tu from the ribosome. Progress in sample purification and image processing made it possible to reach a resolution of 6.4 Å. Secondary structure elements in tRNA, EF‐Tu and the ribosome, and even GDP and kirromycin, could all be visualized directly. The structure reveals a complex conformational rearrangement of the tRNA in the A/T state and the interactions with the functionally important switch regions of EF‐Tu crucial to GTP hydrolysis. Thus, the structure provides insights into the molecular mechanism of signalling codon recognition from the decoding centre of the 30S subunit to the GTPase centre of EF‐Tu.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized a cDNA for the N-terminal half of the eukaryotic initiation of translation factor 2 (cIF2) during a screen of chicken osteoblast cDNAs. The apparent size of the message for this protein, approximately 5.6 kb, is slightly larger in size than that for human IF2 (hIF2). There is a high degree of sequence similarity between the human and chicken N-terminal portions of the protein that extends to the encoding nucleotide sequence. The tissue specific expression pattern for cIF2 and hIF2 are similar, being moderately abundant in brain, liver, and skeletal muscle, and detectable in kidney, chondrocytes, and freshly isolated osteoblasts. The ratio of message for cIF2 to that of beta-actin was 0.10 and 0.18 for liver and brain. Message levels peak in osteoblasts between 8 and 12 days of culture, coinciding with high levels of matrix protein synthesis. At peak expression, the ratio of cIF2:beta-actin for 8 day osteoblasts was 0.76. Treatment of osteoblast cultures with cycloheximide markedly reduces the level of cIF2 message indicating that novel protein synthesis is required for its expression. Hybridization of RNA samples from either chicken osteoblasts or a human osteoblast cell line with a probe for a subunit of human eukaryotic initiation of translation factor 2 (eIF2alpha), the housekeeping initiation factor, indicates that levels of eIF2 remain low. With hIF2, cIF2 represents the only other vertebrate homolog of IF2 for which a major portion of the coding sequence has been identified. This is the first report of regulated expression for a eukaryotic IF2 and is the first demonstration of its abundance in osteoblasts.  相似文献   

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The speed and accuracy of protein synthesis are fundamental parameters for understanding the fitness of living cells, the quality control of translation, and the evolution of ribosomes. In this study, we analyse the speed and accuracy of the decoding step under conditions reproducing the high speed of translation in vivo. We show that error frequency is close to 10−3, consistent with the values measured in vivo. Selectivity is predominantly due to the differences in kcat values for cognate and near-cognate reactions, whereas the intrinsic affinity differences are not used for tRNA discrimination. Thus, the ribosome seems to be optimized towards high speed of translation at the cost of fidelity. Competition with near- and non-cognate ternary complexes reduces the rate of GTP hydrolysis in the cognate ternary complex, but does not appreciably affect the rate-limiting tRNA accommodation step. The GTP hydrolysis step is crucial for the optimization of both the speed and accuracy, which explains the necessity for the trade-off between the two fundamental parameters of translation.  相似文献   

Numerous mechanisms have evolved to control the accuracy of translation, including a recently discovered retrospective quality control mechanism in bacteria. This quality control mechanism is sensitive to perturbations in the codon:anticodon interaction in the P site of the ribosome that trigger a dramatic loss of fidelity in subsequent tRNA and release factor selection events in the A site. These events ultimately lead to premature termination of translation in response to an initial miscoding error. In this work, we extend our investigations of this mechanism to an in vitro reconstituted Saccharomyces cerevisiae translation system. We report that yeast ribosomes do not respond to mismatches in the P site by loss of fidelity in subsequent substrate recognition events. We conclude that retrospective editing, as initially characterized in Escherichia coli, does not occur in S. cerevisiae. These results highlight potential mechanistic differences in the functional core of highly conserved ribosomes.  相似文献   

Engaging the ribosome: universal IFs of translation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eukaryotic initiation factor 1A (eIF1A) and the GTPase IF2/eIF5B are the only universally conserved translation initiation factors. Recent structural, biochemical and genetic data indicate that these two factors form an evolutionarily conserved structural and functional unit in translation initiation. Based on insights gathered from studies of the translation elongation factor GTPases, we propose that these factors occupy the aminoacyl-tRNA site (A site) on the ribosome, and promote initiator tRNA binding and ribosomal subunit joining. These processes yield a translationally competent ribosome with Met-tRNA in the ribosomal peptidyl-tRNA site (P site), base-paired to the AUG start codon of a mRNA.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2) is a G-protein that functions as a central switch in the initiation of protein synthesis. In its GTP-bound state it delivers the methionyl initiator tRNA (Met-tRNA(i)) to the small ribosomal subunit and releases it upon GTP hydrolysis following the recognition of the initiation codon. We have developed a complete thermodynamic framework for the assembly of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF2.GTP.Met-tRNA(i) ternary complex and have determined the effect of the conversion of GTP to GDP on eIF2's affinity for Met-tRNA(i) in solution. In its GTP-bound state the factor forms a positive interaction with the methionine moiety on Met-tRNA(i) that is disrupted when GTP is replaced with GDP, while contacts between the factor and the body of the tRNA remain intact. This positive interaction with the methionine residue on the tRNA may serve to ensure that only charged initiator tRNA enters the initiation pathway. The toggling on and off of the factor's interaction with the methionine residue is likely to play an important role in the mechanism of initiator tRNA release upon initiation codon recognition. In addition, we show that the conserved base-pair A1:U72, which is known to be a critical identity element distinguishing initiator from elongator methionyl tRNA, is required for recognition of the methionine moiety by eIF2. Our data suggest that a role of this base-pair is to orient the methionine moiety on the initiator tRNA in its recognition pocket on eIF2.  相似文献   

The position of mRNA on 40S ribosomal subunits in eukaryotic initiation complexes was determined by UV crosslinking using mRNAs containing uniquely positioned 4-thiouridines. Crosslinking of mRNA positions (+)11 to ribosomal protein (rp) rpS2(S5p) and rpS3(S3p), and (+)9-(+)11 and (+)8-(+)9 to h18 and h34 of 18S rRNA, respectively, indicated that mRNA enters the mRNA-binding channel through the same layers of rRNA and proteins as in prokaryotes. Upstream of the P-site, the proximity of positions (-)3/(-)4 to rpS5(S7p) and h23b, (-)6/(-)7 to rpS14(S11p), and (-)8-(-)11 to the 3'-terminus of 18S rRNA (mRNA/rRNA elements forming the bacterial Shine-Dalgarno duplex) also resembles elements of the bacterial mRNA path. In addition to these striking parallels, differences between mRNA paths included the proximity in eukaryotic initiation complexes of positions (+)7/(+)8 to the central region of h28, (+)4/(+)5 to rpS15(S19p), and (-)6 and (-)7/(-)10 to eukaryote-specific rpS26 and rpS28, respectively. Moreover, we previously determined that eukaryotic initiation factor2alpha (eIF2alpha) contacts position (-)3, and now report that eIF3 interacts with positions (-)8-(-)17, forming an extension of the mRNA-binding channel that likely contributes to unique aspects of eukaryotic initiation.  相似文献   

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