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The gross anatomy, microscopic structure, and fatty acid composition of adipose tissue in four elderly polar bears (Ursus maritimus), that had each been in captivity for more than 24 years, were compared with that of young wild specimens. Total dissections were performed on two specimens. In both, the proportion of adipose tissue in the body was similar to that of younger wild bears, but the total adipocyte complement was smaller than that of the wild bears in one specimen, and within the normal range in the other. There was proportionately more intra-abdominal adipose tissue, particularly in the inner ventral wall of abdomen depot, in which the number of adipocytes was substantially greater than expected. The fatty acid composition of the triacylglycerols differed substantially from that of the wild bears, reflecting their diet of fish, domesticated herbivores, bread, and fruit, but there were also significant differences between cage-mates eating similar diets. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Morbillivirus ecology in polar bears (Ursus maritimus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Polar bear (Ursus maritimus) morbillivirus infection was initially reported by Follmann and co-workers in 1996, based upon serologic results using canine distemper virus (CDV). The impetus for the evaluation of polar bear populations for morbillivirus infections was prompted by epidemics of canine distemper-like disease in seal populations in the north Atlantic regions of Greenland, Europe, and Russia. Since marine morbilliviruses have been further characterized into three major species, phocine distemper virus (PDV), dolphin morbillivirus (DMV) and porpoise morbillivirus (PMV), it was of value to determine the origin of the polar bear infection. One hundred serum samples were selected from a group of sera collected from regions of Alaska and Russia and tested by differential serum neutralization assay against the three major marine morbilliviruses and CDV, to determine the predominant virus infecting the polar bear. Polar bears had higher serum antibody titers to CDV than they did to PDV, DMV, and PMV. These data suggest that polar bears are being infected with a morbillivirus of terrestrial origin. Furthermore, based on the high serum antibody prevalence in the population, the virus may be indigenous to the polar bear and not necessarily the result of interspecies transmission from other arctic mammals susceptible to CDV and/or marine morbilliviruses. Accepted: 20 December 1999  相似文献   

Distribution of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Svalbard area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ø. Whg 《Journal of Zoology》1995,237(4):515-529

Age-specific patterns of maternal weight, litter size, litter weight and reproductive effort were investigated for polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ) from western Hudson Bay. Most relationships were described by quadratic equations. Maternal weight in spring and autumn increased until 17 and 15 years of age, respectively, and then declined. Age-related increases in maternal weight were thought to be associated with improving hunting skills. The relationships between age and litter size, litter weight and reproductive effort, in both the spring and autumn, increased until 14 to 16 years, followed by a decline. We speculate that age-related decreases in reproductive performance are due to undetennined processes associated with ageing that impair the accumulation of fat stores necessary for reproduction. Pregnant females lost an average of 127 kg overwinter which represented an average of 43.5% of their autumn weight. Fat stores remaining after the overwinter fast may be critical for maintaining an energy supply to cubs once they return to the sea ice where the distribution and abundance of their prey is unpredictable. We suggest that maternal condition is an important factor contributing to lifetime reproductive success in polar bears.  相似文献   

The adaptation of black and polar bears to their environments is proportional to the severity of climate and food restriction. Both black and polar bears mate during the spring, despite differences in their recent metabolic state. Reproductive activity in black bears follows 4 mo of torpor, whereas reproduction in polar bears occurs prior to torpor. The goals of this study were to measure the annual changes in serum sex steroids in male and female black and polar bears, and to determine if changes in serum levels of these steroids were associated with metabolic condition or photoperiod. Serum testosterone (T) concentrations were elevated during spring in black and polar bears. Moreover, this increase in serum T in polar bears during spring was correlated with age and testis size. Serum progesterone (P4) concentrations increased in pregnant polar bears in fall coincident with the time of expected implantation. No increases in serum P4 were observed in nonpregnant black and polar bears. Serum estradiol (E2) was elevated in nonpregnant and pregnant polar bears 2 mo prior to the time of expected implantation. We found that serum sex steroids measured in black and polar bears change independent of torpor. Therefore, our results suggest that photoperiod may be a more important regulator of serum steroid levels and reproduction than metabolic condition.  相似文献   

M. A. Ramsay    Ian  Stirling 《Journal of Zoology》1988,214(4):601-633
Data on age-specific natality rates, litter size, interbirth interval, age of first reproduction, reproductive senescence, age of weaning and cub survival were determined for a free-ranging population of polar bears inhabiting Hudson Bay, Canada, near the southern limit of the species range. Serum progesterone levels were also determined for females at different stages of their reproductive cycle to provide corroborative support for the reproductive parameters described. Animals were live captured using immobilizing drugs and each animal uniquely marked for future identification. First parturition occurred at four or five years of age and the age-specific natality rate increased with age until approximately 20 years, after which it dropped markedly. At least 40% of adult females displayed two-year interbirth intervals and 55% of cubs in their second year were independent of their mother. Mean size of cub litters in spring was 1.9 and 13% of litters had three or more cubs. The natality rate for 5–20-year-old females was estimated as 0.9, higher than that reported for any more northerly polar bear populations where two-year interbirth intervals are rare, fewer than 5% of yearling cubs are weaned and triplet litters occur with less than 1% frequency. Cub mortality was initially high and declined with age. Although cubs in western Hudson Bay were weaned at a younger age and a lighter weight than their counterparts in more northern populations, cub mortality rates were similar. The reason for the marked differences in reproductive parameters in the western Hudson Bay population is not known. We speculate that sea-ice conditions may be sufficiently different to allow weaned bears at a lighter body weight to hunt seals more successfully there than further north.  相似文献   

In 1986, 213 polar bears (Ursus maritimus) were immobilized with Telazol on the sea ice of the eastern Beaufort Sea during April and May, and 106 along the western coast of Hudson Bay near Churchill, Manitoba (Canada) in September. No animals died from handling. The efficacy of this drug at different seasons and the physiological responses of the immobilized bears were compared. A single injection of 8 to 9 mg of Telazol per kg of body weight gave a rapid full immobilization with satisfactory analgesia, and faster recovery than other drugs for which there is no antagonist. The reactions of the bears could be reliably and easily interpreted from a safe distance before the animal was approached. There was a wide range of tolerance to high dosages and bears appeared able to thermoregulate while immobilized. The mortality rate due to handling was lower than with any other drug used to date.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to have an improved understanding of milk composition and to help create a suitable milk formula for cubs raised in captivity. Milk samples were evaluated for fat, fatty acids, carbohydrate, vitamin D(3), 25(OH)D(3), vitamin A (retinol), vitamin E (α-tocopherol), protein, and amino acids. Total lipids in milk did not differ for cubs (mean ± SEM = 26.60 ± 1.88 g/100 ml vs. yearlings 27.80 ± 2.20 g/100 ml). Milk lipids were of 23.6% saturated fatty acid for cubs and 22.4% for yearlings. Milk consumed by cubs and yearlings contained 43.8 and 42.0% mono-unsaturated fatty acids and 23.4 and 21.9% polyunsaturated fatty acids, respectively. Carbohydrate content was higher in milk for cubs (4.60 ± 0.64 g/100 ml) than for yearlings (2.60 ± 0.40 g/100 ml). Vitamin D(3) concentration of milk was 18.40 ± 5.00 ng/ml in early lactation compared with 7.60 ± 2.00 ng/ml for mid-lactation. 25(OH)D(3) was lower in milk consumed by cubs (162.00 ± 6.70 pg/ml) than in milk consumed by yearlings (205.00 ± 45.70 pg/ml). Vitamin A concentrations were 0.06 ± 0.01 and 0.03 ± 0.01 μg/ml for cubs and yearlings, respectively. Vitamin E was higher in milk consumed by cubs (20.16 ± 4.46 μg/ml) than by yearlings (7.30 ± 1.50 μg/ml). Protein content did not differ in milk available to cubs (11.40 ± 0.80 g/100 ml compared with milk for yearlings 11.80 ± 0.40 g/100 ml). Taurine was the most abundant free amino acid at 3,165.90 ± 192.90 nmol/ml (0.04% as fed basis).  相似文献   

We examined seasonal variations in activity level and mobility of female polar bears inhabiting the Canadian Arctic archipelago. The sea-ice habitat consisted primarily of landfast, multi-year ice except from July through October when loose pack-ice predominated. The proportion of the day during which bears were active, and the distance travelled, were documented for 18 bears during 20 months with the aid of satellite telemetry. A peak of activity and mobility occurred in May-July regardless of the reproductive status of tracked bears. The period of elevated activity coincided with a period when seals were especially vulnerable to bear predation. Winter months were characterized by low activity levels and mobility, a response probably related to a reduced access to seals and to inclement weather. During the period preceding den entry (May through September), pregnant females tended to be more mobile in May-June, and less active in August September, compared to non-pregnant, solitary females. Early den entry by pregnant females and facultative use of dens by other members of the population are viewed as a means to conserve energy for individuals with adequate fat reserves but experiencing conditions unfavourable for hunting seals. We conclude that seasonal variations in activity and mobility of polar bears seem closely linked to the temporal dynamics of bear-seal interactions.  相似文献   

Analysis of serum prevalence of antibodies to six pathogens was performed in 26 polar bears from the Barents Sea population. Animals seropositive for the viruses of pseudorabies, canine distemper, and influenza A, Dirofilaria sp., Trichinella spiralis, and Toxoplasma gondii were revealed, with prevalence of antibodies to T. spiralis being the highest. Most of them were adult bears, while cubs (under 1 year of age) proved to be seronegative for all pathogens.  相似文献   

Data on the body length (cm) of polar bear ( Ursus maritimus ), collected as part of a long-term ecological study in the Hudson Bay region of Canada, were examined to test the hypothesis that growth early in life influences adult body size. Data for 42 females and 30 males that were captured as two-year-olds (2.6-2.9 years), after the period of maternal care, and later recaptured as adults were analysed. On average, females increased in length by 11.2% and males by 23.1 % between captures. Relative adult body length was significantly correlated with relative length as a two-year-old in females but not in males. Thus, body length attained by two-year-olds is a weaker determinant of adult body length in males than in females. We suggest that, in comparison with females, prolonged growth beyond the period of maternal care may predispose the growth and eventual adult body size of male offspring to a greater degree of environmentally mediated variation. Furthermore, while data on maternal investment strategies in polar bears are lacking, variation in the allocation of maternal resources to cubs, within and among litters, may have a limited impact on the eventual adult body size of any surviving male offspring.  相似文献   

The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) in most zoos attracts high levels of public attention and can play an important role in conservation education. Polar bears in the wild are typically solitary; bears in captivity often house socially. This study reported behavioral evidence on how bears manage this situation and whether proximity leads to aggression. The study recorded location and behavior once per minute for 106 hr for 2 female polar bears at the Philadelphia Zoo; the samples represented all times of day bears spent in the enclosure (off-exhibit time spent in separate, indoor dens). When changing locations, 1 bear more frequently moved away from the other, effecting a net increase in interindividual distance. When either bear moved into an adjacent zone, 1 typically moved away. The bears occupied the same enclosure zone for a low proportion of time; proximity did not routinely lead to overt aggression. These data indicate polar bears make behavioral decisions, minimizing aggression, to manage social distance and that enclosure designers for solitary species—to facilitate social avoidance—should consider using topographical complexity and multiple pathways throughout.  相似文献   

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