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粪化石对于了解某些动物的生活习性是有帮助的。人们了解到,大多数动物依靠植物为生,或以部分植物充饥。孢粉学家认为,植物的孢子花粉抗酸耐碱,通过动物的胃肠后,会随着大便排泄出去而不至遭受破坏。这样,粪化石中必然保存有动物生活中食用植物的孢子花粉。通过对它的研究,就可以了解当时的环境。我们在周口店第一地点洞穴堆积物中,曾发现过鬣狗粪  相似文献   

<正> 著名的北京猿人(Homo erectus pekingensis)化石产地周口店第一地点洞穴堆积物10—11层中,产有丰富的鬣狗(Hyaena)粪化石。通过对粪化石(编号 L:30:40,采于1949年;和 L:31:50采于1951年)进行盐酸浸泡,重液浮选,从而找到了148粒孢粉。经过鉴定、包括种属:  相似文献   

河南灵井许昌人遗址是我国近年来发掘的最为重要的古人类遗址之一。该遗址中出土了大量的石器、骨器、动物化石、粪便化石等遗存以及人类头盖骨化石等。我们对该遗址出土的鬣狗粪化石进行了类型学及其包含的微体化石等方面研究,从分析统计结果来看,鬣狗粪化石中包含了丰富的古信息,如古寄生虫卵、动物毛发、孢粉、植硅体、真菌等。本文主要针对鬣狗粪化石中古寄生虫卵及动物毛发进行分析,探讨了作为寄主鬣狗罹患的寄生虫病,以及鬣狗的食物来源等情况,为深入理解更新世晚期人类适应环境与气候提供新的证据。  相似文献   

粪便是动物的排出物,臭不可闻,别说看,就是一听到也足以令人作呕了。殊不知粪便里边却大有学问,且不说农业、医学等对粪便的研究,单就古生物学来说,粪便的作用就不小了,而且发展成一个新的分枝学科——化石粪学(Paleocopro-logy)。早在1768年便有人记载了粪化石,当时虽然没有明确指出是动物粪便,可是已经想到它和动物的肠道有关。第一个正式报道粪化石的是英国地质学家巴克兰(Buck-land),1829年他描述了发现于第四纪洞穴中的鬣狗和侏罗纪地层中的爬行类粪化石,首次使用粪化石(coprolite)这一名称,它是由两个希腊字:Kopros(粪或排泄物)与Litos(石或岩石)组成的,意思是粪或排泄物的化石。  相似文献   

在地层中,一般说来,保存十分完美的大化石并不多见,为了进行研究,我们只能借助于保存在岩石中的微体化石,而在这些微体化石中,相当数量是保存完好的植物的孢子-花粉。由于孢子-花粉的外面,有一层十分坚固的外壁,外壁中包含有一种耐高温、高压、酸、碱的化学物质一孢粉素;同时由于孢粉形体微小,数量众多,质量很轻,所以在时间和空间上,它们有着极为广泛的分布;即使在一、二十亿年前古老的地层中,它们也能保存完好,依然故我。一般孢子-花粉都打着地质时代的印记。就是说,一定时期的植物,只产生一定形态的孢粉类型。不同时代的孢粉组合,是当时植物界的一个缩影。在地史上,从未有过不同时期的不同植物,能产生过相同的孢  相似文献   

陈秉麟 《化石》2001,(4):26-27
孢粉化石是我国石油地质工作者使用最多的化石 ,这不但因为我国含油地层多是陆相地层 ,也因为孢粉还是参与有机质向石油天然气转化的原始物质。说孢粉化石在陆相地层中含量多还容易理解 ,因为含油的陆相地层多形成于河湖环境。河边湖岸 ,河湖周围的山丘平地都是植物繁茂的地方。植物多 ,孢子花粉自然就多 ,再加上它们体小体轻 ,很容易被风和水带到湖中淀积下来。又由于它们比植物体上的花木枝叶坚实 ,在盆地中容易保存 ,容易成为化石。孢粉所以坚实 ,是因为它的壁中含有孢粉素 ,孢粉素能耐高温高压 ,强酸强碱。说它能向石油转化 ,却不能不令…  相似文献   

山西保德扒楼沟剖面本溪组—太原组156块样品(本溪组47块、太原组75块和山西组34块)中,有113块产有保存良好的孢粉化石。结合现有原位孢粉的资料,通过大量的统计分析,作者在这段地层中识别出了植物群演替的四个阶段,从这四阶段开始地层层位的沉积构造判断,大致可以推断出这四次发展过程的主要诱发因素是在这段时间内频繁发生的海进,并且从孢粉丰度的变化中可以看出在这种动荡的环境下,同孢植物的真蕨类,以及楔叶类,由于在事件发生之后表现出较强的复苏能力,使得这段地层中的真蕨类以及楔叶类的孢子在整段沉积物中的含量相对较高,而石松纲的鳞木类以及松柏纲的科达类的复苏能力则相对较弱,因此产自这两类母体植物的孢粉在地层中始终不占主要位置。  相似文献   

山东山旺中新世植物群研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 山旺盆地位于东经118º,北纬36º,是一个中新世中期内陆湖泊沉积盆地。地层内保存了丰富的植物及动物化石。自40年代至今,已对山旺中新世植物群中的大植物化石(87属125种),植物孢粉(41属71种),硅藻(16属45种)及真菌(9属15种)进行了详细的研究。考虑到山旺中新世植物群处于全球气候变化的转折期,对其进行埋藏学,古环境重建等深入细致的研究,对阐明全球中新世气候变化的机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

开鲁盆地白垩系发育,至今已有200余口探井钻遇到上白垩统,其中嫩江组滨浅湖相沉积地层厚度稳定,分布广泛,含较丰富的孢粉化石。通过对嫩江组孢粉化石的系统研究,建立了以Schizaeoisporites-BeaupreaiditesLythraites为代表的孢粉组合。孢粉组合和岩石组合的对比表明,开鲁盆地缺失松辽盆地嫩江组中上部地层。根据沉积特征和孢粉植物群面貌,对古植被、古气候和古环境进行了讨论,认为本区晚白垩世处于东北中生孢粉植物区南缘,孢粉植物群具有过渡性质,反应了偏干的暖温带—亚热带气候特征。  相似文献   

云南地处青藏高原东南缘, 生物多样性丰富, 季风气候特征明显。新生代剧烈的构造活动形成了众多山间盆地, 其间保存了大量精美的植物化石, 是探讨新生代以来植被、植物多样性和地球环境演变的理想地区。但是长期以来, 由于地层年代学证据的缺乏, 这些新生代沉积盆地的地质年代还存在很大争议。本研究通过对滇东南地区富宁县普阳盆地的含煤地层开展深入的孢粉学研究, 探讨盆地含煤地层年代及其古气候演化过程。剖面下部煤层孢粉组合以杉粉属(Taxodiaceaepollenites)为主, 指示以杉科为主的湿润沼泽森林, 冬春季相对湿润; 剖面上部孢粉组合指示以常绿栎类为主的亚热带常绿‒落叶阔叶混交林, 生长山核桃粉属(Caryapollenites)、冬青粉属(Ilexpollenites)、胡桃粉属(Juglanspollenites)、枫香粉属(Liquidambarpollenites)等亚热带常见树种, 气候温暖湿润, 季节分明。结合新发现的哺乳动物化石证据和周边地区不同地质时代的孢粉组合, 普阳盆地含煤地层的沉积时代应为晚始新世; 同时, 孢粉组合也表明滇东南地区植被现代化面貌至少在晚始新世就已经开始出现。  相似文献   

Coastal plant communities in arid southeastern Spain are characterized by insect-pollinated scrub species, which fail to occur in Quaternary pollen sequences from valleys, marshlands and marine cores. We investigate pollen–vegetation relationships in samples from soil surfaces, animal dung, and sediments in depressions or basins that, in theory, should have pollen spectra that are comparable to those from sedimentary basins elsewhere. Pollen spectra from basins or depressions are very susceptible to long-distance wind and water transport. This can mask representation of pollen from the surrounding insect-pollinated vegetation, as can over-representation of basin-margin halophilous and hydrophilous pollen. Pollen spectra from biogenic materials of animal origin are the best analogues of local and regional vegetation, and show the best analytical potential in terms of pollen concentration and taxon diversity. Pollination properties of the species studied indicate they will rarely be found in most conventional pollen records. It cannot be stressed too strongly that insight into Quaternary vegetation of arid regions demands complementary pollen analysis of coprolites, urine-cemented deposits, and cave sediments with preserved biotic remains, in addition to water-lain sediments.  相似文献   

At least five species of large flightless waterfowl have become extinct in the Hawaiian Islands in recent millennia. These birds are thought to have occupied the role of large herbivores in a wide range of terrestrial habitats. A collection of coprolites from one of the species ( Thambetochen chauliodous ) was obtained during excavations in Holocene cave sediments on the island of Maui. The chemical composition and pollen and spore content of the coprolites are analysed and compared with pollen/spore spectra from the cave sediments and from recent goose scats. The results support the contention that these birds were primarily folivorous, and further suggest that ferns were important in the diet. The coprolites have a very fine texture that may result from efficient hindgut fermentation and digestion of plant fibre. Our data are discussed in the light of a recent hypothesis of plant/herbivore coevolution between extinct avian herbivores and native Hawaiian lobelias. The loss of large native herbivores, as well as other changes in vertebrate trophic structure due to extinctions over the past few thousand years, may still be affecting ecological processes in areas of the Hawaiian islands with native vegetation.  相似文献   

Vegetation reconstruction based on pollen from coprolites of extinct spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea, Goldfuss 1832) recovered from excavations carried out in 1998 at San Teodoro Cave (Sicily, Italy) supports previous indications of pre-Late Glacial conditions. Eight of the twelve coprolites analysed contained well-preserved pollen grains. There is a general similarity between the pollen contents from the coprolites but they show variability. They suggest a main vegetation type dominated by steppic taxa (Poaceae, Artemisia, Ephedra, Chenopodiaceae and Asteraceae) but also including arboreal taxa (Pinus and Cupressaceae). Low percentages of pollen of mesophilous woody taxa (Quercus, Betula, Abies, Alnus, Pistacia, among others) are noticeable, suggesting the existence of nearby refugia for temperate and Mediterranean vegetation. A reconstruction of the landscape, using the coprolite pollen record and other pollen records from Sicily and south Italy, shows the predominance, during the pre-Late Glacial, of a wooded steppe biome, with elements representing a variety of local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

We performed high-throughput sequencing of DNA from fossilized faeces to evaluate this material as a source of information on the genome and diet of Pleistocene carnivores. We analysed coprolites derived from the extinct cave hyena (Crocuta crocuta spelaea), and sequenced 90 million DNA fragments from two specimens. The DNA reads enabled a reconstruction of the cave hyena mitochondrial genome with up to a 158-fold coverage. This genome, and those sequenced from extant spotted (Crocuta crocuta) and striped (Hyaena hyaena) hyena specimens, allows for the establishment of a robust phylogeny that supports a close relationship between the cave and the spotted hyena. We also demonstrate that high-throughput sequencing yields data for cave hyena multi-copy and single-copy nuclear genes, and that about 50 per cent of the coprolite DNA can be ascribed to this species. Analysing the data for additional species to indicate the cave hyena diet, we retrieved abundant sequences for the red deer (Cervus elaphus), and characterized its mitochondrial genome with up to a 3.8-fold coverage. In conclusion, we have demonstrated the presence of abundant ancient DNA in the coprolites surveyed. Shotgun sequencing of this material yielded a wealth of DNA sequences for a Pleistocene carnivore and allowed unbiased identification of diet.  相似文献   

Knowledge about the diet and ecology of extinct herbivores has important implications for understanding the evolution of plant defence structures, establishing the influences of herbivory on past plant community structure and composition, and identifying pollination and seed dispersal syndromes. The flightless ratite moa (Aves: Dinornithiformes) were New Zealand's largest herbivores prior to their extinction soon after initial human settlement. Here we contribute to the knowledge of moa diet and ecology by reporting the results of a multidisciplinary study of 35 coprolites from a subalpine cave (Euphrates Cave) on the South Island of New Zealand. Ancient DNA analysis and radiocarbon dating revealed the coprolites were deposited by the extinct upland moa (Megalapteryx didinus), and span from at least 6,368±31 until 694±30 (14)C years BP; the approximate time of their extinction. Using pollen, plant macrofossil, and ancient DNA analyses, we identified at least 67 plant taxa from the coprolites, including the first evidence that moa fed on the nectar-rich flowers of New Zealand flax (Phormium) and tree fuchsia (Fuchsia excorticata). The plant assemblage from the coprolites reflects a highly-generalist feeding ecology for upland moa, including browsing and grazing across the full range of locally available habitats (spanning southern beech (Nothofagus) forest to tussock (Chionochloa) grassland). Intact seeds in the coprolites indicate that upland moa may have been important dispersal agents for several plant taxa. Plant taxa with putative anti-browse adaptations were also identified in the coprolites. Clusters of coprolites (based on pollen assemblages, moa haplotypes, and radiocarbon dates), probably reflect specimens deposited at the same time by individual birds, and reveal the necessity of suitably large sample sizes in coprolite studies to overcome potential biases in diet interpretation.  相似文献   

孢粉、炭屑揭示的黔西高原MIS3b期间古植被、古气候演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵增友  袁道先  石胜强  罗伦德 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4811-4818
将孢粉与炭屑结合应用于贵州盘县坪地晚更新世剖面,对比高分辨率的NGRIPδ18O、石笋记录分析,用以揭示黔西高原MIS3b期古植被、古气候演变。结果显示:45.16—44.44 ka BP期间,孢粉缺失,炭屑少,说明此时植被稀少,气候寒冷,可能指示H5事件。44.44—44.04 ka BP期间,以禾本科、百合科为主的草本及喜冷湿的蕨类占优势,乔、灌木稀少。炭屑浓度低,但末期出现峰值,说明气候开始由冷湿向温干过渡。44.04—42.5 ka BP期间,禾本科草类继续增加,成为草原植物的主要成分;乔木种类增加,但含量不高。炭屑浓度高,峰值频繁出现,指示气侯温干。42.5—41.29 ka BP期间,草原萎缩,森林面积扩展。针叶、常绿及落叶阔叶林迅速扩展。炭屑浓度总体偏低稳定,指示该时期气候温凉湿润。总之,MIS3b整体较冷,干湿交替出现。  相似文献   

阳吉昌  熊松   《广西植物》1985,(1):31-37
<正> 甑皮岩洞穴遗址,位于北纬25°17′,东经110°17′。在桂林市南郊,距市中心约九公里,桂林去阳朔公路的右侧,独山的西南麓。1965年广西壮族自治区文物队和桂林市文管会联合进行文物普查时发现,直至1973  相似文献   

Pollen was analysed from bat guano from nine caves in southeastern Spain and surface soils in their immediate surroundings. We compare the pollen spectra of 34 modern dung samples from the nine caves with one modern surface pollen sample from each cave. The contents suggest reasonable pollen diversity and richness, including anemophilous and zoophilous pollen types. Since the latter is usually under-represented in atmospheric pollen, the guano spectra therefore appear to reflect the vegetation more effectively than normal surface soil samples. Despite health hazards such as histoplasmosis, the difficulties of obtaining bat guano in deep caves and possible interpretational concerns relating to behaviour and feeding habits of different bat species, this material can be very useful in palaeoecological research provided that the dung was fossilized under favourable environmental conditions that allowed the preservation of pollen.  相似文献   

Analyses of human coprolites from Dryden Cave, Nevada, indicated that the prehistoric population that inhabited the rockshelter included locally available herbs in their diet. Plant epidermal tissue remains have been identified as fragments from roots ofSagittaria (Alismataceae), a genus of semi-aquatic monocots. Other remains from the coprolites included fish bones, freshwater diatoms, seeds, and pollen. This assemblage supports the hypothesis that this prehistoric population principally exploited the available lacustrine resources of the area; comparisons with other archaeological sites suggests that this pattern had an extremely long history of development in the Great Basin.  相似文献   

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